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Can we talk about the new GOTY?

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Thread replies: 135
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Can we talk about the new GOTY?
Sure what do you wanna talk about?
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Reminder to report and ignore all shill threads.
The update's fine, but it went from a 4/10 to 6/10. It sure as hell isn't worth $60 or even $30 yet. I'd guess that it won't be "good game" material until the fifth content update at least.
Only at the current state do I think it MIGHT be worth checking out, for $20 MAX. Then I remember that dirty lying cunt Sean Murray and no I will never give him money.
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No Man's Sky is okay now.

You used the wrong picture.
Pirate it, try to get to the main storyline, and if you're still bored even with the new campaign, delete it. The core is still hard to have fun with.

I'm suprised they didn't fire Sean. Seems like it was mostly his fault that they ended up talking it up so much. Should've used a public speaker with actual self control.
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>mfw reporting all the threads in /v/
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My PC isn't powerful enough to handle this shit.
What upgrades do I need?
check the steam page you idiot
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>MFW smug ledditors don't know announcing your reports is a bannable offence
Funny how people on /v/ still can't tell the difference between a shill, a person falseflagging as a shill, and a shitpost.
really makes you think
>new campaign

wait, I thought it was just fleshing out the original "campaign"
is there like 2 endings now or something?
It's still a boring grindfest.
It never had a campaign. You just visited Atlas stations, and if you kept enough Atlas stones or whatever they were you got a different text box than if you didn't have them.

Now it's added missions and story stuff.
Wasn't there some sort of center of the universe even in the original?
Based and white
Can I own large ships and walk around in them and fiddle with the systems? This is literally all I care about.
Yes, but there's nothing there. The center is the same as any other place, and when you got there your "reward" was being teleported to an identical galaxy with a different name. There wasn't a campaign or anything really to give context as to why a player would travel there, other than every player thinking there would be something interesting there. And there wasn't.
Apparently you can outright purchase freighters and just use them as your ship. At least, it was an option when I landed in one but I didn't have enough money
You could since November 2016, dude.
Be more subtle marketers
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But why go into the thread, anons?
>Buy this GOTY you goy- I mean good gamer
>No, fuck you marketer
Nah, fuck you
That's just their way of thinking they're above anyone else
You are everything wrong with /v/ wrapped in one nice, autistic post.
Why don't you pirate it?
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>yfw you didn't buy NMS and you watched the whole shitfest on /v/
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>this whole thread
Can i pirate it and then delete it multiple times causing hg to think they lost over 2 billion dollars because they cant into games nor math?
No viral marketer go to Hell.
NMS didn't come out this year
Wait a minute those orbs...
no thread on this game should be allowed without a link to the pirated latest version in the OP
faggot numale who lied through his teeth deserves a bullet

please. star citizen makes this trash look like pong
>guys they added multiplayer!
>literally just floating balls

what a bunch of lazy shitheads
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Weeeeeeeee GOTY!!!
Anon, I...
Literally just play Elite or SC: The Game
feels good man
Looks like the fanboy is here again...
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Can we talk about how these rampant shill threads from Reddit need to cease?
elite dangerous is honestly shittier than nms
>get game
>spawn in irradiated desert planet with no zinc or thamium for miles
>too hard for me so reload a few times
>every single time the first planet is a fucking wasteland
and then i refunded it
No it's not
>tfw I got a review code for the ps4 and got a refund for it, the best part is that I got to keep the game
I love how steam and sony offered refunds to everyone who asked for them
Hello sony.
Learn to greentext, phone posting faggot!
yeah we should
Careful with that edge, anon
Are you afraid of getting hurt?
Not this.
What changed?
ur mom.
So is the game fucking good now or not? I don't want to pull the trigger, but I kinda do. I don't give a fuck how shit MP is, I don't care about it.
Why did they get a BR to narrate the trailer, the person sounds so retarded.
kill yourself
Answer me you swines.
>Should've used a public speaker with actual self control.
They were banking on the image of 'indie dev' for the game. It was bad enough that they were pushing it out with a price similar to AAA games with way more content, I guess they didn't want to damage that image even more by giving it a full AAA marketing stunt.
It's pretty good, yeah. Don't listen to /v/ and read the patch notes and watch some videos if you want proof.
No fucking clue what they were smoking on that decision.
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>come to /v/ to not listen to /v/
What didn't you like about the game at first? If the core gameplay of mining to get resources to get upgrades to get more resources to get more upgrades turned you off, then there's no difference now. If you were turned off by not being able to build a base, see multiplayer orbs, have freighters and not enough alien races, then maybe you'll have fun now.
>implying this board has any worth anymore

You need to let go, anon.
>What didn't you like about the game at first?
I didn't really dislike anything about it. I just had the suspicion that there would be no sense of progression as I played. Like resources just built up to more resources that did literally nothing to impact the world around me.

