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the game sucks

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the protagonist is a psychopath lacking any self-awareness. his hypocrisy is so severe ive came to the conclusion it was intentional, as a coping mechanism. this ruins all enjoyment one would have committing grand theft auto.

they offer the player choice. why? niko can either save or kill a bitch. does he have split personality disorder? makes his character even more incoherent than he already is.

controlling him is cancer. he is slow and moves like a tank.(odd, i dont mind the driving that much)

in their attempt to make a realistic gta, the world is now utterly fucking boring. catch a train... seriously?

characters and story are boring.

gta vc > gta sa > gta iv = gta iii.
Beyond smartass Cracked articles who even notes the seperation from Niko's experience in the war and his actions performed by you the player? You actually let this impact your enjoyment? Why?

I can see where you've stopped btw. Don't quit now, weakling. You don't have to ride any trains after that mission.
I can't tell if this is bait or not
>You actually let this impact your enjoyment?
im playing as a character i dont care for and progressing through his life. so completing the story is fucking boring. what am i left with? the gameplay; and thats hindered because of the dissonance between the narrative and the protagonist. but i concede anyway. and the gameplay is still boring. traversing the ugly drab world is boring. the only neat thing about this came is the driving physics, which let u preform insane stunts. everything else is derived from previous gta titles.
it isnt. i really dislike this game.
>serious tryhard plot that falls on its face
>horrendous visuals that aged like vomit, disgusting platinum tones and bright fuckign brown bloom and a bunch of ass ps2 textures with really eye grating lighting
>slow fucking mechanics and movement that are a huge step down from san andreas in an attempt to be more realistic
>absolute worst driving in the series that people excuse as good just because its something other than arcadey and fun
>miserable dull characters
>the most repetitive series of missions hands fucking down, its not even close
>theyre not even good or memorable
>boring forced and rushed decisions
>online thats fuckign barren and empty

I could go on, this game is absolute shit and I never want to visit its disgusting map ever again
>the most repetitive series of missions hands fucking down, its not even close
yes! for fucks sake. im two hours in and all ive done was drive cunts around. lets not forget that utterly fun time with my girlfriend though. really enjoyed that.
serious question: what do people see in VC, and how do they reason that it's better than SA? Are these opinions just from those people who spout the
>le hip hop isnt music, its niggers yelling
this has to be a new bait.
>the protagonist is a psychopath lacking any self-awareness.
dats evry single gta game bruh. u probably enjoy some 2deepforme pixelated indie shit.
Its nostalgia fags.
the difference is that it actually works with other GTA games
>newbie detected
the game is a decade old, you should of played it then. IV on launch > V on launch
Dont then, the game is quite the snack
op here

reasons why i love vice city:
-the miami theme and setting. im a really big fan of this aesthetic. i dont dislike the hood setting sa has, but its not my cup of tea.

-sound track. makes traversing the world and actions u perform reaaaally fun.

-doesnt have maintenance. vice city is more streamlined. yes, sa added ways to increase your health, build, driving, etc. why, though? the players ability to perform well in the game depends on the time he spends performing mind numbing actions? as opposed to just skill? let me drive well, run fast, etc. the game is just telling me i have to be artificially shit, since i havent played that much. its annoying. i dont want to go to the fucking gym.

-story and characters. yes, you can argue the story is pretty fucking cliche, but atleast it does everything right. is something i can get behind. and the chadcaters are funny and likable.

-missions. they are fun. u purchase assets and take control of the city. the theme of revenge makes it more fun doing so.

etc. its a fun game. added more to gta 3 that made it fun, and doesnt have features i find shit like in sa.
A big thing I notice is that people prefer the 80's atmosphere of VC over the 90's atmosphere in SA. Nostalgia is also huge.
It's a matter of subjective vs. objective. While SA is objectively a better game, many subjectively had more fun or liked VC more.
I honestly don't know how could've anyone play this game and think "this game totally deserve a 10"

Maybe things were different in 2008 but I'm not sure.
tommy and claude? tommy for fucks sake admits he is a psychopath. trevor and Michael aswell? what are u on about?

i did play it on launch and i refunded it. i wanted to try it out again
GTA IV = still the best and everyone knows that.
not even good bait, op
eh, i've seen more people here with hard-ons for the west coast gangster image than the A E S T H E T I C creaming, considering how niche that already is, but in the end people strongly favor either VC or SA so I see what you're saying.

