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Morrowind Thread

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Thread replies: 518
Thread images: 104

Oh boy, where should I go first?
Go to Balmora meet daddy Caius

What does he have in store for me?
He's a shirtless drug addict old man that lets you live in his house in the main quest. Most of the times he just watches you sleep.
Most of the times.
>Most of the times he just watches you sleep.
Oh, and join House Redoran otherwise you are a faggot.
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>have Morrowind installed from about 2/3 years ago
>followed Knot's guide for visual mods
>game runs like shit in exteriors (about 30fps on a 970) and looks gaudy as fuck in some places because of tree overkill (pic related, even the fucking lighthouse is surrounded by them)
>want to reinstall with a simpler mod setup but it took me so long to add each individual mod that i'm reluctant to do so

Conflicted. Just started playing it again and I keep thinking if I should just start over again with a new installation before progressing any further.
Nah fuck that. Go to the caves west of Seyda Neen and grab the amulet there. Then north of that cave you should see a wizard fall, so loot him. Then there's a slave cave slightly NE of Seyda Neen you can clear. Then you go to Pelagiad and steal a bunch of shit so you can sell it in Balmora.

>cant play games with vanilla graphics and 30fps

Get a lot of this faggot.

It's a video GAME nigga
You should run to the left until you find a dead guy behind some rocks, then explore around until another guy falls from the sky. This should net you couple hundreds of septims. Now take the buss to Balmora and buy 2 potions of invisibility, 1 potion of levitation, 1 potion of mark, 1 potion of recall and 1 scroll of divine intervention. Drink the potion of mark at the silt strider platform. Take the Mage's Guild teleporter to Vivec city, buy a scroll of invisibility from the guild vendor and buy a broken glass dagger from the Telvani Canton enchanter, then take the buss to Suran and buy another broken glass dagger from the pawnbroker down at the plaza. Leave Suran by the front gate, climb over the hills, and run for the big oval door in the daedric ruins. Enter and jump down, drink levitation potion and float towards the large door to your left. Enter the door and proceed forward. Once you spot the guy in black demon armor drink an invisibility potion, run past all enemies and up to the shrine. Loot the shrine then drink the potion of recall. Take the buss to Ald Ruhn, then to Gnisis. Cross the water right there near the platform and proceed southeast until you see a large fort on a hill. Enter the fort. Go left and look for the stairs down, then go right and immediately right again for the stairs to the basement. When Deekin tries to give you high-five drink the second invisibility potion and run into the saves. Turn right and take the spear that pins the skeleton above the fire pit. Use the scroll of invisibility and run back, but keep going forward. Past the lava room in the cavern with bat wenches there is a corpse on the floor. Loot the boots from it and use the scroll of divine intervention. Take the buss back to Balmora and remember that you are now breathing manually.

Is this a mod?
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maybe stop being a faggot child and font worry about muh le grafix
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I have a ton of mods, but one of them affect graphics in any way other than draw distance. If you really want a texture pack, I suggest you get the watercolor one, as it is the one of the very few that doesn't break the art style.
Hlaalu towns were pretty nice places, including the port town with a whore house. Why are Imperial Forts so confusing though?
Fuck that stupid dumb nigger cat he fucking sucks
Install an actually good graphic mod or play with vanilla graphics or just updated textures you massive fucking faggot
>have that fancy terrain and exterior graphics
>npc model still looks like shit
why fucking bother?
Because Imperials are shit who can't into a e s t h e t i c, just like Hlaalu.
im pretty sure that guide is outdated as hell. there are multiple out there that are good
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why don't you play the better version called Skyrim?

pic related
grafix fags are literally braindead retards

dark souls 3 blows cock, worst game miyazaki ever shit out of his decrepit talentless asshole
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blamora and get a few quests into the main quest, then a few into the others, stopping when you have a memorable goal otherwise you'll forget where you were because the questlog isn't chronological.
but Ebonheart is the most aesthetic place in Vvanderfell.
The combat in this game enrages me, is there a mod to fix it?
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>Ahnassi, a Special Friend

>Choose the "smooth moves" and "her profession" dialogue topics and then "Give Ahnassi the gift of friendship". She'll plead with you to come and visit her often.

What did they mean by this?
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ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong

The Sharmat is a tragic figure. Voryn Dagoth was a nationalist, a charismatic leader and a devoted follower to Nerevar, and most importantly, his friend. He fell for the same temptation and Dwemer trickery as did the Tribunal, he was not inherently evil. All that Voryn truly wanted was to secure Morrowind's sovereignty and getting rid of a dying globalist Empire. The trickster Vehk is your real enemy, Dagoth Ur is your friend.
So what's the up to date mod guide?
go get my weaponfu the spear of bitter mercy

just turn on god mode if you're that retarded
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>NPC casts command creature on DAGOTH UR
Fucking kek
Who /daedricwakizashi/ here

Combat is stupid with with full fatigue.

well yeah of course you're not going to be able to run fancy graphics
How playable is OpenMW?
>it works
what the vehk
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>the spear of bitter mercy
It's really not.
what mod are you looking for then? the only thing you can do is make it so you always hit, which you can already do by playing the game right instead of being an absolute idiot

like I said, instead of wasting time downloading the infinite fatigue mods or the mod that gives you 100% hit chance just turn on god mode. it will be the exact same thing
Seven months ago, we were mere weeks away from a 1.0 release.

Now, we're merely one week away.
>He doesn't main the Fork of Horripilation.
33yo who's last TES game was Daggerfall in 98.

