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ftl: faster than light

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Thread replies: 258
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page 10 o/
Were the rebels really the bad guys? Why were they rebelling anyways
Don't mind me or my easy victory,I just have fire bombs on my kestral.
because muh superior humans and something about the federation mantis war.
>hacks your piloting
>weapons hit by triple blaster, missile and laser
>can I break shields?
>yes, gg ez
>no, I'm fucked

feel like it would be more fun if it was more nuanced than this
Its more like can I break shields and survive having a drone surge happen.
I mean the whole game, not the boss fight
>can finish this game easilly with the starting ship
>federation cruiser fucking sucks EVERY TIME

That beam cannon is fucking worthless I swear
>Have two Shields early in the game
>enemy ship can only take out the Shields in a rotation leaving the ship unharmed
>alt-tab until engine room guy, shield guy, and captian reach Max rank
>gg ez
I think C is even more worthless. It's a Flak 2 that takes at minimum 20 seconds to charge, while a normal flak 2 can be reduced by crew and augs. And only costs 3 power anyway.

It should've been a rapid fire flak or something, say, let it charge to max and pelt the shit out of the enemy a few shots at a time over the course of 10 seconds or so. At least the artillery beam is technically capable of killing any target provided you live long enough.
The type C is even worse, its cannon is just a flak 2.
they should just let your crew man them
Lanuis Cruisers are the best.
That would help a little, but it still only reduces the cooldown by 20% at most.

Sort of on topic, I'd like it if each ship actually had a unique module in it beyond starting weapons and augs. Maybe give the stealth cruisers a super cloak with a faster cooldown or something, make 4 slot teleporters unique to Mantis ships, and make Zoltan shields a structure instead of an aug.
Zoltan or bust
Drones where the best thing

just have attack drones murder the fuck out of everything while i sit back and dodge
could you destroy the rebel flagship on your first meeting? i now that if you kill the crew it goes into drone mode
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psh... nothin' personnel...
I had my first win ever in the Engi B. Don't ask me how I did that, I don't even know myself.
rebels are human supremacists
my first two wins were Engi A and B. dunno which one won first, though.
Engi B is unironically one of my favorite ships, you can sell all the drones for a huge scrap bonus.
My first win was with the Kestral. My most recent wins were with the Red-Tail, Shrike, and Stormwalker.
>no crew
>subsystems have shit upgrades, pretty sure it's minimum across the board
>your weapon system can't handle 2 shields so you must upgrade
even selling the drones, you have a big scrap deficit when you need to compensate for the ship's weaknesses
oh wow
This ship looks too heavy to be faster than light.
But you've got a great starting loadout (Heavy Laser + Heavy Ion) which easily scales with just about any other weapon you find, and it's very easy to get a second point of shields. Your only real weakness, boarding, can be mitigated via low O2 and doors.
>never beaten the last boss
I've gotten to it a couple of times but got assfucked every time because I hadn't gotten good enough RNG or built my ship in one of the handful of strategies that actually work for beating the boss. Fuck roguelites and their dumb trial and error difficulty, particularly when a single try takes at least a couple of hours.
And how would weight play into that?
>Fuck roguelites and their dumb trial and error difficulty, particularly when a single try takes at least a couple of hours

if you didn't enjoy the process of getting to the end, winning the boss fight isn't going to suddenly make it all fun
I did, but getting to the end just to lose the game feels incredibly pointless and ungratifying.
best rogue lites

>start of the game is really hard so you need to be a certain skill level and understanding before you can even begin
>theres 80% of the game that is really satisfying and fun where you become over powered and break the game
>final boss is the most broken thing ever and it requires you to break the game beyond what you're breaking
>losing still feels satisfying because the journey was fun
I find FTL in principle very comfy, but it has moments where it instantly switches to PANIC WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU KIDDING ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT
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>every time a Mantis ship appears
>too heavy
what the fuck
>what are sentry drones with 5 (not a typo) shields
Fuck those things.
>I had fun but then I fucking died, making it all SHIT
relish the journey nyukka
dude, mantis ships are EZ PZ
their subsystems are a shit, they only have teleporters. rarely even a missile launcher, too.
as long as you have some manpower and door know-how, they will never kill your boys.
>rarely even a missile launcher
They pretty much always do on hard.
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like half of every mantis ship has a missile launcher, which is a big leap from rock ships which are almost guaranteed to have two missile launchers per ship.
Yeah I usually send someone on doors and so they cant open them and open all doors except for rooms my crew are in and suffocate them
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whens the sequel
I found the final boss really easy if you know what to get. Getting cloak lvl 1 (and downgrading it to 1 if you get higher) is really important since it allows you to avoid all the bullet pulses. Getting a bomb/rocket system for the waepons is also important. Finally you need a T1 defense drone against the boarding drones. Then you can prevent the boss form harming you and you can slowly grind it down
>>they have a zoltan bypass shield!
>giant spiders are in the station
>they have planetary artillery

