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>watch EvO >want to get into fightan >buy SF5, seems

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>watch EvO
>want to get into fightan
>buy SF5, seems most easy noob friendly and popular
>spend a day learning inputs and combos
>literally spent every day since getting bodied by every one (80%) ryus
>maybe 1 win out if 50

When does this get fun? I coudnt even imagine tying an anime fighter if this is what 'ez' mode is
You're pretty late, people played it for decades.
If all you find fun is winning then you're not going to have fun for a long time.

Fighting games aren't some baby mode faggot moba with forced 50% winrate so you can feel good about yourself no matter how shit you are.

If you look at the game as nothing more than winnning or losing it isn't for you. You need to find your fun from seeing your progress and accomplishments, from feeling yourself improve. You can lose and feel good about having played well and you can win and still feel like shit for playing like a retard, that's the mindset you need to play fighting games.
It's like that at first.

Then something clicks and you notice big improvement.

Then you stagnate again. And it repeats.

Look up help online, watch pros play your character, etc. etc. My best advice: Learning the basic timing how to block and punish is more valuable as a beginner than knowing some 20 hit combo you can do in very specific situations.
When you start applying what you learned and seeing results. Also

>spend a day learning inputs and combos

Go learn spacing first, it's much better and you'll win more because your opponent will crack and make mistakes, and then you do your combos and punish him.
Think about it like this. All your opponents spent that same day as you learning stuff AND another tens or hundreds of days playing online and getting experience from actually fighting human opponents.

You can accelerate the process by ACTUALLY learning fighting game basics and deeper mechanics of SFV. Just with solid basics you can stomp the low ranks.

If you just want to have some quick fun with fighting games, play with your real friends who are about as skilled as you. Online is for serious business.
>picks up a game and messes around with it for less than a week
>expects to beat people who have been playing the game for over a year

Not to mention the fact that most players that stick around for over a year are enthusiasts and probably have also been playing other fighting games for previous years too. The best time to jump into a fighting game is when it launches so most people are as close to an even playing field as possible. What's that? You don't want to buy a fighting game because it might be bad, you might not like it, or there is a small player base online? Too bad. That's pretty much the struggle of the fighting game genre. There's a reason why the genre isn't more popular. It's a huge time sink with a higher skill ceiling than other genres.
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just remind yourself a top sf5 player looks like this.

Feel better soon, anon.
There's something about her not completing the heart he's trying to make really gets me going.
No wonder there's so many naked dudes in fighting game, the community is gay as fuck.
On top of everything that's already been mentioned you bought the supposed noob friendly fighter that, in truth, fucks over new players the most out of every other fighter. New players get completely destroyed by the overwhelming pressure even a semi-scrub can deliver and finally give in with the hellmary unsafe move.

Then comes that crush counter and the K.O. Again, you fucked up.
Keep doing what your doing for another 6-12 months.

Then maybe you'll win 40% of your matches. Have fun.
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Not that anon but your comment is true faggotry. When anons are talking about fighting and the only thing that comes to your mind is cocks, you have a problem.
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The problem is you need to ACTUALLY play. I was playing Tekken recently for example and i was playing a few guys who had clearly just picked up the game. The reason i could tell thry had just started out was their mindset. These new players were doing textbook juggles, quite good ones actually as if they had just sat in practice mode drilling them into themselves after watching guides. The problem was, they had nothing else, it was clear that they had watched a tutorial on how to git gud but had ZERO concept of mind games. They fall for every improvised trick in the book that wasn't explained to them objectivley and mechanically in some tutorial video. It didn't matter how well they followed instruction, they all still lost to simple shit because they cannot adapt yet, only input perfectly like a robot.

Sometimes you just need some actual playtime stud. You will get there.
learn neutral and mindgames
then focus on the combos
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Playing with friends too much has actually made me worse. I lost 3 of the 5 casual sets I just played, and it's going to take a while to unlearn some of these bad habits.

I'll never make Gold at this rate.
I decided to try out USF4 since I have it for some reason and don't remember why,
>reflexes of a 80 year old
>People jump in on me
>My brain wants to anti-air but my body just can't react in time

Every single fucking match.
You're absolutely right, I watched a lot of pro games but it was more entertainment rather than actual useful experience.
>tfw even brain is not fast enough and every time when you block a jumpin you're feeling regret
rts games are trash for idiots who can't play fighting games and fpses
>forced 50%
And they say the fgc isn't casual.
>When does this get fun?
When you get good. I'm not even memeing, it doesn't matter if it's SFV or anything else if you just spend a day dusting off the basics and don't improve beyond that every match will just be basic for you. Whatever nuance or bullshit is or could potentially be at play will just go over your head.

I mean can you imagine if someone was playing something like Sonic 2 or 3 for example where you have to at least try to grasp the momentum based physics stuff, and they didn't even bother to learn the spindash or instashield or pinball like mechanics? All they do is run, curl, jump and when they don't derive any richer experience they say the levels and games aren't fun? I mean, fuck, what can be done to help them if they won't help themselves? No one can hand you over a package with all the required capability needed to derive from something its full experience.

Saying all that SFV probably wasn't a good first pick.

Are there any more casual fighters apart from smash? play competitive games to have fun winning and if i have to play for months just to not be a scrub that might be to much time investment considering i have college and shit.

I like the idea of actually getting good but i think i got into fightan too late.
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Yeah. You can't teach that unfortunatly. I think thats why a lot of anons get frustrated with fighting games as a genre to be honest, they probably choose Video games over sports because in video games there are less real world variables. It's mechanical, the mind set is:
>"as long as i go full autobot and objectivley learn the rules of the game no one can stop me"
Whereas Fighting games give the illusion of being the highest example of that objective and mechanical mindset but rely heavily on the variables of human nature to exploit it. I think that is why so many anons drop the genre, they almost feel like they are being cheated. I think its good for those types though, to lose that way.
Instead of trying to learn this autistic garbage go learn something productive, refund the game
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Nope, there is not. SFV is the most beginner friendly fighting game that people actually play.

It's never too late.
Start when a new game comes out.
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Some people's growth isn't linear at all. I know for me it isn't. I'll put in practice for a week or so, improving slightly, and then all of a sudden it all comes together. My play will improve immensely and then it will plateau again. Then repeat from the beginning, getting better overall but major improvement paying off in "short bursts." It's like a cycle honestly.
You had the game a couple of days and you expect to be winning just like that???

GTFO back to you mario games you casual faggot
>Daigo friendzoning the girl who did the same to his boy JWong

Daigo's true loyalty lies with those he meets in battle.
Daigo with the read.

You can compensate shit reaction time with setplay in some games.

Play with friends. That way every fighting game can be casual.

You will naturally learn the tricks in the game and can go to higher levels if you want.
Fuck of cunt. This record is against fellow rookie players. granted most are like level 50 + withe starting at 9
Holy shit, is this the same girl?

Play offline more, play with friends more.
>has to shit on based Mario for no reason
Anon, YOU are the casual. I'd like to see you beat Sunshine in under 3 hours.
I'm about to give you the best advice you could ever get, watch your own games. Go back, pay attention to where you fucked up. Dont worry about combos, jump heavy kick into sweep is a perfectly good confirm where you are at. Focus on where you are on screen, if you are playing a fireball character, pay attention to your opponents jump range and make sure you dont throw fireballs at that range. Dont rely on jumping, discipline yourself by staying on the ground and playing to your characters ranges, practice footsies and you will be better than most bronze players at least.
>80% Ryus

When I bought it before it was 40% Kens, 40% Ryus and the rest everyone else.
>spends one day playing a game
>why is it so hard??
you're a fucking idiot stick to your MOBAs or FPS games kiddo
Im writing a short book about fighting games as writing practice. Give me a coin per chapter and ill let you read them. Id imagine youll be better by the end of it once you realize grinding combos for 2 hours doesnt matter at all

Fuck off Gootecks, you're not good enough to teach anybody and you never have been.
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Sorry I dont know which eceleb youre talking about kid
Yeah that's how everyone is at the beginning. Just keep playing casual till it gets easy, move up a rank in ranked, go back to casual, repeat.

It certainly aint you because you're a nobody, which begs the question as to why you think people would pay money to learn from a literal who that has never been relevant in any game.
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Because Im far more intelligent than you can even comprehend. Im the optimal person to teach people seeing as how I only recently started out too. Ive gone from not knowing what mixups are into training with pro players in less than a year from an optimal training routine
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If you're getting into fighting games for the first time, there's a lot of new info and skills to learn. It can be overwhelming, but you can focus on learning one thing at a time. Try out Guilty Gear, it has really thorough and fun tutorials that teach you fundamentals
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Kek, okay. What's your CFN, I'm curious to see the replays of this amazing new prodigy we have on our hands.
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>defaults to asking about exclusively SFV

stick to your one casual game kiddo
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Lmao, oh yeah, I bet your shitty book would be SUPER useful to this dude. Better pay up.

Go on then, show me a video of you playing whatever fighting game you play.
Isnt Punk like what? 18

Literally a fraction of experience to everyone else and he came in 2nd. Put in the time Anon
SFV is only easy compared to how much more difficult USF4 was. It's still a pretty hard game to get into.

It's much easier to get into NRS games or if 3d fighters are OK then go for Tekken 7.
When you get a better fighting game.
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>Go on then, show me a video of you playing whatever fighting game you play.

two clips, MK one is obviously older. I started playing at the end of 2016. Both videos are against pro players, omegaK was at top 32 at evo


Stop trying to do combos. Just focus on blocking and punishing. Not only will this help you get good at that, but it also gives you time to watch your opponent. Learning how to quickly pick up on your opponent's habits is the most important things you can do.
>can somewhat read situations
>executions fail every single time
I just can't throw a Shoryuken for anti-air to save my life even though I see it coming. Always dropped combos too
Is it because I use 360 controller? Kinda want to get a fightstick but I always found the "stick" part to be awkward everytime I play Tekken on arcades
Nope, stay away from NRS garbage. Tekken is the best 3d game, and anime fighters (GG and BB) are at the top of the 2d scene right now
SFV's execution is very easy but that means is easy for everyone else too, so you need to learn tactics now. You need to learn how to do meaties, frame-traps, shimmies, corner throw loops, etc. More advanced stuff would be set-ups, set-play, 50/50's, etc. but you won't be able to do it if your execution sucks, so leave that for the end when you're more comfortable with the gameplay and controls of your character.

