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Why haven't you killed O4S yet anon?

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Why haven't you killed O4S yet anon?
You dont pay my sub
Because im not a neckbeard faggot.
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>Playing a mmo with that much of a mediocre OST.
>Playing a mmo where everybody is a DPS
>Playing a mmo where tanks are just DPS with "Create infinite threat" attacks in their "rotations"
>Playing a mmo where healers literally get DoTs so they can do damage in between healing
>Playing a mmo where healers complain about having to deal damage
>Playing a mmo where crafting is basically useless outside to the 1% that tries to beat the whole game on day 1
>Playing a mmo that every fight can be seen as a big theater script
>Playing a mmo where half the fucking community just ERPs all day as cat girls
>Playing a mmo where 3/4 of the available races are just straight up worse versions of their original FFXI versions
>Playing a mmo where all you do is press the same two rotations over, and over, and over and over.
It's time to go back to /vg/. Generals are not allowed in /v/, please go back.

Only good players can clear that fight
Getting a static together is hard and the ugly ass gear isnt worth it.
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>mediocre OST.
>sluts and potato faggots

Raiding is for fags id rather do ex primals.
2 weeks of shit rolls on VS1/2 so I don't make the ilvl cut.
buy some of the tomestone gear.
It's been a while, but are we able to glamour a piece of gear like Darklight casting with the hood, onto a regular piece of gear?
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>middie, cat, au ra sluts and lala are the best players
Really make you think
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>haven't done savage cause i'm leveling all my gatherers and making bank
>by the time i'm done no one will be doing savages anymore or i'll get "no bonus"
>cops protecting virtuous people and enforcing law and order is now a bad thing

Truly we are in dark times now.
Bought my Creation chest so nothing left for anything else. Sitting in i318 atm
Because I don't have friends to play mmos with
I got to level 70, realized that Eyes of the Dragon was pure shit, and switched to leveling SAM.
>DPS keeps eating AoEs
Buy some crafted stuff if you're "making bank"
It'd be pennies if you really care.
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Shit ignore >>385593237 I was confused with an earlier post.
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do you realize what DPS have to put up with?
my groups going in blind in o3s and we made it to books tonight. how much tougher does the fight get?
Because I dropped stormblood for DDON
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>Mediocre OST
A few more dances and you're good for a clear.
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did I fall for the "o3s is really hard" meme?
Possibly. You just have a bit more to go and it's pretty easy, so don't worry about it much.
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Took us an hour before our first successful dual stack up on O2S even with ez stack rule.

Is it so fucking hard to follow one simple rule. I should've seem the signs with O1S. O3S is going to go great I can feel it if we even get there.
which healer is the most fun in this game
Because our second tank got ban for a week for calling a stupid cunt a nigger.
Astrologian > Scholar > White Mage

on fun scale that is
If you like making other people do more damage and RNG: Astrologian
If you like having a pet heal for you and an indirect trigger heal + DOTs: Scholar
If you like big numbers and straightforward gameplay: White Mage

Personally I like White Mage the most, but they've all got their high points.
>2 popotos
>1 tater slut
>2 cat sluts
>1 dragonslut
>1 midlander slut
Your team may be skilled, but it's filled with shit taste
mfw lala's are some of the best players in the game
all the poopsock meme masters pick lalafaggot
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>raiding with edgy children
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i did first week
>memeroes thinking their opinion matters
I only killed O2S today
and I didn't get a book
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AST is comfiest. WHM is just right fun. SCH is netflix and chill.

AST for serious stuff. WHM for dungeons and solo farm. SCH for mentor roulette and idgaf.
I have no fucking idea and it pissed me off. Didn't get to roll on the items either.
I'm stuck on O3S anon. Pugging this is just too hard
I'm not even level 70 yet. I have a 69 Dragoon and a 69 Paladin and I don't know what to play. Help anons.

drop DRG like a bad habit
>See a guy with a gun
>"I'd better kill that guy in case he tries to use that gun to defend himself"
>I attack him
>He uses the gun to defend himself
>"See, this just fucking proves that guy needs to be killed."
Garlean logic re beast tribes.
not him but what's wrong with DRG
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But DRG is fun...
DRG is actually not bad after the buffs. There are a fair amount of DRGs in speed kills.
you just made my night, thank you anon i'm glad i held onto that darklight casting gear all these years
I just don't find it fun anymore. New Geirskogul isn't as fun as it used to be, LotD is annoying, and Nastrond barely feels worth it for all the effort that goes into getting it ready.
Did you already go into 3 or 4 for the week?

You cant go backwards, it automatically locks you out of loot

DRG is 2.0 monk

Just because it sucks in primals doesnt mean it sucks in raids
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>he doesn't know about the drg buffs
Because having to play through the main story of ARR and HW burnt me out. The majority of the game is incredibly tedious.
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I'll give you all that green text save for the OST. But otherwise, yeah, dead on.
What dragoon buffs happened?
aw shit I accidentally joined an O3S group while I was trying to clear

that's fucking dumb
Because I just started playing a few weeks ago and I'm only level 50.

