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Thread replies: 285
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What went wrong bros?
What is even going on? The Switch doesn't have native voice chat or something? I read some anon saying you have to use your phone for it?
Nintendo don't understand how the Internet works and think that making some overly convoluted bullshit in a vain attempt to "protect children" online to the detriment of not only everyone else playing the console but the fucking console itself is a sound concept in the year of our lord 2017.
>First, you'll need to head to the Online Lounge in Splatoon 2's multiplayer area. From there, you'll be prompted to create a room, and you can push a notification out to your phone. It's on your phone - and only on your phone, it would seem - that you can then invite friends into a room.
>if you flick aside to another app on your phone, you'll lose the ability to talk to your friend.
>You'll also need your phone screen on for that voice chat to remain connected - meaning it guzzles battery in the process. It's an almost aggressively limited service, and this is before we get into the mess of cables you'll need if you're going to want to play online with headphones in the Switch's handheld mode - something which it would seem is only possible with a separate splitter available elsewhere.
The real issue is that Nintendo actually expects people to pay for this. I left them feedback on the application, hopefully they make improvements to this service as time goes onwards
Isn't there a lobby menu you can use on the Switch itself? The whole phone thing for invites and voice chat can't be the obly way right? That's needlessly cumbersome and unintuitive.
Nintendo cant into team chat like usual. If you arent a child you would know this is how it always had been and not to expect differently. If i want to hear obnoxious children i'll get on cs go on my pc.
Nope, the only way to chat, is through the app.
It wouldn't even be that bad if you could at least connect your phone to the Switch through bluetooth or something.
At least their online play is free. It'd be a fucking joke to charge a subscription with services and features that archaic.
W-Well, actually...
retarda disposed to buy every shit Nintendo makes without complaining, going also in full defence mode because you can't criticize something, even if it's obviously the most retarded thing ever made. All excuses so far:
>It's needed so you don't see kiddies telling you to kys xDD
>just use third party voice chat bro xD
>nothing wrong, the cables are small lmao
>it's innovative brhu, they're trying to make different things :^)
Nintenfriends *will* defend this
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>he doesn't know
Alternatively, internet communities have a giant overinflated ego and think that their priorities are representative of the average consumer.
Do you seriously not remember screaming about how unacceptable it was for the Switch to launch with one real game?
Fucking hell, I just looked it up. Okay, I know $20 a year isn't much at all but holy fucking shit, at least have features that have been industry standard for more than a decade. What's the rational for making things this way anyway?
>poorfags still trying to convince themselves that they are not missing out on the most impressive handheld gaming experience of all time

Seriously get a career. 300 dollars is nothing
>We want to reinforce the capability to take your experience with you on the go. The ability to do matchmaking, voice chat through your phone, it's a hell of a lot more convenient than having a gamer headset stuck into your backpack trying to do that. That's why we're doing it the way we are. We see the convenience, we see the ease of delivery. We think it's going to lead to a better experience.
>What's the rational for making things this way anyway?
Nintendo wants to create a safespace on their systems. Instead of letting parents handle their children they create this convoluted mess of a system to make it difficult for children (and literally everyone else) to use voice chat. They have been doing this for years, remember the Wii Speak? Or how they got rid of Swapnote because they were afraid of pedophiles taking advantage of children?

What's funny is that the original DS had regular voice chat in a few games but Nintendo has went full retard since then.
ate you retarded? I already have it, everybody ITT have it. I'm going to buy this trash? Hell no, it's a bad habit that i don't want from Nintendo. Of course people here hate Nintendo, because you can' criticize a SINGLE FUCKING UNIVERSALLY OBJECTIVELY BAD THINGS, because this shit is unacceptable, without you fatfucks always shouting " lol le poorfag sonybro/mustard race/xshit one can't praise ninty xDD". Thanks for proving my point though.
What is your career
I love how /v/ will shit on Kotaku for eternity except for when he can use them to shitpost. Also this article is unsurprisingly retarded as expected from Kotaku. You don't need the Hori splitter to use the app in portable mode, it's literally just if you want the game sound and chat sound at once. This is shit we've literally known for at least 2 months now
>still trying the le poorfag excuse
never mind anon, remain in your bubble forever idiot but happy. But son't come here to cry when Nintendo will make another retarded gimmick to suck your money.
He was baiting you anon and I was too. Now have a good day and thanks for the (You)
Did you even play splatoon?
bump becasue summer doesnt even know bump limit
If the thread reaches 100 posts and has some hearty discussion about it, I would gladly show that.
>no proof that you played the game, not here, not there, not nowhere.
Why would you wait until 100 posts specifically?
The Switch is portable, why not use Skype or Google Hangout on a phone or computer? Do you need this crazy shit to talk to strangers?

In Splatoon 2 can I make a party to play with friends against randoms.

This was not possible in the first game. They would join your lobby but you were not guaranteed to be on the same team, unless it was a private match.
The last 5 times I posted evidence of owning AND playing the game (not counting the thread 20 minutes ago) the threads immediately 404'd after I posted the evidence. I want to post it in a thread that people won't immediately abandon afterward because it goes against their narrative.
>Let me add some excuses on why I can't provide any proof of me having played the game
I do really want that Nyko grip tho, just for the fact that it stores games
Why so assblasted?
Literally all you have to do is ensure the thread lives, and you'll have your proof.
>it's okay when Nintendo®©™ does it
>Nintendo removing functionality to make console harder to hack
Are Nintendo the Denuvo of video games?
Nice proof you got there, oh wait it's still not.
So you want the thread to die before then.
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Adding onto Nintendo's retarded app design
>You can only chat with friends, no ability to communicate with strangers
>Friend codes are back once again
At that point, you might as well just use your phone's regular calling system to chat with friends and ditch the retarded app all together
>You can only chat with friends, no ability to communicate with strangers
Why is that a bad thing if you're going to chat with friends anyway?
>Friend codes are back once again
And? You realise they don't work by trading them anymore right? It's basically the same as a username required on any other system.
>Why is that a bad thing if you're going to chat with friends anyway?

