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This is a thread about moogles What makes them such an endearing

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This is a thread about moogles
What makes them such an endearing mascot character
Is Mog a better Dragoon than Edgar
Why aren't they more prominent in the series
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XI still has best Moogles
What is the context for this?
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If I remember he's collecting rent on your moghouse you start the game with. It's an entire expansion about moogle loan collectors. Final boss throws money at you and does general bullshit like moogle mog.
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Yakuza-like Money Loaner Moogles evict you out of your house.

Turns out they're also planning World Domination
I honestly can't stand the sound of moogles floating in FFXIV. I have to rush through the dialogue to get away from them. And they always put moogles in the quiet place so there's no music to drown it out.
That sounds fucking awesome.
That's retarded, I love it
It's pretty goofy
I really should pick up FFXI when i get a job ;_;
>fem highlander main character
>love it
>keep going back to it
>make an alt brown fem cat because I wanted one, just not as much as a femlander
>also to level as a scholar because my main leveled summoner
>get bored
>then get idea
>use my free fanta to roll male highlander
>spend a few hours looking through all the available knightly looking armor that can be dyed light blue
>find it
>shit fuck need shield
>cant find a shield on the MB

Can anyone help? I am looking for a dyable oval shield, covering the hand and elbow

Anon... I...
I think a Vintage Buckler would work.
Isn't FFXI still up, but more singleplayer than anything?
It's not worth it in the year 2017. Maybe 2007.
Truth is, there isn't a lot of shield designs.
Shit found one that matches what I want perfectly, Replica Allagan Round Shield. Thanks anyways.
I agree! Mog is a brave and vibrant agender character, and xhe deserves to be the star of xhir own game!
Chubby Moogle best moogle, kupo!
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>What makes them such an endearing mascot character
They have this weird goofy design yet simple look to them so it's pretty easy to stick out.
>replaying ff6 currently
>acquire mog
>first one of all chracters to hit over 2k reliably and not even out of the WoR yet
Are there any moogles in FF4? That's on my list of games to play.
are you emulating it or did you buy the steam version? or do you have an old company?
using old snes cart
don't worry about matching and just use Best Bro's shield
4 is actually the only game they don't appear in since their introduction in 3
IX moogles > VI > moogles > the rest > dogshit > XII moogles
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Their spot is basically taken by the Namingway/Hummingways in IV.

Ivalice moogles are kind of like a cross between the -ingways and Moogles, aren't they?
Oh, that's pretty surprising. I've mostly played SMT stuff more than FF, but the older games always appealed to me. Any reason why they're out/replaced by the Namingways?
they weren't a series mainstay at that point since they'd only been introduced one game prior
They basically forgot all about their odd party members and characters after X. XII was even set in Ivalice, and they didn't bother having anything more interesting than humans and 1 Viera despite all the other races present.
That, and the fact that the moon is pretty prominent in IV (Asian folklore holds that there's a rabbit and mortar/pot in the moon, rather than the Western man in the moon)
Only VI, VII, and IX had particularly oddball party members
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Just what do they mean by this?
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>That art
Is Yoshi our guy?
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XIV ass slider when?

>tfw trudging through the Sabin story

Even though I love the concept, this part usually is where I get distracted on replaying this game.
Moonfire event?
If only brother, if only
>Every single female in that picture has more tits and ass as the models in XIV
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Who the fuck even cares about this event? You could buy Moonfire shit all year long for cheap in the Marketboard.

They better add new stuff instead of the same shit as last year.

Edgar is a Machinist.
>y'shtola with a fat ass

I like it.. I like it a lot.
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I need new sexy swimsuits got dammit
>yfw they add more stupid robes
>never played femroe with max breasts slider.
Erp sluts, out.
is this the live letter thread?
Is the live letter out?
Literally just started
starting soon, it looks to be the pre=show bit right now with foxclon.

starts officially 2:30am PDT
>"are you Mol?" viewer question
>laughter from the audience

I will never get jap humor.
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>japanese audio only
why do these things have to be in /say ;_;
it won't, it's a QA they took NA questions as well
>YoshiP says that Monks could outdamage Samurai in Savage Raids
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>Uhm Ala
>Free kupo nuts
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>There will be some changes to Scholar
Where's my DRG buff.

Adjustments to Dragon Sight
Looking into revisiting Royal Menagerie Garden after clearing the trial
Demi-Bahamut visibility issues will be looked into
Will be talking about Machinist and Dragoon
Shake it Off adjustments and will talk about Beast Gauge
Monks could out-dps Samurai in Savage Raids
Plenary Indulgence will be adjusted
Instances are back in The Lochs
Machinist adjustments to overall 'flow'
AST cards visible in party list
Job UI adjustments/simplification/transparency
Changes to SCH
GL4 creates too much skill disparity so it was dropped
Riddle of Fire will show its capabilities in Savage raids (adjustments otherwise)
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>GL4 creates too much skill disparity so it was dropped
>YoshiP says

Wooooooow つまらない人
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>GL4 creates too much skill disparity so it was dropped

bahamut shrinking confirmed

just delete smn already
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>GL4 creates too much skill disparity so it was dropped
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I did the Mol part like at 2 am one night because of my feeling of awkwardness, and I even made it into a little fancy sentence. I looked around and saw no one so I felt a bit comfortable.

To my horror, someone answered me in say in equally dorky RP-style. I panned my camera up and there were a group of players on one of those damn platform watchtowers and they had RP status by their name.

