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Thread replies: 421
Thread images: 66

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>Affiliation/ ARMS association

>Height/ 195 cm

>Weight/ 117 kg

>Age/ 52

>Favorite thing/ Cheeky and strong young fighter

Thoughts on Max Brass?
All fighting games need a character like Max.
He's old as shit!
When is he playable and what comes next
What happens if I undo one of those belts?

He's being release in 2 days. We don't know whats next
>Old as shit
>belts everywhere

It's Nomura!
>favorite thing
>cheeky and strong young fighter
Oh boy
Also fifty fucking two? geez hes old as fuck.
he's cranked up on FIGHTERGY, he'll keep fighting even as a skeleton with weird belt arms
It would be extremely painful
OK, his design is clearly based on Roman lorica segmentata and galea, what else about him is Roman?


>old buff as fuck guy who can make himself even thicker
>likes young guys with lots of energy

Is Nintendo finally going after the bara crowd?
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It would be extremely painful
You guys think the announcer guy will be playable?
When Max Brass was a rookie, were his arms still championship belts?
it never specified men.
so hes clearly bi


Jeeesus no wonder he doesn't give a fuck after losing, he's got decades of dominance to make him a legend already.


Well Nintendo has been diving hard into the waifu crowd, looks like they're being indiscriminate in their rampage now.
Was this guy designed by Nomura?
Jeez one of his arms seems really short in that artwork
It's just because one is stretched out because he is punching. The other arm has multiple belts still coiled up inside his shoulder
The champ belts are just his shoulder pauldrons. If you look closely his arms are just normal belts.
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You tell me anon.

You tell me.
Love him. Finally an old guy who doesn't look decrepit.
>Helix, Max Brass, Robocop, and Min-Min are all stuck in this shit tier game

Why must God punish his children?
I mean
He is pretty big
>shit tier

git gud

How do you guys feel about the new Hedlok Item, the new Record Keeper (records win record of last 100 games, favorite arms, etc.), and the ARMS dashboard?

fukin how?
Arms is great. fuck you.
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>I don't like niche arcade fighters

now all they need is lobbies so we can get a real /v/eekend happening.
>can play as Hedlok

Jesus Christ. Also, I'm hoping that Max and Hedlok will be replaced in the Grand Prix by something more intense when they come out
>all these moon runes

don't fucking know
the hedlok item sounds crazy. could be some good fun
Is there some sort of tier list? I gotta know if my boy Helix is good.
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>an ARMS thread is up


Top 3 are Min Min, Ribbon Girl and Ninjara
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frankly his placement is a big fat question mark. he's in low tier because nobody has yet mastered him, but go online against a good helix and you will rage

he is FUCKING unpunchable
Ribbon girl, kid cobra, and ninjara seem to be the top tier. The rest seem kinda fair game to me with the exception of mummy and Mechanica

Basically the best will be whoever is hard to hit (fast and small) and the worst would be the easiest (big and slow)

>Max Brass

more like datass
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looks retarded. ranged boxing game where everyone has slinkies for arms
Name a game with worse art design that isn't Battleborn or Wind Waker.

I'll fucking wait.

HARD MODE: No indie trash, like that one shemale game.
Being the final boss of ARMS, Max Brass has an actual reason to get into Smash

How does this make you feel?
Is Robocop any good? Love the design of the character. I don't have the game yet.
How do you guys feel about Spring Man winning the first real American Arms Tournament? (Mechanica won the first official JP one)


(forgive the link to the faggiest of faggy websites but frankly they were the only ones with the info + footage)

Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Sorry splatbros as long as we get updates just like you we will get the occasional threads.
honestly its pretty crazy considering this is a fighter and /v/ hates fightan
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so don't play it?
He'll win the first Smash V tournement is well
wrong thread?
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>played during the testpunch
>mfw I actually managed to weave my way through a super like in his trailer
Felt so goddamn good.
I'm not going to but thanks for telling me
No, toddler. Answer the question. State a game.

Star Wars: The Old Republic?
fuck i need to watch this that gameplay was hype as fuck
>Teen Taffy(?)

>Taffy arms
>Special arms:
The Taffy Wad: Special Blorb that makes a sticky slow area wherever it bounces
The Jawbreaker: Megaton arm with Stun (slightly slower)
Pop Rocks: A popper/cracker type weapon with explosion

I can't think of an ability

Kid Cobra is probably the best character in the game. Spring Man and Ribbon Girl are also very good and Byte and Barq is looking like a sleeper top tier. Every character in the game looks at least somewhat viable except for Master Mummy.

Helix isn't that good in the default ARMs meta, since his arms are slow and laggy as fuck and he doesn't have great mobility. His evasiveness and CC is amazing though.
>looks retarded
>proceeds to describe something that sounds fun as shit
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>Nintendo fans give Shitaku page views.

>Every character in the game looks at least somewhat viable except for Master Mummy.

Which is bullshit 'cause he's the coolest character. Shit game design.
What makes Mummy shitty? I can kinda guess it's his mobility and being a massive target making it easier to hit either him or his arms to get his guard down, but I wanna hear more. Are his default ARMS shitty on top of that?

why are you here? Do you also walk into burger joints, go up to the counter and say "Tch, I don't even LIKE fast food."

