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..so I just ended a year-long Morrowind play-through, it was seriously amazing. And then, now, I've just played the first couple of hours of TES IV: Oblivion.
What exactly is this shit? Am I missing something?
Probably a tumor.
You should go get checked.
Morrowind, at least in my opinion, is the best of the Elder Scrolls games.

It tells a much better story, has a more immersive world, and the environment is varied enough that it feels like a whole ecosystem.

There's something about Morrowind that just makes it feel like home when it's compared with the other Elder Scrolls games. Sure, it has its flaws - inferior graphics compared to newer titles, the abysmal attack system - but those flaws are greatly overshadowed by the game's greatness.

I can recognize that Morrowind is probably not the greatest game ever made, but it's certainly my favorite game of all time.
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>year-long morrowind playthrough
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Oblivion sure is comfy tho
Oblivion is a turd, but it's an endearing turd.
it's fine just not as good as morrowind

incredibly stupid level scaling and uninspired dungeons with random shitty loot

better quests though
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I totally agree.
I see. Thank you.
FWIW I have easily several hundred hours into each of the last three ES games, and probably around 30 hours in Daggerfall. Morrowind is my favorite ES game, but Oblivion has some charms to it.

The world and music is comfy as fuck (as long as you stay out of the oblivion gates), and the quests are pretty decent. As with all ES games, there is a huge amount of content that can keep you busy for a very long time if you actually want to do all the questlines.

The biggest downfall of Oblivion is that it doesn't meaningfully improve on Morrowind in any way other than the graphics - and now that both Morrowind and Oblivion have dated and shitty graphics, this difference no longer matters. Oblivion is more limiting in terms of player-agency with the gameplay which was made more restrictive, and the combat system suffers significantly and loses value with both the default game rules (formulas for stamina, damage, armor mitigation, stagger, block, etc - these can generally be modded) as well as the extremely floaty physics. Considering the problems, I don't actually consider the Oblivion combat to be any better than Morrowind, despite it technically being more action oriented.

Personally I think Oblivion has aged worse than Skyrim, Morrowind or even Daggerfall. The biggest appeal to most people when Oblivion was released was that it is open world and had (at the time) nice graphics (not including character faces) that were a big step up from Morrowind (sans mods). The main storyline isn't terribly interesting, and there is nothing special about the gameplay.

With the state of Morrowind mods these days, I can't think of any good reasons to play Oblivion unless you are just curious about it.
It lacks the originality that Morrowind had.
Also streamlined all the dungeons and made them all feel similar and bland, especially with the retarded scaling system they used.
No, it's more of a potato.

So this may be a noob question but what does "comfy" actually mean in regards to games?
it means the game is shit but muh bellyfeelz
>incredibly stupid level scaling
This the main reason I never really got into it or bothered to finish it. It destroyed all sense of progression and made more sense from a gameplay perspective to pick skills you won't really be using and just stay a low level while leveling essential skills you will be using. Skills were more important than your level or stats, as someone who unironically likes grinding and seeing numbers go up punishing me for grinding was a huge turn off.

"i was 11 years old when the game came out"
Comfy has nothing to do with whether the game is shit or not.

Comfy has to do with the game being relaxing or soothing in some way. This is in contrast to games that are action or horror based and get you pumped with adrenaline. Often comfy games are turn based or have slower gameplay that isn't stressful.

The same types of experiences that are relaxing and soothing in real life can be 'comfy' in games as well.

Standing in a sunny field with grass swaying in the wind and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v9K98RzbHI&index=4&list=PLE7855814AAB038FA playing in the background is comfy.
A comfy game is a game that's enjoyable in a relaxing way. What games are comfy varies between people for taste reasons.

I'll never understand people who get so bothered by the word comfy.
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>Create Weakness to fire 1% on self spell
>Leave key on constant casting
>Leave for a couple of minutes
>Come back to click OK for the thresholds
>100 destruction at level 1
Spell making was such broken shit but god it was fun

