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Nidhogg 2 launch trailer

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Thread replies: 297
Thread images: 62

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How do you go from this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPD0Ya4YWDU
to this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h3lW5JOjD0
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Wow I really hate this.
Huh, I actually don't really mind it now that they showed more of the game. Looks like an acid-induced fever dream,
Jesus, there's way too much going on in the game now. Why make everything so cluttered looking when the game looked so clean and easy to understand what was going on before?
>we want the LOLSORANDOM crowd
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This is even more unappealing than cosmos transition
It actually looks really nice but the character design and animations are 100% trash
Why are all you cry babies so triggered. It's literally the same game just with a different art style.
>Why make everything so cluttered looking when the game looked so clean and easy to understand
because now it has ART STYLE who cares about functionality when you have ART STYLE I mean who cares if it looks like shit? at least you hired a real artist so your game have ART STYLE
But people are largely criticizing the art style anon.
You didn't post without reading the thread did yooooooou?
>Add a whole bunch of new classes
>Same game
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Explain what's wrong with it?

It looks like the same combat that we all know and love.
Is this the most aesthetically unpleasing game to date?
What's wrong g is that it doesn't look simple.
It doesn't even look accidentally bad, it looks deliberately disgusting.
This actually looks great.
Where can I acquire some friends to play this?
That's because it is deliberate. The art style is replicating the 90s extreme/ugliness. Original was 80s Atari style and now we're moving on to 90s SNES/Genesis.
Think Clayfighter, Boogerman, Ballz 3D, Battletoads, Rock 'n' Roll Racing. Games like that.
fuck. It went from cool castles and dungeons to garbage pail kids land. LAME
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Level design looks great, new weapons are welcome addition. Character design is lumpy and awful - it's the only reason I won't be buying it
Clayfighter never looked like this. Don't give me that shit. If you are going to say something like that how about you show some proof?
Not exactly, no. It just belonged to a similar visual design philosophy of being exaggerated and gross.
So much this.
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>clay fighter didn't look ugly
looks like shit compared to the first one but it's way better than what they initially were gonna have it look like
I never said it didn't look ugly, it level looked rancid and repulsive. The ugliest thing was the horsemans head exploding when he died.
looks good, wont play it though
What was it originally gonna look like?
Like naked Homer Simpsons tweening all over the place
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to me characters look wobbly and deliberately goofy (for what purpose?) animations look ... ehhh
the first game, even with shit barebones art, looked more tight/stylish
Homer Simpson.
the grossness in the art style is great but those animations are fucking terrible
Any images?
It takes two seconds to search it up yourself. It takes roughly 20 for someone to save and upload an image.
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>shit barebones art
is this actually the audience of the first game? is this why no one likes the new one?
looking at the achievements on steam, it looks like there is a way to have it look like the previous game
yea it's good that it's gross but it's terrible that they're not like Dapper Lads.
like it should just be disgusting deaths and just completely disgusting environments and they're just Really Dapper Lads.
that's what they should've done.
Lmao found it. I didn't realize you could type in 'Nidhogg 2 Homer' and find it.
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I don't think it is but something about it is just so off putting, they clearly put effort but it just look unpleasant
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it was serviceable programmer's art, everybody knew, but at least it was not obnoxious
But that's awful, there's nothing appealing about it. You look at those games you are glad we left that shit behind, similar to PS1 Era CGI.
I'm going to just assume the minimalist Atari art style saved us from having to deal with their bad art direction.
>hiding the like/dislike bar and comments
Never a good sign.

A generation leap in graphics.
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>comments are disabled for this video

Well now I can skip this hot turd for sure now. Zero reason to play it over the first.
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>hey let's take our fast paced one-hit kill game and make it unreadable
I unironically like this, far better than the new one
Like, the art wasn't good, but it was pretty clear what was going on at all times. Now it just looks like a jumbled mess.
>Hidden likes/dislikes and comments
Is there a surer sign to confirm that your game is shit?
You finally have a budget and you waste it on puppet rigs?
miyazaki is just being a cunt in that video.
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He is a screenshot for the game ( sorry for poor quality)
Not sure about sound design, but visually it looks good.
It looks better than back in the first preview (more readable).

The art isn't bad at all honestly. Its well made, its pretty unique and weird. If it was any other game I would consider it gorgeous.

But yeah, not the best fit for Nidhogg.

The devs have chosen, honestly, there already was an uproar over this and they didn't change course. Pointless to make more noise now, just don't buy it if it upsets you.

I guess Ill just get in on some bundle, if gameplay is still good
your eyes are made of shit
i kinda agree what miyazaki was saying though even if he was being a huge cunt
but man the look on that guy's face
imagine being inspired by someone and building your life up to the point where you can meet him irl and having him shit all over you
then imagine being recorded and having that video uploaded on the internet
It looks like the exact same game with a new presentation? What's in it for me, the singleplayer gamer in 2017?
Sorry, but visually this looks atrocious. The gameplay may be a vast improvement/refinement of the original, but there is a point where graphics do indeed matter.
Friendly reminder that the developers wife gave him the idea of making the game super wacky over the minimalistic style of the original..
Same way you go from Project M to Icons: Combat Arena.
Is she sexy
I'd do anything if a sexy woman told me to do it
Wavedash Games has two (2) people from PMDT and that is it.
who gives a shit? why would you want the same minimalist style of the original? if they did i'd consider it a rehash and not something different.
>false dichotomy
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And they have the worst ones. Strongbad is a shitter desu.