Is space combat at least good? Can I be a pirate or protect caravans, something interesting? Or is this literally a somehow more bare bones Elite Dangerous?
There's certainly missions, and yes you can be a space-asshole but be prepared to have sentinels chase your ass.
I haven't gotten around to Elite Dangerous because of the stupid always online thing. Did they fuck it up?
>literally a somehow more bare bones Elite Dangerous?
That's exactly what it is. They've added a main storyline and faction missions now but it's all still barebones and only serves to get you to the centre as usual. Nothing's different, there's just more things added on if you want a distraction.
>restart required for changing ANY graphical setting
What the fuck is this? The 90s?
>Did they fuck it up?
No, there just isn't much to do if you don't like exploring the majority of the time. When you are playing it's in short bursts, but typically you're going to be on auto-pilot with your screen lowered browsing the net or something until you arrive at your destination or get pulled out of super drive. Good for passing the time, but doesn't offer much excitement.
I'd say it's more akin to X-lite with the recent patches. You can even have your own freighter which serves as a mobile base.
>game released a year ago
>somehow game of the year this year

I don't care if it's acceptable quality now, it's too little, too late
They didn't fire Sean because he is one of the founders of Hello Games
try making a netcode for a 18 quintillion planets, its still in early stages, they're probably going to expand the multiplayer in the future, adding character models, more interaction who knows.
Why do faggots want this to be an MMO so bad? There's plenty of other space sims that do that and do it much better because they were designed around it. NMS was designed around single player. Even footman himself said that, albiet after lying about multi.
star citizen is not even a game yet.
I think it'll be worth buying when it's on sale for <10 shekels. Nah fuck that I'm pirating it but free is even too much.
>Hey crashed freighters are in!
Cool I get to explore the inside of a destroy ship for loot. This is going to be fucking dope.
>It's just a scatter of crates among some debris, some you have to dig out of the ground

How do you fuck that up? Was legit excited about that getting added until I realized that.
>even thinking about giving money to scammers

Don't encourage this bullshit, anon
Online isn't going to save a shitty sense of discovery.
fuck I played the foundation update with the freaighters and base building, i did farming for about 3 hours and got a max ship, gun and suit and a freighter with 15mil left.
Playing it now, the farming has been nerfed, there are these massive full space star destroyer freighters but they cost 150-200mil
I should have stuck with the game and farmed infinite money. As it is not there is a lot of work to get rich and they have added new classes of ships making my ship obsolete.
I need 500mil+ to max everything out.
How does this game run like ass at 4k while looking like this? I've played much better looking games at better performance at 4k.

How so? They did the complete opposite of taking the money and running. Now Star Citizen on the other hand...
75% of the game did
>mining to get resources to get upgrades to get more resources to get more upgrades
game changes once you are fully upgraded. It's pure exploration and trading. Base building if you like too.
This new story mode is a change of flow, though i have gone to only 3 different systems following the story, 1 being through a stargate, where in the sandbox I would travel back and forth many systems
>It's pure exploration and trading
And what's the end goal of this? That's like saying GTA games become pure exploration when you finish all the main missions and side content. You're essentially just roaming around a free roam environment. Discovering new planets don't lead anywhere, it's merely for the sake of it. That's fine on its own but you should make it clear that there isn't an end goal.
You literally described every space sim. There's still a storyline and ending, but exploration and trading make up most of the meat.
The game is only 4000mb so the asset quality isn't much but there's tons of simulation going on so it bogs the performance gone.
Do you have 1.31?
>ike saying GTA games become pure exploration when you finish all the main missions and side content
well It does. I used to just play GTA, drive around go on crime sprees, make my own fun.
If you need a quest marker and objective to have fun in a game you shouldn't really be playing vidya.