And if you want to talk to strangers then what?
>Why is that a bad thing if you're going to chat with friends anyway?
What if I want to chat with strangers when I play Splatoon?
Playing Splatoon while I wait.
What's wrong? I don't own one and can't be arsed reading replies.
Who wants to talk to strangers? Most of the time they're just going to squeal like pigs when they die or speak in a language that no one in the group speaks.
Why are you so assblasted?
Does the voice chat audio comenfrom the phone? I have a clip on mic, if i could plug into my phone and just play my switch like normal, having their voices come out from the switch audio. I think you actually need that spliter to merge the ingame sound, the voice chat from your phone into one audio signal, which is just fuckin crazy
This wouldn't be necessary if people didn't call everybody a nigger faggot on xbox live for 10 years straight
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Better, more humiliating comparison.
Why are you damage controlling for a corporation that makes genuinely bad choices? They're not your friend nor do they care about you, you're not doing yourself any favors by defending them limiting your choices and forcing use of a FUCKING SMARTPHONE in the first place.
If you don't like a feature Nintendo made, you can't criticize it. Just don't use it instead.
blame pirates for making nintendo shit scared of include anything but the bare essentials in the OS lest it be exploited to pirate the consoles entire library
i mean it still fucking stupid to punish paying consumers for shit pirates do but they have their reasons
But, why are you assblasted?
I know making friends is often a foreign concept on /v/, but that's something you can do on online games. It's not a crazy concept.
Do you honestly believe those people are your friends do you? Also if you wanted to talk to strangers that badly you can add them.
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>that mess of tables, phones, adapters and cables
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Hey guys what going on in this thread?
>Do you honestly believe those people are your friends do you?

What kind of deflection is that? Its an ability to talk with people you haven't yet met who enjoy something similar to you. It's a community.

No voice chat means you might as well be playing with bots.
Switch is ass but what the fuck is that bulky plug on xbone? That's just as unnecessary, jesus.
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>mfw the Dreamcast had better online services than the switch.
left them feedback for almost every option they provided that really needs feedback. this is fucking bad.
What the fuck happened?

They literally fixed this problem a decade ago
>It's a community.
Yes a community which is mostly comprised of users who don't know how to turn off the voice chat and whine at any negative moment.
If you want to play with the community that actually wants to talk about the game then you play a game and THEN add them.

>No voice chat means you might as well be playing with bots.
Only on /v/ would you see someone equate a living player to a bot.

Even the most diehard Nintenbro thinks this is asinine.

what in the hot baabhabhiat is going on with that switch headset
/v/ always hated the media because they're jealous that they can't make money on their shitty opinions. /v/ claims to know what good journalism is while spewing just as bad if not worse shit all the time.
even a ps4pro stacked upon another ps4pro is more portable than this shit
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>people ao retarded that still don't get it
ok listen, this thing is so obvious it's embarrassing faggots still don't see what Nintendo is doing
>Make ultra popular game targeted to kids
>make device tied to a basic function separate from the console, forcing families to buy it
>device forces you to use a smartphone
>guess what kids don't have. Exactly, smartphones.
>force families to buy phones to kids, increasing exponentially rhw number of people with a phone
now, what other thing is popular, profitable, and we already know that Nintendo is working on it? Phone games, of course! Screencap this, after Splatoon 2 A SHITLOAD of Nintendo games on phones will magically appears.
it's actually just splatoon 2 products but won't surprise me if this becomes a standard for the rest of their games.
>Yes a community which is mostly comprised of users who don't know how to turn off the voice chat and whine at any negative moment.

Okay, so your argument is that since you don't like the community, no one should have the ability to talk to publicly talk to anyone? You know, rather than just have a means for the user to mute people?

>Only on /v/ would you see someone equate a living player to a bot.

If there's no interaction with them, they might as well be. Just slightly smarter than average bots.
Holy fuck, one order of word salad, comin' up!
>guess what kids don't have. Exactly, smartphones.
Except for the fact that kids have tablets nowadays.
>>guess what kids don't have. Exactly, smartphones.

if only that were the case, Anon. My 10 year old Cousin was complaining to her father that Suzie next door had an iphone and she didn't. Preteens and kids are legit a huge market in the smartphone/app industry
>guess what kids don't have. Exactly, smartphones.
You sure are out of the loop.
Literally a non issue
People who claim to NEED voice chat are as deranged as that guy who claims he NEEDS kb+m to play a console party shooter.
Nintendo are clearly retatded not including it, but this being perfect shitpost ammo makes this marketing stunt a glaring success. You've all been played like a damn fiddle

Sweet, thanks OP! I didn't know they released that cool headset for Splatoon 2 over here. Just pre-ordered one off amazon.
What grinds my gears is that they make it look extra stupid, when it's stupid enough as it is.

Why not just
>play Splatoon the regular way on your TV or handheld
>plug that PS4 style headset nub into your phone

That way it's one step away from the PS4 out of the box experience, and you're free to use whatever voice chat service you want.

Not great, but still better than that shitty Kotaku clickbait picture.
reddit, social media, gaming reporters, 4chan and other forms of media are just taking a big shit on nintendo atm.
most kids also use their parents phones though. I don't think their parent will resist the continue whining of their child because they need it to talk with peoples.
>so your argument is that since you don't like the community
Are you genuinely trying to say those people are an accurate representation of the community? That's the same as saying hadoken spammers are part of the Street Fighter community just because they're playing the game.
Needless to say it has never worked like that.

Once again if you want to talk that badly you play a game and then add them.

>If there's no interaction with them
Except playing the game IS interacting with them you idiot. Believe it or not verbal interaction isn't the only form of it.
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You poor thing
because your phone screen has to stay on for it to work, and mic audio and game audio aren't mixed into the headset
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Reminder that Vita could do cross game voice chat between Vita and PS4 players by using a bluetooth headset or the built in microphone on the Vita device. All of this for FREE with no subscription.
keep believing in the Sacred "i will never fuck you in the anus" Nintendo anon. Remember that the new Animal Crossing is going to be a phone game!
And it still required a memory card the price of a cheap smartphone to do anything to begin with.
This was really useful for me before getting a ps4. Hell, even after because of that friend that needs hand holding through a game.
>is a picture of a switch
>Are you genuinely trying to say those people are an accurate representation of the community?

What the fuck are you even saying. If they're playing the game, yeah, they're part of the fucking community. You're saying because you play with a bunch of shitters, no one should be able to talk to them? Ridiculous and close-minded.