I panicked and ran to a hut near the entrance and pretended to go afk until I saw them teleport away.
Assumption: WHMs now get the Confession stacks used for Plenary Indulgence, which affect the entire party instead of before, which was only affecting people with the stacks.
What they mean is: Our netcode is so shitty that GL4 literally doesn't work for 80% of players
How many Liveletters have we had in the game's lifespan where there's been ENG audio as well?
muh skill floor/ceiling disparity

Why do you think BLM was dumbed down? They didnt' want shit BLMs to feel bad because good BLMs were parsing in the thousands above them
>Enjoy your GL -1, you'll need it in savage, or maybe not.
Thanks yoshi
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lads, we're getting queen aimi tonight right? not that balding fuck, koji?
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I can't decide if I want to continue to main healer (WHM, AST card RNG pisses me off) or switch to tanking (DRK). I plan to do savages but only through PF since my work schedulke doesn't allow running with a static.
We're getting neither.
Dunno, I restarted playing 2 weeks before SB.
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>I plan to do savages but only through PF since my work schedulke doesn't allow running with a static.
That's bullshit and you know it. Unless you've been actively looking and found literally nothing over the course of your entire playtime, there does exist a static that fits your needs. It may be on another server. It may just be something that's not out in the open.
You will never successfully clear savage reliably via PF.
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>Adjustments to Dragon Sight
>Will be talking about Machinist and Dragoon
Out of the shed boys!
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Are you enjoying your 330 potency attack that you'll still never use?
>give in and try out RDM
>most breaindead class ever

Why are so many people playing it?
No SAM buffs. What the fuck. For providing literally no utility to the raid, the DPS is underwhelming.
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Because it's still pretty fun despite having an easy rotation. Funny because despite that you still have shitters who hardcast Verthunder/aero
It's fun and doesn't have the jankiness that other classes have at the moment.
>You gaijins, Tornado kick is for when boss goes phase change
>Also here, a stance that extends your GL for when boss phase changes
WELL WHICH DO WE DO????????????????????
>Looking into revisiting Royal Menagerie Garden after clearing the trial

First I thought this meant Shinryu Ex

Then I realized they are talking about the fucking area before the trail. Holy fuck why is that even a thing?
I mean, you're losing nothing by hardcasting Veraero/Verthunder in your opener. Unless you're talking about people hardcasting outside of their opener?
SAM literally has uncontested highest DPS and was excused for having it because they offer nothing else.

and despite this BLM is the same kind of selfish DPS but RDM competes with it no problemo
Hardcasting Veraero/thunder all the time, because they're stronger than Jolt so why shouldn't I?
It looks nice.
>this will only confirm in SE that ability pruning and dumbing classes down is the way to go
>5.0 each class will have less than 5 buttons to press
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>Tornado Kick is still going to be one of those buttons
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>the DPS is underwhelming
Jesus christ. I'm so glad I haven't encountered a RDM like that yet. I guess the Dualcast gimmick is intuitive enough that most people picked up on it easily.
>No SAM nerf
That's all I wanted.
There isn't, my schedule is

>12 hour shifts
>3 days on, 3 off
>3 days on 3.5 days off
>On the half day I switch to nights
>3 nights on. 3 off
>3 nights on, 3 off
Then back to days, coupled with the fact that I am in Hawaii (EST -6) the only possible to raid with a static is if the people in my watch section played and raided too.
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here is the update thread for the QA
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You mean XII.

Is that it? All the changes?
Well, it's more like SAM and RDM didn't have to deal with the pruning. They were given their abilities from the onset since they were designed with SB in mind.
Has it come that far that we need stealth threads for a fucking liveletter?
Just random audience questions Yoshi answered in the pre-show.
Why would you use anything else?
I'll admit to accidentally tapping veraero/thunder thinking I have dualcast, or accidentally wasting my dualcast on Jolt/Impact/Verfire/stone but seriously the rotation becomes self explanatory after 1 minute of actually trying it. I don't know how these people exist but they do.
Then I'm genuinely sorry because that really fucking sucks, man.
yes there is a mod or mods that have a hatred for this game and anything to do with it.
Nice thanks
Is because RDM is so damn easy or does BLM have problems?.
What is this cross-over thing on YP's shirt?
something about how their new rotation actually parses lower than their old ones.

But yes RDM can shit out damage and pull hate like a motherfucker too.
RDM/SMN is easier, have more mobility options, and can both raise in a pinch. BLM offers nothing to the table anymore with their only utility being made a role skill.
i use diversion and at times lucid during some pulls and i still manage to get 3rd or 2nd in enmity list, i don't get it
Yeah, what's worse is I've raided hardcore in every MMO I've played for the last 8 years. Raiding is the sole reason I play MMO's. I was able to raid for about a year once I got to Hawaii but then I got moved to the wtach bill. I was devastated and quit for a year. It's going to suck having to pug in PF but since I've only played MMO's the past 8 years I can't bring myself to play anything else.
Probably because the new 6x Fire IV rotation has almost zero wiggle room for Firestarter and Thundercloud procs, while the old 4x Fire IV rotation frees up two GCDs per rotation for it.
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isn't it a Sanrio (re: Hello Kitty) thing?
You mean stealth threads hours in advance with a topic that's just interesting enough to keep the thread alive but not enough to eclipse the threads original purpose
I sure wish talking about video games on a video game board was allowed but we need room for those eceleb threads and castlevania netflix threads that always alway always turn into /pol/ reeeeeeeing
>Shinryu theme
Nerfs incoming. Press F to pay respects.
>it's a RDM starts hitting bosses before even throw out your ranged aggro move episode
Why is this so common with them
>muh dualcast
No, it will be a Shinryu jump potion.
only done this once because the next pull was close and I didn't get to use Verholy- The enemies died right as I did my combo

Kind of wish it was just a ready proc that gave you 30 seconds to use it
i honestly think most of the time it's due to poor timing, hardcasting veraero/thunder thinking the tank is going to go for it but i've run into tanks who look to run in and then stop mid-way

damn frustrating
This guy knows what's up. Mognet FTW
Who even cares, it's a storymode primal.
I can translate some

"these white faggots will play anything aha so desu"

why would he say this?
were you here for steps of faith originally?
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>place your Earthly Starpre-pull because why not
>Gigantic Dominance gained
Shitters who can't do it apparently.
what did he mean by this
Not that guy but I was and it was not an issue. All the trial demanded was a little bit of co-ordination and competency from the party. That's it.
Please understand
Yeah but steps is shit.
Shinryu is not half as bad.
>That's it.

That's asking a lot from pugs, anon.
>a little bit of co-ordination and competency from the party
Yeah, see? That's the problem.
Huh. How did I not pick up on that?
That's a lot to ask for from DF shitters
that's the thing though, it wasn't a problem for a lot of folks, but on the official forums you had people whining about the difficulty

vocal minority, what have you, the forums had complaints
STR on tank accessories confirmed.
Looks like STR autismos won
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I was trying to ignore that factor, please don't remind me.
Not that anon but how bad was it? I sadly only played shinryu pre nerf the other I played after the nerf.

