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post your 3DS stuff

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post your 3DS stuff
A pirate flag.
Good lord that is some trash taste.
Why do you collect both pokemon games? Do you not have friends?
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>First half of the consoles life it was en route to becoming one of the best handhelds/consoles of all time
>After the N3DS/XL came out the system totally lost what little Steam it had left and it's been 3 years of 6/10 JRPGS and little else
Every console and PC has totally dropped the ball this gen, but the 3DS's hurts me most of all because it was the closest to being good

Also the 3DS Pokemon games are the most insulting bad things I've ever played, fuck your garbage tastes.
Is there like a list of MUST HAVE 3DS games? I was sincerely considering buying a 3DS XL new but I don't know nintendo. The last console I had from Nintendo was a gamecube. By must have, I mean yes, there are various Mario games and Pokemon games. But which ones are the BEST?

I'm not averse to weeaboo games either and money isn't an issue. I suck at fighting games though.
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Kid Icarus Uprising is one of the best games of this generation, and it's bar none the best game the 3DS has to offer.
Fe choes and kid icarus.

Get a bigger stylus to use during kid icarus as the shorter one that the xl has can make it more tiresome.
fuck off spic
2 different Anons recommended Kid icarus, so I'll take a look. Are there like "pro" kits for the 3DS? I remember my buddy had a controller addon type deal for his old Gameboy advanced. Made it easier to hold and I have monster hands.
>Do you not have friends?
This isn't even an excuse anymore since you can get everything off the GTS easily. It's just people who buy shit for the sake of buying shit.
>he hasn't seen PS4's library this year
Um, no sweetie.
Xls p big desu famalam.
I heard the controls in this were godawful though
>5 or so games after 4 or so years
Wew fucking lad. Better pay to 500 or whatever the fuck for the model that actually gets decent performance
Idk dude we still got Metroid to look forward to as well as the SMT: SJ and radiant historia remakes.
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just wait for the system's swan song
Oh so you're a nigger.
Post your switch stuff
Literally only if you're a casual. The touchscreen controls in Kid Icarus are genuinely the closest thing that exists to mouse accuracy outside of mouse at the moment.

If your fingers/hand are tiring out either use the stand the game comes with or prop the system up against your leg (Works better and doesn't involve a peripheral)
>Gravity Rush 2
>Yakuza 0
>Persona 5
What the fuck else is there? Keep in mind I own a PC and Vita and would prefer either superior hardware or portability to a living room setup. I'm NEVER going out of my way to play a game on PS4 when I can play it elsewhere.
>The systems swan song is ANOTHER 6/10 JRPG
Depressing but ultimately fitting
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Agreed, but I'm optimistic about DSJ.
I am too, though the art style change is bad and it seems like some of the streamlining they're doing will hurt the tension the original had.
If 2018 is the last year for 3DS will they shift there focus to Switch or a new handheld?
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I still need to hack mine, but it never gets played.
You should know what it means.
The one that causes suffering to the atrocious Switch owners on /v/
>not being excited for what will likely be the best modern DRPG
Lots of people wondering this. More and more I think we might actually see one more generation of standalone handhelds from Nintendo (a "4DS"). The Switch is actually very different from the DS line and Nintendo themselves say it's meant to be a home console, not a handheld.
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What 3DS games should I buy to expand my collection?
Yes. There is no point in pirating if I can't display it.
Before anyone asks about the Pokemon game, that's a bootleg romhack I bought like eight years ago. The game was incomplete but I decided to keep the box because it's Nintendo-quality