The people that the two PMDT brought on for Icons are inexperienced and have brought nothing good to the table.
The characters look like they should be wielding squirt guns, not fencing swords.

The new logo is cool though.
what the fuck it looks like a cross between garbage pail kids and the they might be giants "The Mesopotamian" music video

no game should be like this
At least Nidhogg looks playable and somewhat fun. Icons looks both ugly and bad.
/r/ing this picture but with WoW expansions.
>game based around reading movements and reacting appropriately
>You know what would help? A million fucking things on screen and janky as fuck animation.

They were trying really hard to get the adult swim crowd with their "look it's ugly intentionally to stand out" bullshit and failed miserably.
it looks better?
jesus. the scenarios look amazing but those characters are just disgusting. also there is too much going on imo. they should have keep it simple
Sorry what are you two talking about? Sounds interesting.
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Well, a lot of effort went into the art and it is... interesting.

But it looks fucking awful.
>adult swim crowd
Holy shit you're right Anon. I'd been wondering what this game reminded me of.
It's Mr. Pickles, the game
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They went from dark, barbaric, minimalist fencing game to ugly, wacky, Adult Swim-inspired smash bros clone.
>votes and comments disabled

I think it'd be at least salvageable if the characters didn't look so distinctly unlikeable. How am I supposed to feel about them? They're neither cool nor cute, inspiring nor menacing. They literally look like retarded deformed people. And I'm supposed to believe they're master fencers? it almost makes me feel hatred for the developers just for thinking these characters were passable, that's how bad they are
Yeah I'll bet he was carrying around some kind of moe anime doll or some shit. Miyazaki just spitting some hard truth.
It's Mr. Pickles, the meme.
we want the twitch audience
describe arcana heart to a 14 year old girl and tell her to draw it, you get skullgirls.
describe nidhogg to a 14 year old boy that never showers and tell him to draw it, you get this shit.
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Arcana Heart looks like trash. Skullgirls looks like Beauty and the Beast compared to it.
honestly I think the backgrounds and stuff are a huge step up but the character animations and models remain pig disgusting. What a shame.
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god dammit
I don't see a problem
likes and dislikes are hidden too
Some guy for some reason decided to show off his AI to Hayao Miyazaki, which was pretty nifty, but I agree with many comments that said "why are you showing this to him?" Miyazaki however basically says "Look, I have a friend that is so disabled he can't high five. What you're showing me is an insult to life itself". Then the AI programmers, in response to "what is your goal", said "we wish to make a machine that can draw as well as a human".

Miyazaki is being a huge cunt, and frankly when machines replace him, I'll be happy.
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I like the backgrounds a lot, I don't get why not have at least alternative characters
Babby who has never taken hallucinogens detected.
It isn't LOLSORANDUM it's A C I D S T H E T I C
>all this fags saying that this is shitty art design but appreciates Earthworm Jim
This, honestly. It mostly sounds like the original game attracted a bunch of rejects from /wg/'s minimalism threads, and now that the art has been upped, they're complaining that not everything is just a straight line and a pixel.

Get fucked. If any of you complaining about the art style has ever gone in and enjoyed a Junji Ito dump, then get the fuck outta here.
If Nidhogg 2 wants to try to emulate the gross-out style of the 90s, that's fine.

What's not fine is the disgusting motion tweening on the characters. Game makers in the 90s at least had the decency to hand draw their sprites.

the grotesque characters are very unappealing, im not sure why they went away from knights.
>same combat that we all know and love
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>people complain about the artstyle
>developers ignore them
>they release the game
>nobody wants to buy it because of how bad it looks
like pottery
Earthworm Jim actually had effort put into the art and didn't have tweening.
Atleast Earthworm Jim has proper animations instead of this garbage.
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>Player needs to be able to absorb every little bit of visual information to properly counter the opponent
>Proceed to make the characters incredibly ugly and busy, and clutter the stage with shit
except earthworm jim isn't earthworm jim 2, there's nothing to compare it too so its judged on its own merits, it has fluid animation and tight gameplay while being goofy and fun, this is just tryhard shit
Being ugly on purpose doesn't make it ok.
wow weird to think a game that just came out wouldn't have as many owners as a 3 year old game
but really if it's true that the designs are based on generations I hope it makes enough for a third game so we can see their '00s interpretation
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>it's supposed to be ugly because le 90s
But it's not even close to like 10k which would be a usual launch for a successful indie game
It's ok that it alienated the old players while not appealing to any new ones because VISION and ARTSTYLE
This is sad. This made me sad.

I had a blast with the first game playing with my cousin. He hadn't played before but since you can see so clearly what everything does on screen he picked it up fast and started beating me.

