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Why does Crash Bandicoot not trigger any furfags. Compared to

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Why does Crash Bandicoot not trigger any furfags.
Compared to So icfags it has very few furryfaggots and autistic people in it's fanbase.
crash looks ugly and retarded and just eats apples and fucks bimbos all day

they prefer edgy anime level furshit
Crash isn't really depicted as a "cool" character, more like a doofus. On the other hand we have sonic, who's whole shtick is being cool. Autists wanna be like Sonic, not like Crash.
Because he looks ridiculous and his proportions are terrible
It was before the social media boom
so was sonic though.
Crash died for nearly a decade and arguably a decade and a half.
And also>>382560115
I want to say it's because Crash looks just too stupid, weird proportions, dumb voice, etc.

buuuut you never know with the internet so who can tell?

If you had Crash with Coco's "cool" attitude back then, it would've been different.
Because he's isn't any remotely edgy like other furshits
Give it like a year and you'll change your tune.
you don't see all the people posting coco/tawna porn in these threads, do you?
This. Sonic has that dosage of anime to attract the autistic furfags. Crash is just a normal cartoon animal doing western ideals.
haven't you seen most threads turn into coco circlejerks
I don't know about other furfags but personally i think he's pretty could and want to fug him in the ass

Also the broads in the game are only 25% furry
1) Crash is western, and isn't nearly as desirable as Japanese characters.

2) People who owned Sony consoles (exclusively) grew up to be well adjusted individuals.


>japan once again being responsible for our degeneracy

really makes you think
what about sly cooper?
Agree wholeheartedly on point 2. The autistic Nintendo girl threads should make that clear to anyone
>People who owned Sony consoles (exclusively) grew up to be well adjusted individuals.
Nothing wrong with Carmelita.
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They exist, just not as much, plus they usually keep it to themselves. I have a buddy who has a massive crush on Crash.
Litterly the only furfag I know in real life is a sonnigger.
He's also the only one I know withshit enough taste to buy Sony anything.
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This is why you don't fling mutagens at people, tend to make stuff weird.
Can't be because Crash is stupid / uncool, don't the furrys dress up as Goofy and put a paper mache dog mouth on?

Crash is cute.
Not only that, but if I saw a guy in a crash costume, I wouldn't automatically think 'furry'
he really is a cutie
>People who owned Sony consoles (exclusively) grew up to be well adjusted individuals
explain me then
somebody delitize this foreverially tied up bandicoot right now
That animation of Crash getting his pants cut off made me feel..funny when I was a kid.
Point 2 is verifiably false given that the console war is almost entirely Nintendo vs Sony.

I argue the Microsoftfags are the well adjusted ones given that they're the only ones who don't bother to shitpost on here.
You used the word "trigger" wrong.
And did you purposely space in order to censor "Sonic"? That's strange.

Well anyway, Crash's fanbase is autistic. They REEEd when his design change. They REEEd when they got his dance wrong. They REEEd over every small divergence the remakes make from the original.
And they all want to fuck the female bandicoots.

The're literally in love with a character's whose shtick is making wacky noises and funny faces. They might as well be in love with a children's show.
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Fuck you for reminding me that existed.
Carmelita is disney furry. It's considered acceptable to want to fuck her.
he cant talk
acts like a animal
furries are defined as anthromorphic animals so what animal would a bandicoot be?
Off the top of my head, it would probably be a bandicoot
This. Nintendofag here, and for the most part, Xboxfags are bros. They're probably the most mature out of all of us, even counting PCMR and even idorts, paradoxically.
>can't talk
>clearly says "uh-oh", "woah"
A bandicoot.
You're generalizing personalities based on console ownership, you fucking dweebus.
This question is so common in Europe, I don't think european languages even have their own word for bandicoot to begin with. People just assume it's his surname.
>bandicoot in Spanish is "peramélidos"

Doesn't sound funny.
What are Cocofags?
ofc there are words for bandicoot in european languages wtf? is this the power of american education?


just some examples
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Doesn't really look like crash to me.
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Oh Crash had plenty of autism. All the people who wanna fuck Coco and Nina. All the nitpicking on the remake. Also Pic related
>american education should teach you the slavic and nordic words for some australian rat species
I'm yuropjan myself.
>Choque Peramélido

wtf, I hate Crash now
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>should teach you the slavic and nordic words
the point was that there is a word, not what the words are. did you seriously think there was no word for the animal? wtf
Yes I am, because the vast majority of any platform's userbase can be boiled down to the exact same opinions and attitude, even Nintendo players.

The average "gamer" is the same exact asshole in a different body. You know this to be true.
The original post that he is secondarily commenting on was doing the exact same thing
I've heard of "pussimäyrä" but I definitely would not be able to connect the creatures to Crash in any way. Much less when I was a kid.
Microfags are cancerous as fuck, they are just too normie to shit up 4chan, and shit up everywhere else.
Crash doesnt look like a bandicoot anyways. Most people would probably say he's a dog or something
crash is not someone most furries got into it which is fine, at least those furries kept it tame
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>crash looks ugly and retarded
animals are ugly and wanting to fuck them is retarded in the first place
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>Compared to So icfags it has very few furryfaggots and autistic people in it's fanbase.
There are basically no people in the Crash Bandicoot fanbase, so of course there would be very few furry or autistic Crash players.
I would argue being normie is necessary to be well adjusted. Therefore, you are more likely to run in to a well adjusted Microsoftfag then you are any other camp.
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Crash has simple stories that don't take themselves too seriously while Sonic is often involved in a pretentious plot.
Unlike Sonic, Crash isn't as easy to draw and doesn't have a cast of characters that share his template.
Crash had a girlfriend he actually liked while Sonic is standoffish towards characters of the opposite sex.
Crash has more grounded and consistent abilities while Sonic has inconsistent powers that attract "who would win" arguments amongst nerds.
Crash is depicted as a dimwitted lab experiment that regularly gets caught up in stopping evil schemes, but Sonic is depicted as a one-of-kind creature stopping vague earth-ending entities with his anime powers.

Crash is just a series that doesn't have room to devote to the kind of stuff Sonic offers.
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>wanting to fuck Coco
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>crash looks ugly and retarded

delete this
good post
Crash's comparatively simple format has made it have a really standard fanbase. I've found plenty of autistic Crash fans throughout the years but they're relatively obscure and you can probably count all of them with only two hands.
He looks uglier than a piece of shit and is from a mediocre franchise. That's like asking why there isn't much furporn about Bubsy. At least there was non until recently.
They don't have shit taste
truth hurts, i know :^(
>mfw AntiDev's Crash porn
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Crash got cuter in the remake.
Didn't have any anime in the '90s or 2000s.

those are furries not furfags
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Is there a difference?

Is one of the villians one of your allies in disguise here? That's pretty good for autism fiction

furries jerk it to girls and furfags jerk it to dudes
Nah, adding fag to the end of stuff is just a standard practice here.

I wouldn't bat an eyelash at someone saying straightfag when referring to heterosexuals
there is a lot of autism going on with crash

it's just that they aren't on the spotlight unlike sonic

would that make homosexuals gayfags?
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we, deepest lore.
not as ugly as little snot nosed kids you sick piece of filth
Pretty much, I personally like actualfag because it makes me chuckle
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Atleast Bubsy is somewhat adorable. Crash is just retarded looking.
how new?
worst crash design desu
You know Sony is a Japanese company right?
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