Let's rank all of the pre nerf story trials I'd like to know what people thought of them and which one was the hardest. Shinryu still gets me occasionally.
there anyone live translating this on their own stream side-by-side like there always is?
There's live translation on the leddit discord
The trial demanded you had two people on cannons who weren't shit at using the cannons. I've had people on cannons who were at the bottom of the fucking parser when they should be well and above the top.
Go to the megathread on leddit
I don't get it. I know tanks were having a fit about something
#spoiler_chat in Balance Discord
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remember when you would go into duty finder and then be put at steps of faith and then half the people there would just leave?
a lot more coordination involved, was much easier to fail. damn i had one run where we saw that fail cutscene five times, but what shocked me most is everyone kept at it, no complaints, just stayed together to get it done.

actually made me smile afterwards
I remember, and I remember staying while people came and went like a revolving door until eventually the party filled with people willing to stay and we fucking one-shotted the trial. Pre- and post-nerf.
fucking tank babies
to be fair my friend and I still don't know how you're supposed to hit Vishap with the dragon killers but it's so easy now you can just DPS him and who cares

I do however remember back when it first came out and it required coordination where he's busting down the final gate and you're LB3ing him and still burning down the last bit of his health past that
Shinryu > Crythalis > Final Steps > Steps > Ultima > Thordan
t. Warbab
What the fuck is SE even doing at this point?

>Tanks got STR from VIT late HW
>Return it how it was with SB's release
>Tanks now can't use STR accs at all except for ilevel 270 for no reason
>4.05 Tanks will be able to use STR accs again
They are like a headless chicken running around and throwing stuff at people and hoping it sticks.
VIT didn't increase damage anymore.
So everyone who's not shit wore i270 STR accessories.
And shitters were upset about this.
>4.0 - Tanks go back from 0.45 STR + VIT damage modifer to just 1 STR
>Make threat generated by damage
>Have no STR on accessories
>Tanks lose on both DPS output and ease of maintaining hate
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900 potency fel cleaves incoming
but all the nintenbad and shitsouls threads are okay right?
No, VIT accessories will have STR on them too.
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my god, that feeling of panic when at the final gate and he still has quite a bit of hp and everyone is just trying to take him down in time.

it was pretty exhilarating
They removed Vit scaling for tank damage because they changed how the weakness debuff works.

But then they made accessories role locked so tanks could only equip Vit accessories. Exclusion being accessories before SB released so autismos were equipping 270 Slaying accessories instead of 320 fending accessories
It still doesn't change that they keep backtracking with their retarded decisions.
>PLD damage will be nerfed
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>PLD already getting nerfed because of autistic war mains who cry about their fell cleaves
>Rip PLD
>4.00 - 4.05
>Holy Spirit nerf
>Buff for other tanks
Well we had a good run PLDbros, back to 3.X.
>-40 potency
What're you guys doomsaying for? PLD IS hilariously overpowered and I say this as someone who plays PLD. Pulling 2.5K+ sustained DPS without STR accessories is just ridiculous.
>They're changing Shake it off
About damn time.
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PLD is getting nerfed?
Well at least, tank will be able to meld VIT VI on them.
use the dragonkillers when the npc yells at you to

first time is a gimme, after that people have to activate the traps in front of the cannons to tie vishap down long enough for the dragonkillers to hit

that's pretty much it, but a lot of people don't even notice the things in front of the cannons
>WAR doesn't lose half the gauge on stance dance
Why are tanks so obsessing over their damage? In dungeons they will never ever do more damage than a healer and should rather concentrate on surviving and smoothening incomming damage.
How are these PLD's doing so much damage? I gave it a go and didn't pull near the damage I do on my DRK. Although I find PLD dreadfully boring.
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From 4.05 onwards, WAR's Beast Gauge will not decrease when Stance changing! #FFXIV
>WAR stance change won't cost gauge
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>Worrying about taking high damage in dungeons
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Are any of the classes in XIV fun to level as?
Its more the fact that PLD was the best tank at everything from damage mitigation to damage dealing
Fitting 2x Goring and 3x RA into FoF and spamming Holy Spirit under Requiscat while in Sword Oath and not using Halone combos. Easily doable even when MTing.
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>PLD already got btfo'd even before 4.1
It's over.
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>WARbaboons think they are leaving the shed
I don't think so faggots, PLD/DRK is the OTP
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Did they mention anything about DRK?
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>shake it off not being fixed until 4.1
this is honestly cruel, giving PLD a brief moment of happiness after all these years
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Dark Arts potency will be increased
along with Soul Eater combo buff

Buffs to damage, also additional effects when using Dark Arts
Sounds fun. I did it a little after nerf and I had similar stories but even shitters had good gear at that point so it wasn't too bad
Interesting. Was pre nerf crythalis that hard? It had to be that spark move.
>2x goring

Wouldn't the first goring last the duration of FoF?
Get bent cuck
Dark Arts potency will be increased
along with Soul Eater combo buff
Their adjustments is still underway
Quietus will have extra effect implemented
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DRK will be receiving several potency buffs and new effects added to skills! #FFXIV

>that's pretty much it, but a lot of people don't even notice the things in front of the cannons
And if they do, there's nobody going for the killer beforehand. Dragonkillers are easily missable since it's not obvious for shitters. They'd need to look on the map to see they can get up the tower(s), which 00% of them won't do.

Also there's tanks who done it, but still don't move the mobs into range for cannons.
>PLD will still be good
>FotM autists will jump back to WAR
Best fucking result.
>PLD nerf
What the fuck?
I'm scared now bros, I got a gut feeling that Yoshit will nerf SAM and RDM as well
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Goring Blade's duration is slightly shorter now, so if you pop FoF then immediately follow up with Goring, you tack the second GB on at 3-4 seconds left in FoF. Then you follow up with Requiscat and start spamming Holy Spirit.
Spark was easy to deal with if you had healers who could read "DOUBLE" and "TRIPLE"

The problem was people being retarded about eating balls, and not having LB3 up when you get sucked into the rift, which is pretty much required.
This. Those MUH CLEAVES autistics will flock off to WAR again, thinking they are relevant.
>sch gets misama 2

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What the actual fuck why did they even nerf PLD if they gonna buff the other 2 tanks?
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SCH out of the shed
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>better mitigation than any tank
>still does the same maybe even more than everyone else
To be fair PLD made everyone else obsolete.
>remove miasma 2 because "bloat"
>immediately add it back in because they made retarded removal decisions

wew lad will sustain come back
>Some Job Gauges make it hard to track certain things like Aetherflow and AST cards for other party members. They're fixing this! #FFXIV
>From Patch 4.1, stuff like this will appear in BOTH the Job Gauge and the Party UI! #FFXIV

This was weird, definitely
>healers in df using focus target

>SCH getting back Miasma 2
So they're implementing Miasma 2 as a Miasma upgrade?

