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What are some good RPG Maker games?

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What are some good RPG Maker games?
There are none. At best there are mediocre games like Yume Nikki, Off, Illegal Crime Game, etc. None of them get to good though. You can only get so far via art and writing in such a shitty and restrictive engine.

The best thing to come out of RPGMaker was the parody game Barkley Gaiden.
Ahriman's Prophecy was fun
Good game, but not RPG maker.
little bitch academia
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Pettanko Park
I feel like RPG Maker's potential is at its peak when it's being used as a tool for making something that doesn't take itself seriously. Because RPG Maker itself should not be taken seriously.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: 7th Stand User

Make a self insert with an OC stand and become Jotaro's friend so you can go kill Dio with him.

It's got a lot of shitty hidden flags that can send you on the fuckup ending without warning but it's pretty solid if you can deal with that
>inserting your OC into the fights ruins the dynamic of the fight and makes it feel less important for the original character fighting
>if you don't insert yourself into like everyone's fights you end up getting creamed by Dio at the endgame and the OC time travel villain to follow immediately afterwards
>accidentally saved right over my pre-mansion file after beating Vanilla Ice with Polnareff
>no chance to go back and grind enemies so Dio doesn't totally buttfuck me
>UV Cannon only does so much light damage to Dio before he breaks out The World and insta-gibs everyone
It's a decent RPG, but it drags in places hard and the difficulty can be unforgiving at times. I got Kakyoin ending too, wasn't digging how they saved his life.
>"Oh thanks for hiding your arm cannon Stand under my clothes while you were standing completely out of your effective range, totally saved my life there"
Waiting on that Part 4 sequel some dudes are making, actually interested to see how the SoL setting could work out.
>go kill Dio with him

More like job to dio while Jotaro beats Dio solo AGAIN because they have the same type of stand
LISA was the only memorable rpgmaker game I've played.
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>seperating futa and incest
>not swapping half a dozen tabs at one
The point of it is the self insert, if you pretend they aren't there then you might as well just read the manga
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Cherry Tree Comedy Club was a cute little polished game. Granted they had Capcom's backing but still pretty good
I tried out the demo and it kinda sucks, most of it is RTP assets and the character portraits are literally ripped out of the manga panels, at least with the first one it was harder to tell since everything is in black in white, but in color it's painfully obvious, especially when compared to the MC's portrait, which looks just fine, speaking of which, all the male MC designs look good, but all the female designs besides the default one are overdesigned garbage
The Dix Miggie series.
>Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Portal reference?
Underrated shitpost
Nah man I think he literally means Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
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Do people actually ejaculate over their fucking desks, keyboards and themselves?

Just wank into a wad of paper. Sick fucks.
hotline miami
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this game is kinda fun
Yeah, the demo was pretty mediocre. They did point out a lot of things were just place holders, but the lack of a single fight really hurt it for me.
I doubt it will be garbage, but it is very clearly it isn't going to as good as the original. The fact they couldn't be bothered to throw some line to let you decide which ending you got (Since nobody from Part 3 besides Jotaro and Joseph show up anyway) was disappointing too. The scene where you speak to Jotaro would be a perfect way to let you go "Oh, Kakyoin? 7th spoke a lot about him, isnt he in some other country?", just as a nod to the first game, instead of defaulting to "we are following the Manga".
I wank on my tummy every time. And I lick up that sweet yum yum sauce as a special reward for myself.
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Anonymous Agony.
Nah, I just edge super hard, then go jerk off in the bathroom directly into the toilet.
>tfw you haven't checked yo exoskeleteen in years
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>tfw matched on tinder with that tranny whose comics get posted time to time in LOL threads
>asks my height
>say 6'0
>unmatched me
>tfw 6'0 is king of the Manlet tier and dickgirls deny you for it
I will had like 2000 children with my floor .

>tfw yu found dip of cum in a obscure spot .
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I have been playing ぼくのひみつの夏休み, usually their games have some semblance of gameplay and they tap into my fetishes

unfortunately there is a bug when you bang the older sister type, you are stuck for the rest of the day

I wish DLSite had a "male protag" tag, like 99% of their games are you playing as women getting raped (and 99% of the games you play as a guy are fucking NTR) and that's no fun
Why the fuck do some rpgmaker games have mouse support and some dont?
How hard is it to implement?
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Space Funeral
I used to just cum into a blanket and when I slept I'd use the blanket as a sound barrier so I'd drape it over the side of my face and sometimes I'd get a faceful of cum.
I just tighten up and cum as hard as I can when I'm at my limit.

