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What's good about this game? You guys told me this is good.

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Thread replies: 62
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What's good about this game? You guys told me this is good.
I got to Gran Soren, did the quest in the pawns guild and got the teleport rock or whatever. Came out of the building and talked to some guard. BOOM QUEST CANCELLED This game is hot trash. How the fuck are you even supposed to tell what the main quest is? All the quests are grouped together with no ability to tell what's what. What part of this is supposed to be fun? You lied to me, /v/
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no really dude
what's good about dragon's dogma?
What does this game do well?
I'm still waiting

Ask the wizard for a brain, Dorothy
>lol I'm too lazy to play games, tell me why it's good
combat, lighting, exploring, mini bosses, interesting class dynamics, etc.
I can keep going on about what I like, but obviously you don't like those things
I endured a good 2-3 hours of this already and I can't find a single appealing thing about this game. What part of it is enjoyable to you?
I can understand the appeal of something like CoD or AC even though I don't explicitly enjoy the games myself. What does the game do well?
Not that anon but it fills a niche for me that isn't really filled in other games combat wise along with monster variety
The memes are good
>pawns especially
Spamming the same spells over and over again while running around and reviving pawns?
You can't be fucking serious mate. The game looks like diarrhea smeared on the screen.
Haven't had any meaningful encounters with this. Does it get better after Gran Soren?
>class dynamics
The dual class system is cool, I'll give you that.
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>he actually started as a fucking mage
Wew lad did you really manage to hit every single early-game fuck-up you possibly could?
Starting mage gimps your stat-growth and has the worst abilities in the game.

Gran soren is where you can start exploring.
>Spamming the same spells over and over

Because that's what every vocation does and because you can spam spells with massive casting times, right?
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See this is why you don't deserve a response. You beg for me to tell you my opinion then I do and you just shit all over it. Fuck off back to your didgeridoo.

Anyways, I enjoy the combat mainly for mini boss fights but playing as a mage is only fun in late game when you get your showoff spells. By lighting I don't specifically mean the games graphical lighting but how threatening the dark actually is. You can't see shit except the bubble around you. The map in the game is huge and there's dozens of caves or large enemy camps you can go into.

As for unique locations, going to the abbey for the first time is really neat and witchwood is one of my favorite areas. Start your game with a generic warrior class and have a mage pawn who heals.
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Spin is love, spin is life.webm
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>Attacks actually have weight to them
>When you upgrade a skill, it actually looks stronger, more flashy.
>Trial and error. Sometimes you'll find a new monster and get your ass handed to you.
>Interesting AI mechanics. Some enemies will focus you or your pawns based on your/their gender; act more aggressively.

There's a bunch of cool things about this game. Though if you hate it already, you might as well just stop playing.
This. To the untrained eye it may seem like a generic rpg, but there's so much cool shit about this game that you notice the longer you play.
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feeding time.webm
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Never trust a weeb game /v/ recommends
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muggings on the rise.webm
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He's been trained well!.webm
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>Attacks actually have weight to them

this is absolutely not true. not to mention you can spam basic attacks infinitely and skills nearly infinitely after you level up a bit. also you can cancel any combo into any skill pretty much instantly.
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pawns r smart.webm
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I started as an archer and went mage/archer dual class.
I started exploring in Gran Soren and there really wasn't anything interesting whatsoever. Just a bunch of unpopulated deadends with useless garbage at the end of them
If you're using it over and over again, then by that logic you're still spamming it. Why do the semantics even matter though? The combat is not satisfying.
I can't go to witchwood anymore because of the fucking terrible quest system.
No one said anything about light attacks. Any attack that looks insanely powerful will MOST likely knock whatever it hits on it's ass.
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No, not IN gran soren- everywhere else.
Pick a direction & walk.

You got fucked by the quest system alright, but if you know about it you can avoid it.

Try a melee class and/or just go jack-of-all-trades if you're not a fan of spamming arrows for eternity.
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good pawn vs eliminators.webm
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>Try a melee class and/or just go jack-of-all-trades if you're not a fan of spamming arrows for eternity.

magick archer is the class that can do the most shit though

i can't think of anything any other class can do that MA doesn't have an answer for besides sorcerer
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Morrigan gets REKT.webm
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Not being boring.
Trying to time parries & swinging a two-hander can be more fun than clicking MAGIC ARROW 20x in a row.
>MAGIC ARROW 20x in a row.
>split shot arrow
>ricochet arrow
>exploding arrow
>gravity arrow
>light arrow
>defensive buff arrows
>setting yourself on fire and kamikaze attacking monsters
>along with good melee and grappling, double jump, dodge roll

versus 2-3 flavors of dash attack, 2-3 flavors of knockdown attack, 2-3 flavors of i-frame attack, etc. for basically every melee build

you clearly haven't played the class
>How the fuck are you even supposed to tell what the main quest is?

