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>play Crash Bandicoot in Japanese >"Onii-chan!"

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Thread replies: 519
Thread images: 135

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>play Crash Bandicoot in Japanese

I can't wait for your kind to die off.

Fuck you for made me check,fucking cute
>play game in english
>ooga booga we wuz soldiers n shiet
Melts my heart everytime. Though to be fair her voice is really cute in english too, even if "big brother" could never compare to onii-chan
That cortex voice was really off-sync
Fuck off Reddit
>She says Battery twice in the same sentance

reeee it's poor grammar. For decades it's annoyed me
She sounds way too young.

I mean yeah she is the little sister, but she's not fucking five years old.
If you died at any moment, no one would ever care.
She's a bandicoot, she may very well be five years old or younger.
Your mom would care.
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>beat cortex
>tawna and crash standing next to each other on the zeppelin
>she puts her arm around crash
>pulls him in for a hug
>his head is pressed up against her ass
jesus fucking christ

>captcha: close ausfahrt

That is a fair point.
>beat Gee Wiz multiple times
>every time I re load the game, it's not completed even after manually saving

What the hell is going on? Is it impossible to complete a game?
Coco is basically the Crash equivalent to Roll. Very cute.
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>that Cortex
>loud squeaky voice
no thanks
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Not sure if a Coco version of this was made already, but I'll post just in case.
Kinda hoping the game winds up on PC just so there's a chance to disable blur, but oh well
Me on the bottom
I hate how after 3 games Naughty dog tried to kill of Crash early by making a Racing game.
So. Fucking. Cute.

Best imouto.
Death by Coco Snu Snu
>implying being an ironic weeb isn't reddit as fuck
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Coco thread
WHy is this allowed
And /v/ says you can't tell when Japanese voices are bad.
timestamp on the killing crash bit?
And they ended up making the best Crash game to date
I need sauce on that image, son
Literally any r34 site.
I think he was talking about the reddit spacing.
Couldn't it just be two sentences?

>My battery is fried. Make yourself useful, big brother, and bring an extra battery for me.

Typing this into Word didn't show any errors in grammar.
That normalfag was both
>links a 13 minute video

Nigga I ain't watching that.
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You are right. She actually is nine.
4:38 if anyone's interested
Weebs should be fucking hunted down and crucified by law, holy fucking shit do us all a favor and kill yourselves
>/v/ suddenly is into furry porn

what happened?
Who are you quoting?
Anime website
I bet Coco is a fucking shitposter
How new are you?
Westacucks on anger management.
She's not spinning nearly fast enough.


Beat me to it, for those that are hella lazy here you go.
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How embarrassing for you. You don't even deserve a smug anime girl.
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Jokes on you, I get off the crucifiction! fufufuf!
Why does everyone keep drawing 9 year old bamdicoots with big tits?
she's evolved
Bandicoots ate notorious for their oppai lolis. Ask any nature biologist
Finally found it, 34:15.
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>play american game in japanese
For what reason?
This, off model is fucking cancer
>playing a Japanese game in American
For what purpose?
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That's 9 in human years mind you
It's the Dark souls of remasters
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umaru a shit EBINa best girl
>anyone but Syphilis
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Get out normie
another at 6:30
what a fucking cutie
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Based N.Brio
Is her /ourguy/?
9 is practically 90 for a bandicoot.
>They say it's a Double Leg Drop
>Still seeing this as a Buttslam

That's a genuine Buttslam! I bet that what they originally gonna call, but some people will go "ITS SEXISM TO CALL THAT" and went with the other name.
We need an artist to make a Coco X Umaru-Chan pic
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Human years friend
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Like this?
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Still not quite there.
>skinny with a nice big rack
God I love this body type
It reminds me of why my penis loves women so much
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>Did Chernobyl with Cortex
>Built a better Evolv-O-Ray
>saved the world at least once
>Made a plethora of sexy bandicoot women
>Is a bartender in his spare time
based brio indeed
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Welp, I'm lost to a ____ cause

Thanks, anon.
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Thanks, anon

In my defense, I'm the first and third poster
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I didn't notice that he holds his foot in the original too.
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>reeee it's poor grammar. For decades it's annoyed me
>it's annoyed me
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It's just Coco because she is cute as hell. She and Lola Bunny are the exceptions.
Post the original for comparison.
So anyone got a vid of Coco's english voice?
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Brio is definitely best villain. I hope they give him more love if there are any sequels
>Lola Bunny
>Not Rouge

