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>P3 HD remake
>Ending doesn't change, Door-kun's still going to die.
>You are given the same two options as you were in the original.
>This time however, if you select "......" then you won't actually close your eyes and die
>HP goes from 1 to 2 and you can stay for a little longer on the rooftop, meaning unlike in the original where he closed his eyes before Mitsuru and others arrived, he'll have the strength to keep them open for a little longer. Just a little while, around a few minutes. Enough time for Mitsuru and everyone else to arrive and for the player to listen to their sweet voices once more.

That alone would satisfy me. You don't have to bring him back, just add a minute or two onto his original journey.
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the ending is good as it is
not as good as this one though nig
As much as I disliked P3P I liked that you were able to choose to see your waifu at the end one more time instead of Aigis
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Now now there's no need to sperg out
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we must not dwell on such things anon, it's fine
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Anon have a Snickers. You get a little angry when you're hungry.
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Get that disgusting whore out of my face
Accepting death is as good as being the universe's cuck.

I wish the original game was more sombre about that moment.

>Fall asleep in your waifu's arms
>All your friends turn up and smile
>The upbeat credits music starts to play

>You only realise how heartrending that ending was when you read the song's lyrics and play the first 5 minutes of The Answer
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Such rudeness
Wow, that actually looks terrible
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>he closed his eyes before Mitsuru

He spent his final moments with his robotic waifu. That is canonical.
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>atlus says this shit's cannon
Don't get me wrong, I love all the spin-offs. But ATLUS slaps the "cannon" sticker on anything, so much so that "official" cannon doesn't even matter anymore and mainline persona games are the only actual cannon games. So just go with the groove guys.
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At least we know these motherfuckers know how to dance.
>Akihito is back in HD form

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>P3 protag die
>People are sad

Why ? It's not like some kind of awesome characters disapered. At least in P4 you have something truly sad, with a true feeling that a part of your life is over.

The only sad element in P3 is your waifu being sad but that's not even that bad.
>Enough time for Mitsuru and everyone else to arrive and for the player to listen to their sweet voices once more.

Agreed anon, it was fucked how he never got to hear his friends that one last time
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Maybe it's got to do with the fact that P3 is far more depressing than P4? The moment the P4 intro comes up you can tell it'll be upbeat and happy, the fucking yellow color scheme gives it away.
meant for >>386152365
Way to ruin the ending fag.
nigger please just participating in persona threads alone is a sure-fire way to get hit with spoilers
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I'm just glad to see him again
His death was sad in that he didn't really deserve to die. Everything that happen edit was because all of humanity was being a shit. He dies so that his friends can live on because they were his reason for living and so that one day humanity to not want kill himself. Also the fact that he'll never to get to hang out with the friends he made is also sad. At least in P4 Yu gets to visit them once in a while
The only depressing stuff in this game is the poet with cancer.

Even then, the scene still lack characters you actually care about.
No, i meant his suggested ending. It sucks.
You'll be in for a wild ride with DMN then. Just imagine the shitstorm if they bring back MCR and make it canon.
>>You only realise how heartrending that ending was when you read the song's lyrics and play the first 5 minutes of The Answer
You need to have attention span of a fly and be literally braindead to not figure out that MC is dead, especially when the entire epilogue every single NPC comments how you like half-dead already.
>p4 ending

you say goodbye to your pals and hop on a train home and can come back to visit at any time. and you do, because p4a takes place like 2 months later
>His death was sad in that he didn't really deserve to die.

A lot of characters don't deserve to die but still do. Yet people don't cry every time.

>He dies so that his friends can live on because they were his reason for living

Entirely dependant on how you rooleplayed him.

Honestly, the only way to cry at this scene is either to be a pussy or for it to be the first sad ending you see. P4 was better because it doesn't had useless drama.
>But ATLUS slaps the "cannon" sticker on anything
Nah, that Detective Naoto novel for example is explicitly non-canon, same with Trinity Soul.
So no, they don't just slap "canon" on everything as you claim.

>Haven't played 3
>Know MC dies now

I learned this years ago and it's kinda stopped me from ever playing it.
In the Answer they literally say his friends were his reason for life

>P4 was better because it doesn't had useless drama.
Nanako's """"""death"""""" was the epitome of useless drama
great seal costs 100% of your hp, meaning he's been walking around with 0 hp for months
Shinji dies
Mitsuru's dad dies
Ikutski dies
Chidori dies
Jin and Takaya die
Sun S.Link dies
MC dies

Some girl you have never seen or met dies before the game starts
Another girl who you met for about 2 minutes dies 10 minutes later
Your asshole teacher dies
Nanako dies (temporary)
It's not like it's a huge twist that ruins the narrative, death and acceptance is the central theme.
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It was the presentation that made the ending sad. How you spend the last few days saying bye to your friends, Aigis unaware that you're dying, the cherry blossom pedals raining and how you pass away before you see your group one last time.
If it were done any differently then yeah it would honestly just look like a sad moment thrown in last minute.
>just because X is sadder means Y isn't sad
Guess this means MC had a happy ending because SMT1 ending is way more depressing.
I doubt people actually cried at the ending, but it was certainly sad. Noe Shinji's death was a fucking joke.
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>Use a skill that takes all of your health
>MC spends the rest of the game tired, as if he's barely holding on to life
Come on, I knew what was going to happen as soon as the great seal appeared. The idea that MC died should have crossed your mind at least once even if you weren't sure.
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How the fuck will they work DMN into the P3 timeline?

For a start, it's definitely before P4A as everyone still goes to Gekkoukan High. I personally don't think they'll try to pull some Persona Q shit here, it'll either be woven into the timeline or completely non-canonical.
I didn't play the Answer. Is it like ME3 where they give some shitty personality to the MC ?

>Nanako's """"""death"""""" was the epitome of useless drama

I'm talking about the ending. There's plenty of useless drama in P3 too.