What a pointlessly bitchy thing to do

>Horizon pic

Don't you have a BotW thread to be shitpost in?
where can i watch this? is it on youtube?
he just needs to heal a bit more desu.
Never been in one, actually.
All pretty neat.

>one of MB's colors is SOLID GOOOOOOLD
Day one main.
Anything going for "realism". Uncharted, CoD, GTA, and the like.

Basically. Mobility is required in competitive play and Master Mummy is the slowest by far. His default ARMs are also mediocre, with no regular boxing gloves or CC on his gloves.

Also, despite being the "heavy" character, he has the same 1000 health every other character has.
>why are you here
because I want to be. to see if what other people say about it and to see how many thin skinned nerds get mad because of my different opinion
thats not the reason why hes bad.
She should just have higher defense against charged hits as well.
and maybe up his healing a smidge.
Fire birst is probably his most important arm in default as megaton probably is the best heavy arm.
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Max Brass is going to be Spring Man's aniki and show him the ropes
Byte isn't amazing. Barq is extremely hard to use, and if he gets punched down you're left with a weaker springman.
Alright, that kinda makes sense. I know what you mean by the HP thing, it feels kinda weird that it's all equal. Which character has the worst defaults anyways? I'm honestly not liking Mechanica's aside from the Revolver.

Every time I look at this guy I think of Captain Falcon. The Smash version I mean.
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First of all, the period goes inside the quotation marks. Don't be retarded. Second of all, you're delusional as fuck. You'd love a Zelda game with amazing, state of the art graphics.

Hammer is supposed to be good
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so is double glove max brass now the true american build?
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Such garbage art design hasn't been seen since Battleborn. Damn.
Shitty design for a shitty game
now i like art styles that dont get dated.
>That pic of Spring Man with NORMAL ARMS
wait so do the fighters all just have long arms or...? I thought all humans with the ARMS ability had their arms literally turned into things like ribbons, springs, noodles, no??
I'mm gonna be so happy when Spring and Brass get into Smash
>Arms thread up
>bored shitposter.
>oh bby.
It does its job at blowing past weak stuff but it keeps missing. Seriously I stun someone with the Revolvers, they're still standing since it was only a single hit, the Whammer comes and hits their god damn face and does nothing. Maybe it's just me though.
He's wearing a tux. You can even see how his arms are still long
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Still waiting on Max Brass as All Might
They can turn their powers off whenever they want.
they can't
they can just coil up thier arms
>tfw united states of smash ohko move
>tfw plus ultra
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It's adjustable
Hence why I asked
>so do the fighters all just have long arms or...?
I can see that they're long, but they're no longer springs.
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What did they mean by this?
Considering they're also going after scalies with Salazzle and Miura, slowly but surely Nintendo will cover all the fetishes in some capacity
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"to see how many thin skinned nerds get mad because of my different opinion"

aspergers, got it
does he have any good porn
Apparently they can maintain the ARMS via the masks they wear.
did they use a fake logo fashion company just as an excuse to post twintelles ass?
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here's a link to the japan tournament
>aspergers, got it

I want to make a movie just to use that phrase somewhere.
the mask just stabilizes the ARMS as they are just harder to control without the mask

Lab Entry No. 3
The prototype has escaped.
He has attained thoughts…whatever Hedlok is, it must be destroyed.
This is a State of Emergency.
But, the Doctor’s interests have already moved on. I’m told he wants to produce a freely wearable version…freely?
That escaped thing…I entrust it to the Fighters.
Effectively it will become a sparing partner for them…

ARMS story dlc incoming. Mark my words
>His ARMS are just a bunch of Champ belts linked together
Fuck that's a good design
thanks friend.
>free DLC

So that's what millenials call a content update. I'm loving all that overwatch free dlc
Ah, I see. I just remember it from weeks ago.
pls forgive
It's content that you download. How is not DLC?
lol his arms are champion belts, nice
First of all, you are an idiot.

Second, no, I would love any game with a good artstyle, like Persona 5, BotW, ARMS, and Jet Set Radio. You don't know real, non-American grammar, and you don't know me.

Every update is DLC too then, bozo.
This Doctor fellow sounds shady as fuck
Jesus, the deliberate samefaggotry is utterly sickening.
Come to think of it, how do they even have such strange materials for arms? How is it that the girl who happened to love noodles, grew noodle arms? Bit convenient and bizarre, no? I know it's basically just so the game is interesting but, the lore is there so there could be an actual explanation for this sort of stuff.
Correct but not all of it is free.

why are you being such a little bitch about a pointless semantic distinction in the first place?

Sure, it's a content update, it is also content, which you download, for free (free DLC) who fucking cares?