Learn just 1 meaty and one combo you can do consistently and you'll get to Gold very easily. Scrubs love to mash jab on wake up for example, so receive them with a crush counter meaty. Look for videos on Youtube to learn how to do meaties but it's very easy. You can learn it in minutes.
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>stick to your casual game
>plays fucking MORTAL KOMBAT
>thinks he could teach someone how to play a real fighting game
>unironically writing a book

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh man I am fucking laughing.
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>Is it because I use 360 controller?
Definitely. If you were using the directional pad, get a DS4 or 3, much better choice of directional pads and comfortable. If you're using analog stick and feel comfortable doing the motions on it go for the fightstick.

Try both out a bit first if you have somebody who can lend you either of the 2.
Been following this exchange, I knew from the get-go that this moron plays NRS fighters. Leave it to the game that can be mastered in 3 hours to make some scrub feel like a prodigy.
Youre both delusional and retarded if you think SFV has a higher skill ceiling than MKX/I2
lol you play NRS shit like MK and probably Injustice too, what a fucking idiot
But that's a tekken related picture.
yes...free time.
Block you fucking faggot.
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then take this, your GG tutorial goddess
It absolutely does. NRS games are the tutorial for all other fighters, and they lack half the concepts present in even the simplest SF game.

I seriously hope you're just taking the piss right now and aren't this deluded.

Here's a pro tip from someone who isn't clueless. It does.

There's a reason the west are the only people that play your piece of shit games and you have no cross-over players from series that are actually played across the world at a high level.

NRS games are the bottom of the barrel.
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even worse, MK and Injustice teach awful mechanics and broken playstyles that don't translate to other fighting games. this crap should be avoided
theres no such thing as too late and it doesnt take that long. Especially sfv, all the legacy players are getting blown out by newfags who just found out about fighters a few months ago. It barely rewards any of the old skillsets. I guarantee you most of the trouble you're having is just a mental block, you need a good sparring partner and a change in mindset
Analog's too loose for me and I genuinely don't know how to properly hold a fightstick, but the buttons do feel good.
I guess I'll try out DS3, thanks anon. I don't particularly like DS4, played UMvC3 for 3 hours straight and feels like the bottom tip of the controller stabs into my hands and gave me horrible cramps

Get a fightpad. I use them for non-NRS games because I'm not a stick guy either. Hori makes some nice ones
>It absolutely does. NRS games are the tutorial for all other fighters, and they lack half the concepts present in even the simplest SF game.

Nice buzzwords retard. What concepts does injustice 2 lack? Are you really retarded enough to say that the game with twice as much mechanics and far deeper characters than SFV takes less skill?

Yeah having to learn all of the combo strings the characters have like in tekken also really lowers the skill ceiling instead of every fucking character having nigh-universal shit like in SFV

Even just meter management and mobility is so much deeper in injustice 2 compared to street fighter that its not even funny. Who gets the first bar, how much do you spend in a clash, when do you clash, air techs, meterburn rolls, bounce cancels, meterburn b/f 3's etc etc

>There's a reason the west are the only people that play your piece of shit games

Yes, the reason is that gooks have been playing SF for 20 years and arent going to switch franchises at this point. Popularity also isnt an argument in the quality of something
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>the easiest fighting game
>cr.mp -> st.mp is impossible without a fight stick and decades of muscle memory
like everything else
whenever sonic fox enters another fighting game he gets destroyed

it must just because hes too intelligent for such games

>UNIRONICALLY defending the clash system, the single worst system that has EVER been in a fighting game
>Will more than likely UNIRONICALLY defend stage hazards too.
>Thinks getting 1 bar for first hit is a good thing UNIRONICALLY

This is too much, this guy is deadset retarded.
You see this kind of advice a lot from players of fighting games and it does sort of make me wonder: Why has nobody figured out how to craft a single-player campaign for a fighting game that teaches you this shit?

I mean that's really game design 101; the first goomba is there in Mario because right after you learn to walk right, you learn to jump. Modern games spend a lot of their early levels essentially showing you what you can do, when it's appropriate to do it, and then giving you a test to make sure you are good at doing it before letting you advance.

Most fighting games single-player campaigns are just Vs AI opponents, but the AI opponents are randomized bots, more or less. Why hasn't someone made a fighting game where the first vs CPU opponent auto-blocks every attack it can so you have to learn to punish openings? Where the second opponent has a 100% chance of successfully punishing every fireball you shouldn't have thrown?

It's weird that even developing a basic level of proficiency basically requires getting "involved in the meta"; fuck me even Pokemon bothered to teach you about type matchups and shit in in its campaign

Fox is the kusoge king. He does well in games nobody plays.

He has no chance in real fighting games. The one time he did well in SFV was when he got a free bracket, with his only hard match that he won being Du (who literally tried to kill himself a couple of days before the match) before getting demolished by real players and fucking brentiscool who I wouldn't even call a real player.
I actually started out with DS3, well technically PS2 controller but their design, especially in the directional pad department is the same.

Recently I switched to DS4 just in case I ever wanted to go to a local, PS4 is the go-to setup etc. Took awhile but now I find the directional pad slightly better, its a bit more clicky, DS3 is a bit more on the squishy side if that makes any sense.

Hope you find what's comfortable for you anon.
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But this is literally what Guilty Gear does.
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Or maybe its because being good at X game doesnt mean you can hop onto another franchise and suddenly do well in it retard

Also, sonicfox isnt nearly as good as people claim, he constantly gets by on luck and OP characters. The only thing he has won for I2 out of CB, CEO, war of the gods and EVO was CB

>d-durr but its bad

why clown? try actually making an argument once in your life. The clash system unarguably adds depth. The "stage hazards" add depth since it actually makes stage selection for X character important, seeing as characters also use interactables differently

>Thinks getting 1 bar for first hit is a good thing UNIRONICALLY

another great "argument". stick to SFV kid
You're actually serious with this. You couldn't jump the hurdle, so you crawled under it and decided to declare that doing so is the new apex of skill. Guess what retard? I played MK9 when it came out, I was a punkass teenager back then and I still won 9/10 matches I played online across about 700 matches played effortlessly. I cleared KOTH lobbies and acquired hate mail when I must've been 16 at the time, that's the sum of your "ultra deep" fighting game. Injustice followed and it was such a similar experience I swore off NRS fighters forever.

I would destroy you in any fighting game of your choice, even Injustice 2 if you gave me just a couple of hours with the game.
because fighting game devs are as autistic as the playerbase

tekken devs deliberately dont put in frame data and make the players figure it out on their own on purpose. they actually think people like that shit.
Okay, but why not Street Fighter? I guess my larger point is that you'd think it would be more ubiquitous.
I've been trying out EX cause that looks way better than SFV already

shame Blair is only in 1
>people actually responded to this shitty bait
Evo finished on Sunday, if he spent a day learning inputs then he's spent a few hours online at most
>what is proper matchmaking
>Guess what retard? I played MK9 when it came out

>I played something that has nothing to do with MKX or I2, at launch, look how bad NRS games are

alright this "argument" is over
But hey at least they bothered to point out that EWGF is a distinct move in the move list this time around.
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I agree, but SFV doesn't have hardly any content at all. Seriously, any beginner fighting game players should start with Guilty Gear until other games do better at introducing concepts
Not gonna fool me shill. NRS games never ever change, not one bit. I played MKX too, quit that game after a bitch Jax set down his controller and gave up on me.
> literally every other major fighting game (unless you count smash) has successful crossover from top players for everything except NRS trash

>even the best NRS players cant successfully crossover at all

>durr hurr even being good at a fighting game doesnt mean you can be good at other fighting games
Does Daigo even have time for these basic bitches
Proper matchmaking isn't going to magically create people of your own level out of thin air, especially when the concurrent player number is maybe 10k at best
>who literally tried to kill himself a couple of days before the match

It doesn't matter how good the tutorial is GG is not a good starting fighting game at all. It's the same as when people dickrode the skullgirls tutorial for being amazing, it doesn't change the fact that the game itself is extremely beginner unfriendly.

It's easy to understand why you're getting demolished in pretty much any street fighter game other than perhaps 3s, even if you can't do anything about it.

Shit like GG and skullgirls and marvel you'll just get completely and utterly slammed by people better than you to the point you're basically not even playing because they're just hitting you with all sorts of crazy movement and mix-ups a new player is not going to be able to understand by looking at them because they're ridiculously dirty.
Any recommendation for PS4/PC fightpad? I don't think I can easily find them here, so if I'm gonna import I hope it will last for a long time
Yeah, the dpad is slightly better than DS3 but I can't stand the cramp.
That reminds me, I tried playing KOFXIII with a homebrewed PSP once and it felt pretty great. But it only emulate Xinput I think, so I can't use it out of PC
You'd still have a 50/50 win loss rate with absolutely perfect matchmaking. That's the whole point of a ladder
i want to play an anime fighter. Should i pick up GG or wait for a newer version of something else to come? Is there any new weeaboo fighters on the way even? And if i decide to grab GG what is the online for it? Will i get matched up with anybody or is there some kind of ranking system? th-thanks in advance fightan anons.
>telling a scrub to start with GG

god no he's going to get raped

also please, we don't need any more scrubs shitting up lobbies

OP you should play super turbo on fightcade or something to learn the fundamentals
>even the best NRS players cant successfully crossover at all

What are the statistics here? Who have attempted and failed?

> literally every other major fighting game (unless you count smash) has successful crossover from top players for everything except NRS trash

see above

>durr hurr even being good at a fighting game doesnt mean you can be good at other fighting games

Fundamentals carry over to an extent but youre genuinely retarded if you think sonicfox will automatically win SFV evo for being good at NRS games when everyone else has played SF before he was born

Du was gonna kill himself a couple of days before the tournament by shooting himself in the head. Didn't go through with it, then liquid helped him out a lot.
>any beginner fighting game players should start with Guilty Gear
You're the first person I've ever heard give that advice. Most people behave as though it's very complicated and also unpopular enough that you'll only meet people WAY above the beginner skill level.