>Except playing the game IS interacting with them you idiot. Believe it or not verbal interaction isn't the only form of it.

Okay, so basically your argument is that rather than tell someone you need a bit of help, or want them to go somewhere, you just gotta mime? Do an interpretative dance, rather than use a basic form of communication?
4gb cards were only $15 and if you bought all your games physical it wasn't a problem
Congrats you can play one game.
so exactly like on he switch?
>Literally a non issue
>the Xbox fixed it 10 years ago
>Nintendo still can't
Honestly can't disagree with you on any point there Anon
the screen thing should be easily fixable

maybe they could do a bluetooth connection between the phone and the switch to stream the chat audio back into the switch so it'll use only one audio stream
You mean the Switch that 32GB of internal storage and doesn't have games with ridiculous bloat?
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Oh cool my diagram got in the scathing image macro.
>If they're playing the game, yeah, they're part of the fucking community
You have to be joking. People who don't know the first thing about the game and just jump into online aren't "part of the community" for any game.

>so basically your argument is that rather than tell someone you need a bit of help, or want them to go somewhere
Of course /v/ wouldn't know the first thing about the game they're talking about. That option is literally a button press away and utilizes another far more simple method of communication.
I'd be assblasted too if I bought a Switch and had to deal with this bullshit.
botw is a release game and it takes 14gb, odyssey will take probably more, and suddenly 32gb is not enough to contain zelda + mario anymore, not to mention any other games
ye the overpriced tablet
who the fuck buys digital games?
there are too many downsides to buying digital games on consoles
If you play local with friends why use a voice app when you are literally next to them? If you play at home use the app to invite then use your pc to talk over discord. Problem solved.
>the screen need to stay on
wait what? are they retarded? Don't they know that even new phones, when the screen is always on, they become so hot you can cook a steak on it?
The switch is what went wrong desu
Stop shitposting
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OKAY GENTLEMEN. I made a promise last thread that, if this thread got to 100 posts, I would dig out my WiiU and prove my playtime and my rank. I am a man of my word, so here I am with the evidence I promised. Unfortunately it's been a long time since I played, and I think someone else has been playing in my steed, since the rank has been degraded to a B. Pitiable but I can't do much about that right now. But I think it's sufficient to say that level 17 is something you can't get casually unless you've played a decent amount of time.

So detractors. What goalpost will you move next? Willl you say I stole it, will you call me a sonybro? Will you call me autistic? I expect anything at this point.
You didnt need the memory card for online features and voice chat. The memory cards were shit, but not related to the online service.
>You have to be joking. People who don't know the first thing about the game and just jump into online aren't "part of the community" for any game.

If they're willing to hop on voice chat, they're doing more than most to try and be a part of a team and learn.

>Of course /v/ wouldn't know the first thing about the game they're talking about. That option is literally a button press away and utilizes another far more simple method of communication.

Simpler than fucking speaking?
Lv 50 or bust
Being rational is shitposting? I mean the only problem here is the app. If you sit in a group and play with friends you are not in need of a voice chat, and i rather use diacord when i am at home with a bluetooth headset regardless if i play on my pc, switch or any other console. Care to explain?
>You don't need the Hori splitter to use the app in portable mode, it's literally just if you want the game sound and chat sound at once
Why the fuck wouldn't you want the goddamn game sound
my galaxy s6 barely lasts for 5 hours if you leave the screen on all the time
can that splatoon mic be used as a regular pc mic?
>potatoe quality

anon, you sure can make a better fake
Wait you need to plug your phone and headset into the switch? The fuck?
See the problem with this argument is that neither of us can prove how big mario is going to be, for all we know it's going to be ridiculously small like the majority of Wii U games. Which is a likely outcome considering games like Arms and Splatoon are miniscule.

With that said Breath of the Wild is a huge game and had it's development split between the Switch and the Wii U relatively late which is one of the major reasons why it's so much bigger than the other games so far.

Then again unlike the Vita these games will be incredibly easy to find physically.

It's a Vita we're talking about, physical games are hard to find as it is not to mention they put said games on sale for extremely low prices.
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Did I not call this? Goalpost shifting out the ass. I have vindicated myself for all time against shitposters. Stay mad.
You have to buy a separate audio mixing device to get both game and chat audio to go through your headphones
its a fucking ue4 game, a simple hello world is like 3gb big, if you think mario will be less than zelda than you are retarded
>Had to dig it out
>S-somebody else has been playing and got me to B
Alright B- shitter, glad you played a whole day of splatoon, but what's your point?
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
>and I think someone else has been playing in my steed
You shouldn't have said this you know.
And it's stead.
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You do realise you called that upon yourself right
>voice chat for console
>voice chat for console
>voice chat for handheld version of console
what DID he mean by this
>not A rank
You lied, man of your word.
my shitphone get hot as fuck just when i call someone, and i make lot of job calls and text messages. I had to buy a bluetooth earbuds because that shit burns my hand. How the fuck I'm supposed to keep it always on.
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>you pay nintendo to use your phone
>they don't even provide some shit headset
>switch is more expensive than Xbone/PS4
I love my switch but this is really fucking embarrassing.
Even if they rushed the app, this whole setup is just shit.
I expected it to at least stream the audio to the switch but no.
Splatnet 2 looks nice though
So once again I proved that you shifted the goalposts. I proved that I owned the game, and I proved that I played it. And now you're scrambling to look for reasons why my opinion still isn't allowed. How pitiful.

I want you children off of my image board.
>its a fucking ue4 game
People are fixating on the voice chat because it's a disaster but only those who don't play the game cares about that. Go figure
You almost proved your point but then you said
>and I think someone else has been playing in my steed
You literally opened the can for someone contesting your ownership
thanks for proving you have no idea what you are even talking about
anon those shit get hot even if it's a top tier 700$ phone.
>you can MAKE friends first through chat
oh thank goodness, where would I be without making friends in TF2
You lied. That invalidates your whole claim. Did your friend think he was A rank?
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>voice chat for handheld version of console
>what DID he mean by this

Stop shitposting

it's fucking garbage shit like this why females feel so threatened to seek careers in technology related fields
>implying Nintendo isn't the console of choice for thrifty poorfags
t. hacked 3ds and hacked Wii owner
real talk, what video games will I be playing online on the vita
>this game is big because it's not optimised
>that means this one is going to be just as big even though we know nothing of the world or assets!
Only on /v/.

