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Evo 2017 Day 1 Melee

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Thread replies: 528
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Amsa on main stream
Discount amsa on Evo1

Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Who do you think will win?
Why has the eternal Jew Smash 4 stolen the Sunday spot?
Jesus Christ I always forget how swaggy Yoshi is
is it just me or are the commentators going hard on chillen right now?
Can anyone tell me if hax was actually allowed to use the box, or just did it?
Boxx is legal, and technically macro's aren't even banned at evo, but I doubt he's going to mod the box for macros for one event
idk but there is some falco on stream with a gravybox
I heard wizzy got sponsored, which team do you guys think picked him up?
That hax performance was emberrassing. He was fucking camping some scrub and barely won.
NWA after he said nigger live on stream
20XX baby
Based on the commentary, I think light was probably initiating the camping, and hax just didn't want to risk approaching. Not johning though hax was making scrubby decisions.

clip? That lad has m2k levels of autism
nah fuck peach
if that's what you were referring to
I don't have a clip because I don't have autism, sorry
I think it was during a rap for Smash Summit
>Based on the commentary
They were wrong, but it's toph and scar so why would you trust what they say anyway
Hax camped from game 1 stock 4 on
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Waifus for Wizzy!!
Evo is best of 3 instead of 5, so a loss of a single match is much more relevant. I still hope hax never comes back, fox is cancer.
NTSC with PAL fox standard when? Also remove puff but that's another story.
Which stream you niggas watching? Let me know when there's a neat set coming up.
so whatever happened to that vid of Shiz doing opioids on his stream?
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Literally no reason to not accept the other PAL changes too you fucking retard. Are you really this stupid?
If you think Sheik not having free everything on everyone is a bad thing you need to off yourself. Marth Dair is a good change too. muh cool looking combos
>the Sunday spot
That's good news for me.
If only they switched Tekken and injustice, then all the good games would be on Saturday.
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>fox is cancer
>removing marth dair spike

Do you actually mean this?
See you guys tomorrow
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Marth is objectively much better in PAl even with the "nerf" because of his weight change.
Also, the PAL dair sets up for kills and combos much easier. If you think him not having a spike changes anything you are literally retarded.
toph and scar on the other one
it's scar and toph on /evo
>melee has literally 4 times the viewers
>no dinsey so no sunday slot xd
The dair spike allows him to kill faster and more reliably, which is one of his biggest weaknesses, I guess. But, the meteor smash dair does set up for free follow-ups, so if you get a grounded dair you can just reverse dolphin slash or fsmash or something.
Oh, neat.
Why do people consider Sunday the good day? That's the day people need to go to bed early for work. It's the day people are most aware of Monday being the next day. Saturday is the day you can jack off and do whatever and however you want for the entire day. Saturday just always made more sense to me
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What starts tomorrow? Top 32?
Shit nigger maybe if you didn't main a midtier you wouldn't be so angry about sheik chain grabs. I think PAL is shit because it fundamentally changes the top tiers kits, except for fox. Fox was only toned down, and I think he could still be competitive in NTSC. I'm all for fixing the mid/low tiers, but as a player I care much more about the top tiers.
>grounded dair
lets not pretend he's falco. the only perdon who does it now is vro, he does side-b's like nobodies business
It's more hype to be on final day and sunday games are in the big ass arena

But I agree it's better for people with a job, for example it starts at 5AM here so I wouldn't have been able to watch on sunday
Are you fucking kidding me? Marth is the gimp master and not only because of his dair. Literally 90% the times a marth does dair, he could easily edgeguard with another move as well. It's only "cool" which you factor in.
The only matchups where marth misses his dair spike in PAL is peach and jiggs and both of these aren't even good arguments as you get actual kill setups with the pal dair against those, which you did not have in NTSC.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Fox is arguably not even the best character in PAL. He's outright broken in NTSC. Kill yourself for trying to provide opinions on things you clearly know nothing about.
What major players are there
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Scar just said "motherfucker" on stream. Who do I complain to? I have seven children between the ages of 10-14 years old and they're watching the stream.

I wanna fuck peach if you know what I mean
>Fox is arguably not even the best character in PAL.
i get that marth getting knocked down is big, but lets not be ridiculous
tfw forgotten how to appreciate watching smash
i used to enjoy this
Yeah keep telling me things about versions of melee you never play.
> Fox is arguably not even the best character in PAL
He still has the best neutral spread in the game. His punish is the only thing heavily affected by PAL. He's still the best.
Amsa on /evo1

wait until pools is over
>hurr kill yourself
Why is the Melee community so fucking awful?
pools is never fun to watch because it's just a bunch of idiots who have a general idea of what to do but not enough to get them anywhere in the tournament
All of them.
how the fuck is this legal!? AMSA's committing sexual assault on stream!
>A japanese playing a german at an american event

look how far we've come
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>mango will lose to plup again

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>If I tell him to kill himself that means people will think I'm right!
You know getting angry and acting incredulous whenever someone disagrees with you isn't really an argument. Got any evidence to support your claim besides
>you don't know what your talking about
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I was not excited for EVO until I learned aMSa was here.
who is m2k going to lose to?
Ice Climbers.
I cannot believe we got toph on one stream and tafo on the other. holy hell
>They think I'll try to have serious arguments with some unranked scrubs that probably never went to a tournament in their lifes on an anymouse image board
fucking lel kill yurself my guys
>Marvel players

why do you think people only like dair because it's cool you seem so confident
Do they have 2 Melee streams going on at once?
Because there is no other argument for crying about PAL marth changes. He only benefits.
>repeatedly telling people kles when he can support his claim and start discussion instead of shitposting
go outside
Ah, so you're just baiting.
Good luck getting those replies.
It's hell.

