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Hey guys. Buy my game please.

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Hey guys. Buy my game please.
He's better now. That second image is kinda unfair because it was taken during company summer retreat or something when he got tanned.
The Witcher games are so boring. Broken tedious combat. Mediocre writing. Boring characters.
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He seemed very happy while making W1

Then it all went to shit
It's like his face got downgraded alongside the game.
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It's still amazing the way Witcher 1 turned out considering that, in his own words, company was literally learning the basics of video game development along the way.
>Witcher 3 downgrade meme
Even with downgrade and insane optimization this game still barely runs at 30FPS on consoles. With trailer graphics it would burn most machines.
Just gotta get out there and try anon.
one of the reasons why they have respect for bioware is because they were a huge help for cdpr early on with aurora engine documentation and even providing a space for them at an event so they can demo their game.
he gave his power to witcher 3, it's GOTG for a reason
Because back then BioWare was actually based studio. Now they are bunch of Tumblr hacks.

What he said. Current Bioware problem think the Witcher series is good but could use some changes to be less "problematic"
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while true what they did with the aurora engine for the first witcher is out of this world. shame it was also unstable as FUCK until enhanced edition.

Holy hell, I hadn't heard this anecdote before

Could such a repeat thing ever happen again considering how close all companies keep their proprietary engines to their chests.
Eh, keep in mind AURORA engine was already old at that point and CDPR probably licensed it because it was dirt cheap.
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Don't worry, I will.

Sorry I just got alot of hype out that because of how mentor/mentee that was for Bioware to do form them, of their own will. I love that shit.
This. BioWare never used that engine again and sold it cheap as fuck to CD Projekt because they knew them (they were distributing their games in Poland).
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This is encouraging, seeing punk stuff like this.

From a lot of their promo material I was worried that Cyberpunk would be generic Call of Duty-style future.
It will be toned down for sure to appeal for mass audience. It's a super ambitious Triple A game. It has to sell.
this screams Cyberpunk
>cyberpunk with actual punk aesthetics
when was the last time this happened
He looks like he just crawled out of cave in which he was stuck for a decade
Probably a bit, but I'm happy so long as there's any noticeable 1980s visual theme elements.
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In Turtles 2. Thats clearly Bebop.
maybe cyberpunk 2077:1 will reignite his passion
I wish CDPR went back to making AA games instead of Triple A open world meme boring shit.
is that modded or shopped? because the definitely didnt look like that
that really seems the kind of "haha im having fun and my depression doesn't bother right now" kind of face, i make that when i have fun
CDPR is apparently a shit place to work
consoles need to FUCK OFF with their gay ass weak shit
That's funny because their only AA game was their worst game.
I like witcher but the first one was just a boring mess
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Millions already bought his game. Millions will buy his next game.
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aww yiss, like this kind of cartoony style, i hope there is lot of judge dredd style stuff too
It is. You can read company reviews on some sites. Literally every single one complains about terrible fucking management, which makes total sense.
All of their games were Frankenstein Monsters that barely made it and were put together by a miracle.
They also waste A LOT of resources. Witcher 3 does so much shit it doesn't need at all (or even ruins the fun) it's just astounding.
They absolutely lack polish (pun not intended) and organized work.
>airspeed 250mph
shouldn't it be more? it is flying and all
Witcher 1 and 2 were AA at most anon.
>i wish cdpr would make shit
go eat shit in someone else's thread buddy
probably some sort of hover technology involved rather than proper flight, anon. think Back to the Future's hoverboard
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>They also waste A LOT of resources.
lul, this is like every god damn big company ever, like for example where the fuck does valve put it's money? they sure don't spend it on shit but running the company without new products costs money so it's a waste of fucking time to not release games

>First pic
"Naw man I'd never do drugs"

>Second pic
"Eh, I've done some drugs here and there"

>Third pic
"Dude... what?"
Only Witcher 2 was AA

Witcher 1 is A and Witcher 3 is (obviously) AAA.
>this is the progression of cocaine addict with lot of money
No you have no idea how much CDPR waste.
Half of the content is always cut from their games (Witcher 1 had like 100 hours of content cut from the game) and they develop unnecessary shit for their games like Item Rarity in W3, crossbow etc.
u wat son
If they waste resources it was definitely because until Witcher 3 they had no HR department.
They still do this. Most recent reviews still talk about shitty management and communication.
Their teams do whatever the fuck they want. Like not whole year ago Russian CDPR team leaked very important stuff about Gwent because they just don't care about the upper staff.
Seriously it's a fucking miracle that they even exist as a whole.
>waste of resources
>featues and content that didn't make it into the game

That's not what waste of resources is, though. It would be something like changing engines mid-development or such. Missing chapter in Witcher 2, for example, is missing because they prioritized polishing system over more content. Whether they succeed at that or whether crossbow is a wasted effort is subjective.
>Witcher 1 is A
No, Witcher 1 is AA. It had a publisher.
Indie games are A.
>changing engines mid-development or such
Except they did change it. Or at least had to make game from scratch again.
At first they wanted separate PC and console versions but it proved to be way too expensive so they abandoned EVERYTHING and started again with version on all three platforms.
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What the fuck does valve do with its money? Genuine question. They have released a game in years.

There is no such fucking thing as A or AA games.

AAA is a marketing slang for "ye we pump money into every part of the game to make it fuckin' A"

It's not a sliding scale. It's just a buzzword.
Hookers and blow
From what I understand they re-wrote the shader pipelines for Witcher 3. Then again I really don't know much about game engines.
do you have any idea how expensive it is to feed gaben?
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>AAA is a marketing slang for "ye we pump money into every part of the game to make it fuckin' A"
Actually, AAA comes from credit providers' ratings of their clients. A client who is AAA is seen as a safe bet.
This is in analogue to AAA video games with large budgets, which are seen as a safe bet that is too big to fail.

There's no reason why we can't call small-budget published games "AA" and indie games "A". All the terminology is borrowed anyway.
They just take it for themselves/spend it on Steam servers.
They literally don't have to do anything just manage Steam from time to time. They get money from every game sold there.
>It had a publisher.

DISTRIBUTOR, not a publisher. CDPR is independent and always has been.
I wonder why they haven't gone full independent like Larian. Maybe they read Scen's blog and decided against it.
tell me
They are self-publishing in regions where they have corporate presence as a distributor. As for other regions, it's probably not worth the problems, especially since Atari and such are happy to provide marketing for them for a piece of the pie.
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Hankerin' for a few rounds of esports
I imagine because CDPR is a much larger player with more logistical issues in worldwide distribution. Probably not worth it for them at the moment.
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Reminder that this was supposed to kill Hearthstone.
And it did, bro. It did.
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