First playthrough as a sneaky wood elf archer. What am I in for?
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>spend hours actually loading the game
>finally get to play
>on some stupid ass boat that takes forever
>finally get off the boat
>see a mudcrab and attack it
>die the most horrible and embarrassing death in a video game

wow sure is a GREAT GAME
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>The Heart of Lorkhan is now in your party.
This is amazing
>Using weapons
Cliff racers.
>blaming the game because you have the mental acuity of an aborted fetus
maybe find a new hobby

>using weapons in a tes game

Your first mistake. All you need is a shield, armor and magic. Although I guess archery is a damn sight better than melee.
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>wood elf
I know it's been years anon but play something decent, something like an honorable Dunmer warrior.
>Did nothing wrong
>Wants to remove everyone's face and inside of their head

What did he mean by this?
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I wonder who could be behind this post...
That was madman Dagoth Ur's doing, not Nerevar's bro Voryn Dagoth.
yes but Dagoth has also been driven mad by exposure to the dwemer artifacts and some weird metaphysical stuff, he was like a loyal dog with rabies who needed to be put down.
best thing to do is kill him, kill Vivec, and kill the other two during Tribunal so Morrowind can be free

At the very least a witchhunter.
This looks like the cinematic mod of morrowind
does anyone play this on Linux?
I only have my Linux laptop atm and want to play again but am unsure how it will play with Wine and mods
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they were in pain
I've always played a heavy armor long sword nigga. Recommend me stats for a different run.

Pure caster? Summoner? Dickass thief? Something else?
See that big volcano in the middle?

You can climb it!
Does this happen if you talk to them after you kill Dagoth Ur?
If you sneak up to Dreamers and Ash Zombies you can talk to them.

Mostly they talk about dreams and complain that the chairs won't stop talking no matter how they rearrange them.
Yeah but does this only trigger after killing him or is it random?
that pic was before killing dagoth ur
Loot the open topped tree trunks by the lighthouse, and the tree trunk a little north of seyda neen slightly south and to the east of where the wizard falls, the one in the swamp with the rocks right behind the tree trunk.

Find the lost ebony mine south of balmora, loot ebony, sell ebony, tell dude in st olms haunted manor, get free daedric weapon. Level 1 shit b
It always works, you just need to talk to them before they aggro.
Loot the bookshelf, limeware platter, and every silver object in the census office. Looting everything and selling to the trader in town (after giving faggoth the ring back) will net you 1k gold straight off the boat.
>stealing imperial property
criminal scum
Kill the lighthouse bitch after you complete the missing taxman quest, free house and skillbook
I think that book is worth 300 something drakes too
Honestly my favorite thing about Morrowind is that they spent a great deal of time making sure NPCs didn't know things they shouldn't know. Trying to figure things out like what happened to Nerevar or the fate of the Dwemer was a massive pain in the ass, because most NPCs have no clue or know nothing other than what the Temple says. Meanwhile, the people who do know all give contradictory and bias answers that make them look good. Not even Dagoth Ur or Yagrum Bagarn have any idea what happened to the Dwemer.

Modern games, ask any NPC a question and they will tell you exactly what is going on, and you can trust everything they say.

The only other game I've really seen do it that well is Vampire the Masquerade, and even then it's still second place.
In the immediate vicinity around gnar mok, is a open topped tree trunk in a swamp right by a tree. Use the levitation potion you got in addamantus or whatever that skooma den is called east of seyda neen, and you got yourself a nice glass shortsword. Level 1 shit b
>Modern games, ask any NPC a question and they will tell you exactly what is going on, and you can trust everything they say
Favorite thing about TES lore right here. It's mostly unreliable narrators, and when you finally do get a concrete answer there is usually 2 more that contradict it.
Good shit.
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the original engine will always run like shit no matter your GPU because it can't take advantage of modern hardware, this is why we need OpenMW
But doesn't OpenMW run like shit too
>>on some stupid ass boat that takes forever
that's 30 seconds
I can't even think of a game to recommend for your attention span. Maybe mobile shit
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the idea is that it will run much better eventually
After finding the tax mans body literally a stones throw from seyda neen, look at his tax records. The guy with over 200 drakes owed? He has a shack in seyda neen. Ask him about taxman, kill him, HEAD STRAIGHT TO THE "aaaahhh yes, we've been expecting you" dude in the census office, you just kept all that gold and got 500 more. Aren't exploits fun? Now go and give the ring back to the chick in the light house and kill her for it. Free starting house, no bounty, best ring in the game, 4K gold to be made in and around seyda neen alone. 1 hour of your time.
Early game:
>Hey chucklefuck, get a real job and try to reform your life. Go do work for this Skooma addict
Medium game:
>Oh, you might be someone important. Go see if anyone else agrees, try to convince them
Late game:
>Dagoth Ur: Are you REALLY Nerevar reborn?
>You: I have no fucking idea

Early game:
>Are going to be someone important. Go meet other important people
Medium game:
>It's you! The Hero of Kvatch!
Late game:
>Thank you Champion of Cyrodil, for helping someone else save the day. Now go become the leader of every faction.

Early game:
>You're the Dragonborn!
Medium game:
>You're the Dragonborn!
Late game:
>Thanks for saving the world Dragonborn! Now go become the leader of every faction.
I love how you find items worth tens of thounsands of gold but almost no vendors have over 1000 gold (except the scamp and the crab, but a new player might take long to find them). It's a brilliant solution around the level scaling bullshit of the other games.
Never played but I think I'm ready. All I have is a toaster laptop now, what are the least taxing but essential mods /v/?
You should be using those 20,000 gold items, not selling. That winged twiglight soul gem you should always steal in the balmora mates guild will go quite nicely with the taxmans ring. Enchant that shit b
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It's nice how they actually gave you a choice if you really were Nerevar.
Vanilla. Deadass.
It's been playable for awhile. At this point they're ironing out glitches, but it's probably as stable as any engine Bethesda's shipped.
Morrowind Code Patch is the most essential. You can install a shitload of mods and there won't be many effects on your performance as long as it's not mods that add tons of new textures/meshes and global scripts.
Just get the unoffical patches. They will fix most of the crash to desktop problems, and the broken quests.

>short blade
>heavy armor

best build in the game

Have fun with a disadvantage in morrowind.
>playing shitscales unironically
>hide the two daedric pauldrons after a ton of boring expansion quests
and no, I never fuck with my boy Fyr
I got the sudden urge to replay this game, but with a build that is only does damage with unarmed. Magic is allowed but no summons, or anything that does damage directly. How would you make this sort of character brokenly strong? I've read that strength doesn't modify unarmed damage, so i might as wall make some sort of fist mage.
B is the correct answer.
Unarmed works by reducing their stamina to knock them over, and then punching them for damage while they are down.