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someone start posting that cute manga-style webcomic about FTL
*I* at least appreciate this comment.
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you got it bro
No sequel, they are making a different game though
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...Am I only that likes to stay in the sector (for minutes if required) to watch flames slowly consume a ship until it blows after I've already killed off the crew.?
It was like opposite for me. Cruisers wreck the whole game
something I also found important is
>Unlocks are not necessary to finish the game, all that's stopping you from completing the game on your first run is your lack of skill
>Instead unlocks offer new ways to play the game

the first ship is honestly one of the better ships in the game
No I like to do it too. I also like to make holes and watch them suffocate from no air
we are bad people
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I beat the game on hard with every ship and I never entered the crystal sector once.
Encountered the crystal sector a few times
it's incredibly powerful as it gives you a full new sector of scrap and loot while containing a good bit of unique events

crystal weapons suck donkey balls though
I died w/ the cruiser on the final fucking form of the flagship by a hair, I nearly punched my keyboard.
will keep trying tho
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You and I are kindred spirits.
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Humanity was a mistake.
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Mantises are amazing.
>background color actually changes to indicate oxygen being drained

okay, that's a neat detail
It is retarded they dont force the other events to happen after you get the capsule.
Fun fact: the Virus special event is not unique.
I've got all ships unlocked except rock c and zoltan c. What should my next run use?
Rock B, because it's the fucking best ship.
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>Heavy Pierce Laser Mk. I
Goddamn this is a sexy weapon.
>3x automated reloader
Is there a better feeling?
I'm more talking about dat firebomb plus a teleporter. Teleport a bomb, then your rock boys in there and watch the enemy's subrockman flesh burn from their body while their faces are being pummelled.
Then they'll all flee while you beat the SHIT out of their ship. Capture their shit, then watch the ship explode, prob'ly. Absolutely the greatest FTL boarding experience.
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And you can even firebomb your own ship to defend against boarding, although it's rarely necessary. Plus the ship has a cool name and the black and red design looks sweet. The only thing to dislike about the Shivan is the lack of air lock. I mean they're not entirely necessary but... why no airlocks?
>better ships
>organized expansion
>total control of the galaxy
>pillaging to survive
>mostly one ship
>no organized defense

I think calling them "rebels" is more of a publicity thing, it really looks like they are the real government
>mostly one ship
on the contrary, in fact
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oh shit
Double Vulcans x2 automated reloadee, weapons pre-igniter
Woo, free Ion Blast.
I got crushed because level 3 shields and I got indecisive about whether to take down the triple missile or the shields.
Your weapons were in a dire state. Which sector was that?
3 or 4.
Tough one. Even with flak I'd think twice about taking on the proto-flagship at sector 3.
Shrike is easymodo.
How they could give such a glaring advantage to one ship, I'll never understand.
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Pre-igniter by sector 5.
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that's pretty great
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How the fuck do people beat it on hard with every ship? I can't get the stealth ships out of the first goddamn sector without taking a bunch of damage.
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micromanaging and minmaxing and metagaming
Can Clash of the Titans even be done?

For real, I am convinced this shit is impossible and was put in as a joke.
Try to make up for the ships weaknesses, hope for the best and get fucked over by bad stores, sector layouts and rewards 8 out of 10 times.

Complete and total luck of the draw from not getting a single drone ship in the first sector and also getting the shields by sector 2 in a shop if they are lucky.

There is no skill involved with stealth B hard mode. It's all rng to get a run going with that awful, trash ship.
>Not holding up in the door room

One job.
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90% of stealth b runs
Actually, he should have moved everyone to medbay and vented everything else, then let them in.

You wish. That 10% is much too generous and you know it.

There is zero point in going after all weapons on the boss. The only thing you NEED to worry about is that ridiculous multi missile launcher and maybe that multi shock cannon that eats your shields.

