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/v/idya Draw Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 483
Thread images: 251

File: 1499037810291.png (680KB, 1052x1500px) Image search: [Google]
680KB, 1052x1500px
Previous thread:

>Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky

Drawing Books:
File: Elphelt_Valentine 2.jpg (1MB, 3520x2808px) Image search: [Google]
Elphelt_Valentine 2.jpg
1MB, 3520x2808px
Requesting Ephelt Valentine in an American Flag bikini firing off her gun or eating a hotdog with the works.
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429KB, 1280x1280px
File: flying.png (632KB, 1829x773px) Image search: [Google]
632KB, 1829x773px
Requesting my MMO character on her Eye Strap Outfit doing stuff related to magic, brewing something on a cauldron, casting some curse or spell, sitting on a circle with runes and symbols while looking at the viewer, reading an ancient book, hiding in the shadows of an alley at night while doing an evil smile (covered in blood optional), picking some mushrooms or eerie ingredients for potions, holding a crystal ball, riding her magic broom under then moonlight, or anything else you want that could fit that magical looking outfit.

Character, broom and outfit detailed reference: http://i.imgur.com/kbZ5h4K.png

Cool, cute and/or grim versions are welcome.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!
File: sweetheart.png (264KB, 890x1272px) Image search: [Google]
264KB, 890x1272px
This but with Jack-O'
File: lusaminexkahili.jpg (426KB, 994x900px) Image search: [Google]
426KB, 994x900px
requesting lusamine and kahili as schoolgirls in a similar position to the anime girls
File: Rizelea.jpg (179KB, 884x601px) Image search: [Google]
179KB, 884x601px
Rizelea, the Valkyrie, fallen from grace and turned into a Dark Valkyrie or corrupted by darkness, etc.
File: Paladins 1.png (570KB, 1485x598px) Image search: [Google]
Paladins 1.png
570KB, 1485x598px
Requesting Mathilda using Clive's back as a chair like the far right image and Clive is enjoying it.
File: Renka.jpg (232KB, 941x1000px) Image search: [Google]
232KB, 941x1000px
Renka wearing short shorts and a tanktop slightly sweaty, and fanning herself off, or sitting in front of a small fan and going "aaah" into it.
Requesting Veran and Cia raping Link. Have Veran sit on Link's face while Cia gives Link's dick a buttjob.
File: Usalia.jpg (859KB, 2464x1680px) Image search: [Google]
859KB, 2464x1680px
Requesting Usalia learning about how babies are made through some informative infographics.
Requesting chibi Giratina from Pokemon sleeping on a gyro pita bread
File: tumblr_ntcssq7tbO1s41olvo1_1280.jpg (348KB, 970x1280px) Image search: [Google]
348KB, 970x1280px
requesting pic related with samus
File: notSelvaria.png (2MB, 1004x1150px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1004x1150px
Requesting something breast-focused like a titfuck with not-Selvaria from Valkyria Revolution.
File: Aranea snow.png (2MB, 1332x1472px) Image search: [Google]
Aranea snow.png
2MB, 1332x1472px
I'd like Aranea in her Episode Prompto winter outfit , unzipping her jacket to show either her bare naked body or a sweat-soaked white tanktop. Make it as though her and Prompto are alone somewhere and getting intimate, like she's going to make the boy into a man.
Requesting Coco Bandicoot and Roll just hanging out. You can choose whatever they're doing. If you want, you can have Crash and Mega Man or Cortex and Wily hanging out in the background doing whatever too, but just Coco and Roll be cool.
Who wants their character wearing this?
File: GOODS-00138196.png (248KB, 229x600px) Image search: [Google]
248KB, 229x600px
How about Tamamo's mirror turned into a big fidget spinner
Your waifu adores you! Take a wild chance!
File: morridress.png (1MB, 2033x1000px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 2033x1000px
Requesting Morrigan (preferably looking Darkstalkers 1-ish) trying on the gown from her stage. Artist can choose which color.
File: ChieRise.jpg (204KB, 1500x955px) Image search: [Google]
204KB, 1500x955px
Requesting Chie, Yukiko, Rise and Naoto morphing into Zeo Rangers.
File: Es pool front.png (2MB, 2048x1024px) Image search: [Google]
Es pool front.png
2MB, 2048x1024px
Requesting Es in her outfit or her own chinese dress.
It's up to you, I don't have a preference.
Give me ass requests while I have time to kill waiting for my train
requesting Mae in a sexy bikini at the beach with an umbrella as her weapon in honor of her not making it in the summer gacha
A chance on what, anon?
Give this bitch a nice ass
File: Crash-Bandicoot-PS4-Pro-789892.jpg (56KB, 590x350px) Image search: [Google]
56KB, 590x350px
Requesting Crash wearing your favorite Dark Souls armor set, bonus points if you keep the Crash OR Dark Souls artstyle
File: Yoko Belnades.jpg (344KB, 1472x1210px) Image search: [Google]
Yoko Belnades.jpg
344KB, 1472x1210px
I would really like anything with Yoko Belnades from Castlevania Aria/Dawn of Sorrow. An idea I would like is a drawing of her looking like a succubus (succubi in the game oft disguise themselves as her). Thank you.
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442KB, 3645x1281px
Requesting an Arwing vs X-Wing dogfight
File: GGI-backgroundgirl.png (2MB, 2310x794px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2310x794px
This is a weird request but because of my morbid curiosity, I got the Steam version of Guilty Gear Isuka, and I thought the girl at the bar in the Robo-Ky Factory stage had a cute bow with her hair tie.

Requesting a pic of what you think the face/front side of this mysterious female researcher/bar attendant looks like if she turned around to watch the fight happening behind her.
There hasn't been a good draw fad in months, it's no wonder these threads are so ded
Requesting your waifu playing strip poker with the viewer, and soundly winning.
File: Suguri ref.jpg (239KB, 968x1136px) Image search: [Google]
Suguri ref.jpg
239KB, 968x1136px
Requesting a cute short haired (as in bob cut length) Suguri. In her normal outfit too, please.

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365KB, 2142x762px
Clair posed like on the right, with panties showing under her pantyhose(?), but with a seductive grin.
File: Kanadeko_Personal.png (181KB, 700x1100px) Image search: [Google]
181KB, 700x1100px
Draw her spats-clad ass, for example while doing some stretches or workouts like squats.
File: golfutouch.jpg (180KB, 850x1032px) Image search: [Google]
180KB, 850x1032px
Anna please
Draw Es on someone's knee, getting spanked.
File: Nu and Lambda butt stuff.jpg (1MB, 2391x2271px) Image search: [Google]
Nu and Lambda butt stuff.jpg
1MB, 2391x2271px
Nu and Lambda connected together, ass to ass by a double ended dildo.
requesting a dominant pov of morrigan telling the viewer they're a good pet
File: -rip.jpg (24KB, 600x524px) Image search: [Google]
24KB, 600x524px
Ashley Graham
File: face.png (11KB, 256x252px) Image search: [Google]
11KB, 256x252px
Requesting a cute blushing Wallface
She already has ass pics, what ass pic hasn't been done with her?
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493KB, 381x1525px
Fiona please
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4KB, 183x275px
ada wong's tight leather ass
File: Elizabeth_real.png (419KB, 743x841px) Image search: [Google]
419KB, 743x841px
Elizabeth lifting up her skirt, with a smug look.
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Rinko Akiyama.jpg
75KB, 515x800px
I dare you to find a better ass.
File: yorha.jpg (513KB, 2085x2949px) Image search: [Google]
513KB, 2085x2949px
Requesting 2b facesitting 9s or 2b fucking 9s in the amazon position.
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37KB, 250x250px
File: Muh Nero.jpg (1MB, 2664x1631px) Image search: [Google]
Muh Nero.jpg
1MB, 2664x1631px
Draw Nero bending over and showing off her sexy ass window.
File: Miriam Update 360.webm (3MB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
Miriam Update 360.webm
3MB, 1024x576px
I'd really like to see Miriam drawn in an imitation of the Senran artstyle please. Watching the E3 footage of it and seeing the clothing damage for that one boss woman made me want to see this, as well as her naked and covered in blood.