It's nice to see that ASW is thinking about that sort of thing, though. It gives me high hopes that I might actually enjoy DBFZ even though I rarely play online.


nah, fuck that shit. A tutorial to teach you basic controls is one thing but you should be constructing your single player experience as one long wordless gameplay tutorial by trial and error. That's how good game design works, that's my point. Most fighting games I've ever played have some sort of long-winded, overly complicated tutorial, but what they don't have is a single-player experience designed to force you to learn and ultimately master fundamentals of good fighting game play.

Taking GG as an example (and I've never played it so I don't know), by the time you get to, say, the 7th enemy in single-player, are you going to get your shit just fucking ruined until you git gud at Roman Cancel? Does the game put up these skill gates where it's slowly taught you the advantage of the technique and then finally says "prove to me you understand this"?
But why?
>pulling the everyone has played before he was born card when punk just got 2nd place at evo and has been dominating all year

is your brain deficient
>Daigo refuses to make a heart because he doesn't want his rival's stain
God I love this man

Something along the lines of shitty family life and no friends, being lonely and under pressure basically.

Thank god he didn't do it because he ended up winning 500k, buying his own house and helping his poverty family.
probably because human life on earth is a living hell for the majority of people and he didn't want to participate anymore
>when punk just got 2nd place at evo and has been dominating all year

now list the other fighting games where hes in top 8 since the skill is so universal
>telling anyone on fucking 4chan to be productive
we're all way past that, anon

step 1: go to http://www.fightcade.com/
step 2: download the client and find the ssf2xj, ssf2t, and ssf2 roms from this site https://archive.org/download/fightcaderoms and put them in the fightcade roms folder
step 3: watch this playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0cFs5mHQC4&list=PL5E8E2A6415422B77
step 4: boot up fightcade, log in with your account, and join the "super street fighter II X - grand master challenge room"
step 5: start challenging people and if you get raped explain that you are new
step 6: grind it out until you're not retarded

guilty gear has way too much tech in it for a beginner. you need to start with the fundamentals. footsies, pokes, anti airs
I thought he was pretty successful even before.
now list the other fighting games hes even tried playing competitively

sonic fox put in work in sf5 and still got destroyed. deal with it faggot, your best player sucks shit at real games.
not him but having more mechanics doesn't mean the game is deeper/better.

the ps2 mortal kombat games are the perfect example for this. Shitloads of characters, each of them with 3 different movelists based on their stances, interactive backgrounds, weapons etc. Yet none of the mechanics were really well executed and none of the movelists were well balanced.

Meanwhile SF always focused on well blanced fundamentals. 6 normals + it's versions, 4 different versions for each special and the supers/ultras. Almost all of these moves had a big characteristics and a serious part in the game and in the end you had to rely on more tools in SF even if it had less mechanics and that's still the case even with SFV and MKX/IJ2
>missing the fucking point this hard

you sure are intelligent

the point is that literally nobody good at any real fighting games gives a shit about mortal kombat or injustice. because they're fucking trash.

Not him but I can give you successful cross-overs for days.

Kazunoko is a top level GG player as well as top level SF player.
Fuudo came from being a fucking virtua fighter god, a game with basically nothing in common with 2d fighters and making the transition to street fighter to become a god at that too.
Dogura is a GG god who also does amazingly in street fighter.
Xiao-Hai is THE KoF god and he also does amazingly in street fighter.
Poongko does awesomely in Tekken

The list goes on. Where are the NRS players?
note: this is going to take you a couple hundred hours at the very least

He was but he wasn't winning big money to help his family and the people he was around must have been pieces of shit.
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>also please, we don't need any more scrubs shitting up lobbies
Terrible attitude. Get GG out of spite for this asshole.
Or you could just buy a fighting game and play it while looking up stuff online like a normal human being.
>more people should play GG
which is it?
>Meanwhile SF always focused on well blanced fundamentals. 6 normals + it's versions, 4 different versions for each special and the supers/ultras. Almost all of these moves had a big characteristics and a serious part in the game and in the end you had to rely on more tools in SF

literally only the sf2 series had that, sf3 was focused all on parries and hitconfirms and the neutral game was trash, sf4 was all muh 1 frame links slow walkspeeds and ultra combos rewarding playing poorly with the stupid ass goober gear FADC roman cancel and ex moves making anything safe, and sfv is silly 50/50 coinflip with a terrible neutral game and no range on your pokes

the only street fighters with a good neutral game are super turbo and hyper fighting. that has been literally the only good street fighter game. if you liked any street fighter past ST you should be drowned in a sink so you can't pollute the gene pool
Get a fighting game on release, there will be alot of other people in the same boat as you who suck.
And things like Mortal Combat Injustice are more popular among normies now, they might be the best bet. You'd still get bodied now probably though.
Pick GG, shits fun as fuck and rev 2 just came out. There's always new weeb fightans like the dbz fightan as well as the new blazblue crossover but the GG scene is pretty alive right now.

The ranked for GG is pretty much dead for me (Eurofag here) but you can go into friend matches or whatever and ALWAYS find lobbies up. They usually are pretty fucking packed too
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don't mind the elitist idiot. all fighting games need more players. also, some people like going against better players and learning from them
>thinks le epic random damage and random stun everything game is good or respectable in any way
neck yourself goofy
I actually don't want more people to play GG, sort of like how quake players don't want more CSGO/overwatch 14yo squeakers playing their game

Either a KOF player or GG player.
So your retarded "argument" for not a single NRS player being able to play other fighting games is exclusively sonicfox, and your retarded counterargument for Punk not being able to play other games either is because he doesnt even try? I ask again, where are the statistics?

It objectively means its deeper. Whether or not its better depends on alot of things, but everyone saying NRS games arent better than SFV are delusional capcbros

>the point is that literally nobody good at any real fighting games gives a shit about mortal kombat or injustice.

Yeah, Im sure people like foreverking, tekken master and slayer have no talent and would do terrible if they started playing street fighter fulltime

>The list goes on. Where are the NRS players?

off of the top of my head, prodigal son which is one of the best SF players on the planet. Also perfect legend comes to mind
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This. Nobody plays Ranked in GG for some reason, but the lobbies are really active
SF2 is hard as fuck tho
>Eurofag here
Man fuck this continent. Anything even slightly more niche than fifa and it's dead immediately online.

>perfect legend
>perfect legend
>perfect legend
>perfect legend


>Ryan Hart
>One of the best players on the planet
>Started on NRS

Pick one

Please, tell me the last time Ryan Hart made top 8 in a relevant tournament.

Perfect Legend started as a DOA player before moving to NRS. Not the other way around.
Dude its the fucking worst, GG is the most alive things Ive seen, even SIGN was completely dead and don't even get me started on shit like arcana hearts or marvel 3 where I found literally the same 10 players over and over again despite playing for over 70 hours
>Either a KOF player
yeah I mostly play KOF and a little GG (even though I said goober gear it was a joke)

Of course it is one of the hardest games to play at a high level. But it's fundamentally hard. It's not hard from learning a bunch of tech and whatever. It's hard because you need to outfootsie and your neutral game and anti airs need to be on point.
>Please, tell me the last time Ryan Hart made top 8 in a relevant tournament.

stop moving the goalposts when your "argument" in the first place was pathetically retarded. Im simply giving you names of NRS players who are also doing well in other games. Youre delusional if you think prodigal son is shit with how he played SF4
you literally don't know jackshit about these games beside the memes you've read up on 4chin

SF4 has literalyl the best neutral game of all SF games but even SFV has better neutral than any fucking NRS game ever had. Just because each game had an annoying mechanic that didn't take away the fundmentals of the game.
>and the people he was around must have been pieces of shit
I remember he had a qt gf back then he played usf4, did they break up or she doesnt care?
>SF4 has literalyl the best neutral game of all SF games

Just when I thought 09ers couldn't get any more stupid.

Ryan Hart didn't start in NRS.

You also said he's one of the best players on the planet. I'm fucking sorry dude but if you're not making top 8s at tournaments you're not one of the best players on the planet. Especially if you're someone who travels as much as he does. Ryan's amazing, don't get me wrong. But he's not one of the best on the planet and he never has been.
I'm trying to play T7 cause the game's fucking amazing and I have to wait for 5 minutes at least to get a match with mediocre connection. Player match too, ranked is completely barren.
>SF4 has literalyl the best neutral game of all SF games
no that's ST you dumb fuck

>than any fucking NRS game ever had
lmao you think I play NRS games you fucking stupid shitter. I play kof14 and ST. Every street fighter after ST has been a joke with a terrible neutral game. embarrassing
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>SF4 has literalyl the best neutral game of all SF games
Look, I love SFIV as much as the next guy, but come the fuck on.
>Ryan Hart didn't start in NRS.

What does this have to do with anything? Why does someone need to fucking "start" in NRS and then jump to other games to prove something? Maybe they exclusively play NRS because they fucking like the games since they play vastly different from capcom games?
>SF4 has literalyl the best neutral game of all SF games
Well there's a lot of neutral. It's just complete shit
>It objectively means its deeper.
no it doesn't
having multiple shallow, badly executed mechanics over a single complex mechanic won't make the game deeper
There's skullgirls which is pretty much dead. Then there's rising thunder which got canceled because riot bought it. And then there's street fighter five with 4 frame input lag natively and thousands of people stomping noobs.
I want Baiken to curbstomp me while barefoot.
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And here I was expecting some high level GG or Tekken play but it's fucking MK, lmao.
Sweet, GG it is then. Should i just grab this on PS4? I think they also have it on PC but aren't the console versions always more populated?
getting in on the epic ranked grind is pretty much a street fighter exclusive meme. No gimmicky round stealing and running with points here, lobbies are for keeps
HAH daigo the man
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>having multiple shallow, badly executed mechanics over a single complex mechanic won't make the game deeper

and acting like multiple mechanics are automatically bad because they arent in street fighter doesnt make you correct. Explain why the defensive mechanics in injustice 2 like pushblock, the two air techs and MB roll take away from depth instead of adding it?