Thus, anything that saps stamina will help you win fights more quickly.
>being an empire cuck
C is actually correct
Illusion spells: Calm, Paralyze
Mysticism: Absorb Fatigue and Health spells

Even with that and higher hand-to-hand and Strength, your punches will do shit damage to downed enemies and you'll be bored quickly unless you use some mod.
Early game
>Random mercenary, go to this ruin and retrieve an artifact
Early to Mid game
>You're a Dragonborn, go seek the truth about this
>You're the Last Dragonborn, Ysmir, Dragon of the North
>casuals who need boots and helmets
Is that new morrowind engine project at a point you can play the game with it looking like this? It's cool to play it with those visuals but the instability of the game and the low framerate really hamper the experience.
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Free to be nuked.
Fuck you Vehk go drop your moons somewhere else
Actually fuck me, I suck dicks. A quick google and look at the project's site reveals that shit has been dead in the water for a good while now. What a shame. I was talking about OpenMW, by the way.
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>Not picking the "I'm just some fucking guy why does this keep happening to me" answer
>you'll be bored quickly

Unarmed is hilariously effective in Morrowind. You can easily reach the point you're flooring people before they can't even hurt you. The issue is then FINISHING the fight. That'll take some time. Still worth trying on at least one character because of how funny it is for a while.

I'm fairly sure you can also hit people so hard that they won't get up. While technically not being dead, that is.
You get named dragonborn in like, the second quest. Third quest if you count "go to the city" as a quest.
OpenMW's biggest obstacle is the optimization with lower to medium end systems.
>I'm fairly sure you can also hit people so hard that they won't get up
Pretty sure you can do that with some sort of Damage Fatigue spam
>fucking ruins bullshit
>dragon attack
Fourth quest
It's funnier to do it with unarmed. Hit so hard they go in to a coma.
The intro isn't a quest.

And the ruins bullshit barely counts, since there are two quests (likely, the very first two you will encounter) in the same ruin. So, if you do the Riverwood sidequest, you already have the item you need to finish the ruins main quest.
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>proud homosexuals
>dead in the water
Still being actively worked on, Scrawl is back and there are regular builds and releases, it's just the PR guy isn't around to talk about it. TES3MP, its multiplayer fork, has also made huge strides.
Yes, "a Dragonborn" and it's not fully revealed what that entails is until you do some quests with the Greybeards.
>"proud" shitscale
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>"stahp liking what i dont like!"
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>argonian nationalists
>it's not fully revealed what that entails is until you do some quests with the Greybeards.

Or watch the trailer.
What's the point?? Is this for real?
Well that's good to hear. Mutliplayer sounds like it could be fun but it's not something I'm overly interested in. I'm really just all for a better engine that runs nice on modern hardware.
Why are dunmer girls so perfect? the red eyes do something to me

>Immune to poison
>Nearly immune to disease

Nothing about nationalism honeybun.
Red Mountain
>Early game:
>Hey chucklefuck, get a real job and try to reform your life
This is one of the most overrated aspects of Morrowind. Caius has ONE line about how you should join a guild and buy a sword, and you can ignore it and proceed with the MQ anyway to become Nerevarine 20 minutes later.

Code Patch and Graphics Extender are all you really need. Maybe a Fair Magicka Regen and Run Like The Wind if you're a pussy.
>tree slaves
>live in mud huts

I'm sorry my racial passives get in the way of your autism lamb chop.
Obviously not.
Check out these for actual tips
Dunmer girls are sluts. Sluts!
How good is House Telvanni on a mage character? I never have gotten that far in Morrowind without remarking my character
Argonian girls were made for being sex slaves for the master races (Dunmer and Nibenese)
Telvanni has some of the best roleplaying in the game, it's like the Mages Guild for dickheads. Telvanni also has some of the best mods, be sure to get Building Up Uvirith's Grave and Rise of House Telvanni.
The vanilla version also gets you some pretty good items.
Also get Building Up Uvirith's Legacy, not BUUG.
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problem, darkie?
how does your wife like getting SCALED?
Dresfags are the worst.
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and catfuckers too
Straight to the uninstall button.

You'll thank me later.
I killed her in Tribunal. She was kind of a bitch.
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Could barely stand being in the same room as her in Tribunal. Absolute degenerate.
She fucked Hjalti too. And probably all of Wayrest.

>all choices lead to boss fight

ain't a bioware game where everyone is dtf
Please help, I can't decide between Dunmer or Argonain
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>tfw kids on /v/ claim Morrowind is their favorite but are incapable of playing the game without ruining it with mods
Actually, you can choose not to fight and just leave and let Dagoth Ur complete his plans. He makes you start the fight.

But anyway, there is no way to convince him not to try to drive out the Empire, which makes perfect sense. Fallout games are fucking retarded that they let you talk every boss into suicide.
>rise up and murder a ton of greyskins
>raid the oblivion portals so hard that the dremora close it just to survive
stay mad, darkfag
Oh man I sure do love being controlled by alien trees
enjoy your shoes
oh wait
>he simply wants to know who you really are before he takes wraithguard, sunder and keening
>hurr why can't I stop this insane dude from destroying the world with logic and reason???
nationalism is shit because it creates an "us vs them" mentality
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How's that nuked wasteland of a province treating you, smokeskin?
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>ashnigger or swampnigger
go redguard
That's a regular nigger.
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Better try harder faggots. You're walking simulator is garbage.
shoes are uncomfortable and wonky. I go hiking barefoot in real life
You live in a fucking swamp
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the hist are based. amaranths are cucks
nobody is talking about a universe where boots of blinding speed don't exist
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they're swordniggers
know your lore
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anti-Lorkhan fags need to die
*true nigger
>following the will of a trickster god
daft twats
>Tall Papa

who is this?
dunmer girls are conocially whores.
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Redoran bros, WWA?
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Official lore or no lore.
being blind is shit
>lacking resistance to magical effects
i'm sorry
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Is TR not lore friendly?
The art is perfect.
well in that case you can just make potions and enchantments to go fast without the boots
Argonian simply because of all the diseases and shit you're susceptible to early game.
don't have to bother dirtying your hands with such nonsense as a breton
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Just memeing, the art is pretty good. Are they purposely trying to imitate Kirkbride's style in some of the artwork?
those are the best skills in the series
one of the ONLY mandatory mods in my opinion is the delayed brotherhood mod and the one that limits who has the rumor for solstheim

the first one triggers many a ragequit in newbies who don't know that the dlc is programmed for 'after beating most of the game' and the second one clutters the fuck out of every dialogue list

everything else is up to taste. I always liked MADD leveler because missing a x5 and not saving the points on everything else gave me mad autism and i'm not going to hypercarefully only level up skills for x5, it's no fun.

