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>Have a friend >Been best friends with the guy for nearly

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>Have a friend
>Been best friends with the guy for nearly 10 years
>We hang out play vidya all the time
>Basically let this guy live at my house one summer
>Haven't seen him in nearly a year
>Still text him while we're away to keep up and shoot the shit
>Talked this guy out of killing himself once
>Suddenly stops talking to me
>Finally messages me today and tells me that he doesn't like me anymore, and doesn't want to talk or hang out again
Feels fucking horrible guys. I know I sound like a massive faggot, but what are some feel good games to make me feel better?

Nice blog. Play Drakengard.
Sorry about the blog post friend. But thank you for the contribution.
Friends come and go. Play Siege.
It sucks man, similar shit has happened to me too. I say find a game that you can really get lost into but is also not too stressful.
>Basically let this guy live at my house one summer
>Finally messages me today and tells me that he doesn't like me anymore, and doesn't want to talk or hang out again
Sounds like someone didn't appreciate the anal exploration during the night, anon.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Maybe I'll boot up Superstar again. It's been a long time.
Make your friend kill himself this time, that'll cheer you up.

You know, something very similar happened to me. I'm male, my friend is a steven universe loving homosexual male. He said because I support Trump that him and I cannot be friends.

Grew up with this guy, we saved each other from niggers back in middle school and high school and he doesn't want to talk anymore because I support our president. Feels pretty bad man.
Was it because you stopped playing nightcrawlers with him?
That's fucking retarded. Anyone who would stop talking to you because of some bullshit like that isn't a real friend.
Just get better at letting people go. Maybe it's because my mom split when I was three, and my dad remarried a psycho, and we eventually stopped talking for almost a decade because of her, but I've gotten pretty comfortable with cutting people out of my life.

Just move on with your life. Maybe he'll eventually come back around once he grows up a bit, and maybe he never will, but don't try to contact this dude until he contacts you. Have some self-respect, and never beg anyone to validate your existence.

tl;dr Stop being a pussy.
>got rid of a literal faggot that was never a real friend to begin with

Should feel good man

That is what I keep telling myself but that won't get me my friend back. I tried opening a dialogue with him but he blocked me on everything.

desu I blame shit like Steven Universe and trannies for this, I noticed he is associating with alot of fat tumblr tier women for the passed year or so. I should have seen this coming.

The only thing I can do is continue to self improve.
Try to make better friends, your "ex-friend" sounds like he needs to grow up.
Fair enough. It's difficult to be mad at someone who you've been friends with for so long. Get better friend.
You can have controversial views and still earn respect and even support if you can explain yourself clearly with facts to back you up. This isn't the case with a Trump supporter.

You can have mainstream views and be dumb and irritating as shit but still earn respect, because that's what people like. If you can't keep your controversial dumb shit to yourself you often become That Guy, the one everyone shittalks about both in his company and in all those parties he doesn't get invited to.

It's a better fate to be cut out entirely. You can try your luck in a different group instead of suffering in the one you already goofed.
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Crap I worry about this shit everday and now you put in the possibility of this happening to me.

I, too, lost a friend of nearly 10 years the other week because I kept neglecting him. Granted he was very needy and annoyed me a lot, but I feel it was ultimately my fault.

Play Paper Mario.
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It's alright anon, it happens to everybody at some point. Part of growing up is learning that your only real friend in life is found in a bottle.
I've been drinking all night and feel no better. Alcohol and nicotine only help so much.
You aren't drinking strong enough, get that fucking whiskey bottle open.
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>randomly delete steam friend of 5 years
>known a dude for 10 years, met playing wow
>talk every single day for 10 years straight barring when we were doing other shit away from the computer of course
>both autistic losers
>meet up once
>recently friend has learned he is actually incredibly attractive, to the point where girls will literally come up to him in public and talk to him
>turned into a hardcore indie/hipster dude, went to thailand by himself to find himself tier
>constantly goes to festivals or any social gathering and meets chicks
>any time i try to discuss any aspect of my life with him it's the same "dude just do what you want who cares about consequences the only you is the you right now, have you tried meditating?" which he always seems to write in a way i infer to be incredibly condescending and arrogant
>have to listen to all this shit about how great and and free he feels
>im still an ugly autistic manlet

Sure things are fucking easy when you're attractive and desirable. It's easy to be confident and open to new situations when you have no assets and nothing to be insecure about. Piece of shit.

Anyway, play F.E.A.R.
One day you'll find a nice girl, get married and maybe even pump a few pups into her and you'll quickly realize how little "friends" matter once you have an actual family to worry about. At our core, we only give a fuck about ourselves, and people are constantly changing. You will rarely, if ever, find a person that will truly be a life-long friend, that's just a sad reality of life. Drink past it, accept it and move on.
>hurr i need a crutch.

shit sucks, weve all been through it. dont be the typical 'drown my sorrows' in bullshit
Don't worry anon. Sooner or later he's realize his mistake. And when he does, and he tries to re-connect with you, tell him to fuck off. As you just said, improve yourself, so when this happens he can see how you've continued to grow while he kept "fighting" for the sake of crazy tumblrinas or whatever LGBTQASLDAHDLS letter they added to it and realizes how he wasted his life for nothing when he compares his with yours. Godspeed anon.

>being bitter
>not lowering your hand to help him after he has realized and reconciled the error of his past

cmon anon
>shit sucks, weve all been through it. dont be the typical 'drown my sorrows' in bullshit
Nah, fuck that. If I have a problem, I drink until I forget about it and then get back to normal. Alcohol is the divine elixir, embrace it.
was his name Travis
>ignore all my friends for years
>even the most high-maintenance cunts slowly cease pestering me
>feel bad but i just can't be bothered keeping in contact
>slowly gain confidence and start enjoying socialising more
>plan on talking to everyone and telling them why i used to be so asocial
>everything's going to change, i'm going to actually like my friends

>they're overjoyed to have me back
>understanding about my situation and thrilled to spend time with me
>three days pass
>realise i still hate this shit
>start ignoring them again

I guess it just isn't for me. I absolutely crave and enjoy social interaction but only with one person at a time. A best friend or a gf fulfills that need and anyone extra just drains me. I wish I had casual friends who are fine with radio silence most of the time.
I don't have any friends anymore aside from you faggots

Zombie Army Trilogy is my cooldown game of choice

Or Space Marine
You seem like you at least tried to be a good friend. Don't think about it too much -- if you really don't understand why he's acting that way, then the dude has something going on on his end. Losing a friend feels bad, but it's not your fault, and there's nothing you can do.

You should play Final Fantasy Tactics, it's a good game.

>Have some self-respect, and never beg anyone to validate your existence.
This is also good. I didn't read OP as particularly needing this advice, but he should take it anyway.
If he dumped his "friend" once what makes you say he won't do it again in the future? He already proved himself to be easily influenced by modern trends and fads and to push someone away just for disagreeing with his views. It's like when you girlfriend cheats on you, one strike and you are out, because someone who cheats even once is willing to do it again.
read bottle as battle first.

He's obviously and insecure and immature baby. It can hardly be compared to a cheating bitch.
>Feel lonely
>Desperately crave companionship
>Get some
>Want to go back to being alone again
Every fucking time.

It's like when you want to go out and are bored at home and when you finally are outside you wonder why the fuck you did it and how much you want to go home.
C-can friendship bloom in the battlefield?
Do you know what kind of people are attractive and desirable to both men and women? Not those with pretty faces but those with confidence.

I'm an ugly manlet with shit personality yet I managed to gain a girlfriend by just treating her like I do my few male friends. Living with another person, showing them everything and having them accept or even love you really does something to your confidence.

I used to be shy, bitter and insecure for a good reason. Looking at my face out of context anyone would agree. But with some confidence and openness I've found everyone actually likes me. I've had to turn girls down because I'm already dating.

IDK op if you want to have an advice on how to avoid such situations or just a pat. Heres an anecdote instead. i have that bud, we know each other for like 6+ years now. We played a bunch of games but nowdays hes studying and never plays anything so we rarely talk about games anymore and just som real life shit. Maybe, you have limited your topics to videogames exclusively and a dissonance occured since he doesnt want to talk about them.
Doing this shit was the biggest mistake I've ever made. I used to have an online friend who respected me, but I've since turned him away when I found him clingy.
Now I'm just alone again, for years now, and he's probably having fun with his own friends.
>Living with another person, showing them everything and having them accept or even love you really does something to your confidence.
You say it like if you can pick those at the store.
What you are saying is akin to just be urself in terms of how helpful you are. People like confident people? No shit. But when someone has spent nearly their whole life with negative reinforcement it gets a bit tad hard to even attempt to become confident because of how deeply entrenched in your psyche rejection is, which makes you simply not want to even try because "why bother if it's gonna fail anyway? Might as well save myself from the pain".
You just have to have confidence my friend. I think of myself as being a 6/10 (which probably means im like a 4/10), I'm half black, messy hair, and not the nicest person in the world. But I still manage to make friends and get girls. Just find a way to present yourself to others that works.
Fuck you, Snake.
>just be yourself
Dark Cloud is the game for this situation, you'll understand when you play it.
Why did you stop seeing him for a year?
lol I recently told a friend of mine of 10 years to fuck off. Hope he is as sad as you.
>having a friend
I don't understand this feel.

I don't think I'll get a girlfriend by being an autistic meme-spewing mongoloid. I'm trying a lot of things to try to boost my confidence and get out and do new things, but I pretty much consider myself too far gone, to be honest. It also doesn't help that my overly confident and attractive friend constantly serves to belittle my mindset and make me feel insecure. He doesn't realize he's doing it, of course, but it still feels like shit. He constantly wants me to just dive off the deep end into entirely new and unknown situations, but I'm literally not built like that.

I've dated before, but it was 4 years ago. It doesn't even seem real anymore. Like it was a fluke.
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>TFW I'm the one who severed ties with friends
If they didn't turn in to fucking weebs and MMO players things might've been different. I guess it might be because we were a bit older than when anime went hog wild because when we were teenagers everything was fine, but it was when we were in our late 20s they fell off the deep end. Last time I saw one of them was when I went over to his house for some gaming and instead he slowly and laboriously showed me him, his wife, and his son cosplaying at some anime convention.
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>Know my best and mostly only friend since middle school
>Moves downtown for his new job while I'm still in the same town we grew up in
>Rarely goes online and plays anything anymore, offline anywhere from a week to a month
>Most of the time when I text him it takes him a full day or two to respond
>Spends most of his time busy with work and drinking with his roommates or other old friends from high school I knew but weren't friends with

I feel like i'm being outgrown even though he's still largely the same guy I know when we actually do talk and do stuff
College. We normally meet up in the summer and winter.
It'll be okay, anon. Friends come and go, and some are just fickle shitters. It's not your fault.