Tekken is MK in 3d and without varied characters. Its hilarious if you actually think tekken is good but MK is bad

You ST fags don't understand that universal mechanics make a game more player vs player focused unlike ST where it's more character vs character focus, it's just a difference of style regardless of how homogenized it is.
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dont we all
>You ST fags don't understand that universal mechanics make a game more player vs player focused unlike ST where it's more character vs character focus
wow characters that actually play differently. imagine that.
This. Guilty Gear lobbies are always chill and you can get a ton of matches
Im surprised the ranked for Tekken is so dead, I thought the community was decently alive

The only two fighting games I can play with random people online reliable are sfv and gg but fuck sfv with its teleporting laggy horseshit
>Tekken is MK in 3d and without varied characters.
I know it's still a hot meme to shit on SF4 but just face it. There is a reason the game resurrected the FGC and the whole fighting game genre. The neutral game was literally ST on steroids, each moves were much more balanced and offered more complex and varied playstyles.
>tons of matches in blue and green

>5 minutes in orange

i fucking hate it, can people just get good already
Well other EU players have no complaints but I happen to be from a particularly garbge part of EU it seems I dunno.
>haha yeah dial a memes are so bad in mk but i like them in tekshit :)
you cant ever just "wait for a newer version" because GG rereleases the same game every year for 40 dollars more, and forces all the plebs to buy it or else be stuck with an abandoned game and no playerbase
play fighting games on PSN they arent dead there

They still play differently under universal mechanics, just that their traits aren't as strong. Viscants bullshit rant isn't the end all be all of how fighting games should be.
>There is a reason the game resurrected the FGC
And that reason was dumbed down, casual-friendly mechanics and almost 10 years without a new Street Fighter.
I'm a pcbro so I wanna vouch for it but honestly consoles are always more populated

>Auto correct DP, crouchteching, invincible back dash, revenge meter
>Best SF

4 is the worst SF game ever bar none.
If you want to win and get to bronze/silver then don't fucking bother with learning combos and just focus on antiair and crush counters. People jump alot and mash the buttons at the lower ranks. Crush counters and antiair deals with this. Also, I would recommend Guile, he's an honest and simple character that you can get far with and learn the basics of the game with.
You know, as much as I like doing ranked and the concept of it, the thing I did notice with sfv is that a lot of people will just do a single match then run with the points after pulling gimmicks.

I didn't really mind the way KI did it though, forcing a best of 3 before anyone gets any points
>The neutral game was literally ST on steroids

sf4 was nothing, absolutely nothing, like ST.

did st have

>slow geriatric tier walkspeeds
>retarded mechanics like focus
>FUCKING ULTRA COMBOS that do 50% and reward you for being worse than the other player
>weak and slow zoning
>input shortcuts
>low damage
>long combos
>1 frame links (literally pointless to even attempt in ST since they literally only work half the time due to the frame skipping of turbo mode)
>linking into supers instead of chain canceling them
>weak DPs
>extremely wide reversal windows

BTFO. kill yourself.
what IJ2 does for example with all the meter burning abilities is giving out too much tools for the characters which just adds more guessing game into the neutrals.

There is a reason why fighting games don't give armor moves for every single character but just to the ones which playstyles really require it.
Pick balrog and mash
>he bought the game /v/ has been saying sucks since the begining
You kind of asked for it.
Have you tried turning DMZ on or opening your ports in your router while trying to find fights?

If not you can try to change your download region on steam, that actually influences who you find in fights in some games, for marvel that's what I did to find american players
>its fundamentally hard
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>Tekken is MK in 3d
That would require me getting a ps4 and get an adapter so i can use my keyboard to fight
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If I absolutely love ST and SFIV, appreciating both gameplay approaches, while also hating Third Strike as the most boring entry, where does that leave me?
Tekken strings actually allow proper hitconfirming unlike NRS turd gameplay
Tekken 7 has more people playing on a daily basis than SFV and GG combined.
>for some reason
Playerbase not big enough.

Games that are alive like Tekken and Injustice2 have really active ranked modes.
I've tried multiple regions on steam but not the other things you suggested. I'll look into those, thanks for the input.
You're going to be getting bodied for a while if this is literally your first fighting game.

I wouldn't worry about shit like inputs and combos at this stage. Knowing basic shit like spacing, when and where to punish, and familiarizing yourself with the basic flow is far more important.
>Third Strike as the most boring entry

I'm so glad a third strike player won Evo and another one made it to the top 8.

It means you like traditional fundamentals.

3S is, by FAR, the least traditionally fundamental street fighter ever made.
So what? FGs have been my favorite game genre since i was little and i sucked at them then just as i do now, yet i still have fun.
In the faggot pit.
leaves you a sore, red tainted butthole who probably got fucked up because he can't figure out the parry system.
i started last year and im just kinda getting gud
learning spacing and safe buttons is a must and then just feel it out from there
>BTFO. kill yourself.
fuck off

beside the ultra combos none of those were bad design decisions
the new speed of the game objectively worked out better and resulted in a more reactable gameplay even for the pros. You are literally just because it's not the same game anymore.

SF4 also had multiple times bigger tournament scene than what ST could ever achive and there is a good reason for that.
Best of luck anon
>REEEEEEEEE I can't throw out my normals safely because i'll get parried
>REEEEEEEEE I can't zone in a game because of the parries

Yeah, I remember old school street fighter when I could chain long ass combos from crouching jab with most of the cast and cancel shit with meter like some bootleg animu fighter. .oh wait.
Download fightcade, some roms and play with friends.

SFV has some beginner unfriendly stuff, like stray hits doing barely any damage, or not giving you any defensive options.
SF2 is way better at teaching you fundamentals.

Anyway, you should learn to block high/low and how to punish(this is harder in SFV, because a guilty gear player made the game and some punishable stuff is safe and vice versa for no reason), at first throws are a fine punish, whatever gives you damage.
Everytime they jump you should try to anti-air with a normal. If you block a jump-in, they get a 50/50.

It takes time. I got into competetive SF with SF4 and got beaten up for a year.
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how do you post images like this?
I actually stated with skullgirls and I think it was a good choice. My execution wasn't the best at first but I was actually pretty competitive with Bella because getting bodied by good players was a crash course in the genre. after that I moved on to gg and kof and I think the choice to start with a relatively newbie unfriendly game was a good choice.

Calm down autist I'm not shitting on the game. That's just the truth.

I'm sorry but if you think the game where you can legitimately get punished for what would be a successful anti-air in any other game is more traditional than every other game you need to submit yourself to be researched, because you could very well be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.
not hard when the game is ridiculously slow. You can still "hitconfirm" into specials in MK/Injustice easily especially by using safe strings
Kek, can you make a full heart?
Could be all treasure mode bots
Fighting games are only fun with friends.
Thats just because you have the right mentality, a lot of people need to be babied into the genre and need a game where a single mistake wont cost them the game. Though there also is just the fact that a lot more newbies and just really bad players are playing games like SFV
sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I started out with fightan with KOF98 and moves up from there. Not exactly a beginner friendly game but I had a family member who was actually good at the game who taught me and we play eachother alot which is the reason why I am pretty good at fighters now. Stopped playing KOF tho so I moved on to GG and Tekken and never looked back. I still play KOF now and again.
The whole fgc is your friend anon <3
Not even that. I hate Third Strike's cast, hate its balance, its aesthetic is grimy to me. It feels the least like SF out of the whole series, I dislike it a lot for that.

Plus I main Dictator.
>NRS garbage
Lobbies are how fighters should be played online, that's why. In person winner stays on koth is the superior way of playing.
You forgot chip kills + multi hit ultras
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taken from twitter
I mean with a girl from the Daigo pic.
Nope, no one is my friend now, fuck you. I hate everybody.
what I said here pretty much >>384356287

when I was playing and starting out with fightan i just played and never complained actually because the experience was fun even if I lost ALOT of matches. No whining about "what is the most noob friendly game" or "hey, is this a good fighting game to start out in? Will i get bodied alot?" I wasn't like this at all. Got thrown into the deep end and survived pretty much.
I never found playing fighting games online fun anyway. Fighting games are best played with friends of a similar skill level (preferably slightly better than you), so that you can all develop your skills together and constantly be improving and one upping each other.

I don't see the appeal of playing online against random people you've never met with 20 frames of input lag. I never enjoy playing with random people in any online game though, so clearly I'm in the minority.
Nah, fgc is filled with 40 year old assholes.
it means you like footsies
I'm the same as you.
>tfw an asian girl is taller than you

Nah anon, you're my friend. You just didn't know all along
How many hours do i have to put into a fighting game in order to get gud?

Is a stick really the only worthwhile option or should I consider a Pad?
>SF4 also had multiple times bigger tournament scene than what ST could ever achive and there is a good reason for that.

Thanks for reminding me why I hate SF4 and 09ers so much. Besides being such a shit game it has the most obnoxious fandom out of all the sf's. Even SF5 which I'm not a fan of has a more tolerable fandom.
>playing friends of similar or slightly better skill level than you

Yeah, I don't do this at all because i'd rather play someone who is vastly good at the game and understands the game a lot so I can learn from him. Someone who has ironed out his bad habits. Usually when playing friends, you'll find it that they are not as passionate about the game as you and just do stuff during matches and spam stuff.
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There's no fixed amount. Some people played whole live and they're still bad.
Just play with a controller.

If you've never played a fighting game before, you'll very easily reach triple digits before you feel you're even decent at it.

As for the control options, it really is preference, hitbox, pad, fightstick, keyboard, shits up to you man
There is no set hour when you start to get good, or a controller that's better than the other. It's all about your own personal growth and preference. Some people improve faster than others. You need to stop asking and just start playing the fighting game you like instead.
>How many hours do i have to put into a fighting game in order to get gud?
As much as you need, surely more than a hundred

>Is a stick really the only worthwhile option or should I consider a Pad?
Play with whatever you're more comfortable with, it doesn't really matter, especially if you're new
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Rose Ma? More like Rose MADICK.
It's really a choice. personally if something works for you just do that.

As for hours it's just however many it takes. After a while you stop counting though and just start spending time in the lab or grinding in lobbies because it's fun.
play tekken

>How many hours do i have to put into a fighting game in order to get gud?

you're nobody until you're at least 200 hours in
Tekken is fun to learn though and there's plenty of retards
it's advantage is that it's a game that you're meant to learn by playing
you're going to have to get over yourself and your sore ego over and over again though
Guess it depends on your friends. A couple of my friends are really into fighting games and one of them has a sponsorship to fly around the country and enter tournaments nationally. By comparison, I'm more like your friends who aren't that passionate.