Who will comment during finals? If it's toph and scar I can go neck myself right now.
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There's no need for more than one argument if that argument outweighs all the others against it.
100% scar and toph I wish toph would fucking retire already
its to not give him (you)'s, although simply deleting the >> would suffice, yes

you see what youve done kys-kun? How are we going to back on topic?
Why not hmw or d1 or blur or wife or tkbreezy or literally anyone else who isn't tafo, scar or toph, jesus christ, how unlucky can we get?
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How badly did you fuck up your fantasy?
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>tfw you unlock the power of teether/edgecancelling by understanding guaranteed analog drift setups
Holy shit, even low tiers become super fun to play.
wife sucks ass
blur is bias
d1 is doing smash 4

hmw/phil are probably gonna do top 32

so not many options really
>chad mains sheik

this is wrong on a fundamental level
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>you blocked him out so many times you just hear muffled words

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I know lots of chads that main Sheik.
It makes sense when you think about it since you don't have to practice that much and have more time to fuck bitches.
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I hope we get to see him go up against hugs or mikehaze
dis white boy bout to get all 9inch of the shiz
isnt this the convicted felon negro

how is he allowed in
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Damn I missed out on DSW, I'm kinda betting it all on florida and chu
Not a felon, just a bunch of misdemeanors
>lose your stocks or lose your teeth

what would you do
he went to jail for assaulting a gas station attendant
>tfw gotta watch a lame ass sheik ditto just to not hear tafo
who hasnt anon, it just happens so easily.
Tafo and Webs really occupy polar ends of male attractiveness.
who's rob
Teach your kids the meaning of curse words and the appropriate times to use them, you lazy fuck.
he dindu nuffin
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>tfw no more prog & d1 commentary again

Guess I'll have to deal with know-it-all Toph and socially akward Tafo.
Tafo without glasses looks like Milhouse without glasses
Yeah, not a felony. Still wise to be weary around him though, as the old saying goes. Around blacks, never relax.
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Hey guy arguing for fox being broken.
You're objectively right, but majority of /v/ are twitchtards who only want fastfallers
Is this a felony?
>The best player is literally peach
>The second best player is Leffen who has so much skill he could be on that spot with mew2
>The third best player, like the ohter two, is fucking top 20 in the world
How do you even credit these as "fox mains" and not as "these guys are ridiculously good at the game"?
You really need to kill yourself.
I hate Hax pretty much solely on the fact that he's a walking meme and proud of it. Every word out of that annoying fuck's mouth is "20XX Fox Fox, falcon sux muh ledgedashes"

Not only that but every time I see him play on the boxx he's completely underwhelming, dude just needs to shut the fuck up and fade away
Haven't played or watched competitive Melee in years. Who are the best players currently? Any old mainstays still good?

I just saw DaShizWhiz.
Shiz with the God tier movement tech
Basically the same as years ago. It's a pretty stagnant game at the top.
why did they place one of the master minds of melee and the coach of one of the gods next to this angry normie
Chudat got good again very recently and is now a top 10 player.
Does it really matter? You chucklefucks will bitch incessantly about any commentator regardless
>who has so much skill he could be on that spot with mew2
Nope. I agree with your point, though. Using power rankings to measure how good individual characters are doesn't make much sense.
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armada is the best
hbox second

m2k/mango third
leffen inconsistent 5th
Chudat made a comeback to the top 10
Axe still top 10
Wizzrobe best falcon
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Hax is melee cancer
He's everything bad
Talking up techskill, jumping the boat for fox.

Pal seems so much better, the fact fox is toned down and sheik can't chain grab makes events way more interesting to watch.

And fox mains who shit on puff should just quit melee
Lovage in losers already.
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>when there's a Sheik on screen
>mango over m2k

top jej
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What about a samus main who shits on puff?
Funny thing is, he didn't even coin that term. I mean, he made it up, but it was other people that made it as popular as it is. Seeing as to how he did actually drop Falcon, that's not really a meme.

I kind of like the guy, but he is a douche bag. Gets into unnecessary shit with people. On a positive note, this does provide some entertainment. Kind of like when Leffen used to be a complete douche.
It's been about the same for years now. Well, the top 6, anyway. The top 15 or 20 has shifted a bit.
has m2k had a bigger win than mango at royal flush
The top 8 is slowly changing, but it takes a long time.
not /ourguy/ blur
That's fine.
Fox mains have so many advantages against puff and they still bitch.

Also falcon mains that talk shit / people who cheer for falcon against samus and peach can burn in hell
Do you value a single peak performance over 6 months of consistent top 8 placements and way less sets dropped to lower ranked players?
Post your top 8

1. Armada
2. Hbox
3. Plup
4. Mango
5. M2K
6. Axe
7. Shroomed
8. The Shizzard Wizzard
No, these three are the only ones I actually ever hated
any link to other streams of melee? just got off of evo1
How is Chu not in this list
Chu is a meme who will get taken out by Hax.

Memes can only be killed by memes.
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>3. Plup
Hax looked like shit in his first match
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WHO /hungry//box/ HERE??
1. Isai
2. Armada
3. Hbox
4. M2K
6. LiquidChu
7. Leffen
8. Plup
1. Hbox
2. Leffen
3. Armada
4. M2K
5. Plup
5. Chu
7. Mango
7. Zhu

Didn't check the bracket so some of these might be impossible
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Think dfox wins here
Don't watch the stream, man, I don't want you to hurt yourself.
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I want am hbox repeat just from pure mang0 hate
hax will lose to psychomidget and finish 65th
I'm rooting for dfox, but damn that's a close call
>no Ken
Hungrybox fans are never actually melee players. It's always fucking tr4sh players.
Leffen in current form is not even top 5.
Sure peak Leffen is far and away the best person to ever play the game but that doesn't matter right now.