>i've seen more people here with hard-ons for the west coast gangster image than the A E S T H E T I C creaming
Really? I've seen games like VC and Hotline Miami recieve tons of praise on here and elsewhere for their 80's atmosphere alone.
/v/ loves to flex its hip hop knowledge at any chance it gets. Go into any IT WAS ALL A DREAM thread. Bunch of wiggers all around. I'm convinced that most the board would have loved GTA V if had more to do with the gangster life.

hotline miami is probably all the drive wanking /tv/ does, and the fact that its a good game
I've certainly seen people who preferred Lamar over Franklin, as well as wanting more gang stuff in V, but I've never seen SA's atmosphere get quite as much praise as VC's. I've also seen specific threads looking for more games with VC/HM's style, as well as huge boners for the music of those games.
Maybe I'm just not looking in the right threads.
i prefer anyone over franklin. he was such a whiny fucking bitch. i played gta v when i was 15. 15! and i considered him a whiny arrogant sulky fuck.
you serious? Anytime the steam release gets brought up you have autists shitting down its throat because its not CALIFORNIA ORANGE ATMOSPHERE LIGHTING. NEEDS MORE ORANGE

outside of los santos you also have all the tractorfags who love their country music. san andreas is very much a blend of everything minus what VC had, so of course that's going to have people talking. The game is being forgotten one year at a time, while most people here probably had san andreas as their first gta game.That or IV.
that's because lamar is fucking great. He would fit right in with San Andreas's characters.


>nigga that's that apache blood in me homie
I forgot that people complained that the PC version of SA wasn't orange.
>san andreas is very much a blend of everything minus what VC had
nothing for the HUMAN BEANs, something for mostly everyone else
there are no bad gta games
Would you consider GTA Advance bad or subpar?
You DID kill Playboy X, right, /v/?
There was no reason to not kill Playboy X.
>money is useless
>get Playboy X's pad
>get Dwayne's goons at your side
>that Claude outfit
nigga nobody played that shit. I meant the mainline ones.
gta 3 and gta iv are subpar.
>his hypocrisy is so severe I've come to the conclusion it was intentional
Yes, it was. It was addressed at multiple points in the story and is one of its most prominent themes. It is something you find out definitively during the interaction with Darko, who is one of the game's most important characters. The reason why it exists is that it makes Niko work as a GTA protagonist; whatever killing you do and especially if you get paid, only fleshes out the hypocritical image Darko speaks of, and if you still do so after the story is over, it only cements the other prominent theme of Niko failing to escape his violent past. Why does that ruin your enjoyment of the game? Is it because you actually had to pay some sort of attention this time around? And boring isn't a legitimate criticism of a game, you know.
He had reason to whine, don't you remember any of his friends? Lamar is loyal but a dumbass who almost gets them both killed routinely, and only took the repo job because of Franklin, Denise is a supposed independent woman but has to share her rent with Franklin, kicks him out, and will take any handout she can get, as shown when she gleefully takes money from Trevor, and wants him to continue his gangbanging lifestyle to his detriment, Tanisha is supposedly a good woman yet ditches Franklin to go off with a doctor, and then proceeds to rag on Franklin for not being loyal to Lamar, Stretch is a volatile person stuck in the past who repeatedly tries to have both Franklin and Lamar killed, and Tanya and her boyfriend are both crackheads who offload their work to Franklin as soon as opportunity arises. Franklin was the only one in his hood who wanted to make something of himself on his own terms by his own plans, he succeeded, and was subsequently criticized by his homies for reaping the benefits of his success. Yet he still returns and helps them; Tanya with the tow truck missions, Tanisha to get her request to Lamar and Lamar with everything.
the two people you responded to war me.

first response:
so the game acknowledges this? im taking your word. it would have been less annoying if they paced it better. you arent fully aware whether or not you're meant to acknowledge he is a hypocrite. he just spouts shit and everything is a contradiction. im two hours in and after doing repetitive mission, the game still doesnt give me enough info to cement the fact u are meant to feel this way about him. its just fucking annoying. his bland ass time with his gf also didnt help deepen his character.
>And boring isn't a legitimate criticism of a game, you know.
because it isnt objective, right? go fuck urself.

second response:
you could say he HAD a reason to whine, but it still doesnt make him not annoying. i could have a reason to sulk and whine, people can still find that unpleasant. he whines constantly. depending on others constantly. he is a fucking child. he wasnt a good character. he was shallow. and the multiple choice neding where u can choose to kill michael also doesnt help. so ur telling me franklin would and could have killed michael, the person who helped him? he is a fucking incoherent character.
Franklin had a hard life. It would have been great if he went out like a streiht up menace.
reasons why i love gta 4
-the mid 2000's urban jungle theme and setting. im a really big fan of this aesthetic. i dont dislike the hood setting sa has, but its not my cup of tea.