I suggest giving Harvest Moon a go.
If that actually happened your friend is planning to kill himself. He's deliberately pushing you away to try to save you the pain of seeing him die.

how do you build confidence as an ugly unattractive manlet

like you can have all the confidence in the god damn fucking working but at the end of the day you still have to realize from a purely statistical point of view that the large majority of women wont even give you the time of day

how are you supposed to remain strong and confident in yourself amidst years upon years of constant rejection
Been hearing good things about this game.
>it's exclusive to PS2/4
Retard alert. Political views should be the least important in terms of friendship.
A Wonderful Life is in my top 10. Maybe I'll give it a play again.
What hurts more? Being betrayed suddenly, without reason, with all contact cut?
Or to know he killed himself, leaving you behind?
>Best friend became a tranny
>He's the biggest right-wing person I've known my whole life
Mistakes into miracles
Seconded. Holy shit, that game will make you forget your woes for a while.
Why not call him or videochat instead?

I know normies love to make up the bullshit "I'm busy" excuse all the time, but there is always time for a small 10-15 minute call.
It's so fucking stupid and immature to do that to someone you've known for so long.

I've almost seen it happen between two friends of mine, but some others and I intervened before it was too late for them.
Fuck that guy. Tell him you shouldn't have talked him out of killing himself. It's not on you that he's a piece of shit.
This. Holy fuck. If your so called friend cuts you off because he cannot stand you having different political views then you were better off without such an immature person in your life.
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>tfw all your friends became sjw extremists
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>tfw prefers to see people face to face in real life
>also is a boring ass mother fucker
>online i just play vidya and do my own shit
>play games with people
>get bored eventually because i like playing alone and were running out of games to play
>can't bring myself to remove any of my buddies
>some of my steam buddies shits on some of my other buddies
>two steam buddies drop my ass because they didn't get enough attention from me and berates me for it

go play cave story, anon
>this is a person who would sever all contact with family for political views when all sides are still shit and elitest
PS2 emulators exist, Dark Cloud works perfectly with them. Don't let the oblivious fools tell you otherwise.
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Protip: he was probably gay for you and preferred to go ahead and cut all ties with you himself rather than open up about his feelings and risk being turned down, ridiculed, or have you being the one to cut all ties.
With that in mind, you should play a gay VN. I recommend Morenatsu and Extracurricular Activities
Sunless sea is pretty gud a bit melancholy but overall pretty comfy and enjoyable.
VA-11 Hall-A cybermeme bartender action is pretty great too I really like the atmosphere and characters Id say its worth checking out.
Stardew valley its like harvest moon on cocaine
SS13 if you're looking for a more social thing a bit of a learning curve
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you know hes right you fucking faggot

you never even tried all you do is cry and say WOE IS ME SOMEBODY HANDSOME SAVE ME!

what are you a girl waiting for prince charming?

your a man
Lift, eat right, get your career in order (start school or a non-dead end job), read Nicomachean Ethics and ascend to Chadhood.
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>tfw i had a group of online friends for 3 years that i felt happy to be around
>gradually they start inviting people they know
>those people say can you not post "4 chan videos" of people running into a truck on a motorcycle head on among other things
>huge bernie supporters, and dude weed people
>they corrupt the young teenagers to influence to do drugs
>they gradually drift away from us, and one of them starts doing hardcore drugs and getting addicted
>the new people keep adding more people and the old people keep becoming less and less active
>the group gets into a huge arguement
>all of the old fags go there seperate ways
>my offline friends are shit and i'm fucking broken down to the core as a human filled with only misery and rage
>mfw i used to be a good person believing in equal rights and stuff
>mfw they turned me into a monster who wants to revenge on those who wronged me and turned me off on the reasonable non extreme left values

>decade old offline friends group is shit because people i really enjoy talking to start to leave
>i let my disdain for most of the group slip up to one guy i thought i trusted and he back stabs me by forwarding what i said to him to every single person in that group and their parents

I'l never be the fucking same

It's so sad to me that some people don't have life-long friends. I have a friend who is basically my brother. We're both in our 30s and we've been best friends since like 1st grade. Hell, I moved away at the end of 7th grade, and despite being several hours away we still managed to stay friends throughout highschool. We were totally different people at the time, he was kind of a jock and I was a weird proto-emo goth kinda thing, I don't know what you'd call it but I shopped exclusively at Hot Topic and listened to tons of heavy metal, but I'd make the 2 hour drive to go visit every few weeks and we'd go to parties and shit, and the fact that we were so different didn't even matter.

I wish everyone knew what it's like to have a friend like that.
This kind of picture is incomplete without that pink dinosaur plushie.
not vidya
>being mad at someone only because they're mad at you
This is dumb
>being so mad at some for being mad at you that, when they try to make amends, you decide to stay mad at them forever because they were once mad at you
This is full-blown retarded child tier. This person reaching out would be tantamount to admitting they were being dumb in the first place, and that they value your friendship more than the moral stand they were making. Why would you want to punish them for finding that within themselves? The only possible answer is that you're a wounded brainlet.

That's not even equivalent. This guy just stopped being someone's friend, which is the friendship equivalent of a breakup.
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whoever made this is a good meta memer
anon the same thing happened to me and my friend and then 6 months later he killed him self in the woods after disappearing for a week and driving off into the mountains. we found a note saying he cut everyone off so we wouldn't miss him and he's sorry. go do something about it. don't look back and regret being afraid of him hating you. call the suicide crisis line or the police or something.
Thanks anon, Now I feel like crap for now knowing that feel. At least you were kind enough to say you wished everyone would know such a feeling instead of just rubbing it on people's faces.
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Felt like posting the Pepe since I hadn't before, though it's definitely one of the weaker princesses.
>fuck my friend for not being a miserable cunt unlike me, I'll go back playing shitty games now

What am I supposed to do? Just take a trip half way across the world like some hippie degenerate?
Protip: no I'm not the reason I was clinged online to you is because I literally have no one else IRL
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you sound like you are going to shoot up a school

how about you take a deep breath and realize you are a faggot and work on improving yourself
You won't get to experience new things holed up at home shitposting at /v/
Sometimes you just gotta do something, don't think so much, just do
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>Invested 10 years into some faggot
>Drops me for flavor of the month moba

Fuck him.
Play The Sims 3 with mods.
this, OP.
They do it cause they think it make it easier on them and everyone else.
>and their parents
Are you guys 16 or something?

But in the end it'll be for the better since you already hated most of those persons so much.
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that's not even what he was trying to say

which is quiet telling thats what you got out of it

you won't get chicks with a high paying job and by being a "good" disney prince like you paint yourself in your head

why not try some self improvement like lifting weights?

or read a good book?

everyone should heed this next piece of advice :

Don't focus on getting a gf man I know it sounds great and all but once your in it its pretty lackluster. Sex is pretty much a meme because most people who are virgins into their later life build it up to be so amazing from all the porn then you do it and its just good. Not amazing. Not life changing. Just good. Pretty groundshaking. Instead focus on understand and getting control of yourself. Read up on philosophy shit understand existence and thinking and all that jazz. Know who you are and pursue your hobbies become self sufficient (in the way that you dont NEED something to make you happy you can do it by yourself) I hope you can find something usefull in my rant man.

>all of a sudden realize through virtue of existing that girls just flock to you and you literally don't need to do shit other than go outside and sit on a bench by yourself to find yourself fucking a girl 4 hours later

Wow, gee, he did something to achieve that. Really tried hard there.
Do you actually think that hippies are the only people who travel?
Fucking this. LoL destroyed my one and only friendship.

Rich people, woman on their husbands checkbooks and people who are bored also travel.

What's your point? Should I just go to South Korea and aimlessly wander around Seoul or something?
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also one step to building confidence is not calling yourself a manlet

you stupid fucking manlet

you aren't even worth replying too

your all low on the dominance hierarchy

what will you do about it?
Sure, why not?
>Rich people, woman on their husbands checkbooks and people who are bored also travel.
You are a retard if you truly believe this.

>Should I just go to South Korea and aimlessly wander around Seoul or something?
What's preventing you? Why are you so scared of doing new things?
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>When the alt-right memes themselves into inferiority
nice projecting

i was framing a question for everyone else to ponder

the way you reply to this is very funny

you will crossdress in the future
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Same shit happened with two of my close friends who knew each other since they were elementary. One of them has really hardcore bought into the kool-aid of his forum's administrator whose at plenty of times called the first one an ignorant privileged cishet male because he dared not be upset at a middle schooler feeling uncomfortable about a transexual entering in the bathroom.
grow up faggot
Bringing old wounds hurts
I have improving myself, i'm tired of being of being a fucking pussy ass nerd that won't stand up for himself
I'm going to improve myself, while the most them sit around during the best years of their lives playing video games all day i'm going to make a name for myself and make those losers live under my shadow

no most of them are high functioning autisimos in their 20's
The hardest part of being human is learning to let go. Play some DMC or Bayonetta. Slash some shit it will make you feel better
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Worst part is that he would invite me to play his favorite shooter game EVERYDAY. And i would always go play that shit game.
Then he found a new game that didn't run on my toaster and now it's like i don't exist. Funny thing is, i don't care anymore, like if he messaged me i would make up an excuse to not play with him.
I had someone delete me because I said I refused to delete people based on their political beliefs. I'm liberal as fuck, but they still deleted me after 10+ years of friendship.

People have been going crazy and it feels horrible, man.

What could I possibly gain as a person from doing something like that? People who go on trips to where ever with the whimsical belief that "oh im going to come back and be a magically changed person, all of my problems will be solved teehee" are fucking delusional.

At the end of the day I'll still come back to where I live my life, except I'll have less money, be no where actually further in my life and some neat stories to tell some people I guess.
I'm assuming this is a bait post, but if it isn't:

Unironically supporting Trump is legitimately retarded for most of the American populace. He is good for people who profit from his business and people who directly profit his business. He has not, and will never, run the country in the best interests of the Constitution in any interpretation of the document. He has not, and will never, run the country in the best interests of the World. And he has not, and will never, run the country with the respect it deserves as a superpower.

You can meme racism, sexism, and all the other hot buttons you want to say that supporting Trump is insane, but they're wrong. It is insane because he has never been a leader for the people. He has never done anything for anyone but himself, never even considered it. But he has become the leader of the largest representation of Freedom in Modern society.

Every other President before him legitimately looks like an honest-to-God civil servant in comparison.

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type it all out on this anonymous board

it's not good for this stuff to eat up on you
That's even worse.
Some guy says mean things to them, and he goes to tell everyone's moms about it. Really?

You're probably (and rightfully) mad, but the way I see it, you have been set free from a group you were trapped with.
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you can't even do the joke right you fucking faggot
>Finally messages me today and tells me that he doesn't like me anymore, and doesn't want to talk or hang out again

This is a distancing tactic. He, by pushing you away, is actually asking for your help. He's trying to be horrible in order to be nice and not have you worry about him, yet at the same time he needs you.
How do I talk to girls?

