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What was the last game you beat anon? Didja like it?

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Thread replies: 104
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What was the last game you beat anon? Didja like it?
I appreciate you, wholesome OP. The game was Yakuza 0. I liked it very much. Not 3x3 material, but definitely one of the better games I've played of this generation.
The last game I beat was Shin Megami Tensei IV. I liked it, even if the ending and other parts were rather silly.
It was nice, but the last battle was underwhelming.
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Eat shit you semen snorting fuckfence
I'm close to finishing American McGee's Alice
I don't know why I keep playing it, must be the sperglord in me. It's such a floaty mess and the dialog reminds me of the emo kids from high school
Breath of the Wild

No, I didn't. I should sell my switch
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The bad ending was really depressing, I had to do the good ending immediately after it.
Arkham Knight. I mostly liked it, but I'm sad the game twisted itself into pretzels to force the goddamn Batmobile everywhere.
Might as well unload it fast before the artificial scarcity is over and you have to sell it for a loss
I know you are but what am I
Wanna kiss
Walking Dead Season 3.

I beat the first two chapters when it first came out, and then beat the last 3 last night in one sitting. I liked it a lot more then S2 and I felt like Telltale put more effort into it, but it is still not anywhere near as good as S1 and I hate how watered down everything feels puzzle-wise.
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Tokyo Mirage Sessions. It was fun.
God of War II.
Not that much I'll have to admit. I played it right after God of War I though, so I might have just been burned out.
Titanfall 2
Far better than I thought it would be. Very fun.
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The Last Of Us.

Yeah, it had a pretty comfortable mood to it and the music was great. Felt good to finish it.
Just started a thread asking how much I should sell it for.
Honey Select

Fucking love it.
I enjoyed it, even if I thoroughly suck at it.
Yeah mods, delete this video game thread, I want to talk about twitter screencaps.
Fire Emblem: Echoes. It was a lot of fun.
>delete this video game thread

This isn't a video game thread. Otherwise you'd have used an actual vidya image, fuckface. This reddit weebshit needs to be purged
Death Road to Canada.

Was a little bummed I didn't get the achievement for making it to the end with a full party, but I still had fun.
Persona 5. Working on weeb backlog with FF8. It's ok so far, don't get all the hate.
Nier automata
it was good
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That character is actually from a video game. woofus
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i dont remember the last game i beat
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You need to go back

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Not even the original anon you're responding to.

Just admit you're a whore for (you)s and we can go on with our days
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>weeb trying to derail another vidya thread

Yeah, it's time for anime and manga to fall under GR15.
Backseat mod lmao
Yeah lets talk about e-celebs and console shitposting instead!
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Too bad FAGGOT
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Dead rising.
It was Fantastic.
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How is this any different then pony posting?
>Thread was completely about video games before some autist complained about an anime reaction image
Really makes the neurons explode
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Is there anything more pathetic than a backseat janitor?
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Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days. I did enjoy it, despite some strange design choices.
Fun, if frustrating. Why have souls always drop in set amounts? Why can't I do better to unlock things earlier?
But it's the other way around.
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>literally the only one shit posting while others talk about video games
Neck yourself lad
Cave Story on Hard.
Hell, of course.
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Post it a few more times, weeb, maybe people will fall for it the 4th or 5th time
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NieR: Automata
Ori and the Blind Forest. Easily jumped into my top ten fav games
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>he does it for free
>It's a "redditor tries to normalize anime on 4chan" episode

I hate reruns

Try to be less obvious next time, samefag
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>it's an actual Redditor replies multiple times to the same post because he doesn't know about IP counts
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What did he mean by this?
A free h-game that was on some artist's blog. Yes, I enjoyed it.
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Less (you) baiting and more video game discussion, pls.

Metal Gear: Revengeance. had a lot of fun, was a bit stressful to play at times though due to the BS enemy moves.
That game is fucking legendary.
this thread was never about vidya discussion
The last game I beat was Saints Row The Third
It was pretty fun
>What was the last game you beat anon? Didja like it?
Yes it was, now what was the last game you beat, Anon.
The actual redditors are the ones spamming weebtrash.
He clearly doesn't play videogames
that's for weebs
But OP was clearly trying to start a thinly veiled weebshit thread
Whatever you say, Anon. So what's the last game you finished?
Saints Row The Third
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I can't fix delusional mindsets, I'll just move on to a thread that isn't filled with argumentative / dysfunctional man children.

>Inb4 so no thread on /v/ lol xdddd
>I'll just move on to a thread that isn't filled with argumentative / dysfunctional man children.

So then why would you enter the anime thread?
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>tfw shit up /v/ threads just so somebody notices my existence
hold me
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No they hate anime. Anime has been on this site since it's dawn get over it newfag.
>No they hate anime.

They're the ones that keep forcing anime shit here

>Anime has been on this site since it's dawn

No, anime has been on /a/ since it's dawn. This trash has never been allowed on /v/
Is it like Persona in the world and character building aspects? I know it's like SMT with the combat aspects.
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Custom Robo. Could definitely use a modern sequel, the Gamecube game hasn't aged that well. The character portraits are DeviantArt rejects, the game is extremely short and rushed (you're fighting the final boss not even an hour after being told about him), and the fights can be clunky but are still pretty easy to cheese once you get the right setup.
>Is it like Persona in the world and character building aspects?

Fuck no.
i suck at it too. i can't get past the second level shit is hard. How many hours do you have on it?

i believe it was sniper elite 2. it was a great game. i'm thinking about buying 3 but parents yelled at me for buying a bunch of games 2014.
Yakuza 2. I did most sidequest except for two I failed and I gave the Marietta 2 upgrades and then got bored.
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It was pretty good for $10. Definitely one of the better shooters of the past couple years.
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Project Diva F2nd
I enjoyed it. Some songs took a few repeat plays to fully click with me, but I got used to them pretty well.
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wtf dude
lurk moar
4chan was at only for weebs
As a shooter it was incredibly mediocre, and fuck the last boss
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Just Cause 3. It's 'lright. I got 64 or so hours out of it, so I got my (friend's) moneys worth. Onto TW:WH and HoM&M3.
Excellent post, anon.
I just got the hat trophy in Black Mesa
What a pain
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Last game I beat was Persona 4 Golden. Got the true ending and on my way in NG+ to finishing up the last trophies for the plat and Golden Ending.
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I thought the last boss was pretty easy. Fun game and I love the atmosphere. Working through the dlc now
I'd recommend picking up The Old Blood if you haven't already. It is a good expansion that is more or less a compressed version of Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
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I think last game i beated was bioshock 2

Fucking great
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Virtue's Last Reward. It was pretty shit desu.
The ending was pretty shit though
Final Doom
enjoyed it but I didn't think the maps were all that great overall
Persona Q

I had fun with it, though it definitely has its problems
Catherine. 50% of it is an interesting, challenging platforming puzzle game. The other 50% is anime bullshit.

it alright
I beat Fire Emblem Echoes a week ago. It was pretty good, really liked the game, especially its presentation. Kinda wish they did a bit more to fix the Gaiden maps since some sections were a complete drag to play through but I liked it much more than Fates.
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