Tanks/healers: do you play your role outside of group content? I enjoy tanking the most by far in groups, but I really love RDM and want to play it as well, but I assume there isn't enough MSQ XP to support 2 jobs.
70 potency on lance mastery and easier to maintain BotD. Not much but the results speak for themselves. DRG outdamages NIN in most content now.
Level a DPS with MSQ since leveling them "normally" can be a pain
Just do RDM for MSQ and the tank for dungeons.
Fast queues means leveling a tank is ezpzmemezy
So when does BLM get fun? I'm at level 12 THM and it seems it's at least the same thing until 30 (dot fire spam blizzard spam repeat)
Nin still has trick attack but thanks to the drg changes party will pretty much be sam, nin, drg and brd now since they buff each other so perfectly
Tell me that we can still use that animation.
Leveling is piss fucking easy in this game, you get 50% bonus exp on all classes that are lower level than your highest one so your second/third/etc jobs will be a lot faster than what you are suffering through right now.
Questing in general is slow as fuck compared to dungeons and FATEs if you are in a level range where people do them. Granted DPS queues for dungeons will be a bit on the slower side since there's just so many of them so a lot of people recommend leaving your sidequests to level them instead, but honestly nowadays it's not really an issue anymore with PotD and PvP giving good exp

I assume dungeon spam for tank leveling? Are trials reasonable XP? I much prefer them to slogging through trash.
it gets fun at 60
it gets fun at 42 then gets a fun increase every 10~ levels or so
You can just do PoTD if you really want to, but dungeon spam (highest level your tank can access) is better.
>reasonable xp
I think my fc will be kill when I log in tomorrow. Any cool ones on exodus?
Trials won't give you nearly as much as a dungeon unless you luck out and get one in leveling roulette or MSQ roulette
how the fuck are you only lvl50 after a few weeks of playing?
you can hit that in a day easy
if you are that slow then you should probably give up on leveling other stuff, you'll never get anywhere
it's 100% below 60 now

but it's still worthwhile to use MSQ experience on a DPS since MSQs give a lot of experience and you have to do them anyway
Cause there is no rush as long you clear the tiers when they are relevant.
my group is already on Neo Exdeath and we raid 2-3 days a week for only a couple hours each day we go in.
There's a chance we can clear this week but not a big deal if we don't.
Next week we will have 3 340 weapons so I highly doubt we won't kill it by week 3
the game is boring
i got pally lvld to 40 and its such a chore, worse than wow.
THM suffers for a long time

Single target gets better at 60, aoe gets a lot better at 70.
>I picked the most boring job in the initial game and it's boring, wtf
that's probably the worst part of the game, most jobs suffer from "doesn't get fun until 60/70" syndrome, especially after SB
If you look at top speed kills the only dps jobs that are in EVERY party are NIN and BRD. The other two are a toss-up between MNK, SAM, DRG for one slot and RDM or BLM for the other, with SMN making occasional appearances. MCH is the only job that's still nowhere to be found.

But RDM and SAM/MNK are by far the most common. Embolden alone makes RDM godlike since the meta is already heavily biased towards physical comps, so having a caster with a physical damage buff is a no-brainer.
So got brd to 70 and need to know some things.
1 when I am in army's paeon when should I switch to minuet? read online somewhere around the 8 second mark but I am not too sure
2. When I go back to minuet do I pop raging instantly or save it for when barrage is up? As in do I pop raging 1o seconds before barrage is available.

>don't have a healer high enough level to get a cluster anyways
At least I can feel justified using it for RDM instead of DRK this time
>it's pretty easy,
Every raid fight ever.
Far too often I get people who are timid about the fights and they've built a giant daunting task for themselves to deal with in their heads. When 90% of the time, you're just waiting for all 8 people to not fuck up.
How easy this tier is should be no shocker since SUPER SAVAGE!!!! is in the works.
I hope it marks a return to SCoB savage levels of bullshit.
seriously, what were they thinking with some of the pacing in this game? I was playing NIN(61) the other day and ended up in Tam Tara. You have a whopping 3 buttons; spinning slash, gust slash and dagger throw, not counting the utility abilities like Goad etc... not that you would ever need them at that level since everyone is regenerating everything so fast it doesn't matter. I get that they want to ease people into the game, but how do they expect people to be entertained by these 20 minute 2 button snooze fests?
The buffs are shit. Fucking around with potency doesn't change the 105 second windup for Life of the Dragon or just how fucking awkward Nastrond is to trigger.

I don't care what the 99th percentile perfect latency assholes manage to pull off in statics that can cater to them. I care that Life of the Dragon FEELS utterly godawful and you have to jump through a dozen fucking hoops to use it.
I might pick up DRG again if they reduce the Geir cooldown so it lines up with Jump. Until then I'm playing other shit.
>you will never have a Xaela gf
Steppe is B E S T Z O N E
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Because I already unsubbed.
Most of the job reworks sucked, adding 2 DPS while fucking up tanks and heals on launch was retarded, the gearing systems are getting fucking old, the FF nostalgia fanwank has gone overboard with Omega, and I'm still mad about how much of a shitshow the EA period was.
Get fucked Yoshi I'll be back in a month.
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>help a friend of a friend clear O3S real quick
>die not getting topped before dimensional wave
>they upload to fflogs
Why do I ever leave town
When Ballad is at 30 seconds or less and Paeon is at 60 seconds or less

pop raging immediately so you can Iron Jaws with it up. You should be saving Barrage for Refulgent so saving Raging for it might result in you not having Raging for the first Pitch Perfect.
thankfully leveling past that shit is a lot faster now, even without armory bonus
But I did, 3 days after the patch hit.
Overall the worst tier so far and that's saying something. Visually and as far as atmosphere goes NeoExdeath was cool but the fight itself was a tremendous disappointment.
Honestly if Super Savage doesn't end up being cool I'll probably drop this game. I've been just sitting around and hoping the next tier will salvage it for far too long. Ever since Second Coil it's just steadily been going downhill, even with them only making 4 bosses every 7 months almost all of them still end up being fucking garbage. There's at best 1 fight a tier that's worth anything, Phoenix in FCoB, Living Liquid in Gordias, then Brute Justice, and then I guess while nothing was all that amazing for Creator both Cruise Chaser and Alex itself were at least okay.