these three alone make the game significantly more relaxing and enjoyable
Can I install Madd mid-playthrough?
that reminds me of how awesome being an argonian in oblivion is.
>in aeylid ruin fighting bandits
>floor starts rumbling and drops down
>all the bandits drop dead from gas
>my lizard is completely unaffected
You kinda can and it has 3 spells for resetting the stat watcher and whatnot but I can't guarantee it working perfect. It works based on 'current base stats' and then as you level up it auto-grants you single stat points based on skill use and then lets you chose x1's at level up

mid playthrough installation will just make u have lost whatever madd would have given you, probably.

idk where you'll download this anymore though
I'm pretty sure some of it is MK's work. He draws stuff and helps on fan projects from time to time.
MMH has most of the older mods archived.
Yeah, gotta agree with you.
I'm replaying oblivion as an argonian and it's so much better not having to worry about poison in dungeons anymore.
Great now I don't know what art to put in my "MK" folder and what to put in my "Fan Art" folder
Oh neat

but yeah I've found madd leveler is the singular mod that both reduced 'stress' and increased my ability to just play and enjoy the game
Thanks for this, I think i'll just reinstall the game and follow this guide since it seems to aim to keep the original look intact.
his place probably reeks of imperial ballsack
also some situational underwater parts like when the mages guild guy tries to get you drowned in a well
Archer, ironically isn't the best build for ranged combat. It's a Combat focused class rather than Stealth, so you lose 5% on Marksman.

Your meme build is Bosmer Acrobat, Lover sign. 50 Marksman, 85 Agility, 45 Sneak.

Get a crossbow, so your low Strength is less of a problem, and hope your low Willpower doesn't leave you constantly ganked by wizards.
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Here's a hint: If it looks like MK it's MK.
When I first played I didn't even notice what happened since I had like a 200+ feather effect and could carry a lot of shit
I still recommend madd
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I have a similar problem with my "canon" and "c0da" folders.
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is Lutemoth MK?
fucking pleb. join the temple and get the ordinators to worship your ass
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Yeah he has a pretty distinct art style
Like cluttering so many fucking shit into one fucking drawing
Mods are the reason why there is still a community 15 years later.
And you are the worst person on the internet.
That cat is crazy qt, and you have no friends.
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Imagine the plot twist
>someone screencapped a post of mine form half a year ago
I am finally a meme
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Everyone is MK
Man fuck you
>make pic
>some anon reposts it
Happened once. Felt nice.
Explain these pictures
lizard fag fuck off
People always go on about how Sotha Sil is some deep voiced precious trans baby or some shit. But look at the facts: House Sotha was a backwater fishing town where he was the only member of any note. Ergo: Sotha Sil is a swamp hillbilly who is mostly silent to hide his heavy dunmer-cajun accent, and his entire family were all fishermen and the head of house Sotha was Archmagister Sotha Billyboy, who caught the biggest slaughtertrout y'all ever seen and ain't no fancy clockwork city gonna do that.
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>Sotha Sil is some deep voiced precious trans baby or some shit
That reminds me, didn't Sil grow a baby or some shit?
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I got my Sotha Sil meme posted on r/trueSTL
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Yeah, Memory is his robot daughter clone magic thing.
>He fell for the same temptation and Dwemer trickery as did the Tribunal, he was not inherently evil.
>The trickster Vehk is your real enemy

Vivec was inherently evil, he admits to willingly killing Nerevar to ascend to godhood.
Also Dagoth was just doing his job of protecting the Heart.
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Where the fuck does she even fit in the story
even C0DA's story
hey I have that one saved
She's the one that figures out the true purpose of the Clockwork City, since Seht's way too Anuic and too obsessed with forcibly converting everything into a robot to realize that he could be shaping the next dream instead of fixing the current one.
Would be way easier if people just realized Tamriel is a lost cause
Shut the fuck up Numidium.
We need a new Dream already, and this time the Godhead shouldn't be some faggot that got sad because his brother beat the shit out of girlfriend
>the next dream
but there's no singular next dream isn't there?
wasn't the mundus an attempt to make all et'ada become an amaranth?
his girlfriend*
Fuck you Anu you piece of shit we're stuck here forever
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Yeah but evidently everyone sucks so much that a single new amaranth is all we can hope for.
So have we reached consensus if kalpas are linear or if there is a fuckton of them at the same time
Is that multiplayer?
Well given that the start of a kalpa is marked specifically by convention, they're linear, but things can travel or survive kalpas. Lyg is a different situation entirely.

Yes. There's a specific command on the main server to spawn 20 Fargoths.
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most amaranths are going to have worse dreams than anu, but there's going to be plenty who choose to dream forever rather than live, just like what anu did.

Anyway isn't the hist trying to make every kalpa better than the last? Or is that not what the "exact egg-cracking" is?
>Lyg is a different situation entirely.
what is Lyg? I asked on /tg/ and didn't get an answer
Alternate Tamriel where even more weird shit happens.

**nigger nigger
A parallel mirror Tamriel, but a specifically different place with different culture, not like a situation where it's the same world but everyone is reversed or everyone is gendered swapped. Supposedly the dreugh ruled it but then maybe they also ruled Tamriel in the beginning times but who the fuck knows. Dreugh are generally the most mysterious part of the lore now.

Kirkbride does drugs so we don't have to.
Oh and Molag Bal was created there by the Magne-Ge or some shit.
My headcanon is that Tamriel is flat and Lyg is on the other side and nothing will convince me otherwise.
Actually was that Molag Bal or was that the Mehrunes? Didn't Bal come from there too as the Ruddy Man?
Fuck this shit
I thought that was what Akavir was.

