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Jeff, the fuck are you doing man?

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Jeff, the fuck are you doing man?
deathmatch is actually pretty fun
when does it come out officially?
Deathmatch is arguably the best kind of gamemode.
I used to play Hightower on TF2 a lot specifically because people played it like a deathmatch while all the real TF2 deathmatch maps sucked
>real TF2 deathmatch maps
What are those? You don't mean arena do you?
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You've never played on a deathmatch map? The most notable one was the little warehouse map with the boxes back in the day. It wasn't arena, it had normal spawning and stuff.
Someone made a tdm_hightower eventually but the server never got players despite it being how people play hightower anyways
I knew the moment they released 1v1 and 3v3 that they would cave in to shitters begging for more deathmatch modes

I didn't watch the video, is it going to be free for all? That could be fun, but if it's team death match I don't think it will be much different from King of the Hill.
>more options is bad
Kill yourself, payload and capture points gets boring when half the team is playing for kills instead of the objective anyways.
yes release a gamemode where the only thing you can do is kill each other so you can finally find out how bad the shooting mechanics are in this game
It's only good if it removes those retards from the objective modes

This game was never balanced for deathmatch gameplay and they are stupid for doing it
>This game was never balanced
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>people play the game as if it were team deathmatch already
>blizzard finally adds in an actual deathmatch mode
>people complain about it
Game is too fucking slow for deathmatch.
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All I want to know is if groups can join deathmatch
If I can't play with friends it aint gonna hold me.
Honestly its prolly best that they added it. Hopefully now you'll have all the shitters who want to "practice" play that instead so people who want to play in teams can actually work together rather than supporting the dumbass trying to learn how to widow/genji/etc.
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what if they balance the game around deathmatch too
It is when no-one plays the game and you're stretching 20 people across 10 game modes
Devs should be balancing for different modes independently from each other. League was being a bitch about it until they eventually did it but most devs are too lazy to put in actual effort when they make enough money as is.
>Deathmatch gets so popular they add a competitive mode for it like Lucioball
>GM Deathmatch Console Genji
I don't play this crap anymore but it would be better than the normal mode.

Because with shit like infinite ammo, it's really hard to retake a point.
Do you retards not realize the point is to keep TDM faggots from ruining the actual game?
I will actually play OW again.
Only took a year, there are a few characters who will be completely unviable in deathmatch though.
Oh, like community maps? I thought you meant official maps.
Yeah, back before Valve fucking killed community maps and servers.
This is kinda nice, a mode where tanks are utterly unimportant.
Papa Jeff is making his claim for best Game dev and overthrow the tyrant that is Darth Todd.
Implying they already dont do that for players with no skill at all

>junkrat now gets a crazy fast ult that was already powerful
>widow's panic button gets less cooldown, making her a lot easier
>orisa got buffed 5 months after she got released

>introducing deathmatch, a mode where there is no objective because kids in this game are too fucking stupid to understand the concept of it

Fucking wew lad I am disappointed
Hog is actually really strong in Deathmatch with his new buff. They're also adding Team Deathmatch where Mercy rez takes points away from the enemy score.

I played McRee for a few games today and felt like he was actually a good DPS for me. Red pill me on him is he viable in competitive, worth sinking time into l?
>new buff
He can walk while healing and its a 50% damage reduction while in use.
deathmatch mode is one of the funnest modes because all the other objective ones are shit and devolve into bottleneck battles. I'm a huge fan of CTF but no way will that ever work in OW, we already saw that shitfest happen.
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>junkrat buffs

Finally, I can have fun again.
He can be a better meat shield for 2 seconds
>capture the flag

It blows my mind that piece of shit stole no limit's spot and held it for 5 months. I bought the game for no limits and now its gone
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So all they did was make him better at charging ults because he still doesn't do anything, his damage sucks and the hook is useless, and he has no usefulness to his own team.
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>dive is a problem because we nerfed hog
>lets buff everyone else, except hog, to fix it

Im done with this game and I'm forcing myself to stop discussing it. Fuck blizzard and their retarded devs
Except be a meatshield smwith a zoning Ult and can reposition an enemy unit for team to focus fire.