Yes, people are fucking retarded and jumping on a bandwagon after seeing people wipe on O3S and O4S on Twitch during Day 1, not realizing how much more lenient all this shit will get with just a tiny bit more gear and that even """the best in the world""" make mistakes during progression. O3S isn't even going to be all that hard to pug as long as your party leader knows what they are doing and assigns roles properly and O4S will definitely be fairly doable too, that one is basically going to go through the same learning pains as Bahamut back in the day.
I haven't even done the EX trials because I'm worried I'l be a shitter and waste everyone's time because I cant beat the training dummies.
>jump through a dozen fucking hoops to use it
Well this is conflicting. I'm guessing it's worth suffering through given people seem to find RDM braindead and boring but still like BLM
>adding 2 DPS while fucking up tanks and heals on launch was retarded
DPS queues are incredibly normal now, as expected after the bustle of the expansion dies down
BLM is very fun once you get to higher levels. But it fucking sucks until you get to at least 42.
While we're on the subject of BLM, would there ever be a reason to use BLM over RDM?
RDM can literally do 1320 potency in 6s (Accelerate> Hardcast Veraero/thunder>Veraero/thunder>Fleche>Contre Sixte)
While BLM has to set up Fire 4 spam, and even then Fire 4 is 260 potency every 2s not to mention having to keep up Enochian and Astral Fire up while running around.
Meanwhile RDM can run and cast without any hard dps loss.
Alright I'll stick it out. Can manage 42 since I can at least not even pretend I'm paying attention with PotD on BLM
It's just like classic final fantasy!

But seriously, the players of this game are dumb as absolute shit. That's the main reason it's so slow early game. This is just some of the shit I've seen people do in 40+ content:
>People using abilities completely at random
>MNKs who fail to build even 1 stack of Greased Lightning
>BRDs who spam Iron Jaws on targets with no DoTs.
>PLDs who just used Rage of Halone over and over without doing the preceding steps of the combo
>WARs who only use their Butcher's Block combo, never putting up the slashing debuff or their own 20% damage buff.
>SCHs who do nothing but spam Physick whenever the tank's health goes below 100% with Eos on sic.
>Literal bot BLMs that did nothing but spam Fire I and die to every AoE in 60+ content
>Players that AFK in the middle of pulls
None of these people were or will be punished for their shitty play. All these groups still manage to clear.
>RDM can literally do 1320 potency in 6s
Who cares about how they open?
BLM brings more personal damage, RDM brings DPS/raise utility
That's all
Doesn't stop them throwing it into the levelling roulette as a full party of 70s.
Between Triplecast and their movement abilites, if a BLM knows the fight well, they can pull off SAM numbers while still being fairly mobile.
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So much for my special snowflake look
I think the main difference here is one can still dps while moving and the other has to literally stand to be able to do anything at all.
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when melding materia
should i go and max out that secondary stat that i get below the stat cap
or just spend it on boosting a completely different
for example
if i throw a savage might vi materia on, i can reach the cap for DET, or i can throw a quicktongue on for more spell speed again, even if its no where near what the cap is for that stat.
you raise the stat that's most beneficial to your job
say brd for example
meld crit, can't meld crit? meld dh, can't meld dh? meld det
You can meld any materia if able to do so. Even crafting/gathering materia for combat jobs.
With the BLM buffs they are outdamaging RDM in content even despite the relative lack of mobility. RDM is still strongly preferred though because of Embolden, Verraise, and it's much more resistant to mechanics and thus easier to pull high numbers with.
>Hien was surrounded by smoking hot dragon girls and never tapped a single one

Is he gay?
>Yes, people are fucking retarded and jumping on a bandwagon after seeing people wipe on O3S and O4S on Twitch
I hate this shit. It's the same reason alex 3 got such a bad rep, people that never even seriously tried it were calling it the worst fight in the game and called it buggy and what not just because they saw people not understand it and fuck up the mechanics on stream when it's actually probably the best designed fight in the game
No because PF is cancer and statics are autists who demand 90th percentile or bust. I could do 90th percentile with melee dps, but they're so boring to me I fall asleep playing them. I have 2 more days on my sub and I'm letting it run out.
He's a man burdened by leadership.
Because my static has to carry one healer. We were ready to clear O3S a week ago and this entire week was just hammering into her head about shit she should have known. The amount of times she'd ask questions regarding simple mechanics (where to stand for standard waltz when the boss jumps) was infuriating.

I got the tomestone and gobdip though, so I'm looking forward to my i340 weapon next week. Not the best stats for MNK, but at least the crit is nice. O4S weapons don't give you any real benefit because at that point you've already cleared all the content.
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he needed to get shit done before thinking about the pussy
>implying he didn't make Cirina pretend she was a Goro every night
I want to cuddle with Arya.
Well there's supposedly the "super savage" fight coming in 4.1
You want your best overall secondary stat. Period. If its your second highest stat on a piece, max it out, if not, meld your secondary stat.
>No because PF is cancer and statics are autists who demand 90th percentile or bust.
PF is cancer but that static thing is just your own shit luck. Can't find a group suited to you? Create one.

Might take a day or two to fill out a roster (probably longer now, I tend to go recruiting shortly before raids drop) but after that it's just replacing people as it becomes necessary.