Every single bug fix and patch, too. Man those game designers sure are generous with all the free DLC.
The official twitter pointed out how the arms material is associated with the person, but it's a mystery as to why
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MvC: Infinite


You're arguing semantics too. You're just as dumb as me. Maybe dumber.
Yes you are correct.
The masks do it, I assume. Basically, they have springy, hard to manage fleshy arms, but the mask does weird spiral shit to their eyes, which gives them fuller control of their new arms, so they can extend them in weird ways and constrict them into normal arms. The masks may or may not also give them material qualities, but we won't know until we see someone drawn without the mask.
it's not a patch tho

a patch is for fixing a bug or something like that

You are a dicknose.
What wors in DLC means "paid"?

>doesn't answer question
>assumes I'm the same guy he was arguing with earlier
>"we're both retarded!"

it's time to go to bed, slugger
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>That title card screen for Hedlock.
On the same tier as No More Heroes boss intros.
all the better for when i eat a girl out.
Gramps might be my new main just for that.
Pacos think the 'D' in DLC stands for 'dinero' and get triggered

Jesus, you're just not funny at all are you.
all the better for when i cry alone at night.

Okay, champ. Try to stop sucking dick once in awhile, faggo.
Who will be the final boss in Max Brass's grand prix?
Maybe The Doctor...
Another Max Brass.
>switches to inside his head where he fights Hedlok psychologically

Yep Docter C has been teased a lot lately as some kind of obsessed scientist slowly going mad

playable character when? what's his gimmick

>captcha; select all images with: BELTS
could be a girl
I just got up 3 more ranks than I could get to as ribbon girl by playing as master mummy. Sitting at the lower side of rank 10 now, which isn't crazy, but a good set of arms for master mummy, and the right playstyle can make him viable.

What, if anything, can we conclude from this data?
Rubber tubing

"Lab Staff Diary 1:
We have launched a project to produce 'Wearable Weapons' primarily for the use of fighters' sparring partners. Its purpose is to make the wearer tough like a sandbag.

The leader is Doctor C.

I look forward to our first time working with him.

Can even ordinary people master the use of arms? This is the question at hand."

If he does become a fighter, then he'll probably wear the vest version of Hedlok
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Japs love the cobra.
I'm surprised that the Whammer is getting an okay amount of usage.
I'm going to be disappointed if we don't get this doctor guy.
>doctor C
>ranked takes way too long to match me up with someone
>party has cancerous 1v1v1 matches
what do
These are cool characters.
Too bad the game is shit.
Why did this game die so fast?
but its not
what rank are you that rank is taking so long?
i get matches super fast even maximilliondood does.
Free ones? I agree
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Literally had its first major tourny outing and it was great.
Cool characters, too bad the game is fucking shit.

"Lab Diary 2:

We have yet to find any clues to solving our problem.
The proposal for forcibly boosting the brain was rejected by Dr C.
We are testing in a new direction based on the theory of 'Thinking Ability Expansion'

Mounting position has moved from torso to head.
The doctor keeps close contact, but he has never once appeared.
I am a little uneasy..."
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I don't play Arms but I came here to say Max's design is fucking cool as shit. More games need characters like him.
I'm only 8 so far. The game takes a very long time to pair me up with people.
It can't be a problem with my internet since I have no issues getting into rooms in party mode.

You're in a thread on regular /v/ with 150 (and rising) replies. A thread which discusses the two most recent tournaments, and a decently sized content update that comes out in 2 days. I just turned the game on and got a ranked match almost instantly.

what the fuck are you talking about?
The problem is no one near you is playing. The game uses regional matchmaking.
Wich this game were not so fucking shit, with all these characters and all.
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>you wake up one day with the ARMS gene activated
>it's your dick
The fuck is this shit? this is anime as fuck
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>what the arms are made of is dependant on the person

Well /v/? What would your ARMS be made out of?
is this some kinda meme im missing here?
controller wires.
Pubic hair
Neat characters.Too bad they are stuck in such shovelware.
Byte & Barq is a mid-tier character IMO. They've only done so well thus far because all the tournaments have been defaults-only, and all of theirs are godly.

The Slugger with a Sweet Tooth
>Age 16
>Looks like Ulala from Space Channel 5

Sugar Rush: after charging her punches she can punch really fast (not quite rush fast), but there's a corresponding crash (not unlike with an actual sugar high) where her punches are slower than normal.
Sticky Fingers: When her hands are charged, her next grab will also have a slowing effect on opponents.

She's a hyperactive character who can create several speed advantages, but the opportunities are blink and you'll miss it or brutally punishable
He says "plus ultra" which retards are construing as a reference to Boku No Hero Academia. On a related note, why do the japs use academia instead of academy?
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>thinks any Zelda fan wants it done in photo-realistic style
Spring Man
Fingers crossed it's Spring Man. His ending shows him with several championship belts, unlike most of the other fighters.

a bunch of dirty laundry tied together
Wish Nintendo hadn't wasted these neat in such a shitty game.
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if you want to keep the thread alive why not just honestly talk about it?
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Psychic energy.

stage? personality? relationship with other characters?
>Spring Bro and Hella Brass
I can't escape my old life.
Up next is Earthworm Jim, Bad Mr. Frosty, and Klayman from Neverhood.

yes, wild 9's power's make sense in the ARMS universe, but fuck that game and everyone in it.
They kind of have lobbies already don't they?