It's just Jimmy Neutron.
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Have you capped those? Can you make full version of both slams so they look similar to the og version?
Now I really want a vid of Coco's english voice
Thats as good as you're going to get, motion blur kicks in just as he's about to hit it
>Not Krystal
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I meant the leftmost pictures of crash and coco slamming are really good but i'd prefer them without crop and a bit wider
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Saved. Thanks anon
I never actually thought about who made the trophy girls. But why did he make them if he wasn't competing. Is Brio into voyeurism?
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marsupials shouldnt have navels
No you didn't.
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No one to fug on the island. If you think about it there are no women in the series aside from bandibabes.
Furfags are the Redditors.
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>see /v/'s reaction for Road to Nowhere and how ball busting hard it is
>actually play it

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is This Level Hard Hahahaha Nigga Just Jump Away From The Pigs Like Nigga Watch Your Shadow Haha

Now, I won't say the level was gg 2ez, but really, I found the Lost City or the Native Forest way more fucking annoying. Imagining the Time Trials after beating most of these levels is making me want to fucking die, tho
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what the fuck did you just say about me, you little bitch?
Short for 'it has'.
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Ew, Apple.
why are you on this forum?
COME ON, someone post a bideo of Coco's english voice
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So you bought a game for a console you don't own?
Because I fucking loved the originals and this was a pipe dream of mine for literally years, I better buy this bitch so Crash doesn't stay dead. I will eventually get a PS4.
>no you didn't doesn't have a (You)
I guess he really didn't.
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you know, the moment they release a remastered game collection is when a series is officially at deaths door right, it's dead and now deader than ever
Bandicoot girls make my dick shoot up like a rocket

I don't know why or how, but I just let it fucking happen
So, is the remake good?
It's decent
You're buying the exact same game again with updated graphics and outdated mechanics and controls.

You all need to stop it with the fucking needless "HD Remake" memes.
>it's dead and now deader than ever

Pretty sure that was after Crash Mind over Mutant. Caused an 8 year hiatus and personally that's the longest I've seen a series be dead that actually made it to last gen.
>Tawna is fucking dead
I'm sad.

4:33 jesus christ coco <3
Stop posting lewd bandicoots.

Could you always access the secret warp room via the elevator or was that a QOL adjustment added for the remaster?
*access it after discovering it
That's a new feature in the remake.
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Truly a man with priorities.
Make me
Well that was fucking cute. How do I put the game into Japanese?
>his head is pressed up against her ass

>all those comments saying she sounds bad
Sometimes I wonder why I keep coming back here, then I remember that as big of a shithole it is here, there is no better alternative on the internet and everywhere else is much worse.
>ESL trying to correct someone's grammar
o i am laffin
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It has bloodborne load times, 30 fps and unfinished Coco model, what the fuck do you think?
Please patch the fire.
Vicarious did a good job with crash's expressions but what happened to the idle animation where he looks side to side repeatedly until you move?
>unfinished coco
Please stop, this is a christian website.
>Coco model
thanks, all I need to know
Why and how? Its not like were mastering a game with full crisp realistic graphics. Did they just ripped the source code and replaced the models?
I saw that in the Crash 1 level select. I also think it's there until another idle action happens in a level
There was no source code to go on other than the layout of each level, even then that was just the polygon models of every level.
Is cute, but I'm not used to it. Ironic, I have the NTSC-J versions of Crash 2 and 3. I should check if those games are in japanese.
>I want all Japanese to die off
Wow rude. But I bet you are against killing six millions Jews.
Imagine...CTR HD for PS4...

you dickheads wouldn't buy it anyway because it'd be 30fps.
>Sunset Vista
THIS FUKKIN LEVEL IS not as bad as I thought, got both gems first time playing
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It's an australian bandicoot appreciation board anon.
It was made completely from scratch. (Other than story and design and shit). This remake from scratch is why the physics and controls are slightly different enough to mess up veteran players
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I'd buy it if the huge track skips were still in it
Yeah I didnt have any trouble on that level. Air Crash from Crash 2 is giving me shit with that one floating box I always overshoot. If there wasnt a no-death platform then I wouldnt be so mad
I want to sample Coco's thighs
>keep doing the neutral slide spin out of muscle memory
>just end up coming to a dead stop