Ya te vi Mexichango
De donde eres hijo de tu puta madre
really only sucks if you're left handed. i can't do flipped controls, so i just have to deal with using the stylus with my right hand.
Devil Survivor Overclocked
depends on what you like, but my favorites are
>Etrian Odyssey IV
>Hatsune Miku Project Mirai Deluxe
>Dragon Quest VII
>Kid Icarus Uprising
>Monster Hunter 4U
>Kirby Planet Robobot
Art change is hit or miss. Some got hit bad, like Doomguy and Gore. The only QoL change I don't like is allowing saves anytime. Like you mentioned, there's almost no reason to be cautionary in the dungeons when you can save scum, similar to IV. Overall, I like the level of production uplift they're doing (all crew members getting portraits, VA). It's still SJ more or less.
Fire emblem for fucks sake
>Monster Hunter
>Fire Emblem
I never understood why faggots love these so much, but I've also never played them.
Quickly explain them to me.
monhun has tons of cool monsters to fight and a satisfying gameplay loop of hunting, gathering materials, and upgrading equipment so you can hunt more shit. there's a demo on the eshop if you want to try it out.
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Just emulate an older fire emblem game or something
Test to see if posting in threads is broken or just making new posts
emulate gba fire emblems, find favorite characters, read their unique dialogues with other favorite characters if they share some, and have one or 2 units stomp everything i the game. Fire emblem in a brief and poorly typed explanation
But you didn't explain what the game is about
turn based strategy with rpg stat growth for units. Preset units, no unit building. Permadeath for lost units, plus the aforementioned explanation.
Permadeath is optional. Later titles involve marriages and child units.
Oh, thanks I guess but I was asking about the story.
>Monster Hunter
It is fun if you want some action. I'd recommend getting 4U first because it the best MH up to date and the one with the most balanced level of difficulty.
>Fire Emblem
Weebshit with predictable plot. I played Awakening, Echoes, and Conquest but I only finished the Conquest one.
>Played the shittiest titles.

Play Fire emblem, sacred stones, shadow dragon path of radiance and radiant dawn
you could consider getting an older model XL and the circle pad attachment to feel like holding a gamegear
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What games are worth buying on the 3DS if you like Metroid/Castlevania type games and maybe a dungeon crawler game like Path of Exile. I literally only have Super Smash Bros 4 on the 3DS and I haven't been interested in buying anything else.
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could you be anymore of a pleb
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I'm so jelly of people with small N3DS's. The XL looks like shit because the screen is like 5 inches with the same 240p res. I just can't find a small one in my country or justify the purchase because I already have one.
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poast the sexy qrs
Story is one evil guy trying to become a god on earth by controlling dragons and taking over the know worlds(Fire emblem 7 the blazing sword)
Sacred stones is one of the three ruling empire of the continent going to war with the other 2, conquering the one your main characters are from. Turns out best friend was possessed by the devil, which he called upon because main character's brother was to alpha and she worshiped the ground he walked on, and possibly was his sexual bed buddy

3ds titles change things up a bit, but the core story theme and gameplay, along with the support dialogues remain the true focus of the games
Speaking of kid icarus, i wonder what daddy sakurai is up to.
>Turns out best friend was possessed by the devil
Jeez I asked what the story is about not for spoilers, goddamn anon.
Cave story if you don't already have it on another platform. As for dungeon crawlers ala PoE, there aren't any i can think of that are worth mentioning
whoops. Well, thats not the best part of the game. However, it is so obvious youd would have to be blind(so to speak) to miss it.
The systems swang song was fucking Robobot back in 2016. It's gotten nothing nothing above average since then.
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Actually, while not confined to dungeons, Fantasy life and the newly released Ever Oasis might be up your alley for you portable PoE fix.
Pokemon is a game for small children, anon.
It's also for adults with autistic traits, which you also seem to have
unpopular opinion but for me GBA>3DS>DS, I know DS is huge and has butload of games but I just never liked the idea of it compared to the GBA, 3DS was a little easier to accept even if it doesn't have as much stuff.
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This is all I have, though I think I have an OoT cart in my desk some where.
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kind of an old picture
Ever Oasis is great, it isn't hard by any means but still really entertaining and relaxing to play

So is that garbage can......(>-_-)>
I don't have any physical games since I have CFW, but I do have a DS flashcard and a Black N3DS with the Blastoise plates.

Currently playing FE SoV
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Real men play Xbox or PS4 and CSGO or PUBG!

Only Nyntoddlers play the "manchild clam" aka the "3DS".

Daddy wouldn't play the "manchild clam", so you shouldn't either. He got elected last november so take his advice, nerds.
>Having a keychain scratching up your [limited edition] handheld in your pocket
You disgust me, unless you're a cute japanese girl. Because only they do that sort of thing.
pleb. it's a waste basket. Know your disposable containers
I was 12 when the first pokemon game was released, and even then I knew it was for a younger age group than me and had no interest in playing it.
but he is a supporter of good business, and 3ds is good business. You do like good business, don't you?
>all these XL faggots
okay, so you are not refuting my point in any way. gotcha
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Does the 2DS XL have IPS screens?
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No bully pls, life's really hard owning an XL as it is >>387574551 It's really not that comfortable and I would get the small one if I could go back in time
It's not a keychain its a charm. I got the 3ds for 80 bucks off of Craigslist. Unfortunately the back had a little gouge in it. Other than that I haven't scratched it at all I use it fairly often as well.
>he owns a vita
any game recommendations? my sd2vita just came in today
All N2DS screens are ITN to keep the price down
>good business
>console whose entire library can be downloaded easily with hacks even a child can get away with it.

