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What happened to the SRPG genre? There's literally ZERO

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What happened to the SRPG genre?

There's literally ZERO of them out for this generation. The last one I played was I think Disgaea 5. And that wasn't even that tactical. Just grinding.
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They exist, just don't go into this series for the gameplay.
That's more of a VN than anything. I want a more SRPG gameplay than a VN tacked on with a SRPG
new Tactics Ogre when?
FE Conquest had gameplay JUST good enough for me to overlook its many flaws

but I'm not optimistic about the FE on switch, Conquest was able to be as difficult as it was because it was because the game was 3 routes
There's a bunch on 3ds: Fire Emblem is still going strong, SMT Devil Survivor had enhanced ports, stella glow was relatively popular but I suspect it sucks, langrisser 3ds was an abomination, and project x zone is notable but I don't think anyone cares about the gameplay.
There's some Super Robot Wars game on PS4 or vita, not sure which.
I think another Summon Night game is coming out but I wasn't impressed by SN5 so whatever.
I think even neptunia got a srpg recently.

I miss Front Mission and Tactics Ogre but there's still plenty of titles coming out.
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>tfw no good SRPG Maker program to keep a constant flow of games coming that are 99.99% utter shit, but occasionally result in a decent game that can tide you over until the next big-name release
>There's literally ZERO of them out for this generation
Super Robot Wars still exist.

Have you played Battle for Wesnoth? There's a ton of user-made campaigns, probably more than you'd ever have time to play.
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I was gonna post this. Great game but barely anybody talks about it.
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>What happened to the SRPG genre?
The weeb trash died out and the genre is now uttelry dominated by superior Western SRPGs, not like it wasn't dominated by them before, mind you.
FTL team is making one that looks fun.
There are quite a few, but sadly they all are really bad when compared to FFT or TO.

Off the top of my head Dynasty Warriors Godseekers, Utawarerumono, and God Wars all released in English this year alone. I recommend none of them.
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Why doesn't anyone talk about Arc the Lad? Why doesn't anyone love it? FUCK
This game is so fucking slooooowwwwwww and boring as shit
At least it has actual challenge due to XP being a limited resource (which is spent on character progression) and limitless grind without consequences being impossible, unlike in most of the so called "iconic" weeb trash like FFT, TO and Shitgaea.
Dynasty Warriors Godseekers?

It's mostly popular among latino gamers

Why? Anon are you calling me a latino? Don't do that
>weebtrash comparable to disgaea
Never go full retard.
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>not weeb trash
>when the protag is your typical teenager who saves the world
>when the plot is literally anime tier
SRPG genre ended when Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume came out

Semper games

it was ok i guess
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I don't know what you're saying
I've always been a big Front Mission fan and always wanted to try making an SRPG in the style of the first Front Mission but when ever I start really thinking about it and starting to write out a plan I realize I'm probably too much of a brainlet see it through right.

Okay, hipsterella
FFT is pretty bad by today's standards.

I replayed it a few years ago and thought it held up fine.
It's far too unbalanced for it's own good on top of the translation being horrid.
Xenonaughts was garbage desu.

Enemy Within > Enemy Unknown
I'm still playing through the original, actually I was playing it last month but I can't find my save files, where the fuck did they go?
>tfw can't find a wallpaper sized copy of this image without shit all over it
I hear the original has a bunch of problems with modern operating systems, disappearing save files could be one of them.
I think it's because the .iso was in my daemon tools drive for two years and I switched it out last month for something else, if anyone else owns this game tell me where windows default saves the files to.
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alright nevermind, I found it again

getting through takes forever when you have the voice patch and you let every line play out.
Sorry I can't be of any help. I haven't played Underwater Ray Ramano since 2009 and it worked find on win XP.
It's mostly because of the anime and the plot was spoiled a long time ago. The third game will have a bit more lively threads. /a/ managed to have 3 back to back threads for a couple days after the jap release of futari no hakuoro. I swear to god, if atlus actually uses the fucking L that showed up in the fighting crossover game, I'll riot.
Yeah I'm glad I stayed far away from those fucking threads. September cannot come soon enough.

Right on. Karura best girl.
Don't worry laddies, when I'm with you, my body is very hard too.
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More power to you if you avoided spoilers the past year.
I just found out about this game thanks to this thread, but apparently it's only out for PS4 and Vita. Sucks because I'm a sucker for SRPG's.
What was wrong with God Wars? I'd just heard about it recently but hadn't looked into it much yet.
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A Fire Emblem with Warsong (Der Langrisser) would be awesome
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Energy Breaker was fun for what it was
You can play the prequel on PC. Also Vita TVs go for around 30 bucks.
it's fine
I'll have to look for the prequel then, google is just churning up articles on the PS4 and Vita releases, and I didn't realize Vita TVs were even a thing. Neat.
Xenonauts has better gameplay mechanics than Firaxis games, but its artstyle is really hit or miss.

Name one reason why you think it's "good".
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I would kill for a remake or updated re-release of Ogre Battle 64
Check out valiant force on android, its honestly the closest thing we have got since 64.
There was that PSP game, Jeanne D'Arc or whatever, that was pretty good.
Play Chroma Squad
Is it released on anything besides mobile?
That's not true, the 3DS had a remake of Devil Survivor. So I guess that counts right?
Not that i know of. Can get one of the phone emulators, blue somethin? Should work fine on that.
Fire Emblem is still being made and Devil Survivor 2 just got a remake a couple years back, Disgaea 5 just got re-released, Mario x Rabbids is a SRPG too
God Wars Future Past came out I guess.
Alright, I'll check it out. Thanks!
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How are the Banner Saga games? Are they worth the investment?
Only if you like story rich SRPGs with well-written characters, but mediocre as fuck combat. Don't get BS for the combat alone, you will be severely disappointed.

looking forward to this

art looks beautiful and the premise is neat, but SRPG systems are wonky and unsatisfying
Saw this last night. Looks pretty cool.


Also, there are some TO: LUCT mods to keep things fresh. Chronicle Valeria and One Vision.
Not that anon, but let me go ahead and tell you why I like the game, even after playing it again just earlier this year.