But I remember the Selectives Lorecast mentioning Akavir being an amaranth of sorts but they never went into detail about it.

Are the Dreugh not the leading race from a previous Kalpa?

I remember the flat-earth planes being a widely accepted thing last I checked. Mostly because it explained Lyg
From what I remember Yokuda and Akavir represent the previous and next kalpa
Mehrunes Dagon was the Demon Leaper King who would hide away parts of the world so that Alduin wouldn't eat them.
Though I'm not sure if that means he was a daedric prince at the a point, though it does suggest he has a plane of his own.
Akavir is another continent overseas, where the monsters are so badass and deadly, canonically after Morrowind the Neravarine went over to go fight them and never came back.
Nevermind I think I remember it now.
The Demon Leaper King became Dagon and then fused with Mehrunes the Razor and became Mehrunes Dagon.
>68 fucking mods


well it is us vs them. Welcome to post-Imperial politics, shit is getting medieval.
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His level must be in the four-digits by now
That's just a rumor though
But it is us vs them.
There is always going to be someone out there who wants to fuck your shit up, you gotta band together and make sure they don't

The country with nationalism will beat the country without it.
>Are the Dreugh not the leading race from a previous Kalpa?

They don't seem to be pre-kalpic. They ruled an empire, worshiped Molag Bal, had some alliance or connection with Sotha Sil, and now they're mindless monsters (though in ESO we fight a humanoid one that may or may not be the ruddy man or a pre-feralizing dreugh, which still looks horrifying).
Like I said, they're the biggest unknown factor in all TES lore. Everything else at this point has some explanation, except them. What the fuck are they?
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And then this fucking happens
It's mostly just nitpicky texture mods
>people listen to MK
How does the new ESO explain Vivec losing his divinity through a cold?
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>joining Faggotran
>not joining Telvanni
That was actually misleading (and why people assumed Peryite was involved), the actual truth is that Sotha Sil developed a contraption specifically to siphon and contain their divine energies, because he was interested in their limits and such. Clavicus Vile manages to get ahold of it and gives it to Chocolate Cocoon, who uses it to try and claim he's the Nerevarine and uses it to siphon Vivec's power remotely, which causes him to lose it. You end up going to the Clockwork City and disabling the contraption to cause all of Vivec's divine juices to flow back into him).

So basically it's Sotha Sil's fault.
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Why does TES have the best memes
>he didn't play Tribunal
he's more interesting than their other writers at least
>Being an idiot
>tried morrowind several times with graphics mods

should I finally give it a go just getting used to the shitty default graphics?

is it easy to play at a high resolution at least?
OpenMW will be finished soon!

- /v/ 5 years ago
Great argument anon, you really showed me.
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>Micheal Kirkbride presents:
>Neon Genesis Anumidium
>shitty default graphics
embarrassing lad
>"my power"
Morrowind Graphics Extender is all you need, people who tell newfags to use mods on their first playthroughs are idiots.
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>its another "tribunal fucks everything up" episode
I have that as my Morrowind intro
It's playable to completion for vanilla and runs better on modern systems, plus TES3MP is now a thing.
Problem is they're super perfectionist and keep pushing more to work on that OpenCS thing, which I'm not sure anyone cares about.

Why is there no Numidium that just looks like Akulakhan? It's always weird numidium or Numidium that looks like a spiky guy who works out a bunch and fucks dads.
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Right here my most honourable nigga.
>its another "tribunal fucks everything up" episode

To be fair, ESO's current plot seems to be that every single daedra wants access to the Clockwork City for reasons unknown, though probably because everything we see of it seems to be indicate it's absolutely overpowered. Sotha Sil's roomba, his literal roomba, can compete with demigods, and canonically the city can mass produce anything on Nirn in robot form, including people, and he's got an army of giant dwemer ballistic missile launching robots.
Basically there's a lot of shit people would want from the city.
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I remember some anon saying that Numidium is so much about fucking up time and space that he can't even maintain a constant appearance. Or something like that.
Makes sense to me.
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because no one knows that the fuck is going on
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Hey someone saved something from my MK pics folder
Trainwiz, will your CC stuff be considered canon lore?
Yes. Especially the screaming trains.
so is TESO cool now?
can you pirate it?
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what's his dog's name?
That's... surprising?
But really, what's going on with Bethesda these days, I was amazed that Todd even allowed something like Sermon 37 and Truth in Sequence to be canon since he's so hell-bent on making everything generic as fuck.
ESO seems willing to tackle the weird shit more. Even if sometimes it misses the mark, you still get shit like having to hack terminals with Divayth Fyr while avoiding the wrath of a giant robot's flamethrower cannon, and it was even willing to canonize guns.
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How is Fyr in ESO?
I think Lady N's tumblr or deviantart has it, I'll look it up
I don't like his voice, but he's
>Friends with Sotha Sil
>is pretty cool
>wears daedric armor
>has probably fucked every female mage under the sun, and even attempts to fuck the player if they're a girl, and currently has a harem of female "apprentices"
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Cool as fuck, as always.
Right here, never understood the Telvanni love and Hlaalu are s'wits.
Why IS Fyr such a horndog compared to the other Telvanni? And wizards in general.
House Redoran starts with making you go "Really, I gotta trek my ass through this ash desert?" end ends with making you actually feel at home in the ashlands.
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Are they actually married?
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I guess it's Gumbo
what happened to japan in ww2? they got their own people nuked and sent themselves off to die for the "honor" of their nation because of how retardedly nationalistic they were. and they didn't even win