cute ass
That's up to you, d00d. Try something new, push yourself to new limits, meet somebody new.
JADF drew this, but knowing you he'll probably do it again, and you'll just ask again.
Scenario ref?
Those first two, ok, but that last one, wtf?
File: Star Ocean 5_Fiore Burnelli (4).jpg (4MB, 3650x3691px) Image search: [Google]
Star Ocean 5_Fiore Burnelli (4).jpg
4MB, 3650x3691px
Draw Fiore getting spanked or her ass slapped or something. Have the tail as an actual anal plug or something.
File: shio.jpg (1MB, 3264x1836px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 3264x1836px
Requesting Shio giving (you) a blowjob behind the counter of her store or with her pants pulled halfway down and (you) pounding her in the ass.
File: EVObustchart.png (1MB, 1648x722px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1648x722px
Well EVO is almost here and the numbers were released in attendance order. Requesting a bust chart of a female fighter from the nine games, but in order of most players to least, even if the bigger girls are in the back and upset about it.
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247KB, 684x847px
>meet somebody new
File: Pyron.jpg (360KB, 600x800px) Image search: [Google]
360KB, 600x800px
Requesting Pyron in the middle of any Darkstalkers stage scorching his surroundings while staring at the viewer or just anything similar or more lighthearted.

File: CguFMvIUYAApxPy.jpg (217KB, 755x1075px) Image search: [Google]
217KB, 755x1075px
Requesting the Kagurazaka sisters from Valkyrie Drive snowballing a bunch of cum. Lots of drool, blush and heart pupils included.
File: LunaChildRef.png (966KB, 1234x979px) Image search: [Google]
966KB, 1234x979px
Requesting Luna Child using her power to mute people/areas to cause shenanigans or pranks
Man... i need another drawing getting colored, wednesday cant come soon enough.
Requesting Civ V Gandhi riding a nuke down Dr. Strangelove style

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53KB, 658x800px
Not him, but if he's okay with this

Godtier movie.
>those tits
Any other Ashley requests?
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467KB, 659x785px
Draw Vert celebrating the 4th of July, wearing a USA flag bikini.
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529KB, 750x1500px
Sofia from Dragon Quest 4 please.
File: athena the alexandra.jpg (499KB, 1609x1450px) Image search: [Google]
athena the alexandra.jpg
499KB, 1609x1450px
Requesting Athena The Gladiator dressed as Cassandra Alexandra
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122KB, 750x1000px
Draw Ashley with tits like those. He's a pretty cool dude.
File: youmu.jpg (86KB, 742x570px) Image search: [Google]
86KB, 742x570px
Requesting someone draw Youmu getting punched in the stomach really hard. It can be drawn in any way you want, the character punching her can be any character from ANY piece of media or the character's body can be off screen if you don't feel like drawing it, it doesn't matter. What matters is Youmu needs to be the center of it and the punch needs to look like it fucking hurts.
File: Ashley.jpg (346KB, 800x904px) Image search: [Google]
346KB, 800x904px
Ashley attempting necromancy.
I request a thicc loli version of your video game waifu
File: tengu.jpg (781KB, 2048x2048px) Image search: [Google]
781KB, 2048x2048px
I would like to request Nyotengu and/or Aya Shameimaru with their noses long like tengus.
What if she already is.
Let me see the drawing anon
File: guan yu protoss.png (2MB, 1280x1287px) Image search: [Google]
guan yu protoss.png
2MB, 1280x1287px
Requesting Guan Yu, reimagined as a protoss warrior. Complete with a glowing psionic version of blue dragon crescent blade.
File: BlancRamRom.png (2MB, 1883x1456px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1883x1456px
Requesting Blanc, Rom, and Ram acting really smug because they actually won E3 for once.
But anon, those are for my eyes only.
Why are her tits so big?
File: ionasal body.jpg (28KB, 439x548px) Image search: [Google]
ionasal body.jpg
28KB, 439x548px
Ionasal with large breasts
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341KB, 405x1015px
Requesting Eliza Perlman eating a burger or sandwich
We have the same eyes anon
Never! She's all mine.
File: RitsukaChara.png (495KB, 787x758px) Image search: [Google]
495KB, 787x758px
Requesting the male FGO MC hugging Saint Martha after finally rolling her.
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1MB, 1400x1232px
Requesting Harriet coming onto confused/nervous white-tux Mario in front of angry white-dress Peach.
File: FOLLOW ME SET ME FREE.jpg (377KB, 1930x720px) Image search: [Google]
377KB, 1930x720px
Requesting the truck from Sonic Adventure 2 chasing the Blue Falcon down City Escape
Well then
File: BersekerED1.png (968KB, 720x1020px) Image search: [Google]
968KB, 720x1020px
Big Penthesilea booty.
File: Summer Scramble.jpg (566KB, 2126x1800px) Image search: [Google]
Summer Scramble.jpg
566KB, 2126x1800px
Requesting Chrom fucking Robin in a pool or the ocean by a beach or just some water from behind. Have both in their swimsuits.
At least pick someone with an actual ass if you're going to spam requests
Requesting her ? with a crotchbulge.
File: Mermadonna_Bikuni.png (3MB, 1032x2000px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1032x2000px
Requesting Mermadonna being fucked by disembodied dicks, one in her vagina, another in her hair, and one forcing a titjob (with hands squeezing her boobs)
File: jin and ling 2.png (3MB, 1773x1497px) Image search: [Google]
jin and ling 2.png
3MB, 1773x1497px
Requesting Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu having hardcore, intense sex. Both fully nude
File: Clar.jpg (375KB, 1145x1903px) Image search: [Google]
375KB, 1145x1903px
Requesting rough Clarisse doggystyle anal, clothed or at least still wearing thighighs and a furious expression on her face. Hairpulling/pushing her head into the ground is okay too.
File: Mobius_Meia_Art.jpg (1MB, 2651x2722px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 2651x2722px
Requesting anything of Meia from Mobius.
Examples are moogle pajamas, naked and covered by crystal hards/bikini of crystal shards, wearing some sexy catgirl outfit, or dressed as a stereotypical witch.
You can also find more picture of her here

File: 1485296474309.jpg (46KB, 522x348px) Image search: [Google]
46KB, 522x348px
File: 1499032000516.png (140KB, 1100x1130px) Image search: [Google]
140KB, 1100x1130px

Taking requests, Pokemon girl related
File: Es(Xblaze).jpg (768KB, 2052x2019px) Image search: [Google]
768KB, 2052x2019px
Requesting Es lying on her back, in only her pantyhose covering her chest with her arms or wearing her coat too for it to cover her chest.
Make a thicc loli trainer may or dawn
File: HeartGold_SoulSilver_Sabrina.png (345KB, 560x1177px) Image search: [Google]
345KB, 560x1177px
Would you do Sabrina being hypnotized into pulling down her pants and showing her ass while bending over?