I guess so they can have synced up 30s dot timers. SMN having 30/30 and SCH only having 30/24 drove me nuts
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Buff slut glam too please
enjoy your Tribind :^)
>sch gets cucked
>"We'll fix it by giving it miasma 2. Job done"

I hate you so much yoshida
because the tank that has the best mitigation in the game and the ability to heal themselves for 20k shouldn't be doing 50 less dps than other tanks with nothing even fucking close to what paladins have.
RDM will be next.
I could care less what they do about SAM
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You got your giant summon, that's what you wanted right?
post yfw DRK gets scourge back
i had to tell that to someone in df the other day in one of the new SB dungeons and they were shockd at that feature

jump potions were a mistake
>tfw realizing that things I do normally as an optimal healer are in fact, not the norm
>50 DPS less
Dude, PLD is like 1-200 DPS AHEAD of the other tanks in a dummy parse.
That's fun but in return they turned SMN into a Ruinbot
>dummy parse
WAR has slashing down, so I have hard time believing this.
>PLD nerf
>WAR buff
>DRK buff
>SCH buff
This. it shocked me whenever I play dps for a bit of change and have to help the healer
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>goon buff

Well, Fey Union will get a range upgrade! :D
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>take away at least one for each job important skill
>or make those skills role actions which you have to "waste" a role slot for
>surprised you have to add it back
not just buff, it's gonna be buffed out the ass
>DRG buffs
Out of the shed bros!
It's like the first thing I turn on in a fight. Not only to know how/when to heal but also so I can call out mechanics.
You'd be surprised, man. Sword Oath is still crazy powerful and the addition of Requiscat on top of the shorter FoF CD means PLD pumps out some insane DPS, with or without STR accessories and even without slashing. It only gets better in a raid situation.
>Pre SB
>Turns out SCH is fucked, WHM is fine

>Now everyone here is going LMAO PLD KEKED AGAIN
Yeah okay you cunts
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It's funny. Sch is in a bad spot but even though shields are more expensive pre casting during boss moves like a tank buster is amazing. I tanked susanoo and I haven't met 1 healer that mitigated splitter fuck not even a excog or something.
Let them be, they'll fuck off from our class at least.
Excog is literally useless.
>Q1. Currently some tanks stack STR on their accessories to increase their DPS, are changes planned for tank accessories themselves?

>A1. We will be introducing adjustments in Tuesday’s patch 4.05.
>We have received feedback from tanks regarding continuing to equip item level 270 accessories.

>This puts more stress on the healers, and a lack of VIT may become an issue as we enter Savage. However, top players may be able to clear even under those conditions, so we worry that that will become the norm.

>As a result, we have decided to add a minimum amount of STR to accessories.
>When level syncing, only tanks will have STR stacked up, but we will overlook this for content up through 3.x.

>Item level will increase in coming updates, but STR will not scale the same as VIT, so we would like you to keep that in mind
go back.
no one likes you.
>SCH pre-casts their expensive as fuck Adloquium
>fails to get it it out in time
>AST throws out a stronger, cheaper shield instantly
>B-but Miasma 2 guiz!
>MCH nerfs
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>Translator doesnt pay attention to the monk answer
Literally who
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>PLDs blown the BTFO out

Thanks for keeping the limelight warm, PLDs. The real tanks will take it from here. Maybe you'll get your week to shine during the next expac again.
Yoshi literally said "MNK is fine, git gud".
Why don't they just return damage dealt/attack power for tanks back to VIT and then change deaht penalty from reducing stats excluding vit by % to reducing attack power by %

it's retarded
unless war is doing 300+ dps over pld they aren't going to be fixed. The stance change isn't even really much of a dps increase because warrior dummy parses don't stance dance
>30 sec elusive jump
hell yeah binch
drg does a backflip out of the shed
>rook overload 800 pot
>bishop 600 pot

Jesus yes!
thank god
MCH will have their base damage increased
It'll be an overall potency increased
Heat Gauge will be made easier to maintain
Rook and Bishop will have increase of potency of 400 to 800

>Excogitation is only 50 potency higher than Lustrate
>The buff itself falls off after 30s
>if you can predict when to put this on in anticipation for tankbusters or some shit, you might aswell just use Lustrate because you can toss them right after

I can see it being maybe a free 60cd skill (also remove the fucking buff timer) but why does it need to cost aetherflow too?
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>all those WARs coming out of the cuckshed and shitposting
Not even rustled.
Being MNK is suffering, bro.

Fucking greasy fuckwit gook.
I'll show him fine by shoving a nuke up his miniscule cock.
>Demi Bahamut question
>Yoshi gone silent
>it wont be the real deal

He was too pure.
All MCH needs is MORE damage
>doesn't pay attention to the MNK info
>doesn't pay attention to the WHM info
fucking translator
I'm okay with it because I want to like SB WAR but it feels so clunky.
>Job about going fast
>lets slow em down lol
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> A2. Since it [Tenacity, potentially] is very useful, we have held back the effect a bit. If we made it stronger, players would end up only focusing on this attribute.


>Bahamut question
>Yoship continues visible regret at adding smn way back when

Because VIT and STR scale differently.
he's not wrong tho
"Demi Bahamut is too big can you make him smaller"
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>Shrinking bahamut
>Years of casuals whining their avatars are too small and they don't feel like summoning
>Finally give them a decent sized avatar
>Now they're whining their pet is too large
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>we will never have a proper nybeth raid where he summons corrupted void versions of our dearly departed characters
>Rook and Bishop will have increase of potency of 400 to 800

I'm pretty sure this is referring to their overload skill, which they would never use normally because it's like Tornado Kick + Dissipation but worse than both.
>stress to servers
>Change texture opacity of bahamut egi
>This will kill our servers
Are the servers held together by gum and string?
I think now its the non smns whining. Either way, smn (and arcanist as a whole) has created more tears than any other job in this game.
Do you even have to ask? Let me remind you of SB early access.
yes. theyve apparently been being ddos'd for 3 weeks. i mean. come on
Client-side option to change scale of pets. Problem solved.
Ivalice Moogles do weird things to my dick
SE is an indie company, they can't afford good servers like Blizzard.
>can Physick on SMN scale with INT, like RDM?
>"Are you retarded?"
Tanaka's revenge
>RDM gets to heal as much as a normal healer
>SMN can't
>RDM is designed that way
>SMN branches off from ACN which was not designed that way
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>4.0 comes out
He was surprisingly condescending about that one.
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>No SAM nerfs
demi bahamut size will be changeable via a chat command. as if im going to shrink that motherfucker. its bahamut after all.
>We're gonna put STR on tank accessories so they stop using slaying ones
>yfw this means they won't be able to meld STR anymore
>yfw the STR they add is less than a materia VI
Sounds like something that would make everyone involved happy.

