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Are you happy that Fire Emblem had a resurgence and is more

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Are you happy that Fire Emblem had a resurgence and is more popular than ever?
Just give me good remakes and I'll be happy.

I hope they learnt from Fates that no one likes Corrin, but this is ISIS, and they're retarded, so they're probably make another mary sue MU as the main character again.
amazing game
Yes, it's what got me into it.

>no one likes Corrin
You are deluding yourself.
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So what's the next remake gonna be?
>no one likes Corrin
I like her, she's cute. But a shitty protagonist.
i'm out of the loop, don't know how popular it is aside from sales numbers. but it was never very obscure on internet message boards. most anime posting teenagers knew what it was in the 00s
Should I play the dlc?
Non cfw btw
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Only the Rise of the Deliverance DLC is worth is IMO
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meant for >>382050407
Everything post-awakening may as well be a different series so no. There will never be anything like the classic fire emblem games again, just more sandboxy grindy garbage.
see >>382050518
The Cypher DLC characters might be worth it if you want more characters, since it gives you 4 bonus characters and 2 maps. If you absolutely need to grind, just get the high-level starsphere map and steal shards that break your growth rates. The base game is easy even on hard, though.
>sandboxy grindy garbage
t. didn't play conquest

Plus, you don't need to grind at all in any game post-awakening
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I wish it would "resurge" back to Fates/Awakening games

>my castle
>supports between every character, not who the game tells you to
>good art
>weapon triangle
this is b8
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>my castle
>shitty supports between characters
>""""good"""" art
>in any way, shape, or form decent in Awakening/Fates

Weapon triangle missing would be a valid criticism if Echoes weren't a gaiden remake, especially since it's already confirmed to be in the next game anyway.
good reasons as to why any of those things are bad, you sure convinced everybody mad oldnigger
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>My castle
This I can agree with

>supports with every character
quality over quantity. Though I agree there were too few in SoV

lel fuck no. Unless there is an extremely good reason for them like in Genealogy of the Holy War

>good art
Pfft hahahahaha

>Weapon triangle
I agree but not the shitty Fates triangle. the GBA one is better
My castle was a fun hub world in Fates, also using it to buy weapons at will felt cheap but it worked due to Fates allowing so much money in one path. If they wanna do DLC maps for EXPonential growth, please make it like Awakening's. Fates' EXPonenital growth was horrible
Oh but no bathhouse or my room stupid cringe shit in My Castle please
>my castle
>encouraging a hub world with shitty daily events that completely remove any form of resource management, something that was in the game for a while
>giving everyone supports means few of the supports end up being decent, and are mostly shitty memefests
>eugenics bullshit in fates/awakening along with no plot significance for the kids makes most of the characters completely shit
>shit designs like awakening are considered "good art"

I actually like fates and awakening, too. But none of these are particularly good elements about any of them.
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Please keep your shit opinions to yourself, oldnigger
Ehh, I would've liked if they used it for units to bond and it didn't always involve your MU. Like you can peek in it and see who's in there and they have some dialogue like the hotsprings map in Awakening
>My castle
Remove that shit, bring back the barracks
What a bunch of retarded whining. Nigger.
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>Hordes of Faceless with Seal Defense that would bog you down while you try to chase the golden ones
>The Gold ones are given Lunatic-tier skills and will dumpster nonranged units if you're not careful
>All the while there are smatterings of enemies that can snipe you and if they do, you're stuck with 0 move
Go back to playing Huniepop if you like it so much virginnigger
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Yes and no
Yes because FE now has more support and we get to see more games and remakes
No because all they annoying fucking fake fans, weebs, tumblrfags, and the like outnumber us real fans.
Plus, everyone hates awakening babies
Hey guess what, the old games had waifus too, only they were all trash cardboard cutouts
Agreed.The whole premise of a MU is kind of cringeworthy. It would be fine if they just treated Robin and Corrin as their own characters
>everyone hates awakening babies
no a majority
its in fate its everyone
Mycastle is just a glorified preparation menu. Echoes debunks the "quanity=quality" meme. Awakening kids were legit characters with back stories and shit. In fates yeah, they're all largely garbage because they're a last minute addition.
At least Chrom and Robin shared the story almost 50/50, which was tolerable because Robin was the tactician and he was pretty smart. Corrin was just the biggest circlejerk to see which family liked him more, Corrin is made out to be the most perfect child. He couldn't do anything wrong
No reply, fucking dumpstered.
They pretty much did. Corrin is entirely his own character. The only input the player has on him is who he fugs.
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>the old games had waifus too
yeah and they were way better that this shit