It's a waste of time and effort going after the other two weapons, especially the beam though.
He has plenty of breach bombs, an upgraded medbay, and upgraded doors. What gives? That's an easy situation to get out of.
>Have Defense 2, Hull Repair, and Drone Recovery Arm
>Pretty much unkillable
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Does Recovery Arm work if you jump away before Hull Repair is done?
Yes. This is what makes it broken as fuck.
Yeah I always go
>bombard the multi missile human so he dies
>bombard the shield
>clean up pretty much
>Have break bombs
>Kill kill crew without hesitation
>weakened weapon/shield systems
How sexy would a proper star control 2 sequel with FTL battle mechanics be
>Breach weapons & o2 rooms
>Can just wait for them to fucking die
>come back in 5 years

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Can I get some tips on how to get to the last sector I keep getting raped during the halfpoint thanks to the rebels
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>2 shields at start
>defense drone
>4 man teleporter
How can other ships even compete
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i think ive seen this artist before. whats his name?
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Dude's name I think is lembo

google soraka excellent adventure
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I wish more games and such tried to break the whole 'rebels=always good guys' trope
in 99 percent of games you see rebels of some sort and you instantly know who the good and bad guys are
sorry, that's all the artist drew.
Rebels are winning, which is why the Data is so important for both sides
sorry, i meant to say, that's all the artist drew for FTL but he made a good amount of LoLcomics, someone on the thread already posted its name: >>385474941
>he doesn't unzip his penis and masturbate while the oxygen slowly drains from the enemy's ship
I have never won in anything other than Red-Tail

How do I git gud?
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>Destroy rebel ship to get their resources to save the galaxy
>"My son was on that ship i hope you feel good"
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thanks, i'll drop another one
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redpill me on FTL modding
I am convinced the author of nerfnow is an idiot savant who manages to occasionally produce comics that are far more clever than they should be able to come up with.
It all sucks besides Extended Pursuit Indicator.
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Why doesn't this or the lanius cruiser have type c versions? Were they just lazy?
Anyone got tips for a newb? Been playing and only unlocked the Engi ship. I've made it to the last sector a few times but get murdered by the boss. Getting a little better each time I play. It is very satisfying learning new tricks here and there from the enemy.
that's not considered cheating around here? figured /v/ would be against that, considering getting it since I have trouble planning out a path sometimes
You can count the faint hexagon overlay on the map anyway.
holy fuck i've never noticed this
Nah that one sucks too

Not being 100% sure whether you're safe is fun
>add type c to every ship and introduce new lanius cruiser with type a and b, for free
>"wtf, were they lazy?"
Hmm, no.
I print screened and drew a 64 pixel line in paint to see if the jump is safe
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What ship has the comfiest layout?
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Engi A and B are both great, Heavy Ion + Heavy Laser is one of the better starting setups even if B has a more difficult layout. You have good chances of getting a second ion and laser not long after. On the other hand I've had runs where I didn't get a single chance for additional personnel straight through sector 8 which is bad (and of course other runs where it fills up like a personnel carrier).
And here I thought normal combat was repetitive
>rebels are human supremacists
wtf I love the rebels now
Make sure to always have a secondary goal for runs, like the ship achievements that unlock a B layout or one of the ship unlock questlines (some of which do require extreme luck like the Crystal Cruiser) so even doomed runs can be useful. But if you're not having fun just play something else. I don't like Spelunky and sort of dislike Rogue Legacy but FTL is one of my favorite games easily.
Oh man havent played this gsme in forever
So much fun
>beat every ship on hard
>can never play the game again
>get preigniter in sector 1
>first losing run in several
The devs did an interview awhile back saying they can't really improve on the formula anymore than they have and left it to modders. I sort of understand where they're coming from, but I'd still like to see more. Even another small expansion after all this time would be worth paying $10 for.
redpill me on captain's edition. any good? any better overhaul?
How do you deal with intruders? Choking them isn't very pacifist.
>Stealth B is my favourite ship
>It's possibly the absolute worst in the game
I like to go fast. I don't like beam drones and asteroids.
For me, it's the Stealth C.
Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.
le rng events
my door systems are broke aand there's no oxygen so they cant repair it.

what the FUCK do I do???
listen to comic book guy tell you what to do
interseting ty
Why can't we play as the rebels? They didn't do anything wrong. The federation are cucks
because making content is hard
slaping some rng is easy and makes nerds feel "skillfull"
>Finished the game on Normal with nearly every ship, even 2 variants of the stealth ship
>Still lose every Crystal cruiser game even though its OP.
The crystal weapons are deceptively shitty.
At least you've got a solid boarding team.
Unless you're talking about the Crystal B, in which case, wtf.
Is hull beam good? I just got it
An inferior pike beam, but it can serve well.
What about fire bomb

