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Why is she so smug throughout the entire game?

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Why is she so smug throughout the entire game?
to hide the fact that she's depressed
Because it makes my peepee hard
I see this character a lot, is s/he a girl or just some effeminate dude?
A girl. She's just flat.
there is no woman that flat
She's emotionally dead and can only interact with smugness, sarcasm and melodrama.
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sounds just like me
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She knows she's the best girl.
I want to bring back her smile.
To compensate for being inferior to Velvet in every way
she's got nice pits
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Here, have a magilou but remember that Velvet is better.
>Velvet being better at anything other than being a pedophile
I just started playing finally and its instantly better than every other shit Tales story in the past 10 years.

They finally put someone competent in charge of the writing and choosing their demographic?
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Velvet never flashes Laphicet though
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Magilou wins again
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I bet Magiloufags all think Nonon is best girl too, it fits.
I don't watch anime, though
she's the reason i finish this trash game.
You played one though
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There is now.
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I'm a velvetfag, am I allowed in this thread? Gently tell me to fuck off if I'm not.
I need... Live2d version of magilou..... please..... can somebody make one?
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You and I are the only ones with good taste in this thread.
Best girl. Magilou is super amazing too.
Story's fine. I think the main characters are where it shines.

Magiloufags are still in denial I see
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The whole cast is amazing.
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>Velvet and Makoto are both voiced by Rina Sato

Coincidence? I think not.
this is like the least subtle armpit slut i've seen in video games since lightning
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Isn't that Phi dressed as Edna? Also, Eizen>Rokurou
Do you honestly thing the presence or absence of a penis is going to change how hard I would fuck Magilou's smug face?
It is.
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cute autist
i wanna be scorned by magilou
Haven't played P5 yet, but Rina Sato was great in Berseria.
What do you mean great? She was fucking perfect.
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Is there no way to rewatch in-game cutscenes, so I can watch them again with different costumes? I know you can watch skits and anime scenes at Katz Island.
>those detailed lines only perverts draw blatantly textured on her 3d model's armpits
so perfect
Magilou has a better personality but Velvet looks better
I've never touched a tales game. Should I pick up Berseria?
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Was my first one and I loved it. Great main cast, ok story, combat is mashy, some of the eng VA are really bad. Combat isn't so important to me in JRPGs so being mashy didn't really bother me much. You can combo and shit (there are combo videos on youtube), but not really much incentive to do so.
Birds fly to get a better view of Magilous armpits and flat chest
The bird on Benwick's hat never flew
Maybe I will give it a shot then. Thanks.
>modeled erect nipples in a children's game
isn't this illegal?
why do they fly?
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Showing kids perfection should be mandatory.


....... WAIT FUCK
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Best girls and best minigame. Eleanor doesn't get much love, but what can you do.
Magilou, I wanna get to know you better
Not everyone, just people like you and me

Pure hatred.[/Spoiler]

Artorius explains it at the end of the game.
Magilou's betting thing was cute. Does she win the bet in the end?
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Holy shit why is Velvet so perfect?
So when does Edna grow giant tits?
Dude on the right is best girl. I remember seeing an Artes video once and he and the guy on the left had the best team attack.
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Rina "We couldn't get Ami Koshimizu" Sato
The boys in the game are good. Surprised I didn't dislike the kid.
I prefer him with his hair slicked back
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God I really want to unload inside this little whore.

Not enough porn of this game, is Tales that unpopular?
Tales demographic is primarily fujoshi, or at least was until Berseria
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>That one guy who made like 20 doujins of Natalia x Jade
Velvet is the plebeians choice
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>Why is she so smug throughout the entire game?

Because simplistic generic archetype and lack of actual writer's talent was involved.

Typical anime one-dimensional trash.
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>there are people who don't think pic related is best girl
What is wrong with you?
Is Berseria good? I played the demo before release and I didnt fond. Only other Tales I've played was Abyss wich I loved.
We aren't female.
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>2 months since I played it, only remember Magilou, her backstory and this scene
She deserves a spin off desu.
Aw fuck, it's been 5 months almost.
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We need to boundary break Tales of Berseria..
Why is Eleanor unpopular? She's sweet.

But overall, the males stole the show. Eizen is based.
>tfw Eleanor fag
Feels bad man.
She's cute and perfect wife material. You should be happy for her.
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I really want to smell her anus.
I wanna paizuri Velvet
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I too like girls with big foreheads.
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>Team attack

Wait what? I beat the game and I didn't know those were an option.
I wanna naizuri Magilou
I want to impregnate Magilou

I like her, but she's overshadowed by other Velvet and Magilou. That and well, it takes her a long time to start questioning her faith despite having a lot of evidence thrown in her face early on.

Pretty good cast overall. Shame about the game.
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...to stuff its face into magilou's armpit and die.
It's just a common theme with this series. Graces F and Vesperia didn't have that much porn either
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I want to lick Magilou's armpits.
This witch girl makes me want to buy the game.
>just some effeminate dude

I wish
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thread dying
She would be waifu material if they did not make her flat.
Why do people like her? She is just goofy and later
>muh broken hurt
>muh I don't care about anything
>muh depression
I don't get it
Wait what, is this a secondary scene?
I'd like to know too.
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Because she offers a very good service for a very low price.
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I want to grab them, they seem so perfect.
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how is this game for someone who's only tales game is vesperia on 360? i liked it a lot but kinda got sick of it by the end. worth the $39 canadian dollars?
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can you play as her? she's not available for me yet at least
also am i gonna lose party members halfway into the game? i don't wanna play anything other than velvet and lose my shit
As a kid I grew up watching nude kids bathing in rivers and lakes, and nude men bathing in snow (Ronja Rövardotter/Ronja the Robbers Daughter). I don't see why nudity in itself would be illegal.
Maybe their butts hurt?
Games need more flat girls that arent lolis
what's the difference
Short flat girls are lolis.
Lolis are small and obnoxious
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>Most of the Tear porn is rape
Fucking Japan
yes and no
wtf Koshimizu Voiced Eleanor
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spin-off when?
Zestiria got a tons of dlc while berseria only has costumes, it fucking sucks.
Berseria was made to try to recoup the massive losses of Zesteria. Velvet and her motley band of bad dudes were pretty great but I doubt they want to sink any more money into developing the Zestiria line--what a god damn shame Velvet's good game was chained to the calamitous failure of SoreyRose's game.
Boy, do I wanna LICK her stomach right about now
I wanna TONGUE her belly button right now.
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Post more berseria
she knows she has the tightest ass of the cast
Melchior mind crushed her or something.
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Lad, I sure wanna DRINK a beverage off of her navel at this time
So, which costume did you equip to each character?
Velvet = Japon or Swimsuit
Magilou = swimsuit so i enjoy her perfect flatness
Eizen = teacher outfit
Rokuro = cook or beachwear
Laphi = pirate or butler
Forehead = idolm@ster outfit
anything to get my tongue on her body, really
None because canon.
How can I change this.
I want Magilou stuff made.

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