Lost me at loli
File: Magic Queen Bellelba.jpg (83KB, 673x384px) Image search: [Google]
Magic Queen Bellelba.jpg
83KB, 673x384px
Could you draw Sabrina in her Magic Queen outfit based on her sprite.
File: 6cZ2YPo.jpg (331KB, 1280x912px) Image search: [Google]
331KB, 1280x912px
Big booty Olivia
File: Winona TCG.png (2MB, 2219x949px) Image search: [Google]
Winona TCG.png
2MB, 2219x949px
Draw Winona without her helmet on.
File: VIOLATION_OF_THE_ACCORD.png (3MB, 1920x2160px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1920x2160px
Requesting more of Mila from Fire Emblem Echoes: SoV making this face.
File: Mewtwo.png (983KB, 1280x1662px) Image search: [Google]
983KB, 1280x1662px
Draw Mewtwo forcing an Ace Trainer to be a puppet trainer for himself.
File: 1460502624585.jpg (120KB, 1146x1700px) Image search: [Google]
120KB, 1146x1700px
Gardenia getting held down and stripped
File: XY_Furisode_Girl_3.png (38KB, 188x259px) Image search: [Google]
38KB, 188x259px
This brown furisode girl sunbathing.
File: Noire is best daughter.jpg (1MB, 2920x2342px) Image search: [Google]
Noire is best daughter.jpg
1MB, 2920x2342px
Requesting Noire on her knees, sucking Robin's dick while he pats her on the head for being a good girl. Give Noire's Robin's default silver hair too.
Both of these have been done
Beach ready Valerie
File: Go Blue and Red.png (478KB, 1038x1024px) Image search: [Google]
Go Blue and Red.png
478KB, 1038x1024px
Blanche pounding Candela doggy style with a strap-on or Candela fucking Blanche with a strap-on in suspended congress position.
File: Renka Taiko.jpg (2MB, 3732x2608px) Image search: [Google]
Renka Taiko.jpg
2MB, 3732x2608px
Requesting Renka from Senran Kagura in an armor or bikini-armor based on Taikos.
Also requesting an interaction or outfit swap with Djeeta >>382121447, or anything taiko related.
>anon throwing a hissy fit again

What form will your autism take to prove the injustice this time? Gonna spam something or do something new?
File: Emina type0.jpg (607KB, 1795x2095px) Image search: [Google]
Emina type0.jpg
607KB, 1795x2095px
Requesting new images of Emina in sexy and suggestive bikinis or swimsuits for the summer, any design or type you like. She collects bikinis as a hobby so anything would do.

If you want some examples.
What are you talking about?

I'll do this
File: request.png (3MB, 1864x1004px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1864x1004px
Requesting drawing Murray performing a lariat on Rajan.
File: ajn.jpg (2MB, 5232x4160px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 5232x4160px
>blushing Wallface
No wonder with dat lewd vagina!
File: Towa SenNoKiseki3.jpg (745KB, 1704x1422px) Image search: [Google]
Towa SenNoKiseki3.jpg
745KB, 1704x1422px
Requesting Towa getting bent over a desk. If you want to take it further, getting bent over and fucked in the ass over a desk in her new outfit.
Requesting cool Guts Man

Bonus points for funny and somewhat sexy (lel) ass pose. You know... IT'S GUTS MAN! DUNNN DUNNNNN! DAT ASS!
I like how to for you to push this narrative, you didn't add what I said about doing this for the summer but for all the other instants of your boogeyman, you put posts you can't even prove was him in them.
File: 1498071777115.jpg (554KB, 1894x1086px) Image search: [Google]
554KB, 1894x1086px
Honoka wearing her DLC swimsuit eating the junk food from DoA Xtreme 3 and then sitting in the toilet like in the reference.
I request pokefags to go where they belong: >>>/vp/
i appreciate this futaba
who's Ainafag? also man these threads are awful
Some guy who spams a bunch of requests and claims any delivery he doesn't like was intentionally malicious or a joke delivery.

I request go fuck yourself
Another made up boogeyman some guy is pushing.
Have you set up camp in /v/'s drawthread because /a/ doesn't allow your shit anymore?
File: a023b635f399cfe8b92955518f250d3b.jpg (209KB, 1714x1629px) Image search: [Google]
209KB, 1714x1629px
Requesting Lucina reverse congress with her clothes still on but her pants slightly pull down for the penetration.
File: tethi request.png (892KB, 912x1559px) Image search: [Google]
tethi request.png
892KB, 912x1559px
So in Ever Oasis, Tethu's species is called a seedling.

Requesting what you think Tethi (female counterpart of Tethu) will look like when she is fully grown, or is at full bloom.

See pic related as an example with Tethu.

Doubling as an anchor post in case that anon comes back.
I don't post on /a/.
Funfact: Complaining about a Pokemon request is pointless, the point of throwing a request in the thread is to hope an artists find it interesting to draw and does it, if a Pokemon request catches someone's attention he/she will do it because he/she wants to do it, it's not being forced to, in fact, it's the guy complaining the one who is trying to force the drawfag into not drawing.
Same collages, same autism, same shit different boards.
File: 2014-10-06_00001.jpg (368KB, 1280x1024px) Image search: [Google]
368KB, 1280x1024px
Requesting something of the Torgue mascot gal from Burgerhams 2
File: banter_stops.jpg (44KB, 484x495px) Image search: [Google]
44KB, 484x495px
why not?
File: Really makes you link.png (28KB, 985x991px) Image search: [Google]
Really makes you link.png
28KB, 985x991px

taking simple/unsettling requests
File: PKMN Comaster.png (235KB, 378x1257px) Image search: [Google]
PKMN Comaster.png
235KB, 378x1257px
Draw her
File: ajn.jpg (2MB, 5272x4160px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 5272x4160px
You're right, amended.
Unfortunately for you my argument cant be reused on me, since the point of why /vp/ was created was to keep all the pokefags contained in a single board, so bringing pokefaggotry defeats its purpose and is practically against the rules, you could say pokefags are exactly the same as ponyfags, both kidde crap being seen in a sexual way by degenerates.
File: The Power of the Monado.png (2MB, 3249x1550px) Image search: [Google]
The Power of the Monado.png
2MB, 3249x1550px
Requesting Shulk enjoying a piece of cake!

