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How does Tactics have the best aesthetics in the series?

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How does Tactics have the best aesthetics in the series?
I'll help jumpstart your thread OP.

FFTA looks better than FFT. FFT's background clashes horribly with the sprites. At least in FFTA the character sprites match the backgrounds in term of quality.
Everything in Ivalice is automatically great
>FFT's background clashes horribly with the sprites.
What are you talking about? Are you sure it wasn't your emulator that fucked up the visuals?
Cause of the 30+ jobs, and how awesome the levels are, and the map was fun...the plot was horrible, but if you just skip that, the fights were fun.
>plot was horrible

Must be nice having a shit taste desu.
I disagree
I wish I looked like the guy in the middle. He looks cool as fuck, yo.
Question: Is it better to play the emulated psx version or the psp one?
PSP if you're a man. PSX if you're an underage loser.
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I dunno but I agree with you. I'm such a sucker for small, detailed sprites and that colorful yet earthy color palette they used. Saga Frontier 2 (pic related) had very similar, perfect aesthetics and so does the GBA and DS games Brownie Brown Inc. games put out like Sword of Mana/Children of Mana/Heroes of Mana (bad game great graphics) and the Magical series (Vacation and Starsign).

What's everyone's favorite job? Mine is either the Machinist/Engineer or Monk.
PSP version needs to be patched to fix the slowdown. Once you've done that you can emulate in on your phone and it's cool.
>Once you've done that you can emulate in on your phone and it's cool.
Isn't there a mobile version that already fixes the slowdown?
>tactics ogre is part of the final fantasy series
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I also forgot to mention Legend of Mana for PSX, I get the same vibe as FFT and Saga II but without the isometric view.
Monk is the shit, it's one of my favorite classes in that whole game.
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>How does Tactics have the best aesthetics in the series?
It doesn't. Vagrant Story has the best aesthetics in the FF franchise.
Concept art looks good, but the game's graphics sure don't. So, Tactics still takes the cake.
The plot takes a complete nosedive
Act 1 builds up an interesting tale about class struggle and medival

>lol just kiddin its all the church who is actually demans :^)
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>but the game's graphics sure don't
Kek, VS has some of the best looking characters on PS1 ever.
*medival politics
How is the psx version? I have a copy buy never played it
Because Akihiko Yoshida is a god of low fantasy.
>best graphics
>posts a picture with filters
To the dungeon with you
Because it was ripping off Tactics Ogre, a far superior series
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>The plot takes a complete nosedive
>Act 1 builds up an interesting tale about class struggle and medival
This. Recently, I've been playing another game completely unrelated to FF franchise and find myself completely in love with it, yet at first I failed to understand why. Then, after some thought, I've realized that the game's plot is literally FFT's plot done right with no retarded narrative hopping from one focus to another. The political and personal morality aspects get overshadowed by anime-tier magical bullshit in FFT and it is exactly this shit that makes the FFT plot garbage overall.

Instead on focusing on the anime-tier magical apocalypse bullshit, they should have given us a tale of inter-class conflict, betrayal and revenge, but they've failed utterly in this regard.
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ah yes, the famous TO aesthetics
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>Tactics Ogre does this too

I mean, I know it has Ogre in the title so no fucking shit, but I was still dreading the reveal the entire time. At least it was just one level and then it went right back to horrible European medieval suffering.
FFT came first
This looks neat, is the gameplay good?
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do you even know who Matsuno is
idk isn't that the guy who drew Vaan lol
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>is the gameplay good?
Yes. It looks simplified at first glance due to the combat areas having very little space to move around and movement rules being quite restrictive, but proper movement and positioning in this game is way more important than in most SRPGs due to how backstab and counter-attack mechanics work, so the movement mechanics actually have a lot of depth to them.
It's basically Heroes meet Disciples borrowing from both with a very low-fantasy medieval Germany setting.
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It's been the curse of RPGs since forever. Devs think they'll be boring without fantasy elements which lends itself to simple plot escalation.
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Be honest niggers
How many of you completed the optional battle at Barius Hill with the legendary beasts?
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>It's basically Heroes meet Disciples
More like HoMM meets Disciples in combat and King's Bounty (or Etherlords) on the overworld map. It's a game that takes the best aspects from many good games, which is the reason the gameplay is so addictive.
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hexes are shit and flat battlefields are even more regressive in the tactical RPG genre

how shit like this is released in 2017 baffles me. it's been 20 years since pic was related, you have no excuse
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>Legends of Eisenwald has a full editor
>mfw there's barely any custom content for it

It's in even worse position than Shadowrun trilogy and that got very little spotlight as it was.
>hexes are shit
Entire opinion discarded, your post is not even worth reading past this point. Hexes > squares, simply because they allow a single unit to be engaged by more units.
Tactics ogre looks better tho
>expecting Final Fantasy series without fantasy

Really activate my almonds.
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>Hexes > squares, simply because they allow a single unit to be engaged by more units.
In boring games that only offer melee engagement, yes.

