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more of these?

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Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 103

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more of these?
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What? Games or lists?
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I mean, really just lists or tiers like pic related. Looking for one on the gc if you got it
That's fucking crap, why would you play games that make you more depressed? This list needs Katamari Damacy.
Why is this a depressing game?
d-depression is f-fun anon....
dude depression lmao
They Hunger is barely a horror game.
>tfw diagnosed with clinical depression.
>Depression is now a lifestyle fad
>Heavy Rain
more like laughter core
dude i haven't fucked bitches for a week i'm depressed as fuck. i listen to depressive hip hop and shiet
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I played this game before... the lights man, why are they turning off ?
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>VN trash
>MGS3 when 99% of the game is happier and more upbeat than MGS 1/2/4
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>diagnosed for being sad
Everyone gets sad faggot. Your not special. Get over your joke of a sickness.
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there comes a point in which you just... I can't say like it because no one likes being depressed, I was diagnosed with depression like 6 years ago and dark souls 1 always brings me fond memories and a sense of.... home? nostalgia? I dunno but it feels bad and good at the same time, maybe how gays feel anal sex?
>dark souls

wew lad
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>tfw I sold my copy of Kuon to a FUCKING GAMESTOP for 10 bucks
>AC7 is actually happening in our lifetime
You don't know how happy I am and how much I'm looking forward to it.
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>I was depressed before it was cool
it's not hard to understand why someone would want to play a "feel-bad game" like silent hill or nier, and to look for other games similar to those in themes and tone
>all these posts
>not a single one posting tiers and must plays
Anon, I...
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I went into that thread and there was only a few,
ty anon
Well, call it that then. Because calling occasional sadness depression dilutes a very real condition and you get opinions like >>387282128
Not even going to comment on this list, just going to ask:
Where is the Witch's House?
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Ninja Gaiden seems out of place here
no pretentious undertones like bioshock or undertale
no crazy meme main character like devil may cry or mgs
and it's too mainstream to get the underground hipster crowd like witcher or stalker
It's just a list of some popular games that the list's creator doesn't like.
>mgs3 instead of 4
haha no (aside from 3's ending of course). mgs4 is depressing from start to finish
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I'll dump a few.
many of the characters from game like silent hill or heavy rain absolutely have depression
and that perspective is what the game is going for
don't be a faggot, no one cares about any condition you have
take your meds and get off the internet
>katawa shoujo
can confirm. KS gave me depression, at least partially.
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is this still accurate?
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>No Undertale
fuck off
>fallout 3
*laughs in feminist*
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Only in a post-2011 /v/.
are you fucking serious? Its the most camp game ever
I don't get it. VtMB is hilarious, and there's nothing out that's lets you do similar things.
I dislike this list. 80% of the list is tropical setting, in a lot of games that don't even feel comfy.

Snow, Woodland and rain is comfier than sunny and tropical.
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>Persona 3 on the depression core list
I'm playing through it for the first time right now and i havent gotten to anything depressing yet. which means its coming up.
feels bad man
>doesn't think tropical setting is comfy
shit taste desu
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Spyro belongs on this list
Needs a "Hot Topic" one with Twilight Princess being the only game.
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>Pathologic but not The Void
allow me to express my doubts as to the accuracy of this chart
It's just the ending, really.

FO3 is depression core if you approach it the right way

no game does true desolation better
screw you buddy i played morrowind when it came out
I didn't know Dark Corners of the Earth got this much love on /v/.