Why do all the characters have the same health? That seems odd to me.

yeah but something more like mario kart lobbies
this may change but it just seems like lack of experience in the fighting genre. they probably felt the extra defense from MM and mechanicas SA would be stronger.
>Old as shit
Heihachi is 80+ and nobody gives a shit
Fucking Nintendofags

I hope it changes though, cause the slower characters are usually the ones with higher health (Master Mummy) to balance themselves out, and plus it's just weird to think that Ribbon Girl and Master Mummy have the same health

Very upset about Nintendo aren't you?
Tekken also has demons and aliens and magic and shit. Being old isn't all that weird.
heihachi looks his age though.
okay /v/ what would you truly in an ideal ARMS Content Update

Be reasonable, but not timid
I just want to be able to rebind buttons

210 replies, tournaments, content updates, active community

never. trust. v.
Beat me to it, ha ha. Another disappointment...
>I do a rush when someone punches
>they can always dodge away effortlessly
>the other way around happens
>I can never get out of the way

How do I get this shit down?
He's my husbando and I want more porn of him.

Double the coins earned from playing.

A color editor where you can spend coins earned to save custom colors.
dash jump dash is what I do
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I don't own a WiiU or have any interest in arms but that is one sweet pomp
>it took an entire year for only 3 maps and 3 maps in normal rotation to come out
>halfway through the year and only 1 hero and map each
so this......, is the power........... of blizzard......woah
Nice characters, too bad the game is shit.
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>>Favorite thing/ Cheeky and strong young fighter
Max Brass theme best theme.
jesus fucking christ
that got my dick solid hard immediately. where can i find something like that more?
>bad art design

fuck off to Neogaf
damn thats some good shit.
Definitely need to have a license deal with Shonen to make an ARMS manga/anime. These designs are just too good for the game alone. They must be whored out.
>Every character in the game looks at least somewhat viable except for Master Mummy.
tfw your husbando is low tier
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I'm so excited for this guy.
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I know. It made me sad. I beat the Grand Prix with him, reunited him with his family, and never touched him again.
>No clear signs of aging
>Peak strength and athleticism
>Champion and head of a world wide fighting league

Max got it made for his age.
Always a fan of the aging old champion character.
Just got this and jesus christ why is this game so hard.
Minmin is a cutie
It's good that he's not nigger like Doomfist
Thanks, apartment is flooded now.
I want him to destroy me
He is tho
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Ribbon Girl is the best.
>state of the art = photorealism
top kek
I knew I saw this pic before but damn man, you're pathetic.
Alt costumes for all the fighters
A new mode like V-Ball and Skillshot
I know he's not by any means the first old guy in in fightans, but I feel like most of them are "the super old fighting grand master" trope. 52 feels strange because it feels real
>downloadable content
>it's free
it is literally free DLC, but you could also just call it an update.
crusty yellow socks
When does he say that? Is there a video?

Also it's way more likely that they're referencing a popular manga than the national motto of Spain
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This is one of the worst games ever made. It's full of bugs and RNG that makes it impossible to consistantly win, mostly because of the shit netcode. Have fun losing 100% of the time when somebody joins doing the dash/punch delay cancel and skates around the arena building RUSH while you stand there like an idiot because the game's RNG camera can't even keep up with them. Ranked mode is a fucking joke.

Honestly the entire game is a fucking joke, though I'm sure some insecure faggot who thinks they're good at vidja (read: the entirety of /v/) will come and defend it.

I want my 60$ back.
Play local.
Sounds like you suck at the game.
And no, I don't think I'm good at vidya, but I don't blame the game for my lack of skill.

>the game is full of delay canceling exploits and it's completely random how quickly the camera decides to snap to your target because there's literally no control over it
>"sounds like you suck at the game"

Sounds like you're a fucking moron who's never touched it.
brains because I am to intelligant to fight with my fists
What rank are you?
>>the game is full of delay canceling exploits
So why don't you use them? Not good enough?
>dash/punch delay cancel and skates around the arena building RUSH while you stand there like an idiot
That's called playing the game, you must be a Mummy player or really bad. You keep dashing to stay a moving target and you throw one punch at a time consistently to build your rush.
how do I git gud? My left joycon finally came back from Nintendo a few days ago, but I'm getting raped online. I was trying with Byte & Barq but just kept getting slaughtered. I've been having a little more success with Master Mummy but I still don't think there's a game I've ever sucked at more than Arms
The first thing you really need to do is to get used to the controls. But I'm having trouble too, I'm not getting raped but it feels impossible to hit certain characters. I feel like I only win against braindead opponents using those characters.

Really? Have you played the game? You have no idea what I'm even talking about. People have figured out how to dash and punch constantly with no delay or animation, so they skate around the arena non-stop so fast you can't even get them on the screen, which makes it impossible for you to land a hit even with boomerangs and trying to curve them, and all the while they throw constant non-stop punches that build up RUSH, meaning after about 7 seconds of you not even being able to hit them, they unleash a rush attack for 340 damage. If you try to block they just skate to the side and grab you, which you can't even punch out of the way because there's, again, no way to control the camera.