I hope he wins evo
tfw no PPMD
pretty much this
It was a result prediction not a ranking
I've literally never played smash 4.

The melee community is just the worst shit ever and them being mad over an hbox win makes me happy
He got 3rd last year, retard.
Reddit would say plup would get 5th because of the memes.
Do you want the tears, the popoffs, and the speech about muh community that comes with it though
1. Armada
2. Hbox
3. Jew2king
4. Memego
5. Los Leffos
6. Plup
7. Shroomed
8. Chu
9. Sfat
10. Axe

I love wizzy to death, but wizzy chokes too hard and doesnt belong on any top 10.

I unironically rate n0ne above him at this point

sad to see westballz is gone
1. Armafraud
2. Hungryforcocks
3. m2k
4. mangay
5. swedish/korean ladyboy
6. Plup
7/8. Shroomed/Axe
9/10. Chu/Wizzy
Anything after 5 is really pretty open ended though.

not a chance wizzy is up 4-0 this year

Yeah but who would you put for 5th otherwise?
>no GOAT
hello, dockiddy
>5. GOAT
you dropped this

mangoW GOAAAT 3VO????? mangoPog mangoW
I want to see him lose before top 8 because I'm an asshole who enjoys schadenfreude
n0ne chokes just as hard at least
Wstballz on evo1.

I hope hbox kills the community so everyone leaves and I can go back to playing melee with the small group of cool people left.
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>mango places 17th
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1. Mango
2. Armada
3. Leffen
4. West

the rest are just shit
Somebody shrunk westballz!
lmaoing and shroomed 7th
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hcuck won't win another major for a whole year, screencap this.
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post guaranteed crackers
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That speaks volumes for his play. Get ready for disappointment
Based DK beating fucking Fast Fallers.
>he posts that stale underage meme
you have to go back and never return
Then you should want Leffen to win.
The lead up to EVO 2015 with Leffen stomping on everyone with 0 respect is the most fun Melee has ever been.
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Why does mango have this effect on people?
if dubs mango wins
But he's gonna win one tomorrow though what gives?
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Leffen fanbase is cancer. Leffen also is kind of a fuckin retard.

It's one thing to piss people off
Its another to act like a moron and stand behind your idiotic positions despite being ignorant
There's no fucking way westballz will beat hbox
fire tweet
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>Weston so disillusioned with fucking scrubs with Falco that he can only get any enjoyment out of the game anymore with low tiers
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Jesus of Melee
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I don't know if you've ever tried fucking up fast fallers with DK, but it is EXTREMELY fun.
>the way he backs off of that gross crying girl then decides he can't be mean and gives her a hug

what is worse

hbox's playstyle or mango's fans?

that's a hard choice
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Who let their kid into the venue?
I think the chair on the right is actually really far away from the TV because westballz looked tiny too.
wtf ice is so small
there's nothing wrong with mango's fans
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The mang0 bias is so bad for melee
Fox players that go
"LOL just play hype hbix"
And then just do laser spam
And people go
Wow why is hbox camping as he tries to avoid lasers and the fox doesn't seem to want to engage him at all
t. mango fanboi
Seriously it looks ridiculous

Hbox. Chat can always be hidden. There are charts out there that show the viewership drops when hbox plays
mang0 fans can be pretty chill at times, of course they'll get mad/sad if their fan favorite loses

hbox playstyle is truly interesting to watch, that is until he panics from losing the neutral too much and goes to camp the ledge under the excuse of 'I'm actually analyzing my oponent while I ledge camp lol'.
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I'd drink her piss.
oh yeah remember when Hbox timed out Chu twice this year yeah Chu was totally laser camping you tool.
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Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
Mango fans are fucking awful
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God damn its so easy to tell when someone doesnt know shit about Melee
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She's a coal burner you cuck
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>hbox playstyle is truly interesting to watch
cmon man mango hater here and hbox fanboy but this post is awful

The CG ->Uair -> Charge punch will have them seething.
There is nothing wrong with abusing a life lead, even chudat admits he played the matchup wrong

Fuck off
Yeah they post like you

I'm not even an hbox fan. Why I always end up on this side of the argument
outside the chu set i've never really seen him play lame? he is fairly aggressive and lands rests constantly
The longer his beard got the harder he bustered out. But if he shaves it his power will be uncontrollable like Saiki and he will destroy the venue.
yeah I mean it. When I gave jigglypuff a try I realized all the shit hbox did just to make the character work, which makes it interesting.