Huge unit variation with how the skill work, yes some of the classes are underwhelming (Namely the Archer) but even then a smart player can find a way to exploit the weaknesses and make them competent units when mixed with other class skills, archers running concentrate with the Knights abillity to break equipment was pretty great. I'm sure the word "Exploit" might rustle some jimmies and lead to a debate on how the games systems were abusable, but I personally don't see an issue with that, it's a single player game that can be difficult if you stay the right level, or it can be easy based on how much you train and exploit the systems, it's based on how the player chooses to play the game- Some players want to be too powerful, others want to struggle. If you don't want the game to be easy, then don't make the game easy. The story is also amazing, albeit a little confusing at times due to the political intrigue and mediocre translation, but if you pay attention you know what's going on. Even at age 12 I didn't have a hard to understanding the story. Ramza isn't a "chosen one" he doesn't have amnesia or any super powers, he's a 16 - 18 year old squire (Adult age in medieval settings) who is trying his hardest to be the man he was raised to be, the man his father wanted him to be. Doing this leads to him losing his best friend, fighting his brothers, and being defaced and demonized in the face of the whole world. The story also starts off pretty mellow until you start to understand what's really going on, and unlike a lot of games/stories the "High Fantasy" spike where demons and magical stones start coming out of the walls makes sense in a setting where people can learn magic just through training.
SRPGs are very alive, it's just the ones made by Square Enix that died

Good riddance
Has anyone beaten FFT Hardmode? I played that and literally couldn't beat the cutscene mission where you only control yourself cause the npc's sandbagged me so hard.
>There's literally ZERO of them out for this generation.

One of the biggest games of E3 was an SRPG.
What's it called?

I think they're talking about South Park.
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
fucking never

matsuno is on mobileshit duty mandated by SE until the day he keels over dead
I actually started playing FFXIV recently just for the Tactics Ogre tie-ins.
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We're here to save the SRPG genre.
the constant stream of to armor is nice
>FFT is hipster trash
>Call people hipsters for hating it
How ironic
Literally XCOM
Not to move the goalposts or anything, but 40-50% of those are fucking awful

Especially Banner Saga
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>Disgaea 5. And that wasn't even that tactical. Just grinding.
It's tactical grinding, get it right, pyon
Also go and buy SD Gundam G Generation Genesis. And SRW V too. You Gundam Weaboo,
only good western tactics game (really no point calling them sRPG) is JA2.
Nothing else managed to top it. Your list has some okayish games but mostly a trash
Kamidori Alchemy Meister is the best SRPG to date. Prove me wrong.
You cant
it's boring as hell tho, hardly difficult, very safe, move from cover to cover gameplay is boring, hardly take any risks, almost no one dies.
I want my classic "oh shit, your squad is dead" experience. Or if no one dies - give them proper characters like in Jagged Alliance or something.
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Hey, I'm Soul Nomad, one of the best SRPGs of all time, how are you doing tonight?
Making games starts small. You should never attempt to make your 'dream game' as your first game.
having fun as usual with actual alive franchise, you?
That looks fucking great and fun, shame it isn't.
I'm a disgaeafag, pls no bully.
It wouldn't be my first game. It just a project I occasionally toy around with in my head. I'm pretty sure I can get most of the camera, movement, and basic systems set up I just don't think I have the time or autism to make it fun or polished enough.

Hmm...that's kinda concerning, well I still might give the first game a try, some times a good story can make it worth while.

If it's not to my liking then that's okay, I've dealt with worse.

Thanks for the advice.
I'm trying to create a SRPG while advancing on my Unity knowledge.

What should be the main assets of the game?

· Normal Grid movement or Hexagonal Grid?
· Single Heroes (Fire Emblem) / Units (Advance wars) / Both (Langrisser) ?
· Equipment system?
I'm late but combat is shit and story doesn't do anything groundbreaking. Personally, I was disappointed I even pirated it. You might want to check out hard west though, an overall mediocre experience but one that keeps you interested. Totally worth if you drops below 10 bux.
w-want me to make one anon?
hexagonal grid
do it suikoden style
no input on equipment
Turn-based combat is a relic, also X-COM :^)
>tfw you're just learning to draw at 22 in the vague hopes of becoming a concept artist or something

Coders, music, and writers have it so easy
Your mom is a relic
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the same reason there are so little turn based RPGs as there once were; there were so many made but they offered nothing new. The formula becomes boring and stale, and action RPGs have taken over since there's more you can do. RPGs and SRPGs rarely break the mold and if you've played one, you've pretty much played them all.

That's why Persona 5 was so popular IMO, because it offered a different take on the typical turn based RPG. When SRPGs can figure out how to do this, they'll be popular again.
Can anyone think of any SRPGs based around fantasy shit wherein you can name your party members?
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don't worry, I won't
I started learning when I hit 20. 8 years later - I work full time as 2D artist for some shitty mobile games,
getting offers for drawing concepts for indie, boxarts or some tabletop stuff now and then to do in free time
just don't give up
and no, other don't have it easy. it never easy
People who crying that there are no sRPG - do not bother to actually look for them.
Not him but how do I get good at drawing?
I feel like I'm not improving at all.
Literally none of those games expect X-com is good. Western devs can't do SRPG, only grand strategy.
after this game everything else is inferior
russians tried with silent storm and 7.62 though
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Artfag here, where did you get your foot in the door in terms of working in the industry? What's your art look like? I'm 21 and started drawing when I turned 11 but I only very recently stopped being shit, I'd love some tips from someone in the industry.
Here was my attempt at a Disgaea style from a few months ago.
>this will never get a translation patch
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I'm 22, started drawing since i was about 12 and still suck SHIT at it
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Obligatory try Wakfu yadd yadda

I'm sure you all tried it and reached a conclusion

I'd kill for a new FFT
>That's why Persona 5 was so popular
This is literally not true, it was popular because it's high school simulator and people love Persona 3/4. The combat mechanics have little to do with it.
Anyone in here played regalia? is it any good?
Wasn't the FFT guy doing some crowdfunded one?

Thanks Anon, I'll look into Hard West later.
Different anon here, I have no idea about your questions but that's some pretty nice art.
Not him but there isn't anything wrong with it. There are some issues with crashes on both versions of the game, and the anime cutscenes (not "comic-styled cutscenes") don't have subtitles, and the story missions for the last half of the game "force" you to use a specific character as part of your team (he's always a +1 that doesn't take a slot), but other than that it's pretty great.
I'm kinda impressed that the text on the box is proper German.
I love SMT, but DeSu is a poor SRPG. There's very little scope to do SRPGy things. It's a decent enough game, but aside from the movement I don't think it really hits the beats of the genre
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start with basics, draw all day everyday - as much as possible, from real life is real important
honestly - that's it. and if you do, you'll be able to get better way quicker than I, cause I'm lazy ass
few books and actual teachers would help tho, don't disrespect traditional art courses. How To Draw book by Scott Robertson is good start too

you never stop being shit, cause there is always someone better than you. when you get a job you just try to hide idea of "whoa, people pay me for THIS crap?!" while nodding and being polite as always.
long term job wise - honestly I got lucky with connections, can't say much there. Short term job wise - social media is real fucking helpful. Post your stuff EVERYWHERE.
also stop thinking about drawing in some style, get the basics down and draw what you want.
my stuff - here is personal sketch
Thank you! It took a lot of work to get up to a point of being average, that's pretty sad when I type it out.
If anyone is reading this, don't get into art, learn coding or something.