This is apparently the easiest game on /v/ to see that nobody has played more than 10 minutes of the online before.


Nobody talks about this game because nobody bought it, so I haven't seen any videos or anything on it and yet it shows up in every room I'm in and every other fight in Ranked. And yet I can't even find a YouTube video on how to do it, because there's no dedicated channels to ARMS that cover stuff like this. The game's online is dead and nothing but Japanese players.
So why can other people do it? Are they better than you?

Because there's probably some Japanese forum somewhere where they've explained how to do it, dumbass.
The guy explaining must know how to do it without anyone telling him, why can't you?
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Sounds like nonsense or a latency problem, every ranked match you get? I've never seen anything like this.
From a casual fun perspective: Great character

From a meta perspective: Will get stomped at higher rank most of the time since he has nothing to fight the meta
you're incorrect fucko https://twitter.com/NintendoUK/status/884336407275286532
>his gimmick is having 6 arms like Hedlok
pec fucking must be fun with him
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>Tfw one of the main reasons I got interested in BotW was because of Kass being shown
there's some bara art of him and mummy
the excuse is that the pants' logo is on her ass
Really like his design, looking forward to seeing more new characters.
>It's full of bugs and RNG that makes it impossible to consistantly win, mostly because of the shit netcode
That's not a netcode exploit, that's just you being fucking garbage at the game.
>like that one shemale game
>Russian guy with mustache ARMS
>Indian guy with leg ARMS that fights while doing a handstand
>Italian chef with meatball spaghetti ARMS
>Flower girl with vine ARMS
>Pirate/Cowboy with rope ARMS
>Origami samurai with paper spring ARMS
capoera user who uses LEGS
Chinese man with ping pong ARMS
People actually play this garbage? They actually paid full price for this?
>an ass like that
>disgusting femmy piece of shit
they were aiming for fujos with kass
sidon was the true barabait
I like this game a lot but Im fucking awful at it, how do I get good?
Racer or biker with tire ARMS
>pick Kid Cobra
>equip 2 Buffs
>spam punches like crazy from some distance away and never stop moving until you have rush
>get as close to the enemy as possible and spam grabs
>you will either grab the enemy or he will try to punish/evade your grab
>the moment he tries to punish or evade, use your rush
>repeat until you win
... I mean, I do like ribbon waifu is #2, but

Why isn't Brown waifu top tier?
For the love of god, please stop lying. You paid for all ARMS DLC day1 with the forced bundle. The game WASN'T worth full price at launch, you pretty much paid $30 for all future DLC already.
So in other words, the DLC is free.
Unless you think we're paying like you would for, say, Tekken 7.

2 Buffs? Which arms are that?
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Mechanica is cute!
Mechanica is amazing!
Mechanica is perfect!
Keep moving, always be strafing and dashing.
Try to only throw out one arm at a time so your other is always ready to counter or punish.
Punch through grabs and punches of the same or lighter ARMS weight as yours.
Remember the more often you punch the faster your rush fills.
Against a hard opponent try and predict their next move based on what arms they have and how close they are, whether they're jumping, whether they have a rush available, etc it comes with practice once you have the basics and movement down.
That guy on your pic
Buff is literally the name of the arm. Just check your list of arms.
Because it's only academy/academie in english and french, literally everyone else says academia. We even have academia as a word in english anyway.
>Indian guy with leg ARMS that fights while doing a handstand
>not a Brazilian capoeira expert.
End your autism, it's just to specify that you don't have to spend extra money to download Max Brass
Im a retard.
Looks cool too bad I already sold the game
It's not on Wii U...
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It's not free. Paying full-price for ARMS/Splatoon on launch is like paying $60 for a game with the depth of RocketLeague and then being surprised how the DLC is "free" for the next year.
The actual content in the game at launch is worth $30 at best, and the rest is what you pay for their "free" DLC model.
Actual free DLC would be buying a fully-fledged game and then get DLC for free. Not buying a half-baked one and only getting the complete experience 1 year later.

I agree that there are cases where using the word "free" is an easy way to talk about something that isn't actually free but everyone knows it. For example saying "The free games on this month's XboxLiveGold/PS+ are...." is ok since everyone knows those are a paid subscription services.

But in ARMS/Splatoon/Splatoon2's case It's obvious a lot of people are taking the word "free" literally, they actually fell for the bullshit marketing PR spin on a forced season pass embedded into the game's overpriced release. So the word Free can't be used without clarification when it comes to these specific games unless you're actually trying to lie to people.
It's free and you don't like it.
We live in a world where games release with less content than Arms, have a 70$ price AND have actual paid season passes on top of that. Look at Evolve or Battlefront. The term "free DLC" is used just to differentiate Arms or Splatoon from those games. That's all
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wrong on 2 fronts:
1) It's not free unless you buy the game 1 year from now at 50% discount
2) I don't particularly like or dislike this character or this release model (whichever you're refering to), I'm neutral on it but I want to help some lurkers to notice and not fall for the marketing trap of "free DLC"
tl;dr it's free and you're a retard
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>electric black guy with jumper cable ARMS
Why do people jerk off with socks anyway? It doesn't even give a good sensation.
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>Ness from Earthbound with bone ARMS and white dragon weapon
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The fact that you went for the absolute worst examples possible just show me that you don't think highly of ARM's release price.