AoE abilities are far more better balanced on grid systems since it's a 4x tile multiplier (or 6 if you count diagonals), whereas full hex AoE is a 6x multiplier which is far too strong. Furthermore level design on hex maps looks like absolute garbage due to walls and the vast majority of objects in reality that have 90 degree angles instead of 60. And last but not least, the vast majority of hex games are also made by lazy retards (typically continental Europeans) who use flat battlefields because they can't be arsed to figure out how height systems work. When looking at all tactics games that have flat battlefields, I'd reckon 80% of them are lazy-ass hex games.
Get educated before making dumbposts, thanks
Nobody likes generic high fantasy garbage. FFT plot had a chance of being good, since the initial premise was all about personal and political conflict, which is exactly what lured so many people into the story, but it all falls apart in the later stages of the narrative and gets replaced by generic fantasy trite.
Yes, almost like not all turn-based games are identical or something. Have you actually read the chain or just saw hexes and had a tizzy?
how do you feel about A Song of Ice and Fire then
>Yes, almost like not all turn-based games are identical or something
And then ones that have hexes are typically lazy garbage.
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>when you want to write a serious political story with believable motives and people involved, but you need fantasy to sell the game
>having a 0 reading comp

Name 1 (one) Final Fantasy series without magic & so called demans.
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I wish TRPGs were still a thing outside Fire Emblem Waifu sims.

I'm fucking dying for a new game to play. Speaking of which what happened to that Matsuno kikestarter? Also underrated gem right here
>have zero reading comprehension x2
Low fantasy is fantasy.
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Tactics Advance was better.
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>AoE abilities are far more better balanced on grid systems
>you can balance AoE ablities only via adjusting their area of effect and their potency or a miriad of other factors
Again, there's no reason to read your posts past the first sentence, you're obviously retarded. If you think FFT or literally ANY Japanese games offer more tactical depth than some of the hex-based SRPGs like King's Bounty o Blackguards, you're simply insane.
>title literally final fantasy
>complains about the fantasy part
>Speaking of which what happened to that Matsuno kikestarter?
It was really a Playdek KS, a mobile games company, and they were contracting Matsuno for story direction and writing. So it really wasn't Matsuno's project.

Playdek had financial troubles, because, go figure, they're fucking retard mobile developers. They put Unsung Story on the backburner while attending to other projects, and it still isn't done.

Since then Matsuno's gone on to work with CyGames or something on another game, a real time tactics mobile game. Meh.
there's a difference between high and low fantasy
>If you think FFT or literally ANY Japanese games offer more tactical depth than some of the hex-based SRPGs like King's Bounty o Blackguards,
I have played both of those, gave them a good 4-5 hours each in fact, and they're both shit just like almost every other hex game. The only good hex games I've played are Expeditions Conquistador and Viking, and it was DESPITE the shit battlefields, not because of it.
I feel like Matsuno should've learned English and moved to western industry instead at some point. He always was a westaboo and that particular style of his made the games stand out.
it is, but it's your own fault not researching about final fantasy before hand.
>and they're both shit
It's OK, even insane people are entitled to their shit opinions.
>I feel like Matsuno should've learned English and moved to western industry instead at some point.
He actually kinda did since Playdek is based in California.

It's all a mobile games problem. I don't think tactics games belong on mobile, even though you might think that they be appropriate due to the turn-based nature. Every one of them that lands on mobile is half-assed shit like gacha games, like Fire Emblem Heroes. Emulating FE7 gets you more mileage out of the genre than anything else on mobile. Handheld is roughly the same, but slightly better.

I wish we actually got console and PC TRPGs.
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>oh boy flat battlefields with paltry amount of obstacles, soooooo complex
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pic related
Serious question tho, anime when?
wish there was more fan art like this
the facial expressions look amazing
I think the graphics look fantastic for a ps1 game. In-cutscene at least. Lots of attention was paid to the camera angles and movement of the characters.
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This picture looks wierd. I always had the impression Agrias was supposed to be a BIG BITCH, since she somehow manages to wear heavy armor and beat up male knights, yet she looks smaller than an underage kid in this pic.

Height and stature wise, I've always pictured her being like picrelated: taller and bulkier than Ramza, let alone your average woman.
Why does the Ivalice Alliance look so comfy?
head canon the post
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Agrias is NOT smol! She is BIG and STRONG and BRAVE and can beat any male knight!
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she can beat my male knight if you know what i mean

pic related, agrias without her wig or armor
>Ramza is the father
what the fuck is with this girl's proportions? even i have a better waist to hip ratio
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??? her hips are fine
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no noses aesthetics
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noses where?
Fuck you guys, I don't play tactics games except fft series. They're slow and boring. But you're making me wanna play some of them hex games.
too fat and stop posting non-aesthetic images in this thread.
ISIS hacked them off for being haram
Ok, so what the fuck was Ogre? I always thought it was just a remake of FFT?
Quest Corporation made the Ogre series, which includes the tactical RPG Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together and the strategy RPG Ogre Battle 64.

Squaresoft poached a few key Quest employees, Yasumi Matsuno, Hitoshi Sakimoto, and Akihiko Yoshida and made them work in Final Fantasy Tactics.

Then Square officially purchased Quest and has control over the intellectual property. They re-released Tactics Ogre LUCT on PSP for this reason.

Ogre and FFT have very little to do with each other besides their mechanical similarities and shared creators.
Thanks anon, was expecting to get my head bit off. So would it be a wise assumption that I woulf enjoy Ogre if i enjoyed fft and ffta?
>So would it be a wise assumption that I woulf enjoy Ogre if i enjoyed fft and ffta?
Very safe assumption
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