Like sure I can talk to girls, I'm not autistic. I can have a 1 on 1 convo with someone.

I mean like how do you even go up to a girl with the pretense of having a conversation literally anywhere? Everyone is just doing their own shit all the time.
What is money, my friend? It seems to be a common focus in your head. But what is it, really?
Perhaps, by focussing so much on this concept, you are falling into place? You're a domino, amongst a line of many other dominoes... and who set them up?
Abandon this fascination with 'money'. It is meaningless, my friend. You must live your live the way you see fit.
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Friends are temporary, vidya is eternal**ly going to fall ever so slightly short of filling the massive void in your heart caused by existing in a horrible and deranged current year world**

Here's a few NES games because retro vidya is the tits and I'm on a retro kick
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>tfw still best friends with my best friend of 18 years
>have political and potentially offensive discussions all the time and still good friends
>have several more very good friends
>one is pretty much an apolitical social recluse but he's cool to play games with
>another is a memelord and gets all of my references
>another guy is super gay but not in your face about it and really chill
>random people drop in and out peripherally, some I put up with because they're good friends of the other guys, others are chill or cool to talk to.
Feels good man.
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talk to them like they are ugly

it works


when you treat women like another one of the dudes it takes away their only power (looks)
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The best feel good game is Animal Crossing.

Friend breakups can be worse than relationship breakups. I recently stopped bothering to ask an old pal out for beers because he never has time. I work out of town a lot, I hadn't seen him in like 8 months, but, nah timingjust never worked out. I finally took the hint. I am more salty about that than any girl whose ever dumped me lol.

I've had very few friends, real friends, and I considered him one. No mystery why though, I'm crazy. I used to be total spaz, now I'm just eccentric bc I make money. Sucks to get the judgement from him though, it was like shelter for me to know not everyone detested my presence :(

i mean, that's well and good until you have no money lol

simply choosing to ignore the system doesn't mean you arent inherently a part of it
>have friend of 9 years
>we go through a lot together and he confesses to me
>I confess back, despite always saying that I'm completely straight
>draw a single line in the sand; cheating of any kind is an immediate breakup - no questions asked
>after a long time of being happy together, he tells me that he got a involved with another guy
>break up with him on the spot
>he takes it poorly and I'm utterly heartbroken, but I'm not going to let him cross the line that was made and show him that he can tread all over me
>we go our separate ways, but still remain friends
>he eventually transitions
>casually talk to him about my romantic experiences with real women as they happen because I know it hurts him but he has to act like he's glad for me in an attempt to look like a good friend
Why am I such a shitty person? Am I a sociopath? Is this my fault?
Also OP, play a really complicated and immersive game. Learning how to play it will get your mind off of your friend.
You gain having been to a new place, having met new people, and having an interesting story to tell.
>made good friends in high school playing LoL
>eventually get bored and quit
>try to get friends into other games
>they never play anything but LoL
>fall out of touch
>have no good friends to play fun vidya with
fuck LoL. those faggots have been playing the same shitty game since season 1.
He's a cunt.
You have to be very dumb to talk to a girl actually. According to my personal experienceб you can't really have a conversation with a girl unless she likes you

>mfw i have no problem talking to or even flirting with ugly girls

holy shit anon I think you're on to something here
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>you will never be this guy
Watch this.

It's long, I know, but it's worth it, even if it's just to see how other guys drop their spaguetti when they start a convo, and slowly build-up confidence to the point they make the women drop the spaguetti instead.
Do you just go up to random girls and try to talk about /v/ and video games or something?
>Feels fucking horrible guys. I know I sound like a massive faggot, but what are some feel good games to make me feel better?

You should have told him choosing life was a mistake

Also if you did everything right in this green text story why feel horrible? It's about performance. Results aren't under your control.

Negative man on the other hand, had low performance. That's why he feels so bad.
i can't wait until I am financially backset so I can just plug in my wii into the TV i will buy and just lose myself to this music like I did with my DS in middleschool
If you cant imagine they're ugly, imagine the STD that's prob inside them crawling up your peehole like a David Cronenberg monster
Read r/theredpill, and some classic Roosh V. Read Bang, and then read Day Bang. Follow advice to lift, eat well, dress nice, be masculine, reflect, keep a confident frame. Actually work on the things they tell you, and practice shooting the shit with girls. If you're a virgin, get an escort if at all possible so that sex won't be so alien to you and you won't put bitches on a pedestal. Make sure you don't have low testosterone (get it checked). Work on yourself first before you work bitches, if you have a shit bod and and a shitty personality nothing else can help you, change comes from within.

Don't ignore my advice, man. You may be skeptical, but so was I at first. This is life-changing stuff.
But anon everyone says just b urslef
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>recommending to play AC to get over a friend breakup
>your fav villager leaves your town

I miss you so much Kevin.
Pls come back ;_;
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>be mixed
>not black enough for black kids
>not white enough for white kids
>always have stick to myself
>9/11 happens
>get called terrorist every day
>was the literal only one who said the pledge
>because being american is the only identity i have
>end up on 4chan with all the other derelicts and misfits
>finally a video game character from my country
>go ninja go ninja go
man I don't wanna read some PUA redpill chadshit, I'll just jerk off alone in the dark as per usual
It's your life.
You can only wait for the day he comes back, anon. Unlike real life friends, villagers can come back. Eventually.
>emo and jock being true bros
Cool as fuck anon, I'm glad for you
b urself but not the real urself but the fake urself
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that's pretty sad that you just give up like that

single mother ?

absent father?

no pet dog to love?
Or you can just talk to girls normally and act normal and relaxed
That works
Also don't be ugly
That worked for me
I don't talk about vidya with girls. Even if they start talking about vidya I just pretend I don't know anything about it because they are fucking stupid and play shit like LoL and Dota to attract attention. Usually girls have a fucking BLOG in the chat ("I WENT TO A CAFE, I'M BORED etc etc"), can also discuss some life problems occasionally
You're still mad and this is the way you have revenge on him.

Most people would say it's horrible, but I consider it as something natural that you do to cope with your feels.

So... keep going, I guess?
Get it out of your system.
Fags acting mentally ill?
No way
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Wait so you dated a guy but you claim to be straight?
Sounds like a fucking asshole to me.

Guy saves your life and you tell him that you don't like him anymore? Fucking stupid.
>already has a destination in mind
Proof you should just do it.
Wanna put it off and potentially never see Korea?
don't do it unless it's a good opportunity. best places are school and work, where you have to get to know each other. clubs and bars are not as good, but usually people go there to hook up, so it's fine. but randomly in public? don't do it, it's creepy.
This was my first thought desu
>having sympathy for insane man whores
You're fine but good luck finding someone who hasn't taken at least five dicks up his neghole.
I FUCKING BET A WOMAN ASKING HIM "Your frind or me" and you can guess what was the answer.
>men putting in all this effort for literally nothing
Anyone in the dating scene is a complete cuck.

If you're attractive, get on tinder and smash after investing a whole text or two. If you're unattractive, the amount of effort or money you have to put forth to get laid, or worse, get a GF is absurd when you consider the "rewards". The societal climate for men these days is pure ass cancer.
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awful advice

you are a (girl)

or a really really beta male

talk to bitches whenever you want

anytimes a good time for pepper jack
He's just distancing himself so he can commit suicide, without a friend to talk him out of it, or to hurt.
I've grown to such a stage of confidence that I just exist as I do and people like me
Feels good to be at this point
He deserves it. Fuck him.
for 10 fuckings years i was trapped with these people i used to have everything before i had this group, i had a nice small circle of friends who loved video games but also loved outdoor activities, fishing, golf and fate dealt me a bad hand and i lost that group and for a fucking decade i was trapped in a group with autists none of us matured beyond 14 years old i lost any friends to do with fun outdoor stuff and I couldn't be who i was for 10 years, surrounded by autists who don't love being outside and are only focused on video games, AND NOW I'M FUCKING FREE I CAN SPREAD MY WINGS AND FLY, I'M GOING TO FIGHT FOR MY LIFE BACK TO THE WAY I WAS BEFORE, AND I'M GOING TO SHOW THEM HOW WRONG THEY ARE TELLING ME I'M WRONG TO LIVE MY LIFE LIKE THIS, I'M GOING TO FUCKING MAKE THEIR MOMS FEEL JEALOUS AND FUCKING SORRY FOR INSULTING MY MOTHER BECAUSE HER SON IS GOING TO BE BETTER THAN ANY OF THEIRS, I STILL HAVE 8 YEARS TO TURN MY LIFE AROUND UNTIL I HIT 30

You're still in love but you feel betrayed. I feel sorry for the both of you. I hope you can forgive him and i hope he learned his lesson.
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that's the spirit
>have friend for 16+ years
>moved away when in 2nd grade
>but talked on phone and sleep overs as kids
>eventually moved onto instant messaging
>barely see each other for years but still talk
>know nothing real meaningful about each others family
Seems like a missed opportunity but his family is kinda fucked.
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Go for it anon. 22 is still stupid young. You can be what you want and more. Good luck. Make yourself proud.
Go to the bar and sit next to a girl. Casually ask her for something, like to stop you from using your phone. If she's already tipsy, she'll probably ask why. Then you have a story to begin a conversation with. Have a drink or two beforehand if you aren't very confident. As long as you have a sense of humor and decently quick wit, you'll be able to talk to her fluidly.

Drinking REALLY helps. You don't need to be full on drunk, not even close. Just get to the point where your mental filter doesn't work as well. Went from being the "quiet and awkward cousin" at family reunions to being able to literally slap one of my cousins on the ass and have her still think that I'm a great guy.
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quit worrying about others and focus on yourself
This sucks anon.
I have a gay friend with very different opinion on politics but right now he consider me one of his best friend.
>>casually talk to him about my romantic experiences with real women as they happen because I know it hurts him
Haha, you are still mad. How many years has it been? Deep down inside you still want to be with him and hope to restore your relationship and start from scratch
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Just because I'm cheering on anon who just set himself on a new path of life doesn't mean I don't care about my own life you silly.
> As long as you have a sense of humor and decently quick wit, you'll be able to talk to her fluidly.
Just be yourself lmao
It's because he is depressed. I have clinical depression and dropped all my friends too.
Pretty much the same situation except the gay guy. You can get lot of friends and acquaintances for example if you just go to parties at school because there will always be some people that are like you or at least feel sorry for your awkward personality and starts to hang out with you. Worked for me
>another guy is super gay but not in your face about it and really chill
Oh shit, dat me
How're you doing, Cam?
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>tfw my sister's godfather cut off all communication to my mom after 30 years of friendship because she doesn't hate Trump
>Doesn't particularly like him, didn't even vote for him, just doesn't hate him
Originally, yes. I thought I was straight. Spending time with him made me realize that I wasn't correct in that assumption. I'm really masculine and it would really hurt my pride if I ever took a dick, so I only go for feminine guys, as far as males go.
>Also don't be ugly
>That worked for me
be funny and rich helps too
>have no friends
>take no steps to connect with people
>rarely someone will try reaching out to me, ask to hang out, etc.
>end up severing ties with them almost immediately out of anxiety (not blatantly but I give off enough signs that they take the hint and stop contacting me)

I simultaneously desire and despise social contact, it's a fucking curse. I'm a gay virgin too. Can't maintain even a single male friend, god help me try to find one that I'm interested in, is gay himself, and isn't immediately repulsed by me.
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You are on your way to become an alpha.
Be free and pursue all your interests.