Anyway, I'll go play Grimoire, I'm sure there will be some heavy emotional stuff.
Don't forget that the shadows running around every night eating people and causing them to have mental shutdowns, people that you never actually cure so much as just reduce the numbers of, or the last few months where the city noticeably goes to hell
It's even worse. They destroy all te characters personalies/development to make the robot look good.
Aigis is the worst thing to ever happen to persona.
>Aigis is the worst thing to ever happen to persona.
At the same time she was a fantastic marketing move to take advanage of the massive popularity FSN and saber in particular was receiving by making saber even more of a fetish character by making her a gynoid
It made persona popular for all the wrong reasons.
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I think you need to watch the P4 opening again. The game is upbeat and happy but the opening doesn't convey that completely aside from the SOL moments near the end.

I dont suppose anyone has a download link for the P-Bomb concert. I wasnt through watching it before it got taken down.

>MC and Joker meet in the middle of the Arena when they play the P4U2 theme song
on vidya, they do. and that's the only thing that matters.
I think this is it, I saw it in another thread.
/pg/ has a link to MEGA, ask there
They overwrote P4 story with anime one as canon, same with P3, so no it's not just games.
Narukami's name and personality in Arena and Dancing reflect those from anime and not ingame.
The movies and anime aren't canon. The only thing they took from the anime was Yu's name and somewhat of his personality, but that doesn't canonize the adaptations
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That shit actually made me chuckle, thank you anon
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This guy comes up to you and slaps your girlfriend's ass. What do?
>The only thing they took from the anime is everything that makes Yu Yu
Yeah, what a load of non canon bs.
What the fuck? Where did this screenshot come from?
Anon, I hope you realize if the anime is canon then that means Marie is the canon love interest for Yu. And the spinoffs show otherwise

I just want my waifu to free his soul.
No? That means Yu porked Ai and was trying to fuck anything that moved.
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The new DAN game called Dancing Moonlight. P5 has one too called Dancing Starlight.
Yu in the spinoffs is too oblivious to have porked anybody is my point. Yet in the anime he clearly wants to pork Marie. Do you see how the anime being canon doesn't make sense?
kill yourself
Perusona 3 Dancingu Moon Naito*
Nice. Thanks.
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Mitsuru is so much hotter than everyone else.
I'll use my persona
>The ending boss fight against the moon is replaced with a disco ball
Dodn't you watch te anime? He was clearly dating Ai. I'm not a dumb Chad poster, and the anime doesn't show Yu cheating on all the girls.
It just portrays him as a horny weirdo and the spinoffs show that he is indeed a weirdo.
Anyways, going about muh canon in megaten is really, really dumb.

Almost as dumb as chad/mc posting
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>That prestigious walk
Pure excellence
Anon, Ai doesn't show romantic interest in Yu and vice versa. In fact the only reason she forces him to date her in the anime was because she wanted to make another guy jealous and the reason Yu agrees is because he wants to help her. The only time he's shown as a horny weirdo is when he thinks he's drunk, every other time he's just an asexual weirdo. The canon is that he doesn't date any of the girls
The only thing a remake needs is to replace all of MC's shitty SLinks with either the rest of the party, or better characters. At least half of them are absolutely trash. Also, not to force romance on every girl.
Watch the anime again, please. Ai literally rapes Yu, and Yu is well aware of the other sex.
You best not be talking shit about the Tower, Devil, Sun, and Hermit S.links
Hermit was great for the epilogue alone
This. It's a shame MC got cold feet at the last seconf
It wouldn't have been any fair if he did indulge her. (He had somewhere to go soon, after all)
Enjoy it while it lasts P3 mouth-breathers. Your time in the sun will end soon.
More about Magician, Moon, Hierophant, and Temperance. Emperor and Fortune can stay though.
Go to 4:05 anon. She literally says she didn't fall for him
time in the *moon*

Fixd it for you brah
>Chidori dies
Confirmed for having not played the game. Fake fans I swear.
Yu "Thundercuck" Narukami
Never really had a problem with the Hierophant social link, and Magician has great personae in it's tarot

Moon is probably the worst one though, I'll give you that
So Ai is the only P4 girl confirmed to be resistant to Chad's charms?
it's funny because it's sad
I always feel bad for fans of non cannon
Chidori dies depending on whether or not you encourage Junpei to see Chidori on specific days
That FES scene ain't canon dude. The Answer and Ultimax make no mention of her still living.
Answer and Ultimax are both ambiguous in their wording.
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Don't care about the dancing games im shit at rhythm the music brings back memories of my weebest years and the actual dancing looks autistic why couldn't they use real dance moves

But i really want to see a trailer for Persona Q2 the gameplay was shit but Zen and Rei are the only thing i like about Neo persona
Her living is non-canon though, right? IIRC Junpei never mentions her in Arena.
>Give Rei a snack

Fat bitch.
>Junpei literally talks about proposing to Chidori in P4AU
>"B-but she's dead :^)"
Trolls were a mistake
Junpei says he has thoughts about going back in time to see Chidori before she died. He wouldn't have such thoughts if she was still alive
He daydreams about it
Link the scene, dude. Because IIRC it was a dream.
>literally talks
Confirm for not playing the game
Dumb esl
No where does he say this. The only time she's mentioned is during the dream. One of the kids he coaches asks him if he has a girlfriend and he doesn't answer however, so she might be dead. Which makes the dream even sadder desu
It was during The Answer, not Ultimax
Too bad they're both dead and will not be in Q2
I'm still right you fuccboi.
Answer, not Arena.
Was it worded exactly like that? For some reason, I remember him just saying he regrets what happened to Chidori, which could mean either death or amnesia.
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Why were Junpei and Aegis even fighting again? Junpei clearly didn't know what to do and neither did she so why didn't they just work together and beat the shit out of the other members?
Holy moly
tell him to stop slapping his own in public, thats for me to do
Junpei wanted everyone to sit down and think clearly before deciding anything, even if it meant he had to force them to do so. Aigis, as you said, didn't know what to do with the keys so she could have either leaned toward Yukari's side or Akihiko's
After making out with him. Why do you think I said Tu wasn't Chad? He was just a super autostic dude and I love hom for that.
MC is way too much of a special snowflake for my liking.
We weren't arguing whether or not he's a Chad. We were arguing about the anime and movies being not canon
And read what I posted before.
Dd he date Ai?
Did she take advantage of him?
Was Yu a dumb horny teen?