It's exciting just shooting it where ever. I've hit my monitor before
that's not an RPG maker game, is it?
While in bed if I'm horny I'll wrap my sheet around my dick and start thrusting. Like I'm fucking my sheets
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What the fuck
It is. It's VX Ace in every way.
You know, RPG Maker at the end of the day is just a Ruby Compiler, and if you sat down and redid most of the core scripts, you could make a ton of different types of games with it.
The thing is though Ruby isn't talked much about, and now MV is Javascript that everyone knows, so there's little interest in doing such anymore, and there wasn't a lot of interest of putting in that much effort back then ether.
well shit I'm surprised. I always enjoyed Cherry Tree High as this little doujin game, never thought it was RPG Maker-based

I just cum and pinch the end of my dick. Then I get up after and let it go in the toilet. Never have to bother with cleaning up.
I guess most people think of RPG Maker 2000/2003
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>not edging until you find something good, then going to the toilet to finish so there is no cleanup
I just finish over my dogs face. She just licks it off anyway so never have to clean

>fapping to cold porcelain
Jokes on you, I do it to floor tiles
"Good"? No.

There's been some decent ones driven by plot or porn. They're like VNs like that.
Too many people call these games some of the best of all time. Just because they think its cool and obscure. You can't play these and tell me you wouldn't rather play something else 10 minutes in. RPG maker is only good for making some joke bullshit.
Magical Camp
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speaking of, any progress updates from the dev on that new scifi game she's making? I enjoyed the demo they released a few months back
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>You can't play these and tell me you wouldn't rather play something else 10 minutes in.
yes I can.
You can't play these games and tell me you wouldn't rather play something else 10 minutes in without lying
Shut Up and Jam Gaiden was Gamemaker, it just used RPGmaker assets
bet your dick on that?
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This is applicable in this situation too.
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The witches house, it's spoopy
Go back.
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There haven't been any updates since the discussion thread in December which you probably know about since you played the demo
Actually, while this comics isn't completely wrong, people also forget one other really important aspect of videogame journalism and criticism.

They are trying to anticipate what their audience will want to hear.
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seconding this
Been jerking into the underwear of my mother. Don't have to clean up and she just does the laundry without ever suspecting anything. It's easier to just clean up the cum with a pair of cotton panties really.
This is an edit, right?
The twist at the end fucked me up real good.
She knows.
It started out as RPG maker but even they realised the engine was too shit.
You know, I kind of like the "bad aspects of life" dude
Well why hadn't I played something else in the first place
drat. oh well
My bathroom niggas.
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>without ever suspecting anything
got some bad news for you
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Fuck that game. It still fucks me up to this day.
I did that as a teenager, but now I enjoy jerking it while lying down.
>without ever suspecting anything
think again

It was a like a bad fanfiction in the levels of tragedy-wank it reached. Combine with anime, stock RPGmaker assets and "jumpscare"-based horror - it was like 2 seconds off a creepypasta trying its hand at being a fucking tearjerker.
wtf i hate the witch's house now
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Anon what the fuck
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>just jerk off into my own underwear and continue as if nothing happened
Topkek bumping
I just swallow
>You know, RPG Maker at the end of the day is just a Ruby Compiler, and if you sat down and redid most of the core scripts, you could make a ton of different types of games with it.
Really like what? I've always heard that RPG Maker couldn't do much, but it was easy.
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I loved the demo for QE. Marine and Gabby were almost too adorable, I think I'll have trouble romancing anyone else once the game comes out.
The music was great, too. That scene where you go back to your rooms for your first night and breakfast was perfect.
You people REALLY underestimate how bad semen smells if you blow it over your desk or into your sheets and just wipe it off
I hope that doesn't involve going outside

It's smelly as fuck, and preety recognizable too. Any girl with sexual experience will notice that you smell like cum
I have a hunch that the other routes will show Maine and Gabby aren't so picture perfect for each other as the demo makes it seem. especially since the mind wipes as a premise plus Embric's true end make me think were in for an eternal recurrence deal, where each route has happened countless times so the stuff that happens at the end of the route completely re-contextualizes everything said and done at the beginning of the route
Speaking from experience, i assume?
That's the plan doofus. The moment she smells me she'll be all over my dick.
It's enough to make a man kek
every girl with sexual experience knows chronic masturbators can't keep it up during sex due to death grip
I had a very awkward talk with my mom when I was 14 but I'm glad we had it
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Your mother gave you a handjob?
>but I'm glad we had it
How so? I've never had "the talk" with either of my parents and I'm happy that I haven't as it would be awkward and unnecessary.
>How so?
presumably because they explained to him that everyone can tell how he always reeks of semen lately before it was too late
Cum smell isn't attractive or arousing though. More like gag inducing desu.
t. fag

