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Worst Castlevania ever.

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Worst Castlevania ever.
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the only one I played is Symphony of the night.
I own every other Metroidvania but I have not played them. I should do that.
That's not Dawn of Sorrow.
Thats not Simon's Quest.
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>Super exited about getting a GBA
>Play the hell our of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
>One of my favorite games ever
>Harmony of Dissonance announced
>The art style looks a little weird but stay positive
>It gets great reviews, mostly better than CotM
>Finally play it
>It's dog shit

Why did they trick us?
I just want to know what the fuck happened to the soundtrack. Was it composed for a cancelled Gameboy Color game or some shit? Why were the samples such garbage?

Just compare these tracks:
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ITT: worst Castlemania ever
It's almost hypnotic.
I honestly don't mind HoD's music, it gives the game a very distinct vibe. The problem is that the compositions weren't that great. Castlevania 2 Belmon's Revenge shits on it from a great height
So much style, he runs in slow-motion
I think Iga said they focused more on the atmosphere and sprite details and the soundtrack was rushed or had no budget
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ITT: worst Castleroid ever



lack of harmony among musical notes.
"an unusual degree of dissonance for such choral styles"
a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements.
"dissonance between campaign rhetoric and personal behavior"
Was really into OG castlevania and the LAST game I played was SotN.

I just finished the Netflix series which was pretty impressive, and I feel like jumping in again to everything I missed.

Where should I start, if I want to be a Balmont? Which shouldn't I miss and which can be avoided?
Are there any romhacks of either Metroid or Castlevania games that basically just swap maps like this? I'd want to try going through Dracula's castle as Samus, or through Zebes as Soma.
the original japanese title has no mention of dissonance or anything similar. I'm not going to say a translator that took a lot of liberties single-handedly made the shit audio appropriate with a name change.
I agree, but at worst it's mediocre. I can look over its flaws through the fact I speedrun it.
Yeah, the Japanese version is called White Night Concerto.
I would play the fuck out of such a romhack or fangame, since the idea of Samus tearing through the forces of Hell itself can only be topped by a DOOM WAD
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>Metroid Fusion x Aria of Sorrow
god i would fucking play this
afaik all the ds ones are SotN-style and are pretty good, each with it's unique spin/gimmick

on the gba you also have aria of sorrow which is a must-play if you liked SotN. there's also a classic-style game on the gba but i never played.

on the psp you have dracula x chronicles which is great and comes with unlockable Rondo of blood and SotN (a version with all the saturn bonus stuff).

it's worth noting that the SotN-style games usually have an unlockable mode where you play as a belmont that would therefore resemble classic castlevania more to an extent. never played the ps2 games.
>HARMONY of Dissonance
You can't pull the title of the game as an excuse when it also has the opposite of dissonance in the title mate.
>It gets great reviews, mostly better than CotM
That only happened because casuals couldn't make it out of the catacombs in CotM.
This is a great start, thanks anon.
Unfortunately, I can't find any romhacks like that. I have zero experience romhacking but that won't stop me from at least trying for ten or so minutes until I realize I have no clue what I'm doing.
Circle of the Moon isn't classic style.
harmony of dissonance is my fav..

that a/b castle shit was great
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Just got done watching the Castlevania TV series. The attention to actual lore was great. But much of it was just cussing and gore filler.
I got way too excited at the Alucard Sword special animation.
I also provided my own rendition of the level 1 music from CV3
its not that bad, there is a hack that fix the colors and that shitty border color.
i think that is great that is the first gay belmont, they guy decorate that room like a queen!
it was iverted castle from sotn done right
Well it is written by Warren Ellis, it's to be expected
It's the closest the Symphony of the Night style gets to the classic style, though.
what was it's gimmick?
basically just replace Soma's sprite, retool the moveset, and make all the gainable firearm weapons as powerups ala Metroid Prime beam weapons
eh, worst of the GBA ones maybe. there are plenty others that are much worse
Does Order of Ecclesia get better? So far all of the areas have been incredibly linear gauntlets with the only threats being the over abundance of enemies per room, with each setup being Big ground dude and 1 or more annoying flying shits. Tying gear progression to literal fetch quests for the villagers is also a big turn off. I like the Glyph system and being able to switch between 3 presets is nice, but I'm losing motivation to continue.
second half is the castle
gotta save all towns people for that or you'll get a bad ending
what the fuck
I see, how large is the castle? I feel like it's gonna be smaller in size because of all the shit up until it.
its TAS (tool assisted)