That's Yu's personality. How do spinoffs contradict any of that?
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>just fucking kill me again
>How do spinoffs contradict any of that?
Yu isn't a horny teen, friend. In the spinoffs whenever Rise flirts with him or the other girls show hints they're interested in him he's completely clueless. He shows no romantic interest in any of them or any other girls either. There's also the fact that in the anime he wants to bone Marie, but again the spinoffs show he's not interested in her either
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So each character will get a trailer right?
I can't wait for Fuuka's
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If you are willing to go on what devs say, in an interview or panel or something one of the devs said that the necklace Junpei wears in P4A is from Chidori, and because he doesn't have it before P4A you can assume she is alive and gave it to him.

Other than that, there's not a lot to go on.
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I don't remember him looking this attractive.
Pass. Chidorita and MC should stay dead.
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Yukari is the worst waifu on P3
Akihiko is the best waif
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Get your eyes checked , m8.
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>even akihiko leans to take a look
mitsuru will never be dethroned
>this MC in background
Akihiko approved
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>MC just staring at crabs during the entire vacation
What? How can you honestly think that P4's ending was sad? He comes back in like a week and half of his friends hang out in Tokyo regardless.

In P3 it's over. He's gone, dead.
Worst MC confirmed
Titsuru best girl, baby.
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>the game about death and depression is more serious than the game about being happy and accepting yourself

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>Every time the camera cuts back he's further away.

That shouldn't have gotten me as well as it did.

Odd way to spell best anon.
it wasn't sad in that you would cry during it, but it had more of a melancholy that started building up from when the mc cast the great seal and consumed his hp
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Jesus Christ that belly
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>guess this means mc had a happy ending
but he did? nanako lives, the big bad is dead, his friends won't die of fog a few months later, the truth is revealed, and he and any waifu of your choosing (as well as all of your party members) are alive, and he is shown to go back multiple times in the spinoffs
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Fuuka looks cute in her swimsuit!
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I want to tenderly make love to Fuuka
I feel Tanaka is too topical and should remain as a tv presenter.
>mc-kun is revived at the beginning of the game by elizabeth, but has to give up his life at the end again to do one last sick move
MC usually refers to P3 playable character
Protag/Brotag refers to P4 PC
fuuka off fuukafag, I hope someone pours chocolate milk over fuuka head
what did fuuka ever do to you, you sick fuck?
>calling him anything but door-kun/jesus
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>P4D story is about Elizabeth gathering up SEES and taking them to the door once again so that they can show the gods their sick dance moves and convince them to let MC go and not try to kill off humanity again
fuk you fuuka

Is Elizabeth still trying to undoor Door-kun?
She was in the P4A games so I'm assuming so.
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Your fault for dressing like that
meant for >>386169269
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I must inform you that is not necessary, since Fuuka already has someone to tenderly love her every day.
Can't fuck a dead door nigga.
>no art from P4
>no art from P5 despite top-tier waifus

is he dead

To be fair, both posts make sense.
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He's not dead. Play The Journey and then watch The Answer on youtube.
Will Shinji be dancing as well?
>tfw never found out where this is from
the image is so old no one says anything about it
That dude's work takes up 90% of P3 porn, how have you not found it
It's annoying how it's still being posted years later
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I'm in a good mood today

He's basically dead. He might also be a door, but he's basically dead, too.
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Is this the same guyt hat did that three legged Mitsuru picture?
2 vaganias. Imagine.
You bet your sweet ass
Good God...
Huh, I just realized gelbooru is hiding images for some reason
Mitsuru tag has 91 images yet I can see 2
I couldn't believe it when, after finishing P3 for the first time, I found people on the internet who didn't realize he died. Even leaving aside every other hint, what else does fading to white ever imply?
>trismigistus lighting is pipe
every time
The only good thing about Mitsuru is absolutely everything.
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>I can't believe I came back from the dead for this shit
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This. I'm already mad you can save Shinji and Chidori in Portable
You could already save Chidori in FES.
At least in the Answer her revival was made non canon
No it wasn't
See -> >>386161643
I wish that was canon. Like the gang goes in to steal a heart and every time Joker just starts dancing up a storm for no reason.
He doesn't specify why tho, he could be saying it so that she keeps her memories since she forgets junpei completely when she survives
>another Dan thread

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To play devils advocate, Junpei could just be talking about saving her before she "died" so that she wouldn't have had to forget about him in >>386163110
I think the idea of door-kun being the next Igor would be cool.
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you still love me right senpai?
I can't wait to see all the new videos of P3 and 5 cast dancing to this song