If you're truly pationate thpugh you can always start attending your local FGC meet ups and make friends with like minded people. That's what my passionate friends did.
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Anyone want to play GG with an absolute scrub. I'm EU PSN.
>I started out with fightan with KOF98
Say that shit like you just got your motherfucking
>Tekken Online
Not on PS4
>that you're meant to learn by playing
the game is 100% movement grind in training mode and memorizing framedata.
learning by playing my ass.

Yes, believe the retard who posts porn and says fireball spamming.
Pic related?
see if you're not retarded you'd realize those things don't matter half as much as you think but here we are

got put in your 200 hours son
u wot
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>movement in a whiffpunish based fighter doesnt matter
>framedata in a fighter that has a thousand moves per character to bully you with doesnt matter
I've played fighting games for years and I've seen people pick up games better than me in a few weeks.

It's important you understand the holy trinity of fighting game skills: Fundamentals, Knowledge, and Execution.

The fast you pick them up the faster you'll succeed. Another thing is to play real people who are close to your level. Training mode can help prevent drops but you really only learn your half of the game. You've got to learn to play your opponents half too.
>Isn't 90% of the online player base scrubs doing scrub things
Yes, just like any other popular fighting game
based outsider anon trying to explain tekken instead of just fucking playing it
your own fucking fault for giving up when you got your ass handed to you
quake players practice bhopping rocket jumping and LG tracking and have to learn maps and timings
rts players practice apm and build orders against cpu and have to learn a shitload
fighting game players practice combos in training mode and learn framedata

if you don't want to practice then go back to a more casual genre. don't know what to tell you. fighting games are only for dedicated players.
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>this whole post

how about you learn to read nigger. implying that the game is "learning by playing" is horseshit, nobody has said anything else.

so sick of assholes who dont even play fighting games trying to tell me shit when they cant even follow a two post chain.
Understanding and predicting human players is how you win these games in the long run. There is no real reason why dash forward, SS, 1+2 with Asuka will consistently open players up, and yet it does. You can't learn things like that with 200 hours in training mode. Most people who say things like that are just scared to go online and get beat. I guarantee you Tokido has lost more games than everyone in this thread has played in their entire lives.
So uh...does anyone play the fighting game that is actually a good game? I'm talking about Injustice 2...im looking too practice this fine morning
>is this move + on block?
>try a jab
>oh it is

>a thousand moves per character
>as if a tenth of them are important
>implying i'm the retard
>Practicing for an NRS game

you dont need to worry about frame data and all that shit until you actually get good in a match with your character enough to learn some real tricks..just focus on movement and 3D spacing and normals
>face someone who uses sone of the "unimportant" moves
>get blown up because I have never seen them before
why do they even exist in this crap game if they are so unimportant?
You always need to know what moves are positive and negative, otherwise you cannot blockpunish unsafe shit ever and you will get mauled by frametraps.
stop talking out of your ass.
80% of the time moves that aren't + or zero tend to be unimportant moves, which are few

now tell me how you're gonna learn about all those moves anon
Tell me, please please tell me
You know how don't you retard?
>now tell me how you're gonna learn about all those moves anon
studying framedata tables to not waste time with trial and error.
thats the actual optimal way.
I'm sorry but NRS games are not good. They might be simple enough for beginners to have some fun for a couple of dozen hours but in terms of actual game design and potential for depth they're the bottom of the barrel.
because its just like any other fighting game?
>he gets blown out by scrubs using shitter moves
>he thinks he's even close to needing framedata yet
Most people can't actually take in all of that stuff purely by reading it. If you can, great but you're an exception.

NRS games have a short lifespan competitively. You're looking to spend how many hours on a game that will last 2-3 years tops before NRS shits out a replacement and the community moves on. Waste of time.
if youre playing people of the same skill as you then you probably dont need to worry about frame traps and people punish every unsafe move you do....youre a fucking beginner,youre most likely not gonna be matched up against someone like Aris in an online match......but by all means waste your time learning frame data before you learn the ins and outs of your character

They literally call it Duty Fighter V in Japan. The game isn't fun, it's a chore and people only play it to make money if they git gud.
>t.Street Fighter 5 players trying desperately to shit on other games
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Top level argumentation skills.
You dont even play fighting games.

Face that shit in a match->look up framedata->know how to deal with it is the most common approach.
Either that or face shit in match->go into training mode->see what you can punish it.
But thats absolutely not learning by playing.
Thats playing by looking shit up or labbing.

You ALWAYS need to worry about that, or you will not be able to deal with it.
Jesus Christ those garbage responses.
>his point of reference for a good Tekken player is Aris
LOL. Good comedian? Maybe. Good Soul Calibur 2 player? Definitely. Good tekken player? Not even close.
Use Tekkenbot people! Displays framedata in real time and the latest version even shows throw break inputs. It wont help you react to the current move, but its the fastest way to learn.
>Other games

Just nrs games, which competitively are trash.
Its evident that most Tekken fanboys on /v/ dont actually play and are nothing but Aris dickriders.

Their general understanding of fighting games is 09er level.
You know youre right, Itazan spent all of Sunday night just putting on a fake smile while he was SPDing the best in the world on national TV. How could anyone enjoy that?
I play KoF and anime fighters, but whatever helps you sleep at night. SF5 stopped working on my computer after like 5 hours for some reason and I never got it to work ever again. Only game I've ever had problems running. What a POS.
You say that like it means shit and like you actually compete in any game,guaranteed youre shit at whatever fighting game you play
PSN: eliminaattori_
Add me and we can play in few hours

Bottomline is NRSfag, boon doesn't give two fucks about the competitive scene. Why would anybody pour hundreds of hours on a franchise whose iterations last 2 years before being phased out? It's literally pants on head retarded.
Fighting games are about 90% knowledge and 10% skill.
Can anybody ITT legitimately tell me what's the problem with SFV? I would like to know.
Only at a top competitive level.

For anyone who isn't in the top 1% of players on earth execution can be a huge factor determining who wins and who loses.

Should I expect to lose a lot when I play fighting games for the first time?

If you play against people who played them yes, if you play against absolute beginners, no.
what kind of dumbass question is this

how do you function in society
You will be losing almost 100% until you understand the scrub shit you are being hit with. Then you graduate to the next level of shit you have to deal with and so on. I enjoy it, most people dont.
Thats TAP in all SF games
>they still don't realize they don't understand what they're talking about
>still forcing the idea that framedata is some kind of barrier to entry in a game as big as tekken
also i'd like to see either of you retards beat out mr naps in a tournament or take games on players like knee
by his own admission aris is completely trash these days but neither of you guys clearly don't know what the fuck you're even talking about
which comes down to muscle memory

TAP in all SF games do 50% damage, have plus frames on block and go through projectiles? Really?
After you give up your buttons for half the match, yeah.
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I mean, tap is fucking defined by being a projectile invincible move
Sent ;)
At first I thought you were gonna post that meme video about execution from Core-A or something, but it would have honestly been better for you that way if you think this is a good point that highlights the flaws of the game.

I listed 3 things there fag.

>After you give up your buttons for half the match, yeah.

He got a lucky crush and got massive damage more than some CA off a single random crush with 3 hits. You don't see anything wrong with that?
Calling it "muscle memory" doesn't make it not a skill.
It does 50% of the highest health character in SF4 too.

The game favors dumb offense due to retard damage and over dominance of pressure. Most of the cast plays the same, sans guile.
The fact that you call him "lucky" is why you will never get better. Understand why that move hit, why he was doing it, and how you can defend against it. Or just complain that its unbalanced on 4chan. Whatever works for you.

MOV outplayed him the entire match you fucking retard. He had better footsies and much better spacing, Balrog pressed buttons and got retard damage because he guessed of a random crush. Did you watch the match?
how can anybody say horseshit like that when characters like dhalsim and birdie exist.

must have negative understanding of fighting games and think that characters are defined by "muh fireballs" or "not muh fireballs"

Kek claw was so fucking cheap. I think he was banned in some tournaments in Nipponland because of that crazy ass wake up game.
How doesnt he care about the competitive scene when he was at Combo Breaker? I literally walked right past him anon....also this is my first NRS game that I really got into because its actually an improvement on the first game.
>press buttons against balrog when he is +3 but outside of throw range
MOV fucked up 100%.
What the fuck are you talking about?

I can do this on a steering wheel nigger.
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>you dont need to worry about frame data

good luck not knowing when to punish anything and what's safe/what's not and getting frametrapped constantly you fucking retard

I never said shit about fireballs cocksucker. Fact is a player that outspaces, outthinks and outplays his opponent should be the one who dominates the match. MOV did all of that, but at 50% because of a guess. What did the Balrog player do that was skilled? PRess some buttons?
lmao you're so retarded that you cant even reply to the right post

It took him almost a decade since founding NRS to implement something basic as different health for different characters. Something that has been around since sf2.

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So you lads wanna see TAP eh?


Sorry about the shitty link. 4chan not letting me post webms for some reason at the moment.

That's way too much damage for a mistake with not meter ffs. Then again, Balrog can do worst plus he has like 1000 health.
Tekken doesn't have different health for the characters, it's not really something that's absolutely vital for your game.
It didnt cost him meter, it cost him a whole match of sacrificing buttons, which is a bigger limitation than meter.

You're an idiot.
quality post
>with not meter

I know it didn't cost him meter, that's what I said. Meterless 50% damage with 0 meter and the attack is plus on block and goes through projectiles. The tools are overpowered and dumb down the game. There's nothing cerebral about what the player did yet he got a massive reward with 0 cost outside of having to press buttons.

Fuck of antonio you fag.

Let me know when you SFV fags have an argument.
The fact that the character can actually still perform so well even while sacrificing buttons is part of the problem, imo.
>tfw want to start playing GG or BB
>cannot justify rebuying game every year for balance patches
When will Arc sys embrace DLC scheme?
>there's nothing cerebral about sacrificing multiple buttons which severely neuter the characters current kit
you dont play fighting games.
If the payout wasnt right there wouldnt be a reason to use it.
>which is a bigger limitation than meter.