I can safely say that dlc in this game is 99% unnecessary. Even when you get to Thabes, at most you'll need to reclass Alm to conqueror and Celica to Queen. That's it. The rest aren't even close to reaching their level caps
a Blazing Blade remake i hope
Nice shitpost you dumb nigger
Fair enough
The bad thing about awakening's marriage system is it let all these tumblr shippers go nuts.
With Fates they intelligent systems went nuts with the fan service to appeal to this audience. A lot of times it almost overshadowed everything else.
>supports between every character, not who the game tells you to
So you were ok with all those filler support dialogues in Fates? Not to mention all the barren-womb girls.
I would be happy if they don't make a remake that sticks as close to the source gameplay as Echoes ever again. Otherwise I'm happy Awakening saved the series.
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You mad my boi? Is it cause Fire Emblem gets more reps in Smash than you literally who shit?
I'm happy. I came for the waifus but stayed for the gameplay.
Hopefully none, if they're not going to fix Gaiden's shit maps and even add in more shit like the dungeon crawling then I don't want them doing anymore remakes. Gaiden was the last game that needed one anyway.

I started with the Tellius games and then worked backwards from them. The only Fire Emblem game in recent times that I legitimately disliked was Fates for some reason.
Filler is always better than nothing.
Every FE game has filler supports. Even Echoes and FE12 managed to have filler supports.
>Genealogy remake
>More story content
>The big fuck off maps are probably updated and fixed
>You get to see Arvis' big outdoor BBQ in a fully animated cutscene nuking your army
>newfags' tears as their army is wiped from Valflame and their new waifu gets cucked
>big fuck off maps are probably updated and fixed

i highly doubt that.
>Echoes debunks the "quanity=quality" meme.
I haven't played it yet, what do you mean by this?
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whatever you say nigger
Genealogy would be nice
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Is that Frederick? Why is he putting his dick in crazy, and not Sumia?
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>game doesn't even play up the waifu angle
>still has better more waifu material than the actual waifushit games
What did IS mean by this?

Sacred Stones
He means quantity of game play mechanics
More mechanics =/= more fun
SoV was simpler, this was pretty refreshing
Fe4 and 5 for sure. I don't think the GBA games will get a remake in our lifetimes, but the snes remakes are a guaranteed hit with their entire fanbase.
I've only played Fates. I thought the gameplay and some of the characters were good. What others are worth playing?
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>not with chrom
All of them
You play one of the most shite ones
I could see them remaking FE7/6, since 6 appeals to smashfags and 7's the first english FE. It also doesn't need much to be a good remake, just don't change anything too much and add some skills/weapons/reclassing for variety.
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>Not with Robin
My favorites are SoV and SS, but I haven't played a bad FE game.
they can't even support each other i think.
Which fates did you play? If you liked Conquest, try PoR/RD, or Fire Emblem (FE7). If you want to play senpai translations, try FE6 or FE12, and if you like those, try FE4 and 5. If you liked Birthright, then then echoes, sacred stones, and awakening.
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>female Robin
>not better male robin
[x] comfort misha
[x] Glass her
After this game definitely. Hopefully they fire whoever wrote Awakening and Fates, get rid of future children, and make the self insert a non-main character again, if there has to be one at all. If they keep the future games on the path of Echoes FE will be amazing again.
>They don't pair Male Robin with Chrom
>5553 â–¶
[x] fuck her straight
FE6+FE7, as the same game.
I'd play the shit out of a generational Fire Emblem game set in Elibe
See hats what I was wondering
There's a shit load of "regalia " and "exp maps"
I guess I'll go for the deliverance maps
Just finished it on hard
The deliverance maps give some new supports and more backstory on characters. They really flush out one character and make him a lot more gray tbqh
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>only female chrom for robin
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The gold maps are really useful if you want to upgrade your weapons, and you still get XP.
If I had to pay for them though, I dunno.
The 3D art will never live up to the 2D sprite work I feel
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>Female Chrom
>Not Morgan's Big Sister
Honestly, you can grind for items in the 2nd starsphere map, and can trade those items in for bonus gold/silver marks as well. Might as well just buy that if you're gonna shell out on grinding maps.
They can make it look really nice on the switch, hopefully they use the beautiful shaders they have for the cutscene models in Awakening, Fates, and #FE that make it look like 3D anime. If they can do that with some nice stylized textures I have 100% faith we can get a game that looks as good as the sprite-based ones.
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>getting games
>not getting games.
As much as I hated it, I'm kinda glad that Awakening did well enough to bring the series back from near death but I hate that it paved the way for Fates and all the shit it brought into the series. At least Echoes and partially Conquest somewhat shows they still have the potential of making a FE game along the same line as older ones.
>bother getting that thing
Sauce on the image?
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>Robin is either Mark or a descendant of that faggot who made Grima
Why did they have to do this?
Can Morgan at least be Mark? Can they just make that canon at least?
I'm not a fan of perma death in games. Is that optional in the newer games?
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>echoes-like story, characters, and overall presentation
>conquest-like map design and varied objectives
>more dungeon crawling
The recipe for the perfect FE game desu
Why do you want them to acknowledge Mark?
Permadeath puts more pressure on you and makes you a better strategist
Try it out, it can be fun
>Rightful King
Easily one of the most OP units in the game, and incredibly useful for the hard mode DLC maps like Apopthesis