It's pretty good for the fights alone, just don't go diving in looking for amazing characters or deep plot. Might wanna turn the VA down too.
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Oh hold on a second I actually follow you on Twitter! I love your stuff!
And yeah I'm able to get commissions and things like that from my little artist's bubble but I guess I'm a long ways away from landing an actual job. I'll be trying to worm my way into mobile games though. Anyway, I guess I'll do some figure studies tonight, thanks for your kind words! Let's meet again as equals!
Is the Saturn secretly the GOAT console for SRPGs?

>Most of the Langrisser games
>Most of the Sakura Wars games
>Ogre Battle & Tactics Ogre
>Dragon Force series
>Shining Force 3
>Iron Storm
that's exactly what I was getting at; it's an RPG but it offers something 'new' and different that people are craving to make them willing to put up with the monotonous gameplay. The social links are rewarding and make the grinding worth it, something a lot of RPGs lack once you've played the same gameplay with the same exact story a million times.

so again, you only make my point. Persona 5 (or any Persona game) wouldn't have done well if it weren't for the social link/simulator aspect...and that's why more RPGs and SRPGs need to spice up their gameplay.
if it had, then SMT would have been even more popular than Persona
>What happened to the SRPG genre?
The fact that it was grindy shit was what happened. Hey, let's have a genre that operates like a regular RPG, except you control an entire army! Except lets have everyone have ranges, operate separately around a map, and much, MUCH lower stats than any half-decent RPG character would have. This is great, really great stuff. Oooh, and then we could have there be a huge level disparity because not only is the player trying to grind up 10-100 units at the same time to keep them viable, but lets make it harder for certain classes to gain exp because they don't get half as many chances to heal or use items than a knight will have the ability to attack something! Wow, what a splendid idea. And then, on TOP of all this idiotic grinding, you know what would be killer? Lets have all the stories ever just be a generic medieval-fantasy political thriller. Oooooh yeah, our not!GameOfThrones story will just really impress upon people that video games are a serious medium for the arts.

The only people who played SRPGs are autistic mouth-breathers, and that's why it's dying.
I almost thought you were serious
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just don't give up, anon.
pure persistence and stubbornness can do a whole lot.
>matsuno doing anything he doesn't want to do
lol that nigga walked from squeenix once already, he can do as he pleases
I see what you're saying, but I think what the other anon means is that Persona 5 is not carried by it's gameplay, rather it's sim aspect. A more relevant example is Fire Emblem Awakening/Fates. A lot of people don't play the game for it's SRPG elements, they play it because it's a dating sim. Essentially, you can take out the RPG parts of P5/FE and the games would still be mildly popular, however, if you took out the sim parts of those games, they'd likely tank. Especially in FE's case, the series was on it's literal deathbed till Intelligent Systems was all "fuck it, let's just appeal to shut ins" and now, surprise, surprise, Fire Emblem is the biggest SRPG series right now.

What you're suggesting is not that SRPGs become better as games, but rather get better gimmicks that trick non-SRPG fans into playing it, which is what's already happening. That's why the new SRW game has cut ins with jiggly tiddies and shit
Disgaea remains supreme.
I say 75% of them is good.

You didn't even played the other games.

Also, do skirmish-level wargames count? They're quite similar to a lot of SRPG games.
>Lets have all the stories ever just be a generic medieval-fantasy political thriller. Oooooh yeah, our not!GameOfThrones story will just really impress upon people that video games are a serious medium for the arts.

where the fuck are all the Game of Thrones-esque SRPGs you've been playing? and where do I buy them?
Oh, I recognize this artstyle. I've come across you on pixiv a few times.
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Anyone hyped for Divinity Original Sin 2? It's shaping up to be one of the best tactical RPGs ever

>playable dorfs, skellingtons, and scalies
>cool character classes like a shapeshifter that can grow wings and fly or sprout a tentacle arm
>judging by the early access demo, the story and writing are much better than the first game as well
Can't go back to JA2 after 7.62
Love real time with pause too much
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not him, but rate the Laura from Street Fighter V I colored tonight? Very first time coloring in something higher than MS Paint. Pointers? I'm usually a traditional artist

Lines are by OmarDogan1979, only colors are me
Orginal poster here. I've had some practice so now my routine is:
15-30 mins of gesture drawings with no ref
A set of 30 quickposes
Anatomy studies male/female

I'm not improving very much though and I think I need to spend at least 8 hours a day on working hard
Fire Emblem Conquest honestly has some of the best gameplay in the genre
You forgot that as difficulty increases your only answer is turtling and then win. Can't try any different strategy other than that because the overleveled enemy troops will slice your dick
Lmao why does Laura look so weird here
Every time I hear someone praise FE for it's gameplay, and ask what other SRPGs they've played, they respond with only other FE games. It's like FE fans live in a bubble or something.
Cool. I'll keep drawing and wreck you in a bit. Get ready for an ass kicking buddy
>stella glow was relatively popular but I suspect it sucks

the gameplay is nothing special, and the story is shit for a while but it really turns around in the 2nd half and becomes amazing.
There have been some decent ones on PC but they're all ugly as sin. Good gameplay though.
There's also the D&D campaign builder, and I'd love to try emulating one with my group and see its potential.
Most of those aren't srpgs like OP's thinking. And boston chronicles is the literal worst Shadowrun game
Yeah I liked the first one, going to pickup the second one its as good or better
>Blackguards 2
>Space Hulk
>Dungeon Rats
>Breach and Clear
Trash. You didn't evne list genuinely great games like JA2, Silent Storm and the original X-Com and not the shit remake.
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D5 better than D2 story wise. deal with it
>I recognize this cockpit
I'm bad with anatomy so can't really say much about it. But image itself feels off, mostly because it's really flat. Shadows are inconsistent - there are no clear light source so something drops shadow like skirt, while hair doesn't. Also linework is inconsistent, you can't tell which lines supposed to be where, what they emphasize and such.
There is nothing wrong with trying to go completely with stylized arttwork, but without same basics of drawing it'll be real hard to get anything good going for awhile.

Good luck getting to siberia
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As a fan of both JRPGs and turn-based tactics games, I'm always a little dissapointed at how they mix together. There is always a little too much focus on the RPG aspects which mean that your battle tactics are not as important as how you raised your characters before entering the battle. And at worst this can even create a scenario where you can't win because you have an unbalanced party and there's no way to go back and fix it. I feel like SRPGs are just always a little worse than the sum of their parts, which saddens me as I really want to like them as much as I like their lineage.

Someday I'll get enough skill to make my own, I hope
Everyone slept on ghost recon on the 3ds but it's really fun. Also Stella glow is really bad, too bad to post about in detail on my phone.
I LOVE tactics games and I could not stand any Fire Emblem I've ever tried. I don't know how it got so big.
7.62 would be god like if the devs were able to work out the bugs and polished the game more.