This game should have been IDENTICAL except for new maps, weapons, and maybe some extra combat moves. If they really wanted to add visuals they could have just made the levels a bit more interesting/busy.
this game's artist must feel so bad

then again he should have done a better job
Nidhogg? More like nignog
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>Likes and comments disabled.
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>'What many people didn’t realize was that Nidhogg’s style actually grew out of practicality more than some daring vision,' he said. '[For Nidhogg 2] I had been experimenting with 2D bone animation programs, which allow you to independently animate separate body parts instead of redrawing entire character sprites.'
>'This makes it infinitely easier to combine things like fencing footwork, various upper-body stances, and weapon types. It seemed silly to use all this potential on pixelated stick figures. So, instead of minimalism, why not try out some maximalism? Animated faces, sweet outfits and hairstyles, bustling environments – the doors had swung wide and Nidhogg 2’s visual style was born,'"
Basically the developers got really lazy and instead of making actual animations they just slapped shit together and called it a day, and then had to make this ugly artstyle to draw the attention away from the awful animations to the awful artstyle instead.
Looks great

Balanced aesthetics, great detail to art, variety

Nvm what artstyle is, but if it nails the above it looks good in my book
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Holy shit you fuckers are delusional
>they changed the character models
>but they're still pretty bad
not an argument
>locked comments and likes/dislikes
what a fucking pussy
I hated it a lot more when they showed it the first time, but the characters don't look nearly as bad anymore and the stage art is amazing.
>Learn bone animation
>Choose to not maintain the subtle seriousness that comes packaged with having what at it's core is silhouette art on top of being incredibly readable regardless of how much chaos is going on
>Rather than meeting halfway by having a marriage between N's bone animation and Nidhogg gameplay we instead get a visually-noisy Nidhogg going through it's gross-out teenage phase.
Is it just me, or did that trailer have the scream from Silent Hill 2 when you first see Pyramid Head?


Skip to 3:41 if it doesn't to so automatically.
3:38, actually.

It's just /v/ as usual being contrarian. One month from now sales will still be low but people will be calling it game of the year or a hidden gem.
I don't understand the choice they went with for the visual design at all. I mean besides the giant worms and cloud level shit, Nidhogg came off as pretty grounded in the actual fighting side of things. Whenever I played it I had imaginings of shit like the fencing from Die Another Day, not two Sanic OC Homers going at it.
>It's just /v/ as usual being contrarian
There was huge backlash from EVERYBODY when NH2 was announced because of its aesthetic.
We can all agree that the first look of nidhogg 2 looked awful, but can we all agree that the final look of it looks less awful than what they originally showed?
less awful but still awful
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I wanna hear the Daedelus tracks. There were nice in the first game.
>we made the game unappealing on purpose
Mission accomplished, as this game would probably be traded at school for a copy of SMRPG in a heartbeat.
I just got off of nidhogg 2 with my friend. It's better than the original in every way imo. I don't see why some many faggots have a stick up their ass about the graphics. it's really not hard to adjust to.
>I don't see why some many faggots have a stick up their ass about the graphics.
Because it's ugly.
> I- I'm cool guys! I do drugs!
Line the fuck up, anon.
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I really liked Nidhogg and might want to give Nidhogg 2 a shot, but those graphics are just horrendous. Like, if I want to play more Nidhogg I might just play the original. Usually I am not a graphics fag, but god damn.
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Does anyone have that fan concept art that is basically a slightly HD version of the one tone characters from the first?
who would be stupid enough to do that?
It looked pretty good.
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He should have just gone for cute anime girls instead.

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Video here, its pretty bad.
Machines will never be able to replace true human art.
I'll never unsee the yellow guy as a naked Homer Simpson.
He's being a cunt, not because he's right in being a cunt, but because he's completely the wrong person to even be showing this to. What's worse is that the AI was presented (at least in that part of the video) of being so far into infancy that it looks like an outright joke. I find it interesting as all hell, though.
Damn. You could feel the utter despair in the room.
Yeah, I don't know the context but he has to be the last person they should be showing off the tech to. Specially when they say their intention of making a machine make paintings as well as a human.
>character design
There is nothing wrong with how it looks like now.The pixelart is top-notch, especially the enviroment designs.The only thing that is bugging me is the character designs
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God fucking damn. It probably was a terrible decision to show him this if you have any idea of what kind of stuff is moving to Miyazaki. Still, they probably thought he would see what's so interesting about it even if he was not their main target, but showing the guy a disgustingly modelled zombie crawling around in an eerie way just for the mere purpose of grossing out people was just too far away from what he respects.
>nidhogg with cute anime girls
I'll fund it myself if I have to.
This, plus the fact that they had no way of knowing he had that disabled friend and would associate with it. The moment he mentions the friend, you know all is lost.
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Make it happen.
I like the artstyle, I know it's unpopular, but the spritework is actually detailed and stylish and way less edgy and hipstery than the first game. The first game is the "I'm too lazy to hire a proper artist" artstyle, the second clearly has a thoughtful designer and a skilled artist involved.
it's just a left handed pistol grip, isn't it?
>that whole post
you're pulling so much out of your ass, you're gonna blow your ass out

>dark, barbaric
in what way was the original dark or barbaric?