>The term "free DLC"
I actually wished pepole used the quotes, that would be enough to bust the myth that the content is literally free, which it isn't. If the subject field of this thread was:
I would be perfectly ok with it. Even a person who doesn't understand the pricing/release model would understand the implication.

Wrong twice, again.
>It's not free unless you buy the game
It's not usable until you buy the game. You can download it for free.
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>toku superhero with scarf ARMS
>named Scarf Ace
if that's what you'd like to call it to make yourself feel better I suppose
I think the game, while tons of fun, should have been 40$. But that is subjective. Another anon maybe is prefectly fine with the pricetag. The fact that you can download Max with no additional purchases however is, well, a fact. So saying "Arms is a game with poor initial content with free DLC" is more correct than "Arms doesn't have free DLC"
Speaking of Tekken is the Bowl dlc free?
The japaneae school girl and the Western middle age man.
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Titanfall2 4.webm
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>so saying "Arms is a game with poor initial content with free DLC" is more correct than "Arms doesn't have free DLC"
One wouldn't happen without the other, though.
If it wasn't a fully-priced release it wouldn't get free DLC. Like a chicken and the egg situation.
It's a new type of pricing model Nintendo has been doing with these new MP-focused IPs and a lot of people don't seem understand yet (or aren't even aware of it)

Surprisingly, MP-focused (and yet fully-fledged) games with ACTUAL free DLC are coming out of EA, specifically Titanfall2 and Battlefront2 (although I'm not caught up on BF2's model 100% so I might be incorrect on that one).
"It's bad because I say so"
>Surprisingly, MP-focused (and yet fully-fledged) games with ACTUAL free DLC are coming out of EA, specifically Titanfall2 and Battlefront2
According to you if it's a paid game it isn't free in the slightest.
You can't pick and choose anon
Shit covered toilet paper and cum wipes.
Would your character trait involve climaxing early?
No no no NO!
This game was supposed to be dead! Delete this thread Now!
>According to you if it's a paid game it isn't free in the slightest.
Nope, I've stated my standards in >>383479292 saying:
>Actual free DLC would be buying a fully-fledged game and then get DLC for free.

BF2 isn't out yet so I won't focus on it, but Titanfall2 was indeed a fully fledged game on release. ARMS only has an arcade mode for its single player content, which is a joke even for fighting games, and its MP and mode/lobby costumization is also very lacking compared to other fighters.

ARMS is an half-bakd experience at launch. Titanfall2 was a fully fleched out shooter at launch, and even more so now. I would consider the first Titanfall to be as big of a failure as ARMS in terms of content/price ratio, but the second one improved a lot.
Nui from Kill la Kill
>ARMS only has an arcade mode for its single player content
You know Splatoon was a content failure worse than Titanfall
>>Indian guy with leg ARMS that fights while doing a handstand
>redddit line jump
>Is ignorant and defending his holy brands by spreading lies and hatred on the "enemy"
Jesus get fucking help already
That looks so generic it hurts.
Even if the game goes against everything /v/ desperately wants it to be (a dead, uncompetitive fighter) the shitposting still won't stop because they'll just start doing it out of retaliation just like with Breath of the Wild.
>Pirate/Cowboy with rope ARMS

I'm a cowboy fan, so I'd probably have that as a motif
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According to the Nintendo Dutch Nintendo Twitter, Masks with which ARMS-people could control their ARMS (their stretchiness, so being able to have them long or normal) were invented 120 years ago. Nowadays, every person born with ARMS gets one of those masks for free, provided by the ARMS league to promote the sport.
Nomura must be jacking himself off right now
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Did I miss anything big?

I didn't say Splatoon was worth its price at launch. After a certain point it's not really worth digging any further. Both Splatoon and Titanfall were overpriced, by how much isn't that relevant.

I guess only a person who visits Reddit would know what a "reddit line jump" is. Perhaps you should take a good look in the mirror.

>Is ignorant and defending his holy brands by spreading lies and hatred on the "enemy"
Which brands am I defending, exactly? Which ones am I attacking? Did I say all Nintendo games are shit and all EA games are good or something? I didn't even say ARMS and Splatoon were bad games, just overpriced. I think YOU have someone's cock up your ass and are getting overly defensive, not me.
You're the BIGGEST faggot. "I WANNA SEE ALL DAH NERDS CRY. sO eDgy. Just last week I jacked off my dad! What a nerd!
It didn't sell well in the U.K, retard.