Your an idiot. How long does he have to sacrifice these button relative to the reward he gets? The move hardly has any downsides, it's like a super. You honestly think a meterless move should have the same rewards as a successful CA because he held some buttons down? 16ers are amazing.

BB is supposedly over as it is, the cross-over game will be the last thing we'll see of it, before it (probably) does a transition to something like Xrd.

That will be in a few years, unlike ye good ole times of ArSys shitting an "Expand" version of their game 6 months after release. So getting Central Fiction now should be a safe bet.

I wouldn't dare doing the same thing with GG though, especially as long as not every legacy characters is back. I can totally see them announce a new title with Anji and Zappa during EVO Japan, so I would refrain on the investment.
>How long does he have to sacrifice these button relative to the reward he gets?
Most of the match? Low level TAP doesnt do much damage.

I dont think you ever played a button hold character or SF ever.
>If the payout wasnt right there wouldnt be a reason to use it.

The payout is too much, what part of that is going over your head? You honestly believe holding a button down for a few seconds justifies 50% damage? I bet you think revenge meter is a good mechanic too.
BB is on its final mainline instalment currently.

I usually pay every second arc system works release.

10 level tap is only in sf5.
Well, considering how almost every good Boxer players abuse that move now, let me rephrase your sentence: the payout is too good for the restrictions it imposes on Boxer now.

It turns the round into a huge coinflip on whether you hit with your tap or not. SF is all about making the right guesses, and that move whittles it down to just making ONE right guess, which oversimplify the game much more than it already is.
>The payout is too much
thats an opinion.
barely more than a jumpin combo for sacrificing buttons which is a HUGE deal

Fantasy Strike, my dude. Look it up.
>"prove to me you understand this"?
Literally what mission mode is. Think of that as the advanced tutorial that goes in depth. Where as the tutorial you are looking at there as the intro to get you playing

>Most people behave as though it's very complicated and also unpopular enough that you'll only meet people WAY above the beginner skill level.
This is wrong too I'm not very good and constantly find people who are pretty bad and no fun to play against. I don't mean this in a dickish sense it just shows there are new players trying to get good at GG for you to play with
One more problem that stem from this kind of bushiness scheme is really fragmented playerbase. Not everyone will buy every release and already niche series becomes even more niche.
Regarding GG, I'm assuming they at least announce 1 dlc character before they announce a new version. It's only been a few months since Rev 2 came out. Besides, I think they're going to do some kind of cheaper upgrade from Rev 2 to Rev 3, like they did with Revelator to Rev 2.
I suppose that's kinda how ArcSys browbeats you into buying their game. A lot of their hardcore fanbase will just buy each installment and leave you in the dust if you don't want to upgrade.
These are happy to do so, and you're the one "losing" if you don't follow them.
>barely more than a jumpin combo for sacrificing buttons which is a HUGE deal

He can charge multiple TAPs, he has good damage of Vtrigger and CA. If he's not using TAP he has 3 viable resources to use that can kill you in an instant. That's not an opinion. Bottomline is SFV has too many over power tools that can turn around an entire match because someone got lucky, Even after outplaying them the entire match like MOV did. How that's good to you is beyond me.
2, 3
Why do shitters always play Ram?
fighting games are the pinnacle of autism, you will literally have to spend THOUSANDS of hours practicing to actually be '''good''' at them

whereas you can take pretty much any other game and be somewhat adequate at it in like 20 minutes

sure you and your homie tyrese can come over to your shitty appartment and punch eachother with 0 skill for a few hours but thats pretty much the skill ceiling for you if you dont go full neet mode and spend your life in the lab perfecting combos and shit

i honestly do not understand the appeal
not on PC either ever since I hit warrior rank I havent been able to find a game.
She is the cutest GG girl, this is a fact.
Also, she seems pretty easy, if you're really new to the game.
>i honestly do not understand the appeal
Because you're a defeatist who lacks competitive drive in a generation raised on instant gratification and constant participation accolades. It's why Overwatch tries to make you feel like you did something cool or useful every 5 seconds.
No, you're garbage at every other game. It's just fighting games make sure you know it

except i played in a top 10 european team in counterstrike all the way from 1.0 to 1.6 in the early 00's till about 2006 and then i was in top european teams in tf2 from 2010's onward

i am obviously no stranger to going autism mode and practicing like hell for a videogame, the problem is that fighting games demand a level of autism that borders far away from the term 'fun'
There is a middle ground between a complete scrub and an evo champion.
Not everyone who plays fighting games spends 7 hours in training mode every day perfecting combos.

>Not everyone who plays fighting games spends 7 hours in training mode every day perfecting combos.

and these are the people who will spend the entire time getting bodied by people who spend even a tiny amount of time perfecting combos
Tekken has the same health per character moron
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>She is the cutest GG girl, this is a fact.

>Top tier
Baiken, Dizzy, Jack-O, Jam, Sharon
>Mid tier
Elphelt, Kum, May, Millia
>Low tier


>Belongs in the bin tier

He can charge whilst taking damage, he can charge whilst moving, whilst blocking, and he can attack while charging. Where are the downsides?
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>it's another /v/ pretends they play fighting games episode
>fighting games are the pinnacle of autism, you will literally have to spend THOUSANDS of hours practicing to actually be '''good''' at them

>whereas you can take pretty much any other game and be somewhat adequate at it in like 20 minutes

And that's why, as Tokido said, fighting games are great. The effort you put in is the reward you get out, infinitely.
when is Rising Thunder coming back? ;_;
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How can your taste be this bad?
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Opinion discarded.
>bought by lol
>no word from them since
probably skin making monkeys by now

I don't play Tekken. S, I won't comment on that. Boon never cared about competitive fighting games and never made one worth it's salt. How are things suddenly different now?
Even if you charge with lp+hk you're still losing throws and v trigger. And I'm pretty sure it locks you out of v reversal too because you're holding a punch button. So yeah, those are some pretty fucking big downsides, especially when he's got no reversal
You're acting like everyone else who plays fighting games is someone who plays 24/7.
If you play someone who is better than you, are you going to lose? In most cases, yes, and thats the way it should be. It's not that hard finding people who are still learning the game, if you wanna play people closer to your skill level.
Also, combos aren't everything when it comes to skill in fighting games.

How is that a loss? If he could v-trigger it would have 0 downsides, you moron.
She's in arika's Fighting layer series too if you if you haven't played those yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grJzeKK4jqs
Thumbnail looks like she's getting mouthfucked.
I'll list them since you can't seem to read
>No throw
>No throw tech
>No V trigger
>No V reversal
>No good low (you don't get shit from cr.mk)
That's five downsides, two of which basically make him free when you rush him down. Something that's going to happen when you prolong around for 40+seconds. This is with the best combination of buttons. Otherwise you can say goodbye to shit like your 3 framer, anti airs or overhead, which is just unacceptable
You're just practicing wrong.

That's all there is to it. I fucked around with friends in Puyo Puyo for YEARS. We've played the damn games every week-end for hours, but we were actually absolutely terrible at it.
Only recently I've been looking into the basic stuff like stairs and shit like that, and I'm actually somewhat decent now.

It's the same for every game, and it's not more complicated for fighting game than any other. You see Russians with 1200 hours of Dota 2 playing exclusively Sniper, and they're terrible at it, while some nigga that spend 1% of that time trying different characters in training is actually much more useful to the team.

Exact same thing for fighting games. Match-up knowledge will take time for sure, and is the hardest part, but if you focus on the basis, you can become decent very quickly. Every time I saw friends fucking around and gave them a few advices and tips, they just become incredibly better in the span of ONE match, and they did not realize how easy that was.

What a load of shit, you can TAP and V-trigger you retard.
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>Even if you charge with lp+hk you're still losing throws and v trigger.
nah im with the other guy desu tekken is super frame data reliant if you're not just fucking around with your dumb shit gay friends who dont play fighters

playing from the heart feels at its most useless in this game over any other
>top tier
baiken, dizzy, jacko, jam, sharon, elphelt, ram, millia, i-no

>mid tier
kum, may
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Yeah that's stupid. TAP damage should reset if you are hit. Not on block though.

In it's current state it's really mindless.
tekken and kof both have universal health totals goofy

Actually for KOF XIV, as of 2.00, health totals were slightly diversified.

this guy looks boss as fuck, im def gonna have fun with him

stomping niggas all day
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You can tell who the real FG players are when they're excited about a moveset and how a character players rather how they look or whether or not they're waifu-trash.

you a cool poster, anon.
>command run in straight punc, overhead or command grab
>armor out the ass
>shitton of health
first week is gonna be a nightmare, luckily i'm a shitter so i'm used to getting curbstomped
no mention of throw invincibility or no cross ups tho, which is weird, how are throws gonna work on him
>Evo Drama
>Smash 4
>Vikki Kitty

Gee that girl really likes to stir up shit.
Go away combofiend
Trying to pick between Rev 2 and Centralfiction on Steam.
I like GG more but I really want to play as the shotacat.
What do I do?
Buy both.
I can afford it but I won't be able to play both.
I can't tell who's trolling who anymore.
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>guard breaking punch
Oh yeah, I'm jumping straight into him and having fun.
Why not, it's not like you have to commit to one or the other
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>guard breaking punch
I don't think you understand what that word means
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You first, casual garbage. You probably haven't picked up a single fighter and stayed with for a singe mayfly's lifespan.

People say casualizing fighting games is the only way to survive but at this rate I'd rather FG died altogether than see it be eaten alive by casual waifu-shitters.
Are you new to fighting games? If so, you should choose Guilty Gear for the tutorials. Otherwise, follow your dick and get BB
First of all don't consider winning to be the fun part, the whole thing is a giant learning process, it's more fun to figure out an opponent than actually winning.
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I literally said none of this. Good job projecting though.

In any case, thinking the only important part of a character is their move set and playstyle is incredibly naive and why the FUNCTIONS meme exists in the first place.
>learning combos
That's your first problem. Knowing combos is useless if you don't know how to open them up.
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>Can't do cr.mp -> st. mp
>in SFV
>where hitstun is long enough to even be able to make a cup of coffee between hits
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But all characters just started out as simple 3-color palletes and moves in street fighter II. They were literally just functions with no other backstory at the time (save Ryu). And no one cared. They played SF because it was fun and had characters that were fun to play.