I'm not usually for supporting speedrun autism, but that movement technique was fun.
Anyone else having more trouble with 2 than 1? Judging whether to slide jump or just jump has been the cause of 90% of my deaths. Also fuck those shrink rays in Spaced Out.
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>Paycheck delayed because July 1st is a Saturday
you can spin the shrink ray bullets.
Unless im thinking of something else, It's still there it's just implemented badly

Well I shouldn't be surprised, you can spin the blob enemies in The Lab too.
Are you kidding me
Have you always been able to do that?
You'd be surprised at the amount of things you can just spin. Including but not limited to:
The shrink ray bullets
Koala kongs rocks (the three he throws before the big one)
The logs gorillas throw in the ruin levels in crash 2.

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we could've already be swimming in SFM's
All these years of shitting myself when going around those things and that's all it takes.
I feel like such a fool.
They probably were only given a $10 budget with not enough time, because looking at gameplay for the remaster the devs seem to have nothing but respect for the series.
We will. It's just a matter of time.
You can spin the Koala Kong Rocks and the Logs in the originals, not the blobs in The lab, they knock you away unless you bounce on them, and you definitely couldn't spin the shrink ray bullets.
Hazards in Crash are so inconsistent sometimes. Like those fucking flying robots on the 3rd island with the spinning blades on the sides of their bodies. You'd think you can jump on top of them but they're still an insta death if you touch any part of them.
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Dude, accepted furry bait here is Rouge and Krystal, you can add Coco if you like her but those 2 are undisputable.
Krystal is pure fucking degenerate furry. See that fucking disgusting muzzle? It's not entry tier at all.
That looks like the kind of thing you would try because it seems really hot, but just instantly regret. Especially if you had fur.
How do i change language?
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>not Blaze
because it's the objectively perfect body type for breeding
Is anyone else feeling burned out on the collection? I've beat Crash 1 and am halfway through Crash 2. I'm honestly getting tired of those slight mistakes, barely missing a ledge, or touching an enemy just as I press square.
welcome to semi-retro gaming
You've been playing for 2 straight days, what do you expect

Go play something else then come back
I love how floppy Crash is in that scene, fits his goofy personality.
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No but I'm also not a shitter
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>mfw just Plat Relic'd The High Road
>mfw thinking about Plat Relicing Slippery Climb
I don't believe you
I'm gonna need some further proof on that
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High Score Hog Wild.jpg
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But do you have this?
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That voice sounds familiar.
>another squeaky jap voice
Yeah, no thanks.
Why did you feel the need to post this?
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>them complaining about N. Gin despite the fact that he looked the exact fucking same
I mean he looks gross.
But N. Gin is supposed to be gross, all the scientists are.
They're just nitpicking small things that don't really matter much.
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>they make fun of Mike Mattei's hateboner for Elmo
>they have the same cringey hateboner for Coco
>Read your bible, I wrote it.

Here's a quick video of the original from 2. Exact same script, the performance is different though.

I can tell you straight up, the PS1 performance is far more in keeping with Coco's original character, the remake is a little too sweet. Cortex is also FAR weaker in the remake.
>hurr it's tar
>why did they make it water durrrr
>it was CLEARLY tar before hurfdurufjhf
>maybe it WAS water
>nah it was tar huhruilgudfg';;asfq

I like em, but they're fucking morons
And Julian's got some real nerve talking about what not to sexualize
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>The N.Tropy fight
His face looked good but the rest of him looked like shit
Also they fucking butchered the sound design for the fight, the sounds are all weaker and he constantly makes noises for no reason at all
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*unzips trophy*
>and you definitely couldn't spin the shrink ray bullets.
you absolutely 100% could
Your life a lie yet buddy?
To be fair, Mike thought that the Elmo in Grouchland video was good enough to upload to the internet
>eceleb gets posted
>thread instantly derails into discussing them
>the 2 gay furries can't stop talking about how they hate coco
>Chris is the vorefag so he only liked Coco when she got eaten by the plant
>tfw played Crash 2 so much as a kid that I still remember exactly where all the secrets are and I'm breezing right through it and well on my way to 100%

1 is still kicking my ass though and I keep missing gems in 3
Ding "I've Never Actually Made A Game But I Worked On A Game Once So My Opinions Matter I Guess" Dong
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Give me a timestamp boi
All i know that artist called kekitopu i got this image from previous thread
Why cannot you play the game in a real language like any sane person would do?.

Me too.