-sound track. makes traversing the world and actions u perform reaaaaly fun.

-doesnt have maintenance. iv is more streamlined. yes, sa added ways to increase your health, build, driving, etc. why though? the players ability to perform well in the game depends on the time he spends performing mind numbing actions? as opposed to just skill? let me drive well, run fast, etc. the game is just telling me i have to be artificially shit, since i havent played that much. its annoying. i dont want to go to the fucking gym.

-story and characters. yes, you can argue the story is pretty fucking grimdark, but atleast it does everything right. is something i can get behind. and the chadcaters are funny and likeable.

-missions. they are fun. u have gunfights with many different gangs in different locales and make contacts all over the city. the themes of revenge, hypocrisy, and loyalty shown by killing for them make it more fun doing so.

etc. its a fun game. added more to gta 3 (4 is 3's actual sequel; VC and SA are just spinoffs) that made it fun, and doesnt have features i find shit like in sa.

Notice how easily I can spin this, and note the ways people can say they like 4 in ways that are very similar to how you said you liked VC. So how am I supposed to believe 4 is somehow worse; you haven't really made a case for yourself here.
all u done was basically say that u like the shit i dont. in terms of gameplay, gta iv doesnt do things any different from previous titles. yay. physics. the reason i had more fun with vice city, though, was because its world, characters, soundtrack (everything else subjective) i liked, unlike gta iv's. u could then spin this and say u liked everything subjective about gta iv, however, i dont. it doesnt get me interested int he game (its story/charcaters) and the gameplay i already experienced.
>the mid 2000's urban jungle theme and setting. im a really big fan of this aesthetic.

said no one ever.

>iv is more streamlined.
doesn't nearly carry the same weight his version had.

>and the chadcaters are funny and likeable.

>missions. they are fun
stopped reading there

>4 is 3's actual sequel; VC and SA are just spinoffs
its not even in the same universe, and even if it were V was set in LA

I'm not saying his post was good. I'm saying your execution here is really shit
>the protagonist is a psychopath lacking any self-awareness. his hypocrisy is so severe ive came to the conclusion it was intentional, as a coping mechanism. this ruins all enjoyment one would have committing grand theft auto.
the protagonist is a gypsy, not a romanian.
>you arent fully aware whether or not you're meant to acknowledge him as a hypocrite. he just spouts shit and everything is a contradiction.
You are fully aware at that point; you figure out Niko is a hypocrite precisely how you said. How can he say he wants to escape his old life yet be so cheerily willing to accept a new hit? Like I said, you actually have to pay attention this time around; the game gives you plenty of info through the polar opposite diction and mannerisms Niko employs when talking about the same subject within the context of venting to his cousin or discussing a job. It's a lot like reading a book; the answers are there in the little details. Niko doesn't care about killing people; he's jaded because killing being like a wageslave's job for him has made him feel like he's lost all ambition and hope in his life. Care to explain why his time with his gf (not sure if you're referring to Michelle or Kate) didn't deepen his character? Michelle is supposed to double cross you later and Kate provides a very clear contrast to Niko in terms of perspectives in life and the right way to live it.

Also, not likable doesn't mean a character isn't good, and Franklin isn't a shallow character you know. I could elaborate more if you wish; I did a write up on him for this very purpose. And the villains impose Franklin with the choice; he doesn't decide whether he wants to do it or not. The choice is presented right after Devin leaves, and Franklin has no time to decide anything; he has to choose right away. The game gives no indication that Franklin is more inclined to kill one over the other; it's all up to the player. One of Franklin's main character traits is that he's extremely loyal, and it's up to you whether you want to uphold that in order to save a pathological liar and a legitimate psychopath.
Do you know what Franklin's relation to the whole id, super id, ego thing is? What's his role in the story? What does he represent here?
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>gta vc > gta sa
Am I reading this right?
this is going of the assumption that this was *intentional*. there are ways to make a faulty character likable. rockstar fails in niko's regard. it just makes me hate him. he whines about the army and how he does "bad things" and is CLEARLY OBLIVIOUS to it. you can argue this add depth to the character, and in some ways it does. but it doesnt make me LIKE the character. and having to progress through his story is annoying. why the fuck do i want to play as a psycho but maintain a relationship with some polygons?