You're a fucking retard
>When your parents try to explain to you that you're "that kid"
Semen is pretty nice to all the senses if you're horny yourself, but if you're not then it's quite disgusting indeed.
And in what mental state are people going to be in, let's say classes, or the supermarket, or the park?
It was my room luckily, not me. That's why you should use tissues and properly wash yourself afterwards, just wiping it off is not enough
wishing they could suck a cock state
>I have a hunch that the other routes will show Maine and Gabby aren't so picture perfect for each other as the demo makes it seem
Yeah, likewise, especially with the hints about Gabby apparently fucking up Dr Harcourt out of jealousy. I'm really looking forward to see what the different routes are like in a more linear game, though. I equally wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be a perfectly nice person after all, just to subvert players who were expecting otherwise. At this point I almost don't care what we find out about her in the main game, that introduction and the scene where she and Marine reunite made me fall in love with her.

>eternal recurrence
>so the stuff that happens at the end of the route completely re-contextualizes everything said and done at the beginning of the route
I'm definitely looking forward to exploring more. I wouldn't be surprised to see something like this happen, with the combination of the mindwipes and some other details (the facility being apparently cut off from the outside world, Marine wanting to avoid something, some of the dialogue that alludes to past tours) and the time/space distortions you hear about. Whether it's eternal recurrence or just the mindwipes having gone on for a lot longer than they appear/the facility is actually in a pocket dimension I'm not sure, but I'm really looking forward to finding out.
For some reason (probably child trauma) the feeling of toilet paper really disgusts me specially if i accidently touch it with my nails sometimes i even have the feeling of almost puking when touching it for too long

So id rather just clean it with my shirt i only ever fap after work and wear a new shirt the next day so i dont care
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So can we agree that LiEat series are essential cutecore games?
>game has a fake 'true end' where you seemingly make it back to the surface only to emerge from the ladder/whatever back at the basement of the facility
Generic loli animu girls have lost their touch with me i need something more abstract and creative in order to find it cute
One Way Heroics.
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>For some reason (probably child trauma) the feeling of toilet paper really disgusts me

Seems a strange thing to have trauma over, but not impossible.
Pic totally unrelated
I don't understand.
At a birthday in grade school a drink was running out in my backpack and inside my backpack was a little present that was wrapped up in paper because of the drink it became wet and because i didnt know i just put my hand in the backpack to take it out and felt all that wet paper on my hand it felt so weird and disgusting...dont know if thats the reason why i hate the feeling of wet toilet paper but thats probably it
I just hold it in so there's no mess
yeah this
that causes urinary tract infections
I just wank regularly enough there's barely any jizz coming out and then wipe it into my boxers
I've been caught out smelling like cum with "You've got that stale male odour"
I hope that owlturd faggot kills himself for real one day so he can stop making shitty comics.
>separating anything at all
>not just putting everything in one folder
He's just some fuckboy cashing in on the recent trend of self-diagnosed depression, hardly Gunshow's "Will he kill himself before next week's comic?" fun family time adventure.
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I know, and that's what upsets me the most.
Whats a good game about cleaning up jizz?
visceral cleanup duty but modded so you're cleaning all the jizz and sex toys from a porno studio after each shoot
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You made me smile, anon. Hell, I'm expecting there's at least something like that in the game
sorry, I missed your reply in the flurry of other posts
>finally fix the elevator to the surface
>turns out it just goes to the director's room
Underrated post
>so what is the facility built on?
>another facility
>but what's under that facility?
>look, clearly its facilities all the way down
My stand is a goddamn insect
yes, and?
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make her catch you next time man, you're in there
>nobody knows what the facilities are actually for, beyond their department and having a fun time away from the world
>nobody knows why they're there
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if something like that was happening, between the corridor freakiness and isolation, which is why I suggested pocket dimension before
Wrong, I recently lost my virginity and the girl asked me to stop because I lasted for almost two hours and she was exhausted
It feels really bad not to be able to cum in a girl tho
one idea that pops into mind is maybe the facility isn't underground at all but actually a dyson sphere of sorts, so going 'up' just takes you to outer space while going 'down' takes you back to Earth,or what's left of it.
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Is this you
How does semen even smell? You niggas got some fuckee up diets I gotta tell ya
That's a cool idea, I was thinking about whether it was a space station myself (though I didn't think of a dyson sphere). The reason I mentioned a pocket dimension was because it fits with the isolation (both the facility design itself, and for conducting experiments) and it fits with those corridors - if the corridors aren't true physical corridors, but some kind of weird wormhole/portal.
>the entire game seems to be about physics/space fuckery
>turns out to be about time travel