I'm 23 and have a degree i got in an art school

But now i'm totally burned out and i feel like the fire's gone

Honestly sometimes i'm just thinking of enlisting in the army and giving up everything

Have you ever felt like this ? What can i do ? I have no willpower anymore and i'm depressed 24/7
No problem, I'll walk.
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes is pretty good at being a good strategy that doesn't linger too much on shitty RPG plot. Give it a shot if you haven't already.
Stella Glow was fine, what the fuck are you smoking
>phone poster
Oh never mind, your opinion isn't worth the paper it was wiped on.
I wish Front Mission wasn't dead.

I've been playing through Vandal Hearts for the first time and I wish more games had taken notes from it's dynamic map design. It's cool as fuck, and I'd love to see more things along the lines of it.
>the sandworm that raises terrain wherever it pops out of the ground, creating a small mountain
>collapsing bridges that force you to move forward
>pushing crates to funnel zombies around a village
>pushing boulders down stairs onto enemies
My opinion is probably biased since I've only ever gone in depth and beaten final fantasy tactics and the gba tactics ogre, but Fire Emblem sucks dick gameplay wise compared to those.
the image was super grainy to begin with but it was the only thing I had on my computer that I wouldn't have to try to draw myself. The creator did it traditionally and scanned it in and I just colored on top of it with my very limited knowledge.

vandal hearts was great, and I found VH2 a lot more fun but way easy to exploit the double turn system, where you and the enemy move at the same time.
I find the series extremely boring, both in gameplay and setting, I hate how there have been like 15 games and they're all about kingdoms and shit, Disgaea 1 has you fighting super advanced humans and angels, Front Mission has you piloting mechs, Makai Kingdom has you taking over tiny planets, and yet Fire Emblem is more popular than all of them?
>>I don't know how it got so big.
Thank Sakurai and his hard on for bad SRPGs. Having 6 Fire Emblem characters in one of Nintendo's biggest games did wonders for the series.
I would kill for Sega to release a Saturn collection on steam like they did for the Genesis. Saturn emulation is a bitch.
I need to play the new version of OS for whatever they added in it still
Which Front Mission should I start with? As I understand not all of them are translated and some are pretty bad?
>Unbalanced chars made you only use rusty/box tits
>Tacked on persona mechanics
>ALL the girls are shit and writing is generally terrible
>Story sucks
Dropped when the queen died. You can't just put in a bunch of cool mechanics from successful games and expect a 10/10 final product. The orb system was also terribly done and made me go back to trails from nostalgia. The game could have been a turn based rpg and nothing would change.
too hard. everyone has ADHD an wants MOBAs or RTS
Enhanced Edition was bad, they made the abilities system less flexible and added a shitton of terrible voice acting. Stick with the original game.
I believe you've mistaken FFT for FFTA and FFTA2
Whats that one SRPG that's Mechs or Giant Robots or whatever?

Not Front Mission. Don't think it's a Gundam game either.
I'm not too far in, but it seems pretty good so far. My only real complaint is the lack of class and gear variety- does it get better later? From what it looks like everybody only gets one weapon type.
That's a puzzle game. Just because the blocks you're matching are people doesn't make it an SRPG.
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>But now i'm totally burned out and i feel like the fire's gone
Make a habit out of sketching something every day, it really helps.
Also realize that you draw not for someone, but for yourself. Do you think I draw until sunrise for someone else? lolno, I just doing this cause I'm doing it for myself, I'm selfish as fuck.
Also having rent bills to pay REALLY motivates a lot.
Depression won't get you anywhere, acknowledge that you are shit at it, and keep going.
that'll take awhile
Still a lot of practice from real life objects is required, using traditional medium is very helpful.
The upcoming Battletech game?
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Super Robot Wars?
Drone Tactics also applies if giant robot bugs count.
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Well there is basically SRW, SD Gundam G Gen and Front Mission, hardly any other franchises, maybe some zoid game was one at some point, dunno
and that >>383468072
It'll give me time to practice.
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I remembered, it was Vanguard Bandits on PS1.
I wonder if srpg gonna hit mainstream. Not everybody love turn base game afterall.
Square's determination to destroy the Front Mission franchise was truly bizarre. Lord knows why they thought it wouldn't sell in the west when it was coming out around the same time Mechwarrior/Battletech and Gundam were super popular.
arc the lad had a few scenarios like that too. one was where a giant crosshair went off every turn forcing you to keep moving. you could even trick it into killing off enemies.
Mainstream audience is too impatient for the high IQ requirements of SRPG
They're all translated now. The only one to avoid is Evolved which is a shitty third person shooter reboot of the series. Start at 1.
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Forgot my picture
Is it any good?
Sucks that half of those games I listed were never localized. Unless they decide to make official translations, our best bet is to pray for better emulation and translation patches
I mean the FFT series was pretty popular and Jagged Alliance used to be a pretty prestigious series before russians ran it into the ground.

it's been a while since I played it but I'm pretty sure you get a class upgrade at level 20. i dont think you get much in the way of weapon variety, if i remember right, like a knight wont be able to use staffs. i remember one map where you can grind with healing tiles and just smacking your own characters around until you hit level 20, sometime after the second half of the game
The first one on DS is solid, though the gameplay can be rather unbalanced and easy to break. The pixel art is really sweet, though.
If that doesn't click, try 3. It changes up the system with the introduction of an AP system and stuff like ejecting from mechs, pilot damage, and enemies surrendering, but it suffers from some entirely different balance issues. It's also got a lot of cool lore stuff like a whole fake internet.
4 is arguably the most rounded in the series, though I haven't played 5 yet. It's very balanced in comparison to the earlier entries (all the weapon types are worth using) and has fantastic customizability when it comes to abilities and wanzers.
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Oh, never knew about that one, you should check Ring of Red too
If it's hard to start for you, try finding some art college locally, if you get good teachers it'll be a godsend
Having basics hammered down in your head by someone else is real good starting point
I spent at least 2 years drawing nothing but simple geometrical shapes and one same head statue over and aover again

if this is the future of SRPG games kill them now.
srpgs are universally loved by people who like video games. I think the market is oversaturated with casuals now though so it's hard to say. srpgs are also kinda hard to do well because the slightest changes in gameplay systems can be very polarizing.
I'm not shit at it tho. But i'm not good enough that's for sure. Thanks for the advice, yeah i got to get off my butt. I'll try to sketch like 15 or 30 minutes today to begin with, i'll try to increase it gradually.
Better emulation would probably lead to more translation patches. Look at how many PSP translation patches started taking off as soon as PPSSPP became usable.
Literally too hard for casuals
What the fuck were they thinking with Evolved?
Fuck, a Front Mission shooter could've been pretty good, but no, they decided to make everything a bullet sponge, neuter any customization, and to spit in your face by making you do more damage on foot than in a Wanzer.
Isn't art school just a meme?
I really really miss this kind of modest japanese artstyle. i'm so tired of all the modern anime that looks the same
I don't get why more games didn't copy valkyria chronicles. such a great battle system, even if I couldn't really get into the game itself.
I think the reason SRPGs aren't more popular is that there are a LOT of shitty ones. Also for some reason bare-bones SRPG gameplay seems to be inserted into every crossover game for some ransom reason, like Project X Zone and Super Robot Wars
depends on many things