Also it was never said that it was made in UE4.
The new Yoshi game on the other hand was made in UE4.
I'm not the one making the bizarre assertion that Super Mario Odyssey is made in UE4. I mean, surely you have a source for this.
Why? Is there a logical answer for this mess? Nintendo would literally sell a headset for $100 and there will be no problem, so the money is no excuse
Switch's voice chats go through your phone, yes. The Switch's 3.5mm port is audio output only for headphones, not headsets. Since you can only connect your headset to one of the devices but not the other, that means you can either hear the game, or be in a voice chat, but not both.
Long story short, there's a 3rd party device that merges the audio of both voice chat and the Switch, shown in the picture as the arrow thing in the center.
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so what does the switch's docked version look like?
retards and manchildren are the target audince anon, so no Im not
>You literally opened the can for someone contesting your ownership
Why does that matter though? Why do you have to nitpick every single thing I say just because it angers you that someone else might not jerk off splatoon as the greatest thing ever made. Besides which, why wouldn't it be obvious that I share it with someone else? I hate modern Nintendo, and wouldn't own their products unless I can offset some of the costs with a buddy.

but I guess the fact that someone lives within 500 miles of me instantly invalidates everything, right?

I just don't know why you guys will never be happy with anything I put out.
Whatever you want. I played a lot of Mercenary and Wipeout for example.
Actually serious here. Did you ever use that? On the psp, the ds, the vita or the 3DS? No. Nobody did. It makes economic sense removing it. It's a marketing disaster(?) though, or marketing genius if you go with all the free press this unrelated issue is making. Because it's something so minor, anyone claiming not getting a switch because of it wouldn't buy it anyway.
>>guess what kids don't have. Exactly, smartphones.
You obviously haven't been out of your house in the past 5 years.
The Switch is not just a handheld console. It's equally a home one, so a weak online system is definitely a detriment.
>you don't need to use the splitter unless you want actual voice chat
wowwwww so i guess you kind of sort of do need the splitter then you fucking drone
>Why does that matter though?
Are you being serious?
You said you owned and played the game and then you go and not only post an image of the game with a B- rank instead of the previously mentioned A and then said that others have access to it.
How can we know that it's yours given that information?

You could have just kept your mouth shut and said "oh I guess I didn't make it to A" and prevented any more responses but instead you gave people the keys to the argument.
>Whatever you want.
I can't imagine there's much of an online community for the overwhelming majority of games.
>, why wouldn't it be obvious that I share it with someone else?
Because you had to "look through your storage" for 15 minutes in order to fetch a fucking game case. Waiting for the text to arrive?
Yeah but when you factor in a subscription fee for online pay, then it's reasonable to expect for there to be premium features considering the premium entry fee. $20 a year is cheap but if a free service managed to provide more features and better service, then it starts raising questions.
/v/ is not one person, vidya journalism are always the same people.

This whole headset thing is made for people on the go, who have their phone most-likely in their pocket, and check on it before/after matches and shit, NOT attached to their controller like some autist.

>inb4: bringing all of that with you on the go

have your headset around your neck or some shit, and bring the joy-cons without the dog holster, it's absolutely do-able.

>inb4 defending
I'm not using this shit, but kudos to anyone who buys one of these kits. It's their money, they can do whatever the hell they want.
>$20 a year is cheap
Then it's not a premium is it.
More premium than free.
It is when previously you could get better for free.
Yup I don't know any other person who is going to play splatoon 2 let alone has a switch, so having no voice chat with strangers is garbage, how am I going to pick out the people similar to me to befriend as in not a 10y/o or fat neckbeard who says kys. Nintendo are such pussies I swear.
"inb4ing" don't making arguments moot.

No one wants to carry all that shit with a handheld system.
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Even this shit is better than what the Switch got.
>You said you owned and played the game and then you go and not only post an image of the game with a B- rank instead of the previously mentioned A and then said that others have access to it.
Yes, and? When I dropped the game I figured I'd let my roomie and nephew play it when they came over. figured it shouldn't go to waste. But that instantly invalidates the timestamp? I went through all of this trouble to appease you guys so you would know that I'm not a shitposter and I'm not a sonybro. I'm a genuine idort that just wanted to criticize Nintendo's modern practices, even when I went through the trouble of giving them the benefit of the doubt. how selfish are you that you won't allow that to me when I've worked very hard for such?

>You could have just kept your mouth shut and said "oh I guess I didn't make it to A" and prevented any more responses but instead you gave people the keys to the argument.
Because you're an underage shitposter who would've said "oh you need to be in S rank at level 50 before you're allowed to criticize Splatoon." You've got a bit of nerve insulting my intelligence by implying that your argument is anything other than console war shitposting.

But now I'm through being the only one who proves anything. Now it's your turn. Prove to me that you have PCs that aren't toasters. Prove to me that you've owned a minimum of 500 PC games. Prove that you're an idort and not just a console war shitposter.
I prefer paying 20€ a year for the services I actually use instead of 50 for voice chat which I will never use.

Nintendo tried to do online.
How are you going to truly criticize a game if you haven't at least learned to play it at a proficient level?
We don't have to prove shit because we never claimed shit. Also, I'm phoneposting from the beach since I'm on vacation, though luck.
you can alteady sign into xbox live on minecraft

just lets us use xbox live on switch, please
Voice chat is for underages and lonely nerds anyway.

If you're an adult with friends they can drive to your house to play games or vice versa. Only kids with no freedom or drivers license need voice chat.

>TFW nu /v/ will never know the joy of a LAN party
But anon, it used to be with voice chat and free. Why do you need to start paying $20 for something with less features? You don't feel like questioning these practices?
I'm an adult who doesn't have time get a lan party together. That's shit I did as a teenager, ironically.
How is hearing chat and game audio through the same headphones required for voice chat? You literally don't need the splitter shitposter. I never claimed the app didn't have problems, but you certainly don't need to buy the splitter
And what level is that? I certainly hope it's not the same level where you'll also say "you played it too, you can't hate it now."