>Adult Swim-inspired smash bros clone
what are you talking about? it's the exact same gameplay only they added a few more weapons

jesus christ dude, if you don't like the art just say that.
don't try to exaggerate it so much and make shit up.
Nidhogg 1 literally has four times more frames of drawn animation than 2, how much lazier can you get?
>The first game is the "I'm too lazy to hire a proper artist" artstyle
Ironic when the second game is using automated animations instead of them being drawn properly.
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Money, please.
Because it barely had an artstyle, so it was easier to animate character sprites that consisted of one colour and no detail
I'm not even watching the trailer cause I know it'll just piss me off.

They're catering to their audience, as much as it sucks to say it's the truth.
welcome to /v/eddit hivemind
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Low-res moe is truly the best.
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>already infinitely better than Nidhogg 2
You should make a kickstarter anon
So what you're saying is that it was made by a good artist, but you didn't like the minimalism? All people are saying is that it took those aspects and flipped them in reverse, which really grates the original audience in a negative way.

I liked the alpha's "Bert and Ernie Deathmatch" style better.
Minimalism is good when done right.In Nidhogg's case, it wasnt anything spectacular like people here make it out to be.
It used to look much cooler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs8W4hIvTlY
Would you say it unnerves you? You know what is really unnerving? My peenus weanus of course! My peenus weanus!
>they somehow managed to make it look even worse after people complained they hated this
Has a developer ever been more out of touch?
>ITT: People who think flash game teir graphics are better than an original design with personality.
I honestly think the game looks like a significant improvement over the last, visually. I like the style of the environments. the only thing that looks bad is the characters themselves.
>grates the original audience in a negative way
Not me, I loved the original and I'm looking forward to playing this too.

Seriously /v/, every time a new game comes out you all can't wait to pick out some flaw and then bitch endlessly about it.
Enjoy a game for once instead of being little whiny fags.
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They miss the 90's gross aesthetic because
1. None of this is cool. It's just repellant. Earthworm Jim was a cool spaceman guy, not a bag of herpes.
2. No moderation. Every square inch of Earthworm Jim was not oozing pus. The background art was often very appealing.
They're actually quickly already on their way to doing just that. They already have machines producing "true" human art that people cannot distinguish from machine or human made.
What the fuck ? I never played Nidhogg 1, but at least, I respected this game.
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At least I'll have two guaranteed backers.
Line up where?
Intention. That's what will always separate an intricate AI from art.
The day humanity creates an AI with an intention, that's the day humanity created a technological life form.
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We can at least have machines color our art for us.
- New and balanced maps (fuck old castle).
- Dagger and sword are fun/fits in the game.
- Divekick nerf.
- Divekick nerf.
- Divekick nerf.
- New slide mechanic is great.
- "Fencing" is more fun.

- Some maps are too long.
- Ugly fucking graphics/art direction. It's a bit charming but quickly becomes annoying/in the way.
- Bow has no place in the game, at all, even if they try to fix it. Keep the game melee only. Put in a spear that has the furthest reach in the game but is very slow etc.
- Animations is a bunch of mess and just plain stupid.
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Stupid machine, painting inside the space between the arms. GO BACK TO STRIPPING
>dive kick nerf

>fuck old castle
Old castle is always the most fun for just giving your friends the game and see them constantly fall into the pits.
I honestly don't even really know what it is he does respect, but as a horror fan, I felt extremely disconnected with him just because of grotesqueness. If he's really as prolific as everyone makes him out to be, he should be more understanding of other established genres even if he finds distaste in them.
Map was broken, that room that has pits and one wall with a door.. Defender can just camp safely behind that door and kill the other player as soon as they land on the platform.
why do people want machine art? it's like having a conversation with cleverbot. novel but fundamentally missing the point of the exercise, which is communication.
>Intention. That's what will always separate an intricate AI from art.
1. They're working on it.
2. If you look at a work and cannot tell it was made without human intention, is there really any difference between that and human intention?
I'm fine with the art looking ugly as fuck/goofy but my main fucking problem is that you don't even see what the fuck is going on anymore, this is awful

What the fuck were they thinking?
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Sometimes we all just need a little bit of a hint.
Isn't that just the kind of art where it's just a replica of a place? Because that's really not all that impressive until the machines can come up with their own unique styles to make new types of art.
It's just a matter of taste, anon. He actually said that if creating creepy stuff for the sake of it is what they enjoy, then go ahead. He just says he finds it distasteful and that he would never incorporate such a thing.

Granted, Ghibli has its fair share of disturbing things in their movies, but it's never gratuitous. What they showed has no context and he personally sees no point in making such unpleasant things that only bring negative feelings.
>honestly don't even really know what it is he does
He's one of, possibly the greatest director of animated films and a genuine creative genius. Virtually all talent at his level is aggressively opinionated.
the gloryhole
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That will always be an eternal question. Mostly because art never had a well-defined interpretation. Depending on the movement and on the individual, it always shifts. I once had a teacher that said, if it makes you feel something, it's art, whether it's happy, sad, angry, etc. Always fought with this because it's too open and it leaves too much room for people to be obscene and go for the shock value because it will cause a reaction.
Still, I can appreciate something made by a machine, but I don't know if I would call it art.
But if you can't distinguish the intent from the piece without forcibly drawing your own conclusions, then does it stop being art regardless if it was made by human hands or not? Or conversely, if you have something which the intent can be inferred from with little help, then does it matter if human hands made it or not?

