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Worst Dark Souls?

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Worst Dark Souls?
You posted the wrong picture, that would be 2.
your soul is the worst you black dark nigger
You can say what you want about 3 being derivative and uninspired, but yes, its a better game than 2. It has better levels, better bosses, better controls.

I don't dislike SOTFS (I hate vanilla 2), but its definitely the worst of the trilogy. Its also worse than DeS.
dark souls 1 was a good game, it just wasn't a good [series] game
>better bosses
nah, they're all slow and stare into empty space for a few seconds for no reason. terrible ai.
Congratulations, you described every single boss in DaS2.

Yes. the bosses in 3 are better. This is not up for debate, you have brain damage if you think otherwise.
people think dark souls 3 bosses are good literally because they're well presented

there's almost no different between fights like deacons/congregation but one is fluffed up with more production values so it gets a pass

also because dark souls 3's gameplay is so simplisic you don't get interesting (gameplay wise) fights like fume knight where stamina management, positioning AND roll timings are important
>you described every single boss in DaS2
he also described every single boss in DaS3
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No, that would be this literal piece of shit.
>there's almost no different between fights like deacons/congregation
Deacons is actually a fun fight, Congregation is a joke.

He also described every single Souls boss, and Bloodborne boss.
>Improved everything over the first entry
>Didn't take some of the improvements from the second but also didn't take the massive amount of problems

The worst? Definitely not.
>>Improved everything over the first entry
Everything is up for debate unless you're a sheltered college kid hiding in a safe space, waiting for your professor to tell you how to think.
Dark Souls is the Rick and Morty of video games.
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Lets settle this once and for all

Why isn't Dark Souls 1 an option?

To filter retards like you from my poll

I am yet to play DS3
nice fedora faggot
No, that would be 2.
Its implementation of poise and the final DLC improved it, but yes, it is the weakest entry in the series.

Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2: SotFS > Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2 (2014) > Dark Souls 3
Excellent cherrypicking, as though Deacons were a fan favorite
The actual gameplay of Deacons makes it a joke.
You get a ring from the second area that makes it basically impossible to die when in a target rich environment and that alone trivializes the fight to no end because these enemies simply don't attack rapidly enough to constantly stagger you. You have to give up getting constant Estus flasks worth of heals for free with no stat investment to even make the fight worth anything.
To top it off the enemies are basically all just minor variations on the same enemy with the biggest difference being different values for health.
Congregation pits you against multiple distinct enemy mobs with different damage types, different attacks as well as some that simply can't be hit by a normal sweeping attack because they're crawling on the floor.

>Worse in every way that matters aside from maybe 7 or 8 bosses being pretty good

Because the two worst entries are set in stone and it's a punching match over which is the better of the two:
The trainwreck of bad decisions and sloppy form with a heart of gold
Or the passionless rehash that only makes the effort to look presentable but forgoes everything else

>Dark Souls not at the top
The DLC is good but it can't save that base game.
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Yeah, it really wasn't a good Half-Life game. I don't know what Valve was thinking outsourcing it like. Stupid japs didn't even name it Half-Life, let alone try to make it fit within the universe of Half-Life.
The second half of Dark Souls is my issue. Had Fromsoft not been subject to Namco's tight deadlines and were actually able to finish the second half, it would be the best in the series.

It still has the best atmosphere and level design of them all, though.
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You know, I'm sure glad we have these threads two, maybe three times a day here on /v/. Really... brings out the quality of our ever loving community.

This shit here might as well be over on /vg/ as to how often they crop up. It's always the same argument, the same webms, nothing ever changes. I wouldn't be so upset if they were at least a bit creative in their shitspewing.
Cool, now just go post this in every other thread and before you know it you'll have fixed /v/!
Actually yes

It's not a bad game but the sense of exploration, open worldness, mystery and fantasy is really lowered from DaS1 and 2, and the gameplay took a step back doing it "kinda fast action but not really"

It's bland and most stuff is really generic even in its own fantasy. Doesn't really explain a thing about what's going on and it's easily the most rushed. Still it's pretty to look at and has some excellent bosses, although it's the only thing I can say about it since almost everything else is really forgettable.

>Andre is there just for the meme sake
Yeah it's certainly less fantastic than the first half but only Lost Izalith is really a dumpster fire, whereas Duke's Archives, Tomb of Giants and to a lesser extent New Londo are simply mediocre.
DaS3 also has plenty of mediocre areas like Consumed King's Garden, the entire stretch from Road of Sacrifices to Smouldering lake or Archdragon's Peak (say what you will but the area clearly has serious problems).
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>Worst Dark Souls?
Close, but no.