Thank you so much for taking my request into consideration! I hope the weather is perfect and ideal for you!
File: Ass Vampire.jpg (135KB, 600x600px) Image search: [Google]
Ass Vampire.jpg
135KB, 600x600px
An Ash Vampire from Morrowind
File: freddy.jpg (30KB, 307x302px) Image search: [Google]
30KB, 307x302px
Ah, so I see you're a man of culture as well.
File: Mars-ngbc.jpg (367KB, 1024x1024px) Image search: [Google]
367KB, 1024x1024px
Winning an arcade tournament.
That's implying that it was even that great of an argument.
And like the rules even impact Pokemon threads on /v/ when sparce (as the purpose of the board to limit flood of said series) +nothing concrete or relevant in the OP, meaning it doesn't matter much. If you don't like it, just hide it. Nothing different from anime porn requests anyway.
>muh degenerates
Where do you think we are man?
The Song from Furi aiming her crossbows at the viewer, weeping.
File: DeathsmiliesLei.png (1MB, 1357x564px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1357x564px
Requesting Lei Bondage
File: holl.png (288KB, 564x900px) Image search: [Google]
288KB, 564x900px

Hollow Knight ending spoilers;

Requesting Hornet trying to sew your mask back together after you disappear.
File: Umihara.png (2MB, 1728x1654px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1728x1654px
So since Umihara is for some reason in a fighting game, I want to request something fighting game-esque with her. From wearing a white gi to wearing Makoto Nanaya's outfit to torn-up clothing, I'd appreciate anything.

File: Elizabethdoor.png (1MB, 1113x1275px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1113x1275px
Requesting Elizabeth trying to fuck the Great Seal Door. Because you know she tried to do it one or two times during the gap between P3 and P4A
File: imagen-i1003-pge.jpg (199KB, 520x735px) Image search: [Google]
199KB, 520x735px
Requesting the blue Dragon from the 360 game Blue Dragon as a dragon monstergirl
File: IMG_2295.png (126KB, 307x347px) Image search: [Google]
126KB, 307x347px
Requesting a dizzy Kon-Tan (from Yo-Kai Watch). Preferably colored.

File: 1474620796202.gif (3MB, 1014x287px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1014x287px
Requesting vidya girls turned into mermaids via fishification!

Can't think of any girl who wouldn't be improved by being a mermaid instead

Dizzy how?
Thanks drawfriend, she's beautiful.

i imagine he wants her with a confused look on her face with spiral eyes
File: KOS-MOS and 2B.png (1MB, 1424x1118px) Image search: [Google]
KOS-MOS and 2B.png
1MB, 1424x1118px
Requesting Kos-Mos and 2B symmetrical docking, or KosMos performing a titfuck.
File: Kumatora punching.png (2KB, 375x244px) Image search: [Google]
Kumatora punching.png
2KB, 375x244px
Requesting Kumatora from Mother 3 in a cool pose where she looks like she's punching something. If you want her to be punching something then have her punch a pigmask but is uneeded. Thank you.
File: pMgUh21.jpg (403KB, 1914x1076px) Image search: [Google]
403KB, 1914x1076px
Requesting Lili in her Tekken 7 outfit doing the splits
Her being fucked dizzy, of course!
File: pk.png (509KB, 2858x1372px) Image search: [Google]
509KB, 2858x1372px
File: fabulous gunslingers.png (3KB, 204x144px) Image search: [Google]
fabulous gunslingers.png
3KB, 204x144px
Requesting Dante from DMC, Ocelot from MGS and Red Harlow from RDR spinning their guns, but standing in front of each other and posing kinda like in my poorly made ref.
Can we get a version with may or trainer white?
File: fighting lesbians.jpg (2MB, 3000x3424px) Image search: [Google]
fighting lesbians.jpg
2MB, 3000x3424px
Requesting devil Lili being naughty with an angel Asuka.
File: 1468735772421.jpg (48KB, 763x575px) Image search: [Google]
48KB, 763x575px
File: Rin Maid Arrest.jpg (459KB, 1126x395px) Image search: [Google]
Rin Maid Arrest.jpg
459KB, 1126x395px
I thought this would be a neat idea, so I'd like to request the article on the right drawn using the image of Rin as a maid.
Requesting Caroline and Justine wearing the Shujin Academy school uniform. Put Caroline in the one marked with a "1" and Justine in the one marked with "2".
File: samus-zerotolerance.jpg (173KB, 970x1280px) Image search: [Google]
173KB, 970x1280px
Guess I'll have to take back what I said about doing only joke deliveries
File: Orie kick focused.jpg (1MB, 4288x2048px) Image search: [Google]
Orie kick focused.jpg
1MB, 4288x2048px
Requesting Orie in a kick focused image like the Min Min Arms picture on the right.
Requesting girls from any CAVE shoot 'em up - as well as CAVE herself from the Neptune series.- drinking Black Label (or the Mountain Dew Black Label) from the bottle or in a glass on the rocks. The drawing can be just one character, a couple, or all of them in a bar setting such as http://imgur.com/a/cpzG7
Why is this so fucking funny
File: 1496640853008.png (230KB, 419x640px) Image search: [Google]
230KB, 419x640px
Requesting Rulue from Puyo Puyo standing at the foot of a bed over a tied up, panicking, young adult male. She is saying "My, my, you sure were talking tough earlier, kid. Too bad you didn't think about the consequences of losing a Puyo match to a lady like me!" Maybe she's dressed as a dominatrix or something styled like her outfit (white, blue, gold) and holding a similarly-styled whip/riding crop, take some liberties with it if you want. Please and thank you!
File: parasolstarsboss5girl.png (363KB, 325x541px) Image search: [Google]
363KB, 325x541px
Requesting sexy art (SFW or NSFW, up to you) with the stage 5 (the Gamble Star or Casino World level) boss from Parasol Stars.

Boss battle video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5E4HFydSow
Requesting unicorn centaur maid panting as her horn gets rubbed.
File: Gear xrd rev.jpg (1MB, 3833x1922px) Image search: [Google]
Gear xrd rev.jpg
1MB, 3833x1922px
Requesting Ky suckling on big lactating Dizzy titties like a baby.
File: Marie Alter request.png (3MB, 1135x1493px) Image search: [Google]
Marie Alter request.png
3MB, 1135x1493px
Requesting Marie Antoinette Alter.
File: Camilla and Hinoka yuri stuff.jpg (2MB, 2549x2952px) Image search: [Google]
Camilla and Hinoka yuri stuff.jpg
2MB, 2549x2952px
Requesting Camilla dominating Hinoka from behind with a strap-on.
Requesting this but futa.
File: cattt-1.png (164KB, 500x600px) Image search: [Google]
164KB, 500x600px
Why is there never any normal yokai watch requests?
File: Glide64_Kirby64_02.png (52KB, 268x344px) Image search: [Google]
52KB, 268x344px
Requesting the Fairy queen from kirby 64 chasing a bunch of fairies who have stolen her crown.
I don't like futa, I think its fucking gayer than fucking traps.
File: esmaiboom.jpg (701KB, 1976x1500px) Image search: [Google]
701KB, 1976x1500px
Can I get Mai and Es having their clothing blown up and ripped up like the shots on the bottom?
Oh, really? What about all your requests at /d/ then?
very cute, but also what's normal?
I don't request in /d/, they think pegging is tame. My fetish is strapons bro, not any of that other dumbshit. I am starting to think you have a problem if you are in /d/ casually just to bitch and moan about requests there. Go there if you want to be a bitch and suck dicks my friend.
It's still a literally who series and remains obscure save for a few tryhards or whenever news about a game gets announced
I can think of normal ones, but I'm still holding out for when you ink/color that villager Mermaidyn comic
>not any of that other dumbshit

You mean like your oviposition requests
File: pengie33.jpg (474KB, 600x839px) Image search: [Google]
474KB, 600x839px
Requesting Pengie from Granblue Fantasy made thicc.
I don't even know what that is and I can see what people mean, you don't like to use periods.
Requesting a trap Pengie.