which weapons are the bets
Its an ambitious mod but it kind of collapses under its own weight. There are TOO many new things and they overbuffed the flagship.
burst laser Mk. II
>shit tier
everything else
Does anyone know how to change the textures for the human crew members? I'd like to change the hair color for some of the coloring options.
what actually happens if you take too long and let the rebels catch up to you
>dissing the flak cannon
Flak 1, Burst Laser 2
Flak 2, Burst Laser 1, Dual Laser, low power ion weapons
Pike beam, Vulcan
Any Missile launcher that costs 2 or less
Bombs depend on the ship build.
Most other lasers or beams can be added together to get a functional attack volley.
You get to fight stronger ships while ASB's are firing at you.
is it just me or is burst laser mk 3 not worth it
Its worse than two mk 2's, so it isn't just you. At the very least you can be sure that you can take down level 4 shields with it, provided dodging bullshit doesn't happen. It is usable enough with a pre-loader or a bunch of automated reloaders, but in general lower power weapons tend to be more reliable and cheaper overall to use.
Flak 2 is pretty good though.
you become swiss cheese
is there a weapon tier list anywhere?
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Just git gud kid
why didn't you power the shields?
you didn't have enough flaks
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>3 flak
>still failed

how in the fuck did you manage that?
ship is being destroyed, power drops from shields when that happens
Red tail is cute! Cute!
is it just me or does the engineer ship fucking suck
oh right
>didn't upgrade drone system
>got a vulcan instead of maxing evade
>probably doesn't have helpful augments
to be honest, I don't like the vulcan. It has absurd dps sure, but I feel like using the power for more damage is better because you do more subsystem damage which is really important for avoiding early damage.
Except you were in the perfect situation for the vulcan to reach max dps, how the fuck did you fuck it up? Did your weapons get hit by every missile launch?
Starting with 4 weapon power is the best.
All of them are usable, especially compared to garbage like the federation cruisers.
the vulcan was free and the entire run was basically me saying "fuck this run" and headbutting everything from like sector 4 to 8
sure it probably could've been won in the end but I was consumed with indifferent rage
Well, you played like a rockman would at least.
I feel the same, I want to like the game but it feels like all the fights devolve into the 'can I break shields' question and there's no real good way around it, at least with the starting ships.
Really? I thought they dropped off the face of the earth, basically.
ye. also forgot to agree, the vulcan is shit.
Vulcan shreds the flagship, you just need some decent defense to set it up.

>maxing evade
Stop playing on easy.
>>maxing evade
>Stop playing on easy.
His resource situation was obviously enough that he could do pretty much whatever.
I play on hard mostly now.
I'll never understand how so many people on /v/ swear by 8 engines and shit on 4 shields. 5 engines + 4 shields > 8 engines + 3 shields, and it's cheaper too, in both scrap cost and power consumption.
why would you ever want to use drones instead of weapons
Change of pace, fun?
Two combat 1s can actually harass the shit out of an enemy ship. Of course, shit's expensive in drone parts, so you save it for a rainy day.
Drones are not meant to be a primary means of offense, unless you're playing a 3 drone slot ship and chanced upon a drone recovery arm.
Sometimes the game decides to shit on you and not let you buy cloaking.
how pathetic i am if i had only beated the game whit the lanius ship?
>rebel controlled
>mantis controlled

which is worse?
mantis are pushovers. rebel controlled has like half AI ships though, so fuck 'em.
Mantis. Dealing with boarders and missile launchers and boarder events with boarder ships is not something i like unless I have maxed doors.
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Can someone please explain to me how people can spend so much time playing this game? Is there really that much content? The dev abandonded the game very shortly after it released and there aren't even very many mods for it.

Why are we still talking about this game after years? What hidden staying power am I missing here?
I tend to run out of fuel in Mantis. Not enough fights, ironically enough.
What's his fucking problem? >>385489476
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I just don't understand why so many people still like and talk about this game. Is there really that much depth?
>LITERALLY 1 hull point left

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>Before the Advanced Edition I beat the game with both layouts of every ship
>Unlocked all the achievements
>Advanced Edition came and I just couldn't get used to the changes, which when combined with burnout meant I tried a couple of playthroughs and then just stopped playing the game
How do I get into Advanced Edition, anons? Should I just start afresh with Advanced, and let myself adjust/learn new strategies?

>Why are we still talking about this game after years?
It's fun. It has simple enough mechanics while allowing for a decent variance in playstyles, and there's just enough things you have to concentrate on at any one time to make it enjoyably frenetic.
Do you have the Lanius cruisers unlocked? Mess around with them, use new weapons or strategies.
>5 engines + 4 shields > 8 engines + 3 shields

do you have a single fact to back that up
Hacking is OP. Mind control is very useful for a temporary drop in evasion. Cloning can be useful for boarding, but only when you have scrap to spare. Lanius sectors are basically dead sectors, avoid them. You can't cheese flagship weapons with boarding on hard, they're connected to shields.
over 300 confirmed victories on hard
pirates are fucking cancer.