Like the statue venus de milo, whose original artist we're not even 100% sure about. Is that art? Do we know the artists intention? Or was it a run of the mil off the factory line order to a sculptor who didn't really care about it? What about all of the famous works of art where the author's intention isn't really known, like the Mona Lisa? How do we know he wasn't just painting that at the request of a paying woman, and we in the modern times didn't just simply conflagration the meaning?

I'm sorry, I just can't agree with the idea that intention to make art makes art.
>he should be more understanding of other established genres even if he finds distaste in them.
he is old, old people are rarely capable of doing that, no matter how talented they come to have fixed view point about these things
It's less about the fact he finds it tasteful, and more or less the lack of tact he used to express this because essentially he got triggered thinking that the AI was offensive to disabled people.

>He's one of, possibly the greatest director of animated films and a genuine creative genius.
>possibly the greatest director of animated films and a genuine creative genius.
>a genuine creative genius.
>Made Ponyo
>creative genius.
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What I meant with intention had more to do with the artist/artisan wanting to do it. It's not so much whether it was a computer or human making it. Otherwise we'd argue too which extend using a computer decreased the art value, since it's a digitized and not analogue.
Yet, the humans of your examples chose to make those things. A computer can only do what we tell it to do, with the end result being a translation through the computer. As an example, these>>387273742
The human drew the image and tells it what colors to use.
Another example is books. Do translated works change the original art? Are they a product of the translator?
And the day an AI, without being instructed or motivated to do so, creates an original work, not imitating anything, trying to express whatever "thoughts" it has, then we're dealing with a life form.
I never implied that. People like you are just as annoying as the people you accused me of being one of.
The artstyle reminds me of clayfighter, I kinda like it.
seems like exactly what a sequel should be...?
>Yet, the humans of your examples chose to make those things
What if the more extreme of my example were to occur, and the artists were only making the art due to payment or other outside influences? Not to get into a discussion of "what is free will", but suppose they didn't necessarily want the art, but rather simply wanted the money and considered the project little more than wasted time and practice? Is that truly different from us telling a computer to make art on our behalf?

>Another example is books. Do translated works change the original art? Are they a product of the translator?
Though maybe slightly counterintuitive to the point I'm making, rather than intention, I've personally believed that art has always been about the expression of the artists emotion or statement, and clearly translating that expression would consistent art of a different nature, but it would surely be art nonetheless. The intent of the author is relevant to determine if it was good art or not in whether or not the piece carried the emotion to fruition properly in the viewer. Therefore, if a computer ran a module to make "happy" art and the art produced made me feel happy, I would find that sufficient for art.

>And the day an AI, without being instructed or motivated to do so, creates an original work, not imitating anything, trying to express whatever "thoughts" it has, then we're dealing with a life form.
Like I said, we are quickly reaching that moment. AI has already advanced to the level where we can simply leave them with almost no instruction, and within weeks, they'll accomplish various goals on their own. Such as that one AI that taught itself how to walk within two weeks. That time is upon us now, my friend.
>taking such a massive dump on Yoshi's Islands world select by tarnishing it in a game such as this
I want to kill someone.
I don't have an image that can convey my level of disgust.
lowest common denominator
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>if it was good art or not in whether or not the piece carried the emotion to fruition properly in the viewer.
That point is moot in translated works since a bad translation can butcher good writing, and vice-versa.

>wanted the money and considered the project little more than wasted time and practice?
They were still expressing themselves, even if just for a quick buck. A lot of painting were just commissions. Guernica is a good example since Picasso was hired to do it, didn't know what to do, then the bombings happened. He was still expressing the horrors of war through his own vision, while also doing it cause he was being paid.

>That time is upon us now, my friend.
I'm both excited and terrified.
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the ragdoll head bobbing while changing direction running and their faces look like one of those Mad Balls from the 90's
>pixel undulation
can we stop this meme already it looks awful
one of the resons why i hate knuckle sandwhich
it would be okay int he first game because everything is basically just a shilouette and theres no details to make it look disorienting because its already clean
>That point is moot in translated works since a bad translation can butcher good writing, and vice-versa.
That's why I specified it is different art of the same nature.

>They were still expressing themselves
That's HIGHLY debatable. There are many artists out there who got famous from works where they weren't really expressing themselves and became furious with the work over it. See: A Clockwork Orange and Winnie the Pooh.