could be worse. i only like oviposition if it goes into their mouth. throat bulge is a must!
I don't know but every time I see a yokai watch request something seems off. Maybe it's just the way they're worded
I've been slowly working on some of those but I get distracted easily and more unfinished things have started to pile up
>complains about a boogeyman in every drawthread
>is in literally every drawthread bitching and moaning
>unable to use periods

I think you need to really take a look at yourself and realize you need to stop. This is beyond autism and legitimately looks like a mental disorder on your part. You are obsessing over a person that doesn't exist and you are stalking them over multiple anonymous imageboards.
File: 1498101505793.png (922KB, 1160x963px) Image search: [Google]
922KB, 1160x963px
Requesting someone put something funny on my monitor

its likely one person. yokai watch has a weird mix of chibi and monster anime styling, and that is alluring to some folk.

i'll go out on a limb that given the nature of his requests, he's probably the anon that likes hypnosis too. not casting shade. just seeing lines here
File: IMG_0520.png (582KB, 794x519px) Image search: [Google]
582KB, 794x519px
Requesting Seaport Hime with googly eyes glued all over her
Mermadonna OR. Not sure of any hypnosis requests that were made, but that isn't my kink. Although you now have my interest. What is it similar to?
File: Terra Granblue.jpg (3MB, 4938x4450px) Image search: [Google]
Terra Granblue.jpg
3MB, 4938x4450px
Requesting blonde Terra as any one of the pictured Granblue jobs. Feel free to make the outfit more streamlined towards Terra. If you want my preference Gunslinger or Fortress would be great but any one is fine.
Don't forget, their activity extends to other places too.
File: 1497371609713.jpg (288KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
288KB, 1920x1080px
Rex fucking Homura/Pyra from behind with her supporting herself on that tree.
I seriously wonder what insane, mentally handicapped person patrols every board on this site for drawthreads and signs he himself made up of a boogeyman. Makes collages with these supposed signs. Then to make it worse, stalks tumblr, twitters and other shit for the signs he himself made up.
File: YoRHa_No.9_Type_S_SS5.png (1015KB, 1229x691px) Image search: [Google]
1015KB, 1229x691px
2B and 9S kissing like that one scene from The Watchmen https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-15-2015/4Tm5g0.gif, infront or in the bigass explosion from the intro of the game https://my.mixtape.moe/kokvtr.webm
The same person people actually listen to and take seriously. There have been times where said person not only would mass-message an artist about this, but could go as far as to pay them to not draw certain things. It sounds farfetched but I've seen those interactions on many streams and blogs. the latter which have long since been deleted.
A psychopath.

Tell me more. Our psychocop really needs to die; he's like Barneyfag but 10 times worse
I'd rather not. Not only is this not a good place to do it, it also is not worth the time or effort to care that much for someone like that. It'd be best to drop it, and ignore it.
File: little ghost.png (67KB, 855x2222px) Image search: [Google]
little ghost.png
67KB, 855x2222px
you can't fix what is already broken
Alrighty. Best to only know he's an extremist autist with an irrational hateboner for an autist who requests too much.
File: Gabriel P5.jpg (3MB, 4558x3750px) Image search: [Google]
Gabriel P5.jpg
3MB, 4558x3750px
Requesting some sexy Gabriel, preferably more akin to her Persona 5 appearance on the top left.
File: Mai_Natsume_Centralfiction.png (3MB, 2527x2003px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 2527x2003px
Requesting Mai Natsume lying on her back, wearing a strap-on and stroking the shaft in remembrance of her long, lost penis.
Requesting her getting a haircut
File: guts_man.png (928KB, 1800x1200px) Image search: [Google]
928KB, 1800x1200px
Sorry for the lack of DUH DUUUN
Cool Guzman.
Nice dynamic pose!
File: full.png (14KB, 667x535px) Image search: [Google]
14KB, 667x535px
File: FF13.Vanille.jpg (83KB, 447x976px) Image search: [Google]
83KB, 447x976px
Requesting Vanille with either she hair down or up in a messy bun
File: Wu_Zetian.jpg (1MB, 2872x2040px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 2872x2040px
Requesting her pulling on her bowtie bikini string.
File: Lord of Spirits and Calamity.png (2MB, 1282x1718px) Image search: [Google]
Lord of Spirits and Calamity.png
2MB, 1282x1718px
Requesting Velvet and Milla in their fancy dresses, toasting their drinks together.
File: 63678364_p5.jpg (275KB, 579x579px) Image search: [Google]
275KB, 579x579px
Requesting Nagato trying to disguise as your favorite Destroyer from Kantai Collection.
File: Servant Martha Holy Slut.jpg (1MB, 3419x1796px) Image search: [Google]
Servant Martha Holy Slut.jpg
1MB, 3419x1796px
Requesting Saint Martha, on her knees, praying with all her heart and chest puffed out, worshiping her master's dick or salivating at her master's pussy with hearts in her eyes.
File: Snipe_Simulation_Gamer_Level_50.jpg (294KB, 991x1222px) Image search: [Google]
294KB, 991x1222px
Requesting Nagato, or any girl from Kancolle getting fucked anally by Level 50 Kamen Rider Snipe with Bang Bang Simulations Add-On
He be fat!
Requesting outfit swaps between characters
File: Zero.jpg (454KB, 1966x1400px) Image search: [Google]
454KB, 1966x1400px
Requesting Zero as a dominatrix.
Highness Bump!
File: Thank you!.png (92KB, 368x445px) Image search: [Google]
Thank you!.png
92KB, 368x445px
Aaaah, thank you, smudge! He certainly is enjoying that cake, huh? He looks so pleased with himself!

Thank you again for taking the time to do my request! I hope you have a great month, m8!
File: Updatequest.jpg (277KB, 1419x1250px) Image search: [Google]
277KB, 1419x1250px
Requesting Nilin from Remember Me doing the dubs check pose from American Psycho, with the finger pointing at a sign saying "Remember to update the booru.".
Where the fuck is Dubloadz?
File: 1480449088036.jpg (77KB, 421x512px) Image search: [Google]
77KB, 421x512px
Does that power ranger have emo hair on his helmet?
File: Emma poke.jpg (220KB, 1636x1213px) Image search: [Google]
Emma poke.jpg
220KB, 1636x1213px
Requesting Emma in the expansion suit on the right without the helmet.
File: 1390358178624.png (61KB, 308x242px) Image search: [Google]
61KB, 308x242px

>Expansion Suit
File: Emma_PG.png (659KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
659KB, 1280x720px
It doesn't do that kind of expansion, it just helps you poke battle better. Stuff like increasing your strength and allowing you to change your appearance to other people.
Why the fuck are you constantly and aggressively pushing this bullshit? If someone wants to update the booru they will, they don't need you yelling about it every single thread. You spend half the thread for the past week moaning about the damn booru, do you need the booru or else you die or something.
This but with Sol.
File: DaigomanCordelia.jpg (318KB, 588x800px) Image search: [Google]
318KB, 588x800px
Requesting Cordelia, bending over and showing her ass since she doesn't have tits to show off.
File: darkcrash.jpg (977KB, 2250x2000px) Image search: [Google]
977KB, 2250x2000px