Also fuck their moms if you can.
>meet new people
>"I play video games too! I like lol. Haha"
It's only ever lol
I'm funny but not rich
But handsome and funny are more than enough, and not poor
"The worst loneliness is to be uncomfortable with yourself." - Mozart
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Question lads why are girls/female friends so interested in other peoples sex lives? The moment I've made a passing comment about a moment of intimacy eyes were on me and expecting, I'm sure they'd make a damn campfire to complete story time if they could.
Like most people here, I suggest you to inquire a bit because if nothing happened between you two then the most likely reason for him acting like this is distancing.
Somebody who really likes you and is even grateful to you wouldn't never just stop liking you
>online friend
>talk to him for 2years
>he is funny and good
>he meet another dude online
>this dude is a douchebag and hate me
>I can't play with good friend whitout meet douchebag
>after 1 year the douchebag meet other douchebag and they hate me
>5 asshole, 1 friend and me
>I'm tired of this situation
>delete and block good friend and never tell him why
he's in a mental cult. He values his own beliefs more than he does other people. Sorry bro. Either he'll snap out of it in a few years or just become nuttier. Either way, it's best to move on.

Dude sounds like a douchebag. Maybe even a narcissist. I get the pain, but you can do better man. Find a friend that's mentally together and values his own fucking friends
You won't get anywhere with that attitude. Just make jokes and tell stories that normalfriends will understand. Life experiences that you can look back on and laugh at. And as far as wit goes, just make quick remarks. Don't overcomplicate things and think them over. Just say it.
>tfw never had any friends
>online friend
there's your problem
trust me funny will get you in to more panties than rich and handsome
just look up the gf and wife's of comedians
also learn the guitar just a couple of cords
guitars are pussy magnets
>Just make jokes and tell stories that normalfriends will understand. Life experiences that you can look back on and laugh at.
I don't have any of those. I am a person whose hobbies are videogames and anime.
>feel good games

pokemon is a good choice. There are also plenty of good hacks I'm a huge fan of touhoumon and TPDP

paper mario also comes to mind. In general the nintendo first party games are often good, innocent fun that takes place in a better world
Yea I know
I find threads like this funny about girls as well, since I used to make them and ask a ton of questions when in reality, these things come down to being comfortable with yourself and having a sense of humor
>So I was fapping to my waifu...
>Hahaha great story fellow normalfag
I know that feel. That's been my experience in life too.
Same thing happened to me recently, realize most people are shit and you're happier alone.
waifus are becoming mainstream now though, seeing with the ironic weebs
You're pretty much literally me. I think I just hate myself too much to love anybody else, but not enough to kill myself.
except you only drink so you have something you can tell somebody later in life because you are the most boring piece of shit to have ever walked this earth and all you can say about yourself is "i drink look at me"
My boss is a dude named Cam and some dude who used to work here was super gay.

I don't know if they were friends or not, but the gay dude definitely seemed like he could've posted on 4chan....Nick....
simple really just be you but better, girls love a guy thats comfortable with himself, i use to pick girls up on public transport, had no care got lots of dates
Make yourself someone worth not hating. Shit, I hate you after only reading your post.
This is weird because I'm the Cam that he's talking about and I talked to my friend Nick about everything last night
>>another is a memelord and gets all of my references
how would you open the conversation
How about school or a job? Hell, steal stories and jokes your dad told you if you need to. I bet they're pretty good. Speaking of dads, mine taught me a very good life lesson; never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Don't make things overblown, but if the story is funnier with a slight change, go for it.
Do you have any friends/family you could drink with? Just talking about things after a few drinks with people that you're close with is an excellent general confidence booster, even if you aren't drunk.
Calm down fag
Ask if they go to 4chan
Nah, I'd much rather keep on living in this weird limbo equilibrium of anti-social apathy.
We'll get there some day, bros.
Not really doin' good, to be honest. I wish I got a chance to explain things better but at this point I don't think it'd help much, or that anyone would believe me.
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I don't think I'll have the confidence to ask someone out until I actually get my proper driver's license (I've been avoiding it) and work out to a point where my arms are slightly more muscular than toothpicks
Well atleast your self-hatred is justified faggot. Go to /fit/, /ck/, and /pol/ when you're ready to start actually living
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>Have good friend in High School
>We both go to the other side of the country so not a lot of chance to meet
>Talk online and see each other every few years
>Don't talk to him for about 2 years
>Contact me recently and we shoot the shit
>Casually lays down that he had a super painful degenerative nerve disease but he's not dying now so it's ok
>friend with a super liberal mexican
>very much the polar opposite of him
>we both insult each other all the time
Good friendships, those.
haha what
>Finally messages me today and tells me that he doesn't like me anymore, and doesn't want to talk or hang out again

Let me guess: He actually grew up and you stayed an autistic and embarassing manchild.

> I noticed he is associating with alot of fat tumblr tier women for the passed year or so.

So you just got lucky then, eh?
>actually living

that's a good one, are you trying to drive him further towards suicide?
"whats the time" real simple go from there, feel out the rest, comment on what she is wearing
maybe after the second date bring that up
I'm saying there was more going on then I got a chance to say
I was kind of in a frantic rush as people were blocking me left and right, but it's whatever man
what country u live in?
>and /pol/
Nah, I'd much sooner go to /lit/ than that cancer shithole Mr. r/theredpill self-help books for alt-rights marketer
yo what's the time, baby
Nigger, go to /lit/ too. Go read some books.
Similar, but friends just keep inviting people they find in Overwatch. So now the disco is filled with random 15 year olds, who are annoying/emotionally fragile. And of course, anything you do that may make any of them sad is a huge issue. Fuck that noise.

Also why do they keep inviting these kids, feels like the disco is becoming Neverland Ranch.
be funny and not act like an autist and you'll be fine. I'm ugly as fuck and have had a "bunch" of girls.
Easy way to make people dislike being around you. It doesn't matter if what you're reading there is right or wrong, real or false. Spouting politics to other people that aren't big into politics is generally unwelcoming, especially if it's controversial things like the holocaust. It MIGHT help during a presidential election and talking to people that agree with you, but that's about it.
Are you me? Everyone absolutely seems to love me. I'm a good talker and enjoy making others laugh. I'm also kind and fair to everyone I meet. This leads to lots and lots of people making contanct me and wanting to hang out and stuff all the time.

It's just that deep down I'm introverted. When some people gain energy from hanging out with other people I NEED to have some time where I can just stay alone WITHOUT ANYONE. What makes the constant barrage of friends more tiring is the fact that I already have a gf (I absolutely adore her, getting married next month) who is totally addicted to my attention and whenever we are home at the same time never gives me alone time, unless I politely ask.

2 day weekend all alone is my heaven (have those like few times a year).
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>best friends with a man for almost 8 years, find him his first job, shelter him for 3 months, have a great time together playing games and drinking
>he finds a girlfriend and go back to his mother's house
>doesn't work for 3 years and see him occasionally, maybe once or twice a year
>comes back where I live, help him moving in and find him a job, train him and he becomes my coworker
>great times together again
>I get fired from my job because of some stupid production manager slut, he takes my place while I must restart from zero in another studio
>barely see him anymore, doesn't give a shit about how I feel, doesn't even celebrate my 30th birthday

People are shit, anons.

Rule of Rose, fantastic game.
yer whats wrong with that. you dont have to be a creeper, just be nice and yourself, unsless you are a creeper then get of the bus...of life
i dont do it now cause i have a long term gf soon to fiance

Is it really that easy?
>Be me in middle school don't talk to people be all around good boy go to library during lunch
>one day getting bullied in hall my stuff is on the floor try to pick it up bullies step on my hand everytime
>big Mexican comes out of nowhere tells them to fuck off they run he helps me pick my stuff up
>fast forward a couple day's during lunch he invites me to sit at a table with his buds
>immediately they start talking about all the things I like vidya games and weeb stuff never had I been happier
>at the end of middle school we get together and have a moment where we realize we might never see each other again small tears
>high school comes around look around the halls for anyone I know not a single one
My first time greentexting should I continue?
your blouse looks great on you, by the way
nice digs honey
Why do people like this fucking exist? Does it hurt a lot man?
sounds like she might take that as you staring at her boobs, but maybe that's just me
I think it's easier if you make up an excuse depending on the context. unsolicited conversations are weird and awkward, but if you ask a question or directions or something then you can slip in a conversation if they're interested. you can usually tell if someone doesn't want a conversation with you
fuck, i cant imagine what its like to have friends that shitty.
yer but its 2017 and no one says blouse any more , dress or jeans
i also work in retail and girls will flirt with me i dont have to even try...because i have a amazing gf yes amazing
Fucks who allow politics to rule their lives like that are the cancer that is killing America.
only if theres more bullying involved or you can fuck right off
he probably changed pronouns and didn't tell you and got offended because you deadpronouned him
I stopped caring. He's not the first one to back stab me after I helped him but he became such a shitty "friend" I'll never do anything anymore if he's in trouble again.
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If I ever could get married I have no idea who is make my groomsmen
Guess I'll fuck off then
Start playing poe you can go super autismo and get lost in it and grind the pain away
>taught someone something
>it comes around and bites me in the ass

sometimes sharing knowledge is a curse
Maybe you should ask yourself what attracts these people to you, why you can't tell that they're like that, or why you settle for such a shitty friend when you can tell that they're shit.
I don't even know who I would even be married with xd
Don't even know what to say to this. These people are legit crazy. There had to have been some underlying issue that was gnawing at him and this just was a convenient excuse.
i had a friend he was a creeper, help him out a lot bought food for him, help him with his love life, gave him stuff like movies,
he would meet girls and then get really obsessive about them, go to their houses stuff like that .even after we told him that really wrong
i decided to stop being friends because he got into drugs and treated every one like shit

saw him a week a go hasn't change a bit
>be me in high school
>lost all my buds from middle school
>social anxiety kicking back in now that I'm not familiar with anyone
>just meander alone at lunch
>eventually get put into a group project
>my incredible shyness is apparent to everybody
>one girl tells me she and her friends thought I was the 'school shooter' type
And that was the day my confidence died, forever.
I dropped out, went to post-education night school to get my shit done a year later, and have been a loner since.
should have proved them right
That's advice for being a perma-virgin in fancy packaging.