Morgan's Japanese name is Marc. Even the female Morgan.
Yes it's optional in the newer ones, Echoes handles it much better than Awakening and Fates though because instead of just reviving and learning nothing you're given the option to reverse turns and fix your mistakes, making you a better player.
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also you can kill the things you dont like

You can savescum in any game you emulate if you really hate permadeath, and Awakening/Echoes have an option to turn it off.

I'd recommend learning to play without it, since it makes you plan better and makes scary enemies a bit more interesting. If you play echoes, try doing classic mode since you can rewind turns with mila's turnwheel and un-fuck deaths anyway, and if a unit actually dies, you have a limited number of resurrection fountains in game.
>Morgan's Japanese name is Marc. Even the female Morgan.

>FE 6/7 duo remake comes out
>prologue cutscene where morgan goes through an outrealm and ends up in FE 6/7 a la the beginning of FE13

that's fucking stupid but I kind of want it
>Echoes handles it much better than Awakening and Fates though because instead of just reviving and learning nothing you're given the option to reverse turns and fix your mistakes, making you a better player
Literally every game in the series has that, it's called reset. Echoes just gives you savestates.
I'm not a fan of the concept. I could spend awhile getting a unit to my liking and just having them killed off would be infuriating. I don't like save-scumming, but I'll give it a shot. Which game do I play next?
Was Rinka that bad? I didn't play Birthright but she seemed cool at the beginning of Conquest.
>It also doesn't need much to be a good remake
That's where you are wrong. Neither the Awakening newfags nor the fans of the originals will let them just remake the GBA games without fusing them into a single game with pairings/generations, which is a lot of work. Also, FE7 is a particularly solid game that benefits little from any additions, but will be easy to fuck up with any changes that they will have to make if they want to accommodate FE6 in the same game. I really don't see them making a full remake like SoV, we will get an "HD" port with ugly filtered sprites at most.
Echoes highly limited the support pool and most of them are garbage
Ike is just as Mary Sue as Corrin though.

Ike isn't as shit as Corrin but he's a pretty bad sue
If you want to play a 3DS fire emblem, try Awakening or Echoes

If you feel like emulating, try FE7 and then FE6 if you liked FE7
No you fucking faggot, Echoes lets you understand where you fucked up without starting the whole map over like an autist. It's a feature now like it's needed to be for a long time, soft resetting is an inconvenience in every possible way.
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she is absolut cancer and dont do anything and is also weak as fuck
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Too grim for modern ISIS
>Made Atlas an archer in echoes
>this dumb asshole is a god and is killing everything
Not really, waitfufags, yearly releases and unpunishing casual modes are not pleasing things whatsoever.
Time for MU Mark/autistic Lyn x Mark fags.
Rinka is saved by the pair up system but as a main unit her strength is disappointing. Her bulk is passable but harmed by birthrights definition of "difficulty". she passes on oni which is great and her pair up bonuses are goat.
It's not stupid, it's kind of charming. I didn't hate or love Awakening, but I still really liked the DLC in Fates that had the throwback to awakening, I thought it was very well done. Probably because I was playing birthright and I could relate to Corrin for wanting to fuck off out of that game and go back to Awakening.
I feel like everyone who says this is still just remembering the Gray-Tobin-Kliff ones we got a peek at before the game released and basing their judgement on that. A lot of them get much better after the initial C Rank conversation.
>Implying that´s the reason people hate Corrin.