Ledge camping is still shit though
I agree that there's nothing wrong with playing lame, but you said hbox only plays lame because fox players play lame, which just isn't true. Get Hbox's dick out of your mouth, even hbox'll tell you that he plays like a total queer.
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>Everyone watching Melee instead of GG
>tfw a spacie on bracket leaves FD open for me
I can hardly contain my pulsating erection when I get a grab on them. I have practiced the 0-to-death so many times only players that can do 2 whole SDIs behind on my uairs can escape it.
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Post tier lists.
You're wrong.
he played 'lame' in different instances years before the chu set. evo 2015 comes to mind.
>this is who /v/ says is /ourguy/
swap falcon and puff
Tired of seeing shit like jigglypuff in A tier. Jiggs is at best D tier. Hbox being a fucking legend doesn't make the character itself better.
Pikachu down two places.
Samus in that old pika spot.
Luigi in the old Samus spot.
Hands down
>Literally ONE player who does well with Puff
In all honesty, Puff barely belongs in A tier.
Honestly you are right, King was agro as fuck and he had a lot of success, Hbox has been a fag from day 1.
wow you're actually stupid
he's too fat to shave it now
You can't play like that in 2017 meta
People always say "muh aggro puff" and then list the same people from like 2005,lmao
Do you understand what a tier list is?
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Ganon and DK are better than Mario, YL, and Link.
Yoshi is better than Luigi and Dr.Mario.
Dr. Mario should be on D tier alongside Ganon and DK. Move everybody else one tier down.
I fuck around with DK but sometimes I mess it up. Can you cargo upthrow into upair then regrab at 0 or does it start another way?
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For a short time when he started to let his beard grow, he was one suave motherfucker. Then he got fat and gross. It's a shame.
I can accept that Ganondorf is better than DK, Mario and Link, but YLink is a bit of a grey area.
Yoshi is NOT better than Luigi.
>yoshi better than luigi and dr Mario

What the fuck
You're a moron.
My post is objective truth
I think you didn't read right, Agro Puff may not be viable today (although honestly we don't know) but what I'm trying to say it's that the lame style Hbox plays today has been in development for years, when he started he was lame and that's why Mang0 (best puff at the time and aggro as fuck) hated his ass.
>1 player each literally carrying their respective pokemon up the tier lists single handedly

where would pikachu and puff be on the tier list without hbox and axe
I too watched the documentary
No offense but have you seen many sets besides the chu one? Hbox said recently in an interview that he's "going back to the ledge" vs. m2k. Unless you've been watching hbox vs. not top players, because then he is fun because he's willing to be more risky. Watch Prince Abu if you want to see some innovative cool rest setups.
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Patrician Tier List coming through.
HBox is the only melee god which I dislike on a personal level. So egotistical, I bet he brags about how humble he is. I remember how he tried to hijack manchild mango's documentary episode.
Am I wrong, faggot?
Vs spacies you can regrab at 0% if they DI away. If they do no DI or DI behind they can shine out, but gets beat by uair into regrab.
At 0% you need to win the mixup, but after 0% you can just cargo uthrow uair regrab.
After 30% you can just start chaining uairs. Do them LATE so you have way more frame advatange in case they can actually SDI.
After 3 uairs, you full hop into Giant punch to end it.
No. Regrab first then start uairs. I think there's another thing you can do like non cargo usmash regrab or something retarded but you can't get uairs into regrab until like 15%
jigglypuff has been ranked 2nd and 3rd before hungrybox had won anything
Not hboxs fault mang0 barely interviewed
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>three characters in s tier
>falcon above ICs
>ganon above YL
switch ice climbers and falcon
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Where's our poverty chat at?
doc has terrible neutral game

k cool, the 0-20% was the only part I ever fucked up. I usually play him vs noobs because it's the only way to stay interested
You can get uair into regrab at 0% since the throw puts them at 7%, but only works if they don't DI (which lets them shine out). At 0% it's a mixup.
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Puff is definitely in a spot barely above the mid tier twins S&P and people who argue otherwise can suck my dick.
He has also begged other jigglypuff players not to train with top players during tournaments.
>he fell for le fox is op maymay
Doc would be okay if his grab range wasn't absolute dogshit. He has to get hard as fuck reads to get a grab vs a spacey and he gets absolutely molested by Falcon.
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A mid tier would be fucking Pikachu, Jiggs is not on the same level. Kill yourself.
>wearing those retarded sunglasses casting

>the eternal puff player
If you believe that Fox, Marth and Falco have the same potential you're shit

Maybe, just maybe Marth but Falco isn't even third imo
What I usually do is fish for a single backair to put them out of the mixup %. After a single backair they're ready to die if they get grabbed.
Why do people hate scar and toph?

I like them
Scar's fine, Toph is a fag.

And then everyone else I'm fine with official
>its hbox fault chu plays a lower tier character
literally ever character stays of the ground against icies, jiggs just has more options.

why you cant you faggots enjoy the game? why the fuck do you have to put all these stipulations(yes i understand its comp melee, but still.) Just let a player win feel happy for, its a fucking video game, if he wants to play it this why, it's perfectly valid. Get over yourselves, get over the sport, and enjoy the game
i like scar when he doesnt go on a retarded tangent, which he does often unfortunately

i just fucking hate toph, do you know some people in your life you dont really have a reason to hate but you just do? he seems like a nice guy, i just hate his fucking face with a passion
I've literally never seen him without them I think he must have an eye condition
Honestly Ganon is more relevant to the meta nowadays than Doc. I'd either replace Doc with Ganon or put Ganon right besides Doc.
Also putting Pikachu under Samus and Luigi, and putting Puff under ICs and Peach, and putting Falcon that high indicates that you have a mental illness.
I have this feeling with Toph,SleepyK, and kira

Something about them man
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>Who are you looking forward to seeing?
The end of Melee's slot.
>Who do you think will win?
The same people who always win in this dead game.
>Why has the eternal Jew Smash 4 stolen the Sunday spot?
Because it's the better game.
Sauce? nothing on the reverse image searches
i would have consensual anal intercourse with hugo and cuddle afterwards til we fall asleep

no homo ofcourse
>its fox player's faults that hbox plays a lower tier character and he's too much of a baby to handle being called a fag
You could at least try a little harder
Is it that they're Asian?
Damn, son. You got 'em good.
Pikachu is trash and carried by Axe.
Pika is 100% doc tier.
Puff sucks dick dude
Though I think puff and ics should switch now that I think about it.