Gas the mentally ill weeaboos.
>Not N.teresting
the fight looks like shit compared to the original too, all the lighting is gone
top iddle, really shows Crash real nature
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They're just jealous she's been the primary source of Crash porn for 20 years.
turtles are a scam
The World 3 Warp Room looks like SHIT

It looks like SHIT
Fuck right off. Props to you if this is real but I doubt it.
So is it worth getting if I never played the originals? Apparently the load times aren't great, but is there any other big problem with it?

The high road is far worse than road to nowhere.
Also got the red gem for slippery climb first try so everything is coming up rosy for me
When is Coco going to fix that strap

Here's two criteria

Do you like Crash Bandicoot?

Do you like platformers?

If your answer to both of these is no then you shouldn't buy the game.
They're not apples, they're Wumpa Fruit
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It's stylish.
I don't know how but somehow they made the motorcycle levels controls feel a lot tighter and easier to control yet somehow completely fucked the already fucky jet ski levels. There's no quick turn and she's always drifting to the left or right.
>[Weeb coco AND CRASH talking]
Road to nowhere is fucking NOTHING compared to the second bridge level
I started that with 60 lives and ended with 27
Who's the black haired bandicoot or is she just an oc?
Well it's hard to know if I like it since I haven't played any of the games, I was mostly just asking to see if they messed anything up with the remakes.
Ah, yes. "White trash chic." A classic.
Hopefully the other will fall, and then her overalls will fall and expose her perky round bandicoot booty
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She's a cut character from Twinsanity.
You can beat the games with an appealing tier of challenge (especially 1) and 100%'d is still fun in 2 & 3.
You are just gonna notice how annoying the loading time bullshit are in a couple of particular levels when you try to 102% everything. They don't really kill the experience.
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The day Crash puts on a shirt.
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Coco is cute. CUTE!
Change your console language to Japanese.
There is nothing remotely 'white trash' about that picture you spastic.
When Crash finally fucks her
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The first game remake is more difficult than the original, he doesn't jump as far as he used to, makes some jumps trickier than they should be. Haven't played 2 but I have played 3 so 2 and 3 should be on the money.
Just do the death route first so you can secure the gem before trying that floating box. Also, the box gem is locked without coming into Air Crash through the secret entrance.
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>"I literally don't know what I'm talking about."

White Southerner here. Just give up.

bonus points for throwing around random words
>There are people who like ONII-CHAAAN KAWAII DESU UGUU SUGOI shit unironically
Your tastelessness ruined the anime industry.
Jesus, you couldn't be more of a faggy redditor if you tried.
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2 is the most difficult of the 3. Maybe you should skip to warped.
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>finally beat the high road on time trials
>didn't even get sapphire
It almost feels bad to see Cortex becoming more and more disillusioned with himself after every defeat. He was genuinely menacing, threatening and scary at times in the first game and he got reduced to sniveling N. Gin level second banana by the third installment.
I'm having trouble deciding whether I want to go for the rest of the gems in Crash 1 or just move on to 2. I'm afraid I won't want to go back once I start 2 since everyone says it's much better.
You basically NEED to use the ropes for gold or platinum, even if it's just so that you don't break forward movement by jumping onto them for a little bit rather than running on them the whole way.
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So why did the niggerfaggot mods remove my last actual on topic post for no fucking reason?
No, you manime fags pirating all of your shows and never supporting the studios ruined the anime industry
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Holy shit, Coco sounds terrible. You fucking weebs have no taste. It sounds like a generic anime girl. I haven't heard his new voice, but on the original one her voice is godtier; feminine and with attitude.

This is almost as bad as the fanart that gives Coco big boobs
Moeshitters are the biggest pirates by far, they have to be because they could never afford the sheer amount of garbage they consume daily.
Discussing eceleb shit instead of keeping it to yourself and posting more titties
English Coco sounds like Jimmy Neutron if he took estrogen.

Cortex's voice is really boring
That's not cute. That's ear-shatteringly annoying.
see >>382511124
it's raw abuse of mechanics
>not 1
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>This is almost as bad as the fanart that gives Coco big boobs
THIS, so fucking much.