Too much for SE.
meanwhile paladin is throwing out 15k heals
>SAM and RDM will not be nerfed
One thing I'm actually glad with tonight.
OF can eat shit and cry for eternity.
Of course not. They want the expansion to sell, and having two ezmode top-tier DPS classes ensures the casuals pick it up.

No nerfs until 4.2 for them.
Paladin was designed around it
I want to fuck Montblanc.
Feels good man.
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>"Will you buff Physick for SMN? RDM can cure!!"

"RDMs can cast white magic tho, they're supposed to." #FFXIV
>People also asked if BLM will get a Raise skill, because they're the only Caster without one now. #FFXIV
>The answer to both of these is NO. Black Mages can't Raise for obvious reasons. Physick isn't a huge part of SMN. #FFXIV

It's like these people don't pay attention to the lore/class/job quests
>yfw you can still meld STR to fending accessories meaning you'll be getting more STR
>They can make DPS spells that scale from INT scale from MND for healers
>they wont' do it the other way around for ONE spell

SMN would only use it to heal their pet anyways because no sustain
>Expecting a PLD to have low heals
Holy spirit spit on your slashing debuff
>Alphinaud can heal you for a ton
>but you can't
sam is for experts only tho
People just want more homogenization.
He can also draw better than you
Clemency also has 1.2K potency and scales off AP instead of MND, and can't be used as a proper heal because it cuts into DPS time.

In what situation would SMN need to heal their pet anyway? Solo situations? That's it.
I can't wait for incoming OF "WAAAH NERF RDM" tears in an even larger volume now
i don't play SMN but i honestly think they should have sustain to take care of their pets

as a healer, i dont have pet hp/status visible and i can't pick them on a party list
the ninja class trainer can heal you for a ton too, every story npc can heal you for unspecified reasons
"changes" to SCH
i.e. "we didn't nerf it enough, people are still using it"
people want to keep their egis standing after sustain was murdered
>drk gets real potency buffs
>war damage isn't actually going to change at all during fights where they never need to change stance

All they have to do is nerf holy spirit by 150 potency then it will be warriors time to shine.
I dont play BLM, are these changes actual buffs?
That's special potent potions of healings.
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>NIN nerfs
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alphinaud is that kind of healer
It's 50.
Holy Spirit is getting nerfed though isn't it?
Something like having Physick scale off of INT when only healing pets would have been an easy solution.
>In what situation would SMN need to heal their pet anyway? Solo situations?

This would be true if they didn't also remove the 90% AoE damage reduction that SMN pets had. Now they get raped by boss AoEs and with no sustain you either have to manually heal them or do the slow/expensive resummon in fights.

I used to play SMN and I cringed so hard my bones broke the first time I saw a SMN in Doma Castle have to resummon his pet three times in one boss fight.
>NIN nerf
it's -20 potency on Gust Slash.
hello yes source

They said they have more changes to WAR that they aren't talking about in the live letter, probably minor potency buffs
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Q3. Currently Paladin feels like it excels both in offensive and defensive capabilities, are there any plans for adjustments to Warrior/Dark Knight?

A3. We will be increasing Warrior and Dark Knight damage.

Making the cast time for Paladin’s Holy Spirit so short made it too powerful, so we will be making adjustments around that point. We’ll also be removing the reduction in the Oath Gauge when switching oaths.

Warrior’s Shake It Off will be adjusted.
Plans for adjustments are currently being talked over, and will be implemented sometime after 4.05.

We have removed the halving of the Beast Gauge when changing stances.
Additionally, the potency during Storm’s Path combo will be increased starting 4.05.

Dark Knight will see potency increases in combo damage.

But you get MIASMA II
Aren't you happy?

Source on this? Official forums?
i'd laugh so hard if this was true
I was mostly commenting on the raise thing. I agree with the comments about physick. SE was fucking stupid to remove pet AoE immunity and sustain at the same time. Remove one or the other but not both.

>tribind still around

Fucks sake.
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>join PvP as Class A
>switch to Class B
>get exp for Class A
fucking nice
Is that all or does it get worse
I honestly don't know what the fuck SE was thinking by making the majority of AoEs deal full damage to SMN pets after a certain point in HW. On top of the removal of Sustain, it seems nonsensical. That being said, every single GCD spent on Sustain or Physick on your pet was a loss of 200 potency due to casting something other than Ruin III.
Well, 150 potency now. GG SE.
They're mainly wowfugees, what do you expect.

I can imagine two stupid DA augmentations already, to BW and BP for increased mana gains per hit.

>Additionally, the potency during Storm’s Path combo will be increased starting 4.05.
It was already good, can get 4 Cleaves in before getting Inner Release in one Berserk window.
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i have definitely heard the egi/fairy death cry/resummon sfx a whole lot more in SB than i ever had in the last two versions of the game
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>PLD already back into shed
That's all.
Where are you getting a live translation?
>PLD out of shed for literally 0.05 patch
>back to shed again
Dark Arts Potency buff
Soul Eater combo buff
Quietus will get an extra effect
That's it. Nin was already nerfed last patch. Can't fuck them too hard, they'll just slowly nerf them more and more.
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>pld back in the shed
This is nice tank
Cast time reduction on our main nukes and apparently a 33% cooldown reductions on our most significant personal utility are are pretty big deal.
Movement in battles should be a complete non-issue now, with up to 4 instant casts a minute, not counting procs. And obviously cast time reductions without potency nerfs are a straight DPS buff.
i think they meant game system.
multiple transparent models overlapping will hurt shit computers/ps4.
>slight nerfs to one skill
>all the utility intact
Stop shitposting.
>bugfix is a nerf
>Alliance raid roulette

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4.00 - 4.05
Burn the servers down
Misread, thought it was the beast gauge given during SP, not the damage - but that'd might make the point of it giving more Beast Gauge worthless, I'm imagining a 10-20 potency buff.