So something along the lines of Minecraft in Creative Mode would be "comfy"? No threats, just calm, relaxing music while you waste time building whatever you want?
Morrowind is the most overrated pile of shit of all time.
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its an ok game
not too good but good enough for you to enjoy it
what's wrong with that? it's good when you can get that much mileage out of an rpg
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Excellent points!
It feels like a potato, indeed.
This is funny, but not less idiotic.
Please elaborate.
>OP is missing a tumor
But that's a good thing.
Enemy scaling ruined it
Play hardcore. If your character dies, delete the save file. No exceptions. Makes the game x100 better imo
Currently waiting 30 minutes for this 24 hour Vivec levitation blessing to wear off. Send help
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Do yourself a favor and skip Oblivion entirely for the superior game.
With mods of course.
Oblivion manages to waste a decent combat and magic casting system with sponge enemies and leveled items.
Coming from a masterful game like morrowind it's no wonder you'll find it shit.
A year-long Morrowind play-through?
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Oblivion is superior to Skyrim in every way with only a handful of mods.
while skyrim takes hundreds to not be a steaming pile of shit
Half of it was the walk from Seyda Neen to Balmora.
you need a million mods, I will not play this game without (i forget the exact names) but the balance and scaling overhaul, the bestiary overhaul, populated cities and better cities at a bare minimum

the combat mod where you can decapitate people is a must also
>I'll never understand people who get so bothered by the word comfy.

Ive seen Oblivion fans shit on morrowinds "weird mushroom alien shit" for not being comfy enough. They hate the unsafe and unfamiliar.

It's basically a "pansy bitch-approved" label.
How many hours did you put into Morrowind? (post proof)

You must've not put many into it at that rate. Game doesn't have enough content for a year plus unless you're replaying.
if you want to be bored too death, then sure
I'm coming for you PCbro.

You have autism. You have Richard Stallman's disease.

Oblivion is a bad game.
oblivion has the best guilds and guild questlines out of TES. also the arena and the imperial city.

Thieves guild in Oblivion is like a bunch of do-gooder robin hood type guys. And you're actually required to steal (A LOT) from actual houses, castles, and people instead of going to some stupid dungeon for whatever reason.

And of course the dark brotherhood in oblivion is just about everyone's favorite guild out of any of the games.

And shivering isles is said to be the best elder scrolls DLC to date.

Just get the unofficial oblivion patch and get the +5 every level mod (so you don't have to do retarded shit like only leveling up a certain skill per level to get +15 across the board)
Realistic Leveling and Oblivion XP are both way better mods.
It really is, music's really nice
>not OOO
Why not both?
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Oblivion is mods is just ahead of Morrowind as best ES for me
Oblivion Reloaded + Oblivion Character Overhaul + Qarl's Textures + Darnified UI + either Oscuros' Overhaul (removes leveling) or Fransesco's (fixes leveling) = best Elder Scrolls

Of course you can add a shit ton more but I like to think of the above as the base 'vanilla' experience, at least this is what the vanilla game should have been.
OCO sucks though.
going from playing morrowind extensively to hopping into oblivion is a nightmare.
in morrowind, you can pickup powerful artifacts and daedric weapons in the first 10 minutes, provided you know where they are and how to not die in the process.
whereas in oblivion, you may pickup those same powerful artifacts, but they're now level scaled, and by picking up that item at level 1, it is forever gimped, and will be outclassed by trash loot when you're level 10.
Is there something better?

There are dozens of mods that make some NPCs or their races look better. OCO is popular because it's an all-in-one, but it's not good. It's an advanced modding topic.
Vanilla Oblivion is pretty trash and probably the worst modern TES game. However I think modded Oblivion is better than both modded Morrowind and Skyrim.
>tfw Oblivion would probably be one of the most generic boring ass RPGs ever created if not for the OST

All you need in a video game is good music. It sets the tone and draws you in.
>when a youtube comments is actually intelligent and insightful

To be real the ai has dumbed down because bethesda preferred to focus on the dragon nonsense and dungeon crawling over the actual npcs quality.

if you look at the ai in the CK it has a lot less packages and reactions than it used to have in oblivion,npcs had their own "life" routines while Skyrim has the npc roam around the area and then go to sleep.
the innkeepers never sleep or eat.they just stand there 24h\7d,while in Oblivion the innkeepers go to sleep.

Skyrim has scripted detailed conversations but very repetitive since they're the same over and over but outside the npc never ask for anything to each other.
Ex:The innkeeper in Markarth and his wife.
A lot of npc stats were removed

in Oblivion the npcs talked to each other like real people asking for rumors and often spreading your character's deeds,went to an inn or a home to eat,read books,trained,ect ect
In skyrim none of that is there.