Fuck all these scumbag artists who can't draw Coco properly
What's the difference between "generic anime girl" and generic Japanese girl? Have you ever heard Japanese children speak? Are all Japanese children anime now?
>extra life noise is just a loud ding instead of that iconic CHA-CHING
we can go faster
Do it
>implying white trash chicks aren't GOAT
shit taste desu
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I never fucking discussed E-celeb shit, I avoid e-celebs like the plague

My post was about big tittied Coco being terrible because Oppai Loli and Bimbofication are shit fetishes
Just beat Crash 1 at 102%

And one else in the .01% club for that Platinum trophy?
Thanks, doc
I wanna be the little sister
Do you guys think Coco would be my girlfriend?
just b urself
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Only if you aren't creepy or weird about it.
Maybe if you self insert as Crash.
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She is for protecting not for fug
>I speak for all of /v/

fuck off fag
honestly i've jacked off so much to coco that i've stopped shooting loads now and instead a pathetic amount just dribbles out
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>forward/backward platforming
muh depth perception
Yes. You've clearly never heard them speak though.
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The irony is palpable
I can't get off to anyhing else now. It's broken help me
Just got gold or better on all the time trials in Crash 2. Now I just need to get all the gems but I can't find how to get the red gem and some of the others.
You need to pop test piss
Does anybody knows where is the second N. Brio emblem in the Heavy Machinery stage? I have gone 3 times through the stage already and I can only find the first and the third.
I want to be with her.

But with a Coco girlfriend you can do both!

Inside of course. Me and Coco are going to have beautiful children!
fuck off
I didn't say that it wasn't attractive. I just said that it was white trash.

Get out of my face.
Quick reminder that Daisy Dukes are "stylish"
Secret paths
>Crash showing midriff
>Coco and Tawna aren't
who would do this
with the amount of time she spends on the internets you bet she does

How can I tell where a secret path is? It's probably the ice wall.
>Wanting to fuck a womanlet
The animals in Sonic are like 3 feet tall.
Look them up
You can't really tell
In the ending credits in CTR she makes a dating website. So yeah she does.
I thought depression had killed my libido for good, but all the Coco porn recently has reawoken it.
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>Fall from high place
>Crash lands flat on his face
>Coco lands flat on her ass
Coco's seems oddly worse
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>bruised face and sore ribs
>shattered tailbone that will never fully heal
It's most likley in that weird trophy listing for crash 1
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Soon lad, they are also adding another level which is Waterfall i think
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Do NOT bully the pants-less wonder!
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Just died walking onto a death route platform lads
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Why is she taking a picture of him groping his crotch?

Someone tell the ASSCASTLE guy to make some Coco art
Honestly too high pitched.
that would kill you
Every man has to scratch his balls. He even more so because fleas. She just got photobombed.
I am now a japanese Crash Bandicoot player, I need my cute japanese Coco
Do you think she'd be embarrassed after uploading that only to find comments pointing out Crash scratching his crotch?
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Make use of that wonderful imagination, anon.
>he doesn't use the X addon
you poor bastard
It's already happening.

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Fuck those nitros, I feel like they're closer together than ever.
>Do you think she'd be embarrassed after uploading that only to find comments pointing out Crash scratching his crotch?
She is sending them to N. Gin solely m8.
Crash is fucking adorable.
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>Implying she isn't browsing /v/ right now
Coming Soonâ„¢
>death routes cost lives

Fuck my life
Took about 20 lives but I beat it.
>crash making me feel like a pathetic casual
Modern games have ruined me.
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Typing this with my steam controller, ignore me
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thanks satan.gif
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>Coco became a replacement for Tawna because Jappos didn't like uber-sexualized character because some reason

was this a good thing or bad
I love how fast and hype Crash threads are

It's literally almost a general thread at this point
This chick turns men into furries holy hell

They have been pretty great save for the one or two that got derailed by shitposting. Too bad they'll die off in a few weeks time.
Tawna is boring compared to Coco, it's a good thing

Imo a brother/sister relationship works better for this game
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The game will tank in price in two months but whatever.
Neither should exist
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>Coco became even more sexualized than Tawna ever was
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They'll pick back up when/if it hits other platforms over the next year or so

And hopefully that takes us through to a new Crash or CTR announcement
>Coco on a beach
>she isn't barefoot

Explain this
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Universal did not like it not japs. They said the character is to sexual for a game marketed towards kids. They ordered ND to do a redesign of a character but ND did not like that and created Coco instead.
Jesus what kind of opinion is this??
What does Coco taste like?
wet dog
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Wumpa fruits
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>And hopefully that takes us through to a new Crash or CTR announcement
Fingers crossed. With Bubsy and Sonic also getting revivals and Mario doing his usual thing it's a good time to be alive.
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Glad to see some resurgence of Crash.
/v/ has more fags than /a/ tho
see also: thinly veiled trap threads
Best one the girls add nothing at all to the series and are wasted resources that could have been used for different content.
Look at the hype this remake has created. Among /v/, among normies, among reddit, among casuals and hardcore, and even kids.