>it's up to you whether you want to uphold that in order to save a pathological liar and a legitimate psychopath.
while completely destroying the character u play as in the process. he is loyal? then why does he go to kill michael or trevor? im playing as franklin, not myself.
the only thing you keep pulling is the only part of the goddamn game you remember, the ending. You realize the canon choice he makes is very obviously not the one where he kills either of them, right?

Honestly the only thing franklin has against him is that his rise is too fast and he doesn't have many scenes that are meme-worthy or funny. This crusade against him as the worst character ever is completely ridiculous.
yes. i alright said why i dont like sa.

the setting and theme isnt what i like; the whole "hood" thing. fans like to say its good because it included swimming, stats, etc. but none of those additions necessarily "add" anything to the game. why do i need to swim? give me shit stats and the only way to up them is doing tedious tasks? just let me drive and kill people using skill. not having enough time to up those stats. its vapid and shallow and just there arbitrarily. i dont want to waste time going to the gym. just let me run fast from the beginning. its al busy work.
bait or not he's still spot on.
>You realize the canon choice he makes is very obviously not the one where he kills either of them, right?
it doesnt matter if its canon, according to the developers, or not. the fact is a charcater in the game could go down a certain path. if they give this option to a character, it reflects on that character. jesus christ dude. do u have any idea how games work? if i play the legend of zelda and go up to a civilian and slash my swword, it wont kill them because the game and its develpers dont want link to be a psycho, because if he killed a person its an event that took place, reflecting on the character. so they simply make it that ur slash has NO effect what so ever. this is basic game design. gameplay impacts narrative, my boy.

he is the worst character,
Exactly, so then how am I supposed to believe from you that somehow 4 is a shit game even though your critique on a game you like can be applied to 4, just in a slightly different fashion? "The game is shit" is supposed to be an objective criticism, not simply a matter of opinion. Both games aren't completely broken and unplayable, so how are either of them shit? I still have no idea.
>said no one ever
Said me just now
>doesn't nearly carry the same weight his version had.
Why not? This is the same guy who said 4 was shit in the OP. So is less stuff holding you back in gameplay fine in VC but somehow not fine in 4? It sounds misleading.
Yes, they made me laugh quite a bit
>stopped reading there
Clearly you didn't
>it's not even in the same universe
I'm not talking about in terms of story, I mean in terms of setting, type of main character, and upgrading. When I say sequel, I mean spiritual sequel. GTA 3 took place the latest among the three games, and 4 is a progression of its ideas for open world NYC into the 21st century post 9/11. VC is 3 in a different place with slightly more features. 4 is a colossal upgrade to 3 itself, in terms of engine, story, physics, graphics, controls, radio, the city itself, essentially all the base characteristics of 3 being brought up to date by current hardware
>muh 9/11

kek, you cant make this up
>"The game is shit" is supposed to be an objective criticism
no, not necessarily.
everything said about a game can be fucking subjective. and i already offered reasons why i dont consider it fun resulting in it sucking. u cant talk about a fucking game and its story and shit without it being subjective. jesus. if everyone wanted to speak objectively about a game we would merely list the amount of bugs, and the tier of howw worse they are. sit the fuck down mate.
He's the superego, Michael is the ego, and Trevor is the id. He's the superego because he's the outsider and the middleman to both Michael and Trevor, right down to his race, upbringing, age, and general demeanor. He's the one who is responsible for getting both Michael and Trevor under control when their volatility compromises the job, and in general, is the one who calls out the stupid things they, and especially Lamar do. He's so pivotal in the final choice because Haines and Weston know that he never deviated from the image that Michael and Trevor built for him: that he's unequivocally loyal and that he represents what Trevor wanted Michael to be. So in their mind, because of this, neither Michael nor Trevor would see his betrayal coming, and they're right, you can see that from the abject surprise both of them express when Franklin says he's going to kill them. Haines and Weston need this because Michael and Trevor know the other's characters are very volatile, and as a result will not let the other close to them because of their fear of being stabbed in the back by the other. And at least for Trevor, his fear is founded; Michael is very receptive in helping you kill him, whereas Trevor will estrange himself from you permanently when you ask him to help you kill Michael.
I suppose I still don't understand why those terms are even relevant to GTA V. Is it all part of some theory of triads? Why the 3?

In terms of the endings, I like how you frame it and how crucial it is for Franklin to be the decision maker. Conceptually, I think it's brilliant. But I think it could have been executed a bit better in the pacing of it all. That said I still GTA V was one of the more ambitious rockstar projects when it came to story and themeing
Well then what is "likable" to you? I found Niko likable precisely because he was so flawed, and it was very nice to see him gradually come out of his shell around the friends he makes in America. On the other hand, I didn't find Tommy likable because to me he was just a quippy caricature of Tony Montana; he and most of his friends, especially Lance, came off as very bland and one-dimensional and I had a hard time caring about any of them. And Niko isn't oblivious to it; he's very aware of how much he's dragging everyone down with his penchant for violence; that's why he does the things he does after his actions result in Roman's home and business being burned down, and one reason why he says at one point that he wants to be like Roman.