Yes, they made him less solo roaming brain dude. Now he needs to be a team player. Ain't that something when now I don't have to watch Roadhogs one shoting tanks or being able to handle supposed counters to him like reaper.
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>dive is a problem because we nerfed hog

But they did buff Hog considerably...
>he doesn't understand roadhog was the only character able to disable dva's matrix and reliably kill winston

Pretty soon this game is going to be only mercy mains with no one to carry them
>zoning ult meme
Stop acting like the hook is a good tool for anything nevermind "zoning" fag, Roadhog does nothing for the team as he is. if he hooks someone that person can either use a mobility ability to go back to where he was, or kill Roadhog because most characters can kill Roadhog just fine now.
Roadhog hard countered Winston and a lot of other popular dive characters, especially when getting too far ahead was usually why Roadhog hooked you
>he can withstand ults now!
>still does ass damage and cannot kill a fucking tracer, or ana

Oh yeah anon what a great buff haha
I stopped playing because playing healer is fucking boring, DPS is always trying to fight through layers of barriers and high healing rates, and you can only play Winston so much before you get sick of it.

I completely love all the mechanics each different hero has. I fucking hate the current balance of the game that makes it so none of it is satisfying to use.

Hopefully deathmatch will fix some of that
>devs already had roadhog balance
>buffed his spread -30% in february
>buff winston in april or so to compensate for lack of tanking ability
>take away buff for hog AND damage making him garbage for a whole month meanwhile dive is rampant, and still is rampant
>developers with no brains: we need a junkrat buff stat to counter dive
Blizzard apologists make me fucking sick
Just fucking make Lucioball a permanent mode to the lineup.
Or you know, hiding behind corners and pulling that shit where they 360 your ass or hide at juuuuust the right angle above you so you can't see them but they see you nice and nice.

">Ffffff fucking blizzard. I wanna be brainless and just fuck around with a fat fuck who's gimmick is one shoting 90% of the fucking roster and no one can deal with me unless all 6 of them are trying to kill me. Ahuhuhuhu. Better not nerf me or Ill quit and get angry on /Insert forum site here/. oink oink.

Fuck roadhog. This entire about a broken hero is just as cancerous as it was when people were fine with Dva being unkillable.
>I'm shit at the game so I'm glad this character serves no purpose, is objectively inferior to all alternatives, and is never used now
Kill yourself. Even Jeff said the Roadhog nerf was too much, the only thing is they're fucking clueless on how to fix it. Being able to be a better ult battery doesn't fix it.
Nice greentext, faggot
Aren't you supposed to be dickriding Jeff on the forums at this hour?
>DM and TDM
I really hope they fucking put health packs in the maps instead of relying on a healer
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>so many threads complaining about this
>it's not going to be comp, or even quick match
>just another arcade game type

Why do you people get so upset over such trivial things?
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>Putting a greentext in quotes despite greentext being a quote system

you have to include Mercy one tricks, somehow, anon!! :^)
OP here.
I played a few matches on the PTR and this shit is fucking disgusting. it's just a DPS-only war to see who can scavenge the most firefights in ten minutes, and the only people winning are 76 and Reaper mains who talk trash and teabag in kills. good game jeff
>that was already powerful
If you couldn't aim, sure.
Otherwise it was fucking trash.
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I'm sorry that I can play more than 1 hero and don't go into spasm about it like the rest of the sheep

. He was broken from the start and their failure to balance him properly stems from being a fucking terrible concept to begin with. when his 1 thing he did good was instant kill and you remove that SURPRISE he's unusable

Get. The fuck. Over it. Go play something else if your gonna be itch babies about it.
DM is good, in other games, but not in overwatch.
DM will just be genji, tracers and soldiers running around. Most of the cast will ont be viable at all
>whined about a hero on the forums for months
>tries to call others bitch babies
I mean I can just play Doomfist and one shot people even easier because Blizzard's balancing is fucking hypocritical and people like you are the kind of morons they cater to.
>just play something else!!!!
And if they systematically make half the cast unusable like they've been doing that's going to be hard to say.
They are underage brainlets
>Without weapon collection and switching

What's the point?
It's almost like the game was never meant to be played in deathmatch.
>Roadhog oneshotting people was bad
>so they release Doomfist, a class whose rocket punch one shots a good chunk of the cast without the enemy needing to go towards Doomfist like people needed to do with Roadhog
>another chunk of the cast can be taken out with a single instant ability right after as the uppercut does just enough base damage
Doomfist is proof Blizzard has no idea what they're doing.
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>Get. The fuck. Over it. Go play something else if your gonna be itch babies about it.
Go circle jerk on the forums about 5 dps, you're welcomed there like every OTP Mercy in bronze who posts just like you. 4chan is obviously not for you if you can't even hold an argument, greentext, or spell.