It's not even a lot of work, you remove the poeple that make it a lot of work.
explains why that Buduga lizard man was interested in him.
Hien is alpha as fuck, he can pick anyone he wants to. He does not need to fuck a random slut.
Has anyone done A8S recently with around i320? How easy is it/how much shit do you skip? I really want some of those weapons for glamour but I know PFing it would be a disaster.
>when it's actually probably the best designed fight in the game
It was good, but I wouldn't go that far. People mostly had a problem with Living Liquid because of the brutal DPS check even with gear when nothing aside from trying to clear shit day 1 had ever really posed a challenge DPS wise in this game. It's kinda funny, all the better groups always talk about how fucking good of a fight A3S was and then when you go on like reddit or /xivg/ it's considered the worst thing and what killed raiding in XIV for whatever reason.
What really killed Gordias was Manipulator being the quite possibly worst designed boss I've ever seen, it was dreadfully boring for the first 8 minutes and then hammered you into the ground with an absolutely absurd execution requirement for the last 5. It just wasn't fun, at all. If you couldn't sac Nisi you would have most likely seen clear numbers far lower than Savage SCoB on that fight, it was just that retarded.

>my FC already has a raid group
>my work schedule doesn't allow me to join a static
>pugging easier content like shinryu/susano ex is enough to give me a migraine
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Because my FC Split after 4 Years. All my friends left and made their own FC, I was initially going to follow but the Officers are all giant douchebag stream whores.
What's left of the old FC is basically just some casuals who constantly shittalk everyone who left so instead of sticking with either I stopped playing the Game.
>>my work schedule doesn't allow me to join a static
that fucking feel
I don't even have friends or a fc.
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Nope, taking it ez and chilling until raid time, static only has like 3 hours on weds and sunday.
We are on O3S right now, last week from blind to library, past weds up to enrage and hopefully we clear today.

If for some reason we don't get it then I won't bother until next week, I know how terrible PF is in that fight with the whole "clear party" that wipes before library
Because I haven't finished the goddamn MSQ yet.
Because I'm rather tired of the tab targeting and slowly wasting my 180 sub die out. I'll give it a month then strut through them with videos.
>nothing aside from trying to clear shit day 1 had ever really posed a challenge DPS wise in this game.
Someone never played 2.0 raids when relevant.
It wasn't uncommon for groups to be clearing T4 well into the enrage damage until they were mostly i90.

Mainly because LotA was meant to be ready and we'd have i80 gear but whatever.
For as packed as Gilgamesh is as a server, I can never find anyone to run with.I always wind up throwing a movie or tv show on in the background and doing solo stuff until I get bored. Yeah, it's a fun game, but for me, a very lonely and solitary experience.
>>Playing a mmo where all you do is press the same two rotations over, and over, and over and over.
This is what made me stop playing. It's a poor man's Final Fantasy game in everything but OST, you follow a single rotation and that's it, can't experiment or do something different you have to follow one rotation.
Too casul.
I don't have a static so I haven't done any savage content yet aside from A1S light farming. I haven't even done susano or lakshmi ex even though I could pug them, and I haven't even cleared coils. I'll do all of these eventually, but I can't be bothered yet. I still enjoy the game, though.
>poor man's Final Fantasy
>following a single rotation
>when previous Final Fantasys consist of Attack>occasional Cure>Attack
>some can even literally play themselves
I don't have the drive to do it anymore, it's not even fun anymore. I won't complain too much though, I got my money's worth, I had a decent amount of fun with the game. I still think Yoshi and his team are doing good work and my respect for them is immense. But this is a game primarily for crafters and glamsluts, combat is secondary.

That's not really true for SMN and MCH. Sure, I can play DRG with one hand while jerking off with the other but there are jobs which require planning and constant attention. Maybe you should try those.
As opposed to other Final Fantasy games, where you can win 99% of the game by just lazily pressing the Attack button.
Preferred Role? Data Centre? I'm always on the lookout. Couldn't hurt to give you a chance if I can.
so for blm i guess throw spell speed on, unless im at max. then throw on Crit.
because it's too much to invest in and it doesn't net any gil
I'm trying to get a fucking house here, stroking my epeen can wait
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The actual savage content is finding 7 other competent people to raid with.
Because raiding is stressful and makes the game feel like a job. EX Primals are the sweet spot in time invested/reward.

I'd rather be catching up on my crafts and leveling a tank/heals so I can get those sweet instaqueues.
Thanks but no, I'm done.

DPS queues on my server are like 5 minutes and you can level a dps through grinding dungeons easily. Tanks are boring, try a dps out.
You fucking know this game is brain dead. Don't even pretend.
how close are you to your goal?

i'm about 5mil away from being able to get a medium FC house and a medium personal house
depends on the job desu
Unless you've played SMN and MCH, you can't really claim that. Try clearing savage with those jobs.
>Try clearing savage
Of course when all fails bring up the classic
>M-muh savage
argument because that's all XIV fags fall back on.
DPS queues are 12+ minutes on my low-pop server.
How does listing prominent endgame content not count as an argument.

It's like telling a WoWfag they can't list Mythic as content.
Well you're making the argument the game's braindead based on ignoring the hardest content and the hardest jobs.
at a base level yes
extreme and savage content is more challenging though
I did play when 2.0 raids were relevant though. Infact I was in one of the groups that were the first to clear T5 the day after the Twister nerf. T4 was not a hard DPS check for any halfway competent group, you struggled with it if you didn't bother upgrading your gear and still used AF, but if you got some of the better sets you shouldn't have had any problems unless your comp was something silly like the BRD stacking a lot of people did early on.
The hardest non-SCoB Savage DPS check prior to A3S was T8, a lot of midcore groups had to drop one of their healers and solo heal that, but that was long before FFLogs was a thing and midcore, let alone more casual, groups didn't really give much of a shit about DPS optimization back in those days - it actually wasn't that brutal for the more competent ones either and if you look at the world first clear was done with like half a minute left on the enrage with 2 healers.
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>Heroic Spirit Shield
Purge this sickness.
Can someone post the opener for blm and aoe rotation?
I would play if you could get a character boost to SB without paying extra. I don't have time to slowly grind through all the other crap and I don't particularly want to buy the separate bpost because I'm not that desperate to play.
Wow, a new learning curve before I muscle memory 99% of it and look for odd situations to eek out more.