Add to this the fact it's sold out in quite a few places, and there's no damn way this is the last Crash game.

Why is putting a line between the link and the response called "Reddit spacing" now?

I've been using 4chan since 2006 and that's how I've always done it
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>What does Coco taste like?
>thinly veiled
There's nothing thinly veiled about them.
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hey guys whats going on in here
What was cortex trying to do with brainwashed bandicoots anyway?
We're talking about the porn game you and Elena were playing.
when was the last time a remaster/remake was pretty good other than this one?

doing what all cartoony evil scientists do, take over the world
>Coco adds nothing to the series

Except she's been a series mainstay for 20 years now and now gives a whole new demographic a new character to play as
He was making an army of mutant animals to take over the world.
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Make an army but he can't do shit to them because Bandicoots are immune to the vortex for some reason.
I don't care how much /v/ hates Uncharted, Nathan Drakes model in Uncharted 4 was fucking impressive
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>changes game's language to japanese
>game gets 10 times better

God bless everything that is japanese.
>Except she's been a series mainstay for 20 years
Pointless since she appeared in 2 and her stages in 3 could have even been done by crash. For fuck sake Her main stages were riding the tiger and crash had this shit in 1 and 2. She took his gameplay when there was no reason to.

>whole new demographic a new character to play as
She is not a new character to play as. As she is she is simply a crash reskin completely pointless.
>25 results

Stop posting lewds you imbeciles
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>we get a ctr remake
>the race ladies find themselves in a glorious golden age of porn
I wonder if they will still have titty jiggle
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Which game is the hardest?
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The first. Absolutely no contest.
Is it actually possible to get a platinum relic on every single level?
The first. Some of the long ass levels on time trial are fucking bullshit
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Deal with it faggot.
Hahahaha time for slippery climb gem

Someone kill me
Japanese have the "art of cute" dominated
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Crash + opie and anthony = maximum comfy
I want to do things with that bandicoot.
I never played these games as a kid how do they hold up? Can they be fun games even if the playthrough is not fueld by nostalgia and fond memories of times past?
Anon, Windows is legitimately worse than OS X these days.
It's sad, but there's nothing to be proud of
Sad but true.
Yes, especially if you like a challenge.
Any reason why because Apple has always overpriced their garbage for something that just isn't that much better than the competitors
Because people will pay that price.

Crash 1 might be a bit old-school for newcomers even with the QOL enhancements but Crash 2 & 3 have always been fine.
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Here's a reason.
Sure thing, you have to pay a kidney to get one of their overpriced machines, but the moment you complete your purchase is the moment they leave you alone. They're fucking scared about you leaving them as a company, because they don't have MS monopoly so they have to make sure you'll spontaneously keep buying their shit. So you get a PC that's expected to last at least 8-9 years, while most Best Buy prebuilts start melting or having problems after 3-4 years. You know about PCs? Then stay away, but if you're illiterate, going with Apple is literally the safest bet (if you have money at least).
The current Os has a set of limitations that makes impossible to get problems by messing with the system; if you know what you're doing, you can always disable the limitations and get full control of it.
At that point, it's basically a Linux distro with nice aesthetic and comfy gestures.

With Microsoft it's not that easy. You'll get a system that keeps asking for money. Filled with ads, everywhere; even fucking Solitaire is asking you to pay for DLC.
A system that lacks old features while introducing new, useless ones. A system that keeps sending unspecified data to unspecified targets for unspecified reasons (remember that Apple got in deep shit with the FBI because they won't let them make a backdoor on their systems -unlike Google and MS).
Other than that, you get basically no assistance (while Apple customer support is basically sucking your dick, pun not intended), and a vulnerable system that isn't even automatically protected by their makers (while Apple releases daily free security upgrades to cover any new virus/malware/miner/botnet effecting os x).