"FUNCTIONS" as a meme is hilarious because it is both technically true and insanely debilitating for normies who attach themselves to goofy-ass kung-fu simulators. Real Fg players alreadys know the score and look for what the character can do, not what they are. That shit's to reel in the casuals. Looks like they got you so I can't say it didn't work.
excuse me, come again
You can't get proper matchmaking in SFV because nobody ever plays the game. New players don't exist.

If you want to actually get into a fightan that has other scrubs you should just pick up Injustice or Tekken.
Thus, but don't play Injustice. Pick up some 2d anime fighter instead
but then there aren't other scrubs to play against.

I recommended Injustice 2 because it actually has a playerbase large enough to support newcomers. Anime fighters dont have that
>never big on fighting games
>interested in BlazBlue when it came out some seven years ago
>decide to buy it
>end up with a 80% win rate online with over 2000 games

Was a fun time. By the time the second game came out, I was burnt out though. Haven't been able to get into a fighting game since.
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It all began in '94, but I'm going to end you in 2017 if you don't wise up.
My friend just started playing SFV the other day. It's his first fighter.

Is he not new?
He is, but look at how the game is selling: Not at all. He is one of a very, very small number of people, and he's definitely going to struggle finding people his skill level if he isn't already a player of 2D fighting games.
Look, if you want an ego boost from beating up on retards then play the CPU. Fighting low level players isn't going to make you better, you have to put the effort in
Sure, Injustice will briefly have a bunch of comic book fans you can stomp on, but then they'll quickly move on. Anime fighters have much more consistent numbers of players and plenty of newcomers who actually care about getting better and not just screwing around with their favorite superheroes
>Fighting low level players isn't going to make you better, you have to put the effort in

Fighting players at your skill level is always going to make you better. Anybody above your skill level is going to roll you.
>after all these years buy SFV, maybe I'll have the same amount of fun as with SF on the SNES
>play the campaign and against the CPU to get a feel for some moves
>play online
>get paired against people with way more experience that combo the everliving shit out of me
>stop playing after like 25 games
Bullshit. Bad players are full of bad habits and will teach you bad habits by extension. You might get rolled but provided you aren't too much of a pussy to watch the replays you can figure out where you can improve
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you guys need to start playing real games.

This has been like kind of a downside to me but I don't care either way. I get called a tierwhore among my peers because I happen to really like how a character plays and what he can do. I like Akuma because of his mixup potential, I like Urien because of his aegis setups, I like Johnny because of his long ass normals and mist finer, coin bullshit, I like Dragunov because I find his crouch dash cancels and corner carries pretty fun to do etc etc.
I'm barely silver (2000) and find matches in less than 2 minutes
new cfn and matchmaking are breddy gud
but I do play those games and love them
Yeah, there's your problem. The CPU doesn't teach you shit, it just gives you a training dummy that might jump sometimes.
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I don't understand, pls repeat? bring it
True. Luckily people online are usually shit, and I'm here to teach him some things

It's a mix for me, the guy you quoted. I generally go for characters that "look" cool while researching tournament/tactical videos to find strategies and maybe even uncover a character I didn't like at first glance.

I had no idea who new fighters were in SF3 but I loved them because of how they played and what they could do. I can play 90% of the cast competently now just because the system made me like the characters that much more.

People wanting dumb shit like story mode in fighting games are not the core audience. They're the target audience since they're bigger for $$ but the longevity comes from the core players who sit and play and analyze the game for hours on end beyond "does this character make my wee wee hard".

Also lol at your friends for calling you a tier-whore. That's just how you know you're better than them.
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Nigga I'm playing the shit out of both.

GG: Dizzy/Answer
KOF: Angel/Vanessa/Ramon/Rock/Antonov/K'/Shun Ei/Iori/Yuri/Robert/Ryo
>They're the target audience since they're bigger for $$ but the longevity comes from the core players who sit and play and analyze the game for hours on end beyond "does this character make my wee wee hard".
Doesn't make sense. Visual novels end up with solid cult followings that worship it. Secondary media keeps going on for literal decades afterwards with light novels and anime adaptations. Look at FSN or, hell, Blazblue and how they still have solid fanbases and relatively good sales despite the FGC all but dropping the games.
This thread should have ended here.
I should mention that my friends aren't exactly good at fighting, they are decent enough. But not good enough to actually win a round convincingly. They might steal a round or a match here and there. It actually pisses me off kinda because I want them to improve and become good so when I play them i am actually challenged. I want them to be as passionate at fighting games as I am. Feels like I am wasting my time just playing them in sets everytime they ask me to play them.

The nerds jerking their junk to Mai (who is a man btw) probably buy a ton of merch and keep the spirit of the series bringing in some cash but there's no VN weebs just beating BB over and over again to experience that convoluted train wreck of a story.
If I'm dead in seconds with barely damaging the opponents it does not teach me anything either.

Look, maybe its all true and there is some drastic improvement after a couple hundred games, but you know what: fuck this. Its a game, it should be fun. Getting stomped all the time is not fun. I dont want easy wins, I just want to start a game and have the chance to play against similar skilled players. If I'm shit, ok.
The problem is that there is no healthy playerbase (atleast for SF) anymore. Its no surprise the game sell like crap if there is such a big negative experience as soon as you step out from offline play against friends.
If you like it that way, no problem, but don't pretend the system is teaching new players without tons of fighting game experience anything.
No one cares if you play the game for one minute or one decade, they get the same amount of money out of you either way.

Have you considered that you may just be really, really, really bad?

Your best option is to play with someone of a similar skill-level. I hate getting my ass beat too but it's the only way to learn.
do you also look at your controller when doing inputs like a chick?
these are the fags that frequent /v/ now holy fucking nigger shit
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Then play a better fighting game. Choose one of the following: KoF, Guilty Gear, Tekken, UNIEL, Blazblue
As I said I would not have a problem with this. There is however NO other genre that punishes new players as hard. Even the worst SF player in the universe (lets assume its me) should have matches that atleast provide a tiny bit of fun if he is placed against the 2nd worst player. There is no skill pyramid though, its a big step and then a plateau.
You need a functional anti air, one jump in combo and one crush counter combo to get to the upper end of bronze. They're easy as shit to learn
That's the thing see, you can't improve just by mindlessly playing the game. Well you can but you'll just drop out like you did. To improve at fighting games you have to do your research and actively try to improve.
If you can't handle losing then go play something else. But look at this way, every time you suicided onto some shitter you helped convince them not to quit like you did
How does this solve anything? The communities are even smaller with less new players so if anything it just makes the problem worse.
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Any competitive game has similar barriers to entry. But in most, the experienced players talk shit and push newcomers away. Fighting game players want new players to join. The only thing pushing new players away is how well they deal with struggle and loss
>If I'm dead in seconds with barely damaging the opponents it does not teach me anything either.

Of course it does. Example: I lost this game. Why did I lose? I lost because I got hit. Why did I get hit? Because the opponent managed to land that hit in this situation. What can I do to avoid being in that situation in the future? Go to training mode and see what options your character has.
>Look, maybe its all true and there is some drastic improvement after a couple hundred games, but you know what: fuck this. Its a game, it should be fun. Getting stomped all the time is not fun. I dont want easy wins, I just want to start a game and have the chance to play against similar skilled players. If I'm shit, ok.
Switch genres or stick to story mode.
Fighting games are competitive. That means unless you're willing to put in the hours and hours of learning and mastering, you're not going to get anywhere.
Don't want to invest hundreds of hours into a fighting game? Then why are you playing online in the first place?
meet me at burg I'll rape you with a triple perfect and shatter your idea of this 20 minute bullshit you fucking faglord re**itor
SF5 NEVER gets fun
Why are so many people against combos? I learned combos the first time around, before learning other fundamentals

Yes you might get blown out the first couple of rounds, but you literally cannot learn footsies without jumping online and play other human players. You still practicing and putting muscle memory into combos when you're learning footsies and playing online, but not the other way around, so learn BNB combos first then jump into online and learn footsies and punishes.
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Nothing wrong with that. Especially for some characters, it's the optimal way to get started
Because people don't want to have to practice a skill when every other game has taught them they can just jump in and play
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Combos should be something you intersperse with your other training. DESU they are the most fun thing to practice to me and what keeps me coming back to fighters, but I know combos alone won't improve my game.

That's the point people are trying to make. If you waste all that time trying to do a combo you can't even land because you can't get your footing to land a single hit- then you're wasting your time and blaming the game for your own unwillingness to learn.
They don't want to put in the work.
The "muh fundamentals" option select
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>Paul's juggle combo is just b1 b2 qcf2
>still panic and fuck it up sometimes
>not posting sexy tokido, world champ
Because combos are an unnecessary barrier.

Once you learn combos, you rarely ever drop them. You also can't rely on your opponent dropping their combos, either. It's muscle memory, like you said.
So if combos are irrelevant at high-level play because everyone has them memorized down to muscle memory, what's the point? It's just a song and dance at that point, just a formality.

Once someone gets that hit confirm in Marvel then the other player might as well put their controller down because the match is over and that character is dead. And if that happens every time someone gets a hit confirm, then isn't the middleman just wasting everyone's time and acting as a filter? Just have the hit confirm knock out the character or end the match.

>inb4 casuals don't want to put in the work muh skill muh effort
Has absolutely nothing to do with that. Combos are literally no different than special attacks with cutscenes that interrupt gameplay for thirty seconds.
lmao @ you my dude
You know literally nothing about fighting games.
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You'll actually get rekt harder in Anime fighters since there's way more options and situations to learn because of the high mobility.

This is why Smashkids games get shit on so hard, not because they're not fighters like the tards shitpost about, but theres faaaaaar too many things for SF brainlets to think of because of the free movement.
Some combos take months of muscle memory. It took me months to be able to 95% Chun Li BnB SBK combo. All I'm saying is that you can learn combos while learning footsies but not the other way around. If you jump in fresh, doing normals, anti-airs then eventually you need to muscle memory the combo anyway and it'll take you about twice the amount of time to get where you at than if you practice combo, and try to implement it online with footsies.