Here's a dumb sketch
File: Ravina to everyone.jpg (1MB, 1877x2832px) Image search: [Google]
Ravina to everyone.jpg
1MB, 1877x2832px
Requesting Princess Peach dressed as pic related.
lel, that's pretty neat
File: Tales of my otp.jpg (2MB, 2747x2970px) Image search: [Google]
Tales of my otp.jpg
2MB, 2747x2970px
Requesting Yuri and Sophie going on a date or Sophie holding hands with Yuri.
File: Es and Noel.png (970KB, 1123x1351px) Image search: [Google]
Es and Noel.png
970KB, 1123x1351px
Requesting Es forcing a passionate kiss on Noel, tongue down throat or with a saliva trail included.
the first screenshot legit looks altered by a 12 year old scriptkiddie.
File: futanarized.jpg (139KB, 600x839px) Image search: [Google]
139KB, 600x839px
Like huge tits is only for 12 year olds?
>I recognize that bulge
Breddy gud.
File: IMG_0635.png (178KB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
178KB, 320x240px
Requesting Cirno in a ice cooler chilling several drinks
Tell me anon, what time is it.
It's time for lunch
2:35 AM
Really good pic.
Requesting Expansion suit Emma sitting inside the N64's expansion slot.
File: 1460640331022.jpg (620KB, 1447x1400px) Image search: [Google]
620KB, 1447x1400px
Cowtits/Cutting Board > Fat butts
Ireland be gone
'bout 3:50
OR here and it looks amazing. Thanks!
I hope you like it, mate.
New Switch update.
>delivering to mishafag
These fucking artists never learn
Make better requests and treat the drawfags better. Delivering for him is the only form of strike we can take.
That's an old delivery senpai.
Wasn't someone supposed to upload the missing drawings to the booru?
Not even the new one is updated anymore.
File: IMG_0521.jpg (161KB, 480x600px) Image search: [Google]
161KB, 480x600px
Requesting Kaede spilling food on a person
File: 1478948750711.png (2MB, 2050x842px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2050x842px
Requesting Urien sitting at his laptop in the dark, with bags under his eyes.
Old delivery my man
File: WVW69kbQxpMqTqitKq.jpg (140KB, 400x240px) Image search: [Google]
140KB, 400x240px
Requesting Evia (right) from Ever Oasis tooting her own horn, or playing a trumpet that makes a toot sound.
bump bump
Any wIPs?
How about I punch YOU, faggot?
File: Screenshot_20170703-093210.png (452KB, 1080x1920px) Image search: [Google]
452KB, 1080x1920px
I have this but it's on my phone because I'm without access to my tablet and it's not for a request.
File: Muzet_Status_(ToX2).png (409KB, 640x720px) Image search: [Google]
409KB, 640x720px
Muzet taking a huge cumshot after titfucking, sucking, and jerking off a dick in front of her face. Thick ropes of cum and trying to get as much in her mouth as possible.
File: scene.png (66KB, 940x228px) Image search: [Google]
66KB, 940x228px
Requesting this toon Getting a wedgie
File: Peatrice.jpg (72KB, 570x1024px) Image search: [Google]
72KB, 570x1024px
Requesting a Hyrule warriors version of Peatrice please
File: SoulC.jpg (248KB, 2006x3264px) Image search: [Google]
248KB, 2006x3264px
Here you go
>wake up
>see alert

Thread is slow, find some other use of your time.

You never learn how to use a period.
File: 63031797.png (859KB, 803x803px) Image search: [Google]
859KB, 803x803px
Requesting D.Va as failed police officer because she is too stupid for this job.

Fuck you, D.Va!
It was a delivery for your request. I thought you missed it, that's why I posted it again. But it looks like you just rejected the delivery for whatever reason. I wouldn't expect to get another one if I was you.
I hope the artist doesn't feel too bad about this.
requesting more art of samus in this suit
File: 2b walking.webm (3MB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
2b walking.webm
3MB, 1024x576px
When you Self-Destruct in Nier Automata, 2B loses her skirt. I'd like a drawing of 2B either having her clothing completely blown off (an edit of little Emil heads over her NSFW bits is a funny idea) or drawn in Yaegashi Nan's artstyle. Yeah like http://imgur.com/a/z6yw5
So you are pushing joke deliveries now. This is sad and pathetic.
requesting any art of alice from no more heroes 2
File: zzz.png (70KB, 1280x614px) Image search: [Google]
70KB, 1280x614px

wont be able to work on it until I get off work
File: Empress.jpg (3MB, 4991x4291px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 4991x4291px
Requesting Mitsuru and Haru together in an image. Drinking coffee/tea together, sharing a single milkshake with two straws, eating burgers or something, I just want to see the two together with preferably Haru in her Phantom Thief outfit.
File: ct_ref.jpg (175KB, 1000x795px) Image search: [Google]
175KB, 1000x795px
Requesting Magus sitting on a throne with Marle, Lucca and Ayla leashed to it and wearing Slave Jasmine costumes.
Quit being such a nigger
You're just encouraging the drawfriends to ignore you
File: 61f5791c.jpg (439KB, 1930x1000px) Image search: [Google]
439KB, 1930x1000px
Requesting Sachiko as a T-rex, with Koume and Syoko from the waist up as her arms.
>still no periods

I think you are doing that, mate.
go pay money if you want commissioned art work done you nigger
I don't understand how this is a joke delivery. I'm a third party, but I must ask, what defines as a joke delivery? This doesn't seem to be a mockery
Why are Sachiko requests getting dumber and dumber?
That is literally a shitty mspaint doodle, are you blind?
File: 1490747218866.jpg (130KB, 736x552px) Image search: [Google]
130KB, 736x552px
Requesting any vidya character with the Shoebill like picture related.
But you can literally see it's not MS paint.
File: gotchafam.jpg (18KB, 444x480px) Image search: [Google]
18KB, 444x480px
i got ya covered, senpai.
File: 1437862298570.png (387KB, 750x750px) Image search: [Google]
387KB, 750x750px
File: high art.png (88KB, 1202x541px) Image search: [Google]
high art.png
88KB, 1202x541px
You people are now defending a known shitposter and mspaint doodlist.
go back to 9gag, reddit, or whatever other shithole you crawled out of
Oi, don't you fucking dare drag my deliveries into this.
He's 100% more creative than you'll ever be, slug
I wish we had /a/'s level of shitpost control, then you would have to leave here like you have from there.
File: Tourettes Guy headlocked.png (270KB, 648x478px) Image search: [Google]
Tourettes Guy headlocked.png
270KB, 648x478px
Make this vidya related.
File: 1450185512748.jpg (37KB, 500x500px) Image search: [Google]
37KB, 500x500px
>he's a confirmed /a/utist

opinion discarded
File: Untitled-2.jpg (214KB, 421x426px) Image search: [Google]
214KB, 421x426px
requesting samus wearing lillie's outfit
Why is it bullshit?
File: Screenshot_20170703-102748.png (301KB, 1080x1920px) Image search: [Google]
301KB, 1080x1920px
Drawing on a phone sucks
File: 2.png (186KB, 457x548px) Image search: [Google]
186KB, 457x548px
>entitled little cunt trying to damage control
File: 031.jpg (1MB, 3165x2008px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 3165x2008px
Requesting a curvy Athena.
File: Milady.png (945KB, 1019x1218px) Image search: [Google]
945KB, 1019x1218px
Someone draw a more up to date Milady. She is from Fire Emblem by the way.
File: CasterEdisonStage3.png (296KB, 512x724px) Image search: [Google]
296KB, 512x724px
Requesting Edison shooting a beam from his chest.
Aranea looks really odd for some reason.
Taking requests for busty girls in sweaters
Specify lewd or not
When did people suddenly start getting this entitled about deliveries? I've never seen so many people be assholes like this before.
File: Nine_the_Phantom.jpg (1MB, 3334x2027px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 3334x2027px
I will take lewd sir, keyhole sweater to see some cleavage.
RE4 Ashley, mildly lewd/no bra under the sweater
File: o0640096013736371464.jpg (183KB, 640x960px) Image search: [Google]
183KB, 640x960px
Yes. Also he's a FPS (first person shooter) themed kamen rider.