That's someone who has both at 70. Raid SMN.

>a lot of midcore groups had to drop one of their healers and solo heal that
Correction, it was solo tanked with a WAR.

>you struggled with it if you didn't bother upgrading your gear and still used AF
All Darklight. If you were in AF you had no business being in Coil.

I was also one to clear T5 shortly after the twister nerf. A few days though, everyone had gone back to work after maxing time off.
it doesn't take that long to get to Heavensward and that's honestly not something you want to skip
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>I want to play an mmo but I don't want to play it
The grind isn't even real with the MSQ carrying you through the levels.
Should I get rid of Dark Passenger from my Hotbar?

So you mastered the game, good for you, now go play something else. Also, I'd like to see your SMN or MCH logs, just out of curiosity. Because if you claim it's braindead, you should be in the 90th percentile.
Doesn't blm get between the lines and that teleport ability to move around?
People solo tanked it as well, yeah. I remember a lot of the more casual groups loading all of the burden onto a single healer as well though. Healer DPS wasn't really a thing people focused on back then and you didn't need both SS and Adlo to keep people save through Allagan Fields so it was fairly common.

If you were struggling with T4's enrage while using Darklight I'm not sure what to tell you, the world first clear didn't even get close to the softenrage and those were probably a lot less geared than you guy's were. Anyways it's kind of a moot point since in the end a shitload of people still cleared T4 quite effortlessly even back in the days, doesn't really matter whether it was after the softenrage started or not
Don't you know that grinding for good boy points to increase your iLvl is the only thing that matters in MMOs?
and Triplecast

people who say BLM is completely immobile haven't played it
I hate cancerous players like you, you're part of the reason MMOs have gone to shit. The point of the MMO is the journey, not the destination, why even play a fucking MMO if you don't want to do the content. Go
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Playing better games
>on /v/
>plays games
something doesn't add up
No class is brain dead, they just become that with a ton of practice.

>If you were struggling with T4's enrage while using Darklight I'm not sure what to tell you
Let's go back and quote myself.
>It wasn't uncommon for groups to be clearing T4 well into the enrage damage until they were mostly i90.
I did not say my group. I'll always go with the average raid population when making a generalisation, we are not the average. Not even average, upper mids would be more accurate.
See, the problem is that they made a good portion of said journey pretty bad because they didn't plan ahead. The six incremental releases of MSQ throughout a Realm Reborn may not have been a big deal for people actively playing the game as they came out, but for the new people? Holy shit.
RDM is pretty braindead
V3S is the only fun fight in this tier
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Level 70? Not too sure on optimal openers, but I use something like:
single target:
blizz3, enochian, thunder3, blizz4, fire3, triplecast, fire4, diversion, fire4, sharpcast, fire4, ley lines, fire, fire4, fire4, fire4, firestarter, convert, fire4, fire4(I forget if you have enough mp for that, but I assume), blizz3, thunder3, foul if ready, blizz4 and then on to the regular rotation.
Foul whenever ready, thundercloud procs if you find a window, firestarter ideally after three sets of fire4 if you can so you can throw another set of fire4s, triplecast whenever you're about to throw another three fire4s, ley lines whenever but not when triplecast is up (some might diagree)

blizz3, thunder4, blizz4, fire3, fire2, fire2, flare, flare, transpose, blizz4, fire3, repeat.
A cool thing to do when foul is up is
triplecast, flare, foul, flare, convert, swiftcast, flare. You can throw a max-ether in there if you have one and hardcast another flare, but usually most things are dead at this point.

There's most likely more optimal openers and rotations, but I don't want to bother with them until maybe the next patch in case some balancing and shit changes it all again. It's why I didn't buy into the no-blizz4-meme.
So what's the problem then? You sink a certain amount of hours into something and you've mastered it. Does that make the game shit?
I don't disagree that how they gated this particular game is very poorly done. They are too slow to give you abilities meaning most of the time you are not engaged or even reasonably challenged. People's obsession with the level cap though has done wonders at killing the genre by giving devs excuses to either cheap out on the middle content or just give avenues around them, which does nothing to foster community or engage the player in the game world. Job boost potions do absolutely nothing positive for the game or the players who buy them.
this is pretty much what i do
>I did not say my group.
Sorry for that then, I misunderstood.
Still doesn't change that even the pretty casual groups ended up clearing T4 without too much problems though, T4's Soft Enrage was just way too easy to heal through as long as you still had resources left so it gave you enough of a buffer to clear it even if you don't have the gear/skill required to straight up beat the Enrage just yet.

I'm pretty mixed about them moving away from having soft enrages for most of their fights, I kinda liked how they handled it in T4.
Anything is better than the dumb as fuck Enrage mechanic Brute Justice and NeoExdeath have now though where you pretty much have an entire phase with the boss just spamming increasingly stronger raid wide damage until you end up not being able to cope anymore, it's lazy as fuck. You spend close to a minute doing nothing but that on Neo, it's awful.
Not my claim. Ask the anon who made it.
I just wanted to fuck with whoever called MCH/SMN the hardest jobs.