why is tatsuya wasted on the floor?
She doesn't forget him completely. In fact her coming back to life is actually better for Junpei since she will no longer die after taking those Persona suppressant pills. It doesn't make sense why'd he'd have thoughts about wanting to go back and change that
Nanako was the best thing to come out of Persona 4.
Ah, that's cute
I'll never forget you, Risecchi! You and Kanji were the only good things in your game.
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Look at this cute robot.
Also when are we going to get to see the official dance outfits for everyone?
Is Nanako's JP VA also Recette?
P3 enhanced port for Vita when?
the best excuse is that Junpei is a fucking retard, as well as the fact that the writing in the Answer is shit
but can you fuck it?
Of course it makes sense - Chidori has no reason to love him now that she has no memories.
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>Nanako was the only good thing to come out of Persona 4.
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that's all i needed to hear
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This isn't canon. Nothing they say will make it so. DaN isn't canon, Q isn't canon, and arena may be the closest we can get to canon, but I like it when P4 and 3 just ended where they did. THAT'S canon.
>the writing in the Answer
It was actually pretty good becuase everyone acted like a normal human being that had lost people that are important to them. If they acted rational and thought everything through perfectly then it would have been bad writing.
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Oh toaster
t. P5baby
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>Yukari and Mitsuru in dance outfits
Oh god
Missed opportunity to include jealous as fuck Mishima behind him in that crop
They can just fall in love again like the first, and this time she won't die in two years from the pills. That doesn't sound like much of a reason for thinking about going back as compared to her being dead
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You might as well just buy a fleshlight or jerk off, friend. It's not like it would be any different
Why are you so certain that she'd fall in love with him again?
Not that I'm a fan of her coming back to life or anything.
How is this even an argument when Aigis is alive and can moans and stuff well you you do it?
>jerk off, friend.
Also what are you gay?
I hope the dog can dance
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She still vaguely remembers Junpei's actions of being nice and worrying about her when not a lot of other people would. All he'd need to do is continue doing what he was already doing
Fucking dammit, I fucked up
See-> >>386176651
Shit anon, now I'm going to be disappointed when he doesn't.
It was all a dream....
>Junpei's solo bit is when the live crowd died during the reveal
>aigis is alive
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I've only played P4G and loved it despite disliking weeb shit and whatever, was super comfy to lay on my bed 1-2hours before sleeping and playing every single night. Legit fun in gaming after 5-6 years absence
What other games should I check out ? I've got a PSP and powerful Rig too
She's still a robot, dude. She's not going to be warm like an actual human. Also what would she moan too exactly? What kind of idiot would add pleasure sensors on a robot?
The same kind of idiot that gave her the persona of a child instead that of a grown up.
I think I'm have a stroke or something
See -> >>386177185
>the sun will end soon.
>the persona of a child
>meets Yu
>instantly forgets all about the weirdo with a 'beard'
Akihiko and Shinjiro's dance outfits.

I can't even begin to imagine
Personality. Why make a robot with the body of a high school grill in the first place? Shit is dumb.
I figured you meant me the first time mate haha.
You may be right. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the writing in P3 to begin with, and have accepted Chidori may come back. I refuse to believe Atlus would ever canonically bring back Shinjiro though - that would hopefully be a bridge too far.
Speaking of Chidori - maybe it's been mentioned already, but isn't he wearing a necklace she supposedly gave him in Arena 2? He didn't have the necklace in P3.
I'm hoping for either Saturday Night Fever style outfits or Zoolander
Canonically Shinjiro can't take off his coat because of the drugs so let's see how Soejima works around that one
>Canonically Shinjiro can't take off his coat
When is this said?
Alright guys, I'm curious.
They make a full on Persona 3 remake. Not a Portable or Golden, but a remake where they decide they'll change whatever they want.
What do YOU want them to change?
Any gameplay changes you propose WILL have the rest of the game rebalanced so that the game isn't too easy or too hard because of your change.
nah fuck that, and fuck you. let robutt have it, you're literally describing the shitty manga ending. and if you don't like that, you've always got P3P for the other haremettes
They handwave Naoto's insecurities to have her dance in a bikini with a tanaka mask, they don't need to explain shit
DAN is a better sequel to P4 than Arena tho, I'd rather have it be canon than Arean, which is easily possible thanks to them alrgelt ignoring the fact that Arena ever happened in DAN.
I remember that. I guess he could still wear something heavy.

Still, watching him get down is gonna be fucking hilarious.
Did you even play the game becuase this was explained?
Clearly the Kirijo Group had its kinks.
Selectable fusion skills, fixing tarter sauce into a actual dungeon, and more things to do on the overworld.
I agree it is dumb, but my original point is that fucking a robot would be no better than just fucking a fleshlight

No he isn't, but that's because they didn't think about at the necklace thing at the time. I don't know what the in game story reason is as to why he wasn't wearing it during P3. Maybe it made him too depressed to wear it
The only change I really want is to have all party members level up at the same time without having to train them separately. Being able to swap party members mid dungeon/fight as well as adding in baton passing from P5 would also be super nice.