Daddy would consider the manchild clam wasted investment, anon. Get a real console if you can afford it, or get an actual, non-millenial job and stop being a NEET!
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Gundam games, hatsune miku, drpgs if you're into them. Install moonlight if you have an nvidia gpu and play more nintendo games
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Sorry anon ;_;
I don't really understand why everyone needs huge handhelds, I haven't picked up a switch yet for the same reason

I love my vita!

Here's just a short list of games I don't see get mentioned often enough
>shiren the wanderer
>puyo puyo tetris
>umihara kawase
>taiko V
>code: realize (if you can get past the fact that it's an otome, it's real good)
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All these games and I still rarely use my 3DS.
Last game I played on it was Rabirinsu no Kanata.

Walter Heisenberg was here <(-_-<) ...........(>-_-)>

You should look behind You.
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Animal Crossing New Leaf is like 20 bucks through Nintendo Selects and is an excellent time killer.

Virtue's Last Reward is a cool puzzle murder mystery with a bunch of endings. It's technically a sequel to 999 but it's completely fine as a standalone.

Resident Evil: Revelations is great if you haven't played one of the million ports of it yet.

Fire Emblem Awakening is a pretty fun strategy game and probably the best entry point into the series.
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Ayy same, that thing a beauty isn't it?
Ah I forgot about shiren. I keep meaning to get a physical copy, I really liked the one on the DS, good taste anon
>completely fine as a standalone.
Why the fuck would you do that to someone
Sure it's playable, but you're going to miss big payoffs and some other smaller stuff
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>i have so much 3ds stuff i would struggle to get it in one photo
Tearaway (My favorite game on the system)
All 3 Vanillaware games, Muramasa Rebirth, Dragons Crown, and Odin's Sphere
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Gravity Rush
Freedom Wars
Portable indie games (Fucking play Bastion if you haven't)

If you haven't played:
Rachet and Clank 1
Jet Set Radio
Oddworld Strangers Wrath
Sine Mora
Spyro The Dragon
I've played those all on Vita and they were really fun.
Something about the N2DS looks neat aesthetically, but at the same time some details look weird
Yes. If only the game was better. Wanted to buy a Monster Hunter edition switch to continue the tradition but we all know how that turned out.
cuz I played VLR first and thought it was great
it's def preferred to play 999 first in retrospect
>Dragon Quest Monsters remakes will NEVER EVER come to the west

It hurts
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They're not in print anymore, so Gamestop can overcharge for the limited stock remaining.
>piratefags will never have the game case with the cute pit faces
Both me and my wife had no issue with the controls. And she's sort of a casual, so I really wonder what kind of person can't handle them.
Terry's wonderland has a good fan translation at least. It's the only one were gonna get
>Both me and my wife
What the fuck are you doing on 4Chan?
For real? Fuck me I gotta hack my 3DS. Does my firmware matter? Also is there any chance I could brick my 3DS?
Shitposting just like the rest of us
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>tfw i buy all my games digital
hey you guys are great, thanks. I basically just had P4G, the rayman games, both hotline miamis, and adrenaline (which only has an eboot for einhander) so I'll get to work on that.

any of you know if the online monster hunter is any good on vita? can I even play it on 3.60?
this is making me seriously consider hacking my 3Ds. >_>
take two photos?
>had Retro Game Challenge
>traded it in for $20 at gamestop
>It's now a $50 game
The fact that they actually gave me more than a dollar should've been a red flag, but I was younger and stupiderer then.
As long as you're below 11.5 I think. It's been a while since I hacked mine so I dont recall. Google 3ds.guide and read the guide by plailect. There is a chance you can brick it but if you follow the guide they are almost always recoverable
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>cory in the house
Yea fu will work with adhoc party online even with 3.60. Just make sure the spoofing is on. You might have to run mhfu in vhbl to use the psp homebrew for multiplyer though, last time I played I had to use a ps3 with a nip psn to play online
Do it. It's worth the time and patience to set it up. There are some good fan translations of different games out there. Especially the snes games. Just make sure you get a big enough micro sd card
I have pokemon moon, fe: awakening, mhgen, mario kart 7, links awakening, castlevania 3, super mario 3, & metroid 2.