Disappointing and disgusting. They spent 100x the effort to get worse results than what they started with.
No one in this thread played

This thread I want to birch smack all of you
Debatable, yes. But Clockwork Orange didn't come about with Burgess rolling his face on the keyboard. He chose to write those words. Even if he did prefer the historical novels, he chose to write an ultra-violent book. Whether he likes it or not, he created it.
Didn't know about Winnie the Pooh. Will look it up.
>we want the rick and morty audience
the game was in atleast one humble bundle maybe 2 if i remember
nobody cares that you don't like earthworm jim, if you want to suddenly bring it up out of context just to moan then fuck off and make a thread about it you gigantic blubbering faggot
Good he has been using the same minimalist style for almost 10 fucking years now or something. I really liked what he did with the old Atari style but the new direction is growing on me. It's not like Nidhogg needed a sequel, may as well do something interesting with it.
honestly looks just as fun as the first one.
it's not pretty but I'm proud of them for taking it a step further from the overly simplified style.

I might actually pick it up at some point when I'm not broke as shit, hopefully it's not dead by then
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nidhogg 2 looks nothing like clay fighter and the other 2 look like pretty shitty "rented & regretted" type of deals
Then I frankly don't see a difference in what you're supposing vs someone telling a computer to choose to use the words it does, because ultimately, the computers algorithms for choosing words are not really so different from how we choose words.

Winnie the Pooh actually ruined Author A.A. Milne and everyone around him's life. He was a very serious and dry-toned Mystery Novel writer, but his mystery novels are frankly trash, so he hated that Winnie The Pooh is what got him on the map so much that he basically signed the rights away to it as fast as possible. Winnie the Pooh itself was just children stories he made up on the spot for his son, Christopher Robin. Unfortunately, the author didn't have the foresight to change the characters name in the book, and Chris Robin was bullied at school constantly once the book came out. The artist who did the art work was also pretty much made unhireable in his chosen profession. He was actually a political cartoonist who did Winnie the Pooh as a side project, but once it came out, everyone wanted more of the same from him and it became so much harder for him to be taken seriously in the political realm because Pooh became an easy target of attack against his ideas.

It's still my favorite Disney work and after having read one of A.A. Milne's mystery novels, I can safely say fuck that hack for trying to abandon Pooh like that. Robin didn't deserve it though.
Just bought it, its alot of fun, feels very tight and the new weapons are alot of fun, inb4 broadsword gets nerfed
>that Pooh backstory
That's hella interesting. Which reminds me of how many authors out there actually hate their greatest works.
I believe it was the director for Godfather who disliked his own movie because of the violent source material and just wanted to make arthouse films or something.

Hell, even the director the Metroid Prime trilogy dislikes his games, although probably for different reasons.
It's that intent. Clockwork Orange and Winnie the Pooh are cases where the original creator just disliked being rememebered for that one work, instead of what they really liked. But it was their expression. CW because it then caused a few troubles with crime rising at the time, some blaming the book/movie, but Winnie the Pooh, if anything, is the purest expression. No intent for it to be sold by the billions, just a way to express care and love for his son through fantastical stories.
>Has a developer ever been more out of touch?
Pretty much every Japanese dev when it comes to online multiplayer.
Not BDSM enough.
I didn't say that I don't like earthworm jim
I meant that it looks the same - goofy and "dumb", but pretty good
Fuck off with your shitty sperging about anything
Hell the gameplay doesn't even look the same, it looks so much fucking slower, first game looks like it's running in turbo mode.
>how many authors out there actually hate their greatest works.
Arthur Conan Doyle resented Sherlock Holmes for putting him on the map. If you read his autobiography, he basically says that he believed that without Holmes, his other works - such as his historical novels (which he liked more) - would have been more well-known, and his position in the literary world would have been higher than it was.

It's interesting, because everybody around him loved the character (for example, when he had told a family member he was going to kill Sherlock off, they begged him not to), while the creator wished for him to die so his other works might not be overlooked by something he wrote while waiting for patients.
Jesus Christ, the original Nidhogg looked better and that looked like a fucking Teletext picture.
man, I thought dude was going to start crying the way he tilted his head up after that response
I always find it funny how some of these authors honestly believe that the works that immortalize them are actually the ones bringing them down. I get it, don't get me wrong, but no one would talk about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle if it wasn't for Sherlock, no one would talk about Anthony Burgess without Clockwork Orange. They're both cases where the work surpasses the author but for them to think they could just replace that fame so easily always amuses me.
I think you're poorly defining intent to such a broad term that you're essentially discussing the philosophy of free will as opposed to actual intent. If it is intent, intent to do what? Create? Who governs that intent? The self? Then AI have already met that definition and what you're discussing is inherently without any meaning. The AI are instructed to make art through their programming, and of their own will follow that intent to make art because it releases the "reward" points that AI are commonly used to lead AI to their thinking patterns. Either you don't understand AI, or you don't understand the intent of which you speak of.

Here, we'll start you with AI. Watch this and the recommend videos in the series.

Hideous artstyle that to me screams that the devs just now discovered the "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared" series and wanted to make a game about it, then tacked it onto Nidhogg 2

new weapons that are all awful and disrupt the simple yet elegant fencing gameplay of the original. You don't even get to choose the weapons, you spawn with them in a sequence when you die or get scrolled.