You people weren't faggots for once.
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>tfw no Pathologic Kickstarter updates in 2 months
It's still being made r-right?
>thinking it's comfier than snow, rain, woodland or 40s-50s aesthetics
Even more garbage taste.
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welcome to Ice-Pick Lodge
at least you weren't around for Knock-Knock
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>Stop liking what I don't like
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i am setsuna, final fantasy ix and shenmue.
>lazily corrupt old games
>call it 'absurdist'
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A younger relative had Kinect Star Wars and I played it with him. It was a fun time, not saying it was an amazing game, but I wouldn't say it's shit.
>A younger relative
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Push-you-over-the-edge tier.
LSD Simulator doesn't belong on that list. It's not even a good art game.
Honestly very accurate.
If I had a kinect I'd probably get it, but I said the younger relative thing because it's possible it was only fun with another person.
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thanks anon I've been meaning to get into these games
you're honestly a faggot
Ending I guess. It's sad but not necessarily depressing.
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ICO, SoTC, Metroid Prime and FFX certainly aren't comfy. The first three listed are pretty eerie and FF has a giant killer sea monster fucking everything up.
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I wouldn't call the ending of P3 depressing. It is extremely bittersweet though.
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>young man truly begins to develop into a grown adult that can be the person he wants to be
>discovers he never really existed and was just a dream of a thousand tortured souls trapped in stasis
>his abusive father is able to face why he's such a shithead and grows beyond it, but he never has a chance to apologize to his son because they're separated by worlds of time and he's become a monster destined to wreak havoc
>have to choice between perpetuating an endless cycle of despair with a glimmer of hope or risk crushing all of that hope on the small chance you can make it through

You'll cry... You're gonna cry... You always cry... See? You're crying...

I think it ascends beyond depression because Tidus continues on and gives his life for the people and the world he's come to love, and he succeeds in the end. The real depression comes with how X-2 and the sequel book kind of bastardize and ruin the whole message.
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>find fav game
>played all the game around them
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Accurate but some of those are still great
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>any of those games being kino
this list is a fucking mess and is further ruined by the pc/console exclusive caveat
not listing Gears of War 1 as a noteworthy shooter for the 360 just because it was on pc is insane
no viva pinata or burnout paradise or skate or condemned
but will list trash like perfect dark zero and crackdown 2
Retsupurae classic.
Diabetus > Slowbeef.
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>find favorite game
>already played 3 of the one's around it
>the 4th is getting a tie-in game with my favorite game
should be renamed to games that are good but didn't sell well
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Am I doing it right?
Play all the games around those games.
>Upcoming horror titles
>Dark (2013)
This list needs an update, alright. It didn't even turn out to be a horror game.
>doom next to strange journey
It's the small things.
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If whole thing isn't depressing it does not belong on the chart regardless of how much of a tearjerker the ending was to you.
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just bought shattered skies on ebay for $7
it's all directly because of you, anon, that I am getting into ace combat
>assfaggots next to wc3 and starcraft
fuck off
Whats the third game of the trinity?
When does Pathologic get good?
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How the hell haven't you heard of La-Mulana by now?
The fuck? The gameplay is super solid.
Goddamnit I fucking loved LISA,FF7, MM
and enjoyed Dark Souls, MGS3, and tt walking derps.
witch of the others should i play next?
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Do you want a hug buddy?
LSD Simulator is fucking terrible. It's artistic but it's a shit game.
hugs are reserved for my PS2, which I give every morning
P3, FF7, and KS are more melodramatic than depression. It's what people would call animemo