And luigis neutral is too strong
If you can be cg by sheik you should not be partying with samus. That's too high
i need hugos routine and diet hot damn
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wow sick post you should go talk to all the friends you totally have about it

since when is vro sponsored by tempo? that's fucking awesome to see for the local scene
Being a manlet and bench pressing three times a week.
>saying kusoge
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Everytime I see smug's fucking potato face I fuckin have to laugh.
The Pika Cg doesn't work til death.
Doc is the most overrated piece of shit in the current meta.
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>dead anime kusoge players showing their jealousy towards games with more than 10 players worldwide
Sorry, forgot my picture. Fuck anime.
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lol m2k
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>literally can't refute a single point

Ah, Meleefags. Even their banter is a dead meta.
Like clockwork.
>600 viewers
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But you didn't even make a point, you just said you wanted Melee to finish soon cause you don't like it

You gotta be a little more subtle if you actually wanna troll

all me
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>something about them
its not them thats the problem
was someone starting shit in chat or is this actually what anime chats are like? No way GG streams are like this

all me xD
S- Fox, Falco, Marth
A- Sheik, Peach, Jigglypuff
B- IC's, Falcon, Samus, Pikachu
---------------The rest
First actual decent tier list on the thread.
a didnt say. in fact im saying right now. hbox is a needy fuckboy, no body likes him and he needs to get over this.

on another note. everyone needs to stop bitching that a lower tier character is trying to win, again, theyre to self-centered and arent think about top level play
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Collect'em all!

I'll trade someone a Mango for a leffen card here (do not save unless you gib leffen)
>Luigi not in the same tier as Samus and Pika
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Anime chats are all like this, yes that includes GG. Pure cancer 90% of the time. Anime players all hate each other and BlazBlue is the main boogeyman for GG chats.
mango isn't that good at Mario Kart, should be 3 bars
Post your top 5 stage music here, casual stages allowed:

1. Pokemon stadium
2. Corneria
3. Mute city
4. Poke floats
5. Fountain of dreams
>Live in RI area
>Been playing by myself and with only one friend for the past year on occasions
Any locals around? Or at least in Mass or Conn?
Well that's good to hear at least, I can't fucking stand a single GG player I've met. Every single one of them can't fathom someone not being interested in their game and are just huge cunts about it.
Your list is ridiculous
facebook groups and whatever that may happen to get posted on smashboards.

is this your first day on the internet?
1. Rainbow Ride
2. Kongo Jungle 64
3. Pokemon Stadium
4. Onett
5. Green Greens
1. Fourside
2. Fountain of Dreams
3. Multiman Melee 2
4. Pokemon Stadium
Their comment is boring.
Scar used to be fun when he was just trash talking during comment like m2k vs mango at ROM I believe, but has become a boring fag, I'm confiddnt his sjw wife only worsened his condition. His only good comment I remember in recent days is net1234 vs chris best.
1. Battlefield (Multi-man Melee 1)
2. Fountain of Dreams
3. Brinstar
4. Onett / Mother
poke floats

that's it. think of poke floats plating in any video game you've ever played, then get back to me.
1. Armada
2. HBox
3. Mango
4. M2K
5. Leffen
6. Plup
7. SFat
8. S2J
9. Westballz
10. Axe
>play Ganon
>always struggle to keep up with my friends
>pick up Sheik
>second best in our group now
Tier list privilege is so real.
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>Es Too Jay

When it comes to anything that concerns my personal surrounding then yes.
>implying Melee players don't do the same thing
You should see the shitstorm that occurs when I tell people that Smash 4 is my main game.
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>Break the targets
My nigga!
>I'm confident his sjw wife only worsened his condition
This. East coast Scar was way better than west coast Scar
They switch for me. I had a feeling someone would comment on that.
neither of them are top 15 friend
yeah for sure but at least they're in the same series lol. Crazy to see smash actually drives that many people up a wall. I play Melee/SF/Tekken and less so KI and MVC. Game vs game shit can fuck off for all I care but there is some warrant to melee v smash 4 since they're the same series
1. Fire Emblem (alternate Temple music)
2. Multi Man Melee 2 (alternate FD music)
3. Poke Floats
4. Fourside
5. Brinstar
No one cares about you though
>an entire state
>his personal surroundings
what did he mean by this?
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Now that you bring it up, can we all just take a minute to appreciate just how amazing the Melee soundtrack was?
>Orchestrated arrangements
>Really solid remixes
>Amazing original songs
There's something for everyone in there. One thing I felt sort of lacking in Brawl were the original songs. They all sounded pretty samey. Though, the Taboo fight theme was one of the highlights in the series for me.
Meant to reply to >>383939675
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What are ((they)) plotting?
>>Really solid remixes
>DK Rap
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This is what marrying a Cali girl does to you. Reminder that Scar has yelled at Johnny for calling people fags.
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>Taking screencaps of Twitch chat
>Look how awful this community is!
1. Trophy stage
2. Break the targets
3. Mute City
4. Battlefield
5. Fountain of Dreams
>sponsored in part by nu-nintendo
I thought melee wasn't sponsored by nintendo
Fuck me Venom is a kino tune too, im a sucker for Starfox music