I don't consider any tool assisted thing to be a speed run. All they did was set up an emulator and read a guide of how to break a game.
Oh please, the human speedrun of that is only like eight seconds slower
While not the best, it's still fun to play but I must agree it has one of the worst music compared to CotM.
The only good thing is the cover art, it looks beautiful.
A TAS is just a demonstration. Nobody equates them to actual human runs, not even TASers
nice art though
Umm hell no it wasn't. The inverted castle by its nature at least felt totally different to traverse. Harmony's B castle wasn't flipped or anything: it was mostly the same layouts. Considering that the default castle was boring enough, the second one being nearly the same was really stupid.

The problem is lots of people will call their runs a speed run without admitting its tool assisted. Or only use tools in certain hard parts and hide it. Tools basically just undermine the idea of a speed run, since you have to assume every person is using one unless you physically sit there and watch them play it.
it's like half of what it would usually be.
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Currently playing castlevania III on my Wii U.
I have already played both Sorrow games, SotN, LoI, Curse of Darkness, Lords of shadows saga and Rondo of Blood. Which should I play next?
u mean castlemania
Maxim embodies nothing personell kid in terms of design.
Bloodlines or Adventure rebirth

Castlevania I, IV, Rondo, Rebirth, Circle of the Moon and the Sorrow games. Good news is you already played a lot of the bad ones.
I like it because of the NEFTAIL NEFTAIL when Juste uses the hydrostorm.
Were they bad really? The only one I enjoyed the least was mirror of fate but I loved every single castlevania that I played.

The 3D games are really lackluster for a multitude of reasons. Castlevania as a series never tried to transition from 2D to 3D. They just took the 2D gameplay and slapped it into a 3D world. While it takes less a second to clear a room of bats in a 2D game, it became a massive chore in the 3D games, with awkward controls, stiff turning and a bad camera. It also doesn't help that they used the Nanobreaker engine. One of the worst games on the PS2.
Could you even take a more shit picture if you actually tried
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I liked Harmony of Dissonance. I had no idea some people considered it bad or possibly even one of the worst CV games.

I'm ashamed to admit that I've never finished CotM because I've been stuck in the same goddamn place for nearly a decade or longer
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Some music in it was great though
why couldn't they have used Sly Cooper's engine?
It's slightly worse than SotN, the second-worst Castlevania ever, so that's true.
Fucking this. I was so disappointed by that shit. I hate the new art direction so much in addition. Hand painted Soma is far superior. why the hell did they get rid of that god tier artist? she was the best thing for their entire marketing team. Oh wait. It's Konami. Never fucking mind. Makes perfect sense now.
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So Juste is definitely the strongest Belmont right? I mean Belnades blood and Belmont blood basically gives him limitless potential, even though he was strong to begin with in Dissonance.

Konami doesn't have access to the Sly engine. IGA made the abomination that is Nanobreaker.


Bad gameplay, horrible voice acting and ruined the back story to Castlevania III.
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The thing is that while it is the weakest of the handheld castlevanias it's still a decent game, just that it drags on quite a bit, even when you do get better abilities. And the music arrangements themselves are pretty good, just marred by the shitty 8 bit sound fount


honestly the fan remixes of the game's songs makes them sound pretty good for the most part
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how i walk
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It had its problems, but it was pretty fun.

And they could have made 5-10 more 2D games for the cost it took them to make that. Konami deserved to die.
I'm about to finish it and I liked what I have played, I'm currently backtracking around to 100% the few maps remaining and training IDs to see their final forms, the summons have been my favorite thing in this game and the entire OST was pretty good except for the infinite corridor. Worst part about CoD is the level design, sadly.
I like that Curse and Lament are finally getting some love.
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This theme embodies Castlevania, prove me wrong
I love the promo art for these games...
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I think this one does a better job
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Only because you can use a whip, but you can use a whip in other ones as well and you can use swords in Circle, so...
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God fucking dammit
Worst Castlemania so far.
GBA sound chip was a mistake.
fashion vs fashion
Die, Allied Schweinehund
goddamn that silly boop boop in aquarius reminds me too much of mario kart super circuit
>in stunning 5 fps!
>That perfect symmetry of the face
that's how you know an artist is top notch

The whole budget went to just the few fights.
Who would win in a fight? Two sword Soma or Soma with his ears eaten off.

Actually, that's how you know an artist uses the mirror technique to lower his workload.
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