>if you have a shit body and and a shitty personality nothing else can help you, change comes from within.

That's true, though.
Fellow loner drop out here. How is your life now? I'm still a loner but I'm studying at university so things are better than when I was a NEET.
Of my friends, there's only maybe two I'd even want to be groomsmen.

After that, I'd probably just match her bridesmaids with brothers.
ever watched I Love You, Man?

My friend got married recently and I was his only friend. His wife just stuffed his side of the wedding with her own friends.
Only if it ends in gay sex
This exact same thing happened to me nobody in middle school would ever talk to me because they thought I was just gonna go mental one day
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>stare at qtpie blonde shortstack in class every day
>she doesn't notice me
>towards the end of the year
>she sits in my table of friends magically
>the one acutal bro friend tries to wingman
>lol i would never date him
>my insides
It got kinda close
Life's pretty good. My job is menial shit and I've been putting off further education, though. So you're better off than I.
bitchs be crazy, plenty of sex in the stream
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then go on
mein bruder
I'm someone who's nice when you know me and would do anything for my friends or family, because loyalty and bullshits like that.
It's actually really hard to befriend me because I don't open easily but when I do, it often ends up coming back right in my face because people think about them first and foremost.
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>pretty much always been alone, with only a core of 2-3 solid bros i rarely see
>have to learn everything on my own, and I dont like telling people about my personal issues
>mfw all this waaawaahhh about bitches and lame friends leaving like its not a good thing

Kids just stfu and get money
Tip for being funny - if you want to describe something entertaining you saw online, make sure that there's a way to explain it PURELY VERBALLY. If you need to show a picture to someone or go off topic to explain something in a conversation or story, don't bother. Send it to them in a text or something if you're able to get a contact from them. Make sure it's something they can relate to as well.
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He's probably going to kill himself. Pushing you away so you don't notice when he is gone
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>Start highschool
>Think that its all going to change
>Spend lots of time with my classmates and have a good time
>HS ends
>Never hear from any of them again
H-haha i was merely pretending to be your friend aswell
Lefties are in such a massive echo-chamber it's frightening
Like >>385294937 implies, it isn't always that easy.
People have places to go, not everyone has time to chitchat, maybe they had a really bad day and just wanna go home or wherever they were heading, or they already have a bf or husband.

But the video gives legit good advices, and examples of how not to be awkward:
Don't have a weak posture or speak nervously.
Be honest about your intentions while still being a gentleman.
Butter girls up with smooth talk, but don't let the conversation stall or drag on. Go for the number or ask her out at before losing momentum.

It's all legit advice, and doing something like this gives you experience for when you really wanna succeed in talking to some qt to get to know her and ask her out. In my opinion earning such experience is miles better than not trying anything at all and never improving. If that means having an awkward convo every now and then, so be it.
In the end everything boils down to what makes you happy, and if you want to talk to some qt to try your luck and go on a date, then by all means, go for it.
I'll skip details but near the end of high school he confessed that he actually liked me we tried some stuff but I just wasn't into it we were still Bros after that one day I dropped my phone in the sink and lost his number ever since I've hoped he never moved out of town so that I might see him again I've never had a brother like that and I feel like I will never again
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>Lonefag in middle-school
>Got bullied a lot
>One of the cool kids starts getting close to me
>We became friends
>I still ate alone at the table but it's okay he's my friend
>Sometimes he would leave me and go hang out with the other guys
>It's okay, i shouldn't be greedy or needy
>He would come over and we would play vidya for hours
>His other friends, my bullies would come over and play with us too
>When they got bored they would leave and ask him to come along
>He would go
>It's okay, i suck at sports anyway
>High School
>Girl i found cute starts talking to us, mostly him
>She starts dating him
>Oh well, i guess she just liked him better
>His other friends come to my desk and keep telling lies on how he thinks i'm pathetic and that i stink
>She breaks up with him
>I'm the shoulder he cries on
>His parents kick him out for some time
>We start sharing a room
>We have lots of fun playing vidya when he's home
>Eventually he goes back home
>Gets another gf and stops coming all together
>His friends still keep bothering me but i just ignore them
>Parents badmouth him
>I go berserk on them
>One day he comes up to me at school and just starts insulting me
>I break down on the spot
>Everybody starts taking pictures and laughing at me
>I get on the floor and everybody walks the dinossaur
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>This entire thread when you're a mid-30s wizard
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Lost good friends because I want to defend free speech and my fiscal conservative views. Oh well, if they can't handle the rigors of an opposing view then they can never grow up and develop themselves into free thinking human beans.

Anon and OP, I am there for you. we should play games
How accurately this describes the current generation lmao
i have had this same though before
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3 more years!
i was glad i was in bed with my gf when i heard my dad died,
No thanks, i don't want some obnoxious faggot to ridicule me over stuff i don't really care about.
Friendships are temporary, play any mainline SMT.
Something similar happened to me recently. <part 1>

>Meet (current to this day) girlfriend 4 years ago and visit her house every week or so.
>Introduced to her sister.
>I don't really talk to her all that much, I mean I went over here to hang out with someone else, but she's basically friend-of-friend tier.
>About a year in, she (girlfriend's sister) begins cheating on her boyfriend (who's away in the military) with someone else.
>Apparently she's the overbearing digging-through-your-shit type to find your dirt and found this out.
>She cheats on her boyfriend with (get this) her 38 year old asian manager (she's 23 at the time) at the sushi bar she got a part-time job at.
>I didn't know this at the time, so she comes to me asking for job advice when she's getting harassment from one girl in particular at the job.
>Tell her talk to the manager, if they don't do anything, quit that place, but don't retaliate. You don't have to take anyone's shit at any job.
>Turns out she lied about the situation and withheld information about the cheating and the prior engagement the other coworker had.
>Apparently the girl harassing her is the OTHER 25 year old employee that the manager stopped romancing with, but this coworker is now jealous of her.
>Hear about the cheating from my girlfriend.
>Basically lose faith in this garbage human, and cease having any desire to talk to her, really.
>My girlfriend is asking me to hang out with her when I get off work and am waiting for her to arrive, she tells me her sister's pretty lonely and thinks that I can help.
>Begrudingly try to hang out with her.
>She calls up a random female friend because somehow that makes it "not cheating" to go with her sister's boyfriend to get bubble tea or whatever.
>Don't like getting treated as a third wheel. She's _not_ lonely if she can call up a friend to hang out. I had no ulterior motives.
You sound autistic buddy
One Question - did he get a new girlfriend recently?
I had the feels but that last part fucking got me
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>Couple of my friends get married
>I end up best man at both weddings
>I hadn't seen or talked to them for years before the weddings and now years after the weddings
>Somehow despite this I end up best man
>Also am now a wizard while my friends got married and were seemingly so low on friends they hauled my ass out of the cooler to be best man
I just don't get it.
>wah wah ridicule me need safe space

business owners get LOADS of tail bro
I'm not gonna psychoanalyze you at 3 AM, but you seriously need to be more honest with yourself about the deficiencies that led you to your current situation. For one you seem very desperate and clingy.

Hey though, no reason to feel bad about it. Learning about your own flaws are the first step to actually becoming someone of value. Honestly, good luck.
th-thanks, not the first time I have been called that
Seems like you two never really knew each other, probably a good thing he cut ties, it wouldve only been more depressing had it happened later. I feel like alot of people found out who their friends and family really are this past election
>Never speak to girlfriend's sister for 4 years.
>Girlfriend feels like she's in custody, I refuse to hang out with her, and her sister's upset at me for leaving her out. She has to make separate plans for things like birthdays for friends and me and her personal family.
>Girlfriend's sister apparently wants to make amends with me now.
>She's STILL dating this 40+ year old dude.
>Implying anything has significantly changed between 4 years ago and her selfish, inconsiderate, irresponsible, and bitchy attitude.
>Apparently she's starting to go through some changes though and is going through counseling, but honestly, if she's still clinging onto a 40+ year old mistake there's not enough change.

I really want to tell her to fuck off. I don't feel like I need to be "friends" with shitty people, and already been through similar shit with similar "shitty" friends. It was never ultimately worth any effort I put into these friendships and they ended up souring anyways.
If a man has 200 dollars to his name how far can he get while traveling the US (I'm also black, important detail these days)

Bascially if I'm still living with my folks at 25 I might kill myself
the best man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world
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Thank you friend. That made me feel better.
Have you tried meditating?
>we saved each other from niggers back in middle school and high school
Apparently really good bait
You should save up more money

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hahahahaha your gf is the real one whos an asshole

shes pawning her shitty sister off on you

well guess what? shes not YOUR SISTER WTF LOL

plow your gf more and wait for the break up because your GF must HATE YOU
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Everything is actually true though.
I don't like thinking about the past, makes me uncomfortable. A lot of stuff happened later and even though we still talk to each other i have other friends. And looking back i deserved all the abuse i got.
I have 1000+ in cryptos but im not touching that for a long time
>really want to experience being a dad and husband at a decently young age
>but also really want to be a mariner and spend my days on the sea travelling the world, just as my ancestors have for generations
>being a sailor will almost always lead to a life of loneliness and polygamy for both parties of a relationship
What should I do?
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>Have a friend
You see that's the first mistake.
Look for long trip bus passes, a $50 ticket could get you from D.C. to New York if you find the right bus line
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>>385287361 (OP)
>Never had a great video game childhood hangout
>Only went to other kid's houses less than ten times
>mostly because I'm a huge omega with legit autism
You're in a better scenario, anon. It's better to have a friend and having it ended instead of having very little close friends.
Don't be a family man. You'll regret it.
That is some optical illusion shit.
>long time friend
>remember that he had some weird email account
>google that shit
>easily find out he posted his email and pictures of his dick in a forum
>I wonder for weeks whether I should warn him or not, because he's the kind of guy that would use that e-mail in a job interview
>finally I tell him
That was a mistake.
being a sailor sounds like fun, follow your dreams anon, the best scenario you will fall in love with someone while sailing
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dont listen to this fag

be the family man and take responsibility

answer me this : how can you honor your ancestors if you don't continue their bloodline?
hitch-hike, i here that is really safe now. also give blow jobs for money, now thats a growth industry

>tfw my family has been moving every 2-3 years since i was born and it still hasnt stopped

I've gotten so tired of replacing my ENTIRE life and repertoire of friends that i've just stopped trying
Try to save actual cash

If you are desperate you could go to the military if you're willing to give 2-3 years of your life.
That's not true anon you didn't deserve to be ridiculed like that nobody does you gotta let the past go sometimes
the dumb ass wants to be a YOUNG family man, though.
fuck that, live your life for a bit instead of settling into a life a shit right away.
woman are all up into sailing and boats now, and not just the dykes
Military brat?
What happened, anon
>be friends with this girl
>she became sjw
>one day a trans person gets mad at my sister (who used to be suicidal) and tells her to kill herself
>i naturally get insanely pissed at that person and say quite some transphobic things
>girl unfriends me for being a transphobe to that person even tho she knows damn well why i got pissed

Dont even feel sad about it
Im better off without that bitch
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why do you think having kids is not living your life?

don't project your single parent woes on other people
men have the advantage of being able to sire kids later in life
No you didn't. Do you have self esteem issues?
>I found pictures of your dick online, bro.
How'd you think it went?
I have a friend. He's had some rough times, but has really bounced back and is making progress in his life, and I'm so happy for him to be living a life he has always wanted.