Robin is an even bigger Mary Sue, and most people love him/her.

People hate Corrin because his/her personality comes as unpleasant to many.
Autistic Lyn self-inserters
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>playing Conquest Hard
>get to the Great Wall of Takumi
>Snipers ignore Xander and swarm all of my weak units, killing them in one hit
>get pissed off, decide "fuck it" and just deploy Xander and Corrin
>it's actually easier than trying to play the game legit
Echoes had some grim topics, I think the studio that localized it could probably get away with localizing Genealogy

it'd be great to see how many fujos would lose it after Eldigan gets his haircut/the Sigurd BBQ though
but she is still cancer no matter what
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>echoes-like story
>more dungeon crawling
>perfect FE game
Nigga if this isn't bait go drink some bleach, it's the only cure to your mental illness.
Fuck off Elise noose poster, I know it's you.
>Echoes lets you understand where you fucked up without starting the whole map over like an autist
Where the fuck did I deny that you dumb bitch. Echoes didn't do learning from your mistakes better than other games because you can reset in every game. If anything you don't learn shit from Echoes due to revival fountains and Mila's Savestates on top of casual mode.
The most worthwhile DLC are the Deliverance DLC for the sake of plot and extra supports and some decent items, and the Cipher DLC for new characters.
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FE4 remake
The EXP maps aren't worth it. Don't think the regalia ones are either, since the drop rates for the big ticket items are pretty bad.

The Emperor's Lance and Shield are exclusive to it though. The second regalia one, the Inner Sanctum, is probably the best of the pay 2 win DLC.
>celica give me a massage
>haha I was just fooling you, give me a massage

>hey sister I got you some garbage
>est that's garbage

>hey deen, deen! Smile
>fuck off
Is she a good character personality wise though?
13 inches
They were all fairly inconsequential and mundane. The only one that came close to having some kind of Introduction->Progression->Conclusion structure was the Alm-Faye's one where Alm tells the thirsty bitch to back off in the end. Some, like Silque-Faye's were Fates level of stupid.
fuck no
Her entire personality is
>muh tribe
>muh keep my distance from others
>muh tsundere to everyone
Welp that sucks, but it's not like I was gonna play Birthright anyway. Fates and Awakening are the only FE games with character creation right?
FE12 (the remake of the remake of the first game) has one, but it's japan only so you'll have to emulate/translate it for DS unless you speak moon
>game doesn't even play up the waifu angle
>still has better more waifu material than the actual waifushit games
>What did IS mean by this?
Just like every game before Awakening. A better time that may yet see a revival. I am exited for FE: Switch though, it could possibly the game that sells the Switch to me, but it'd have to be really good. The console just seems pathetic to me.
>I was gonna play Birthright anyway

its fates part 2
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That's how I did the Stairway chapter
Read my post again but slowly.
Is it good?
to add to >>382059195, birthright really isn't bad. It has a better story than Conquest (which isn't saying much), and has some good characterization. It's similar to Awakening, somewhat.
>Is it good?
no, you are just Generic McBoring, Marth's best friend.
I haven't gotten around to playing it, but FE11 (the previous game and the remake of the first fire emblem) is pretty good. As I understand it, FE12 is basically FE11, but with a self-insert MC, and a completely new second half of the story. I'd play it since it has Marth's story and is essentially the original fire emblem with some polish on it and some new characters.
I did it by pairing up Corrin and Camilla, giving Azura boots, and pairing up Azura and Beruka.
Through some RNG brute-forcing and Dragon Vein abuse, you can finish the chapter in 4 turns.
As a point of reference, Awakening had a better story than Birthright. That should speak volumes.
Yeah, FE12 is good.
I also prefer it's Avatar since you're pretty much a generic soldier for Marth's army, instead of having the entire story be about you like Awakening and Fates.
Btw, I'm talking about the character creation part when I say it isn't good. It's trash, but the game itself is good.
Yeah. But id be happier if it was advance wars instead
This minus the last sentence. A gaiden remake could of been awesome but they botched nearly every aspect of it, except presentation I suppose.
Sumia is for Robin.
>bitch only crys for chrom

im sorry dude but that how it is
I liked Awakening and Echoes. FUCK Fates though.
At least its not as bad as Cordelia
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