DaS > BB > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2
Yeah, I don't know why I even posted that. Apologies, mate, have a nice day.
DS1 is the worst Dark Souls.
Your opinion is the worst
>Yes. the bosses in 3 are better. This is not up for debate, you have brain damage if you think otherwise.
Whew, boy, that's a nice statement over there. Okay, I'll bite
I agree that bosses in DS3 are really really good, even best in the series I'd say. Except not all of them, Dragonslayer Armor, Nameless Kind. There are some okay bosses like Aldrich, Champion, Abyss Watchers, Old Demon King, Dancer and Pontiff (though his second stage is casual trash, why the fuck would you want to telegraph attacks of your copy?). There also are a bunch of casual bosses like Vordt, Oceiros and regular Gyndir, personally I wouldn't consider these bosses, just strong annoying enemies, but whatever, they're not good though . The rest is utter gimmicky trash that shouldn't even be in the game like Greatwood, Wyvern, Crystal Sage, Deacons, Wolnir and Yorn.
So in the end we get few really good bosses, some so-so, and some really fucking bad ones and the amount of good bosses is less than the amount of bad ones which kinda says a lot about the game.
Not this is what you can't disagree with.
This. 2 & 3 had issues throughout, but the second half of 1 puts it behind both of them. Still a good stand-alone game tho.
>Except not all of them, Dragonslayer Armor, Nameless Kind.
Except not all of them, Dragonslayer Armor and Nameless Kind are*
Best atmosphere and world.
Best in terms of exploration.
Worst gameplay mechanics and animations.
All around the best one. Excels at everything it does.
>Deacons is actually a fun fight
How can someone argue this?

It's just a bunch of enemies that stand around and do chip damage. Deacons is just a rehash of enemies, just like Cathedral itself is a rehash of enemies.
Dark Souls 3 is, and always will be, the worst just because of how derivative and played-out it feels in terms of its environments, atmosphere and lore. It plays better than 2, and probably has boss for boss the strongest of the series but the world that Dark Souls 3 is set in is just a rehash of Dark Souls 1 and feels just masturbatory in a lot of aspects, like the cascades of "REMEMBER THIS?" characters, the return back to Anor Londo for no real reason other than thinking the players wanted to see it and the lore somehow returning to focus on DS1 despite providing nothing really new or interesting and despite DS2 basically saying that DS1 happened so far ago only vestiges of it were left. It's a shame because the few things that DS3 tried on its own I thought were interesting enough (the profaned flame, the deep etc.) but they weren't expanded on very much despite having multiple opportunities to revisit them and decided to waste its DLC just masturbating over DS1 ideas.

I enjoyed DS3, but I prefer DS2 as a sequel far more for the risks it took to bring new ideas to the series, giving us new locations, stories, characters and gameplay mechanics, even if it they didn't work out all the way and the game feels like it is only 80% finished overall (and is unbearably ugly). I think if a sequel has to be made to DS1 (and to be honest I would have preferred just new IPs each time) then I would appreciate if it tried more new things rather than trying to please the fans.
>Best in terms of exploration.
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>Dark Souls 2 is the low point of the series
>its still a 9/10 game and one of the best games of its generation
What did From mean by this?
>Second half of 1 meme
>Lost Izalith is somehow indicative of the quality of the entire second half
>The other Lord's Soul areas are generally par for the course in terms of quality for DaS2 or DaS3 if not better than several of their areas
No it's DS2
>Best in terms of exploration.
>Worst gameplay mechanics
Literally the opposite of the truth
How do you fuck up this badly?
You forgot to mention Irithyll, which is largely just a hallway that inexplicably leads into a dumbed-down version of an old area.

I think the only area in DaS3 that was actually well-made was probably Undead Settlement. Lots of paths and things to find there, unlike the rest of the game.
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>The other Lord's Soul areas are generally par for the course in terms of quality
How can one man even be this wrong.
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>they're all slow and stare into empty space for a few seconds for no reason.
the games themsleves arnt bad but their communities are filled with faggotry
How did they make Soul of Cinder so underwhelming? He's supposed to be a remix of everyone that's linked the flame, but he's probably the easiest last boss in the series.
I don't envy the people who experienced blinding lava and aggroed dragon butts spammed everywhere firsthand.