I loved being able to swap team compositions in P5 whenever I needed to. It kept the combat from getting stale for me.
Never in-game. The director mentioned it in a q and a. Makes sense in a way. You can tell by looking at Strega that the suppressants fuck you up something hard. Plus he has no problem wearing that coat through the middle of summer. He'd have to be cold blooded.
Soejima answer it in a QaA. The drugs fucked with his body and the coat helps him to maintain a normal temperature, that's why he even wears it during summer
- QoL Changes
- use this song more than fucking once https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcxzv0YMfKg
- fix the terrible VA fuuka has in dungeons/combat
- make it possible to max all Slinks without strictly following a fucking guide
No forced romances
>He'd have to be cold blooded.
Or edgy.
Maybe they could just ignore that though? I'd still like to believe that the P3 fanbook isn't canon.
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The necklace is supposedly a brand Chidori liked, but not from her specifically. Could be either or.
Oh fuck that song is great, it's the one used before door-kun's awakening right?
So we delete Aigis then
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Oh, no doubt they'll ignore for it this game. They're not gonna miss the chance to let fujos dress up their homo bros in swimsuits and dance around.
I will end you.
If they remake P4 then I hope they delete Rise as well, as well as Marie.
Did portable fix this? I never picked him in P3P but it would be weird if he had to romance everyone while FeMC didn't.
>be able to control your teammates
>bring fusions spells back and maybe add more
>make Tartarus less of a slog to go through
>make each full moon boss have a unique dungeon
>bring back multiple physical damage types
>more events where you fuck around with your friends like in P4G
>replace the less desirable Slinks from the original game
>Slinks with the rest of SEES
>Slink with Liz
>no reviving anyone
>keep Aigis' relationship with MC platonic like in the original version
>make Ken a more sympathetic and likable character
>make Shinji more than just the cliche "mean looking guy with a heart of gold"
>rewrite the Answer so it's not as bad
>make the Answer less of a slog to go threw
That's all I can think of right now
>>make each full moon boss have a unique dungeon
For what purpose?
He'll reward her handsomely
Trying to do max Slinks on a Hard NG run in FES was a nightmare, I had to stop after the train shadow. You pretty much aren't allowed to have money in your wallet because its going to be going towards metric fucktons of karaoke and expensive persona summons.
Obviously it needs to have P5's engine, detailed models, clean spritework, and similarly stylish menus and transitions. The music can be remixed a bit, and remasterd with better production. An option to retain Jap voice acting. Combat from P5, bt with actual Turn Press instead of Baton Pass. Tartarus will have actual themed dungeons for its floors like P5. Shadows are changed to have demon designs.
Kimi no Kioku is still makes me drop a tear everytime I hear it.
To make it more interesting and fun to play through. Imagine how cool it would be to have a dungeon based on Paulownia Mall before the Hermit Boss
>Slink with Liz
I mean, for all intents and purposes she is an S.Link, just doesn't have an arcana associated
>Combat from P5
No. P5's combat is just P4's, and we got that in P3P.
P3 and P4 may appear to have similar combat, but they are actually very different - because of what downing an enemy/being downed does. If they put in P5's combat system, they will need to completely readjust battles to make it feel good to play. They didn't adjust the system for P3P, so bosses that you were clearly meant to down (so that they lost their turn) felt out of place, and not as they were intended.
The main thing I want from the Persona series is to make the main story at least a little sensitive to the social links. It's always been bizarre to have a romance going yet have the story treat you like a dateless loser.
The firt post already said
"Any gameplay changes you propose WILL have the rest of the game rebalanced so that the game isn't too easy or too hard because of your change."
so that's already covered.
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>be able to control your teammates
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>tfw undub came with lyrics so the truck hit me immediately

Me too.
The undub ruined the moment. As expected of clueless modders.
Fair enough. I didn't give the original post much thought - just presumed it was asking what you'd like to see.
>They make a full on Persona 3 remake. Not a Portable or Golden, but a remake where they decide they'll change whatever they want.

Use the engine and gameplay of Persona 5. Oh, and replace the P3 characters with the P2 character, and the P3 story with P2's story, combining both P2s into one, and then change the title to "Persona 2".

What I'm saying is they should remake the first 3 games as they are more desperately in need of it than P3 is.
Why? The song is meant to be understood immediately.
Dumb goroposter

Why did she blush?
>It will be the final song of the game and feature Aigis performing a somber, graceful dance on top of the school building
The only reason people are bringing up p3 is because of the dancing game, now they have hd models for the characters and have also modelled locations from persona 3, combine that with the engine of persona 5 and lots of the work is already done.
I want more than five dates and maybe know a bit more about the backstory of the attendants and the Velvet Room and such
>DiCaprio is freezing to death in Titanic.
Wow, it's so great that someone put this loud ass track over this moment because now I understand that she likes him and will always remember their moments together.
Maybe if the P2 team shows up in PQ2.
Not saying I don't want it though, that would be pretty sick.
Persona 5 had something like this
If you're romancing a party member and say you want to get married when asked, the character you're romancing will react.
Chill out
Just like p4, and you can actually make decent dungeons for it.
Tartarsauce is beyond salvation. There's absolutely no way they are going to make 200+ unique floors.
Just make Tartarus the game's Mementos.
Your precious undub is fucking dumb. Don't change music because you think it sounds better when it doesn't.
Yeah, I liked that moment. More like that would be. Some of the other characters acknowledging your relationship, for example.
Worst remake ever.
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Party control in 3 is objectivity wrong
How the fuck does adding captions of the lyrics of a song change the song?
It's still the same song.
I think my heart skipped a beat.
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of course not
Yeah, no. Even Atlus eants to forget about the shitty Ai.
It probably comes down to fags who got charmed fighting Nyx.
What are YOU talking about? The undub puts the vocals version over the last scene instead of the instrumental ruining the scene by having vocals blasting over the dialogue.
I already know that P2 remake will never happen. It's just a damn shame as the characters and story are great, and the gameplay is fucking ass.
If you want they could have non controlled party be optional like in P4
First time I heard of it.
>It's just a damn shame as the characters and story are great
The story and characters are great in IS.
The story is poor in EP, and the only worthwhile character is Baofu (who is one of the best in the series).
I have no idea what you're screeching about. As far as I know, it just added subtitles to the credits.
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>he played the version of the undub that replaces the music with the music from the reincarnation album
>when it comes with a program and instructions to restore the original audio
why did you play through the whole game with it if you didn't like it you raging autist
The problem is that for some reason Atlus never puts all of the tactics from FES in the games with full party control, which makes it shitty and pointless to even leave the option in.
How does anyone fall for that shit when there's a boss like halfway through Tartarus that does the same shit and practically forces you to get charm protection?
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"There are a lot of RPGs out there where you can control every aspect of your party members, including what kind of underwear they are wearing... but because we wanted the player to ralate to the Hero more than any other character in 'Persona 3' we wanted the other characters to feel like 'other people'. [...] It's true that we got some feedback stating that the party system was 'too difficult' to control effectively, but I'll honestly say that I don't regret doing what we did with it. I'm glad we stuck to our guns on that one."
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Be able to be just friends with girls
Being able to choose fusion skills
Having extra battle dialogue for Fuuka when I romance her
Being able to take girls on dates even after maxing her S.Link
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They're 4 fags who played a game where status was a non-factor for the vast majority of battles and don't understand tactics either.
>never use it again
>remive half of it in the remake
Dumb goroposter.
That's fine and all, just don't make them brain dead retarded. (Marin Karin)
Maybe they're trying to tell you something and you should take the hint
Set the tactics for your party right and Marin Karin won't happen
Do you know what tactics don't fix? Healing one party member, or everyone.
Or they could just let me control them and avoid the hassle altogether. Which they did.
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>never use it again
Because Persona was casualized. P5 especially
>remive half of it in the remake
P3 has never been remade
>want Mitsuru as healer
>can't because of fucking marin karin
Just don't use Mitsuru, bro :^) or they could actually improve tr shitty tactics system.
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I like this webm, cause if you set it to loop it's like she just won't take no for an answer
>play p3p
>mitsuru's turn never arrives because MC already casted mabufu three times, killing everything
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Marin Karin is the singular point against the P3 tactics system and it genuinely is terrible
P3P's full party control is equally terrible to any Marin Karin meme since they don't rebalance knock down
P3P was unbalanced as all hell because they didn't accommodate for being able to control the party
will they finally add proper dungeons like the first two Persona games had? Actually scratch that considering 5 was nearly as shallow as 3 and 4
Healing and support are under the same tactic, sometimes when I want her to heal she uses marin karin which is why I dropped her for yukari who is a lot more consistent.
>enemies don't waste a whole turn getting up
Removing the shitty tactics system did make the game easier I guess
I cannot even fathom that people can have this problem. I had Mitsuru in the main party from the second the game allowed, and she never once used Marin Karin unless you leave her on Heal/Support and nobody needs healing. Act Freely defaulted to regular attacks or Bufu spells. Hell, just leave her on Full Assault like a normal person and you're fine.
Anon, even Persona 1, IS, and EP let you control your party members
Not my fault they didn't readjust the difficulty to accommodate viable teammates.