I like NMS, I liked it since day 1, even though it was basically early access and had many faults.
It doesn't hold your hand at all, you are free to do whatever you want from the get go with a universe sized.
Essentially though the game is an exploration game.
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So the starting ship is the Argon Discoverer. That's cool I guess.
>screen tearing despite in game vsync, control panel vsync and gsync turned on
>combination of any of those still has bad screen tearing
What the fuck is going on with this game?
It became better, but still not gold
Just play better games
Copper's still good, you can wire stuff up with it.
Just fucking cap your fps dude.
Like I said, the problem isn't the game turning into a purely free roaming exploration game, it's that that fact isn't made clear to people asking about the game. When you've reached the end of your upgrades, you lose the point of gathering resources and money. While GTA has a lot of NPCs to interact with and handcrafted locales to explore, NMS doesn't. You'll be doing the same things you've been doing all game only without the resource gathering portion of it. And like I said, that's fine, just communicate it better when you say it. There's no need to deflect, I already said that it's fine to not have an end goal. And unfortunately, you're not free to do anything you want. You're free to explore whatever you want. You're unable to build space stations and toy around with the in-game economy, you're unable to be embroiled in a faction and play around with it, you're unable to build a Death Star and become a space menace that everyone goes after, etc. You're free to explore whichever planet in whichever direction you want, get there and either gather resources or explore it to find more resources, alien sites in order to learn new words or shelters/freighters in order to find more resources, money or new blueprints (which you won't find when you've reached the max upgrades). If you find that fun, then the game is for you. If not, look elsewhere. The game isn't a case of 'do anything' despite what enthusiastic fans are saying. It's an 'explore anything' game.
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How did you get Argon Discoverer from that design?
It happens regardless. Doesn't matter whether I cap it at 60, 30, 90 or whatever. The screen tearing happens all the time both in borderless and fullscreen.
Fucking how does this game possibly have fanbois white knighting it? Do people just feel more special for declaring their love for things that are especially shitty?
Even the fucking menus have tearing, fuck. Glad I didn't buy this.
A year ago I called the game would get updated on a seasonal basis, I am glad I was right, and the dumbfucks who refunded wrong.
Oh come on, doesn't it look like one of the Argon strike craft?
I wonder if something is left from when I played it. Got the biggest hauler in game
And yet the game is still a steaming pile of shit
Truth. These dumbfucks couldn't even wait a whole year for some new features to be implemented and maybe repurchase the game for much cheaper lmao. I'm glad I spent $60 on launch and had to wait a year for it to be kinda fun.
>which you won't find when you've reached the max upgrades
well apart from them adding loads of new stuff in t
he game, I am maxed everything apart from freighter and I still haven't got the atlas pass v3.

I bought the game as a omfy space exploration game and that is what I got.
You don't actually need to mine for resources after maxing your upgrades as there is nothing to do with them, but if you want to trde, base build, have resources to give for words, then farming is necessary.
You could actually just stay in space, shooting asteroids gives you all the mats you need.
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hmm think i might be getting some readings here
Asteriods only give iron and thanium9, idiot.
everything you need to repair your ships guns and shields in space.
Plus there are other asteroids i space not just those 2 mats
Let amend my previous statement then. You're free to explore any planet you want or forgo that entire mechanic and just stay in space, exploring any portion of space that you want. The key thing to note is that it's all about exploration. Base building can be done but, again, there's no other mechanic built into it. You don't need to fend off attackers or are able to unlock a new portion of gameplay that would otherwise be unavailable. You build a base using the small variety of fabs you have, then you can use it to farm plants which in turn gives you resources. The whole game is merely space engine lite with gameplay mechanics. If that's the game you're looking for, you'll have a fun time with NMS. If you're looking for a 4X game with planet landing, you won't find it here. This is a casual exploration game and I don't mean that offensively. It doesn't have the depth of the X games in any of the mechanics and if you go into it looking for that, you'll be disappointed. If you just want to walk around exploring procedurally generated planets, you'll be satisfied.

Yes, you.

The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Sean Murray lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.

You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.

I don't feel awkward or anxious playing No Man's Sky around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives.

This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We No Man's Sky fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.

Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.

I pity you.

I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that No Man's Sky is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid.

I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.

I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first planet, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.

Not at all, it's way too blocky.
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I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in a game's naming. I had thought it was going to be a cool dogfighting game, but it turns out it was just a boring exploration one.
>This is a casual exploration game
esactly why i bought it and like it.
Space sims like (the never gonna come out) star citizen are too much bs for me. I'm not even into sci fi and I prefer to play a multitude of vidya than spend an eternity on 1.

My only real gripe with NMS s that the stars/sun's are skyboxes and each system is a procedural cell. I was under the impression before release that it was an entire procedurally generated universe.
>Why do faggots want this to be an MMO so bad?
I bought the fucking game because I thought it is a MMO
>1 year later
>the game is still not what they promised for launch
How long do you think it will take?
Exactly my point. People like you will be satisfied with the game, people who want a game with more depth and variety will not. Aside from which, you needn't spend an eternity playing an X game anon. I play a multitude of games too and still appreciate X3 for its depth.
You got plenty of time, it will take a billion years to explore every planet.
HL3, patch 1.7
Post some cool screenshots
I'm on the fence ans I want to know if planets can look as good as the e3 presentations
I still think this is an image recognition bot
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They can.
Too bad animals only walk/fly/swim in circles and do nothing else since they basically have no AI.
>4gb update
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