Music went from abstract ambient electronic to instrumental hip-hop

and voice clips went from being something that only played when you died to being constantly infinitely spammed everywhere.

seriously what a fuckup.
To be fair, Doyle survived for about 8 years after he killed Sherlock. While he did eventually revive him (he first tested the waters with Hounds of Baskerville in the early 20th century), he had made a bunch of novels that were revered within the literary world, and that he felt were much better. People who hated him would have also brought up the fact that his most well-known works were basically literary junk-food: his stories were meant to be short and consumed whenever, and had no connection to each other. That's actually one of the reasons why Holmes was popular in that era: anyone could get into it, even if they had missed the previous story.

He only really brought him back because everybody knew him due to Holmes, and that was basically holding him back in the public's eye. When people saw Doyle's name, and saw it wasn't Holmes (and, good god! It wasn't even a mystery novel!), they would have passed on it for something else. Because why would you read historic fiction by a man who had proven himself with a series of mystery short stories? As an example, think of some trashy romance author who is well known due to said romance novels, and then he comes out with an epic of an adventure that he views as his magnum opus. Would you read it?

Chances are, you wouldn't because of that stigma associated with him (trashy romance writer), even if the books were the best thing since sliced bread. If you want a better example that has occurred, here's one: a young author starts out with an epic of a spaghetti western after being inspired by a fairly popular movie of the same genre. Over the years, he gains popularity in his horror novels and short stories, while his "magnum opus" is oft ignored because it's a spaghetti western with an opening novel that he admits is hard to get into.
Oh shit I forgot to end the statement.

Is the author's work "worse"? Do you think that he would have been less famous without those horror stories? Because I think he'd be around as famous as he is now, just for a different series and reason.
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>n2 reveal
>artstyle looks like complete irredeemable shit
>spend one (1) year cranking that awful garbage style to 11
>actually looks pretty good

how did this happen

I would have just said to Miyazaki:

"What you just said was an insult to our hardworking team who are trying to revolutionise animation and simplify the technical challenge of drawing, we've never met your retarded cripple friend, you did not need to bring up such irrelevant personal matters into this AI project, you are an old has been with shitty opinions, you should spend more time with your estranged son instead of being an old you dying cunt"
It's always hard to say, obviously, but the way I see it, it's the difference between author's perspective and the reader. Most people will never read Dark Tower, and I wouldn't doubt that a lot just wouldn't enjoy it. They like King for the horror.
That being said, when people reach that level of fame, there's an interesting situation where people blur the line of quality. They'll read a King's horror story because it's a King's horror story, not because it got good reviews, not even because you're a fan. You might've never picked up a book before but the cultural zietgarst tells you its good so before reading it, you're already going in with the idea that it will be good. Millions of people couldn't be wrong, right?
2 am is not my best hour for philosophical conversations. I'll definitely watch it. Next time the topic comes up, I'll be ready. Thanks for the chat, it was genuinely enjoyable.
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>This thread
What a pleasant surprise.
You could have just have started with "What did you just say to me? You little bitch?"
>thread goes off topic and instead becomes pure philosophy and art discussion kino
/v/ is based sometimes
While I honestly agree with you 100% about not only the message, but the tone, the sad truth is that Miyazaki is such a sacred cow that slaughtering that old buffoon like that would be career suicide. No business would ever relate themselves to you in Japan because of the sheer moral backlash the Japanese public would have on you.
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Why are we talking about philosophy, art and conflicted authors in a thread about fucking Nidhogg 2?
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/v/ can be good
On occasion
To be fair with King he had already published Carrie, Cujo, and The Shining before The Dark Tower.

and The Running Man, his true magnum opus, albeit under a pen name.
And it all started because some anon posted a Miyazaki reaction pic.
>backgrounds look amazing, especially the autumn forest
>characters look like complete dogshit

What happened?
if this is all true, then what a dissapointment

nidhogg 1 was meant to be a simple game that you put away after playing 1, 2, or 3 fun rounds (and remember, each round can go for a long time)

but this... agh. for being the simple game that its meant to be, they really overloaded it with crap that i dont like
>They like King for the horror.
Exactly. When the authors (such as Doyle, Burgess, Milne) express their hatred for their most popular works, it's because they realize the futility in denying the public's wants. When Doyle says that without Holmes, his position would have been greater, and his other works that he personally liked would have been more popular, I don't doubt it. Much like Stephen King and The Dark Tower, Doyle and his other novels were doomed to obscurity due to that overwhelming presence of the consulting detective.

He is correct in that Holmes brought him down. Holmes overshadowed his other works that Doyle liked, and possibly even destroyed his chance at being taken seriously among some of his more snobbish peers. After all, who would take an author's opinion, who got popular on a series of widely-appealing magazine stories, seriously? His work isn't "proper" novels, how does he know what's good and bad?

>Millions of people couldn't be wrong, right?
Personally, I don't trust reviews because everybody is different. To make this slightly related to /v/, millions of people like Skyrim, and it reviewed well all across the board. Does that make it a good game? I don't think so, as does the majority of this board.

It's an interesting topic, and one that's becoming more and more worrying and things become more popular, and more people are connected to each other. It's rampant in games as well: a lot of the bigger releases and homogenized to not insult, challenge, or otherwise test, the general public. Millions of people like it: they think that explosions as Nathan Drake flails onto a rope behind a broken plane is a great "cinematic experience".