Apple is anti-customer because most of its PCs are a pain in the ass to open, and they're way overpriced.
Microsoft is anti-customer because according to them, the moment you get on their system is the moment you start bending over.
Source: had to work with a mac, now I only use 7
shame it's so hard to find now, it used to be more common before obesity destroyed american beauty
So being babied then. I fail to see how it's better then, but I'm not ignorant as fuck so I couldn't see it from your perspective

Windows has just has a lot more freedom
Are ya allowed to die while going for white gems?
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She sounds insanely generic... The fuck are you guys obsessing over?
idk, i'd be cool with a Megaman 1-9 HD remake
It's an imageboard, cockface.
>I fail to see how it's better then
Windows feels like something from a decade ago compared to Os X itself though.
If you're smart enough to build an hackintosh, you'll just get the best possible experience.

>Windows has just has a lot more freedom
Not anymore nigga
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Does anyone have the webm of Coco getting railed by the boxes?

I need it for reasons
Now go for the relics and suffer like the rest of us did for the trophy.
>Get to that Road To Nowhere I hear everyone talking about
>It's actually fun as shit
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>0 relics
You sure didn't do it.
Well done, anon

Still plugging away at Crash 1 myself. When I quit I'd just beaten Toxic Waste and had 7 gems.
This is the cutest piece of fan art I've seen in a long time. I love the colors.
>Road to Nowhere
>Not The High Road

Honestly the problem with the turtles is just that if you let go of a movement button at any time during the jump, you will fall. Just wiggle around sideways if you don't have enough space for the run up to the shell.

>here's why

at least provide an argument m8, you're talking like someone from 2006
Please do not talk about my wife like that.
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>0/26 Relics
You didn't do shit.
and Japan just won.
This remaster is fucking shamefull. They just created one set of physics and slapped it into the games, regardless of whether or not it works. If you don't believe me, look at the bonus stage for the lab. You're supposed to be able to jump on the edge of a bounce crate to get to another one that's higher up, but in n sane, that's nearly impossible because the physics push you to the center of the box. I feel like the devs could have done a great job on making an original crash game, but instead they opted for a remaster where they clearly didn't know how to ensure quality.
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In your opinion, what's the worst level in the original Crash trilogy?
Crash 1 is one of those games that makes me glad I'm not a Let's Player or a Youtuber.

I've lost so many lives to stupid easy jumps
I don't care what anyone says, I love Mind Over Mutant's cuscenes
>I-I did it guys
>0/26 relics
Sorry anon but you just made yourself look like a retard there. But if it makes you feel better I only got 1 relic so far
Slippery Climb or The High Road.
Unfortunate how bad Generator Room looks.
Shit looks pristine and there's a bright-ass light source bleaching the whole level.
Not quite ready to draw judgement on which is the worst yet but here are my contenders for the originals:

>Slippery Climb
>Sunset Vista
>Road Crash

In N Sane Trilogy:

>The High Road
It's been so long since I played Original, why is The High Road harder in the remaster?
Sorry dude, but your wife is a fucking cutie who warms my big, throbbing heart any day of the week.
The turtles don't function the same way, so it's much harder to use them to bounce across the gaps they're required for. They also have smaller hitboxes.

So it's a combination of them being harder to land on, and the new physics making crash fall quicker so you need a run up to bounce off them to cross the gaps when you could just safely bounce straight up off them in the original.

Of course you can still just cheat by jumping on the ropes.
>I invented slinkies
God that's fucking hilarious.
Are Crashfags the new Undertalefags? This thread is fucking sad, jacking off to infant cartoon animals holy shit.
I want a cute, sassy little sister like Coco to fuck into unconsciousness every night and leave her gushing bandicum into her pink bed sheets until her bed reeks of our depraved, marathon incestuous rutting and her every waking moment is devoted to sexual bliss.
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At least Coco is better than any Undertale character
Just Platinumed Crash 2 holy fucking shit Hangin' Out and Piston it Away's Gold Relics are really hard. The former you need to be very tight on.

>Summer /v/ '17 thinks this is a new development
They get worse every year. You're probably posting from your phone too
The fact that the talk of Coco porn is a a mere fraction compared to Undertale means no.

The people who say "why are xfags so y" are pathetic.
Wow, great timing me
>Why cannot you play the game in a real language
Well, you seem unable to speak a real language, so you shouldn't be judging anyone.
I really like Slippery Climb
>Undertale porn has 14200 results on e621
that's like 20 a day
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Of course David Siller isn't there.
Who CrashxCoco here?
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Anyone else?
Stick to left wall, jump and start moving to the right in the air. Don't jump too early.
Crash has no neck. that makes him impossible for me to sexualize

I think it's disgusting how they tried to kill Crash, rather than try secure a solid future for Crash.