Blind please look forward to it :^)
it still nerfed nin, did it not?
DRG's eye is permanent now right?
PVP XP is given to the class you're on when the scoreboard appears.
They should nerf RDM
That's the new change they're implementing.
rdm is a bit out of line compared to the other two casters, tho
which is more of a problem with the other two but still
so paladin has 2 forms of raid damage mitigation, The ability to spot heal themselves or someone else for 20k, the best offtank abilities in the game with intervention and cover but they will be put in the shed and never used ever if they do 100 less dps than a warrior?
They said they're working on it, not that it's going to be in this patch or even the next one. As good as saying "maybe never".
>In 4.1 they will also add the ability to pre-form Alliances with the cross-server system. #FFXIV

Actually, yes. I love running into a group of enemies and spamming miasma 2.

Just thinking about that pack of dogs in Ala Mhigo...
>We have removed the halving of the Beast Gauge when changing stances.
This is the best.
WAR felt clunky as fuck because of that, I'm glad they get rid of this shit.
Triplecast is now 60sec cd? Hell yes.
I also caught that Foul is going to cost 0 mp from the chat, which is whatever, I guess.
Anyone who buys into the "class X going into the cuckshed" meme is fucking stupid. You don't buy into that do you anon?
>tfw i knew this person
>falling for shitposts
Worst case everyone will stop playing PLD and we'll be in demand.
>They also finally plan to change Labyrinth of the Ancients to match the 1 Tank per Party system used in every other 24-man Raid #FFXIV
if it doesn't clear content that has been on farm for months a few seconds faster than the alternative classes, it's shit
>Omega is a Dev team circlejerk service
May as well just let you queue roulettes as tank and give the XP to your other classes at that rate.
>Omega bosses won't be limited to FF V, that's just first wing
A4. Since players can select the actions, we have no plans to do this. However, during 4.0 we discussed on what do with Protect.

We discussed that in actuality it doesn’t matter if it’s there or not, but we ultimately decided to leave it in

What? So protect does nothing?
It's all about MUH DEEPS and MUH WORLD FIRSTS.
That's great, I will be able to lvl up some other things will having fun on my SAM.
>Q5. It was explained that in Patch 4.0 the focus was to reduce the large DPS disparity, but certain jobs feel more reliant on player skill than others. Are certain jobs intended to maintain that difference?

>A5. One of the main concepts of FFXIV is that “when playing a job, you experience the uniqueness of that job.”
>Due to this, there is a difference in difficulty between the jobs, and it used to be that higher difficulty meant more DPS. We will be scaling down this factor.

They're really bad at making people want to play higher-execution classes that offer no benefits over simpler classes that will eventually output the same DPS.
unless we get gordias dps checks back deeps is irrelevant for world firsts it's who can deal with not being wiped by mechanics the best.
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>can Physick on SMN scale with INT, like RDM?
>"Are you retarded?"
They don't adjust fight around it.
Having it or not doesn't matter, you won't get saved from a OHKO
I am also playing FFXIV and playing through sorry me mode is a pain.
Is he as slutty as it seems to be?
Are you retarded? He just meant that it doesn't matter if it's a role action or not, none of that answer implied that they're changing how protect works
it's a bit of a pain, but i always do protect, take it off role actions and replace with something more useful during actual runs
Best part is, after getting a job to 70 you wont want to learn a new job because the fucking gauge mechanics make the jobs harder to understand, just try and go back to playing BRD, it's completely fucking different.
Usually ends up just being healer checks, which I'm curious to see if they'll be any drastic this time around since they probably know everyone but tanks will be melding VIT6s on their accessories.
>O4S is harder than A12S

sure thing.
At least according to the chat translation. My moon isn't good enough to confirm or deny so take it with a grain of salt.

If that Foul thing is true, it's probably part of the MP adjustments so we don't get fucked by server ticks anymore. Not a huge deal, but hey, I'll take any and all QoL improvements.
I havent talked to them since the ARR days, but kinda?
Just read the fucking Job Gauge page that it prompts you with any time you equip a job with a gauge you haven't seen before.

The only overdesigned gauge is BLM's.
Predict the amount of STR in tank accessories.

ilvl 320 -> 50 Strength
>BRD rotation now involves breaking out of songs early
>Specific singing rotation otherwise you fuck up you rotation for the next 2 minutes
>meld STR VI on that
>better than i270
Isn't that still pretty strong tho?
Hopefully they won't fuck tanks over and stop them from melding STR on VIT accessories with those.
Has the class balance talk ended?
Exactly as much as i270, and future accs wont get any more than that.
>BLM gauge
It tells you exactly what you need to know at a glance with the exception of there being no numerical counter on the purple meter that represents Polyglot.
How long do you have left on AF/UI? Gauge tells you. How many AF/UI stacks do you have? Gauge tells you. How many Umbral Hearts do you have? Gauge tells you. Do you have Polyglot? Gauge tells you.
>can only access the special fight after beating savage


So I guess I only can enjoy aquapolis 2.0?
it never ends anon
>another question about replaying MSQ battles

Thought that would end when his last time answering that question ended with MAKE A NEW CHARACTER
Probably closer to 35.
The autism that went into this is astounding.

MB > WM > AP priority order ending AP early

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BLM is actually quite alright. The circle-design eats up a bit more space than it would as a bar, but overall it's useable.
>Q6. When comparing dragoon to other DPS jobs, for the amount of difficulty there is to play them, their DPS seems low. I understand that dragoon has strong support actions such as Battle Litany, but do you have plans to make adjustments so that dragoon can deal strong damage on their own, similar to how it was in 3.x?

>A6. When it comes to increasing their damage, we’ll make adjustments by expanding on aspects that allow players to experience the uniqueness of the job.