Let's say art school isn't mandatory at all
Why not go with a smaller set of variables first? E.g. premade mecha and loadouts. Expand into proper customisable loadouts when you make the sequel and have all those assets on hand already.
If we're talking about colleges then they charge you fees out the ass and outside classes are too slow. I don't really have a learning plan besides study anatomy and then learn lighting.
Discount when.
don't worry, after you stick with art for few more years or a decade you'll realize that we are all shit at this compared to other
depends on very a lot of factors. what kind of school, what kind of teacher, what kind of person are you personally.
Yeah, you can learn it all yourself from scratch without any school, just relying on online tutorials and books. I don't think that I wouldn't be able to do that honestly. Having a great teacher to hammer some of basics stuff down into me was real helpful.
But I personally just lack quite a bit of motivation and pretty lazy, so depends on self control and personality.
so yeah, what this guy said. >>383468545
Not mandatory, but not to dismiss either.
They were thinking "we want the gears of war audience". I swear, they could make a killing just by putting out lower fidelity games that were more ambitious mechanically on modern consoles and PC. I guess they're trying to do that with their "Tokyo RPG Factory" group but they keep trying to charge an arm and a leg while making games that just aren't very interesting. Meanwhile Bravely Default, which was pretty damn good, is confined to the fucking 3DS.
yeah that's true
so excited for this. I don't give a fuck what ya'll think.
I actually liked the barebones srpg mechanics in x zone, it was a pretty cool game that I hoped would bring more people into the genre. I don't think it worked
Voidspire and Alvora Tactics on steam are pretty good
I kinda hate being told what to do and I work best when I can study on my own so I'll just wing it. I guess I'll go to sleep and wake up motivated for the rest of my life starting tomorrow. See you in the big leagues someday m8
what game ?

can't remember. but is this tears to tiara 2 ?
I mean, there's a few Saturn translation projects already. I know the bonus scenarios of Shining Force 3 have been in development for years. Dragon Force 2 got a completed patch. Not an SRPG, but I think Policenauts got a patch (I know for sure the PS1 version did). And I think I heard someone was working on Wachenröder
Nah, it's Underwater Ray Romano. Just google it.
I can't be assed to remember how to spell the actual name, but that's what it sounds like.
So much could be done with Valkyria's system, its a fucking tragedy that no one's tried. I would kill for a game that had Valkyria's combat (with better balance preferably of course) with a JA2 style campaign. And if it had Silent Storm destructibility? That would be the SRPG to end all SRPGs.
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Play SD Gundam G Generation Overworld now
it has english translation, no excuse.
>I kinda hate being told what to do a
how do you expect to do paid job then?
but hey, maybe you are really great with studying on your own. Good luck then, there are huge amount of info online to learn from.
>big leagues
I doubt I'll ever get there, I just already happy painting giant robots as much as I can. I have zero ambition aside of getting better at drawing giant robots.
I want to love Wesnoth, but jesus, I'm fucking awful at it.
I always get unsure how many units I can lose without fucking myself in future levels.
Some of the user-made campaigns are fucking brutal, too. The one with the elementals- After the Storm, I think it was? I remember there was a fuckhuge siege with a million drakes near the start and it was hell on earth.
How do I git gud?
tactical RPGs died because no one knew how to push the genre forward. Funnily enough all anyone ever had to do was look at X-COM.
>looking at boring game
for what purpose?
seconded, i was expecting them to be pretty shit based on the RPGmaker-tier graphics, but the dual classing and exploration systems are great
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Silent Storm's destruction was so fucking good
>when you decide to throw conventional tactics out the window and use a team of nothing but grenadiers and engineers
>stuff everybody's inventory with as many explosives as I can fit
>ignore stealth, flatten levels, laugh at panzerkleins, kill dozens of innocent civilians
Spamming MGs and spraying through walls is really fun too.
I'll cross that hurdle when I get there.
To see how you make a good and challenging game that filters out undesirable casuals like (You)
>filtering causals
only if old one. I assumed you talk about new one.
I would kill for a new FFT.
I would just rather have a single player Wakfu/Dofus that i can beat from start to finish.
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>Study poses for a month
>Gain a basic understanding of anatomy
>Fire all the artfags because now you can do your own concepts
>Omg art is so hard it's totally not stupid to devote your life to it!!
I said X-COM you illiterate goblin, not XCOM.
should've said UFO: Enemy Unknown
Argue quality, but Utawaterumoni.
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Then I'd be excluding the non-europeans who get confused easily.
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>no good SRPG Maker
Is SRPG Studio bad?
what shitty boxart. those aren't even in the game.
>Then I'd be excluding the non-europeans who get confused easily.
fuck those guys
can't stand how they added classes to the remake. what's the obsession with shitty classes in every rpg ever? they usually don't even make sense.
funny you say that, because fps hasn't made any progress in about 20 years, yet they keep churning them out. so you're wrong.
I'm not too good at it myself, I just really like it. If you're not playing one of the expert campaigns on the hardest difficulty the campaigns are generally quite lenient with what you can lose, just recruit some fodder to protect your loyal units and don't take dumb risks. It's helpful to have levelled units but level 1 units still useful throughout the campaigns so don't worry too much even if you lose some units.

Start with 1 or 4. 1 is a bit barebones which makes it a good starting point but you might find the gameplay too simplistic. 4 is all around a solid game.
5 has the best gameplay but you'll want to play it last because it ties a lot of things together to finish the series. 2 is good but a little clunky, make sure you get the ultimate hits version so you can turn the battle scenes off. You'll need a script translation for FM2 because the translation patch only puts half the dialogue in the game. 3 is the weakest entry in the main series, the gameplay is very repetitive and not so tactical and the story is driven by a very annoying main character.

I think there's a lot of crossover between Fire Emblem fans and fans of Langrisser and Front Mission. There's all mostly about tactical planning to overcome map-driven challenges as opposed to the other branch of SRPGs like Disgaea that focus on building characters.
because giving player freedom is scariest thing they can imagine
The biggest problem with SRPGs is the usual problem with RPGs, generally there's a move or tactic which is obviously best to spam and you use that till you get a better move or abilities that let you use a better tactic, past that you just rely on RNG. The addition of movement makes it a bit more tactical than your standard RPG but it's still usually easy to see where the best place to move to is.