>We don't have to prove shit because we never claimed shit.
Oh, but you have. You've claimed multiple times that Splatoon is the best shooter of all time, so you have to prove that you've owned every single shooter that's ever been made. Chop chop anon, better get home from the beach and backup your claim, otherwise you're nothing more than a shitposter.
But the ones on OP's image aren't getting game audio so why is the Switch expected to have it by default?

>playing TF2 at all

if you don't have any friends why don't you just kill yourself
It's shitty for sure, but it's definitely less worse.
Less worse than what?
>You've claimed multiple times that Splatoon is the best shooter of all time
Uh oh, who are you quoting there? Is your brain alright?
The PS4 and Xbox One allow you to set what audio comes out of your headphones, including all audio or just chat audio but nice try
>denying 500 posts from the previous thread
>can't back up his claims
>doesn't even own a PC
>But that instantly invalidates the timestamp?
Of course it invalidates your timestamp, it invalidates your entire argument. Like I said other people have access to the system, how do we know you have ownership of it?
Hell from that one sentence we can glean that
You don't live alone.
You keep your system in a public area relative to the tenants.
Other people have access and have played the system.
Hell we can't even be sure you contributed to that B- rank at all because of what you said.

>You've got a bit of nerve insulting my intelligence by implying that your argument is anything other than console war shitposting.
You should have expected such a response when you blew your own argument wide open so of course I'm going to insult your intelligence. Also what about this conversation has to do with console wars if it's addressing your lack of knowledge about a specific game on a specific platform? No one brought up Sony, Microsoft, Steam etc. in this conversation, this is solely about Splatoon and Nintendo

Just a reminder that people have literally gone to jail for making boneheaded mistakes like you have here.
Screw off tripfag
Than paying even more money for shit I won't use.
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>But the ones on OP's image aren't getting game audio

both ps4 and xbox one support mixed audio and voice chat so you're wrong
if you want ACTUAL voice chat that has been the industry standard for over a decade you DO in fact need the splitter, drone

if you want to settle for shitty voice chat that requires you to sacrifice game audio or have your game audio leak over your mic, then be my guest but stop defending this shit you fucking shill
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>the diagrams

my sides
>game audio in mono

Uh what? I remember not being able to do that in the xbone, and even then it's retarded as fuck.
The DS didn't even NEED a headset since it had an integrated mic between the screens.
Fair enough. It's just sad to see consolebros being nickle and dimed this way but it's your money, more power to you all.
S+ is when you start fighting people with hands.
Do you honestly believe you are talking with the same person all the time?
why is playstations design so masterrace compared to these to?
>wanting to talk to other autists on the internet in a video game
shiggy diggy doo
I hope you aren't trying to say the dualshock is a good design.
Are you talking about the headset that comes packaged with the Xbox?
It's not like I have a choice.
wrong again
they support STEREO
keep moving those goalposts though
>Sitting in complete silence playing against other people
>Not way more autistic
>stereo in one phone

Nice one.
You can just mute everyone you know.
Define "actual voice chat".
Last time I checked the ability to chat to your peers was all that was needed for voice chat. Game audio is a completely different thing.
kill yourself any day now.
Why would you? Are you so autistic that you can't even talk to internet strangers?
just so you remember who you're arguing with, these are the same drones who defended a console being sold without a charger because "everybody already has one lol"

they will eat shit, they will like it, and they'll tell you why it's okay that they like eating shit
There is literally NOTHING that cant be played elsewhere. You have ARMS which looks fun for about 15 mins and splatoon 2 which is more of the same old shit
Yes, as is most of /v/
Last time I checked, every gaming company gives you the ability to support voice chat natively and also allows for mixed game/chat audio.

Keep taking that Nintendo dick up your ass though pal, maybe they'll start paying you to defend their shitty practices online
>Of course it invalidates your timestamp, it invalidates your entire argument.
So from the start you were ready to discard my argument unless I outright lied to you, in which case you'd just shitpost anyway. I go through the trouble of all of these timestamps just so I can be allowed basic criticisms of Splatoon, and you fart out an argument that's nothing more than "you're a liar, you didn't play that, you're a sonybro" based on nothing more than your paranoia that duh evil sony boogeyman is trying to take away your games.

>Also what about this conversation has to do with console wars if it's addressing your lack of knowledge about a specific game on a specific platform? No one brought up Sony, Microsoft
Oh, that's hilarious. You've been calling me a "sony nigger faggot" for this entire thread and the previous one, all because I wasn't jumping through enough hoops to prove ownership of the game. And you have the nerve to now claim innocence?

>Just a reminder that people have literally gone to jail for making boneheaded mistakes like you have here.
The hell does that mean? Are you threatening me because I don't worship Nintendo like a god? Boy, you console fanboys really do go far in your shitposting. I must admit that.
poorly planned, trying to do all in one
That was stupid and worth being called out for
This is also stupid but only ultimate turbo autistics care about it
Do you really want to deal with rabid screeching?
There's a difference between shying away from autists and being a normal person that doesn't want any retards bellowing in a game.
I'm sorry to hear that you miss out on a lot of potential fun.

the switch is gay and overpriced but if you stop and consider nintendo's user base is concentrated amounts of

>dumb, impressionable children
>autistic pedophiles

can you imagine the shitstorm if you allowed those groups unrestricted access to one another?

reggie should be given a medal
I don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch. I just mute the faggots and keep everyone else. Although it wouldn't surprise me one bit of the Switch VC doesn't actually have a mute function.
You seem really obsessed with Sony and nobody ever mentioned that.
>talking to other autists is fun
>nobody ever mentioned that.
>not having a single ounce of reading comprehension
You must be 18 years or older to browse this website.
Yes. Human interaction is fun.
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>turbo autistics
>complaint is that players can't be social and talk to other people
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youve added an extra unnecessary unrelated devices on the switch side to make it look cluttered.
No one will take you seriously if you cant be intellectually honest.
I wouldn't try reasoning with them anon. these are the same people who refuse to play PC shooters because they're not gyro compatible.
>autists are human
come on now
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What about that setup is unnecessary?
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Uhhhh please explain what is unrelated? You have:
>the smartphone
>the headset
>the switch
>the adapter
>the controller
All of these are necessary to chat online
Clearly the autists are the ones REEEEEing so hard against the idea of interacting with others.
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all of those are required.
I'm convinced that this clusterfuck was done to sell more accessories.