Try using your brain you fucking millennial cunt.
I remember these webms from /ddg/.
May I ask who was your pawn perchance?
>finish tutorial
>accidentally mess up, your own mistake
these webm's make me want to start another playthrough
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>How the fuck are you even supposed to tell what the main quest is
You can't be serious.
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How come I am recognizing none of these webms even though I killed the dragon already?
Maybe because you missed the Everfall and Bitterblack isle.
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I remember her. Those were good times.

Most are from Bitterblack Isle. If you have killed the Dragon, you should go there next.
Not all are from there, though, you should recognize some.
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I fucking love this game.

Sometimes I enjoy threads. This is one of those times.

You should really just go back to Call of Duty you fucking milennial shitstain. Dragon's Dogma is obviously above your comprehension you subhuman, degenerate 90's-born swivel-headed reject.

Dogma is one of the most soulful, rich games released in decades, but you want to decry it because it doesn't fit your hand-holding, baby-mode game design tropes that have only taken prevalence in the last 8 years due to mass-marketing and focus-group testing.

Here's a quick plan for you to enjoy Dragon's Dogma:

1.) Uninstall Dogma
2.) Install call of duty and/or League of Legends
3.) Play that shit instead you aids-riddled ape
How do I avoid/survive this move?
Run away when he starts using it

Op, the game probably just isn't for you man. Either give it a chance or don't.

It was one of the handful of games that spawned its own board here in /v/ so SOME people are going to like it a lot. If you don't then no hard feelings, but if you act like the game is hard because of decisions you're making then you'll get negative responses.

What you -should not- have done is jump right in the game 'because /v/ pressured you too'. Nothing is wrong with doing a little research or watching vids before hand
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I gotta say its nice to see people still like the game so much. After seeing these webms again October can't get here fast enough
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Oh shit you got her alright
Through Daimon no less, you probably sent her back with more crystals than I knew what to do with

>but it was her worst fashion
the shame is bittersweet
>quit the game after fighting Gregori because friend says I have to grind dungeons or something in the everfall
>get bored a little and come to the conclusion that the game is great as it is and i finished it
>come back a year later because I'm bored
>that unexpected mindfuck thrill ride of an ending
>it's now probably one of the best games I've ever played in terms of story, mechanics, and music.

Everything is just so great now, and I feel the pain of wanting a sequel.
pro tip, ignore any quest on the bulletin board on your first playthrough, they aren't worth the effort most of the time.

Every day you should wake up and feel deep, personal pain from realizing DDO will never come to the West, and DD2 will never exist.

We'll just get ANOTHER re-release of DD:DA, and then some kind of Skyrim-esque re-release 5 years from now.

By the way guys, did you remember to pre-order Skyrimâ„¢ on Switchâ„¢? It'll have VR :^)
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So any info on that PS4/Xbone re-release? I never played the dark arisen shit and i wanna give the game a second playthrough
Do this but still pick them that way you complete them without realizing it
The map for the game was also largely cut. All those cool other environments we could've explored.
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I've been clumsy!.webm
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I'm not sure why, but I'm really, really glad that people still love this game enough to go trough the bother of voicing their affection.

I'm gonna hop on the train.

Dragon's Dogma is unlike any other, and it seems to never cease getting deeper and deeper.
I'm on my fourth playthrough and there are still beasts and bosses I haven't managed to take down, and no doubt locations I've missed. (then again, I might be pretty shit)

The fact that the game doesn't bother leveling mobs along with the player or restricting areas for new players is just - refreshing! Achieving anything in this world takes effort, and the following gratification is unlike any other.
Every fucking time.
Mediocre game. You won't miss out on anything if you drop it now.
And for the love of god, don't fall for the "B-BUT IT GETS BETTER ONCE YOU ARE LEVEL 200 AND 200 HOURS INTO THE GAME" bullshit.
t. 500 hours in
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Friendly reminder that your pawn pleases other Arisens for riftbucks and stones.
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Welcome to die.webm
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