Are those good games, or are they a mass-marketed appeal to the general public for the sake of money? Marketing makes this worse: you get paid reviews to say a game is good, and then people parrot those reviews because they're a "trusted source", while the company is shot into the spotlight.
I defy any of you to find an uglier game than this
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I thought they were ninjas in the first game. This is better than the naked homers but the way their limbs animated with all those twins and tilting is disgusting, it hurts my eyes
The side of the road is a little wonky but the rest of it looks fine
The little dudes fighting look a little wonky, but the rest of it looks fine.
>doomed to obscurity due to that overwhelming presence of the consulting detective.
I see it more as just becoming forgotten. There's been millions and millions and millions of authors. It's such a selected group that actually gets remembered past their time.
Dan Brown in popular, rich, famous. I doubt he'll be remembered in a hundred years.
So when these authors say that a specific work is bringing their quality down, I see it as kinda funny because more likely than not, they would've just been forgotten. Although then it's a case of creator vs work. Most people know Sherlock, less know Conan Doyle. Do they prefer to be remembered and respected in life but forgotten the day after they're gone or suffer personal injustices and achieve immortality.
I prefer the later.
Don't insult toejam and Earl with your garbage. I aught to beat you with my pager, let me go find it.
I think it looks pretty cool, only thing that bothers me is when you get eaten by the worm you explode, which means the worm doesn't actually eat you at all.

Funny to see /v/ looses its shit when they would have been screaming about pixelshit if they'd have kept the same artstyle.

Also the broadsword looks dope to use.
>Dan Brown in popular, rich, famous. I doubt he'll be remembered in a hundred years.
Who knows? Maybe Mona Lisa will be stolen and upon recovery, they'll realize that Dan Brown was a prophet :^)

>Do they prefer to be remembered and respected in life but forgotten the day after they're gone or suffer personal injustices and achieve immortality.
Perhaps it depends on the person, but most prefer the short term compared to the long term. One would want to feel satisfied in their life, rather than achieve immortality. I can't say that they'd be forgotten either: I believe that some of them would still be known today. If one of their works is good, and the other is of the same quality, would it not be as equally popular? Or is popularity gauged by more than just the quality of a work?

As an extreme example, the people who made the Atomic Bomb are immortalized in history, but they likely did not enjoy the fact that they are known for the death of many. Should we overlook their other achievements because of that singular incident?
>Or is popularity gauged by more than just the quality of a work?
Yes. Always has. Otherwise names like Kardashian would sound like a weird made up name.

Quality is never equal. I give Dan Brown the possibility of writing some magnus opus that will rival the Bible, but he's solidified in popular cultural as, the Davinci guy. Specially nowadays, where once the internet, and by extension every who shares info on it, grabs a hold of you, you'll never hear the end of it.

Just think of all those faces from memes from back in the day. They could be actual geniuses that revolutionize the world. But for me and for you, he will always be cockmonger.
nah, you're supposed to hold a foil with just thumb and forefinger, not like a typical sword
You know what the Nighogg fighters have that the ones in the sequel lack? Competency. Even without all the detail, the way the figures in the first game were postured when they used the swords, when they ran, even when they died they looked like they knew what they were doing and that they were trained in this sort of thing. The blobs in 2 move and act like they're retards that haven't touched a weapon or ran a mile prior to the fight they're in
The animations look too jerky for a game that's about precise movements and fast-paced combat.

Like imagine trying to play a game like Street Fighter but the lag was so bad that the characters skipped frames of animation each time they moved.
>disagreeing is reddit
i dont think you know why we actually hate reddit
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>tfw you accidentally show your creepy prototype zombie AI to the wrong Miyazaki
I mean, he's not necessarily wrong.
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should have looked like this
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>comments are disabled for this video

Can there be a more blatant admission of abject failure than this?
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The ugliness of the 90s was gritty and detailed. Like Earthworm Jim.

This just looks sloppy/blobby and the sloppiness doesn't work well with a one-hit kill game that's supposed to reward player finesse. It obscures the animations.
>waaaaaah why won't people let me shitpost
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The only problem I'm seeing with the game is the inclusion of the bow. Any kind of projectile (outside of throwing your own weapon) is going to be broken as shit, unless if the bow only has a few arrows. The art-style looks fine, but I understand how some might find it unappealing as opposed to the original's simple look. Might pick it up if it goes on sale.
Yea sure, id throw 20 bucks for it.
>Waaaaah they aren't saying nice things
Fuck off back to twitter if you like censorship so much, fuckface
Play eggnogg+ or whatever it's called instead.
It's free, has fun physics, has 3 gamemodes, a level editor, and doesn't have this art-style.
I used to play it on the same laptop with a friend of mine.
Here's a video
Ignore the people playing
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>comments and ratings disabled
>developer knows no one likes the sequel so he needs to hide everything being said
/v/ can be great at discussing a lot of things, except games. /v/irgins always share the best porn, for example.
Literally the ugliest game I can think of. I'm 31 and can safely say, this is the first time I'm avoiding a game I would otherwise buy purely because of the art style.
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