Disgaea especially is bad for this because (although I haven't played 5) after a while defence becomes near meaningless in the equation and it becomes a one shot party, which completely takes things like status effects out of the equation and most of the tactical value of geo blocks and such. In 4 at least, till then you just spam Val till that point cause his evility and abilities meant he could literally carry the entire game with minimal support.

Simply put it's hard to make a game like that actually engaging and not just reduced to the same grind over and over again.
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I'm playing one right now tho?
Unlike tactical RPGs, FPS aren't an incredibly niche genre. So you're wrong.
best drawing tutorial ever right here

watch the whole thing. it's worth it.
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Disgaea 5 is a damn fine SJRPG game. I just fired it up today after a few weeks off.

I had a few units die and enjoyed playing.
Have you ever thought you might grind TOO MUCH op? You sound like a bitch. Just go into the next level without grinding you FUCKING BITCH.
Grinding too much is the whole point of Disgaea. It's a series with no challenge unless you go out of your way to handicap yourself.
that has nothing to do with what you said.
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got to 10th chapter yesterday, really enjoying regular difficulty pacing with no grind, tho at start DLC characters a bit overpowered to say the least. It's way better pacing than it was in DD2 which was boring as fuck regular stage difficulty pacing wise and had huge difficulty spike at end boss's second form.
But hey, if you accidentally grind a bit - just summon cheat shop from assembly and increase difficulty there.
fuck disgaea. no one plays it unless they're aspies.
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it is, but first story run I usually do with close to zero grinding. It keeps stuff pretty challenging for most entries, but so far D1 was the hardest.
just import it or buy prepaid SGD cards, it's not that hard
Are the spirits any good? Never bothered to level them, especially when the game keeps throwing new units at you that take less effort to level.
you are a bitch
>waaaaa this game requires grinding
no it doesn't bitch
get a brain and learn some STRATEGY
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Neither did your post. You're just comparing a niche genre that never had many fans to begin with to the most popular genre ever that has mass normie appeal.
The thing about disgaea is that the developers make no attempt to balance it and the gameplay is overall quite boring. Sure, you can beat it without grinding but then it's just a subpar SRPG. It's considered a "grinding game" because that's the main appeal; if you don't enjoy grinding you might as well play something better.
This guy is based
what's your ideal srpg?
fuck off, normalfag
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>get a brain and learn some STRATEGY
using with limited resources really fun. Get few armor knights, buff their defense to very high numbers, also in game use shield buff, put them on defense stance
get glass cannon melee character with shitload of belts in tons of enemies via tossing
have fun~
Game is plenty challenging, especially without a guide. It's a great SJRPG.
Game gives you plenty of opportunity to crank up the difficulty.
>balancing disgaea
way to miss the point. Only thing you need to balance is initial story run.
that's it.
>using with limited resources really fun.
Is English you first language? That doesn't make sense.
> Get few armor knights, buff their defense to very high numbers, also in game use shield buff, put them on defense stance
get glass cannon melee character with shitload of belts in tons of enemies via tossing
Sounds like grinding to me.
That's not strategy at all.
You suck at video games.
I've always dreamed of making a game that's like Front Mission, but your squad is combined arms. You'd have mechs, infantry, tanks/armored cars/whatever, and maybe a helicopter, all with subsystem damage and customizable loadouts. I was thinking you could do some interesting stuff with terrain- infantry can cross basically anything that isn't deep water, but pretty slowly, and can use cover and enter spaces that mechs and vehicles can't, wheras mechs and tanks offer superior firepower and endurance, but are more expensive to lose and less versatile.
I was thinking you might be able to do something involving ejecting/entering vehicles FM3 style, but that sounds like it might be a bit overcomplicated and micromanagement-inducing.
Don't blame yourself, the game is utter RNG garbage at its worst.
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the salt
Well I'm at chapter 4 now, hard. Ranrin literally carried that fight for me. The fucking AI or rather the fuckboi prince kept going for the citizens trapped underneath buildings and I couldn't stop him without healing the hell out of it + sniping from far away.

I think you should giver her the magic attack training and the special move training specifically the tornado spell(竜巻) and 旋刃烈波. First one has a range of 4 and she can snipe from the walls and other just packs a punch+If her another special activates and she lifesteals its even better so try to make her a little tanky as well with either training or physical/magic defense potions.
>Is English you first language? That doesn't make sense.
kinda mistyped after trying to rephrase.
Going thru story with limited resources is fun I meant, tho that tactics also applies later
>Sounds like grinding to me.
>using game mechanics is grinding
are you retarded?
7.62 is good but janky as fuck
the jagged alliance remake/reboots had interesting ideas but goddamn they are bad
My biggest issue right now is how to differentiate land vehicles from mecha- I'd like if there was more than a statistical difference between the two. I'm thinking vehicles should be able to transport infantry and/or provide cover for them- but what should mechs get in terms of unique mechanics?
So you agree you can play D5 without grinding?
I want to play this game just to get this set
The writing in this game is really off putting
To beat the main story? yep. As all Disgaea games.
Even so called "grinding" happen way way later and usually doesn't look like any your usual grinding.
"Game is grindy!!!" is mostly started with idiots who died to Midboss in Disgaea 1 without trying to understand Geo Symbol mechanics. They just assumed that they need to level up instead.
Yeah, you can grind to make life easier, sure, but there are millions of easier way to exploit game mechanics to get stronger. And those are not needed for main story. Ever.
mechs can traverse terrain that vehicles can't
Be menacing? Don't try to watch at mech from the real life standpoint, because then they don't make much sense.
In regards to what I was saying here >>383470010, although there's an RNG element in spread and such, most of what happens in a shooter is directly player cause and effect, with focus on accuracy with time as a consistent factor. The gameplay is constantly engaging and directly rewarding because you are the main agent of cause and effect, with the factors of time and accuracy being so nebulous that it requires you to be constantly active.
When it comes to SRPGs, although not nearly as hard as vanilla RPGs, it's still very hard to make them constantly engaging, because the only factors in game combat you control are where to move to, what move to use, and who to use it on, which as factors are quite easily optimised. Past that, unlike in a shooter, where whether you hit or miss is almost directly down to player input, it's all RNG and out of the players hands, making it mostly a risk-minimization game, where all you can do is set up optimal conditions.

It's very hard to make tactical gameplay engaging for a lengthy duration because it's very hard to make tactics a nebulous concept under the same gameplay conditions for a length of time. The main way of doing this is by utilising strategy and giving the player a decent variety of choice in regards as to what he can start the battle with, but it still doesn't erase the flaws with the system because this usually requires either unreasonable investment in order to shift your strategy (grinding new pieces) combined with a greater opportunity cost to shifting your strategy (grinding your current pieces further instead will generally do the trick anyways).