Also the main reason is because they had the casual gamer in mind and they rushed it,because the values are still there,the disposition system is there but it's bare bones of what used to be
Bethesda has used an "upgraded" version of the gamebryo engine to do skyrim,possibly explaining why it wasn't restored.
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>people still defending morrowshit
not reading any of this because:
1. That was a mod that added that AI.
2. You downplay youtube comments and yet you read them.
Depends on whether he actually enjoys RPGs or not.
Yeah, shit sucks. I don't even like Oblivion as a game but the attention to detail was tremendous even if the execution was poor.
I really enjoyed playing Morrowind a few times, but I can see why some people don't like it. If you just go out exploring you'll come across a lot of boring places, long-winded dialogue, most NPCs don't say anything interesting even though they tell you to talk to them, etc.

But one thing I don't really have a problem with is the combat. If it was targeted combat with auto attacks people wouldn't have such a problem with it because they're used to dice rolling and missing attacks with that.
Also it made me appreciate linear RPGs more. For a long while people were using "linear" as a negative of a game and "open world" as positive, with no regard for whether it was done properly or not. But I appreciate linear RPGs more now because it seems like they hardly ever have filler content, and each side quest is more fun.
That was vanilla AI anon.
NPC's would go shopping too, and there were a few NPC's that would actually cheat on their spouses.
better than the worst game ever made.
I remember using all the hd mods I could find and running the game at a silky smooth 18fps on my parents prebuilt. That game made me the graphics whore I am today.

did the little babby bitch have to use a map and intuition to get around instead of pants shitting fast travel? :(((
Morrowind is pretty
>people still defending shitblivion
>What are mark/recall spells
>What are stilt riders
In truth I feel like Morrowind/Oblivion/ Skyrim all do different things better, bur yeah overall I prefer Morrowind of those three.

>If you just go out exploring you'll come across a lot of boring places
That part is far worse in Oblivion since it's setting is more generic and has all of the leveled shit.
>silt striders*******

Can only take you to some regional cities and towns. You also have to FIND one instead of clicking some shit on a map.


Can only have one location at a time. It's used as a home base spell for convenience (you'd bitch even more if it wasn't in the game)

>divine intervention/almsivi Intervention

Can only take you to the nearest imperial fort/temple, respectively. In line with lore and certainly not gamebreaking
>That part is far worse in Oblivion since it's setting is more generic and has all of the leveled shit.
Yeah and the Oblivion gates are all really awful. I just figured the person I was responding to was one of the posters who will say Morrowind sucks and you should play Gothic.

>There's something about Morrowind that just makes it feel like home

What is nostalgia for 500.
actually the best post I have seen all day.
Cry more bitch nigger.
I'd put money on the die-hard fans of Morrowind (the ones who say there is nothing wrong with the game) being fans of Richard Stallman too.

I'm serious. I think there's a correlation. The autism just seems too uncanny.
The only differences in fast travel between the two games is that one requires more autism and time to utilize.
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You should play Gothic though, at least Gothic 2, but Morrowind is a great game.
I tried playing it a long time ago but couldn't get into it, maybe I'll give it another shot. Been wanting to play an RPG recently.
There is a way to combine Oscuro and Francesco, called FCOM. Takes a bit of doing but is very good.
MOO and WAC > OOO/FCOM/whatever
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>longwinded dialogue
>it's 99% text
You're just shit at reading
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>I am a fucking contrarian retard that only wants to play one elder scrolls game

Its nearly the same thing you fuck tard

If you hate oblivion you probably hate morrowind because they share most of the same pitfalls and triumphs, and vice versa

any other answer is just trying to ride dick for gamer points to make yourself feel better about not having the time to play all of the games

now go away forever
"Longwinded" and "dialogue" can apply to text, not sure what your point is with that. But no I can actually read pretty quickly and comprehend everything, but there are times where nothing interesting is being said especially with random NPCs. I still enjoyed a lot of it, it's an interesting setting with some interesting characters, but I can see why some people wouldn't like it.
this engineer is a dummy
or save some time and go to the closest snowy hill and run around for 1-2 hours
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>5+ hour road trip both ways just to fuck around in snow for a while
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people call oblivion comfy because it's familiar, safe, it doesn't make the player think or put them in a foreign world. when you walk out into cyrodiil after the sewers you've seen the whole game.
which was better guys? stepping into red mountain via ghostgate for the first time or entering your first oblivion gate?
Red Mountain
Seeing that giant fucking wall throughout the game, being told how the dankest mother fucker around is hol' up in there was rad
missing could also imply not noticing, so still get checked out.

Also TES is just a lot of things thrown together with zero polish or workability.
>actually defending Morrowind's dialogue system

Jesus Christ.
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