Why are you defending the shitty AI so hard?
It's as shitty as you are.
People who rely on Mitsuru as a healer and die because of it shouldn't blame anyone but themselves
This is bait
I legitimately love how MC does all these moves with that deadpan face
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seriously fucking delete this
>Didn't happen to me, so it must not be an issue!
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>People actually think a fucking dancing game means they're getting a P3 remake
>It's already been remade twice
Who the fuck uses Mitsuru as a healer when her offensive stats are so powerful?
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FES is more of an expansion than a remake
it's not THAT outlandish to think that atlus would want to milk those new HD models for all they're worth
>what can they improve in the remake
>the Ai because x and y
>but you can do z if you don't want the Ai to shit itself
Or they could actually fix the Ai in the first place? Why are p3fagsso retarded.
They want the same game with all the shitty mechanics + pretty graphics. Literally the cowadoodie fans of persona.
>You're shitty!
Epic comeback bro
I don't use Mitsuru as a healer. I don't use her in general. Her AI is too much of a liability on harder difficulties.
It hasn't been remade once, its got an updated release and a demake.
Do you know what a remake is, friend?

I genuinely liked that aspect of the game and tried to use Tactics instead of complete control in P5.

It lasted all of about 5 minutes, when the first miniboss demonstrated you NEED to issue direct commands.
>enemies don't waste a whole turn getting up
They do if you attack them again. P3 down system was more enemy focus since you had to waste a turn every time you got downed. And yes P3, P3P on manic, and P1 SQQ are the only "hard" Persona games.

P1-EP are also not good games in terms of gameplay.

>I don't know what remake means

Say what you want about that garbage but it WAS a remake
>>HP goes from 1 to 2 and you can stay for a little longer on the rooftop, meaning unlike in the original where he closed his eyes before Mitsuru and others arrived, he'll have the strength to keep them open for a little longer. Just a little while, around a few minutes. Enough time for Mitsuru and everyone else to arrive and for the player to listen to their sweet voices once more.
No. Fuck off. It ended perfectly. I was hoping Persona 3 was going to stay dead and be protected bullshit rewriting.
P3fans not only hate P4 and P5, they also hate their own fraking remake and The answer.
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You knoe who needs to be in the dancing game?
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>P3P is a remake
Not even in the slightest, fuck off with this opinion. It's FES without the Answer and without overworld navigation or real cutscenes.
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Yes I do.
>they also hate their own fraking remake and The answer

Well no shit, did you play either of those?

>Hey lets make everything menus and a visual novel because all anyone loved about the original was tartarus
>The Answer
>Oh boy everyone's favourite part was tartarus, let's do that shit again from level 30!
>Also let's fuck the plot 5 ways to Sunday and add some bullshit about protag sealing Nyx away from Erebus instead of just away in general
>Why ? It's not like some kind of awesome characters disapered. At least in P4 you have something truly sad, with a true feeling that a part of your life is over.
This has to be bait, how the fuck is being a trainride away from your friends (not to mention they can easily reunite in college) more sad than sacrificing yourself to protect humanity from its own depression and destruction? How his friends never got the chance to say goodbye and were too late to see his final moments?
>leveling MAG

It was remade with additional content on the PSP, deny it all you want
>P1-EP are also not good games in terms of gameplay.
Neither is P3, dude. In fact P4 and P5 aren't all that impressive either, but at least least you can control your teammates
And like 10 hours of new content.
Yet they defend FES's shitty Ai and the game's terrible pacing. They are crazy fanboys.
I mean if you chose to be the female Mc you were
Ask him where he has been.
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Oh, now I understand. FeMCfags.
Why is Chie in an elevator opening his mouth?

I think FeMC is hot garbage. I was referring to the Margaret fight.
It's simply fact that the feMC route was better designed in every aspect but the 3D format
Why wouldn't someone utilize the entire range of a character's abilities?

The tactics system was poorly implemented in her case. Simple as that.
You could also do so as male MC
Preparing for the cock.
Nice argument, bub.
no one likes the answer and the animated cutscenes in P3 were terrible. The only legitimate complaint there is no overworld navigation and frankly, that isn't a big deal.
why do they add the female Mc she is popular in japan than the west
>removes 30 hours
>adds 10
>makes the other 40 hours glitchy and ugly
ok I guess
>better designed
>loses the tone and atmosphere of P3, which are the only things it excels at
Yeah - good job Atlus.
Why were they terrible?