Shooters don't need new ideas because they're built on a solid foundation of action -> consequence. SRPGs need to be shook up because they don't have such a direct relation in that genre.

It's also magnitudes harder to make engaging AI in the genre, especially since they can't just pit you against other people like most shooters.
I'm not going for realism here- it'll probably be a pretty sci-fi game in the vein of Front Mission. I had the idea when I was reading the manga, which features a lot of on-foot combat. There might even be monofilament swords and shit like that.
not every game has to be serious and grimdark
>And that wasn't even that tactical
that's one of the problem, aka it's hard to designs games like this, and lots of casuals actually hates tactical thinking, even the ones that complain about easy games.
Another problem is that people now tend to equal RPG with "long impressive cinematics and story" that aren't in the budget grasp of the companies likely to make tacticals.
Nintendo is trying to push the genre back with fire emblem though, so we might at least see a small revival in the next 2-3 years.
Personally waiting for Sega to either release the shining force trilogy in some sort of 3D hd remake
And I agree but that British dry humor is just not funny to me
>I don't play games because virtue signaling makes me look cool
Go be a degenerate parasite somewhere else, poser.
But infantry can already do that!
Giving them jetpacks or something might be an interesting move, though- giving mechs bursts of high mobility and having them function as hit-and-run support units that you'd use to do specialized tasks and take out problems fast rather than as a main battle unit.
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okay, first of all they still make them, they never went anywhere.
and secondly, they were never that big. they weren't meant to be and they don't need to be.
My nigga,with ageless mod u have so many fractions it's impossible to get bored with it
people are too lazy to look for them, and don't really check how often they actually were released way back.
I bet they never even tried to finish their sRPG backlog, just resort to whining instead
Even if no new sRPG will ever come out, I'll have enough of them for decades
The usual paradigm is tank-support-DPS. If you're making it more RTS ish you could make them expensive/single purpose units that are really good at one of those things (tanking, spell casting, damage, or mobility) vs (e.g.) infantry being jack of all trades
what's the best ones?
>lots of casuals actually hates tactical thinking
Again, the amount of tactical thinking put into most SRPG's is really not that much, strategy is usually a far bigger element, the problems with which I already pointed out. It's usually not hard to discern which position and move allows you to deal the most damage while putting yourself under the least risk, when status effects come into it, it's either slap the same optimal status effect/debuffs on most bosses or high end mobs but don't bother with most because they generally don't last long enough to get enough use out of them so you may as well do damage instead of debuff, but if the debuff IS useful it's usually ALWAYS useful against that kind of enemy up to a point, so it's not tactics it's just input to output till you pass that point.
know what I'm sick of in srpgs? permadeath. for once I'd like one where you just have a cast that sticks with you through the whole game like a normal rpg. and no generic soldiers.
Give them like double the movement capability of a tank but make them significantly more vulnerable to infantry.
Fuck am Latino now
is it good ? srpg wise
what's the difference between tactics and strategy?
Depends on tastes, most of them were already mention in the thread. I even found few I never knew about.
just play anything from SFC era for starters. most of them are bloody great.
nah, it's barebones
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I had fun with this. It's probably not the kind of game op is talking about, but I liked it.
What is your opinion on Vantage Master?
Lots being released on pc
I think one of the biggest things which put people off is how slow they games are. Lots if time is spent in menus adjusting your party, often more so then regular turn based RPGs. A single map is often 30+ minutes. Not that I think these are necessarily problems, but that kind of stuff can often seem boring to an onlooker.
Strategy would more entail your lineup, which units you train up and which moves you learn, who gets what equip and such. More long term decisions that come into play before you even get into a battle.

Tactics is more short term, where to move in this battle, which moves to use, who attack, etc, depends on enemy lineup and position in the current battle.
Yeah, I'm thinking vehicles will be tanky and able to take hits, infantry will have a lot of support and versatility (maybe the ability to equip stuff that lets them repair other units) where mechs will be fast and shooty, while only somewhat more durable than infantry.
Play Vandal Hearts.
There are freely available SRPG battle system scripts for RPG Maker, why not just make your own?
such as
ever play genju ryodan? sounds interesting and it's obscure as hell. it was released on some machine where you downloaded it onto a cartridge back in the day for the super famicom. apparently this was how the famicom wars games were released too.

Sorry ese.
>start playing FFT
>get ass handed to me in dorter slums
>guess I gotta grind
>dorter slums is now easy
>next battle
>grind until manageable and characters aren't prone to death in single turns

What great gameplay.
I think you are really pretentious but also really ignorant at the same time. You move lots of air for no real reason. You just want to feel special for playing games, but can't accept that yourself are just as generic as other people. The no true scottsman of "it's not REAL strategy if anybody does it" is really a dead givaway. I'd consider moving to facebook or tweeter, where you will actually fit in perfectly with that thinking of yours.
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>genju ryodan
first time hearing about it
fuck with just this thread my sRPG backlog increased for 5 games at least.
I always liked when you could improvise on the fly more. can't think of many series that do this though. Japanese at least.
Strategy refers to all decisions that affect your prowess. That includes things like pre-battle preparations, resource development, managing your funds, things like that.

Tactics refers specifically to decisions made in battle. Where you deploy your troops, what actions you command them to take, things like that.

Tactics is a part of strategy, but strategy encompasses more than just tactics. If you think about it in the context of a nation at war, strategy refers to every decision the nation makes that affects the nation's development, tactics refers specifically to their decisions in battle.
Holy fuck you're retarded. Did you even change classes?

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Are you implying you didn't grind?
That's funny because I backed up my point with reasoning whereas all you did was shout NO and insult me, which is ironic because you bring up a fallacy I didn't even make yet your entire post is an attack on character. You want to prove me wrong, bring up some situations that would require on the fly tactics in gameplay. You want to feel smart by playing a game that the "casuals just can't deal with" but in reality the genre has little depth at the moment.

I'd consider moving to a mutliplayer game where you can tell everyone you fucked their mother.
I'm stating that I didn't grind. I class changed to a knight, a black mage, a white mage and maybe some other stuff, I don't remember. Then I cleared the map using tactics.
don't waste your breath, people who complain about grind hardly admit they are wrong
>if you can grind the game is automatically shit

when will this meme end? Nobody forces you to grind. It's not even the most optimal way to beat the game since it takes way more time than just playing normally.
There are only two reasons you'd bitch about optional grind:
1: You're maximum autist, and cannot handle not grinding and ruining the game for yourself.
2: You are bothered by how other people play the game, because of being a retarded autist
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Im playing this right now, this shit is crazy good, i would love to see more people playing it, behemoth deserves it
I already thought ogre battle had way too much of the hidden mechanic stuff going on to make it enjoyable.
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>no sequel to Gungnir

It hurts to live
wut gaem
Which is better
tactics ogre let us cling together
final fantasy tactics?