Franklin is loyal; he's the only one in Michael's heist crew that can never fail a job that Michael gives him, he's always around to help Michael woth his family problems, and he saves Michael from being killed by that Chinese mob boss. He's the only one who can tolerate Trevor, and he goes out of his way completely of his own volition to help Trevor with his problems, such as the rival drug dealers out to kill him because he shot up and burned down their house. And by playing as Franklin, you are in a way playing as yourself; both you and him are outsiders to the conflict between Michael and Trevor and take up the role of being the third, mediating perspective between the two. Throughout the story, both you and him see why Michael and Trevor did the things they did, and it's up to both of you to decide who is right and who you're more loyal to; that's what killing the other represents. When Franklin kills one of them, what is essentially being said is that he's loyal to the ideals that the other represents; if he goes for Trevor, he's more loyal to Michael. If he goes for Michael, he's more loyal to Trevor.
>no, not necessarily.
Yes, it is. "X is shit" is a claim as to worth of something and the wording it employs gives no indication that it is essentially the opinion of the one who says it. It is an attempt at an objective critique of something, that's why it has no personal pronouns or anything relating to the one who said it. The person removes themselves from the statement through this lack of personal pronouns and turns it into a declaration that something is worthless irrespective of the person who says it. That's what "X is shit" represents, and that's the statement in your subject line; that's why I take issue with it because in no way does your reasoning line up with the purported objectivity of the "X is shit" statement.
i find it weird that a complete nonself aware psychopathic weird cunt is making friends :) and having a relationship :) and fun fun times :). i want him to get what he deserves. and how he deals with it. by the sound of it it doesnt sound like he completely grows out of this sorry state. tommy may be a utter caricature, but he is likable because of that. + i never watched that movie. vance was an eh character. he gaves hints he was obviously an unstable and insecure person and couldnt handle basic criticism. i was weirded out by this but the game acknowledges it. ur friend says to u after you kill lance that u shouldnt worry about him and that he was (all the shit i mentioned about him already).

>ur franklin speech
i get what ur saying. but. if the game gives multiple ways to approach a situation, it makes franklin less cemented and more incoherent. i shouldnt be the one to decide his morals, he should. because when u give me the choice to, he becomes conflicted between killing trevor, killing michael, or saving both. and what this saying is that there is alternative universes where franklins 3 split personalities lead to 3 different outcomes. but no. the one wehre u save them is canon. and i wonder why? because that suits best with the story and charcaters and makes sense
u just sound fucking paranoid with slight autism. are u a computer that accept only certain conditions? regardless of how i approach a critique, even if i say its objective, if its in relation to something subjective, its subjective in the end. i cant ever make an objective claim on story, or comedy.
I don't give a shit what anyone says, the trio dynamic in V was fucking brilliant and if the actual endings of the other two options were given more time to breathe instead of jumping to the credits, people wouldnt jump on the chance to shit on the entire game. Godspeed anon, I'm gonna have to start another playthrough because of you.
Yeah, it's essentially a triad thing, especially if you consider that Trevor is supposed to represent the manic side of the GTA player, and Franklin is supposed to represent the greater conscience of that same player holding back that mania for the sake of completing a task, the tasks being th missions in the game. And Michael is the ego because he vacillates between both of these; he's not just one of them at every point in time. Franklin and Trevor also fight over him in a way; Franklin tries to keep his rash tendencies under control and Trevor tries to get Michael more and more into the game he thought he left behind. Michael does both of these at some point, which in a way demonstrates the id and the superego both influencing the ego.