Either way, I really want to play more of this game now.
The porn ones are alright, besides that pass
that's fucked up
seek counseling
Give me the source anon
your brain is rigged to dismiss your own scents as irrelevant data, same reason you don't notice the smell of how sweaty you are until the bacteria have started eating in and excreting all over your skin.
otherwise our own scent could risk masking up the scent of something actually important, like nearby food or threats, since our sense of smell isn't good enough to individually catalogue everything it picks up and multiple smells tend to blend together to us.
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Space Funeral
Well alright so how does semes smell like then?
>wear a chastity cage
>never have any problems with this

It's that simple
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The Amber Throne is great. I recommend waiting for a price drop though.
the only thing that smells similar to sexual fluid is other sexual fluid. if you've ever eaten out a girl it smells like that, but a bit more musty and a bit less acidic.
MGQ Paradox is good IMO, just don't expect part 2 to be translated for a few years. If you want to play through part 2 then I hope you can understand Japanese
there are none
Damn, that's fucking hot. Can relate though. Nutting in your mom's or sister's panties feels amazing.
I cum on my naked stomach, wipe it off, shower in the evening.

I thought that was the default approach for most people.
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I just pinch my foreskin shut with one hand, while continuing to jerk off with the other, basically creating a little pouch of semen around my glans. All safely sealed in a little spunk balloon.
It's pretty neat feeling the cum splurt out of your dick and being pushed aside, down the edges of your glans. Then, it's all a matter of walking to the bathroom, while pinching your skin shut, and pulling back the skin over the toilet.
Sometimes there's a lot of jizz that gets stuck behind the glans, so you need to get some paper and wipe it off. But, usually, just pulling the skin back and then pushing it forward and squeezing the jizz out works fine.
I've saved thousands on not buying tissues or having to wash my underwear.
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I edge then blow it into the sink. Wash the sink then wash my hands and the evidence is gone.
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>tfw used to just jerk off into my trashbin I keep next to the PC
>Would cover it up with some tissues and whatever to not make it suspecious
>Would go weeks or even months without throwing it out
>Help mom pay some bills on my PC
>She throws some of the paid ones in the trash
>Obviously noticed some smell
>She just tells me not to ''throw anything organic'' in there before leaving
Most embarrassed moment of my life so far.
I just cum on the desk and then clean it up, doesn't seem to leave any marks.
Have you tried making one?
I usually get up and finish in the toilet. And if I cum, it's in my hand so I just wipe it off my hand and dick with paper.
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/v/ - ejac stories
I lay on my back and cum on a few sheets of toilet paper on my stomach.
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I just use an old towel. It makes cleanup a breeze and it's environmentally friendly.
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>not having an onahole to finish inside without making a mess
Brutal's Challenge DeluXe.
I have a drawer full of socks that I've built up over the years. It started out small, I swear, I was a scared teenager so I just kept stuffing them in there, it's been a decade since I've opened it
Put them in a bag and burn it.
I just cum into my brothers dirty shorts and boxers after he comes back from playing basketball or whatever the fuck he does outside that makes him so sweaty
I think the fumes would kill someone honestly.
Small time, I once got some on the ceiling after 3 weeks fap break because of army camp
Huh? People...actually get covered in their own semen??? Why not keep tissues on hand to hold all of it when it sprays out or...fap with a phone and in the bathroom and flush it down with a toilet or...literally anything else but let it get on yourself or things you use on a daily basis.
Literally stopped doing when I was 11
did you start masturbating as an infant then?
>i stopped cumming in my pants when i was 11
>did you start fapping as an infant?
What's the correlation between these two?
>not checking it atleast once a quarter
Never gonna YE YE it.
the correlation is that I didn't even have my first fap at the age of 11, let alone that I was perfecting my technique at that age.
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You guys are like a bunch of babies to me
>wank it until I start edging
>stand away from the screen while edging
>kneel on the floor
>my dog is staring eagerly at me
>cum on the floor while my dog is licking my dick
>dog continues to lick my dick clean and then licks the jizz off the floor, all of it
>then goes back to cleaning my dick
>go to the bathroom and wash my dick with soap