And for gba, which is better:
Tactics ogre knight of lodis
final fantasy tactics advance?
I think it's telepathy tactics
ignore that faggot, he probably still salty of dying to midboss
TO for the first and FFTA for the second.
I think what slowed down the number of players after launch was the near complete lack of a campaign. It originally only lasted less than an hour and I'm sure most people aren't willing to participate in pvp which is the majority of the game right now besides collecting people.
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I love SRPGs but SRPG fans have got to be the most disagreeable people on /v/ who actually talk about games.
>. It originally only lasted less than an hour
holy crap I glad I didn't buy this
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Positioning is everything the difference between win and defeat.

Just grind for 20 minutes and crush the enemy because your stats are superior.
You can also attack from the back i guess but you already one shoot almost everything so why bother.
>>guess I gotta grind
I lost at the same misison, and just changed my strategy for the next time.
went after the archers first, ignored the melee, and used my own mages to snipe the two mages before they could kill my dudes.

If your first response to a difficult fight is "gotta grind" instead of "gotta change my tactics" the problem is with you, not the game.
srpg threads are pretty comfy that's for sure
but then "muh grind" faggots like this exist >>383474417
what a great post.
always wanted to try that but the cutesy setting is just such a far cry from the original it sort of makes me angry.
>SRPG fans have got to be the most disagreeable people on /v/ who actually talk about games.
because there's too many completely different games under the same genre. People who want to talk about fire emblem aren't necessarily the same as the people who want to talk about jagged alliance 2. People who would love to play a new final fantasy tactics aren't likely to be the same people excited for the expansion to XCOM2.

Plus there's the usual "west vs east" faggots
what genre does have depth?
it makes sense because it's an fake version of ivalice imagined by a 10 year old kid
This game has god tier gameplay but they ruin it by forcing their shitty story into it. It's not fucking fair. Adventure mode when.
I get why they did it. it was their half assed attempt at pandering to young kids. and how well did that work out for them? we got one more before the series fell off a cliff. SE never does what people want them to do for some reason. they just don't get it.
Nigga I came in here looking for FM and VH and you had both in one post.

You sir, are a champion.
>excited for the expansion to XCOM2.
anyone actually excited for it?
I hardly see any threads about it.
There were a few, but no point in talking endlessly about something that's not out yet.
it's a shitty genre
if only that was true for other games
I guess there is no even gameplay footage out?
I wish this xcom was more faceless instead of trying really hard with story.
Well like I say, plenty of genres have you, the player, in near complete control of the outcomes. For example, I'm playing Super Meat Boy at the moment, and although hold shift to run instead of hold shift to walk is probably the worst design decision I have ever seen, it's still more rewarding a game to me because everything that happens is a direct result of my skill, not my character. If I miss a jump, it's not because I had a 95% chance to hit but the game decided no, it's because I fucked up (and again, and again...).

I mean don't get me wrong, I want to like the SRPG genre, and the fact so many of them try to add something different (such as permadeath, Covenent of the Plume had a few interesting mechanics which were poorly implemented in my opinion, some SMT games fused the gameplay with traditional RPG, etc) leads me to believe I'm not alone here.

I don't think it's an innately bad genre, just incredibly stagnant at the moment. It needs something more to make it truly tactical.
>XCOM 2 Expansion and Utaware 3 have a fucking week in between releases
Shit, this is cruel, I want to kill enough aliens to be satisfied before my bros Haku and Hakuoro return.
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Rime Berta was pretty cute.
I mean I know you can't really compare a genre like platforming to SRPG because people want different things out of each, but I'm just using it as an example to say I understand why the genre doesn't have much popularity at the moment.
Sounds fun, it is good? Have some about that old game that you can co trol a drunk mexican or a lady?
>add porn to a TRASH gameplay TRASH story and TRASH gear/mechanics game and you will get retards like this guy defending your game

What is this from?


What game is this?
>What is this from?
five star stories
pretty much the usual deal to any porn or heavy ecchi game
Reborn with talent, dobson
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Play Stella Glow
I can understand your viewpoint but I don't see how the lack of real-time character control is a lack of depth. I like SRPGs because of the large variety of ways I can customise and develop units and how positioning, range, elevation etc. all provide battles which require thinking and decision making, much more so than regular turn-based RPGs. That's where the depth is. If you don't enjoy that kind of gameplay, fair enough that's your opinion. But to say the entire genre has no depth seems ridiculous to me.
Hilda a best
>dub only
>Mario x Rabbids is a SRPG too
Wait, what the fuck?
You didn't see E3? It's literally XCOM.
>westcuck shit
nah thx, I've got burned out enough by Divinity original sin to abaddon these games for good
that anon's image pretty meh, but you should at least check Jagged Alliance 2
That's not a direction I was expecting them to take, that's for sure.
How are the odds for Disgaea 6 announced at TGS?
would be nice, but who knows at this point.
NIS had real bad Witch 2 release, but Coven seem to be doing well to get reprint and PS4 ver.
And D5 did well on switch in west only tho.
Right now they don't have much of new announced games in works, aside of that weird sRPG
Makai wars when
Nah, there is undubs
the anime is looking pretty shit so far and i've only gotten to episode 14
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too lazy to hack 3DS for few undubs
call me when SRW UX/BX get fantranslated.
6 years - 6 minutes
they should have been

looking right at you firaxis
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How do I fix this game to work on PPSSPP properly?
The game has both a wrong aspect ratio AND massive slowdowns on each spell. There's 2 patches that fix that, but they are made to be excecuted on a real psp, not sure how I'm supposed to do that on an emulator on my PC.
Keep looking, there're versions of the patches that work with PPSSPP.
Strategy RPG is what they are called? I've been calling them Tactics games my whole life.

Anyways, the Orge Battle/Tactics Ogre/FF Tactics guy is working with Platinum Games to make a new mobile game. To bad odds are it will never release outside of Japland.
Porn got in the way though I unironically liked the gameplay+store/alchemy and unlocking outfits with specialized skills.
I don't neccesarily say they lack depth entirely, more they lack tactics. Like I say the strategy option in them can actually be pretty deep, but in most of them the problem is changing your strats requires too much investment, the SMT Devil Survivor ones are the main ones I can think of where you actually have a decent and easily switchable way to restrategise but if you're looking for SRPG gameplay they might not provide due to the gimmick, and as well as that some monsters are just kinda better than others in general tbqh.

It's not exactly the lack of real time character control as much as it's the lack of changing tactics, usually you find a good way to win and you use it till you stop or get something better. You're always gonna use the most damaging/utility attack you can in a situation that calls for it so unless it's very well balanced then a bunch of things are just gonna fall unused to the wayside.
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Played it for 2 hours, felt really really mediocre
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