>This is especially hilarious when you factor in iPhones now not having a headphone jack, meaning you can't charge it at the same time without a splitter. Which you now basically need to do since the screen will be on for potentially hours on end.
>unless I outright lied to you
Do you see this?
This is the problem here. No one can prove if you're lying or not anymore because you've cast a doubt on your own argument just because you said
>and I think someone else has been playing in my steed

>and you fart out an argument that's nothing more than "you're a liar, you didn't play that, you're a sonybro"
Aside from the fact that you yourself invalidated your own argument no one in this thread has called you a "sonybro". aside from this post you're the only one here that has said that this entire thread.

>You've been calling me a "sony nigger faggot" for this entire thread and the previous one
See above.
Also as of writing this post there are 12 uses of "sony" in general. All of them coming from your posts saying that people called you Sonybro and me correcting you on that matter.

>The hell does that mean?
What do you think it means?
It means that your argument rested on the one simple fact of you owning the system and you went and opened the gate for contesting it.
>Are you threatening me because I don't worship Nintendo like a god?
Are you being intentionally retarded?
How can I threaten you over the internet? Regardless of the Jessi Slaughter incident the internet police aren't going to hunt you down for lying about a video game.

Now before you attempt a reply, actually read what's being said to you instead of going on an anti-Nintendo rant.
>nintendo being retarded and overpriced
>drones eating shit and defending it

what else is new?
Nintendo is a joke and should be treated as such
>uess what kids don't have. Exactly, smartphones.

Why do you think the internet is so shit in today's society? It's because every little faggot kid has a smartphone thus giving them internet access.
>This is the problem here. No one can prove if you're lying or not anymore because you've cast a doubt on your own argument just because you said
I assumed that, as a fellow human being, you deserved to be told the truth. I gave you the truth. I didn't try to sugarcoat it. I figured at the least you'd give me a break there, instead of using that as a further method of shitposting. But I guess common decency has no place in console wars, right?

>Also as of writing this post there are 12 uses of "sony" in general.
I guess once again I have to be the guy providing sources.


Any criticism whatsoever of Nintendo immediately got you labeled a sony shill. Go on, ctrl+f "sony" in the thread and tell me how many results you get back.

>It means that your argument rested on the one simple fact of you owning the system and you went and opened the gate for contesting it.
So let me ask you this: does someone else having access to the game nullify the fact that I still own the console and the game, and can access both at any time I wanted? They're still my products even if someone had access to them. The fact that I even went through all of this trouble should tell you regarding the ownership of not only the product, but the game time on it.

>How can I threaten you over the internet?
Talking about people going to jail when I did nothing more than post proof of my ownership of Splatoon, as if it's a crime to not bend over and take it from Nintendo.

>Now before you attempt a reply, actually read what's being said to you instead of going on an anti-Nintendo rant.
As the paying customer, I will be as anti-Nintendo as I damn well please. If you want to be Mr. Thought police and gun down all dissenters, then perhaps 4chan isn't for you. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of hugbox websites like reddit and neogaf who will be happy to accomodate you. But 4chan is for discussion and arguments from opposing sides.
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Yes there is.
With an adaptor
All consoles are a joke compared to pc. Nintendo is the only one with fun titles, thus the only one worth buying.
>does someone else having access to the game nullify the fact that I still own the console and the game
Not him but yeah, it does.
We given that anyone can use it we have no idea if you owned or even played the thing.
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>Nintendo is the only one with fun titles
So essentially there's nothing I could do to convince anyone that I'm allowed to criticize Splatoon. You wasted an hour of my time just so you could spit in my face. That's kind of disgusting when you think about it.

>heh all consoles are shit anyway, PC master race!

Why do drones always say this? Literally no one falls for this shit.
It's kinda funny when they try to pass themselves off like that.

>oh I'm an idort I promise
>what Pc games do I own? eww, none, PC is for fat neckbeards XD

It's like they're not even trying to be subtle.
>I assumed that, as a fellow human being, you deserved to be told the truth. I gave you the truth.
And yet that truth allowed us to throw your "proof" down the drain.
>I figured at the least you'd give me a break there
Of course I wouldn't, this isn't some kind of hugbox where everyone will just accept the shit they're given without contesting it.

>Go on, ctrl+f "sony" in the thread and tell me how many results you get back.
Okay so suddenly one single anon calling you a "sonybro" is now enough to claim anyone in this thread of doing the same or that I'm the same person?
You're not really grasping the whole concept of proof are you.

>does someone else having access to the game nullify the fact that I still own the console and the game, and can access both at any time I wanted?
Yes because, and I'll put this in caps for you seeing as you have problems reading, WE DO NOT KNOW WHO OWNS THE SYSTEM OR WHO HAS BEEN PLAYING THE SYSTEM.
>They're still my products
Except we don't know that. For all we know your mother, father, brother, sister, roommate etc could have bought the system and played it and you just posted a picture of their work.

>Talking about people going to jail when I did nothing more than post proof of my ownership of Splatoon, as if it's a crime to not bend over and take it from Nintendo.
Oh so you are being intentionally retarded.
It's meant to show you how large an impact a simple sentence can have on an argument anon.

> I'm pretty sure there are plenty of hugbox websites like reddit and neogaf who will be happy to accomodate you.
>liking Nintendo
They loathe anyone but Sony and are hugbox. Why do you think the term "neo-/v/" came along?
Two, are you really trying to say that I'm the one who wants a hugbox when you're the one whining that no one believes your claims that you yourself cast into doubt?
>But 4chan is for discussion and arguments from opposing sides.
And this thread just shows that you can't handle that.
>So essentially there's nothing I could do to convince anyone that I'm allowed to criticize Splatoon.
You could have just not said that other people used it.

> That's kind of disgusting when you think about it.
Not really, when people ask for proof they want solid proof not something shaky.
>And yet that truth allowed us to throw your "proof" down the drain.
Which you would;'ve done anyway, since the very first response to my timestamp was "you didn't get to level 50, you're a sonybro". So someone else having access to the game didn't even matter in the end.

>Of course I wouldn't, this isn't some kind of hugbox where everyone will just accept the shit they're given without contesting it.
And yet that's what you want, where all criticism of Nintendo is banned? Rules for thee, but not for me, right?

>Okay so suddenly one single anon calling you a "sonybro"
Try 40+ instances, not counting the multiple ones not caught in the filter.