Also here's a "power ranger" (actually a kamen rider) with animu hair

Also its videogame themed
File: pauline2.png (118KB, 202x660px) Image search: [Google]
118KB, 202x660px
Pauline in a ribbed turtleneck
File: 4836093853.jpg (765KB, 2272x2424px) Image search: [Google]
765KB, 2272x2424px
Requesting Summer Robin lying on her back with her legs up in the air, like the bottom picture, with a disembodied dick rubbing against her thigh underneath her thigh-belt.
File: Es_BBCF.png (2MB, 3580x1400px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 3580x1400px
Es, no need for lewd just want her comfy.
File: 1445365648703.jpg (1MB, 853x1200px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 853x1200px
samus in a comfy sweater, lewd please
File: 6cb7968d247e53584dd1e478ebf3cec.jpg (138KB, 850x708px) Image search: [Google]
138KB, 850x708px
Non lewd Ranko eating chips with crumbs on it.
File: zerosuit_samus.jpg (212KB, 1500x1500px) Image search: [Google]
212KB, 1500x1500px
I want lewd Samus in a sweater, slutting it up mega hard.
File: Dizzy Rev.png (973KB, 1070x1214px) Image search: [Google]
Dizzy Rev.png
973KB, 1070x1214px
I want to see how you make a sweater lewd.
shantae with a 100 on it
File: judith swimsuit.jpg (331KB, 800x800px) Image search: [Google]
judith swimsuit.jpg
331KB, 800x800px
Judith from Tales of Vesperia wearing a sweater, like that one with the hole over the chest. Teasing lewd, but not fully lewd.
File: Nero_Claudius_Fate_Extella.png (594KB, 680x840px) Image search: [Google]
594KB, 680x840px
Nero, hole in the chest, showing her big, fat inverted nipples.
File: 1475708538261.jpg (257KB, 660x794px) Image search: [Google]
257KB, 660x794px
File: Nia.jpg (210KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
210KB, 1920x1080px
Lewd Nia in only a nearly unzipped sweater.
>has a hoodie
>doesn't even post it
File: Martha_Ruler3.jpg (422KB, 512x724px) Image search: [Google]
422KB, 512x724px
Lewd Saint in a lewd sweater.
can't find a picture of it and it costs too much for me to buy in game.
File: DD0R_P5U0AE3LTw.jpg orig.jpg (184KB, 1440x1800px) Image search: [Google]
DD0R_P5U0AE3LTw.jpg orig.jpg
184KB, 1440x1800px
Got a Hex request?
can't you just play skyward sword
Draw her dropping the entire weight of her tits on a trainer's head, very playfully.
hex in a wedding dress
Hex wearing a dress with an underboob cutout and cum leaking out from it
File: who.jpg (92KB, 1000x1128px) Image search: [Google]
92KB, 1000x1128px
I like you.
Draw her playing with her oiled-up breasts, demanding sex from a shota.
Aw yeah, check out those cheekbones.
oops, forgot to reference
I still find funny how people draw her with grossly large breasts when her canon model is almost flat.

Also >>>/vp/
File: Smooch Maniac.jpg (399KB, 928x1200px) Image search: [Google]
Smooch Maniac.jpg
399KB, 928x1200px
Hex Maniac sloppily making out with another trainer.
File: 1483792537508.png (3MB, 1708x1428px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1708x1428px
Requesting a flustered Akuma. Maybe after being told he's cute!
File: tear.jpg (874KB, 1381x2205px) Image search: [Google]
874KB, 1381x2205px
Requesting Tear getting fucked hard in the ass with hair pulling, preferably angry but not necessary.
Requesting tablet recommendations.
Does anyone have an actually active link to Tusia? Twitter or tumblr or whatever, don't care. I swear I've found like 7 different inactive or closed accounts by now.
File: 5954fd874bbef8af69a7c98eada68f7d.jpg (226KB, 1500x1500px) Image search: [Google]
226KB, 1500x1500px
Requesting Zelda instant loss 2koma.
File: Misha.Arsellec.Lune.full.943159.jpg (3MB, 2476x3268px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 2476x3268px
Misha eating Nyo? Guts http://artonelico.wikia.com/wiki/Nyo%3F_Guts from a dead Nyo? http://artonelico.wikia.com/wiki/Nyo%3F_(Ar_tonelico:_Melody_of_Elemia) or the normal cooked item
Hex wearing a Mario Kart style racing suit.
hex as a slime possessing other characters.
One too many joke deliveries drives anons insane, especially when artists keep delivering to mishafag
File: a2d6ba28464241b1606220fe22f40dd5.jpg (471KB, 2133x1200px) Image search: [Google]
471KB, 2133x1200px
Requesting the Assegai FX350 from Wipeout HD Fury but as a lewd robot girl instead of a ship, like one of these pictures.
Maybe have her hold an actual assegai too.
File: 1481170786888.jpg (222KB, 1000x657px) Image search: [Google]
222KB, 1000x657px
requesting some art of tiny tiger
Requesting tiny tiger transferring his muscle mass from his upper body and arms down to his lower body and legs
Learned how to make mobile games somewhat
What kind of waifu things should I make to test? Something simple and maybe lewd. I can give out the APK after.
waifu reacting to which part of her body being poked sounds simple on paper (head, eye, nose, mouth, neck, ear if you're focusing on face for instance). You could expand to body parts if you're more comfortable
File: 1434095387274.jpg (84KB, 540x552px) Image search: [Google]
84KB, 540x552px
Requesting a male Inking giving a female octoling a surprise kiss to the cheek to embarrass her
File: Street_Fighter_Zero_2_Art_01.jpg (441KB, 1287x1701px) Image search: [Google]
441KB, 1287x1701px
Requesting a followup of this image where the two are hugging it out.
File: Yuuyaki.jpg (113KB, 800x850px) Image search: [Google]
113KB, 800x850px
Yuuyaki with a pool noodle in a white-black bikini of any pattern or type.

Draw a trainer getting hypnotized into a hex.