Possibly a PS2 launch title that just flat out sets the rules for how a Crash game should be made from now on.
>tfw the game gets patched to be easier before i get it tomorrow

id kill myself
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>no one remembers Pasadena.
>no one remembers Yaya Panda
There's a reason for that.
>casuls ruining games

I won't be surprised
Begone furfags.
>Knuckles the Echidna
>Sheila the Kangaroo
>Ty the Tazmanian Tiger
>Crash Bandicoot


Because Pasadena was in a weird spinoff game, and Yaya is a phone meme.
>Yaya Panda
Isn't literally the only depiction of that from a single token in a mobile game? No shit no one knows nigger.

> the

For fuck's sake, why? Crash the Bandicoot would be such an awfully lame name.
>Temple Ruins
What am I in for?
They had no choice since the series was owned by Universal. The 'killing Crash' could probably be seen as them being tired of the series, mainly due to the troubled development that allegedly went on. Maybe it just soured them of their own series. Jason Rubin still seems to have some fondness of the series, if you take his tweet into consideration.

Also, if they really wanted to kill the series, they wouldn't have made CTR so damn good.
>no the in Crash Bandicoot
so whats the official concensus? Is Coco cute, CUTE!?
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Furfags are a significant demographic for a game like this, so get fucked.

If that bothers you to the point where you can no longer enjoy the game itself, get fucked.

No, they couldn't have made CTR bad, because it would be bad for NaughtyDog. So their goal was to make NaughtyDog look good and Crash look bad.
Furfags weren't a thing when crash first released this means they're just jumping on it because it has characters with fur in it and don't actually care about the game at all.
I doubt the demographic is "significant" but on 4chan it might seem that way.

I meant all the other characters.
>Furfags weren't a thing when crash first released
People who started using the internet post-2007 are adorable.
Those are there names, dude. Like Kermit the Frog.
Crash is older than 2007.
If you think about what you just said, that literally doesn't make any sense.
U don't belong here
How are you this dumb?
lurk moar faggot
I once saw a guy here say that he an erection as a kid from seeing Crash's crawling animation. Is that degeneracy?
This is soooooo fucking cuteeeeee
But somehow it doesent fit
>never played any crash game before Crash of the Titans
>There will never be a Crash version of Sonic Boom that is actually good and has fun gameplay.
>trying to save face
I want to cuddle her and her titts while she screams oniiiichaaaan
we need a edit of that pic when the hand is fast pression a button but insted is crash hand and instead of the button is a nitro crate
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>native fortress
Ah I see what this is about, furfags probably want to claim they've always been as prevalent even in 1996.
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I remember her constant sexual advances towards Crash and how much she got turned on when you spin-attacked her NPC model.
Please stop making me cringe anon
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Why are the time trials in 1 and 2 so strict? I just want my gold, you fucks.
You didn't say prevalent. You said they didn't exist, which is wholly untrue.
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>not immediately recognizing that voice

You all platinum plebs!
You said they didn't exist full stop. Seriously dude, stop trying to save face on an anonymous imageboard.
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>mfw kid me listening to her quotes
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How does anyone have trouble with this level when a good chunk of it can just be skipped?
I died only 3 times despite being impatient as shit
>Crash 1 is still more frustrating than fun
>Crash 2 and 3 are still fantastic
Very accurate remakes
>furfags didn't exist
Yeah absolutely nobody wanted to fuck Lola in Space Jam. Why the fuck do you think Tawna exists in the first place?
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my dick ultimate.jpg
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Coco was cute in english but holy shit.
Japs really do know how to make siblings interactions reach the pinnacle of cute.

And "the" is unappealing in a name.
t. homo

new bandicoot
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Jesus fucking Christ I thought it was just me. I never had problems with that jump but I had to do fucking frame perfect jumps to make that fucking thing. Slowing down the speed of the hog ruined everything.
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>Furfags weren't a thing when crash first released
foolish anon
>furry Pamela Anderson who cucked you
>qt nerdy girl who is your sister
>deep south chick thirsty for your wampa juice

I know which one I'll pick
Anyone got Coco having an orgasm from the same game?
I'm about to do Road to Nowhere for the first time (never played Crash 1 as a kid). What am in for?
A road that goes nowhere.
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