Are our DRGbros saved?
But thats completely wrong, you just posted the aoe song rotation and not the single target rotation
I don't see the problem with the BLM guage
No, they'll still die to avoidable AoEs.
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>4.0 gave us more bosses that shozuld be tanked in the center
>tanks keep positioning them around the edges, even corners
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Yes. otherwise I'll just continues to play SAM and MNK
>learning things
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>When the tank put the back of the boss on a puddle/wall and you're a MNK
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I cannot be mad at this man.
Psssh, I have better character art than them.
You open with MB because you don't want to waste any of your Minuet uptime without straight shotted dots on the target.
>waifu questline
>boss places aoe puddle on its rear
>tank just leaves the boss as-is to the melee's discontent
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>Magnai gets a love story
true north has been a lifesaver
also reduce the cd on true north yoshi you fucking hack
God fucking THIS
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>A7. We were considering a Greased Lightning IV, but felt it would become too fast and widen the gap between player DPS even further.
>last boss

here we go, get ready for that nerf
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realistically, can au ri kiss due to their damn face horns? i keep looking at the space between and it sems like they'd pierce a person's face
I just need it to be 1min CD 5s duration for Trick Attack.
Umm but thats wrong sweetie

foes precast at 4s (infusion) - stormbite (bloodletter + raging strikes) - caustic bite (minuet + battle voice) - straight shot (empyreal) - iron jaws (sidewinder) - heavy shot - heavy shot - heavy shot (bloodletter) - heavy shot - heavy shot (barrage empyreal) - iron jaws
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>Tanks keep tanking Exdeath in random places around the room
>Every time he does a void-enhanced ability he turns to the north and fucks up your positonals
Very carefully I guess.
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Degenerates need to fuck off.
As for EX version, they might make it not as hard as the one in story

Woo lad, shitters will still have their wall.
Time to protest MNKbros, make them give us SSJ aura
where is the rest of this?
>shinryu ex won't be a significant difficulty increase over his normal mode

EX primals confirmed for becoming babies first raid boss
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>They could have made GL4 a buff like riddle of fire that turn us super saiyan with the cost of slowing us down a bit
>The Royal Menagerie is hard, so Extreme version will be easier than normal
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Magnai x Sadu

Cirina x Hien
>tfw we won't get another minstrel's ballad: thordan's reign situation
I'm actually kinda sad.
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Why can't anyone fucking do it
I had to scrape my friends together to kill Shinryu because apparently nobody knows how to dodge a FUCKING AOE
>that one horn lobotomizing poor alphy
>people fuck up but the fight can still be won if our healer does LB3
>either the same shitters wo died respawn and we lose LB3
>or our healers does it too early and we get one shot again
>or does late when a obvious AOe is incomming fast and kills them
Diabolos Hollow in a nutshell.
>inventory expansion pushed back because of gum and string servers

Will this excuse ever cease?
Why not do what they are doing with the AF3 gear, but have an npc that turns a comeplete set of 5 and maybe weapon into a singular item?

That way for people who completed gear can just save some space.
>plans on more inventory space

good. how about you make the armoire more useful too?
IMO that the sign that they are adjusting difficulty because of all the new players, basically not doing another Gordias/Ex Thordan stuff where many people new to the game broke their teeth on them and left the game.

You can expect the next trials and raid to be much more hard on our asses.
Source please
>yoshi still not understanding that we liked scholar for its 5 dots not 3
>still no spammable aoe attack ala blizzard 2
Good. Good. I want another Midas Savage tier. Give it to me. I need to suffer more. I need to be broken.
Miasma 2 will have 50 potency.
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>No real BLM buffs
>RDM not nerfed
Guess I'm still leveling RDM for Omega Savage prog

managing 5+ dots was cancer, you almost never got to use broil
Maybe he means the relative increase won't be as big. Which is understandable. Thordan normal was very easy, while Thordan's Reign was genuinely challenging.
Shinryu is non-trivial at base level, so if it got the same relative increase, it'd probably end up being around A3S tier and people would just bitch about it being too hard.
Make Slepinir fly you fucks it's expensive enough.
they were already sort of that
plus there's been a desire for midcore stuff so they might as well use ex primals for it
>I liked SCH for DPS

Just play a DPS then nigga
Foxclon is cute!
>Riddle of Fire is fine
Fuck you, you retarded hack. It completely goes against the jobs identity and feels like ultimate shit. Change Brotherhood too while you're at it, because right now MNK is nothing more than a worse NIN.
never ever
I want it too
MNK feels almost the same but now we can TFC more often
They could add ome items to the calamity NPCs (like the goddamn promo outfits), or make a special glamour NPC that acts like a vendor so you don't have to keep everything all the time, but of course not.
>instead of making mnk better they nerf nin to even it out
I'm as pissed as you are
nin had it coming
>He wanted to spam broil

wtf is wrong with you?

Excuse me shitlord but the whole point of the job was to be a tactician, managing dps uptime and healing was the whole point of the fuckin job and what made it fun.
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>gave SCH back miasma2
>didnt give MCH back lead shot
just end it now
It feels like they're all but saying that RoF is supposed to help with TP regen in longer fights by slowing down your mashing. But that doesn't really make sense to me since it's already not an issue.
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thanks for the shekel.gif
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>Why does Zenos sheath spin?
>Because it's cool
How can you hate this man?
If you like BLM then just play BLM.
If your static is forcing you to play RDM, then it's time to find a new static.
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>PLD main

It IS fine. Instead of not budging try adapting to your new skills, you whiny asshole.
>why does Zenos have a revolver katana sheathe?
>because its cool

Like the honesty.
I want to put it in my armoire, but the armoire is so fucking USELESS

NIN needs a nerf most of all after rdm/sam, they bring more utility than mch/brd yet do way more dps.
>be weakest dps for years
>have it coming
Fuck off
>DRK main
I like it
You can rebuy them from the calamity vendor. Why only left side (except belt) is beyond me.
>weakest dps for years

Heres your (you) cock sucker
>DRK main, PLD alt job
I'm okay with the changes, man. It's gonna be okay.

just delete it, you can buy it from the calamity salvager if you have the achievement
Remember to ignore meta and prog shitters.
It'll be fine.
>guaranteed spot along with DRG
oy vey
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Its not that, BLM isn't rewarding for how punishing it is when RDM is brain dead easy and get the same DPS, Utility, and rDPS.
>this question