Longest curves, maybe even steepest, but that's about it.
It's incredibly fucking tedious doing it all now. I'd be happy with just skipping ARR though, that would be fine. You dont even miss anything because it was all such shit.

I'm incredibly glad it's not a game that really requires alts.
Thank you. I've been finding blm fun as fuck to play leveling up in SB but rdm was boring.
And I hate cancerous players like you that sit through every cutscene and make me wait for minutes every time I just quickly want to knock out a dungeon or trial. People play for different reasons get used to it. I absolutely hate the journey to level cap and skip 99% of the dialogue/cutscenes in pretty much every MMO I've ever touched but can have lots of fun with the endgame, deal with it.
I don't like boosts in MMOs as a rule and is actually like an MMO where levelling is at least equal to end game as far as content and enjoyment is concerned. That isn't the case though and frankly having to face the ARR MSQ grind all over again completely puts me off subscribing.
Hey could anyone give me a basic SMN opener/rotation to work with?

Do I just use shit like Aetherflow and rouse/enkindle on CD?
Well you're a turbo autist and should be used to no one anywhere liking you by now instead of crying like a woman about it.
Then go play a single player game. Why do retards like you insist on bandwagoning MMOs and then bitching that there's too much to do, then bitch about wanting to skip to endgame and bitch that there's nothing to do? And I don't give a single flying fuck if you skip cutscenes or dialog, I didn't even mention anything about story.
Have we had any soft enrages since T2 and T4? I guess you could include T1. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any so I'm inclined to think they consciously removed them in favour of hardkills. A bit shitty but I can understand a little from dev's end. Especially after the farce that T2 became.
Because blackholes are too hard for people to handle apparently
I'm not crying about it and have tons of fun playing with the other turbo autists.
Just making a point, you sound like a complete sperg by losing your shit just because someone said he doesn't like to suffer through endless fetch quests with little story going on
>got 92 percentile on DRK on o1s tonight
>only 400 dps behind our catboy DRG
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>The point of the MMO is the journey, not the destination
I unironically liked my first slow climb to 50 back then. Thinking back on it feels so nostalgic, and it felt like others were doing the climb along with me rather than playing with a bunch of max ilevels carrying the low-levels through content the way it sometimes feels like now. I remember when garuda and titan were actually kinda hard, and I still remember when I first learned to flare things properly mid-dungeon with the help of a tank who encouraged me.

Speaking of which, I also just now remembered how I spent the first few dungeons casting sleep on everything the tank wasn't attacking before focusing down each enemy individually until I learned that my role was to aoe things. That was a little embarrassing.
Okay fuck

What were they thinking
A8S has a soft enrage.
I can't really think of any. Did Phoenix have a soft enrage where he spammed his AoE and got stacks or did it just end up insta killing you after 13 minutes or however long it was? There's shit like Melusine getting an attack and haste buff and just one shotting you with autos one by one, but I'm not sure I'd count that.
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>getting Garuda normal in roulette back when it was a kick in the dick
The easiest way to solo T5 is soft enrage for fuck's sake man.
It was a soft enrage, the more stacks Phoenix got, the harder his raidwide hit. At the time people were progressing anything 11 and above was usually a wipe. Nowadays you could probably just eat wave after wave of Phoenix getting progressively more pissed off.
Fuck, Garuda Normal was so much more difficult than Hard Mode. What the fuck were they thinking

Can't really consider it a soft enrage when it hit you for ten times your max HP when it came out. That's just the insane powercreep at work
>Why haven't you killed O4S yet anon?
Because my group's healers are shit and can't keep us alive through Exdeath's mechanics. Only seen Neo-Exdeath once and it was a clutch kill on Exdeath that 2hr session.
I guess if you're counting T1, then yeah. Increasing stacks/damage until unsustainable but I wouldn't calll that soft like T4/T2.

Mel was T1 tier enrage really. And yeah, Phoenix was just a murder scene.

Soft now. It would one-shot everyone at level. Unless you're Ky and just slapping Twin in the face with a plonky longsword and Hallowed Ground.

Join the 4chan FC then. Always people to play with there.
And unlike tera it's not actual hot garbage.
But it absolutely is a soft enrage.
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Phoenix gained stacks to outdo your HP totals that are possible within tier. That's a hard enrage.

Twin would 9999 you when you could barely hit 5K outside of tanks.
>blizz3, thunder4, blizz4, fire3, fire2, fire2, flare, flare, transpose, blizz4, fire3, repeat.

Ex-squeeze me but are those two flares hardcasted? How the hell do you do that without transpose.
Blizz 4 reduces Flare's MP cost at 68 so you can double Flare without Transpose
>when you could barely hit 5K outside of tanks
More like 2-3k on non-tanks. Shit, this game has come a long way. By the end of this expansion non-tanks will have like 45k HP
you can buff WAR up to 125K already with a Bard and potions
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>4chan fc
I like these threads and I genuinely feel hope that most of you are fairly well off and well adjusted people, but certain experiences have taught me this is best avoided.
I upped it to 5 because I wasn't sure. I just remember the 3200 or whatever people started requiring for Titan and went a fair bit over.
>tfw still haven't joined an FC in over 2 years
>people bombard me with FC invites constantly
>turn them all down

would be nice to raid but every FC I've ever been in has been nothing but shitty drama and/or cliquey shit like "oh we have 500+ members but we only circlejerk between the 8 people in our static"
At least the scaling is not as retarded as WoW where players have several million HP and do over 1 million DPS.
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>Join the 4chan FC then
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oh you can get much more than that
I have an alt on Ultros - it's mostly okay. It's far from the most horrible FC I've encountered.