Gg no re
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>it's an arcade gamemode

For fun?
Well fuck you too.

I don't usually complain on forums anyway. I've put up with Dva having absurd surviablity and even when I thought road hog was bullshit, i put up with it. but it's ridiculous how braindead the same kinda complains get brought up here EVERYTIME there's and overwatch thread.

>hurr, mercy needs to be removed from the game
>Junkrat And Winston TOO OP HURRRRRRR

Does /v/ honestly believe that if Blizzard just listen to their super official an credible and not butthurt/cancerous opinions on balance, shit would fix itself?

I swear to Christ, it's like if they were driving and had to choose between left and right, people would go REEEEEE if they go left, REEEEEE if they go right and it'll just never fucking end.
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>DPS-only war
>the game type about killing other players is a "DPS" war

no fucking shit
what the fuck were you expecting? are you stupid?
It just shows that Deathmatch doesn't work when you have set defined classes in a game.
>please donate to my tumblr
Hi Avian. *waves*
>African man has to jump into the enemy team to get a kill
>only has 250 hp until he actually hits something with his abilities
>gets shut the fuck down by sombra and pharah
>if he wants to get any range with his punch, he has to charge his lawnmower of an arm to get anywhere
Am I the only one who has to fucking problem with that trash can of a hero?
its both, and the team one is god awful since it goes back to relying on team work and team comps
you mean when they just deleted dominion and forgot about 3 v 3?
use ults and teamwork idiot, thats the most basic dynamic of overwatch, shoot each other until one team loses a guy then you rush in, or use ults to break stalemates
How am I ever going to compete with this argument? I'm btfo
>African man has to jump into the enemy team to get a kill
When dive is the current meta, everything is jumping into the enemy team. This doesn't matter.
>only has 250 hp until he actually hits something with his abilities
With his amount of mobility, that's not that bad.
>gets shut the fuck down by sombra and pharah
Sombra is never used effectively by most people and Pharah is a low ladder only character.
>if he wants to get any range with his punch, he has to charge his lawnmower of an arm to get anywhere
His range once he does punch goes far enough to where you can do this safely
Fact of the matter is, Doomfist can oneshot all non-tank classes and can take care of some of the tanks with just an uppercut afterwards, and your arguments can work in favor of Roadhog too yet he got nerfed.
>the team one is god awful since it goes back to relying on team work and team comps
>the team one is bad because you need your team to not pick fucking garbage
So its the same as the other gamemodes except it'll give a spot of the Genji-picking shitters a place to practice.
I'm fine with that.
Would you prefer sound bites of me blowing an air horn to every stupid fucking statement made about overwatch balancing.
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they'll balance it just like WOW was balanced around arena
I get a strong sense they don't know what to do with this game so they're throwing everything including the kitchen sink at the wall to see what sticks
>>dive is a problem
just because pros like using certain strategies doesn't mean its a real issue for most of the playing population. i pick bastion to counter genjis at low diamond level and stomp winstons who thinks they know how to play him
>disregarding his counters because people don't know how to play them
Well then you deserve an African robot arm up your ass.
why are latinas so perfect

also i have a question, are BR girls considered latina?
Might get me interested in this trash game again.

The actual comp modes are all trash and unfun shit to anybody half decent at fps.
It's embarrassing really that people think Winston is some god tier champion or that somehow you can win a game with only attack hero's. but no, it's Blizzards fault people think that what the see seagul and co do is written gospel for how to play ranked or even causal/arcade modes.
>just because the pros
I stopped there
>his counters include the worst offense character and a character that's countered by most of the cast by having good aim
Wow, what good arguments that totally render Blizzard's hypocritical reasons for nerfing Roadhog a non-factory.
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>Crazy Rat is trash and has a below 1% pickrate in diamond averaged matches and above
>Gold players can't stand playing against junkrats as of since the game was released, he's the doomfist/genji of low ello competitive.
>They give two justified and needed buffs for the poor rat
>Gold players are gonna abandon the game after obliterating the forums with complaints about this change

legitimately feel sorry for them
>Gold players whine about Genji until he's neutered
>Gold players whine about Roadhog until he's neutered
Why are you surprised at this point?
i would say bad players cant properly avoid junk rat's nade spam because they have bad movement, they didnt buff his nade spam or his nades at all so i think it will be fine
>Assuming that even 1 person on your team had good aim and wants to be the designated AA Player. Cause that's fun.