It's a shame, Lost Izalith could have been a really cool area.
>Best gameplay mechanics
Literally the opposite of the truth
How do you fuck up this badly?
Explain yourself then and I will inform you how you are wrong.
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I mean kinda, yeah.
>let's make enemies combo the fuck out of you like in Bloodborne, but make combat slow paced like in Dark Souls
>also lets completely fuck poise so tanking through combos is impossible
Nah, you're clearly a retarded Dark Souls 2 babby so it would be pointless since it's been explained many times and yet you still hold your shitty opinion.
Aldritch and Abyss Watchers were terrible fights though. Aldritch doesn't really do anything, and he's so weak to fire and lightning that he dies before he can even properly enter phase 2 most of the time, not to mention that Vow of Silence makes the entire fight a non-issue.

Abyss Watchers are a joke because of Backstab and Parry, and Old Demon King dies so fast to Black Knight weaponry that he almost immediately explodes and snuffs himself out.
THE worst dark souls
The only truly fucked mechanics in 2 were Soul Memory and ADP.

Powerstancing is MILES more fun than weapon arts and the pitiful compensation that are paired weapons.

The world is non sensical, but there's a hilariously huge amount of places to go in whatever order you want before Drangleic. Compared to linear souls 3, where your only choice is 3-4 linear paths converging into a linear path
I think Undead Settlement has its own problems.
It too heavily relies on enemies getting triggered into walking out once you pass a level trigger.
The Giant Archer is also pretty bad as not only does he only activate once you pass a certain trigger but his behavior is set as a flag depending on whether the host has the white branch.
The way to make progress through the Undead settlement is also a bit too pre-determined on repeat playthroughs.
The constant bonfire spam throughout the area and the ability to warp to each one also isn't great.

New Londo, Duke's Archives or the Tomb of Giants aren't that bad and 2 and 3 have more levels in them (as pointed out by other anons in this thread) that are as bad or worse than them.
>let's make enemies combo the fuck out of you like in Bloodborne
Meh, even BB enemies don't combo-chain as much as DaS3's do, so this isn't really accurate. The only one I can think of that does that is Orphan, maybe?

It seems like they added the ridiculous combos to cover up the poor pathing and enemy AI.
>he responds with insults because he has no argument, thus implicitly admitting that I am correct, as usual.
DS2 has so inconsistent hitboxes.
Some enemies are like that and the ogres and others are just flawless
>Greatwood, Wyvern, Crystal Sage, Deacons, Wolnir and Yorn.
So what I gather from this is that you want every boss to be a 1v1 with a big guy in armor. No wonder you're defending DS2. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Greatwood, Crystal Sage, and Deacons. The other 3 ARE gimmicky trash, but at least they tried to add a little variety, and they were fun to beat on the first playthrough.
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>Believing journalists
Case in point
I always hear about sotfs being better, what did it improve exactly? From what I've seen it trivialises a lot of challenging areas like iron keep and shrine of amana, gives you access to mc dull services as soon as you enter lost bastille through the easy way... What makes it so much better?
Dark souls 2 is the worst and anyone that says otherwise is just being a contrarian troll for the sake of it.
Eh, I had fun with Watchers so even if they're bullshity, they still require skill other than rollR1.
I can see your point about Aldritch and King, but that boils down to build, first time I was fighting them I had some hard time as I did not have neither fire (and did not know Aldritch is weak to that) or Black Knight weaponry.
>So what I gather from this is that you want every boss to be a 1v1 with a big guy in armor.
He probably just doesn't like gimmicky shit.

>There is absolutely nothing wrong with Greatwood, Crystal Sage, and Deacons
Greatwood's hitboxes are terrible, there's nothing "good" about the fight, and it's "break the pustules" gimmick would be fin if Wolnir didn't do that same shit. Crystal Sage isn't a boss, it's just some random enemy with slightly more health. Deacons is a fluff fight that's only there to pad the game's length by forcing you to go into an area that is nothing but re-used enemies.