Tanks generally shot for 6k to be comfortable on Twintania. Granted that wasn't bleeding edge, but more to be comfortable with Death Sentence and the like.
>coming here, to 4chan, into a thread for an MMO full of broken people and expecting to meet well-adjusted individuals
Are you delusional by chance?
>still wipes
I do not miss RNG Deathsentence wipes because Bulwark didn't block.
At 68 you get a trait that lets you use umbral hearts to reduce the cost of flare, you'll always have just enough mp left for another flare. So after 68, you can always cast two flares every aoe rotation without needing cooldowns.
anyone play with a controller?
can you set it up so that the R2+L2 hotbar is always visible?
Well, they already have echo.
Any good mnk guides?
Is the ZR pulling hunts early meme real or just something GAF started to get back at them? Genuinely curious.
Unsurvivable by at level DPS and is very different from shit that instantly kills tanks through Hallowed Ground and Tempered Will.

Sorry for the very late reply thank you anon
But I have OP. Got my weapon finally since I'm a dragoon meaning I had to wait my turn for the real melee dps of the group

its a living
I thought GAF was the one pulling early

or at least, they're the ones getting blamed on Mateus
I honestly can't comment on that. My alt's only 58 and I never played there during any times when hunts would be really active. So in general my description of them as a whole is pretty dated, I think I last played that alt in 3.4
Twintania's Enrage hits through Hallowed Ground and Holmgang though.
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>Tfw got invited to a FC really early in the game just because they liked my name
>Only had about 10 active players that seemed to be friends irl
>Always in the FC chat talking about mundane shit
>Quit for 2 months
>Come back a few days ago
>Haven't seen a single one of them even log in
I never even interacted with them much but it kinda bums me out
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>they fled across servers but the meme followed them
GAF pulling early is the meme on ultros even if they're nowhere near, but recently people have been throwing the blame at ZR. Now everyone yells at both, but GAF primarily.
I do not believe so, but what You can do is set up standard bar hotbars and set all the buttons you use on that hotbar there so you can see cooldowns.

Thats what i do anyways
It's a zr meme to pull early then blame GAF
Just use WXHB

Because I can't find a fucking raid team.
You aren't finishing that fight with just your tanks and that is the intention.
It's an: After this long, these members die with no recovery available.

Constant raid damage until failure? Soft.
Gaining stacks but capping at survivable? Soft
Increasing until unsurvivable? Hard
Outright murder of the party? Hard

Phoenix is a middle ground of sorts but the intent is to make it unsurvvivable, it just doesn't have to outright kill everyone in the party to make that happen.
The only reason you can't find one is that you aren't actually looking or aren't willing to change server.
I came back to the game two weeks ago and already have one again, it's not hard at all at the moment, shitloads of groups are constantly forming and looking for members because of the expansion and Omega.
I believe it, but I don't approve if only because they've been caught often enough for people to blame both now.
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It's a meme gaf made up to get back at us because I started gaf'd 3 years ago because of them sneaking hunts.

We have one or two autists who take it overboard but not many people in ZR care about hunts.
>aren't willing to change server.
Literally no need with cross-server PF and parties.
Most would be organising outside of the game anyway.

Any that need you to join an FC aren't worth going near.
Please tell me your PC is one of the midlanders.
>Ask about raid team.
>"What have you cleared previously".
>Had to skip raiding in heavensward because of university.

It doesn't matter if they're everywhere when they all want people with raid experience.
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How do I look?
>taking peoples word instead of taking them to a Primal and seeing how they do
Are recruiters this retarded now they can use padlogs to arbitrarily judge you?
Nope, here's a hint : I'm the cutest lala there ^_^v
Horribly mis-matched.
Full tin-can Darklight would be an improvement.
I mean, you said it yourself. I am here, after all. I just hope my fellow anons are okay that's all
I've been sick for a week and missed every single raid day
Well, you're not a cat or lizard at least.
Cross server PF is nice if you are just trying out somewhere but if you are actually in a group it's a huge fucking hassle to not be on the same server. I guess it'd be doable, kinda, but it'd be way too annoying to ever even consider for most people.

Gotta market yourself better then, I hadn't done any of the HW raids either. Show them that you are making an effort and give them a feeling for if you are any good and worth investing in by giving them footage of you during pick up groups, doesn't even matter if you killed it or not, show people you care, that you try, and wow them with your adaptability and situational awareness when people fuck up and you try to hero shit.
Any SAM main here?
What do you guys think about this set?

Without knowing the stats weight, trying to plan out our gear is kinda like a nightmare, but so far we know at the very least that Crit is simply not good to stack, DH is king, DET is good for now and that SkS may be very good on SAM.
So with that in mind, I tried to make a the set with DH > SkS > DET > Crit
And going for around 900 SkS max.

Why are so many DPS allergic to the LB button? Can't even count the number of times I've finished a dungeon with full LB because they just never want to use it. If a boss gets to like 3% and it's still unused I'll just tank LB.
We do have cross-server LS etc coming soonâ„¢. It's only a holdover until that's done.
DPS loss
People only want to use the LB when the boss is at 1% and dies in mid-animation anyways.
I've just popped everything, give me a chance to use everythjing else first.

The worst is using LB1 because it'll be enough too kill only to have it get cancelled when we reach LB2. Yay, more time wasted.