GTA V is a bit different from the other GTAs in that you have to do absolutely everything to get the whole story behind the characters: main missions, side activities down to the most mundane, like smoking weed, Stranger missions, hangouts with all friends at multiple points in the story, and you also have to pay careful attention to their combat and idle dialogue. I think it's rather interesting since it more closely reflects how people find out more about each other in real life; it can sometimes be a very grueling process, but yeah, I think the main story should have had a bigger part than it did in attempting this style, and the side activities should have been more enticing.
do u understand that the 3 ending thing makes no sense? why does this character make 3 CLEARLY DISTINCT decisions? its fucking weird. he is a good guy and saves them... or he is a fucking psycho and kills them. its so juxtaposed.
I just wish it was implemented better.
My favorite mission in 5 was the one where you ram a truck rigged with an alarm and have to deal with an onslaught of cops, with the ability to freely switch between the trio to play from 3 seperate perspectives at once.
>GTA V is a bit different from the other GTAs in that you have to do absolutely everything to get the whole story behind the characters: main missions, side activities down to the most mundane

you fuckin' nailed it. When it first came out and we all rushed to beat the ending, I completely agreed with everyone. As more time went on with the PC version coming out and the mt. chilliad shit started to happen, I noticed there was a lot more thought put into the game than I had given it credit for. And then there's all the seedy lore and undertones. In a way it's the perfect way to tackle a more grounded version of LA. Pretty interesting stuff. In the end, Rockstar proves its in a league of its own. You don't really have this much detail in any other games, let alone open world games. There's a tremendous amount of cohesion to the worlds they create.
that was some juicy shit when they had you switching like that.

Can you turn off the checkpoints in missions? I'd feel a lot more tension in between those set piece moments if it was like SA where fucking up a mission meant starting from the beginning.
He makes friends because those friends are also psychopathic weird cunts. And Niko does get what he deserves, either his girlfriend/first love dies because he chose to stick to his ideals or his cousin, who he cherishes above all else, dies precisely because Niko wanted to please him by doing the deal. He doesn't grow out of his sorry state partly because he was never going to in a place like Liberty City, and partly because this is that comeuppance you wanted; Niko pays for all the mistakes he's made in his life by never truly being able to find happiness no matter how much he wants to. I find Niko likable because he isn't a caricature; to me he felt like a real person and not just a bunch of pixels. And I like that the reason why he did the things he did in Liberty City was his loyalty to Roman and all the friends he's made.

But the fact that the choice is given to you doesn't say anything about Franklin's character though. The choice being given to you is just a direct presentation of the moral dilemma that's been lording over the three ever since the beginning of their friendship together. If anything that choice says more about Haines and Weston and what kind of people they are. Franklin's decision on the choice is what says something about his character. Franklin may be loyal but it was his loyalty to both of them that kept him from weighing in on this matter for so long; he in effect stalled it by adopting the role as the middleman, and also by getting them both to help him save Lamar as a distraction. And it's not really 3 personalities, it's more 3 different lines of reasoning. You'll notice that when people argue about why they killed someone in a game, they provide different arguments as to why their choice is right; that's what essentially is happening here, except Franklin argues with himself. You see this in the missions. Also, how do we know the Third Way is canon anyway? R* never said anything about it as far as I know.
what's the deal with the whole chilliad shit anyway? Did it really just end up being that patched in egg mission online? Redpill me on what the mural and everything was all about.
No, I'm just someone who cares about diction, and this is a case where improper diction makes me confused. I know what you're saying is subjective, but it's the fact that you're trying to present it as something objective with the statement "X is shit" that is a pet peeve of mine; that's why I'm bringing it up. Anons of all people should know the impact words can have on others; that's why we laugh when we see how drastically words on the internet can change real people, like cyberbullying for example.
>the protagonist is a psychopath lacking any self-awareness. his hypocrisy is so severe ive came to the conclusion it was intentional
They even mentioned that several times in the game, in the friends activities, in Story missions etc.
But yeah, you can't really play it as a normal GTA since killing random people is not Nikos style. I play it once a year in comfy autism mode in terms of acting like a normal citizen outside of missions and even try in story chases to not harm civilians and kill less people as possible and act as a silent assassin in missions where I am allowed to act like that. GTA IV is a great game if you play it as a real life simulator where you play an criminal.
And if you play it like it fits the story, you have also a shitload of fun because the Liberty City benefits from this gaming style, I love it to just stand on the corner and watch what the NPCs doing.
>the autist writing paragraphs on gta protagonists and their character
Good shit, comfy read.
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The mural had a jetpack, a UFO, and a cracking egg on it.
Mine was The Long Stretch, the first mission where you encounter Stretch. Something about the locale and atmosphere of the shootout, some seedy abandoned recycling plant off a major thruway in the middle of the night, the urgency of having to fight your way out of a trap by the Ballas, and then having to fight your way out of that same recycling plant now on fire, the music during the mission (We Were Set Up is awesome), the oodles of characterization it gives for all three characters, the fact that the Pump Shotgun with light is my favorite weapon and it's the one you use in the mission, and that it's the first mildly frantic cop chase in the game make it something pretty special to me
> You are invisible to ai cars who just smash into you.