I want Estinien to stalk me.
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>tfw stuck with WAR all this time and it all turned out alright
This. You thought this game is simple enough but RDM took it to another level of simplicity.
The same argument can be made for SMN against BLM, one little error on the SMNs part messes their rotation for 3 minutes, meanwhile BLM gets away with fucking everything and is literally yoshis favourite job so it will never be nerfed.
I liked SCH because it had something interesting to do while you're not healing anyone (which is the majority of the time regardless of which healer you're playing). I never gave a shit about parsing, I played SCH because it had FUN dps, IN ADDITION to all the responsibilities that came with a healer. Now it plays just the same as the other two, there's no fun to be had anymore and Miasma II won't change that.
That's how you get the Makai titles and achievement. If they added accessories to the title requirement, it would be purchasable from that vendor as well.
BLM has never been over powered
>he doesnt know parses
>it's still behind sam, mnk, rdm, blm, and smn after being buffed
>reeeeeeeee nerf it
Fuck off
his salt and pepper hair is so /fa/ and qt
You're an idiot if you think otherwise
Still no excuse ot to add them as a bonus.
you should realize just how fucking dumb you sounds right now
>guaranteed weapon drop for whoever gets it
That's actually awesome
He's right. BLM has always been good at best.
On the other hand, it's never been truly shit, either.
>Braindead rotation
>Even braindeader rotation now
>650 potency nuke on 30sec cd
yeah it is, transforming to whatever class you are currently.
>works out to two two weapon drops per fucking week
>dat genji book
Why even make the weapon drop at all? Make the token a drop instead, this only adds an unnecessary layer of Unquality of Life
When are we getting that hair style and dress?
>dark knights get a naginata

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Did they post a monk weapon?
Yugiri a cute in that getup.
I thought DRG already get one.
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patrician taste.jpg
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>still no himecut for non-scaly races
What? You realize that the chest drop means over the course of 8 weeks, everyone will get at least one weapon right? That's actually a huge deal man.
>No utility
>Least Mobile Class
>Most punished by any mechanics leading to heavy DPS loss
>No oGCDs
>Above the GCD casts
This looks a lot better than the old cash shop shit.
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Why is Yoshi pretending everyones not gonna remove the legs part and replace it with generic panties/fishnet stuff
What maps do you need for the new aquapolis?
What why? I thought they get greatswords
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>still no hime cut outside of au ra
Just put it on the mog station already JEEZ
move your asses
Can anyone give me a quick recap of the live letter so far?
>Vietnamese dress
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they think thhis is a naginata

they just jelly DRKs get proper oni clubs
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That's not a himecut. That's a straight-cut, a himecut has the characteristic that the bangs are cut straight horizontally
Yes, read the thread
implying its not a one piece
Timeworn Gazelleskin Map. The new 8-man map.
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So I guess it's map spam for the first few days of 4.05 then.
Feels good man
>tfw have about 100 maps ready between me and my friends
>tfw this dumb dress will rake in the shekels
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How do we buff BLM? It's second in the DPS parse compared to SAM and it gets worse when the fight is movement heavy. BLM should always be #1 of the DPS
the softest
>look at us! we cleared a push-over EX trial!
>Thordan Extreme is still easy to wipe at level 70

Buff the fuck out of its potencies. No reason for it not to be 1# DPS in a turret situation
Is that Yoshi with Nomura?
300 potency Fire IV
1000 total potency TC Thunder III
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Persona 4 and Reddit were a mistake. People are so retarded they are incapable of recognizing a himecut when the game even fucking offers you one that isn't the one that every Au Ra is running around with.

Pic related, first image second row is a variation of a himecut.
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This is true, I want a real himecut, not the straight cut lizards have.
>He doesn't already have enough gil to buy every single housing plot on any given server.
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Wrong image
Just make Foul 1000 potency, please and thank you.
just buff Fire IV's potency, that's pretty much all you need to do.

>realize they actually nerfed Fire IV by 20 potency for SB
>actually being serious that 20 potency is a fucking nerf when you get a tacitcal nuke every 60 seconds for FREE
Also bring up Enochain up to 10% to help us with the loss of Raging Strikes.
Also increase thunder III potency to make it more in line and worthwhile to use TC procs.
30 seoncds
>SB BLM parses lower than HW BLM despite that
No utility
what's the correct rotation for goon pre-lance mastery
2 full 1 chaos or 1 full 1 chaos?
>It literally doesn't and you're pulling shit out your asshole
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How hard was A12S compared to Pepsiman?
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Himecuts are a shit hairstyle anyway.
Is this shit, robes armour or something all classes can wear?
What is even left to talk about? I want to go to sleep
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That's a declaration of War my man.
It does, go look up the threads on the OF thats done all the math.
I don't know what your hate boner for BLM is but calm down.
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You take that back.
>-40 potency on Holy Spirit
If that's all, things are fine.
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They're extremely overrated.

t. increasingly nervous PLD
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Excellent taste.
>Piss easy low risk high reward rotation
>Enochian permanent buff
>Constant stream of dps
>Infinite mp
>4 Flares in a row
>Thunder changes ontop of thunder 4
>Increased af/ui durations
>between the lines existing ontop of duration increases and permanent enochian
>Constant stream of dps
Unless you have to move, which is all the time.
I think you might be confused.
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>No mention of SMN QoL outside of Bakamut sizing
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man the warrior tears are the most OP thing in this game, I bet if they complain they do less damage than samurai they'll get a 3000 potency fell cleave.
The early days of teams full of BLMs were hilarious.
>Still most punished by mechanics
>Still no utility
>Only good in Dungeons the easiest content in the game
>Still not rewarding
>Still no utility
>Over the GCD cast
>pDPS is high compared to some classes, but rDPS is super low making it around the 6th DPS in ranking only ahead of SMN, MCH, and DRG
>Still no utility
>No oGCDs

bout time we jumped ship?

What the dicks are you talking about?

>A teacher
>A sorceress
>Some cowboy sniper
>Punchy DeSpastic McCan'tgetahotdog
>President Machinegun

>Redemption Story Knight
>Aptly Named Betrayal Master Dragoon
>Twin Wizard One and Two
>Loli Summoner who becomes Notloli Summoner Who Forgot White Magic
>Prince Ninja McGee
>Prince Bard McGoo
>Mister Kung Fu Fighting, who you meet trying to defuse bombs with his fists
>Airship Engineer Who Might Be Half-Dwarven II, Esquire
>Sacrificial Old Man
>Replacement Old Man From The Moon
If you buff BLM you will buff SAM too
Pepsiman was hard and broken.
A12S was okay.
Why the fuck would buffing BLM mean buffing SAM
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