(forgot the rest)
which is /ourstream/?
is that real? fucking disgusting
Literally no one ever.
In b4 nobodies from twitter.
Scarduzio is Scar's original last name btw. He's so cucked that he got a "combined" last name.
I hope they came up with a LGL and that wobbling is not banned. Also please 7 minutes. Pretty nice that ((they)) came together, we've needed a new ruleset for years.
le 6 minute timer maymay
I know, he's pathetic
EVO is sponsored by Nintendo now that Sm4sh is around.
he works at twitch and rom was before evo. everyone went pc during 2014, stop blaming some woman you dont even know. fucking christ your pathetic
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it's also written by scars wife
Should'nt you be preparing the bull for your wife right now?
1. Armada
2. Hbux
3. Mango
4. Leffen
5. M2K
6. Plup
7. SFat
8. Chu
9. Wizzy
10. Axe

I want PPU to be good
does fendy still have this?
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Fendy is the worst person to be put on the mic ever.
The difference between Scar and other smashers is that he's even an insufferable pc fag off camera
ohh you sure did get kissless virgin me with your tired reddit memes. man im gonna clos this thread once i post this
>Before we begin I’d like to ask you all to make sure your cell phones, iPads, and any handheld gaming devices are on silent.

I though it was Lucky who said faggot? Scar talks about it on an episode of Scar and Toph show I think. Or did Johnny say it too? kek
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what did she mean by this?
Stupid and impossible to enforce
>that game you just won? You were on ledge one too many times so get fucked kiddo
Fendy sucks so fucking bad
You are wrong on the basis that all of those aggro puff players are fucking nobodies now that never top and Hbox still consistently puts up results.

Aggro puff was a shitty meme to begin with.
LGLs are only for timeouts

you can check ledge grabs on the win screen
*shakes head violently*
Pretty sure King quit because he got bored of winning, anon.
this fucking spaghetti
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If you haven't already seen this, this is a great documentary that covers the rise of competitive Smash, and some of the key players involved

Yeah I'm sure that's what washed up as fuck players like Ken also tell themselves.
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I wish we could just go back to the time when Smash and other fightan people were allowed to be raunchy.
The whole ''You can't swear because it will scare away new players'' attitude is such shit. For fuck's sake, you're not even allowed to say rape as a joke because it, apparently, offends women who aren't interested in the games. Even after everyone cracked down on the language, women still don't give a shit about competitive fighting games. Besides, if saying rape is a gendered issue, why isn't killed or robbed?
nigga please
Stay deluded, Hbox was playing like a fag since day 1.
Toph is fucking garbage now. Get that ass off The Reads, no wonder he gets beat by literal whos.
>Up to 2 million viewers
Anyone who gives a shit has seen this already.
I've rewatched it at least once every 5 or 6 months since it came out.
Everything is watered down and sanitized because they need sponsorships and to be on Twitch otherwise they can't get money. Yeah it's shitty but that's what happens when you go mainstream.

I think there was a point where someone seriously put forth the idea to change "ledge trump" in Sm4sh to "ledge steal" because people were mad about the election results and it almost got momentum if not for the fact that asking everyone to change game vocabulary they've used since day 1 is fucking impossible.
link to the stream?
Where have you been? Toph has never been relevant as a player
>tfw it's actually wayyy more entertaining than you thought
He has, I would never argue otherwise, but he's the only relevant Puff left standing so clearly he's doing something right that other "aggro Puffs" weren't.
>if not for the fact that asking everyone to change game vocabulary they've used since day 1 is fucking impossible.
Not true. I'm pretty sure spot dodge is a fairly recent terminology. This may be the Mandela Effect in action, but I remember commentators calling it side step for the longest time.
he was at least miom top 100 2 years ago, fendy is nowhere near that and he just got whooped

on a side note for as much as I hate him on commentary, fendy's combo game with Marth is clean
I hope you also watched the ones where players watch/commentate it
So far, I've only watched Chillin's and Hugs's.
Not at the time, there's no aggro Puff's today (Abu plays somewhere in the middle). I'm not saying that just because King was good that Aggro Puff could be viable, I'm saying that the character is untested on today's meta and just because Hbox is the best by a wide margin it doesn't mean that's the only viable way to play Jiggs.
I remember TKBreezy mentioning wanting to change gimp lol, but it was just a small thing I never heard about again
Fendy has better pivots than m2k
>commentary shitting on hax


jail =/= conviction
spot-dodge side-step. both came from kof, both are are also in kof vocabulary rotation.

never read about that ledge trump shit. sounds like the dude was browsing reddit
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>Watching a tournament for a video game with a community that fully embraces cheating

prog is the worst commentator ever though, cringe to the max

d1 + random pros rotating in and out would be best
>Embracing cheating
>On the fighting community
wobbles was suprisingly good at smash 'n splash
He was convicted for the assault though cunt. The main crime on his record that he wasn't convicted for was possession of drugs, which turned out to be his mom's prescription that she left in his car.
How do people cheat on SFV? Tell me
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>Top Melee players cheat with malfunctioning controllers because it gives them an advantage over everyone else
>The Melee community is 100% fine with this

The SFV community doesn't endorse or tolerate cheating.
Prog wasn't cringey, in my opinion. But, he wasn't a very good commentary. He just copied stuff from basketball and shit and applied it to Smash, even if majority of the words that came out of his mouth didn't really have anything to do with the game and could be applied to any sport ever.
I liked his voice and attitude though and when he and D1 got hyped together it was beautiful. I miss 2011-2014 man.
no matter what they do they will always lose to top players
>Come into a thread for a game you don't play
>Complain about shit
Also smash is a fighting game :^)

Do you even know anything about Melee or are you just shitposting out of your ass?
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I actually think animu fighting games are really fun to watch. Why do they have to be so bitter?
Oh shit, Bizz is back?
How does a malfunctioning controller give an advantage to some players?
Bizz is fucking back baby,. 3 stocking shitty foxes and pissing on their graves.