It's a dead game. You're only finding matches online because Nintendo babies LITERALLY have nothing else to play.
>ARMS only has an arcade mode for its single player content,
So v-ball, skillshot, arms test, hoops, team battle can't be played single player now?
They need to add a gallery to put this lore in its great.
Expecially the stuff with Doctor C who seems like the true Baddy
>dad character
>Arms made of belts
What did they mean by this
>nintendo game did not sell well in Sony land
It's a shame that this stuff isn't in the game, yeah. Should've at least done it like Splatoon did.
>Height/ 195 cm
He can puff himself up to like 310cm
>You're only finding matches online because Nintendo babies LITERALLY have nothing else to play.
Except for
>puyo Tetris
>Fast RMX
>street fighter
As well as other games like the neo geo ones.
I can stand on a ladder and be 10 meters, not an argument
Dude, that's like 6'4.
>We're never going to get Little Mac in ARMS

Feels bad, man.

Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing Lanky Kong, either. It's not like he's been relevant in years. Might as well use him, right?
sorry I don't speak imperial numbers
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>Did I miss anything big?
1v1, 2v2, 3 and 4 play FFA, Hoops, Volleyball, Skillshot. Basically all the various modes are freely playable in single player versus. Then you also have 1 vs 100, the survival mode which is unique for each character due to using their stage and default arm selection, ending in a boss fight, and containing unique dialogues. And of course the various training courses that would be teaching people how to suck less at the game if anyone was actually using them.

So basically as much if not more than most fighting games.
Byte and Barq a GOAT

Fuck you lawless scum
brown bricks
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>luchador with surgical tube ARMS
does that link have the matches' footage?
He could be your daddy.
Yet more arms.
I prefer the IP to stand on it's own without a quest star gimmick for now.

Same goes for Splatoon
I wish I had arms made out of human flesh because I'm edgy
If it's above 6 then they aren't manlets
t. 6'1" manlet
6'7 son
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>Bad Mr. Frosty

if only
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>1v1, 2v2, 3 and 4 play FFA, Hoops, Volleyball, Skillshot. Basically all the various modes are freely playable in single player versus.
This isn't worth mentioning as a mode, which is why I didn't. Which fighting game doesn't have the most basic form of Player VS AI?

>Then you also have 1 vs 100, the survival mode
Alright, missed this one mode, thanks for the reminder.

>And of course the various training courses that would be teaching people how to suck less at the game if anyone was actually using them.
While it's not on absolutely every fighter, it's in most of them.
But the depth of each mode is very low in ARMS. For example the commands you can give to a training dummy and the stats you can change for testing purposes are a joke compared to, say, GGRev2. Same could be said for the tutorial/training mode, which is only skin-deep in ARMS, only the very basics, while in GGRev2 you get all of that within the first 30mins of introduction to the game, then you have a complete special skill guide, basic combo guide, and advanced combo guide for each character as well as matchup specific tutorials, something like "You are playing X character and find Y attack hard to dodge mid-aid against Z character? Do this 5 times"

ARMS lacks in both quantity and depth.
>Which fighting game doesn't have the most basic form of Player VS AI?
So what you're saying is that no fighting game has content. At all.
>Which fighting game doesn't have the most basic form of Player VS AI?
SFV didn't.

Also, for the rest of your post, ARMS proves that complexity =/= depth. GG is plenty deep, but the oversaturation of unnecessary inputs and moves does not make it so. Frankly, I find most Arc System games to be clusterfucks.
>Which fighting game doesn't have the most basic form of Player VS AI?
You mean unique content separate from the main fighting?
In the modern day about zero.
To be fair to the guy, the AI in ARMS is pretty arse. It's either do nothing and take punches or full on input reading.
>ARMS does not have player vs ai.
So umm.
This clears a whole lot up
You mean like every fighter to date?
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Where did that come from?
I'm saying every fighting game EVER has had player vs computer. It's not a mode. worth mentioning because it's in every game.

If we were talking about shooters then sure, you could say player VS Bots on a MP map is a featture since so many shooters don't have that anymore. But Fighting games always had and will continue to have Player VS Computer with all the playstyles.

>SFV didn't.
Ah fuck. I had forgotten about that abortion. Let me put it this way then. Out of 100 fighters 99 have Player VS Computer. The one that didn't was unsalvageable shit and to be fair they DID add that later on, r-right? I haven't touched it

>Also, for the rest of your post, ARMS proves that complexity =/= depth.
Well I'm being a bit unfair because ARMS isn't a fighting game, it's a casual arena fighter so it doesn't need to have the same depth or extensive tutorials/training modes, just like other casual arena fighters like PowerStone2 don't need them either.

>GG is plenty deep, but the oversaturation of unnecessary inputs and moves does not make it so.
That's where you lost me. It has no unnecessary inputs whatsoever. Perhaps it has too many systems for a begginer, but no one needs to know about all of them to start playing and enjoying the game, it's a gradual evolution.
Also, Stylish mode is a thing for those who want simplified controls and can be selected even in online matches.

