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Wishful additions?
Changes you want to see?
Thoughts on how it'll turn out?
Heh. Insider here. I can tell you a couple things that we really want to do but haven't committed to going yet. This way I won't get in trouble for saying anything, so this is just wishful additions we want to add that ARE NOT official but that we really want to do.
>Full length books
We really want to make this one feel like a real world. Real worlds have real books. No longer will you go to read a book and it's only a page and a half long.

>Custom weapons, armor, spells, enchants, etc.
Something akin to what we did with Fallout 4 where the player was able to create their own weapons, we want to do the same with TES6 but with armor, too. (I.e. Adding a bandolier to increase carry weight on your chest piece, adding reinforcements to armor such as Paudrons, etc) Same with bringing back custom spells.

>Older RPG elements
Things such as race specific perks, possibly some older attributes such as athletics though they wouldn't be like they were and would grant new abilities instead such as maybe a super jump or a dodge.

>Immersive animations
We are really trying to put an emphasis on a "true world" this time and that means many many fluid and realistic animations that townsfolk may do such as in skyrim, where someone would sweep the floor, chop wood, stand against a wall, etc.

>Crime is a bit easier
One thing that's being heavily debated is if a player steals an item and isn't caught, shouldn't that item no longer be stolen because who is going to know it's stolen?
Also, no more guards instantly knowing where you are if you shoot them from 1000 yards away with a bow in stealth.

There's a lot to write that we want to do, so don't take any of this seriously as we still haven't "officially" decided to do these.
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Hello Todd Howard here, we have heard all your complaints especially "you can't role play in your role playing game".
So instead of taking the time and effort into creating a role playing game we will no longer advertise our games as role playing games.
Thanks and Todd bless.
Hahahahahaha I can totally imagine this being a real thing
>Thoughts on how it'll turn out?

Having replayed Dagerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, and finally Skyrim?

It will be terrible. There is literally 0% chance it will be remotely good.
Mobility mechanics are some of the most relevant "innovations" to the industry, and RPGs, right now.
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make sleeping a meaningful mechanic
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>"but hey, none of this is official, so..." ;^)
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Where is the Bethesda leaker when we need him the most?
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I want to belive it will be at least Skyrim tier game.
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I want diologue options that dynamically change the quests. I want a class system that doesnt let you be a jack of all trades like Skyrim. I want a population that correctly represents that area that the game takes place in, like in Skyrim there shouldnt have been as many mages and non-nord races. I want UNARMED COMBAT BACK BECAUSE I MISS IT DEARLY. I want more interesting quests and more unique rewards for completing them. More hidden or rare occurances that keep the game fresh in many playthroughs. I want more freedom and a main quest that never quilts you in to finishing it. I want more spells that can change the game in interesting and amazing ways. I don't want scaling becaude that ruins any satisfaction that comes from leveling up. Maybe I want too much from a company like Betheada, but nobody could be THAT blind to their own criticism.
im just want skyrim remaster hd 1080p for Switch and ill be happy
Want to see more, wider perk trees that force a player to pick a route to commit, while having to sparsely add only a few points in others so multiple playthroughs feel more unique.

More casting varieties and spells, perhaps a means of combining spells (perhaps certain combinations fizzle out without appropriate levels in each school and/or perks to avoid abuse).

As for what I expect, I can only hope Bethesda learned what didn't work with Fallout 4. No forced story protag, no voice acting protag, etc.
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>What are combos
>keep the gameplay and leveling system of Skyrim mostly intact
>add more interesting quests like what we got with Oblivion
>bring back the sense of lore, culture, funny bants and just uniqueness in general that Morrowind had

To me every TES game has its strengths and weaknesses. VI will likely follow the same path by having a lot of strengths with a lot of weaknesses.
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>no more scaling
This! Fucking this! Take away that bullshit scaling system! How am I supposed to feel like I'm actually progressing if enemies are just as difficult to fight when I'm level 60 versus when I'm fighting the exact same Draugr enemy at level 1?! Also, scaling weapons to your level is a fucking sin! It's especially awful when you scale quest reward items to a person's level! Why the fuck is it possible for a lore item like the Axe of Whiterun to be a steel enchanted weapon but also a orc enchanted weapon at a higher level?! That's fucking bullshit! It ruins the goddamn immersion!
I want actual gore this time.
i want interesting non-fetch quests.
I want overall diversity of quests, locations etc.
More role playing, more choices.
more realistic game play and world

It will turn out shitty, like every single Bethesda game.
The next game is going to be in Hammerfell. I'm 90% certain.
Bring back stats instead of using that garbage leveling and perk system. Introduce higher difficulty settings which aren't increased health and damage. Make magic spells more interesting than doing different kinds of damage.