Immersion completely fucking ruined. Way to go Rockstar.
They found the UFO, which urged them to move forward in hunt of the jetpack.
They found the UFO?
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but people relate it to the plot somehow, or the FIB, don't they? What's the deal on any of it? And shouldn't people be pissed that the egg is just now coming up? I thought people were hunting for years for each of these. For instance I saw that shit where the eye appears in the sky. What the hell does that have to do with the aliens? Someone said GTA O takes place before the campaign? Is there some conspiracy shit involved?

how the fuck can it be okay that rockstar is being this intimate with like just a forum of people? There's so much shit going on that literally no one even knows about and I don't even know where to start indulging. That plebbit subreddit is an absolute clusterfuck of 40 layers deep info that doesn't even fill me in on jackshit. Just trying to start with this "mystery" at all makes me feel like I'm about to get a migraine.
What were the prompts? I can't believe they didn't find that with a datamine.
5 doesn't get it right either; it shows up a bit in the very first mission when Franklin and Lamar are driving the cars but no other times afterwards. It's especially annoying when you're rocketing down one lane on a road at high speed, the AI is in another lane, and he decides to change into your lane at random. In fact, I think there was somebody out there who tried to demonstrate that the AI smashes into you deliberately, in order to make the game harder.
i cant find myself getting through the boring gameplay to conclude his story.

i simply dont see it that way. franklin, in the game, is making 3 distinct decisions. yes, people playing as him have different reasoning and choices, but that shines onto franklin and makes him so fucking weird as a character. u can say he ius doing through a dilemma, but making 3 VERY DISTINCT choices is fucking retarded. it felt like franklin would choose to save them and someone like michael would choose to kill trevor. but offering 3 different conclusions makes shit too confusing. why would franklin come to these 3 different conclusions? it feels wrong.
it doesnt matter if i come off like i mean it objectively. it will always -- 'till the end of time -- be subjective, so why bother confusing urself? just agree or disagree.
All that simulation work and they don't even get the most prominent part of the games right. SA did it perfectly fine.
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It's FIB related because the UFO has the FIB logo on it.
There are so many layers to this hunt that I don't even know where to start.
At some point, they found a secret phone number which cause a harmless explosion above the player's head and made the phone bigger.

If you go to the top of Mount Chiliad at exactly 3:00 on a rainy night, the UFO will spawn in the sky. I don't know how they found out.
if my refund falls-flat i might give it another try. but my opinions will still stand.

ur welcome.

I didn't like it either. I am glad they went back to the more unrealistic and fun gameplay in V.
In IV you can't drive with traffic ever. The cars simply crash into you like you're not even there.
Good taste, anon. That warehouse scene is directed real well with that music, the presentation is real tense.

i love how it starts

>this fool get on my goddamn nerves man
>nigga get on my nerves too!
>part of the niggas charm, man!

sometimes I think GTA V was too dense with details for all the meme-loving chucklefucks to make youtube poops out of. I think it'll age like fine wine in the next decade.
but franklin walks that fine line the whole time. It's up to the player's experience to make each of those realities valid.
yep gta v was definitely funner.

havent tried that. i usually race like a psycho
i have been run over on foot a couple times. the problem is, i could have ignored it, but in their attempts to make a more "realistic" game, i have to hold it at higher regard.
nope. three realities arent made due to perspective. its makes sense if it was due to failure. when games have alternative timelines due to failure, i can accept that. tloz has timelines where the hero failed to beat ganon. but when u make timelines on personal choice, it makes the character incoherent
GTA V autist-anon, what do you think Rockstar's original ending was before Lamar's VA got locked up, considering he was supposed to be the fourth playable character?
> it makes the character incoherent
and less established
if u want to reply to a specific person, click on his no.
or type two of the (greater than) arrows followed by the number
What was the original ending?
t. not the grand theft autist
Eh, that's where you and me split I guess; I was always more of a fan of the type of shootouts IV provided, frantic ones in decrepit locations with weaponry found off the streets. I was never a particular fan of the more outlandish scenarios the older GTAs offered, since to me, they just played the same way; whether you're shooting some soldiers on an aircraft carrier or shooting people in the middle of the street, you're still shooting the same AI, except the latter felt more like what a criminal should encounter versus the former where I felt like the game wanted me to be some wannabe Rambo.