CTRL+F "ARMS does not have player vs ai"
1 result, yours.
Who are you quoting?
>It's not a mode
What actually falls under modes for you?
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>A mime with invisible arms
>A kid with squid arms
is that a 4 str 4 stam leather belt
Claim down every, the game will be fine. Ribbon and Cobra will be slapped with a nerf then things will get better.
more an update then a patch. Well actually its both since balance fixes are part of the update.
>ARMS isn't a fighting game

But it is
its working
>Nintendo has claimed that all ARMS balance patches will be focused on buffs rather then nerfs

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>It has no unnecessary inputs whatsoeve
63214 > 6 is unnecessary. Blitz shielding, 3 different bursts, roman canceling, shaking the stick to recover from stun (absolutely shit mechanic, what horrid design), green shielding being needed to block some attavks in the air, etc. Mechanics and inputs out the ass. Some simplicity would do the series a favor. That is why BlazBlue caught on and became popular despite a lower budget overall.
Revision: Sorry for the blog post.
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it would be amazing if they stayed true to this
What is the lore behind their arms being weird?
>Mummy gets double speed healing
He will be viable soon, bros.
that applies to everyone on here
for a 14 year old such as yourself anyone over 25 must seem ancient
It's a japanese video game.
As B&B player I want

>Bigger hitbox for jumping off Barqs head
>Less downtime when Barq is KO
>If Cobra can have a 170 throw fucking give me one
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I meant it's not a traditional fighting game. Under the umbrella of the genre it's an arena fighter. Just like there are simulation, sim-lite and arcade racers.
Didn't mean to use it as an insult or anything

>632146 is unnecessary.
Part of each character's feel are their different inputs. Some people really enjoy certain characters based solely on the way they play, even if they have a shit design or something.
If everything was a quarter-circle then characters would lose some of their.... character. Not visually or gameplay-wise but in gameplay-feel.
It's really fun to me to play as Jam and do a quick 46PK 236K 214K 562K. I could do the exact same in Stylish mode much more easily, but I enjoy the added manual input. Just like some people actually enjoy manual transmission cars over automatic even if they are harder to learn.
Like I said, Stylish mode is there for those who can't be bothered to learn special attacks.

The rest of your post is about systems and mechanics, which are not essential for newcomers outside of very basic stuff. I guess SF5 is your dream game.
>a traditional fighting game.

Define fighting game
>I guess SF5 is your dream game.
>shitposter jumps straight to ad hominem when faced with an opposing opinion
Wicked sick nasty, my guy. You should play Arcana Heart if you love pointless shit and unnecessary mechanics and inputs so much, sounds like your dream game with just the right "gamefeel" for you. For the rest of us, differing inputs have always just been something we deal with, nobody actually prefers them.
>If everything was a quarter-circle then characters would lose some of their.... character
Anyone who doesn't agree with this should play some Guilty Gear and then Marvel vs Capcom 3
Why, the two are nothing alike, and input tyoes have nothing to do with that.
Input types have everything to do with that.
>the two are nothing alike
That's the point. In MvC3 every character has the same qcf, qcb, dp and so they feel much more similar than GG characters.
>Tourney goers refer to the edge bounce into rush as the yabuki combo
I like this community
so normal fucking arms?
No, the fucking gameolay pace and mechanics change how they feel. Assists, chaining supers, and X factor. The actual characters have just as much variety between them, with the main issue being that everyone could revolver into launcher into air revolver. You should really actually PLAY fighting games before discussing them.
>being this buttmad that ARMS has already outsold every weebshit fighting game

Yeah okay, go act like inputs don't matter. That's why everyone agrees that qc and dps are outdated and simplified smash controls are the best right.
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ggrev2 is the seventeenth entry in the series. it's also the revision of the previous entry, an update that pretty much refines the sixteenth game with various hefty additions
arms is a brand new ip, less than a month old, that already received a pretty substantial update after a week it came out and is bound to get its first major content update in two days

i don't care if you prefer the former or the latter but the two games can't even be compared in terms of content or depth. what are you guys even talking about
We are shitposting
>Wind Waker
>Bad art design

What did he mean by this?
Are you implying that's tall?
ropes of cum
H-how tall are you?
Alternative costumes, unlockable with ingame currency, new arenas, more singleplayer stuff/story with new character(s) (that will become playable with the following update)
+ balancing patch
What if Max Brass' Grand Prix is him fighting other DLC fighters?
>Grand prix MB
>Final round is against Springman
>You beat him, but headlock still takes over mass brass
>Now have to control Springman and defeat headlok.
>Headlok is defeated, and Mass Brass gives Spring the champ title for defeating him.
he's the only dlc character right now, though
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I want him to sit on my face and fart
quiet, homeo and juliet
You have beaten GP on Level 4, right /v/? Even DSP beat it.
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Yes, but honestly the AI in this game is bullshit input reading.
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>Some autist complaining that free DLC isn't really free
Could you imagine the outrage if Nintendo released Hyper ARMS Remix Delta 3: 2nd Fisting - Dark Resuscitation in a year? Of all the fucking genres to complain about the "price" of free DLC.
>age 52
>loves cheeky and strong young fighters

dammit nintendo
He's Vince Goddamn McMahon, of course he's old
Is this image based on something? It feels so memey
Oh my god he's so thick
I need more art of him
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