And yes anon, you should learn the matchups instead of just crying your eyes out while trying to pretend otherwise and make brilliant comebacks

>And yes anon, you should learn the matchups instead of just crying your eyes out
Crying your eyes out instead of learning matchups and how characters work is exactly what you and other people did until Roadhog was nerfed into uselessness.
Keep dancing around the fact that Doomfist can oneshot as reliably as Roadhog could, which is the base of why the balancing logic is bullshit
This is the most retarded thing I've ever read
Last I checked he can still interrupt 90% of the ults with his hook
Is it still bitching season for roadhog one-tricks? The day Kaplan dumpstered Roadhog was the greatest day of my life. All those hogfags exposed for the shitters they are. Now, they can actually learn to play useful tanks like Zarya and Winston.

>inb4 salty tracer/pharah
I don't even play those heroes.
Yeah, so can D.Va, only she's an overall better character and she can stop more ults than Roadhog.
There's no reason to use Roadhog over any alternatives
>implying Roadhog was never useful while lowkey bitching about his pre-nerf state in the same post
>fuck bbbblizzard
>paid them money anyway
kys sheep, you should not have given bobby kotik and actiblizzard money
I need healing the game mode
This is unironically the best content they've added since the beginning, but it still ain't worth comin back to
DM will be almost exclusively gengu and tracer, TDM might have an opportunity for teamwork
i didn't bitch about roadhog. I simply did what I could, knowing that the One Truck Hogs can't last forever. And then they did and now they can cry me a river about the fall of their one man apocalypse. Eat shit and then either play the game, don't play it or simply keep replying to me. Tell me how we can fix roadhog plz. Aspiring Game devs like you always amuse me
what were the buffs? or link to notes?
Which is a problem Overwatch is not suffering from.
>he didn't watch korea own every other team's dive comp with their rein + zarya + junkrat combo
His rip tire moves faster and theres no timer on climbing walls. He can hold 2 mine charges now
He was never useful. There has always been better comps without him in it. It's just like Hanzo. Not useful at all and there are better picks, but it's easy to get crutch kills with both of them since they're so braindead. So shitters relied on him to boost their SR. I mean a lot of the characters are already ez af to play but these heroes are even worse.
>I simply did what I could
Sat on your ass and whined about you being too bad to deal with a character. I'm sure you must be enjoying Winstonwatch though, nigger
You have no defense for Doomfist being shipped right after nerfing Roadhog on the stance that "we don't watch oneshots in Overwatch" despite Doomfist having an easy oneshotting ability.
To kill zarya, the tank with the least HP, he has to combo all his skills and fire all his shells one after the other
>he doesn't know Korea is a nation of robots
maybe he wants to have fun with his mercy, or d.va or any other braindead hero he plays?
he wants to get that huge rez and 5 upvotes that will validate his day

Arena would have been better, though you would have to disable Mercy for that.
>complaining about Winston when mister fister exists
i like to believe jeff is the only one on the team that is desperately trying to find a solution to the throwers issue. first he tried serb browser but then the jews noticed the idlers and made him shut it down.
And mister fister still proves Blizzard's retarded and doesn't know what they're doing. What's your point? Apparently in your eyes Doomfist is okay but Roadhog isn't, despite Doomfist being able to oneshot just as easily.
>in a game where every hero can't 1v1

Sounds fun.
in my opinion, Doomfist is better then Roadhog in regards to one shotting because he has to go into the enemy team for that kill whereas Roadhog brought them to him and if you missed that one shot you're well and truly fucked with using the rest of his tools to escape leaving them on 8 second cooldowns