Seriously though. Use it on any trash pull, it will always save more time than on a boss. Except Yojimbo, I can LB1 that guy 2 or 3 times a fight.
Because I'm a caster and I'm not allowed to use it other than for certain big pulls.
It seems you can do everything with one character in this. Is there any point to having more than one character?
Don't know when to use. Personally when playing a DPS job I'm afraid of using it early and then everyone fucking up and then being blamed for wasting LB
not really
Feel free to use it on any moderate pull in a dungeon where there are no large pulls. If it hits hard or just takes a while to kill, do it.

Could be saving us a minute vs the 12 seconds it takes off the boss.
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>use it anyways because the melee DPS is allergic to using it

Sam LB3 looks and is named like shit anyways!
None of the better groups will give a shit about what you killed in XIV, from my experience the only ones that actually recruit based on that are the people forming short-term Linkshells to clear the current content, what you want is a proper raid group. They will still ask that question obviously, but they won't actually care if you cleared any of the recent raids or not. It's just an easy and straightforward way to judge your base competency. When they ask you what you killed you don't respond with "nothing, I had to focus on my studies", you tell them you've been doing PFs to try and learn the current content but haven't found any groups that were capable of winning yet. You go into detail as to why they failed without just ranting about "that shitty WHM that never AoE healed" and blaming others for everything. Talk about what you could have done better and upload some of your better attempts to show them that you know your shit.
Only if you want to raid with other groups, since there's a weekly lookout system which won't give the full lots to the party you're in if you've already cleared it for the week.
The first time I saw the RDM lb happen in an 8 man I thought our group had hit enrage and wiped
Gear is all on lockouts so if you want to play multiple jobs or have more options during progression it's nice to have dedicated alts so you don't have to stretch your tokens out and gear multiple jobs as fast as a single one. Once content is on farm you can also do good old alt splits to funnel more raid drops to your main characters
Just lie and tell them you've done everything. They're never going to know, and most likely if they're that anal, you dodged a bullet anyway.
That's still way too much effort, as a raid lead, I don't want all that nonsense. All I want is 10 minutes of your time. Show me what you do.
they can look up what acheivements you've gotten or not gotten but yeah

My response would be who cares you want someone who's not an idiot or not
Sharing those through lodestone is entirely optional.
I've done recruitment for a lot of progression teams over the years both in WoW and now in XIV and just giving someone a single shot to perform in a random fight doesn't really give you a good idea of their personality in my experience.
Generally what I'm looking for is whether they are conscious of their own actions and how they reflect on the raid team, if they are able to look at their own gameplay and improve through (self-)criticism or get defensive, if they are able to adapt on the fly or not, are they able to make rational decisions when tensions fly high, will they be able to actively contribute when you are progressing and hammering out strats.
How competent they are with their class/es is oftentimes fairly obvious within just a couple seconds of looking over footage and after a certain point doesn't even matter that much anymore, it's all the more social and interpersonal shit that's significantly more important.
Can someone explain to me how secondary stats work? I mean is it really worth giving up good secondary stats for increase to ilvl and main stats?

For example on blm I'm looking at the 276 hands and it has no spell speed on them and I rely on spell speed as a blm. While my 270 Shire hands has spell speed and and direct hit. The difference between the two is a 7 int difference.
>help friend clear Catastrophe with some pugs
>almost enrage because the shitty pugs cannot into mechanics
>one of those dumb fucks actually uploaded the clear to fflogs
Last time I ever help fucking worthless pugs.
I hate RDM LB3 for the same reason I hate BLM LB3
t.melee DPS
Alisaie is cool, but autosage isn't
it doesn't really matter for leveling gear, but in general main stat increases will far outweigh anything else
Given that you can use tier 6 materia now, that accounts for up to 80 points per stat (or 40 on accessories) Still not sure if giving up the int for secondaries is still worth it. Generally people will try to find a same ilvl piece with more desirable secondaries.
>>mediocre OST.
Well hes not wrong.

In fact he doesn't go far enough at all. Its straight up garbage.
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>we're autosaging again
I don't know what the mods are even doing to this board or what rules they're following.
Literally go fuck yourself and your shit taste.
RDM's LB3 only lasts for a second compared to the like 4 seconds of total blindness from Meteor
They are mods, they don't care about rules
I have no problems building people up, I just want to know what my starting point is.

This isn't we go to a random pug fight and go nuts. It's we get everyone together, we go fuck something up and go out of our way to make it hell for you in the process to see how you deal.

10 minutes, all I need.
>Literally go fuck yourself and your shit taste.

Well I could roll around in the garbage spewed from a rectum that is the music for this game.
Is the janitor still deleting threads? Maybe they just took away his ability to delete so he does what he can to continue lashing out
How shit can someone's taste in vidya music be to even think this?
*clenches fist*
Give them credit, nice tactic.
How bad is the healer check in O4S?
*punches hand with other hand*
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It's the hardest out of the three roles but still fairly easy compared to shit like A8S
>How shit can someone's taste in vidya music be to even think this?

Well honestly the only people who could possibly enjoy this sonic ass expulsion are people who are partially deaf.

Oh and before I forget the graphics suck total ass too.
>sonic ass expulsion
Great fucking buzzwords, faggot.
What was that Xaela tribe that thinks all words are bullshit?
I reckon they'd be the best race for a canon WoL.
>told a Summoner to use mage LB during the triple ninja summoners in Kugane Castle
It was like he had some major revelation. I got a commend for that.
Oh I'm so sorry the soundtrack isn't just a bunch of ambient noise churned out by an orchestra.
Holy shit
>Back when Thancred was a halfway fun character
Good times.
>Great fucking buzzwords, faggot.
Its a joke you jackass. I' m calling your music a fart, because it stinks.
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