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>It's the dark souls of X when will this meme die?

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>It's the dark souls of X

when will this meme die?
It's the dark souls of memes
When you end it or yourself
What does that even mean?
t. someone who has never played a Souls game
It means the game is hard, because the only thing most people know about Dark Souls is that is marketed as an extremely hard game.

It really isn't that hard
haha xD
When someone repeats the accident of DS1.
So probably never.
People don't really say this anymore, though. The last one was The Surge and that game was shit.
>It really isn't that hard
I'm sure brain surgery isn't that hard to someone that have done a hundred times
>game is an rpg
>people compare it to Dark Souls

>game has an action combat system
>people compare it to Dark Souls

>game is hard
>people compare it to Dark Souls

I seriously dislike this shit. Somehow Dark Souls became a golden standard in gaming and it's absurd.
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>The last one was The Surge
Why do you care about that though?
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Name 3 games that were related to dark souls and link the article. You literally cannot
>comparing brain surgery with an adventure game.

Wew lad.
dark souls is only hard reletive to the mess of modern gaming that has been dumbed down for women, sjws, chads, and other "normies" who can determine the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground. I went into gamestop looking for games and the female clerk unironically asked me a if i "played assassins creed" We need a fucking purge in this industry. Look at crash bandicoot, it was marketed as a kids game, every1 is bitching about how hard the RM is because games used to be a challenge, play the old megamans or any old school game, its leaps and bounds different.
which threads are the dark souls of /v/?
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DS3 shortcuts.jpg
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- Watch your surroundings
- Hit enemies before they can hit you and stagger them to death
- Don't overextend
- Upgrade your weapons

There, congratulations. Dark Souls is now pretty much trivial.

Give it a few more years. Without any more titles coming out, the mainstream will eventually forget about it.
What's the crash bandicoot of the souls series?
I'm sure primary school mathematics isn't hard to someone that isn't mentally impaired.
When people like you stop making threads about it you tool.
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