But Franklin isn't one character making three choices, he's one character making one choice. And as I said before, he never weighed in on which viewpoint he preferred between Michael and Trevor; he either just acknowledged each of their POVs or just listened to them. The final choice is the first time he has to weigh in on the debate, and his demonstrated loyalty beforehand gives him a platform to make that choice. Franklin chose to save them earlier, but you have to remember that those times he did it, all he had to worry about were some crazy family members and some gang members, both of which he's already used to because of his past. There was much less urgency in those times, plus at those times Franklin still needed them to fulfill his own ambitions. When the final choice comes around, the urgency is a lot more pronounced; he has the FIB, a private security company acknowledged as one of the most wealthy and powerful in the world and the multibillionare running it breathing down his throat, plus he doesn't need Michael and Trevor anymore; The Big Score is over. We know we're playing GTA protags and this is par for the course, but to Franklin it's a lot different. He's careful not to choose between Michael and Trevor the whole game, he helped them both once before, and now, he has to decide whether he'll help them again when the stakes are so much higher.
>but when u make timelines on personal choice, it makes the character incoherent

why? The character chose what was most coherent to their experience. They imposed their beliefs into Franklin's character. You're not explaining why that's a wrong thing to do, other than
>That just doesnt seem like something he would do

well if you felt that way, you would have picked the ending where he doesn't do that. So what's the problem here? There are casuals who don't even listen to the dialogue in between missions. Who just see Micahel or Trevor as assholes and kill them.

These are all valid player experiences and rockstar simply allowed each player to pick and choose. It works to accommodate for every type of player and it works thematically.
hello summer
i really REALLY appreciate you going in-depth here; i really do. no one on /v/ takes the time, so i respect u for that. but we are just gonna have to disagree on this. im not saying you're wrong. i just cant find myself conceding. loved the discussion, though :)))
The original ending of Option C, where Franklin dies and is replaced by Lamar.
the player shouldnt be imposing their beliefs onto the protag, because the protag is an established character. if it were a silent protag, or even a customised one fro scratch, it would make more sense. but forcing my beliefs onto an established character to preform 3 different conclusions, it makes the charcater less incoherent.

did i miss a joke?
You're just a fucking faggot. You've let him do all the work and all you've done is respew the same shit without making any valid arguments or offering any new takes on your barebones perspective. Literally this whole time you've just said "yeah but I dun like it"

take your emoticons and piss off
sorry to disappoint :'(
Even though we disagree, I'm happy that you liked the discussion. Also, I'm also that guy arguing with you about "X is shit" and diction if you weren't previously aware. I was into literature before video games so proper diction is very important to me. I care about it quite a lot, so that's why I'm harping on about it so much.
Fuck this thread, now I wanna play GTA 3, 4, 5, VC, and SA again.
It is.
OP clearly hasn't played the game judging from the very first paragraph.
figured from the proper use of grammar. well continue going on like this. u offer very unique perspectives, which is why i find it hard to call u wrong. dont change!
i started up SA last week, it's still great. the only thing i cant stand is how you have to manually aim everything on pc because the combat is super clunky.
ur disclosing my plan
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dont bother with 3. its a worse vc/sa. missing vital functions/features.
>the proper use of grammar
Well, not so much the post you're replying to; the use of "also" is redundant and the clause of "I care about it quite a lot" is entirely unnecessary because I said essentially the same thing right before it but in the passive voice, but still, I'm glad you found my posts interesting.

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it looks right to me! cya, anon. live a great life
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If you think that's bad try playing the remastered version on the 360; the lock on aim is completely broken and useless and the only way you'll survive is by free aiming headshots, but for some ungodly reason you aim using RT, move the camera with the right analog stick, and fire with B. It was the only time in a video game where I had to use the claw hand arrangement to play it. And we all know how tedious free aiming on a console can be.
>firing with B
What the fuck?
>that Pump Shotgun sound
>that lighting
>the appearance of the bullets
>just everything about it
You made my fucking day anon, thanks for posting this.
Yeah, the port is ass; only things that might be good are that you have one checkpoint on some of the really long missions so it saves you from some of the tedium and some of the timers are lengthened, but of course that's heavily debatable, casuals and all that. Remapping the controls didn't do anything, although I was fine with the flight controls. I also really missed NWA's Express Yourself on Radio Los Santos.
I refuse to play GTA V. That's pretty much it. I never got into GTA 3, but SA and VC were the fucking shit.
Vice City is the best though.
Euphoria engine > GTA V

All you had to do was pay the damn licensing fee, CJ.
>the protagonist is a psychopath lacking any self-awareness. his hypocrisy is so severe ive came to the conclusion it was intentional, as a coping mechanism.
He's a killer in denial. It's all he knows.
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