I see it as my NES-2ds system - including gameboy & ds. I've missed basically everything. What should I get?
I'm just waiting for a way to hack my 3DS on 11.4
other than that I don't really know what games to get on my 3DS
I'm getting Ultra SuMo
should I get monster hunter or is it dead
I'm also getting Kirby PR... but other than that... I don't know
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Here's all my 3ds stuff, sorry for the shit photo. Kinda wish I'd waited and bought some of the special edition systems, mine are all just plain black. R8 me.
oh hell yes. gonna see if I can fire up a few hunts while I wait for my copy of XX switch to come in.

this system did such a hard 360° for me, it collected dust for years but I dug it out like a month ago, it was on 3.35 or some shit haha. it's badass with free high-quality games and shit like moonlight
>Resident Evil Revelaitons
Do they still make these? I want to own one just for the meme
where is Monster Hunter?
They fixed the typo in later printings, you'd have to find a used one.
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Fuck yea moonlight is my favorite homebrew app so far. Playin DDDA and nfsu2 in bed is cozy. I ended up downloading a bunch of gcn games to play as well. I have a pretty shitty router and have had really good quality streams to it
Wouldn't Adrenaline work?
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Probably, havent tried it though so I couldn't say for sure
Video games are for small children
>circlepad pro
You're alright nig
>First half of the consoles life it was en route to becoming one of the best handhelds/consoles of all time
Uh, what? Just the first two years were awful. Pokemon Y was what kept the system from being a complete disaster.
yeah, I'm psyched to set it up, especially having just shelled out for a gtx1080. I'm a really bad sale hoarder so it'll be comfy as hell to lay in bed and trawl through and see what gems I've got
If you're left-handed, maybe. I found it pretty simple.
>Kid Icarus Uprising is one of the best games of this generation, and it's bar none the best game the 3DS has to offer.
Neither part of that sentence is true.
Unbelievably shit tastes there, Jim Sterling.
Journey came out the same month and was a better game. Style Savvy: Trendsetters came out the same year and was a far better 3DS game.

KI: Uprising is not a Kid Icarus game and is a shit game on top of that. The absolute worst thing is how it rubs salt into the wound by going "HA HA REMEMBER HOW KID ICARUS WAS GONE FOR 25 YEARS?" and having shitty writing.
>Japanese poster
It's dark so I don't feel like taking a photo

not counting digital
>FE Awakening
>FE Echoes
>FE Birthright (other 2 routes I have digital)
>Alpha Sapphire
>Omega Ruby
>Monster Hunter 4
>Super Robot Wars UX
>Super Robot Wars BX
>Toushin Toushi 2

For the last 3, I have a japnese 3DS LL. This was before hacking so everyone who wanted to play japanese had to get a japanese 3DS.

Pokemon X
Luigis Mansion 2
Mario 3d Land
Kid Icarus
Smash Bros
Mario Kart 7
A few other games
A 32GB SD card full of pirated games
>Journey was a PS3 game and thus a seventh generation game, not eighth
>Fucking Style Savy Trendsetters
Who gives a shit if it's plays like NES Kid Icarus? NES Kid Icarus plays like hot garbage and Uprising has some of the best gameplay of any game.
>Shitty writing
Yeah this is bait, it's impossible to hate Uprising's writing.
I want more translations of the srw games. Alpha gaiden just isn't enough
>Who gives a shit if it's plays like NES Kid Icarus?
Gee, I don't know, maybe Kid Icarus fans?

>NES Kid Icarus plays like hot garbage and Uprising has some of the best gameplay of any game.
You've got that backwards. Uprising plays like hot garbage.