Hard mode: male trainer
File: Ciri_Chainmail.jpg (1MB, 2339x2881px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 2339x2881px
Requesting Ciri wearing a chainmail bikini like Red Sonja's.
taking earthbound/mother or kirby requests
File: Kat_suit.jpg (97KB, 832x1024px) Image search: [Google]
97KB, 832x1024px
Requesting Kat engaging in some petplay https://a.pomf.cat/iygeqh.webm
Kumatora with her sweatshirt pulled up over her tits and holding it with her mouth, exposing her toned body, and giving a thighjob.
File: Gino and Totori.png (3MB, 1280x1444px) Image search: [Google]
Gino and Totori.png
3MB, 1280x1444px
I really want to see Gino and Totori enjoying themselves and in the company of each other, maybe getting a bit intimate in a home or out in a brook.
Draw Kirby fucking Kumatora.
File: 1472194725975.png (56KB, 187x196px) Image search: [Google]
56KB, 187x196px
Ness wearing a kirby shirt and kirby wearing ness's hat
That guy taking poke girl requests put me in the mood for some too. Taking Poke girl requests. No May or Cynthia.
Olivia or Lusamine wearing a cheerleader outfit
File: 1482028697272.png (234KB, 760x1187px) Image search: [Google]
234KB, 760x1187px
For a second I thought you said poledancing requests.
Can we get moon being hypnotized like this pic
File: Flannery_ORAS_concept_art.png (759KB, 942x832px) Image search: [Google]
759KB, 942x832px
Flannery wearing oven mitts and petting a growlith.
File: XY_Mable.png (212KB, 332x947px) Image search: [Google]
212KB, 332x947px
Mable giving a blowjob with blue lipstick marks on the dick and balls.
Requesting Hilda to be in a neko cat maid outfit with this expression serving coffee
File: download.jpg (4KB, 92x212px) Image search: [Google]
4KB, 92x212px
lusamine in tight leather
File: Sabrina and Erika.png (808KB, 1296x950px) Image search: [Google]
Sabrina and Erika.png
808KB, 1296x950px
Erika dominating Sabrina with a strapon.
File: Ryuka.png (158KB, 1500x1616px) Image search: [Google]
158KB, 1500x1616px
I would like a drawing of Ryuka doing some karaoke or other side activities from the Yakuza franchise. For karaoke, it can even be like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooFoNwoMxjY the delusion part with the dancers. Or fuck just draw her drunk with a huge bottle of booze, or with Kazuma Kiryu
File: HeartGold_SoulSilver_Whitney.png (43KB, 180x278px) Image search: [Google]
43KB, 180x278px
Something with big breasts and lactation
File: 293px-FireRed_LeafGreen_Erika.png (168KB, 293x599px) Image search: [Google]
168KB, 293x599px
Tiny Alraune Erika in a clay pot.
Can we get another one of this but with your poke waifu

File: Sun_&_Moon_Kahili.png (453KB, 789x1226px) Image search: [Google]
453KB, 789x1226px
Kahili in a sexy football jersey.
File: Game_Freak_Misty_and_Tentacruel.jpg (59KB, 529x480px) Image search: [Google]
59KB, 529x480px
Misty in an apron grilling for a pool party,
File: Anabel S&M.png (167KB, 1280x1280px) Image search: [Google]
Anabel S&M.png
167KB, 1280x1280px
How about Anabel in nothing but a dress shirt and some sexy black lace panties. An ass focus would be nice too.
File: Pok%C3%A9mon_Breeder_f_SM_OD.png (234KB, 1280x1280px) Image search: [Google]
234KB, 1280x1280px
The SM Breeder having sex in this position:
Makes me wish I had one
Requesting her transforming into a mermaid pool floatie
Hypnotized by who?
File: Batsui no Hado.jpg (414KB, 980x931px) Image search: [Google]
Batsui no Hado.jpg
414KB, 980x931px
Please draw this. Bonus if he's in a Mets uniform.
File: ref.jpg (338KB, 2396x1200px) Image search: [Google]
338KB, 2396x1200px
Requesting A2 gets peeled off even further, looks as if she's in extreme pain and despondent. Gets peeled off from her whole body up to her face. Leave some facial expression and some of her facial skin (some parts of her body are already skinned off)

She also saying the following words ''I just wanted to help them..'' while lying down

more ref if needed: http://imgur.com/eUm6Zf5

Long hair preferred but I think short hair is more fitting for this one.
File: poke clothing destruction.jpg (2MB, 3033x1526px) Image search: [Google]
poke clothing destruction.jpg
2MB, 3033x1526px
Draw some clothing destruction with one of these poke girls.
>baseball bat
File: 0421.jpg (144KB, 512x724px) Image search: [Google]
144KB, 512x724px
Requesting Jing Ke giving a a POV handjob, thighjob, or blowjob
Include >>382687670 and we have a deal
Taking off the robe to reveal big breasts
File: Shatte No-Lewd.png (3MB, 950x1710px) Image search: [Google]
Shatte No-Lewd.png
3MB, 950x1710px
Can I get Shatte in some nonlewd scenarios like wearing one of those Playboy Bunny costume, also like a bridal gown or playing video games or doing chores like cleaning and cooking? Maid outfit optional.
File: pizza_demon.webm (3MB, 1244x700px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1244x700px
File: Jo Slade reference.jpg (241KB, 2016x765px) Image search: [Google]
Jo Slade reference.jpg
241KB, 2016x765px
Requesting Jo Slade from Dead Rising saying "I came here to laugh at you." preferably in the font that Dead Rising uses shown in the image on the left.
No thank you
File: Makoto and Mai.png (3MB, 2500x1720px) Image search: [Google]
Makoto and Mai.png
3MB, 2500x1720px
Requesting Makoto Nanaya as the girl in the left and Mai Natsume as the girl in the right of this image:

Where is she from?
Pokemon Comaster
Some Japan only Pokemon phone game

Still wonder if she'll randomly be shoved in future "mainline" Pokemon games like Kukui's wife
He doesn't even know her name.
File: Sona_0.jpg (290KB, 1215x717px) Image search: [Google]
290KB, 1215x717px
Requesting Sona playing a flute with her butt
What? Its Brenda.
That was a good request to end it on.
No deal, I didn't play that game so I don't feel right even requesting it. I rather one of the girls in the reference be used.
Dead thread
taking ASCII requests
anyone like bacon?

Ghost Trick spoilers: Cat Sissel.
he hasn't drawn for this place in forever
Requesting your favorite vidya character beating up your most hated vidya character
:3|> |~

I miss bacon
Good, he's hardly improved - as an artist and as a person/
Like your mom
No, fuck you. Get to 500.
For all you Americans out there, got any plans for the 4th of July?
Dammit, now i want some pizza
Try to ignore the fireworks that will be going off all week.
Is the pizza made of fucking styrofoam? Why the hell is it so thick and bouncy looking? Even the shit Dante was eating in DMC3 looked more like pizza.
It's made of ki.
No 500?
I appreciate it, but it's not really what I wanted. I'm gonna rerequest it.
lay it on me man, what you got in mind?
What I really wanted was
Is this better?
You should probably post that on /i/
Not him but can you my request here
Just make a new thread or let this one die.
Shantaefag will just re-request again.
Shit, sorry. I deleted the image and reposted it on imgur
Requesting Crash violently facefucking Mario.
Requesting Alm and Ike comparing dicks in a public restroom in a private park.
Keep posting, assholes.
Requesting vidya lolis as traps or futas!
Requesting Tharja showing her dick to male Robin!
Disgusting thot
I wonder if these are made by some kind of algorithm that generates shitty requests.

I kind of want to make that now.
Image Limit, so new thread:
Commissions when?
Just a bit further. Push it to the limit you faggots!
Not fucking yet.
Thread posts: 483
Thread images: 251

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