But the ending's tone was all over the fucking place.

>Preceeding days you're a zombie
>But Aigis gives a heartwarming speech about she'll be there forever with you
>And the happy music is playing
>But it implies that you just fucking died
>But all your friends appear and are smiling
>And KASA NO KOWE starts playing

I genuinely couldn't tell if the game had just said I died or I just took a long nap in time for my friends to show up and be THAT'S OUR LEADER ;DDDD.

Here's how I'd do the ending again.

>Memories of You starts playing at the beginning of Aigis' speech
>It hits KIME WA NE right around the time you get the option to close your eyes
>Fades to white as your friends show up
>Credits roll with a more sombre song
>Post-credits shows Protag walking forwards to meet Ryoji, and the two walk off into a faded background
>loses the tone and atmosphere of p3
Except it didn't
Being contrarian for the sake of it isn't impressive anon
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you sound like a faggot
>the answer is shit, shit!
>what the fuck? Thry removed the answer and added decent content? Shit game!
Your friends appear smiling because they think you're ok and it hasn't hit them that you've died
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Another night in the dorm.webm
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Not an argument
>it's contrarian to hate P3P
Uh huh
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All of that sounds genuinely awful, I'm sorry the song was a somber song for a somber and emotional giant such as yourself my dude
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Absolutely disgusted. Joker and Chad would've accepted.
It did though. In fact the tone of the entire game becomes less somber and more happy and gay like P4
no she or he should meet both ryoji and shinji
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Man, P3 needs an "accomplice" ending,
where MC takes Nyx as his Persona.
Of course it did. You're a ditzy woman with no cares in the world

I get that, but again, the tone doesn't reveal that at all. Instead of it being "your friends appear just after you died, how tragic" it's "YAY THE GANG'S ALL HERE HAPPY MUSIC TIME".


Memories of You only gets sombre halfway through though. Which is a good 5 minutes after you "die", and is long enough to get thematically confusing.
It didn't though. It was basically the dame game minus badly animated cutscenes.
>and more happy and gay like P4
You're not wrong, but if you think that's a bad thing for P4, you're an idiot.
the shittest thing about the ai was yukari not using charmdi even when on support and mitsuru with marin karin, which should never happen if you set her to knock down when you get her and full assault later
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who had the lewdest romance route in the series?
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She'll probably be available as DLC

But anon-kun, regular P3 did that.

>First half of the game


>Shinji gets murked

Fuck, that sucks

>You get betrayed by sensei

Oh fuck

>And the end of the world is coming and there's nothing you can do
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The Savior must Return.
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that's the point
>friends are happy that your alright and resting
>oh wait he's dead fuck
I'll never not be mad about it.
>they forget shit for months
>remember everything right as Mcs kicks the bucket
10/10 writing. Almost as food as Junpei's romance.
Would cry again.
It was literally the same game with better and more tonally consistent Slinks
I never said it was a bad thing to be joyful like P4, but that's not the kind of tone you want in a game that tells you you will die in the opening cutscene

You didn't pay attention then, my dude. Pink isn't exactly a somber or calming color
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we can only hope
I know but 3-5 is ok to mediocre tier. Gameplay has never been the series strongest point.
>I never said it was a bad thing to be joyful like P4, but that's not the kind of tone you want in a game that tells you you will die in the opening cutscene
I was saying the tone in P3P does not fit the game at all, but if you think P4's tone (in P4) is bad, then you're an idiot.
I'm pretty sure you only hate it because you are one of thos guys who self inserts when playing a game.
FeMC route is the same qs MC's + better slinks.

And you don't really get solid confirmation about that until The Answer. It's all implications and half-hearted ambiguity.

All it would have taken is like a 5 second establishing shot where the smiles fade as the realisation dawns. Or the Ryoji thing I mentioned.
>FeMC route is the same qs MC's
that's not true tho
I feel like there's no way they won't, my dude. P4 DaN had non canon dlc characters. Just have her as a bonus character in this with "Wiping All Out"

There's practically no reason not too.
You haven't play either. P3P does a poor job of telling the narrative since it doesn't have any 3D models to show you what's happening.
>pink ruined p3
FeMC they are one big family the Male MC is a player getting in girls pants like school days
Anon I played P3 FES when I was 13, and the implications that door-kun died were crystal clear enough for a dumb-babby child to pick up on

There's nothing misleading about that ending
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P4's tone is fucking terrible half the time, the main party goes from discussion of a violent murder mystery to discussing what the fuck they're gonna do for their school's camping trip at the drop of a hat. Then it tries to become serious and kill of Nanako but she comes back to life 15 minutes later and goes right back to how it normally is.
>since it doesn't have any 3D models to show you what's happening
Is this a millennial thing?
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you sound like a faggot
>Yosuke on his bicycle, good
>Kanji hitting people, perfect
>Yukiko in her family business
>Rise in one of their concerts, all right
>Naoto on TV with one of his detective stuff, all in order

>Chie is in an elevator...
Working tricks, obviously
Fuck off it's much more impactful to show everyone's reactions and the scene that have it vaguely described to you in 2 lines
You might be autistic anon, just a heads up
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Its like the difference between watching a movie and a slideshow, just compare >>386185153 and >>386184023
That is the point you downer.
The game is about 'seeing through the fog'. Everyone goes about their business acting like everything is okay, as they ignore their problems.
The cheery atmosphere and visuals are meant to make that abundantly clear.
Do you also think Izanami is the villain?

You act like P3 didn't fucking have those moments.

Just because P4s plot was less "serious business" doesn't make the writing bad. It was appropriate.