>NES Kid Icarus plays like hot garbage and Uprising has some of the best gameplay of any game.
The writing is terrible. Not only does it poke fun at Kid Icarus fans while raping the series' corpse, it also has shitty humor and voice acting.
new 3dsxl
doa dimensions
etrian odyssey untold 1,2 and EO4
Kid Icarus
Senran Kagura Burst, Deep Crimson
Pokemon sun
Tales of Abyss
Fire Emblem Awakenings
Project X Zone 1,2
Ocarina of Time
Liberation Maiden
not that dude but don't disrespect style savvy, it's an excellent video game
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Not Japanese, just a weeaboo

I have an og 3ds. Should i get a new 3ds xl?
>Journey was a PS3 game and thus a seventh generation game, not eighth
Kid Icarus: Uprising is a last-gen game. Nintendo Switch started generation 9.
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>maybe Kid Icarus fans?
All 12 of them? It's not like it's half life, Duke Nukem, or Banjo where it went out on a "see you in the next one" note thats extended the fanbases existence for years. It's ONE nes game, people played it and moved on they didn't dwell on it for 20 years hoping they'd make another exactly like it.
>You've got that backwards. Uprising plays like hot garbage
>Touchscreen aiming is the literal closest we've gotten to mouse accuracy outside of the mouse
>9 difficulty KI:U is hard as shit and requires mastery of the mechanics
>God tier boss fights and there's one at the end of every fucking level
>Weapons to cover every playstyle and the stats modify them in meaningful ways
>Mariana Trench of depth in the weapons system
>Flying segments are the best Starfox style game in existence
>Land segments are the best 3rd or first person shooter on the 3ds
>Fun as fuck multiplayer that lasted nearly a year surprisingly
>Not even one of the better NES games

Also Hades is the single best Nintendo villain. Your tastes are garbage and clouded by some misplaced adoration for a mediocre jump n shoot game when a dozen better ones existed on the NES alone.

DS was seventh, 3DS was eighth, Switch is 8.5/just 8.
>DS was seventh, 3DS was eighth, Switch is 8.5/just 8.
Switch is 9th. It's the direct successor to the 3DS and Wii U, which were both Nintendo's 8th generation consoles. Just like how the Dreamcast was 6th generation because it was the direct successor to Sega's 5th generation console.
The gen doesn't change because Nintendo decides. They had to make new hardware mid gen.
The generation changes because Nintendo made a successor to their previous consoles. 3DS was 6 years old when the Switch released and the Wii U was 5 years old. Nintendo releases new hardware around every 5-6 years.
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that's a nice collection anon
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How do you deal with wobbly hinges? Me i stuck a piece of paper.
Yeah it's 9th gen already. Hopefully the Switch has a very long life of 6-7 years so it can align better with PS5 and whatever Microsoft is going to make, if they continue to make consoles.
I'm jealous of that fleshlight and I don't know if this should worry me or not.
>PS4, Xbone, and even Vita still going
>Switch is just a sidegrade to portability for the WiiU
This is the eighth generation of video games and the Switch is an eighth gen platform
>All 12 of them? It's not like it's half life, Duke Nukem, or Banjo where it went out on a "see you in the next one" note thats extended the fanbases existence for years.
Number of fans is irrelevant. Franchises exist for a reason and franchises have gameplay conventions. You wouldn't make a visual novel and call it a Devil May Cry game, would you? You wouldn't make a party game and call it a Metroid game, would you? Uprising is effectively doing that.

>It's ONE nes game, people played it and moved on they didn't dwell on it for 20 years hoping they'd make another exactly like it.
Two games. NES and Game Boy.

Kid Icarus is an exploration and upgrade-focused Greek Mythology platformer series. Uprising is half a shit Space Harrier clone and half a shit action game.
your sister has better taste than you
Buy a new shell from Ebay and replace it.
We share games. Not counting digital or DS here it is.
My collection:
>Kirby Planet Robobot
>Kirby Triple Deluxe
>Monster Hunter 3U
>Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker
>Persona Q
>Pokemon Moon
>Pokemon Y
>Pokemon AS
>Ever Oasis
>The Legend of Legacy

My little sister's collection
>Tomodachi Life
>FE Awakening
>FE Fates (Special Edition complete cart)
>FE Echoes
>Corpse Party 3DS
>7th Dragon 3
>Smash 4
>Project Mirai DX
>Pokemon Sun
>Xenoblade Chronicles 3D
>Devil Survivor Overclocked

Forgot some, sorry.
We also have some forgettable puzzle games like Nikoli's pencil puzzles.
you can buy five of those fleshlights with the same amount of money that a 3DS game cost
5-6 years for Nintendo
7-8 years for Xbox/Sony
>Number of fans is irrelevant
No, Kid Icarus fans are.
It's not about the money, anon. It's about me accepting the fact that I'm going to die a virgin and sinking deeper into depression every day.
>PS4, Xbone, and even Vita still going
You forget that the Xbox, PS2, and Gamecube were all still going when the DS and Xbox 360 were released. The NES was still going when the Genesis was released and even later when the SNES was released. The SNES and Genesis were st ill going when the PS1 was released.