No paper, No flushing, No socks, only water, soap and dog
Yeah, I usually just cum into my hands or an onahole and then wash them.
Or I just cum into my underwear if I'm not doing anything else for the day
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Do you let your doggo lick your face?
Rated post.
like dried sweat and snot with a dash of piss
I just eat it.
I don't know. I'm literally attempting to smell some fresh jizz right now and it doesn't really smell like anything.
Congrats, you win at being repulsive.
do you sniff them too?
did you ever take the knot?
>not fapping in the army
I cum into my hand, then go into the toilet and wipe this hand with tp. I know this habit is inefficient and cum sometimes drips onto the chair and floor but whatever, i'm used to it.
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>Semen smells like pussy
Okay, listen here. No. Not at all. I'm an olfactophiliac and let me tell you how bullshit that statement is.
Jizz smells old, dank and sweaty. Like if you were to wear the same boxers for three days in a row during a hot summer streak. That kind of shit. It's a dark scent that fills up your nostrils like a thick fog.
Pussy is not like that. Now, I've sniffed my fair share of panties. Young and old and not one of them smell like cum. It's sweet and little sour with some very slight sting of urine. It's light as air. Though, depending on how often she showers and how thoroughly she cleans her privates, it may not even smell anything at all.
This. The game is great.
>Pussy is a little sweet
No, it's fucking not. I doesn't smell sweet in the slightest. It smells faintly of fish + piss and that intensity varies based on how long its been since they showered. Unless they have a yeast infection where it just smells like bread and piss.
>Fish meme
This is not true at all, unless the woman is over like 30 and never cleans her cunt. What the fuck kind of dirty hags have you been fucking?
>It's sweet and little sour with some very slight sting of urine.
that's crotch sweat, not sexual fluid
I don't know. What 8 year old girls have you been molesting if you think girl juices smell sweet?
Been doing it since I was like 11. Girls ranged from 10 to 25 or so. None of them are what you described.
Fuck you, buddy. This is the one thing I'm knowledgeable about in life.
If anyone is curious how wet pussy smells like, go to local super market, buy a chicken breast, go home wash it and leave in a plate for good 2 hours in room temperature then smell it.

Thats what it normally smells like, most of the girls still smell like that after bath or shower. Other women have some straight up rancid shit up in there, since they sweat, have discharges, periods, thrushes all kinds of nasty shit up in that hole and it smells like rotten flesh
How do I take the gay pill
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>tfw have to masturbate everyday or I'll have a wetdream
>sometimes still have wetdreams

What do lads?
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No, fuck you. I've heard the "sweet" thing before and you know where it came from? A dad bathing his daughter. Go be a child fucker somewhere else.

Pussy does not smell anywhere near being good or pleasing and it certainly doesn't taste good. That's the retarded meme that everyone needs to stop pushing.
jerk off to gay porn until you've conditioned yourself into it
I cum on wrappers or anything that goes in the garbage. Got to kill two birds with one stone.
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>Usually jerk off every day
>Go a few days without it
>Come back and literally piss cum

Felt like a pornstar, no better feeling
what in the fresh fuck
It doesn't taste like anything really. A little sour if she's showered recently. A little salty if she's sweaty. That's it.
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>Jerk off without cumming several times a day
>Do this for 2 or more days
>Nut so hard your balls hurt afterwards
So good.
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Yume Nikki is one of my favorite video games though, and I've played a ton of its clones/fangames and enjoyed them too. I just like the format and creativity.