I will always be there for him, but I understand that one day he may be too busy for me at all.
And that's ok. I am a loner anyway. I survive just fine by myself.

Get a bit lonely sometimes though. But that's my own fault. I'm kind of broken to the core and can't really bond with people all too well anymore.

Funny thing is, we can be apart for like half a year, but when we get together and hang out it was like we spoke just yesterday. Rare having a friend in such syncro.

When he wants to catch up it's a real nice surprise. In November we are going to watch Deep Purple live together. I look forward to that.
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>Start working together with former best friend i lost contact with.
>mfw we did a lot of gay shit when we were young.
>mfw he knows i know he remembers.

We would literally jerk each other off,then smell/lick the semen out of our hands. We would also fuck and suck too.

I blame Sonic. Now how do we get past those memories and the shame?
>desperate and clingy
I'm pretty much the contrary. I don't contact people, they do. I didn't ask for an explanation for what my "best friend" did to me, I let it go. If he wants to go to a movies, fine, but that's it.
I'm doing pretty good at my new job, and I don't care if I don't have friends. I'm doing what I want and people are really not worth wasting your time with.
Well, my girlfriend's just passing her sister's message onto me. I talked to her about why I didn't like her sister 4 years ago, and can find my reasons agreeable, but since she's her sister, she still wants to be amicable to her, despite her weird situation.

I told my girlfriend recently 4 years ago I had no desire to hang out or speak with her sister anymore, and today I still don't care, and truthfully I hardly care if she _really_ has changed, because I basically moved on with my life, while apparently her sister hasn't since she's the one harboring regrets and wanting to make amends with me or whatever.
How old were you at the time?
I don't
You didn't deserve it, you little bitch. What you deserve is respect, the same respect you've paid to others.
It's not so much to ask, is it? So tell yourself, you didn't deserve it. Do it now.
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you should always pick family over others

why do you feel the need to post it?

why did it bother you that much?

go tell that girl to fuck herself

you obviously are really triggered by this still

go light a bag of shit on fire and put it on her doorstep
I want to forget everything. The me of the past was dumb, i should have fought back. I should have told him how i felt.

I still do but i'm healing.
make new gay memories. Duh
Jesus, you all sound like angsty teenagers.
You're going to have to sleep with him to assert dominance. It's the only way.
12 to 18.

We're both 25 now and i'm friends with his gf.
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Hot start doing it again get some ass
This, pretty much. Doesn't help I'm a snarky motherfucker, he probably thought I would make him remember that shit everyday. I don't really care, we all do embarrassing stuff online. At the end of the day, even if we are no friends anymore, I hope he learned something.
When didn't you I realize how faggy it was? Why'd you do orb for so fucking long?
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imma real talk you because im a bro

judging by your writing style and the reply time

you fucking HATE your girlfriend and this relationship will never work

what do you fucking think you jack ass? shes her sister she will always pick her over you

why are you still with this girl you fuckhead?

look at the way you type this is fucking 4chan and you have to be all formal and shit you fucking normie faggot

what do you even want? your miserable? do you have a clue?
What's the point of living if you are gonna slave away to the imaginary expectations of some dead folks?

All their legacy leads up to anon, so anon should do his best to have the most fulfilling life he can achieve. And if he wants to be a sailor to be happy, then he deserves to pursue that happiness.
Do you have a link or a picture?

Also, what did he say? If someone told me that i don't know how i would react?
Don't beat yourself up over it, that guy is mentally unstable.
It's alright bro we're all stupid when young just don't think about it if your thoughts even steer in that direction wave a mental hand in your head and think of something else
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>be me first year at uni
>awkward as fuck and obviously very uncomfortable when I talk to people
>first roommate literally couldn't put up with me and moved out first week
>have room all to myself for 2 months reclused
>black guy moves in
>He's actually extremely chill, I have absolutely no anxiety talking to him. He loves vidya and we became great friends
>Hooked me up with a part time job and eventually I learn to be more social and confident
>Eventually everyone in my hall loves him and I'm actually nothing special to him
>He becomes best friends with kid down the hall
>Me, black friend and said kid all hang out but he's not particularly fond of me at all. Eventually he tells me to fuck off and find my own friends
>He moves into suite and invites only my roommate
>Roommate chooses him over me and cuts all contact with me
>Slowly becoming recluse again

Sucks being socially retarded man.
It was a phase, we were young, lonely hormones and it felt good. We stopped doing it because he moved and i kinda dropped contact. We did other stuff than that but, everytime i look in that faggots face i see the shame and i start remembering his face while we were doing stuff.
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have you faggots ever even sailed on a boat for an extended time?

just take a cruise line vacation

also how do you even know he will be happy as a sailor?

hes obviously mentally disturbed (sinces hes on 4chan)

he will most likely crash and burn just like every other hobby he had

your liable to prove me wrong but these dubs say otherwise
Just remember there's no use lamenting on your past. What happened in unchangeable, and often a reflection of a different person that you were.
Focus on an improved future instead.
I used to have friends but they keep asking to meet up physically like "hey anon lets meet up at some restaurant, etc. Let's meet at my house etc."

fuck! I'm an indoors in front of computer guy. Every time I imagine having to go on a bus for an hour to get to the meeting location I think about the time wasted I could have used playing games and watching anime.

Eventually I just keep turning them down and they stopped inviting me. Thank god, I think they understand me now but they also never talk to me now.
Not posting it.

He tried to justify himself despite me telling him not to worry about. The end of our friendship was not a bombastic fist fight or anything. He simply stopped calling me.
>Having awesome friends from highschool
>College happens, we all keep in touch tho
>Move in with one of my dudes
>My best friend from Highschool starts living with us for amost a year (no rent) cause his dorm looks worse than a prison
>fking great times were had
>during this time he sold my roommate his old n64 for 15 bucks
>years pass, his dumb cunt of a sister realizes n64 is gone, wants it back
>over the years those 2 sandniggers start pestering my roommate about giving back whats "rightfully" theirs
>6 years after this shit we get a letter from his lawyer
>letter states: give back n64, because it wasnt sold but he borrowed it to us for a symbolic value of 15cuckbucks. Have two weeks time to send console back and pay 400 for lawyer, otherwise time to go to court
>have to be a witness now confirming that friend A sold console to friend B and not borrow it

We still have that N64, but our whole group of friends got fractured because of that shit. This cuck even bought another n64 for his sister, but she only wanted that specific one. Instead of offering my roommate a trade, they sue us (not even american)
Fuck you osama. Thought we were friends
Now how do you know he knows you know he remembers?
What the FUCK is with trannies being such mental cases? The only tranny I've known let his dog lick peanut butter off his dick.

Everyone called him Scooby Snacks after that, fucker deserved the bullying.
i agree
i did some dumb shit as a kid but i like to think im a better person
i have a stable gf, i have travel a lot.
i look at past friend who havent even moved out of their parents houses and it makes me sad for them and proud that i have become a better person
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god no wonder he stopped hanging out with you

your such a fucking faggot even the way you tell stories

like, it's a anonymouse image board that has litterally no way to trace it back to you and you still refuse to be a good sport and tell your story

why the fuck are you even in this thread go to fucking reddit and upvote cat pictures god your insufferable

i wish you the worse
>why are you still with this girl you fuckhead?

Because she's cute, she's into vidya and animay and we have the same tastes and we often have _real_ conversation with each other, and we both agree that we hadn't had similar discussion with anyone else, ever.

We both really love each other.

But her sister is _her_ sister. Not mine, and I don't have to or want to take on that baggage.

My _own_ personal sister fucked off about 7 years ago after she started getting into drugs and getting arrested twice for theft and another for possession of drugs.

I wouldn't force the baggage that is _my_ sister onto my girlfriend, either. Not even I want to talk to my own sister anymore either.

Just seems like most women in my life (except my girlfriend, apparently) makes really terrible life decisions and don't have the capacity to look at themselves honestly in a mirror to realize that they're making shitty decisions, even when others try to step in as a preventative measure.
Maybe they just weren't your type of friends, anon.
If you really valued them as friends, you'd go out with them without a second thought.
Does that mean you have it? Is it impressive or just your average dick?

What a faggot, i would have stripped you and said something cool like "Now, we're even!". Maybe your friendship didn't end because of the dick pick.
It's not gay if you topped him.
You were the top, right?
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Fucking this. It's very hard to find and surround yourself with people that are genuine.

When my Mom told me to hang out with people more during my highschool years, I realized that it's not my thing and it actually made my depression worst. However, I did gain a few close friends that I share common interests.

It's the same /r9k/ mentality to normalfaggots but way less severe.

The great thing of being asocial was that I turned it from a bad thing to a good thing. I became very happy and my depression alleiviated during highschool and afterwards. You just have to do the things you enjoy most.
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Why should anyone take you seriously when you're obviously mentally disturbed (since you're on 4chan), and you try to get dubs on /v/?
fuck you for making this thread now i remeber mistakes i made in middle and high school
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>Scooby Snacks
>Just seems like most women in my life (except my girlfriend, apparently)
you sound like a douche
something i have noticed with osamas as you put it, when u threaten what they own they will attack like a snake, you wont see it coming cause they act all nice and shit
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My best friend of a decade killed himself recently and things haven't been the same. He was still so young at age 20. Feels awful thinking of any great upcoming games he won't experience.
No, my mom always has some reason or excuse or another to move the family, early on it's shut like we move to oregon away from dad after the divorce, then after a couple years we're moving to cali because she wants to move in with her girlfriend (she became a lesbian), then we end up moving at least 3 times within california because muh optimal work conditions, and then we've moved back to washington, where we originally moved to from Germany or some shit (i dont remember to clearly, like i said, been going on since i was born), she's a doctor, so she can afford that shit and the breadwinner, so no one could tell her no even if they theoretically wanted to

Right now we live in one of those backwoods gated communities where the nearest real civilization is half an hour away

Im 20 years old now, how do i fucking get out bros, honestly i wanna move back to california (my favorite weather to be honest) and get some roommates or something, but i dunno for sure how it would or could all work out, im just lost
I cant imagine what its like to not have a friend you know better than yourself. Ive known this guy for over half my life, and there's not a single thing i wouldn't tell him. Hes incredibly intelligent, kind, and honest. He grounds me when i get angry, and he encourages me when i get sad. Hes literally the best thing to ever happen to me and im not even fucking gay. When I hear about long time friends just ghosting people it makes me incredibly sad, not only because that must be a horrible thing to experience, but also because you must have never truly known who that person was if they were willing to just cut all ties with you on a moments notice.