You seem to be under the impression that generations begin and end cleanly, when that is not the case. Switch is 9th gen because it succeeds Nintendo's 8th gen platforms. End of discussion.
The only time i had sex was with a hooker just so i could know i'm no longer a virgin and the depression still don't go anon
>fleshlight over an onahole
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>Switch is coming out the same year both Sony and Microsoft are doubling down with new PS4 and Xbone models and announcing years more of support
>3DS will be coexisting with the Switch late in 2018 at the very earliest
>It's totally the same thing as old consoles getting a few games as they fade into obscurity/Fifa and Just Dance releases and nothing else and then goddamn NES, the console that singlehandedhly revived gaming in the west, lasting for a long time
>Paid for first time sex
>Depression won't go
Gee, I wonder why
She's also not a loser like me.
I wonder if there's a correlation there.
>3DS will be coexisting with the Switch late in 2018 at the very earliest
PS4 continues to coexist with the PS3, the PS3 continued to coexist with the PS2, the PS2 continued to coexist with the PS1. You really have no room to stand on.
you always hear "sex will make you happy" or "when are you going to stop being a virgin", so i did it but it wasnt that great
>One game came to PS3 and PS4 this year because it was slated for a PS3 2014 release date originally
>"PS4 continues to coexist"
Keep spinning dude
muh games:
>Ever Oasis
>Pokemon Y
>Mon Hun 4
>Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
>Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>Animal Crossing New Link

I really want Rune Factory 4. I think it would be right up my alley. But I want a physical copy of everything.
You need to do it with a qt that cares about you, not with a prostitute.
It's already too late for you, you wasted your first time.
Nintendo metaphorically took the Wii U out back and shot it down like a rabid dog when it was a mere 4.5 years old - which arguably lost most support a year before that. The Switch is completely different in every way and only an insane person could even think it's a continuation of the Wii U.

I'm interested in what generations you would put the mess of Sega consoles that released every few years.
meh only a girl or a faggot thinks like that, sex is sex anon, if what you want is love then that is different from just wanting to bust a nut
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>BOTW was developed for WiiU
>MK8 Deluxe
>Pokken Deluxe
>Lego City Undercover
>Splatoon 2
There's literally more WiiU games than Switch games. It's EXACTLY a continuation of the WiiU.

>Nintendo took the WiiU out back and shot in way early into it's life (and the generation) therefor the Switch is a ninth generation console
I hate switchfags, Nintendo threads on /v/ used to be a nice place.
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I had a 3DS XL, but since I got the Black Friday New 3DS, I traded it in earning me back for the credit I spent on New, and a extra $25. I don't think they sell New 3DS accessories in the US, I would like to put it in a case made for it. Even the instruction manual it came with was made for the New 3DS XL.
They're very weird but you get used to it very quickly and then the game just becomes magical. I still want a remake of it for Switch with actual online.
>want to get back into yugioh to relive childhood
>tfw no one to play with
>duel links doesn't feel the same and destroys my battery
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Is it worth upgrading from the original 3ds to a new 2DSXL?
Are there any games where I am missing out without 3D on?
I was looking for Nintendo roms but it appears that the majority of them have been taken down. How are people finding the roms then?
Have you tried legacy of the Duelist?
cybergadget controller grip
>Beyblade Video game

Mah Nigga
My nigga.
It was really bad though. Moving the sticks didn't do jack shit and I never knew how to summon the beasts, also it was really short and I never really had a PSOne memory card so I could never save custom beys. I only like it because muh nostalgia.
>paying for digital
>tfw pcbros are all but forced to buy digital only shit
>all the games /v/ shills
>all the games /v/ hates but are actually good
>Contact, Ghost Trick, TWEWY
>actual meme games like Cory.
>even the gba and 3ds games are high tier

I wish my loaded cousin had a 1/100th the taste you have.
microsd 64gb and DSTT.
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Not to mention he has both prints of 999.
Hopefully you're still online, I'd like to say your aikatsu games are cool.
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My 3DS and DS games are overflowing. There are SO many amazing games on those systems.
Who here is part of the dual IPS masterrace?
Of course I am. Was fully prepared to go return a shit ton of them to get IPS, but I got it on my first try
Why is the 3DS still here? Just to suffer?
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