So basically, stuff that's never going to happen because the Elder Scrolls' new audience are a bunch of shit eaters who think Skyrim is the
magnum opus of RPG games.
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Why would they make TES VI if they can just re-release Skyrim and F4 for similar money?
Fuck you Todd
Also I'd like an actual combat system that's better than simple mashing the attack button until you or the enemy drops dead. I'd like either some good blocking, parry system, or dodge system. I just want something to spice combat up.
Black Marsh as a setting is cool but it wouldn't work as a full ES game unless a) you could only play Argonian or b) there's some insane retconning which would probably make the province significantly less unique
What special amiibo weapon would be available in a FO4 for the switch?
Also I've been playing ESO and I have to say I'm a bit dissapointed with how they've been portraying Black Marsh. Sure, some of the mud houses are charming and weird, but then I see some of the actual buildings they have and the armor and weapons and it's quite literally just copying Aztec society. If they make a game set in Black Marsh it will literally be Aztec but set in a marsh area.
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>The Elder Scrolls VI: Skyrim 2
Mach rider set.
just kidding, it's the Rabidds Kingdom cancer guns
>there's some insane retconning which would probably make the province significantly less unique

the jungles of Cyrodiil say hello
If it's still on gamebro I'll just wait for the $4.99 sale
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>replayed morrowind recently and had a blast as always
>decide to give todds snow game another chance
>the intro is longer than life itself
>character bodies, faces and items look like shit
>character creation reduced from "create a custom class" to "switch between 8 hairstyles and skin colors"
>racial skills not even listed during character creation
>combat is stiff, slow and animations are fuck ugly
>get to "fighters guild"
>some old guy tells me and some other guy to sparr to gain entry
>he doesnt even fight back
>"wow youre pretty good, go get my sword to the blacksmith"
>blacksmith tells me not to get ordered around by them for errands; next line is him telling me to run an errand for him
>call him out on it
>"hey be nice faggot"
>they give me a bed and tell me that i need to beat up someone for a contract
>they dont tell me where, who or for what reason
>forced to follow quest marker
>get to some womans shop and say "im here to solve a dispute"
>she starts punching me
>punch her back and she pulls out a dagger
>get axe and hit her
>get 500 septim bounty across whiterun
>reload save
>punch until shes down
>quest doesnt update
>20min rinse repeat
>have to use console to finish the first fucking quest on my playthrough
>back to quest giver "fun to push people around lmao"
wtf happened to the fighters guild
>second quest is already getting a piece of some axe while getting babysit by some dude
>2 quests later im "in the circle"
>dont want to be a werewolf
>"tough luck faggot"
>went from a fighters guild house in every city (morrowind oblivion) to one house filled with people you cant even talk to or do cool shit with
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At this point this is what the GAMERS recognize the game by, so I wouldn't be surprised

"You like elder scrolls?"
"What's that"?
"You know, Skyrim and..."
"OH. Skyrim! I love it!"
Pretty much but it'd be 10x worse with Black Marsh.
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>dank lore
>fully realised world
>rpg mechanics
>good characters and story
>no fast travel
>no objective pointer (map markers are fine for outdoors)
>hardcore mode
>no pausing in menus
>no skill point or spell from just picking up a book, have a learning minigame
>layered armour system
>item degradation
>enchanting and spellcrafting more complex
>good combat
>an inventory system doesn't allow you to carry every item in a dungeon
>summoning rituals for bonus daedric quests
>interesting daedra (don't make sheogorath a joke again)
>No fast travel and No objective market are part of a hardcore mode
>this forces Bethesda to actually make quests structured to accommodate people who want to play without being led around by their hands.
I wouldn't mind fast travel if it's done like in Morrowind, i.e. you have to pay for transport between major towns and outposts but most exploration is still done on foot.
A game set in Black Marsh would need a decent disease and infection system.
Instead of 'you have swamp AIDs, drink a heal disease potion' it would need to be 'you have Swamp AIDs, buy an antidote from a healer and regularly treat your sores with balm'
I agree with you. When I said no fast travel what I really mean is fast travel you have to actually pay for like a Taxi system.
>weapons, armor, spells, enchants, etc.

This. Especially spells and enchants.

Fuck casuals right in the fucking urethral tract.
I hope that when it comes out they remaster it 47 times and we will have to wait 86 years for the sequel after that one.
that's what I meant. if there's fast travel it should be an in-universe mechanic, like mark spells and such.
Reminder that this is the best Oblivion critique ever made.
Actually I think this video is better and his channel is relatively unknown.
Too bad the music cover his voice.
>Older RPG elements

You actually had me until you said this. Bethesda isn't going to be doing this when they keep dumbing down their RPG elements with each new release even going back before Morrowind.
He's just trying to copy that authentic Skyrim experience.
bethesda have forgotten how to make their brand of rpg now. see fallout 4
Seasonal changes. Greater weapon variety.
Not expecting much with how unfinished and broken Skyrim is.
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