and the nazis didn't win either
Well there's your problem. Either a game is good enough to play vanilla, or it's not worth playing at all.
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Two years ago she said she was engaged to Kirkbride, so they are probably married by now, yeah.
I have a theory that a mage's libido and their age/power is a on a reverse bell curve. It starts off high when they realize what they can do (like that one guy that fucks ghosts in Skyrim), drops off when they start discovering power, then when they realize the full potential goes back up to full worldfucker. Starting mages are perverts, powerful mages are prudes, but then the truly most epic level wizards go back to being perverts. Mannimarco come Daggerfall's time has concubines, Shalidor had fifty wives (all of which were stolen by Sheogorath), Fyr is obvious, and Seht canonically splits himself in two and gangbanged Almalexia, Vanus Galerion had a whole legion of groupies, etc, etc.
>He makes you start the fight.
Absolute bullshit, if you just chill in the room for long enough he's start fighting you.
>like that one guy that fucks ghosts in Skyrim
When did that happen
It is. It is the natural state of humankind to seek out others who are genetically the same, unite with them, and seek out others who are not like them, and torture and destroy them. Taking resources is optional. Humans are warriors by nature. Societies aren't built out of wanting any common good, but because we want to fight and annihilate others.
The steam store and get a good game.
It's near Dawnstar I think. He fucks ghosts and draugr (the entire tomb is filled with nothing but female draugr). When you reach the boss you can find him in bed with two half-naked ghost girls with him.
That's why I love humanity. We're such assholes.
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Fyr is without a doubt the sickest cunt around.
natural doesn't mean good
Is it this one?
The Thieves Guild bartender gives you a quest to go there. Never noticed the ghosts were all female.
The natural state of humankind is to live in tribes of about 15 people, attack other tribes, kill all their men (and male children), and rape their women, ensuring that there are about 4 women to 1 man.
>Arondil is an Altmer conjurer, necromancer, and necrophile.
Yeah, I'm reading through his journal right now. Fun stuff.
if you steal the soul gem behind him the ghosts go crazy and attack him
same with chimpanzees desu
I did that once, those ghosts must have been really pissed.
Are you implying early 1900s American wasn't nationalistic as fuck?

>A non-nationalist country can not beat a nationalist country
>W-well this nationalist country beat this other nationalist country lol
>every necrophile in TES is an elf
WWII America is literally the poster child for nationalism.
this. it's ironic how they complain about africans being ape-like and then they say shit like that
You know how people who watch a lot of porn sometimes move towards more and more freaky shit as they become desensitised to vanilla stuff? Now imagine you're an elf mage who lives for several hundred years.
Anyone else /CantInstallOnSteam/ ?
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>never understood the Telvanni love
I always assumed they were a parody of the OTO.
A bunch of magicians who all hated each other and spent more time bickering than actually studying magic.
russia did all the work in ww2 you nerds. america just dropped some bombs and that doesn't require nationalism. it was just unwarranted self-importance on ameritards side
>A bunch of magicians who all hated each other and spent more time bickering than actually studying magic.

Fantasy /v/?
WWI / WWII America is the poster child for why being nationalistic and isolationist is terrible, and you should cooperate with your friends all over the world, and help others to make them into new friends.
What's habbening, anon?
There's the Dremora too
They're all asshole mad scientists who practice might make right, that's fun.
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>russia did all the work in ww2 you nerds.
Not only is that not true, we're talking about Japan.
>telvanni are literally /ourguys/
Can I join both these guys and Redoran?
and like i said, dropping a nuke isn't nationalism. and american nationalism is also garbage. nobody likes america, it's full of obese retards who think they matter
you realize that Japan attacked pearl harbor because they were desperate after attacking Russia on the eastern front, Manchuria, and got BTFO ?
sorry I thought this was a morrowind thread
Ignore Hlaaluposters
It is.

Which is why the Sixth House is going to rise up and drive those Imperial invaders out of Morrowind and allow us to have our nationalist utopia.
A cave on the North, the guy was REEd out of Dawnstar and started having sexy hot sex with the corpses in here, afterwards he started kidnapping women from Dawnstar and making them into spectres.
He didn't fuck them conventionally though, apparently her mere touch was already enough to make him orgasm.
How was House Dagoth originally like?
I tried getting into Morrowind but I found it extremely boring. Just play Fallout 4 and stop forcing yourself to play these outdated games.
You can barely speak basic English, why do you think anyone even remotely cares about what you have to say? You're clearly some uneducated dog from a third world country.
skyrim lmao
wrote NTR doujins for the other houses
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tht still sounds like the OTO and 'Do what though wilt'
>is that not true
lmao, Russia defeated the better divisions of the German army alone.
>b-but muh american aid
The most optimistic estimations (as in: not the USA propaganda) only put that at 15% of the produced material.

Russia not only defeats 75% of the German army, it defeats the better part of it.
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Fuck off to /pol/ already and stop ruining this L O R E thread
They just want to chill on their towers and shit.
Most of them don't give a fuck about each other for the most part, other than annoying cunts like Gothren and ambitious youngsters like Aryon most just ignore each other until they want something.
>Neravarine ditched her to explore Akivir instead of setting down with her and keeping Morrowind safe during the Oblivion Crisis
Nothing says he can't bring a cat with him on the flight to Akavir.
>settling down with beast races
God no
In TES games the child gets the race of the mother.
If you're a male and you racemix you're actively contributing to the destruction of your culture and race.
The Ayleids are a prime example as to why you shouldn't racemix.
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Sorry I'd rather not get cucked by a cat
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Reminder that House Dres has no honor, House Telvanni is full of Daedra worshippers and "House" Hl**lu should be forced to work in the saltrice fields for their crimes against the Dunmer.
>summoning daedra to do your bidding like obedient bitches is "worshipping" them
Telvanni don't worship no one but themselves.
I thought they died if you killed Dagoth?
Wait aren't the Dunmer supposed to traditionally worship Daedra? Is house Redoran LARPing as a traditionalist house while abandoning traditional Daedra worship?
I don't have a problem with Dres, it's just that they are way too fucking retarded to exist.
And Redoran worships Daedra too.
Some people still LARP as false gods worshippers for some reason
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Vivec (pbuh) has shown us that the Daedra are false and evil gods not worthy of our worship.
Redoran are "traditionalists" in the sense that they worship the Tribunal.
The actual Dunmer tradition is to worship Azura, Boetiah and Mephala. The only ones that to this day still follow this tradition are the ashlanders.
Redoran is a house built on hipocrisy: declaring themselves defenders of tradition while at the same time defaming the actual traditionalists as "heretics".
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Stop living in the Third Era fellow House Brother
Gothren at least was a traditionalist. Which is why we stabbed him.
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>literally a quest