Fast way (2 step)
Practice combo > Footsies + implement combo in real match

Slow way (3 step)
Play like suboptimal retard because muh fundamentals > practice combo > Footsies + implement combo in real match
>Fighting games aren't some baby mode faggot moba with forced 50% winrate so you can feel good about yourself no matter how shit you are.

Holy fucking shit this.

It took me a week to reach bronze with casual training, and I'm stuck there.

People nowadays don't want to put the effort to git gud at video games, they want to taste victory even if that means facing literal monkeys for enemies.
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It's getting in and getting the situation to get that combo, and it takes constant practice to keep those combos sharp so you can execute when you do get the hit. There's an enormous amount of knowledge that goes into simply getting that hit in the first place, even in SF5 where there's more of a incentive to be offensive theres an enormous defensive threshold to get around.

I'm not even a traditional Fighting game shitposter and I know this. Git gud.
Congrats on spending months learning a formality. You're not good or special for doing it, you're simply on-par. It's expected of you.
Imagine if your game didn't force you to waste literal months learning the manual equivalent of a cutscene.
>GG has shit discounts so I wont be able to trick friends into playing
>BB still costs too much for how much I'll play it
God dammit when will CF be £15 or less?
Imagine if you actually understood what you're talking about. If it's so easy, if it's not that hard and it's all so easy to continue to do you go do it. Put up or shut up. I hate the FGC and I have to defend them in this case, you've no idea what you're talking about.
Or maybe they are not kids anymore. "Training" for weeks to get to a level that is still considered scrub tier is not something many people consider a game judging from sales.
How about instead of retarded shitposting bravado and baseless ad-hominems, you actually tackle my argument and tell me why I'm wrong?

Who the fuck said it was easy? Are you even reading what you're replying to, or do you have some imaginary strawmen in your head that you think you're replying to?
>When does this get fun? I coudnt even imagine tying an anime fighter if this is what 'ez' mode is
it gets fun once you start understanding what happens. once you comprehend what it is that you keep losing to, you can quickly adjust your playstyle to fix it. that's when the journey towards being gud really begins, and it's very satisfying, because you rise through the ranks fairly quickly once you get it.

>Are there any more casual fighters apart from smash?
smash only has the "casual" image due to being a nintendo party game. competitive melee is even more technical and probably a lot harder to get into than street fighter.

SFV has that. scrubs mostly play against other scrubs. but complete beginners get destroyed even by scrubs, and the game doesnt have a continuous flow of new beginners to match them against each other.
I did
You chose to not address it and ignore it because it disproves you. I have nothing more to say to you since you chose to cherrypick your responses. The combo execution isn't easy, and isn't easy to maintain and takes constant practice. Your argument is based on a fallacy in that you think its automatic. So my callout still stands as both a factual and pyhsical rebuttal.

>It's getting in and getting the situation to get that combo
That's important gameplay, not a cutscene and also not what's being discussed.

>and it takes constant practice to keep those combos sharp so you can execute when you do get the hit
Execution is what's expected of you once you reach high-level play. Memorizing a combo doesn't make you good, it makes you on-par with everyone else who's competent.

>There's an enormous amount of knowledge that goes into simply getting that hit in the first place,
That's important gameplay, not a cutscene and also not what's being discussed.

There's my reply. I didn't reply to it immediately because you clearly didn't know what was being discussed.

>The combo execution isn't easy, and isn't easy to maintain and takes constant practice.
That execution and maintenance is what's expected of you if you want to be considered a good or high-level player.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
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>I like the idea of actually getting good but i think i got into fightan too late.
no. i got into fighting games in 2016 with SFV, now i'm in super gold. far from being competitive with the pros, but i'm satisfied with it.
>But all characters just started out as simple 3-color palletes and moves in street fighter II

Didn't know wolverine came from street fighter.
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You did nothing to disprove, you've lost the discussion all you did was simply restate your beliefs and not do anything to address whats at hand.

I'm out. You cant even put up a proper rebuttal. Here's bettin you're a salty faggot that got bodied or corner throw trapped and are just venting on a chinese cartoon retcon board.
Actual insightful post

He's right though, if you can pull off your combo in a stressful situation like when you have 1 pixel of health left then that's a big deal. You will probably still die right after, but just knowing how to get it out in a pinch is a sign of improvement and cause to celebrate.
Since you're out, let me spell it out for anyone else in this thread.
>get a hit confirm
>do a combo
>you now have to watch a 5-10 second combo play itself out on the screen in front of you
>since this is high-level play the combo will not be realistically dropped
>depending on the game, this might happen several times throughout the match
Does no one else see a problem with this? Why do both players have to sit through a 10 second formality every single time when both players already know the result and there's very little to literal no chance of it going wrong? It's a waste of time and no different from a cutscene, but unlike a cutscene, you have to spend months training and memorizing it so you can properly execute it under stress and in critical situations, and have it committed to muscle memory.
go play divekick or something please

leave real fighting games to those willing to put in the time
>since this is high-level play the combo will not be realistically dropped

Why do retards keep posting this? Especially after fucking evo when we have clear fucking proof of top players dropping combo?
just use your Burst, dumbfuck
People drop combos all the time.
Putting in the time is great! Having an entire genre that genuinely rewards players for how much they've invested in it and how far they've grown and learned as a player is a really fulfilling experience.

But no one sane likes cutscenes, especially cutscenes that you have to invest precious time into just so you can be on-par with everyone else. That time could better be used for developing skills that actually matter and aren't just formalities. You know, things that actually make you better than another player, not a skill floor that's more a requirement than an achievement.
I'm reminded of Brawl and Smash4 where it seemed like they were trying as hard as possible to remove combos from the game. Do you want more games like that?
If you don't want to practice combos, just win one hit at a time. If you put the time into practicing getting the maximum damage from every hit, you should be rewarded for it. The more damaging combos are often the more difficult ones and are more likely to be dropped. It's a natural risk vs reward relationship.
you clearly havent put in any time in a fighting game if you think combos are a bad part of them

Why shouldnt i get more reward if i put in the time to learn how to maximize damage and get a good setup off it compared to a shitter like you who thinks he shouldnt have to learn things? As a matter of fact what do you even play?
Not really.

If you are at a low tier, then you'll play mostly scrubs, newfags, and the rare veteran who just made a new account. There are new people getting into fighters all the time.
Alright I'll bite. Let's take your idea to its logical conclusion:

Both players play neutral as usual. One player lands a hit, and the game skips the combo portion of the hit confirm and just subtracts 30-40% of the hp bar and puts the second player into knockdown.

What's the point? Where's the tension? Neutral in fighting games is exciting to watch because the combos are the implied threat behind landing the hit and is the reward for the player who played neutral better. Even moreso in games where the combos are actually difficult enough that it's possible to drop. People drop combos even at high levels of play constantly so this is just a fallacious argument.
>If you don't want to practice combos
>a shitter like you who thinks he shouldnt have to learn things
This is the biggest problem I have with these replies.

Who says I don't want to practice?
Who says I don't want to invest my time in learning a game?
Who says I'm incapable of learning combos, or that I'm arguing against their difficulty of all things?

The problem is that, just like with long cutscene supers, it's a formality that wastes time.

I've noticed this a lot within the FGC. The moment you dare to have a dissenting opinion, no matter what you actually put forward, people just plug their ears and scream scrub, bad, casual and make this ridiculous assumptions instead of actually discussing the problem.
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This is amazing.
Stop ignoring everyone who challenges your argument.
So do you have a solution?
Stop projecting your autism onto other people. I'm not going to read, much less type out a eloquent response, to a half dozen replies.
Then what are you doing here?

All your shitposting might as well amount to barging in, shouting I DONT LIKE THING and leaving.
Yet you only reply to the posts that don't Btfo your retarded ass argument.
Thank you for making this post.
There are different types of combos, not only max damage. There are max stun combo, max meter gain combo, max corner carry combo. There are also less optimal combo that open you up to wakeup game and mixups, promising better reward. If you play Tekken there's max wall carry combo, side wall combo, etc. There's also max damage combo given how many meters and resources you want to spend, and corner only combos. None of these are given cutscenes. Pro players at the same position will do different optimum combo based on their playstyle. Remember when Tokido did the taunt combo at grand final? That was maximum mental damage combo, but not max damage, nor max meter gain, nor max corner carry combo. Taking your dumbass logic to logical conclusion, Tokido wouldn't be able to do taunt into shoryu, might as well turn all combos into supers since they all cutscenes right?
It's literally the same reply from three different people what the fuck. You accuse the FGC of plugging their ears and then proceed to do the same thing when there are people in this very thread attempting to engage in discussion with you.
Which one's yours?
I even pointed out the ones with relevant information that you haven't addressed.

If you're just going to ignore things which don't line up with your opinion then what's the point.
Then they shouldn't play these games. People that don't want to invest time into getting good and at the same time bitch about it taking too long to win something are spoiled, entitled brats.
I wish games weren't so afraid of letting players know they're shit nowadays, instead they get coddled and protected from any bad feelies like some sort of retarded infant. If there's no losers, there's no winners.
And they drop it really fast too.
I'm not even sure what your argument is.

Fighting games shouldn't have combos? Just play one that doesn't.

Combos are a cutscene/formality that wastes time? They are not since there is chance to drop. You want each hit to be an auto max damage combo every time?

Both players stuck watching for 10 seconds? What do you want? Both players have to perform something during a combo?

Your opinions are bad and you're getting called a scrub because if you practiced you'd understand the importance of execution risk vs reward. There is no "problem" to discuss.
then don't fucking play it competitively then??
>why can't i be just as good as the guy that played and train much much more than me

korean mmo with p2w items sound up your alley
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>Forgetting to put ABA in top tier.
ITT : some babbies who never got into the git gud era of video game and now complain about everything not handled for them on a silver plate
>since this is high-level play the combo will not be realistically dropped

just yesterday we saw combos getting dropped in the grand finals of EVO by the best players in the world
why do you want to hurt me, anon?
What combos are too long anyway? Shit like dante's infinite is excessive but in guilty gear you're lucky to get above 20 hits
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