As a ganon main, nothing feels better.
what does this even mean?
why do american insist on using the shit menu theme
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Then the top players should play with normal controllers like everyone else if they're so good. But they don't.

Armada refused to participate in a tournament because he couldn't cheat with his malfunctioning controller.

Some controllers have a factory defect that allow frame-perfect inputs to be more consistently performed.

hold on, let me get my handbook from our newly formed smashers union so i can check
He leaves every 4 months to be a lawyer and then comes back. He can't make up his mind.
It's so minute it doesn't matter
>Some controllers have a factory defect that allow frame-perfect inputs to be more consistently performed.
So, its not a controller defect, but a controller good binning, if you know what binning is.
Do you have some proof of said controllers existing?
What does what even mean?
Nothing around here I consider actively looking up on the internet other than job applications. I separate my internet and my real life.
Dashing backwards has a weird frame window, if you do it right you get an instant dash, if not, you get an extra ~5 frames of turnaround animation.

A small number of controllers are able to easily do backdash, I don't know the exact reason, but Armada recently dropped out of a tournament because he couldn't find one of said controllers
man, fuck this matchup
kadano makes the best controller mods, it's so cool to have him in my local community
are you retarded kid? what the fuck does "cakes in hboxs girl" mean?
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It does matter. Cheating is cheating. A controller that inherently gives one player an advantage over another is cheating.

>Do you have some proof of said controllers existing?
>Adam 'Armada' Lindgren, one of Super Smash Bros Melee's Five Gods, has dropped out of the Dreamhack Smash Championship singles event due to a malfunctioning controller. Or rather, a controller that wasn't malfunctioning correctly.
You're the retarded one if you don't understand what he means by that tweet. Kid.

Are you 12?
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He means Hbox's girlfriend has big massive tits, retard.
>A controller that inherently gives one player an advantage over another is cheating.

Nope, because it's not against the rules. Using sanctioned controllers is perfectly fine. It's the same way that you can use different fightsticks and some fightsticks are objectively better than others. You choosing to use a shitty fightstick doesn't mean the other player cheated by using a good stick.

You don't really play competitive games do you?
He's talking about dashback but he's too retarded to know what's coming out of his own mouth.
Reminder n0ne is the best ganon without even trying. Fuck jizzaro lame
Bizzaro Flame is a cool guy. A jock, one might say.
imagine if more people played fun shit like ganon and luigi
>People play CS:GO with 60 hz monitors
>Still shit on people with 144 hz monitors
I know this is all baiting but this is still fun.
Isn't it still Kage?
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Samus slows down the game so fucking much.
mango btfo
this is now a mango's psycho gf thread
link to stream, pls
>dat moonwalk down-b

Bizz pls
and any top 5 players except hungrybox would be better than n0ne after a week of practice
So, why not determine how the controller malfunction and just mod a "good" one like that? I bet is just a little hardware defect on the stick
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>Perfect wavelands on left platform
>Moonwalk past him towards edge

Biz please.
Never seen Kage 3-stock a top 20 player like Hugo "Nice Shot" Gonzales, but he plays falcon these days anyway.
Why was Apex 2015 the last great smash tournament?
twitch @ evo1

oh i mustve misremembered, thought the gas station incident resulted in dropped charges
>she keeps me well fed
Yeah we can see that.
G3 was the last great Smash tournament.
Yeah, but it's interesting to see how players react to it and work around Samus's high defense. It's still engaging, unlike Puff or Peach.
That was Genesis 1. Apex 2015 is a close 2nd though.
What's funny is that it was absolute trash to play in and there was a risk that everyone would've been killed in a building collapse.

As a spectator it was pure kino
you can always sort twitch by "game". it'll show all the melee streams
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oops, genesis 3*
>White Marth
The one and only.
>Nope, because it's not against the rules.
Which means that the Melee community fully endorses cheating so long as it increases viewership.

>It's the same way that you can use different fightsticks and some fightsticks are objectively better than others. You choosing to use a shitty fightstick doesn't mean the other player cheated by using a good stick.
It's not the same because Gamecube controllers are out of production and have been for about a decade, and only around 2% of Gamecube controllers are viable for this cheating. It's easy to get a different fight stick, it's much harder to get a Gamecube controller that's useful for you to cheat against other players.

Every other community at EVO bans input devices that can do things like block from two directions at once or have auto macros. Melee is the only community that has no such quality control. That's very telling.

>It's totally fine to use steroids because it increases viewership!
>It's totally fine to use broken controllers because it increases viewership!
The Melee community is literally no better than the mid-1990s to early-2000s baseball fanbase.

Monitor refresh rate has nothing to do with the tick rate of the server you're playing on.

>why not determine how the controller malfunction and just mod a "good" one like that?
That would be cheating.
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>We will never see PPMD vs Armada GF again
>Which means that the Melee community fully endorses cheating so long as it increases viewership.
Nope, because it's not against the rules

>It's not the same because Gamecube controllers are out of production and have been for about a decade
Nope, you can go to GameZilla and get a new one right out of package right now for $20.