>implying the main quest of Skyrim isn't the Civil War
More than a traditionalist he just hated outsiders out of a sense of ratial pride.
I can't see him praying to the Tribunal or to some daedra in his free time.
I'm sure some Telvanni pray to Sotha Sil to bless them with a random shipment of gunpowder or a robot waifu or something. I mean robot waifus are a thing, some dwemer did it for his eyelid GF.
Probably just Fyr.
>praying to your old college buddy
That's just weird. Especially when Fyr is aware of Sotha Sil's origins.
thats not really an argument anon
Well, if it works then why not? Besides if he doesn't send the shipments then Fyr can send him a "fuck you" letter as a reminder.
Howdy, Morrowind virgin here. Is there any reason not to play Morroblivion instead?
I'm pretty sure those prayers never reach him anyway, he's probably got a secretary to deal with that.
Oblivion's engine is fugly shit; less mod support; no OpenMW.
What is sadrith mora
>local merchant duo accidentally save vvardenfell
Dagoth Ur is the one who told Shor what the dwarves found and fucked everyone over to begin with.
Because it's not Morrowind
if you really care about graphics so much that you'd bastardize the game anyways then just get a new hobby

can you give me the source of all that? sounds very good reading
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you're cucking him.
he's just some junkie living in the sewers.
There's really not much on it.

Of course its always ESO bringing in the good shit
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the good daedra were merely anticipations for the coming Tribunal
My memory is hazy but please tell me that this cat is named Vivec.
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>playing as traditionalist xenophobic dunmer who hates beast races (mostly argonian)
>meet ahnassi
stop postin this tumblr garbage
Fyr's still probably got a million memospores at the ready to blackmail him
>every PC in morrowind is telekinetic
Do modern day wizards still use the internet?
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Ahnassi is a good girl
>tumblr garbage
has he not posted on /co/ recently?
gp ask check /x/
Well yeah, there's probably a bastard child of his in every province. Even Thras.
1. prequel has always been tumblr garbage
2. /co/ has been a tumblr invasion point since 2008
I think he posts on /trash/
where it belongs kek
I mean modern day Fourth Era wizards
We wouldn't know, Skyrim has no magical wifi.
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Do the Empire and Moth priests still use it regularly?
Wasn't Miraak considered a Sharmat too? I bet he has some Dreamsleeve shenanigans
>"House" Hl**lu should be forced to work in the saltrice fields for their crimes against the Dunmer.
arent they actually trying to fuck up Empire's presence in Morrowind from the inside?
no, the empire's pretty fucked magically, but that's most of TES at this point. Magickal usage has become secluded and backwards, all the great mages are dead or out fucking about somewhere, and organized magic is much more limited.
I was under the impression the Mede Empire is even less advanced than its predecessors.
The Dominion uses it though
but the Dominion are destroying the towers, doesn't that make memospore communication less effective?
The Camonna Tong yeah but I think you get rid of them in the Hlaalu questline
No, memospores are via dreamsleeve bullshit.
do towers not make metaphysical stuff interaction easier?
Or do they just keep the mundus more stable and restricted?
>do towers not make metaphysical stuff interaction easier?

No, that's not their goal or purpose.
>underselling items

But they *can* be used for metaphysical interactions
Yeah, in the same way you can use a duck for electrical engineering. It's possible but there would be better alternatives, and like I said, it's not its intended use.
>no morrowind mod that adds the entire map of San Andreas
>not the lore friendly version
The other version is also canon it's just that either
1. It was made during the Reman Empire when shit was weird
2. It's from the Fifth Era
How weird was the Reman empire?
Everything screamed and it just rained cum, constantly. You'd wake up in the night to the sound of moaning thunder and be like "great, another cumderstorm, they'll be a cumflood tomorrow. Good thing I have indoor parking for my screaming sedan"
Really weird

Captcha: TorciC0DA
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Reman invited Sanguine to be his housemate.
Sanguine, the daedric lord of hedonism and debauchery, thought his house parties were too crazy and quit.
What is with Reman and cum?
Nobody knows, not even Sanguine. Unfortunately my proposal for Reman's solidified semen armory for the CC was rejected.
I thought all of his cum was fresh.
He'd have his dozens of wives lick it from the still breathing corpses of his enemies
It's still fresh, just solid, just held in place by Reman's sheer force of will, even across all these centuries.
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The Russkies got you covered.

So Vivec's Will is Muatra and Reman's is just cum?
There is one simple graphics mod pack that makes the game look good enough and works well. It doesn't do everything, but for me it did the three most important things; view distance, better looking characters and readable signposts.
That and him being the world basically.
Reman is all cum.
While your here, I'm having some problems with Versus Vivec and Windoors Glow. WG is preventing the walls for vanishing in Vivec's final stage. Do you know how I could fix this?
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Is this okay?
Definitely not
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Easily the best race in TES.
Put VV lowest in your load order and reinstall it.
>not-elves ayleid rape babies
Yeah no
First: Don't take two weapons skills. You will regret it later.

Second: remember, heavy armor is heavy. So if you're a spell-caster, it's gonna eat up all your carry weight.
How do I reorder plugins in morrowind? Do I just change the list in morrowind.ini?
Yeah. Mlox and Wrye Mash also let you change things via a gui.
Why would you want Marksman and Destruction at the same time?
Why would you want Axe and Long Blade at the same time?
I find Mysticism (Absorb Health, particularly) to be a better direct damage school than Destruction, mainly because reflects are a bitch.
yeah, an exploit.

you skip an entire encounter with an npc to keep the gold he was going to take from you



Never go with pre-made classes.
They would be, if they were not manlets.
>not playing a woman
Womanlets are cute.
it's not an exploit because quests in morrowind are not sequenced, you can make your own deductions
>load up game
>can never decide to race/class/sign to choose
>sit at character creations for hours trying to make the tightest build
Name 1 (one) thing that the Bretons have done for Tamriel that has mattered outside of High Rock.