So I guess I could use the same logic to nullify your complaints about any console game or PC game. You might live in a neighborhood with people, and they might've touched your console at some point. Better make sure you can never criticize Uncharted again.

>Except we don't know that.
And since you refuse to accept any evidence whatsoever, you'd discard any proof I had to show ownership.

>They loathe anyone but Sony and are hugbox.
Wrong, they support whoever pays them the most. They were clamoring over BOTW when it came out.

>two, are you really trying to say that I'm the one who wants a hugbox when you're the one whining that no one believes your claims
It's more so that you keep calling me a sonybro without any backup whatsoever to that claim. You want to make an argument, you have to provide proof. For someone who's so anal about that, you sure are quick to throw out the sony boogeyman.

>Not really, when people ask for proof they want solid proof not something shaky.
Now tell me, what proof could I show that would please you? If you can't think of a saingle thing, than that means you don't want proof. You just want to shitpost.
>what proof could I show that would please you?
This >>384507770 WOULD have been enough.
I guarantee this was done because they got tired of hearing faggots online shitposting about voice chat. So this is their solution to try to keep the pedophiles away from the children playing splatoon while still giving them the ability to ERP to their heart's content.
Honestly, if that's the only choice then I'd rather just not use voice chat. I've gone without it this whole time so I guess I'm alright.
As an anon just observing from the last thread, some arguments just aren't worth pursuing. It's admirable you wanted to tell the whole truth about who had access to it, but that detail did screw things up for your proof and argument. If you left that detail out and some anon else claimed somebody else had access to the Wii U and that you didn't play it, it would have been on them to prove that or disprove the legitimacy of the screenshot you provided.

You're Anonymous as well, so it's easier to just let things go.
Don't lie to me underage. The very first posts were, and I quote, >>384508058

I had little respect for the children here as is, but this was a new low.
Great for EDF
>If you left that detail out and some anon else claimed somebody else had access to the Wii U and that you didn't play it, it would have been on them to prove that or disprove the legitimacy of the screenshot you provided.
See, that doesn't work anon. If I had left that out, you know what would've been said?

>"hahaa faggot didn't even reach S rank! sonybro!"
And assume I actually played long enough to reach that rank.
>why did you play it so long? You can't hate it you stupid sonybro!

you know that very well.
I don't understand how you retards can still not get it. Nintendo is a company that mainly targets kids. If they would allow voice chat through the switch itself you'd have adults and children mixed in voice chat everywhere. Nintendo believes that when a person is old enough to own a smartphone they are old enough to participate in voice chat. Parents agree with this, only retarded fanboys from other companies think it's really an issue.
If they're using consolewar shitposting terms, then they're probably not worth arguing with in the first place. If you can already predict the next set of responses will be shitposting, like your examples, it's best to just let it go. Arguing with shitposters is always a no-win situation, so it's for the best to identify it as early as possible and move on to a better discussion.
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>Which you would;'ve done anyway
How could I have done that without a foothold? I would have been grasping at straws and continuing a pointless fight like this anon says >>384516738
That would have been enough if you hadn't said anything.

>And yet that's what you want, where all criticism of Nintendo is banned?
When did anyone ever say that? Any rules for arguments that people have hold true for Nintendo too dumbass.
As it stands however your only chance of validating your opinions to the people here was lost when you mentioned other people can play your game.
This is a simple concept anon, if other people can play it freely how do we know if it's yours?

>Try 40+ instances
The word Sony wasn't even used 40 times let alone Sonybro that comes up about 16 times with about 9 of them clearly being you or someone quoting you.
The other 7 times was one single anon trying to rile you up.

>So I guess I could use the same logic to nullify your complaints about any console game or PC game.
If I had said someone else played them? Yes you could. That's an opening to contest my ownership of the system that's how an argument works.
>Better make sure you can never criticize Uncharted again.
So what, are you just going to assume that everyone that's against you hates Sony now?

>And since you refuse to accept any evidence whatsoever
See above.
That evidence would have been acceptable but you opened the possibility that you don't own it and didn't contribute to the gameplay.

>Wrong, they support whoever pays them the most. They were clamoring over BOTW when it came out
Which is why there were more threads comparing it to Horizon and shitting on it than not.

>It's more so that you keep calling me a sonybro
There was one anon in the other thread, who is clearly not here at the moment, who was calling you a Sonybro.
>you sure are quick to throw out the sony boogeyman.
You are literally the only person here talking about Sony.
>I would've totally accepted the evidence, promise
I'm gone arguing with you after this. You're lying through your teeth yet again.


Again look at the first posts I got after posting the timestamp. They don't even entertain the thought that I might actually know what I'm talking about. They're quick to say "you didn't play it enough" and "that's a fake".

So you saying that you would've ever accepted this evidence is filth spewing from your mouth. And I'm not gonna entertain it anymore.
>The very first posts were, and I quote, >>384508058

Don't you think that may have something to do with this
>What goalpost will you move next? Willl you say I stole it, will you call me a sonybro? Will you call me autistic? I expect anything at this point.

You're basically just giving shitposters a sign saying "SHITPOST HERE".
>You're basically just giving shitposters a sign saying "SHITPOST HERE".
So now you're victim blaming. "It's your fault you got robbed, you shouldn't have had money on you!".

I can't wait for you to tell me how women deserve to be raped for being born the wrong gender.
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>getting multiple (You)'s from the same person
Wow, you're really choked up about being a sub Lv50 scrub
I actually own a PC, so I enjoy actually good games. I wish I could say the same to you, but since you hate the PC and refuse to own one....
>I'm gone arguing with you after this. You're lying through your teeth yet again.
How can I be lying about a simple fact? You could have just walked away at that point if you hadn't said that and I would have been left here grasping at straws and actually shitposting.