The others may have characters that go through or hint at depression, but stuff like Walking Dead is more of a tragedy than anything else.
Good man. That's a solid system.
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>ps2 emulation is shit
>no longer have a crt for my ps2
but it is still accurate "fedoracore" for all of the games except that
i can say that as a fan of new vegas and dmc, those fanbases definitely fit the "fedora" stereotype
It could have been good
>no .flow
>no Uncanny valley
How so?
I also dunno.
Whats the best platform to play it?
>No PC release
Are you a fucking RETARD?
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Good list. I'm surprised to see Me on there, I love the game but it seems to be often overlooked.
Anyone have the Comfy games list?
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Just buy Depression Quest
>Fallout 3 and Morrowind and no Oblivion.
Oblivion was at the very least better than FO3.
And that entire list is invalidated.
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Is there an updated version of this?
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Liking moody and atmospheric games makes you a 'fedora'? What does 'fedora' even mean?
>halo 2
>xbox exclusive
>This is how gay anal must feel.
You sure stupidity isn't the largest part of your mental illness? That's the dumbest analogy I've ever heard and somehow you managed to avoid using food.
>no castle crashers
>no double dragon
Trash list. 90% literally who weeb trash. Simpsons is good though.
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Dark forces aged like milk in every way possible. Also at its release id put old republic in shit tier but i played it for awhile last year and I'd bump it up to at least the ok tier.
Essential action RPG?
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What's the name of the game between Catherine and nocturne?
It's def not darksiders
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>Grand Theft Auto: IV
>Fallout 3
>Jack and Daxter
Why is AC3 listed twice?
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Here's a more updated version.
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Are lists for devs ok?
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>ywn get to start over
Ico and SotC are both cold and unsettling.
Not comfy at all.
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haha what the fuck is this shit
>hollow knight and am2r god tier
>amazing mirror great tier when it is easily the worst kirby game
>axiom verge only good tier
>strider and dust in meh tier
so much more gay shit in this chart, not worth the time to go through it all
fantastic flowchart
>tfw only 22 but oldfag as fuck
"wow really makes u think" tier shit, or just lots of edgy stuff
Soma should be on there before half that shit.
>he hasn't bought an hdmi converter
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Wario Land 4 should replace 2 on that list.
Swap BG1 with Ass Effect and all perfect
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>go to garage sales
>go to thrift stores
>mfw got a fine fucking crt that'll last for years for literally 15 bucks
I loved that day so much
>2012 update
/v/ doesn't make stuff like this anymore does it?
>He isn't in the secret IRC
>It's a casual taste versus obscure shit list.
These are the worst thing to come out of /v/ since ironic intelligence tier lists.
Wish i had one but i'm down in NC atm and its back in PA so. But look at it like this, monies not great for me rn so i can't get a ps2 for a bit so i'm just playing silent hill 1 on ps1 for the time.
Don't talk shit about that list. You will anger the Elders.
>/v/ instantly assumes the lower down the chart you are the better
>despite the fact most of the shit in the bottom few tiers is either a joke, unplayable, or beyond the realm of sanity or enjoyment
AO oni and corspe party are for fags.
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Came here to say this. Take that shit off.
At least tell me the name of the character
>Ace Attorney
it is an adventure
>google "jrpg"
>get a list at least as good as this, if not better
It's a visual novel you fucking piece of shit
Persona 4?
>Spirit Camera
Would have been so much better if it could work in the dark somehow. It's not scary in light bright enough to scan the book.
It's a modern adventure game, like Telltale, etc.
Nice catch
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>ao oni
I forgot that game existed, good shit
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>tfw can't get && to download
damn file must be gone or something
>katawa shoujo
Fucking Christ. If you're going to put a VN on there, at least put one that's legitimately depressing like Muv Luv Alternative or something.
normies think they're depressed because they look at ironic memes about suicide and listen to lofi hip hop
If they knew what clinical depression was really like they would not think it was cool. It's hell.
What is that "coming soon" game??

Swap Jade Empire with NWN
Can't wait for that crossover anon
Max out Aigis's social link
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>no ODST

Shit list


ODST needs to replace Oni on this list too, it's a superior cyberpunk game by the same devs

>it's a "i'm going to call super old/early games in a series the best by virtue of being classic even though their sequels and newer titles have objectively more content, deeper mechanics and gameplay systems, and better visuals and audio" episode

It was never accurate

This also hasn't been accurate in years, since more shit has just been piled onto it over time without the stuff being moved around. Halo hasn't been that mainstream in years, and shit like battlefield, Dark souls, skyrim, , etc have been "The Kid" tier for years as well.
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The Remedy always makes me sad.
slowbeef is a goon sperg who's undergoing some sort of midlife crisis on his personal channel, Diabetus is a chill guy who'd be fun to hang out with.
That said their dynamic worked during the golden age of Retsupurae (2009-2012/13) where Slowbeef could play the straight man and explain the weird ass game and Diabetus could be the funny one.
That's sad, man
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>King's Field
>Released only on console
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>Final Fantasy X
>Mother 3