That really sucks what happened to you OP, but the best thing for you to do now is to get out and attempt to make some new friends, and find like minded individuals that you enjoy being around, and enjoy doing the things that you enjoy.

And for anyone else in this thread with a best friend, i ask that you take a moment to think about them, and try to determine whether you truly know who they are. What are their ideologies, their motivations, their beliefs, their interests, their fears, and their loves. If you do all of this and find that you still want to be friends with that person i think you'll find yourself more appreciative of that person and platonic-ally attracted to them. It may strengthen your bond to that person. If you find that you no longer think as highly of this person that it may be time to reevaluate what you look for in a friend, and think more carefully about who the people you socialize with really are.
Maybe because you're calling his new friends Trannies and fat SJWs and shit.
It's a weird feeling and i can tell he's not confortable around me. I tried befriending him again and he also tried but conversation just ends and we're left with dead silence. His gf doesn't know.

It was gay anon, we were versatile.
based ww link poster
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your girlfriend is with you so she obviously made a terrible life decision

ok that one you set yourself up for

i still feel like your relationship isn't good

"we both really love each other"

your in for a rude awakening

she will leave you

mark my words

never love a bitch more then you love yourself
I have a fairly good bunch of friends and the idea is that we all take a different one to be our groomsman. I had my eye settled on a friend that's been there the night I met my wife (getting married in a year). He was not yet taken by any of the friends, and he's a good mate (though I have to confess, we have been drifting apart for the last few years. When we get together, it's great, but I have a feeling like it's a chore for him for us to just hang). Anyway, another friend knocked up his gf and now needs to get married fast....before me. And he chose said friend for his groomsman.

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>Occasionally get talked to by a woman in a public setting
>Due to being American I assume her complimenting my beard is just making polite conversation as we conduct business
>After reading this thread I now know she was actually saying "Take me right here and right now you magnificent bald alpha neckbeard"
Yeah, I met one of my best friends over Halo:Reach using the proximity microphone function. He added me later saying how gutbusted he was at my antics. 10/10, would do again.

Stay strong, anon.
>never love a bitch more then you love yourself
Words to live by
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i mean why else would a girl compliment your beard
Is he cute? Does he look like CGI Cloud Strife?
People who let their politics guide their friendship aren't really friends to begin with anon.

Are you one of them?
Thanks man.
He was trying to save you anon. He's telling you this because he understands that you two were so much alike. You only perceive it as condescending because of your jealousy.
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gotta stay strong for all dem new games amirite
>Scooby Snacks

Fucking gold
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touch a nerve?

does that nullify anything i said?
i am amazed they didn't rip of their clothes then and there
No, he looks like that autist from FF8. The one that says whatever.
ever thought your personality changed and you became an annoying faggot but you're too blind to reflect on yourself like most people?

Some of my old highschool friends turned into obnoxious douchey cunts and I no longer talk to them, I mean a massive change in persona--completely different person. Not saying you are one but you probably could because people really cannot criticize their own personalities at all
That's still cool I guess
yo just a spectator here to be FAIR youre the one thats like strangely hung up on seeing some strangers cock
I know how bad it is to lose a friend. Not to suicide, but still.

From my perspective the experience taught me to cherish life and enjoy it to the fullest, regardless of the gloomy times.
>old friend moves away for a while (used to be my best friend, but it deteriorated to "good friends" due to not seeing each other
>other friend introduces me to a girl that the first friend met while he was away
>become really good friends with the girl
>we get really flirty and eventually things get quite intimate as far as long distance goes (topless video chats, extensive flirting, etc)
>she tells me that she's the first friend's girlfriend and was just too embarassed to mention it
>we keep doing what we usually would do, but it did bug me some that I was stabbing my friend in the back
>eventually, she comes over to my state for vacation
>she wants ME to deflower her, not her boyfriend
>she has second thoughts when she comes over, but still distances herself from her boyfriend
>months later of continuing our little affair, she regrets it and decides that it'd be best to tell her boyfriend (my old friend) that I was coming onto her really hard
>she does it and he ends up hating me for it
>already feel like shit for betraying him
>decide not to tell him that she intimately responded to every single advance I made for an entire year because I don't want to fuck him over even more
>bitterly carry the secret for years
>drunkenly confront her and ask why she stopped loving me
>"I never loved you."
I wish there was picture that accurately conveys how that made me feel.
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Spectator-anon, i'm the one who wants to see his bff's cock. I mean why not? It's not everyday you get to see the dick of the guy who broke anon's heart.

Also, how would you react if someone said they saw your dick online?
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if your not going to share the full story don't fucking pussy foot around like a faggot

>dude heres a story
>cool got proof
lost my dad a year ago, that hit me hard than i thought as we didn't really talk as much as i wanted to
i guess
>my best friend suddenly and inexplicably disappears completely and I have no way of contacting him
>feel nothing and life continues
I don't feel
What kind of video game is this?
If he was depressed before he might try to set apart his life from everything old. You are a part of his old and sad life and therefore he wants you out if his current, nothing personal really even if it really seems so. In some time he will realize that he's an idiot for doing this to you and if he is man enough he will ask for your forgiveness, or this will haunt him with guilt in a little part of his mind the rest of his life.
Im not talking about politics, im talking about human decency, you can vote for donald trump and be a good person, but alot of evil came out of people when they got into with family and friends over the election, from both sides.
Except for when you're in an elevator, then your adrenaline rush will calm and it'll all hit you like a tonne of bricks.
Top kek
i mean its your fault, did they break up at least
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been there done that

it hits you hard because your young and now you need to be the man of the house

start drinking and smoking heavily

you'll thank me when you realize how you never could have coped with them before
>>my best friend suddenly and inexplicably disappears completely and I have no way of contacting him

I am that friend to my friends. Whenever they contact me I feel nothing but awkwardness.
Trans people are just sick in the head
im like in my 30s so, one thing i did learn from my dad was that i want to be opposite to him. i have respect for him but i would never wanna be him. special when i have a kid
>all these tumblrinas feeling sorry for OP
This blogpost has nothing to do with video games, fucking kill yourselves.
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Trans people are mentally illl???? No way!!!!!
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Family > Politics

Be strong dude. He will watch you play
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what does that even mean?

was your pa an alcoholic?

go into more detail
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>small group of friends all decide to stop talking to me at once
>feel nothing despite the massive betrayal
>does that nullify anything i said?
The advice of a failed normalfag who thinks one must be mentally ill in order to browse such a tame place like /v/ is flaky at best.

Unless you are a NEET who constantly faps to /d/shit and posts in r9k, you can browse 4chan and still be a normal person as long as you have even just a bit of self awareness and common sense.
he used to beat me. now i know how that sounds bad but i like to say it made me a better person,
you and the girl are both terrible "people" and deserved nothing but a painful death
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you just ousted yourself

only r9k talks about r9k and uses words like normalfag and NEET
>daddy spanks me and I love it
you're so precious
child beating confirmed the true and ONLY way to raise a child
when my son gets older im gonna break his arm lmao
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They're planning a surprise party for you.
Don't worry!
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obviously your not over the beating if you bring that up first

did you get the belt in the mouth?
I can't imagine reacting to all of that by making a thread on /v/ with fucking NEGATIVE MAN FROM MOTHER 3 as a picture asking for a game recommendation.
I hope you're joking.
There's a Cher movie from the eighties that's like this.

She ended up screwing a very hairy Bob Hoskins.
is this even possible in minesweeper. i thought it generated the mines after the first click
>never had any friends
>there's one guy I've been talking to with online for almost about 6 years
>recently realized I don't actually like him and the only reason I've been keeping in contact with him is just force of habit
>cut all contact, no goodbyes, nothing
>don't have anyone to talk to anymore
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have you tried moving in your with dad?

i bet he misses you
pretty sure you're right
i think you could have changed every tile to have mines if u used cheat engine
>become 20
>lose all friends
>been 7 years

still never recovered haha, who else here /sucks/
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So what was he supposed to say?
Pretend that his dad never beat him?

He's probably better off for being able to admit it, than if he just kept it to himself.
>tfw you aren't your best friend's best friend

He's also my only friend, but he would still be my best friend if I had more.
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it's your own personal cross to bare

perhaps he was being a little shit and deserved to get hit
nah, he's legit that fat
>have a friend from high school
>strange dude, but he's fun to have around
>moves away for university
>in meantime joined right wing political party (party of that polish politician who was in Pewdiepie's video)
>lose all respect to him, because most of his supporters are brainless nationalists or middle high students
>he shows up lately
>he is a normal person
I was afraid of something that didn't happen.
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Sure thing.

I know the big scary words, so that means I'm one of those guys.
Now you better close your browser before you catch a virus or some mean anonymous member hacks your computer.
>children deserve to get hit
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when i was a kid i threw bricks at school bus's for no reason

are you saying you wouldn't beat me if i was your child?
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>As long as you have a sense of humor and decently quick wit
you deserved a stern talking to and your own personal dunce cap
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>Type something in the group chat because everyone is talking for once, and it's nice to have some conversation
>Half hour of silence
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>teacher actually did this to me once
>bit hole in dunce cap top
>made a make shift airhorn
>kept blowing it
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>Why are you saying you don't want to be like your dad?
>well, he did X to me
>Whoa, you must be traumatized if you had to bring that up

He currently lives in Germany and is working to support himself and stuff

And i dont speak german, im the only generation in my family that cant, i cant even read my own birth certificate
no but you made it the center of your whole argument

you literally only said muh daddy hit me and trailed off and didn't even say annunciate any other points
>be me
>more "left- centerish" views with some right views
>whole trump thing blew up
>literally people are choosing side as if it was a 12 year old dodgeball game
>when friends try ask about my views, i to pull some excuse to not say or just agree with that person by "mmm-hmm"
>realize on my facebook i have both extreme sides of cancer views.
>never get on again
Self blog post. This whole thing is just fucked.
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well then you giant lazy faggot

let me help you


vader is father in german

now you know some german go contact your father you stupid bitch he will die soon and you gonna be like "that faggot on 4chan was right"
Kek you little shit
True. You're a subhuman and needed a more severe punishment.

The bad thing is that subhumans can also reproduce and they don't have the best judgement skills.
Being in the US must suck right now.