You've used up your (You)s from me anon. Stop being a retard.
>Melee is the only community that has no such quality control
But, you are not allowed to have modded controllers at major tourneys. Macros aren't allowed either. I think you're talking out your ass.
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What went wrong?
>Monitor refresh rate has nothing to do with the tick rate of the server you're playing on.

having less than 120 fps means you're missing ticks on your screen though.
Even on LAN it wouldn't matter, and I'm pretty sure a good player on 60 hz even with ping would destroy a bad one with 144 hz, but apparently the other way around means the good player on 144 hz would be cheating??
Honestly I can't tell if it's actually bait now or if you just hate anything that gives an advantage within the rules of a game.
Should football players not be allowed to wear gloves cause it makes catching the ball easier? Same with soccer goalies?
Friendly reminder that pools and top 48 are more interesting than watching yet another HBox Armada GF.
>Take latest Melee tier list
>Allow in game handicap for people using low tier characters
>People start using more than 5 different characters
How much better would Melee become?
Why are you guys entertaining this shit?

It doesn't matter anyway TO's are almost certainly going to start implementing v1.03 which will make this shit unnecessary.

Just let him shit post.

Increased ticket prices
>Nope, because it's not against the rules
It's not against the rules because they endorse cheating. For the Melee community, the ends justify the means.

>you are not allowed to have modded controllers at major tourneys.
Yet defective controllers that are effectively factory modded are totally OK. It's like playing baseball with a corked bat.
You're right, anon. Sorry about that.
>It's like playing baseball with a corked bat.
I honestly didn't realise that bat companies sometimes accidentally corked bats, thanks for opening my eyes.
>endorse cheating
It's not cheating if there's no rule against and honestly I've only ever seen Armada himself say literally anything about specifically going for one of these controllers
>hGOD won the biggest Melee tournament of all time and is killing Melee so that no tournament ever surpasses it
hGOD hater cucks btfo
A handicap wouldn't solve characters with bad mobility, terrible neutral game, or outright broken hitboxes. All this would do is make the game so much more janky while alienating players
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>Gets to top 8 winners side
>Sent to losers by Hbox, 3-2
>''Arrghh.. So close. I can do it, guys!''
>Eliminated by Plup
Calling it now.
>It's not cheating if there's no rule against
Yes, it is. Gaining an unfair advantage is cheating no matter what. It isn't against the rules to play whack-a-mole with both of your hands, but it's still cheating if you aren't using the hammer.
It's cheating to pick Fox because he's better than the other characters.
Fox has an unfair advantage over most characters, I don't think that makes fox mains cheaters
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>people paid $12 to talk in twitch chat
>underdog tier

>I wish they were here tier

>reclaiming the throne tier

>Drunken master who will never claim the throne tier

>Literal faggot tier
But it would make more mid tier characters viable. The handful that are fucked can stay fucked, but anything to save us from another Fox/Marth match.
No, Fox is part of the game and it's not broken enough to ban it. Also, everyone can play it, the game gives you acces to it. A modified controller that gives you advantage is not.
ppmd is undead tier
Is PPMD an underdog though?
hi redit
anyone else have it say offline?
wtf happened to the stream?
No it wouldn't, It would fuck up the way combos work and you would have to play the character differently, and any disadvantages they have in neutral will still be there because they'll still have the same shit frame data that makes them mid-tier

You're trying to put a band-aid over a fundamental problem
Whenever I found the black choker item in FFXV, I thought of him.
smash 4 needed more viewers so they closed melee
Still better than the current meta.
Bad backdash windows are part of the game, and it's not broken enough to ban certain controllers (which are not modified, some just end up with easier backdashes)

Even if they did go full retard and ban the backdash controllers, that would be nearly impossible to screen, as they are exactly the same as every other GC controller
>more recent events have higher entrants numbers
Looks like things went right to me
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>leffen fags BTFO
Wait I just came home, where's the melee stream?
if you want pm go play pm
it got shut down. i don't know why.
>one of the best players to ever touch the game
did you just wake up from a coma?
Who's this girl and how do I fuck her?
He hasn't been a major tourney presence for years.
cuck ppu
It's only been a little over 2 years anon and he's still kicking.
Yeah, and Ken's still the king of smash
He'd probably wouldn't mind
On the Evo1 stream, it's back on now. Axe is up.
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honestly what happened to the whole abuse situation?
This Ness isn't even good.
no one cares about it because its mango
Wasn't she physically abusive to Mango or something? Kind of wacked.
I think mangos gf was just mad
Everyone in Mango's family called her a liar so she shut up about it.
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>mfw he's been 7th-10th for 5 years now
What happened?
It's not fair. He's more or less hit a plateau where his character can't get past the gods. He has improved a little these past two years, but it's not enough.
Still my favourite smasher.
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who to believe some fat whore riding off mango's success that got jailed for pulling a knife on a stripper or some guy who just wants to play vidya

hard choice
she realized they weren't married so she can't divorce rape him since all his assets would go to his mom

you know wobbles is at the tournament right
>Puff vs Samus
>trash4 on both streams
Not on evo1.
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>beats Mango
>makes it to Top 8 winners side
>"Plup is looking like a god-level player right now"
>gets raped by armada

So what secondary will he try out this year?
hope this new ruleset coming in a few weeks has at least some sort of floaty character ban
Mr. Game and Watch
Yeah, gotta make make fox more dominant in tournaments, that'll surely make things more interesting.
hopefully midset coaching gets fucking banned in the new MIOM ruleset
Are you pretending to be retarded?
Haha nice one ! Dude !

Duck's Samus is sick though
t. hungryfattie
a skilled roy
A 'Yes' would have sufficed
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>floaties galore
>5 minute matches
think again
No, he improved steadily. But so did all the top 10 people especially the top 6.
It's his character.

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