RPGMaker is best when it's used as an adventure/exploration game engine rather than actual RPGs.
What's wrong with having a wet dream? They're good.
It's your body trying to tell you you shouldn't jerk off every day.
pussy smells/tastes gross when you don't give a shit about the woman in question. its a hormonal thing. if you're giddy with infatuation then it drives you crazy and you can't get enough
>Not one mentions of the last sovereign.
Y'all motherfuckers is ignorant.
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>Jerk off to incest doujins every day
>Stop for two days
>Start having weird dreams about my sister
Literally have to keep fapping to this shit now.
wet dreams are a real thing?
I've only ever had lucid wet dreams before
I don't get wet dreams even if I don't jack off for two whole weeks. What's your secret, anon?
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>Sierra Lee
I jerk it laying down with a pillow on my face, then I hop in the shower and just clean all over.
So I only masturbate in the mornings or after doing yard work
I just cum on my hand and go clean it.
reminds me, I just installed Invisible war.
You need to jack off A LOT and then stop. Get your body used to producing a ton of cum. To the point where if you don't jack off, you start popping boners from any kind of even remotely lewd thing. That's how you know.
Now, if you really want to help things get going, you should jerk off for a while before bed, but don't cum. Just edge a bit, but make sure you don't actually release any.
The whole set up probably takes two weeks or so, but it's worth it for the lewd dreams.
But if I try to jack off more than once a day I just start shooting dust.
Nigger, what? Is your dick broken? The male body is fucking built to spew cum in every vagina he can enter. You need to step the fuck up.
overrated post
It's always been this way. If I don't wait like 12 hours inbetween doing it the second orgasm is real weak.

I ejaculate into your moms mouth
Damn. When I was 15, I could jack off 4 or 5 times a day without real issue. I was a horny little shit.
What do you jack off to? Vanilla porn or have you transcended?
Next time try cumming down their throat, saves time and it's easier.
Besides, it's pretty hot.
Mostly vanilla stuff and trap shit, yeah.
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It becomes better after the second one. And when you reach 3 times per day each one becomes better. And you can go even higher after that. If I have the whole day free I can go like 6 times. I'm 24.
>Not eating pussy
It's weird, but i don't really mind eating puss if it's good and clean.

Frankly the taste and smell is such a turn on
I'm 27 and I really only jack off like two or three times a week at this point. I haven't jacked off like that since I was a teenager.
not all of us are fucking normies
Same. I'm usually grossed out by most pussies I see. Especially roasties, but my girl's cunny is nice and clean and barely tastes like anything. Besides, it's fun to get her off. Female orgasms are weird.
I'm also 27 and jack off up to 2 times a day, more if I'm bored.
Honestly I've jacked less when I was a teenager. It's only when I discovered pony porn I raised the bar this high.
Why on earth are you comparing yourself to a fucking trannies standards. They're literally bottom of the barrel dude.
I enjoy the sensation of fresh, warm semen on my skin
why don't you lay paper on your trashcan and wank into that? how many trees need to die to satisfy your lust?
ITT: creepy virgin weebs
now that you're here, yeah
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I eat mine.

The act of wasting cellulose is my fetish.
What better symbolism than coming on it then flushing it down the drain?
I've jacked off 4 times in 5 hours Anon. You might need some extra testosterone.
my nigga
Genuinely one of the shittiest games ever made. Only actual autists hype this piece of shit up and it's hilarious to see them defend it with 2deep4u rhetoric when the game has 0 redeemable qualities.
I already eat red meat and drink black coffee regularly. What else can I do?
>not cumming on cat as she hiss at penis
Grow up faggot
It's just cleverly written absurdist material. It's not meant to be really deep. It's strange, it has quotable dialogue, and it doesn't overstay its welcome. The fact that you can finish it in like an hour helps too.
I only swallow it if I fap in bed late at night and I'm too lazy to clean it properly. I don't like how cum feels on the roof of my mouth afterwards. Otherwise I'll cum pretty much anywhere and just wipe it with kleenex afterwards.
It's fucking shit. The gameplay is awful, the story is awful, there are no notable songs, the entire experience is just hot trash.
Only absolute faggots who look for depth where there is none enjoy that steaming pile of shit. B....but it's SUPPOSED to be awful!!! fuck off retard.
my nigga.
>no notable songs
It's one of the few games that has good writing since it's so absolutely fucking stupid.
Pro-tip. Drinking a lot of coffee and eating a lot of meat makes your spunk stink and taste awful. Eat some pineapple.
I didn't know that, but I'm also not real worried about it at current. Ain't like anybody's gonna come into contact with it anytime soon.

And I don't like pineapple.
None of the music was made for the game though, all of it was free to use stuff.
Well, any sweet fruit will do. Just keep it in mind in case you get lucky.
Oh. Well I eat an apple most days.
This looks interesting. Could you tell be a little bout it?
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>taught self how to hold in ejaculation so I wouldn't have to clean anything up
>7 years later starting to be worrysome because half the time I want to while masturbating, nothing comes out.
It's a satire of RPGMaker games ergo it "came from" RPGMaker
maybe coming on it then pouring 20 dollars of gasoline on it in a trash heap and setting it on fire
Are you me?
Time to open it, and take a picture.
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