You mean people who throw games?
Is it TDM or straight deathmatch?
>ultra low risk, easy af, high reward roadhog hook
>high risk, more difficult, high reward doomfist charge
they are really quite different, roadhog became the premier dps because of how broken he was, doomfist is not game breaking
Doomfist's rocket punch has a shorter cooldown than the hook did and has a ton of speed and range when fully charged, and as previously explained a good Doomfist will charge in when the rest of the team is around nullifying the risk. It's the direct opposite concept of if an idiot wandered into Roadhog's range by himself.
And even if a Doomfist did want to get daring, he can easily escape after killing his target.
The fact of the matter is, Blizzard said they didn't want oneshots in the game, yet Doomfist can reliably oneshot anyone that's not a tank in your average skirmish, especially once he gets some shield going.
>roadhog became the premier dps because of how broken he was

>8% pickrate at GM

>premier DPS when Tracer had 70% pickrate

What the fuck are you even saying. Silvers, man.
Blizzard caters to the sub-gold players when balancing
Anything Gold or below is fairy-tale land
The lowest rank you achieve for putting the smallest effort in is Platinum. Everyone knows this
hogs pickrate was around 60% prior to the nerf
tracer was at like 35-40%
I'm glad you turn to a character that's newly released to defend road hog. You do realize that Doomfist is also going to get fisted up the ass and lose his one shot ability too? Or have you never noticed the trend of these types of games where the new guys are fucking walking monsters that people don't know how to deal with but after a while either A, they DO figure it out (because despite popular belief, the average Overwatch player has a brain) and they're basically dumpster fire or B, they get nerfed to shit and then it's goes the 180% about people complaint about the nerfs and blah blah blah, you can never satisfy my illogical whims and fancies but I'm still suck that Kap cock
Bastion buff when?
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Yeah, their recent balance changes make this abundantly clear. I feel like this is a game that is being slowly ruined by patching and not being allowed to grow. Yes, some things like FTH McCree and release Widow needed to be nerfed, but in general if the game was allowed to grow a little bit it wouldn't be in the fucked up state it is in now. Bastion and Roadhog are straight up deleted from the game at this point since their unique niche was redesigned, and more heroes are changing to become different versions of Soldier 76. It's sad.

As for the matchmaking, there is no real incentive to climb the ranks given that everything is and has been a mirror match for a couple months now, and you get matched with Master players anyway even if you're in Top 500. Sometimes you're put with 5 masters as a GM/T500 and you hve to play against 5 or 6 GMs and maybe 1 Master. Like, why am I in this rank if I get matched with people at least 400 SR below me. It's mind-boggling.

This is my experience from holding a GM/Heroic account every season since S2 (Season 1 I was 78) on two separate accounts.
>new guys are fucking walking monsters
Sombra was considered bad near immediately after release, you're going to going extreme lengths of delusion to defend Jeff there, blizzcuck, even as they either make characters useless or term them into literal gods.
But they'll keep listening to your crying, so no wonder you're fine
>adding death match to a game not built around it.
>absolutely retarded.
That's a separate and sad issue because I really enjoyed the idea behind dominion though 3v3 was always inherently flawed
Again, as if blizzard thinks the contrarian views of idiots like you who offer no better alternates have any real basis to be taken seriously. I don't need to defend shit since you legit understand that your type lives in an echo chamber and can only get madder and madder about this fact. Stay cucked, one trick fucker.
DF's one shot is nowhere near the level of absurd that Roadhog was during his prime.
I know your pain and experience this in plat.
I won 5 games with something like 100 kills 10 deaths and one of the games I went 24-0 as a mercy.

Then I played 4 other games where I got matched up with people who are completely fucking unranked lvl 25-40s and they went 4 dps or no shield tank or genji vs a winston, mei, symmetra and I just kinda sat there watching them die over and over and theres absolutely nothing I can fucking do about it.

So even though I did fantastic individually, I moved up only some 30sr after playing all fucking day.
He's picked 8% now, post nerf you thunderous retard
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>tfw entering FFA Deathmatch as Mercy
While I agree, since so many people do not want to play a team game, having Deathmatch in hopefully will be an quality of life improvement for those who do.

Its kind of sickening how any QP match is basically just people pretending to practice a DPS badly.
slay, girl :)
You do realize all the non-DPS Heroes (save a few) are literal fodders for ASSFAGGOTers, right? Genji included
finally getting these 'just trying to get better at sniping' assholes out of my Quick Play.
It's an arcade gamemode. 3v3 wasn't balanced for prenerf roadhog so I wouldn't expect it to effect balancing decisions.
Not a laughing matter
depends on whether they partook in the UMA or not
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