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Why is a souls rip-off better than bloodborne?

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Why is a souls rip-off better than bloodborne?
because the cheque came in
Because it's better than Memeborne.
>they got rid of pros and cons
no more embarrassments i guess
Just because you popularize a sub-genre first doesn't mean you're always the best.
Nioh doesn't run like shit.

The reviewer probably values performance a lot in action games. Which fair.
>Roll Souls 3
no thanks
because it doesn't have issues with frame rate and load times
>frame rate, load times
Peasantry once again.
>souls rip off
much better framerate
much better variety in character building and playstyles
much better bosses
I never bear Nioh. Nier and Persona came out and completely forgot about it.

I did like it, just never really fell in love with it
>IGN reviews
I know you're shitposting but I feel this needs to be said.
IGN reviews are absolutely not a reliable way to compare two games. These were written and scored by two different reviewers with vastly different tastes. I would guess the first person, who reviewed Nioh, is a console gamer who has grown accustomed to and doesn't mind the console performance issues. Perhaps he also isn't as big a fan of the first Dark Souls as the second reviewer.
The second reviewer is likely a PC gamer who values performance heavily, and so cannot excuse the frame drops Bloodborne has on the original PS4 hardware.
I'm not saying who's right or wrong, but because reviews will always have an element of subjectivity, it's simply not valid to compare these scores.
>much better bosses

Only Yuki onna and tachibana was good, maybey the flamed boss as well.

The MAIN villain was so fucking garbage like holy shit he was beyond a pushover
framerate is not true. it slows down at points just like bloodborne, (attack effects like fire give off lots of particles)
variety in character building is not much better, in fact there are more weapons in bloodborne and the only viable builds in nioh are still atk / dex with a side of magic (guns for bloodborne)
much better bosses? that's just like your opinion man.

this thread is shit why am i even posting here fuck you guys

t. someone who played both which is probably 2 games more than anybody in this thread.
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I don't know man. As a fan of all the souls-borne games I went to try Nioh and although I initially really enjoyed it, i felt that it became a huge drag towards the ending segment of the game.

The selectyourlevel style story missions was kinda shit and enemy variety was slim to none. On the other hand the combat and performance was great.
but in Nioh you can have all sorts of different tools and magic

also you can actually change your weight in Nioh.

both games pale in comparison to DeS and DaS 1 and 2 in terms of character variety but I still think Nioh has more. And Nioh's weapons have way more fleshed out movesets that feel different, 85% of Bloodborne weapons consist of mashing R1
The main villain of Bloodborne is a pushover too though. Albeit a very charismatic one

Nah, he was stronger than half the bosses in the game atleast.

The nioh fag was literally weaker than the first boss
The two last fights in Bloodborne were such a shit way to close the game, way too fucking easy. I beat the Moon Presence first try, which I can't at all atribute to MAD SKILLZ. It was just piss easy, I had actually spent my blood vials on German and didn't even need to use any.
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>Nioh is a HARD gam-


Opinion discarded
Magic in bloodborne doesn't cripple a boss like this
>souls-borne games
Do not use this term. Ever. They are "Souls Games." Bloodborne is a souls game and didn't add nearly enough to the genre to warrant hyphen-marriage to the Souls Games name.

That's the point, you shouldn't use Magic or Living Weapon in Nioh. Those were made for casual fags.
Bloodborne isn't a souls game, though. "souls" isn't anywhere to be seen in the title.
Nah, they clearly intended that to be a corse aspect to the game if you actually played it, even the dlc's shill more of them. Don't blame me your shit game appeals to casuals so hard where in bloodborne the only easy mode is summoning which you can also do in nioh.
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>why is resident Evil better than alone in the dark?
>why is Street Fighter II better than "international Karate"
>why is final fantasy better than dragon quest?

Why can't you just wnjoy things OP
And Nioh isn't a Soulsborne game because it has neither Souls or Borne in the title.
But Bloodborne is not a "souls" game just as Dino Crisis is not a "resident evil" game

If you need Magic or Living weapon then you're a shitter period. Easy mode was implemented for your kind.
>use items in the game
>"well uh your point is invalid cus um casuals lol xD"

Bet you're a shield/magic fag on souls games too.
This. Faggots be making life harder for themselves in games just so they can e-thug on the internet.
If they didn't want us to exploit the game they wouldn't put it in there. What? They just suddenly forgot about that one aspect and unbalanced the game and now you have to self impose difficulty on yourself for e-peen points? Get fucked. Go play souls with pair of donkey kong bongos or whatever, e-thug.
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Nioh is a game made for casuals.

Bloodborne is a game where you actually have to try if you play alone. You get used to the same 10 fucking enemies in Nioh it's impossible to classify that game as "hard"
Idk. When should I ever give a fuck what IGN says about anything?

In Nioh the bosses have mechanics and patterns, exploiting it completely bypasses the difficulty of those fights. This was made for shitters that don't even want to bother with these fights in other words casuals.

>mfw every souls baby complaining on the first beta test because it was too herdd...

Why should you give a fuck what anyone says about anything? Especially us.
Okay anon, but it's not souls. If you pick up MGR and find a boss easier in that than you did in say, the orginal DMC, is it correct to start talking about "in DMC you would..."
Because bloodbourne is overhyped garbage that only got praised because
>never ever goldface
>Don't use items in the game designed for everyone because the devs fucked up the balancing

Shit devs
>fast, tactical combat
>"journalist" doesn't know the difference between tactics and strategy
kek what the fuck are you doing to your discs for this to happen
So the main audience? Because the game gives you abundance of exploits where if you want to fight a proper hard fight you gotta be shirtless and use really specific weak weapons. These fuckers got persuaded by faggots after the beta to make the game easier, what a bunch of spineless developers who forget they are the ones who made NGB before.
Framerate in Nioh can be a pretty stable 60 compared to the shitty frame skipping 25-30 in Bloodbourne, it's a huge difference.

Other than that Niohs got way more combos and way better combat.
because at launch, bloodbourne would take like 2 minutes to load on death
It's literally the same shit as darksouls, which you faggots never shut the fuck up about 4 times a day. If anything you are now just dismissing it for being "never ever gold face" literally hating on it for exclusivity. Don't ask me though, i find them all incredibly dull ukemi simulators for the most part, but i do like a meme challange.
the only things it had better were the variety of stances and framerate. not once during bloodborne did it feel like a chore or repetitive like it did for me in nioh.

it's a solid game, probably the best ripoff in the genre but it's a 8 to maybe an 8.5 at best.

Every weapon is alright, there's an obvious gap of strength between them but it's okay because you will at the very least go through mechanics. Most of the people that play Nioh uses Sloth + infinite Living weapon to go through content and call it easy after that which is retarded.
this is a valid point,
loading times have been patched though.
>my favorite game has all the attributes I imagine it does! anyone showing that not to be the case is a casual!!
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IGN ratings are inconsistent essays mostly made by different people who greatly lacks any kind of observation and gaming skills.
They are basically art critiques that cannot see the difference from a sauce stained napkin to a pollock.
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