There's shit wrong with all three of those fights.
Because enemy locations that don't make sense, large groups of gangrape mobs, 10 Pursuer fights, and a cheating NPC invasion every 5 feet is so epic bro :D
I unironically consider dark souls 3 the best game in the entire series. I'm not saying it's perfect, just the one with the least flaws. Yes i'm including Bloodborne and DeS
>use weapons and tactics that easily counter bosses
>whoa those bosses are so easy fucking losers
Try fighting them without min-maxxing and reading a guide like a flaming homosexual
Would rather fight those few bosses than anything from DaS2.
A 9/10 surrounded by 10/10s is still a disappointment, desu.
>two bosses with shitty gameplay
>one with fantastic presentation and a neat gimmic, one that is litterally a bunch of dudes in a room
That's the stupidiest shit being pushed around here. It's actually the fucking BEST and the more this is tried to be pushed the stupidier you look.
If you didn't liked DaS2 because "too many enemies" or "a stair that does something" you're down syndromed, a complete imbecile, and needed a simpler game. Hence why DaS3 is the way it is.
>So what I gather from this is that you want every boss to be a 1v1 with a big guy in armor.
If a big guy in armour gives me proper challenge and is fun to fight, there is no problem with 1v1 big guy in armour boss.
Deacons just a bunch of regular enemies that rely on a gimmick to be beaten, there is no fun battling them, you just look for a weak point and attack it rather than thinking out a strategy/learn attack patterns.
Same with Greatwood, you just roll in any (!) direction when it falls on its woody butt and hit it on weak points.
Sage is, again, the same, second stage is at least, first one is so easy it can be considered a regular enemy, maybe a miniboss, but not a proper boss.
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Order I played them in:
Factual power rankings:
BB > DaS > DeS > DaS2 SOTFS > DaS3 > DaS2
>i don't like it so it's bad
I genuinely don't know much about it, just watched some youtube video I can't remember.
Did they just make the game nicer to the player or are there other improvements?
I admitted I never got sotfs, but I'm starting to suspect those shitting on the original never even played it.
You only have to fight the pursuer once, and even then I'm not sure that's required (you could just go to LB by no man's warf without killing him, but I've never done it)
I feel like ds2 fans are the kind of people that enjoy mindlessly grinding away in games like destiny. Like the only thing that matters to them is sheer quantity. Yeah, variety is a strength of ds2 over 3. But variety doesnt mean shit if your choices are dogshit or horseshit. Its all still shit. The base game of das2 has 3 good bosses tops, and im being generous (id argue darklurker is the only boss in base ds2 that can stand up to any of the greats from the other games).
The biggest flaw about DaS3 is that it really doesn't have much going for it outside of presentation and solid graphics.

>Try fighting them without min-maxxing and reading a guide like a flaming homosexual
Or you could just try parrying Abyss Watchers and killing them like I did? Why would you need a guide for that?

Or how about reading the item descriptions on every fucking Black Knight weapon in the game? Explicitly the part where it tells you that it does greater damage to demons?

How about using your fucking brain and realizing that all the oozes before Aldrich take massive damage from fire and next to nothing from everything else, or simply using Vow of Silence on an enemy that doesn't almost nothing but cast spells?

Dumbshits like you are why DaS3 gets praise for its bosses.

Probably because they're brainlessly easy.

Not my argument. They're bad by their own merits, not by my opinion of them. I actually like Rotten Greatwood, but that doesn't change the fact that it's hitboxes are bad and the fight itself isn't very good. It's just a nice change of pace after Vordt, and before the Outrider mini-boss.

SotFS's best improvements are that the greatly reduced tracking on enemy attacks, especially overhead swings, and there's a lot more weapon types available earlier on in the game. Pursuer shows up 4-5 times after his initial fight, but is optional every time and is really only a way to get some extra Twinkling Titanite. Some of the bosses are tweaked a bit, dealing less damage with some moves and more with others, etc.

The real reason to get it is simply because the combat is more polished than the base game, though that's not to say it's that much better, they really only fixed certain enemies, while others are still "quality".
So it seems to me most people agree that BB is the best, which just so happens to be the first game in the series that I'm going to play. I was excited about that at first but then I realized that means it'll probably ruin the other games for me.
>How about using your fucking brain and realizing that all the oozes before Aldrich take massive damage from fire and next to nothing from everything else, or simply using Vow of Silence on an enemy that doesn't almost nothing but cast spells?

You're not supposed to be using pyromancy, miracles or any other magic. The series is designed for melee-exclusive builds, and casting was added as a crutch for bad players.
>You're not supposed to be using pyromancy, miracles or any other magic.
I had Drang Hammers infused with fire because everything in Irithyll was frost-related, and common sense told me that having a fire weapon was probably a good idea.
>Waaahh wahhh I can't backstab every enemy wahhhh
Enemies having lifebar-draining wombo combos is the only way they'd ever get you to die in 3, because you're spammed with bonfires and shortcuts to bonfires so you're rarely short on estus, and you heal so fast with it.
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