Camoran doesn't count because the Redguards helped. Hjalti doesn't count because he used the Nords' armies.

the quest literally tells you to talk to that npc next

don fucking pastrami over here....
I like to connect and empathize with my character at some level, can't to it with women. I hate "strong" female characters too.
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>name one thing - but this one thing doesn't count
>console commands
no it doesn't, it suggests, you can even collect the taxes then go to Cossades, for the first time, and tell him you already collected.
Or that you found the body but no money.
>wanting anything other than an amazonian orcess mistress or a khajiit maiden
cossades? nigga wrong quest

It doesn't even matter that much really. Just make a build you think you'll enjoy. Min-maxing in TES is pointless.
How do I do it with Wrye Mash? I can't find the option

Sounds like you've got some personal issues there bigbub.
No, that how most of the non-closettranny, non anime-watching people are, they play as same sex as they are in real life.
Prove it.

>I like to self insert and I hate strong women

oh boy
Why walk when you can ride?
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I think I came over Fargoth's tin foil hat brother. Are all Bosmer autistic?
I wish I had an Argonian slave to ride me
I don't hate strong women, they don't exist in real life. I hate it when real-life inspired things in video game are unrealistic, elves are unrealitic enough for me not to care about them, but when womanlet kill bunch of tall muscular it triggers and annoys me. who doesn't like to self-insert? ever heard of immersions, very popular thing now.
So where do the slaves go when he buys them?
We're watching you, SCUM
>murder fargoth in cold blood in the middle of town
>go to jail
The only correct decision.
Just google "playing as opposite sex" it's bunch of people asking if it's weird or why is it weird or not weird, it's obvious that people consider it weird.
>he self-inserts
You can only do it as a faggot, no matter what you think
Yeah, at moderate rate I do, like every single person does. I can't play 1st person without it.

seems like you are just mad that I exposed you.
All that proves is deeply closeted homosexuals like you REALLY like bringing up the issue and using it to deflect.
I thought this was a Morrowind thread not a faggotry thread
>y-you are homosexual if you don't masturbate to cute japanese anime girls

No moron, liking cute things was always associated with femininity, until very recently. I would rather be a non-degenerate homosexual, than a fat neckbeard weeb tranny,

Give me a good reason why would somebody play as female in a video game.
good to know that you don't deny being a faggot, now go be one somewhere else
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go to the secret party with Fargoth!
>so drugged out he just lets the faceless monsters in to kill you
The same reasons someone would play as anything other than a human / Imperial.

>those amulets and notes
You're going to clutter up his house aren't you? I do it too anon.
any character I start always ends up being a naked brawler
Imperials are not a real life thing, while women are exactly the same concept as they are real life, which makes it hard to imagine them as something magical and fantasy, playing as female high elf makes sense, playing as human female makes no sense to me.

you are playing a game, a fantasy, you can be so many things and you are a going to choose a human female? literally the weakest looking character you can pick. it's just too goofy.
>playing as female high elf makes sense, playing as human female makes no sense to me
I think you're just autistic
>not autistic
>on 4chan
I think you should leave
it be cool if somehow morrowind was the latest elder scrolls entry and somehow it good as original mororwind but with modern graphics.
So playing as a mage makes sense, but playing as a thief doesn't make sense because that's a real life thing?
Dude, with CHIM shenanigans and the dreamsleeve, you should've realized the whole lore was gonna be a fucking Crowley fanfic.
mind = blown
Oblivion's engine is objectively better and there is more mod support.
No, dumbfuck, you are not autistic enough to understand. being a thief is true enough to real life, it has the same core function as it does in real life. wanting to play as female is equal to wanting to play as a child. overall strong females annoy me, unless they are some kind of divine being, if you are going to follow the real life biological sexes, then might as well make it little believable or you might as well play a 5 foot baby that kills everyone.
>people actually need youtube videos to dictate how to enjoy things

Its today's youth.
how should i go about building a cool stealthy mage-rogue hybrid in oblivion? i know this is a morrowind thread but it's the most fitting one to ask this in
Considering the kinds of complaints we see about the game from new players, I'd say they do.

Choose a race that best suits your needs and build a custom class around it. The birthsign is up to you.
Seriously though why is the gameplay so shit?


>the natural state
Yes, and so we attempt to transcend it. In lost of different areas. Just because we have a tendency to do something doesn't mean we should just give into it.
>defending shit mechanics

If it was so good they would have never changed it in Oblivion and Skyrim. It was broken so they fixed it.
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Or maybe you're just retarded. I'm replaying the game right now, vanilla combat, the "miss miss miss" meme is bullshit, just have a good amount of stamina and a weapon your're actually specialized in and that's fucking it.

Oh, so you're retard.
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Why not visit Crassius Curio?

The didn't really change it fundamentally. If you attack enemies of a higher level you do not do much damage if any, especially with a low Blade or Blunt skill level. Same as if you attack with low fatigue, it's just properly animated because technology.
>overhead vertical swing
>horizontal swing
>the game

The combat system is pure garbage and you both know it.

How are you going to transport those goalposts?

>this desperate to shitpost 500 posts in

That's really fucking sad, mate.
Not shitpost, factpost here.

Fact that you're a sadcase?
there is nothing "fixed" about Oblivion's combat
instead of hitting 6 times and missing 1 time (which is only a slight problem in the first 10 minutes in Morrowind) you hit 40 times and hit all of them instead and take even longer to do everything than in Morrowind.

learn how to build your fucking characters, and stop engaging fights with 0 fatigue and that "shit mechanic" stops existing at all
You just want to defend shit gameplay mechanics in what is suppose to be an action RPG game. If there is no visual feedback in an action RPG that the enemy dodged the attack then it clearly means the game has shit gameplay.
>moving the goalposts from missing being the problem to bad animations being the problem
if you simply would've started your whining with an actual point to begin with you wouldn't look so stupid right now
>in what is suppose to be an action RPG game

Excuse me?
you've never played an actual RPG in your life. keep shitposting
>heart of Lorkhan is now in your party
what is the fastest way to become OP in morrowind without relying on the alchemy loop/exploit?
Find some place with Daedric weapons
>what is suppose to be an action RPG game

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If you think it's wrong, go change it.

See what happens.
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