Literally 1% of those games are depression.
Whoever made that list doesnt know shit about real depression.
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Muv-Luv Alternative didn't make me depressed, the deaths I could accept. It was a military story, they were bound to happen.
I wasn't ready for this, though.
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Is there any reason to play Duke on the Saturn? Does it have different content like the N64 version?
Casual pc gamer: The Thread
Comfyness is too general and subjective a category. It would only work with extensive descriptions like some Anime Charts have. And that list does not even have Minecraft or Terraria or Stardew Valley. It would have to be divided further into categories like...

Then it might... just might work.
Should be called "Essential Clunky Weebshit Core"
>hating Doom
>hating 3rd Strike
>Hating Deus EX
>hating Morrowind
>Hating Stalker
>hating VTMB
I've never played 6 or Nocturne
But Fuck you. Those games are all the best of their series excluding Doom 1 to Doom 2
>list of games in which you go back and forth
Souls like really can be a genre
No, if anything you shouldn't' since it has less levels. It does have online, which is neat for an old console, but it's for PC users
I like to run the gamut of feels sometimes, it's nice to remind myself that not everything is just dull okay-ness
Also crying feels deeper and more satisfying than laughing, and I do it way, way less often, so it's not really a negative experience for me.
>persona 3
Nani? I've been playing for about 40 hours now, it's all happy to me.
>basically playing as a chad
>shitload of great and interesting friends
>smart as fuck
>cool powers
Am I missing something? I mean sure, the shit with Mitsuru is pretty sad. Also the shit about Yuka-tan's dad is sad. Overall the game has a fun, nice atmosphere.
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Leave, you're gonna get spoiled.
Get out right now
Wait until you get to the ending and how tragic the game gets at certain points. I won't spoil anything, but needless to say the game doesn't end on a particularly happy note.
How the FUCK do I play P3?
I will cut you.
I don't understand your question.
>Alone in the Dark
>Dark Seed
>Dead Space

is this a fucking joke
Sorry, I'm phoneposting. Which platform is it? Can I emulate it?
The definitive version is on PS2 and emulates fine. You can also emulate the PSP version, but it's missing out on quite a bit of content. Scenes in the PSP version are done in more of a VN style, whereas the PS2 version lets you see the character's models in the overworld as well as the portraits.
PSP version does have a female protag options if that's your thing. No yuri.
O-oh boy I love being sad I can't wait
Where's the essential /weeaboo/ games at?
2017 Should be Mass Effect: Andromeda
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The PS3 version looks so sad in comparison.
So you liked them then?
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Woops, meant to post this. Ignore X's
That's sad that this is actually a list. This says alot about this board and its current demographic. Most people on this board probably weren't old enough during the generation these games came out to actually enjoy them, so now if you like them you are assumed a poser.
>It was a military story, they were bound to happen.
Did you forget the part where Takeru runs back to the original timeline and Marimo gets murdered and Sumika gets crushed?
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After Marimo's first death I was pretty numb. And I kinda expected something to happen anyway, I knew Takeru would have to go back for some reason

Is there an updated version of this?

I know there's a lot more. Those look like entry level weeb games.
>It's hell.
Not really. I don't think you understand what depression is either. It's definitely not cool, but it's not "hell". I guess it's frustrating. But you make it sound like it's some kind of existential torture when it's just an unshakeable sense of apathy.
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No FF deserves to be on that list at all
A depressing ending does not a depressing game make retarded fuckheads
That's why it's "weeb shit" and not "patrician weeb". Don't have that one
When does Pathologic get good?


Game has a decent soundtrack but that's about it
what's the bottom right anime game?
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Katawa Shoujo. It's a romance VN, protag develops a heart condition and gets transferred to a school for disabled students. I put it off for years because I thought it was a big meme but I found it to be mostly well written.