>hurr durr let me just teleport 4 pirates into your ship xdddd
there is literally no counter to this stupid shit
And you wonder why we call you rebel scum.
>what is venting
I do have the Lanius unlocked, yes. I was just having a lot of trouble adjusting to all the new options - hacking, mind control, extra weapons. Not just having the options myself, having to learn how to adjust to enemies with them.

Thanks for all the advice, anons. I'll jump into the Advanced Edition and see if I can get back into the game!
>How do I get into Advanced Edition, anons?
I got trouble with it at first, but you'll have to adjust your playstyle.

Things that I had to learn include:
ALWAYS upgrade your piloting to max before going to the flagship battle or else he'll sap all your evasion with mind controll on stage 3 fight.

Hacking is fucking brilliant aganist shields, but you could get fucked aganist ships with defense drones (including flagship stage 2).

Flak weapons are THE best thing aganist shields by far, outclassing ion weapons, explosives or even the vulcan.
They're the best to go with lasers.

Mind control is almost always more useful to counter the enemy mind control if they have it.

After these changes in playstyle I had similar success rates to my vanilla runs.
>4 human pirates teleport aboard
>my 4 mantis boarders take 40 seconds to fucking devour their faces and lay eggs in their ears
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I only really played ftl casually (i.e. beating it on easy/normal)

Is every run technically beatable? I ask cuz sometimes you just get fucked over by rng, but since it's a rougelite, it should be able to be completed regardless right?
>Is every run technically beatable?
no, maybe like 70-80% are beatable
Ahh I see, that makes sense. Thanks
Thanks, anon.
So Hacking is OP, but don't rely on it because it can be shot down by defence drones. Flak weapons are best against shields. Are Vulcan lasers good?

>Is every run technically beatable?
I wouldn't think so. It's entirely possible you'll get fucked over by an enemy you're simply unable to handle, >>385471264 is probably the best example (like Nethack's Gnome with a Wand of Death) but it can happen to almost any ship. It's also entirely possible the game will generate a run that leaves you incapable of killing or even harming the final boss or later sector enemies.
i dont get it either

i hate games where the goal is to rebeat it 50 times while unlocking things

think i beat ftl 3-4 times like 5 years ago
Deactivate hacking as the defense drone shoots to bypass it, then activate it right after. Vulcan is only really good at late game as it requires decent defenses.
This game is fucking bullshit. I went through an entire run up to the final boss without finding a SINGLE new weapon.
Which is best weapon? Beams are the best imo
every time
>find 6 crew members
>find 0 weapons
>shop only has high tier missiles and ion weapons
File: 745.png (132KB, 317x281px) Image search: [Google]
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>Ship has no boarding capabilities
It looks like he chokes them out
lay on me some good ship names, /v/
hull smasher laser vs laser charger? these weapons seem similar
I liked the Star Trek mod and the extended crew portraits or how it was called.
the first is a shitty laser. the second is a slightly shitty laser
why does scrap arm exist?
>send crew into enemy ship
>ship explodes
>i lose my crew

what the fuck is this bullshit???????????????????????????????
Which one? The one to generate more scrap? I sure hope you aren't asking why you might want more scrap.

The repair arm? It has SOME utility at the very end when you have few other options available.

Lets face it though, if you are in a situation where the repair arm is actually needed then you were fucked anyway.
The scrap recovery arm? So you can get one (or a few) in early sectors and be rolling in scrap by the end of the game.
I once managed to get three by the end of the second sector, upgrade almost everything and died to the last boss

The repair arm? Literally a sucker option to fuck over inattentive players.
I can't play ftl anymore. Every hour I get BSOD. It is the steam version, and no other game causes that
Should have got cloners
Not him but i sent crew members to board only for them to jump away. I had cloners but they never /died/
the final boss in this game is literally unfair
Pack it up boys no way we're winning against those digits
>Not modding in a photo of yourself as a ship with guns mounted to your biceps and a full crew of human females manning your body

Plebs, all of you.
good players BTFO
Shit dude, I guess quints means you're right.
Here it comes, put me in the screencap senpai
Fuck, all this time I was winning consistently due to luck, I can't argue with these repeating numbers.

> failing with not just 2 but 3 flaks and 2 defense drones

I KNEW it!
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