>They're quick to say "you didn't play it enough" and "that's a fake".
1) This is 4chan, people shitpost. Someone in the other thread even said this to you >>384503161
2) If you make it that obvious that you care so deeply about this conversation of course they're going to shitpost. It's like sitting in front of the den of a wolf, agitating them and then basting yourself. I'm pretty sure there's a term for that but it's not coming to me.
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here you go my man
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>retards STILL defending this shit
literally fucking how
it's the most oblivious thing I've ever seen
you can achieve the same results by just downloading discord and talking by it,all this does is add the game sound,which is basically worthless
how the fuck do you have a company with their heads so far up their assholes that they make an entire acessory and a cringy headset JUST to get even MORE money from retarded manchildren AND they don't understand the fact that basically 95% of all children nowadays have at least 1 smart device,which nulls the entire "but you need to buy a phone!"

this shit was made with retards in mind,retards that will choke on nintendo's cock just to defend it from actually reasonable people
the fucking OG xbox had a simple system than this
the fucking DS had in built voice chat
it's 2017,all modern consoles literally come with at least a mono headphone with microphone,how can you fuck THAT up?
>the switch can't handle voice AND game chat at the same time!
the PS4 has too,separate processors for separate occasions,some for the games and some for the OS,which is the same as the switch,and you're telling me that the switch cannot fucking handle native voice chat even though it has an entire dedicated chip to the OS(which SHOULD have inbuilt party system and voice chat)?

this is the cringiest shit I have ever seen.

go choke on a thousand cocks you fucking faggots.
Oh and are you really going to assume that every anon is one person just because they don't agree with you for their own reasons?
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the best part about og xbox is that is had voice masking as well...vader and female masking was too good, sucks that shit doesn't exist anymore
Yes, I will assume that every anon is one person, until you provide proof otherwise.

That's not proof. You could grab a screenshot from anywhere and modify it in the paint program on a phone.

>You could have just walked away at that point if you hadn't said that and I would have been left here grasping at straws and actually shitposting.
You'd be saying the exact same thing regardless of what i posted. You wouldn't be so adamant about defending Splatoon if you weren't a shitposter. At most you'd say something like "your evidence is a bit shaky, and I'm sorry we don't agree on Splatoon. I think it's fun and it's clear we won't share the same opinion". you could've said that and I would've been completely content. We could've both walked our separate ways. But you had to lash out and call me a sonybro because the thought of even one iota of criticism against Nintendo was more than you could handle.

>2) If you make it that obvious that you care so deeply about this conversation of course they're going to shitpost.
So trying to have civil conversation is meaningless with Nintendo fans. Is that what you're saying? I mean I'm not even making a big deal out of the online voice chat deal. It just feels like a deal breaker ontop of several other issues, which I made clear of in these past two threads. Yet I was met with constant shitposting, the most rampant being "you never played it" which prompted me to jump through several hundred hoops to prove that I at the least owned the product. But that wasn't enough. It'll never be enough to console warring shitposters.

Like I said in a previous post, I'm done arguing this with shitposters. So this is your last (You). Treasure it for you get no more after this.
manchildren and brand loyalty
defend this you fucks
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and before you fucking retards reply.
>b-but why would you CARE about voice chat in today,2017?!
my fucking HP pavillion 2000 PC had microphone support and I could play Doom on skype with it.
if the switch is so fucking weak for it's separate processor to not be able to simply handle at least stereo audio,then you know you fucked up HARD
yes,it's 2017,and nintendo is still thinking at the past
>but who the fuck wants to hear a bunch of kids screaming?!
Nobody does,but I do want to have friendly banter with my server teammates like in EVERY OTHER GAME RELEASED POST 2010.THIS IS LITERALLY A BASIC FEATURE FOR YOUR FUCKING CONSOLE YOU FUCKING RETARDS.
and OH BOY,I forgot to talk about THE ACTUAL APP.
this is literally garbage,I just downloaded it on my phone.
>you can't unfocus the app or it closes the voice chat,when fucking pre-installed skype allows for background conversationg
>if your screen blacks out,the conversation also gets closed,even though it's literally a fucking basic feature of smartphones AND if you don't put your screen on standby your cellphone can ACTUALLY COOK ITSELF.THIS IS LITERALLY NOT CONSUMER FRIENDLY WHAT-SO-FUCKING-EVER.


I hope nintendo goes fucking bankrupt.
Literally no reason to support Nintendo nowadays, absolutely fucking pathetic. I just wish there was game like animal crossing for playstation
If you lock your phone while in the voice chat, it stops. And it stops when you are getting a call too.
you're dumb
this system is great
fuck off sonyshill
The greatest falseflag
Nintendo apparently refuses to fire the stupid people who come up with this awful shit. Hire some people who know what they are doing ffs.
Okay heres a Q, can you have voice chat with friends who are playing a different game? So a friend lobby? Or is it forced to be with the game and only one game at a time?

Otherwise i will just stick to discord and use my bluetooth headset while i play, sure miss out on audio from game but fuckem.
>You'd be saying the exact same thing regardless of what i posted
And it wouldn't have mattered. You would have posted your evidence and everyone would have been laughing at me for shitposting.
>You wouldn't be so adamant about defending Splatoon if you weren't a shitposter.
At this point we aren't even talking about Splatoon, this is about you not realising the mistake you made in this argument.
>At most you'd say something like "your evidence is a bit shaky
What you don't seem to understand is that I couldn't because I would have absolutely nothing to go on.
You posted a time stamped image in the previous thread and then an image of your gameplay, tell me, what could I have done to discredit you if you hadn't said other people use the system?
> I think it's fun and it's clear we won't share the same opinion".
This isn't about an opinion otherwise you could have ended it in the other thread with a simple "I would prefer if this game had KBM support". You instead decided to do nothing but shit on the gyro controls for being "shaky" despite people telling you that you can adjust the sensitivity and chose to repeatedly call the game casual filth.

>So trying to have civil conversation is meaningless with Nintendo fans.
What civil discussion?
Your opening post was a shitpost with a Samurai Jack image saying this
>still has a retarded, restrictive online userface
>singleplayer is still casual garbage that even a 5 year old could beat
>people would rather masturbate to the squid sisters and newcomer Marina than actually play the game
>still no KBM integration
That what completely unnecessary if you wanted a "civil discussion".

>Yet I was met with constant shitposting
You were met with people saying gyro is okay for consoles, people saying KBM on console was a rarity and people berating you for Jackposting.
Later on you got more and more reasonable posts like the ones given to you now despite the fact that you have no meaningful input.
Oh and just in case anyone didn't realise, I'm fully aware that I'm arguing with a well known shitposter who trawls Wii U threads with the exact same arguments I'm just killing time until the shower frees up.
Thread posts: 285
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