Katawa Shoujo

Sad fucking game
you can easily add Halo Reach, To the Moon, This War of Mine, Lost Odyssey.
>you can only enjoy something when its new
The thought process of brainlets.
>if you didn't enjoy these games, you must be underaged
>you need to have played these games when they came out for them to have been good
>I am a man of superior taste, notice me! Oh, but I'm not a poser...
How is Recettear not in that list?
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>perfect dark
>only like 3 good games surrounding
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The civilian side of Halo lore absolutely cyberpunk influence and elements, and ODST deals a lot with the civilian environments and stuff.
>any zelda other than Zelda's Adventure
the names are similar so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt
If i like VTMB
Deadly Premonition is worth playing ?
No, not my thing. Thanks, I'll emulate the ps2 version, then.
Even weirder that its literally made by 4chan users.
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Is that Beck and Kojima in the first row? Cool dudes with solid taste.
Someone make the "Stop Liking What I Don't Like" list.
I feel like the hype behind that game has only grown to ridiculous levels due to lack of PC port or OG Xbox emulation.
>dark souls 3
>super mario sunshine

Fucking christ this is some awful taste
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>demon's souls, bloodborne, dark souls 3 but no dark souls
Everything besides NES and SNES on this list is a fucking disaster

Back when Xbox first came out you got that game for free along with a racing game

I don't know what's the big deal about it. Even JSR on Dreamcast wasn't that good.
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I cant seem to find anything about "14/?"
Does anyone have any kind of info about it?
Also pic unrelated
do VNs count? if so steins;gate 0 is literally a depression and ptsd simulator
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>#FE twice
>deadly premonition

I love that game but who ever made this list is out of their fucking mind
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I hate tropical settings it reminds me of past holidays when I had to be shirtless and show my body to everyone.
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Is there an "essential x core" for super fast paced FPS? Like Tribes Ascend
is this bait? you realize how old that list is right?
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This scene made me cry
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There's a typo. Tales of the Abyss is pictured but it's listed as Vesperia in the thrid row next to P3 and above Kingdom Hearts

Those are my 3 favorite games though holy shit that's impressive
>people are still memeing Super Metroid this hard

It was good for it's day, but much better things have come out since then.

>Circle of the Moon that high
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literal depression: the game
thanks guys, i remember when it was hype in here but i didn't recognize it at all. ill play it eventually!

I'd say "melancholy" might be a better term to put there.
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The depressing thing about Katawa Shoujo is realising that the cripples live more fulfilling less lonely lives than you do
What's this pic from?
>fallout 3
Super star wars are in the right place but jedi power battles and rogue squadron 3D need to be in the God Tier

my mental illness is now just another accessory for Stacy to flaunt around so she can be "differant"

fucking spare me
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>favorite games
>They hunger
I will never understand why this keeps turning up on scary game lists.
It's a classic, no question, but it's silly as fuck. That's the point.
>no Pokemon
>implying FE/Disgaea are JRPGs
>KH1 but not 2
>no Souls

I'll let no P5 slide because idk when this was made but what the fuck
I'd remove Doom, SF3, and FFVI, and add the original Nier, Demon or Dark Souls, and Planescape Torment. Otherwise extremely accurate
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Yup, Kingdom Hearts 2 probably just edges out P3 for me but it's pretty close. Just got the platinum again on PS4 a few weeks ago, it's still outstanding. The Tales series is great too, Abyss especially. Berseria was a really nice surprise after the admittedly bad Zestiria. I actually liked Berseria more than P5
Stalker shadow of chernobyl? I love fallout 3 but Stalker makes it way more desolate.
libcuck detected
I thought i was the only one who knew this game. Amazing OST. The ending is shit, though.
This is one of the worst things I've ever seen on /v/ in the 9 years I've been here. I truly pray to god this is some bait.
its an action rpg made in japan. Nier and Kh are on the list
Really? It doesn't seem that bad to me. The creator seems biased toward shmups and fighting games though. And III is the worst NES ninja gaiden
and III is obviously the worst Souls game
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