And Nanako living or dying is an ending path thing, go get the bad end and see what happens.
>Hey lets make everything menus and a visual novel because all anyone loved about the original was tartarus

The storage on the PSP is rather limited so they probably couldn't fit a world map in addition to the 250 levels of Tartarus.
>if you think P4's tone (in P4) is bad
I never said it was though

I'm not that much of a sad faggot that I need to self insert into video games. If you think they're the same though then it seems you were the one the self-inserted as the FeMC

It ruins some of the theme, yes
>weird ass tower spawns in the middle of the night
>people turn into codfins for some weird reason
>shadows start comming out and people develop apathy syndrome
>some shadows are hyper aggresove and endanger the city
>now onto the school depite beig owned by fucking Mitsuru
>what do you mean tou wantto go to Tartarus? You have to study, nigga
>too tired to o to Tartarus tonight? Make sure to go to bed early, there's school tomorrow
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>told at the beginning of the game that you have one year to live
>Nyx describes the meaning of life as death
>after sealing Nyx, Ryoji's voice describes how MC has found the meaning of life earlier than everyone else
>all your S-links telling you that you look terrible and should get some rest the last 2 days
Consider the fact that you may have brain damage
>Do you also think Izanami is the villain?
I'm not doing this Adachi tier villain did nothing wrong song and dance, fuck off
>I'm not doing this Adachi tier villain did nothing wrong song and dance, fuck off
The question was asked, because it's clear you didn't understand P4.
Complaining that the tone is upbeat is entirely missing the point.
Next you'll be saying that something is only dark if there's a high body count.
It makes no difference to me.
Just like voice acting.
I love having a decent imagination.
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beary serious.jpg
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Again: the issue is that the ending, as in the very very last scene, had a completely different tone as if everything was fine and dandy and super happy. Which was then super confusing considering all the overt YOU ARE DYING shit going on.

Hell, I even knew protag canonically died at the end before playing and the ending confused the hell out of me. It felt more like they were hedging their bets and avoiding committing too much to the whole dying thing until they were sure they wanted to go that route.
>If you think they're the same though then it seems you were the one the self-inserted as the FeMC.

Not that guy, but can you even self-insert as FeMC? She has a distinct personality and attitude.
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It's called being a bittersweet ending. There's a hint of optimism in the ending because door-kun was successful with his sacrifice, and humanity lives.

He comes back from the fight after sacrificing himself only to leave again after 3 days. Did the Jesus metaphor seriously fly over your head that hard
She's genki and that's it. Even then you don't need to pick the genki options
i just want more mitsuru
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Your post makes me wish that this was the actual theme of Persona 4 rather than your head canon because it sounds like an endlessly better them than what the made up as they went along plot of Persona 4 actually was.
she can also be a real bitch to just like male protagonist
Then she doesn't have a distinct personality if that's the case

Oh my god how many ways do I have to rephrase this?

>I knew what was going on
>I was aware protag was dying/dead
>I continued to find the happy happy joy joy closing scene confusing and off-tone

It wasn't bittersweet, it was schizophrenic.
An ending wherein you don't always die on the Robot. Something like those extra P3P endings would be fine. Also, remake Answer so that it isn't as retarded and make it less of a chore to play through. Less Aigis overall would be a plus too.
>new portraits for characters using P5 art

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I will execute you.jpg
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Here you go. More Mitsuru.
Did you really think this was a good response?
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>Nanjo calling him Mark
>Not referring to him as a Monkey

One job!
>she'll never execute you
the male had two emo silent and asshole option the female had 3 genki, sarcasm and bitch option. and out going
And I've never heard of someone who had as much of a problem with the ending as you.
It's pretty hard to self-insert into a character that expresses emotions and has a personality, even if she's just a Genki.
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>I will execute you
what did he ever do to deserve this
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>Ryuji and Junpei follow their dicks and get MC nearly killed
And people say he's the best bro
isnt the execution just getting naked and spanked by a towel?
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If I remember right, I think it was Mitsuru summoning her persona and freezing them, but that might have just been in one of the mangas
its heavily implied they got pic related
Anon, to have a distinct personality it needs to be clear and concrete. If its three interchangeable ones then it's not distinct

Not when it's just one emotion and personality trait that almost everyone experiences. Besides, why would you play the female route if not to self insert or role play?
Be taken by surprise at someone slapping the back of my left hand. Probably ask what the hell he's doing.
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That's my boy
imma emulate p3p on my phone using ppsspp any tips?
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truly the best girl
I want to impregnate the Imperious Queen of Executions
>shinji is alive
Fuck this image
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Her and Aigis are best girls.
play FES if you didn't already.
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dating sim with persona girls when
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whats the difference?
it's called P3P
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There's no need to be upset friendo. FeMC being better than MaleMC is just the way it is.
I dunno, I consider p3p to be a downgrade. Playing it on your phone is pretty awful too.
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Out of the way peasants
I'm sure she is
>M U H
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I thought you said visual novel I'm sorry
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Fuuka's greeting.png
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You might wanna fix that aspect raidou
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>When you're so concentrated on SMT games you accidentally correct ratio to raidou
widescreen patch?I never tried to fix it actually,i always play windowed
Use fucking spoiler you piece of big smelly dripping infected hemorroids, hope your parents die
Aspect raidou meme is older than /vg/.
how old is vg?
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So Fanny.jpg
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That was intentional, I was attempting humor

it's an old old meme
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Festival Fuuka.png
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If you're gonna save and post screenshots you should make an effort to make them of good quality
don't worry,spoiled or not the ending will hit like a fucking train
I had no clue, my bad, guess I'll lurk some more.
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Maybe you should finish the game before you enter threads about it.
5-6 years

I remember making the first eagg, but at the time I just called it Warriors General because I dont consider that Capcbro filth comparable to actual Musou games.
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P5 Moon Mishima.jpg
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Which non Persona user do you want to dance for Persona 5 Star Night?
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aspect raidou.png
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Did somebody say aspect raidou?
No good Tora
I remember when I first plugged my PS2 to an HDTV. Looked so goddamn bad and stretched.
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Hold my mink.gif
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she's too fucking hot
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i love u mitsy
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I love Fuuka!
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And that's alright.
Thread posts: 508
Thread images: 134

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