Except i know just enough german to know vader is not pronounced like invader

My dad speaks english, thats not the issue here
Nope. And I couldn't control myself. I had never loved before. It was fucking addictive, that feeling that she gave me. I know I should have ended it when she told me about being his girlfriend, but I couldn't. I just feel like she stabbed me in the back, just like I did to my friend. Their relationship was at my mercy, and I decided to be good to her and attempt to at least partially make up for my wrongdoings by not telling him. I know I deserved losing my friend, and I really regret that. After all of the late nights together, all of the "I love you"s, all the times we held each other, all the times our lips met, after completely taking the fall and receiving all of the backlash on for their sake, and she refused to acknowledge any of it. All I asked of her was a to give me a simple answer to something just to make me feel a little better, then she refused to do so and shit all over me. She felt none of the horrible, stinging pain that I felt, despite it being a mistake that both of us made.
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so what the hell do you want?

how about you write me a 3 year plan because you have no ideal what you want to do with your live obviously
>I decided to be good to her and attempt to at least partially make up for my wrongdoings by not telling him.
Hahahahah what the fuck anon, first you betray your friend and then instead of telling him that she wanted to fuck with you, you hide it. Nice job betraying him again.
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you can take solace in the fact that your friend would have done that to you if he was in your place

easy come easy bro brudda

remove all al bhed
I know how you feel, bud.

My group of friends online just shrunk to a fraction of its original size. Used to be 15-17 people around a day, now it's mostly just 3-5 of us. Anything more is a rare treat.

Turns out differences in gaming preferences can really kill friendships.
>30 in a week
>lost wizard potential 9 years ago

Fucking succubus
Friends are for weaklings.
I hid it because she obviously wanted to return to him and be loyal again. They're still together now, and she has been faithful to him since. They're happy together. They wouldn't be happy if I said anything. All three of us would hate each other if I told him. Nobody would be happy in that scenario. We both fucked up and I took the blame in order for the other two to be happy. That's it.
You let him stay with a bitch willing to cheat on him without mentioning anything.

She's probably still sleeping around, good job ruining his life because you thought he'd be "happier" this way.
What this anon said >>385300284
I kept in contact with her. We're very good friends. She would tell me absolutely fucking everything. Ironically enough, she goes into utter dread every now and then because she's worried that he's cheating on her. She made a mistake when she was young and less mature, we all do. I'm just upset that she acts like she did nothing wrong.
>we all do
No, not everyone cheats, are you insane? Especially if she acts like she did nothing wrong. I mean if he cheats on her that means they are both fucked so I guess it's ok.
You hid it because you are a fucking pussy who can't man up to the fact that he betrayed his friends trust and then let him stay with a piece of shit whore. Don't pretend that you already have, and don't expect us to sympathisr with you. I just hole that when this does come back on you, and it will come back on you, believe me, your "friend" has the werewithal not to beat the ever loving shite out of you like you deserve, because neither you nor that slut are worth prison over.
People change man, you've obviously become a fucker he doesn't need anymore, I've had to trim the fat from my life too
I was referring to making mistakes, not cheating. Unless you've never made a mistake, that is. That would actually be pretty impressive.

Sticks and stones. I acknowledge that I fucked up and don't expect sympathy. I know the girl and I'm 100% sure that she'll never cheat again. They're happy together, and that's what matters to me.
Just don't have friends dummy, problem solved.
It's alright anon. People on 4chan and other forever alone forums think that cheating is worse than murder or some shit, while the fact is that a huge percentage of people cheated on their partners, once or multiple times. It's life. And not everyone, but a lot of those people stayed together after going through that crisis. It doesn't make you any less shit or her, but it's hardly the worst thing a person can do.
I want a way to sustain myself and a not retarded plan to do so so that i can have some freedom to live where i want (location/state wise, not referring to a choice of house or apartment) and amass something beyond fast food and retail experience while working hours that dont crush my soul and doing something artistic or theatrical that i love in the meantime/ on the side (which could develop into a real career if i am lucky, but i am not counting on it, i'd just like time to indulge in it regardless)
You got me anon, I think cheating is pretty shit thing to do, not murder tier but still pretty shit. I do not care that many people do it, it's still fucking shit. I wouldn't trust anyone that did it.
The point is null anyway because I would have to have a gf in the first place :^).
I wouldn't/won't *
>>Finally messages me today and tells me that he doesn't like me anymore, and doesn't want to talk or hang out again
What the fuck is that?
That's an extremely shitty philosophy and it's weird to me that you seem to think it's normal. Cheating isn't something that you should just say "oh well happens to everyone" are you kidding me? Why would you trust anyone that cheated on you, clearly they don't feel how you feel about them. Have some respect for yourself.
Thanks for understanding. I feel shitty for doing it, but like I said before; I had never experienced love before her. I was overwhelmed by its strength, and I got fucked for it. If I could go back in time and redo it, I would. However, going back in time isn't a possibility, so I have to live with it. Life goes on.
sign up for financial aid and go separate from your parents
If the guy had to go out of his way to tell you "I don't like you, please stop talking to me" even though you didn't get the countless hints he must have thrown at you then you must be a massive autist, can't blame the guy.
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It's insane to me how many (You)s you've gotten in this thread. You're barely literate to the point where I'm almost positive you're just joking, but nothing you say is particularly interesting or helpful. And yet here I am doing it too.
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jesus. didn't know this was so common.
i eventually got perma-banned because the only fun part of LoL was trashing others.

everytime i see something like this, i feel like it's my friend that i have troubles with. it's such a common thing, but it really sucks. i kind of ruined my friendship, the best friendship i have had, or will ever have basically, by being a fucking crazy asshole wanting attention. like every friend i've ever had, they usually outgrow me and kinda just forget me. i have feels that this one won't be the same, but he still probabl y feels divergent to me, i don't know. feels like shit, utter shit. playing vidya isn't the same, but it's also somewhat better. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkk.
i feel like such a cuck, being obsessed with someone else but i can't help it. he was actually a good person, but never saw it because he was wrapped up in hating himself.
akee, if you see this post, let's be friends again please.
Let me guess, he got a girlfriend.
not him, but watch king of the hill, it shows cheating in a really interesting way
>king of the hill
Is that the cartoon with meme guy selling propane or w/e
KotH and specifically Dale is not someone you should strive to be like. The fact that his wife cheats on him on the regular is sad, but its used for comedy so w/e. Dale is willfully blind to it because being alone would be worse for him than the current situation, but if I found out that was happening and had a friend like Hank try to tell me he kept it from me for my own good I would end up hating him and my wife. Just a difference of opinion maybe but it's dumb to me to just roll over and think it's okay that the person you love doesn't love you enough to not fuck other people.
yeah, I'll just explain it for you, don't read the spoilers if you intend to watch it, because it's really fucking good
dale gribble, the main character's crazy and balding best friend, has a hot weather woman wife, nancy gribble. however, she's been in an affair with john redcorn, a handsome, muscular native american man. their son, joseph, is very clearly half-indian, but dale is blissfully ignorant and still fathers him like his own flesh and blood. it's a running joke about how painfully obvious the affair is, but how dale learns. none of the other characters ever tell dale, because they all know how happy he is with his life and that telling him would absolutely ruin him. later on in the series, nancy ends up going on a date with dale for the first time in 13 years, and it completely re-ignites their marriage and love for each other, and she ends her relationship with john redcorn and starts to treat dale like an actual husband.
you're probably long gone, but Startropics should be on this list
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>Best friend of ten years
>Introduces me to this girl
>Says I should date her
>I do
>Find out he's been seeing her behind my back
>Find out they've been talking about getting married
>He wants me to be his best man
>They both act as if nothing is wrong

People are shit man, whatever you do don't bury yourself in games. Go to the gym, for a walk, hike, swim whatever. Do something that's physical self improvement, come back to games when you feel better about yourself ESPECIALLY if you and he played games together. Games are fun and good as a hobby but they're not therapy and can worsen mood if you're not careful.
this almost sounds like the other anons story though, i have no idea how is it ok to be cheating on a guy for enough time to get a child and then be forgiven
I guess it's mostly about if you believe people should be forgiven or pay for their mistakes more.

Yeah, not having a gf and having little experience usually makes people say these things.

Nobody said it was a nice thing, but it happens. I don't know how to say it differently, but shitty things happen and you accept them eventually. Sometimes people find out that you did shit, sometimes they don't. Ever fired a person? It's an extremely shitty feeling if you are a halfway decent person, no matter how justified it was. It's not about respect, it's not about whether it is the right thing or not, but statistics for numerous sources (don't make me link you sources, because that is literally a keyword search in Google) shows that it's what happens. Both with men and women. It's a shitty fact of life, but one that is not the worst thing that can happen, and I guarantee not the worst thing that will happen to you in life.
I'm not saying that you should ignore cheating, I'm just saying that sometimes things are better in the end if some secrets aren't ever told. It's hilarious how oblivious he is and I understand it's completely for comedy, but Nancy eventually did come back to Dale. Obviously that won't happen every time there's cheating, but if Dale found out, both his life and Joseph's life would be utterly ruined. Hank and the other guys didn't tell him because they didn't want Dale's life to end up in shambles.
He realized how much of a loser you are.
Get over it.
This is similar to me
At least until the grill showed up and tore the community apart. Now we're down to just 5. One doesn't really even play games anymore, another just smokes weed every day. On top of all that we can hardly decide on what games to play, so even when we're all off work on the same day, we don't even play anything together.
At least all of my actual good friends from childhood stayed and all the faggots left, so I have that going for me.
Weed guy is probably just depressed and using it as an excuse to hide his problems, he probably doesn't want to know you guys too much cause he knows you'll eventually just leave his life.
I still have you in my bookmark dude, I'm always checking out your profile page to see what are you doing
Maybe he's gonna kill himself and doesn't want you to get upset over it, that sounds like a bad movie tho
I'm sorry to say anon, but you're borderline retarded if you feel you deserved any of that.
I think the most likely way of ever attaining a girlfriend is to first and foremost, stop thinking that you need a girlfriend. And second, work on self-improvement and go out of your way to spend your time more productively. Think of all the ways in which you can improve yourself, write them down, and actually work on going through those things. Anything from physical self-improvement such as working or fixing bad skin or buying new clothes, whatever you can think of. Then think of life goals to work towards. Like if there is something you'd like to study but been putting off, write it down and start working towards it. Also instead of spending so much time on 4chan, do anything else. ANYTHING. Even playing more games or watching a movie or reading a book will be better. You don't have to cut 4chan out from your life entirely, but most likely you use it way more than you should.

This is my approach anyway, it works for me since my biggest problem is procrastination and stagnation. For someone who already takes care of themselves and have a good job and are still losers, they probably have other problems to focus on and this post is useless to them.
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