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How come nobody is talking about this game?

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How come nobody is talking about this game?
Because it's not very good?
Wait for VC4 or VC3 HD to get announced if you want some valkyria discussion.
I made a thead the other day or so on this game and it was dead with one post. Franchise killed itself by going portable. VC2 was laughable anime shit and 3 never got a western release unless people pirated it with the translation patch. So then this game comes along having completely changed most of the mechanics and I can understand why it's being shoved under the rug already. I'm still getting it though.
The demo was extremely underwhelming. It was totally different from the previous entries.
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There's no point.

There's a reason that the even the pricing this game has is lower then typical game prices. Even Sega don't have much faith in it.
The first one was the only real game everyone since that one has felt like a half ass spin off. Most people prefer to view the old one as a classic stand alone title instead of a good leading game for a mediocre series
Never tried the demo but it looks awful and whoever is responsible for making it a spin off should be slapped.
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It's really, really bad.

Like the game is laughably shit, even the nips were disgusted by it, which should be obvious since it's releasing here at a discount.

The only nice thing about is pic related, and you can get tits elsewhere.
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>Take a solid game
>Turn it into a handheld game and take out a bunch of the charm the original had
Sounds like Sega
Vc3 was the best game in the series. When is that one getting a remaster and translation?
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Amazon shipped it out today. Since I live in a fly-over state, I should get it by the time most people in California have platinumed it.

Very compelling talking points.
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Predict it's sales, /v/.
It shit all over the series and seems to be generic as fuck.

Bullshit, that has to be an edit.
It looks like shovelware. I dont trust sega to reboot this series. 3 was a masterpiece with 1 being a decent start and 2 being average. New games just suck
because i gave up on the first game because to ace all the missions just involve rushing the point with a scout
Much like every other game after VC1, it's garbage. That's why.

They really are that big anon.
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It's part of the transformation, her tits turn back to normal when she dies

Yes they killed off ANOTHER Selvaria-esque character
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No, it isn't.
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I played only the first one on PC and it felt good even if it had too many "anime bits".
I always felt bitter that i couldn't play the sequel because i have better ways to spend my money than a dead portable console, but reading this thread i seem to get that everything went the best way possible
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The combined sales of Persona 5 PS3 is like 300,000 worldwide. Valkyria Revolution will be 10 copies on Vita and XBone. The game fails as a Dynasty Warriors clone by being too slow, and its too basic to be even called XCom Lite.

The presentation is 70% cutscene to 30% gameplay. It reuses minibosses more than VC2 PSP. Mouths are barely if at all animated in game cutscenes. It is premier kusage. Time is the killer, not money. Your time is better spent elsewhere. Read import reviews if you think we're lying.
While the 3rd is a bit more anime than the first it's still pretty good. You can emulate it.
Literally SEGA using the Valkyria name to push a shitty action ARPG.
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Just emulate them. The third game has a trasnaltion patch, is the better than the first, and absolutely worth playing.
>action ARPG
The A was enough.
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>first scene she appears in
>her hair graphics get stuck over her tits

Her tits are so big they put ANTI CLIPPING TECH into them
You can emulate them, but they're shit.
Selveria died for this.
>While the 3rd is a bit more anime
Storyline is a lot darker though.
Nu-Selvaria also dies so it's even
Can the Valkyria series just start over and actually keep to what the first game started?
Damn, was so looking forward to another Valkyria game since the first one. Never bothered with the sequels on handheld because they're handheld games.
Go download PPSSPP and grab the prepatched iso of VC3.
If you like the series then you should really play it.

It's superior to the first game in terms of content, depth, balance, and gameplay options.
Didn't know somebody went trough the fuss to emulate the psp, thanks
Christ i wish i could make some WEBMs from some of these parts that would be guaranteed replies for years
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What the fuck happened? I remember liking the art in Valkyria Chronicle; this looks like shit.
3edgy5me is not better than the first. It's watered down in every way except MAYBE the main characters, and only then because there are fewer to focus on.

It's "good for a PSP game" at best.
Thats a shame that you found out so late. Sega absolutely DOMINATED the PSP

>sonic rivals 2
>phantasy star portable 2 infinity
>valkyria chronicles 3

They made the perfect portable games
Raita wasn't the character designer for Revolution.
For anyone emulating 2&3 fyi you can find 60fps patches and stuff like forcing the close up LOD at all times on the PPSSPP forum for their respective topics.
Nice buzzword.

The game absolutely has more gameplay depth than the first. It's not watered down.
>the porn artist famous for torpedo tits wasn't the char designer for the new game
>the tits get bigger

I thought the JP demos were alright.
Preordered the game but I won't unshrink the box until it's confirmed that:

1) Brunhilde's boobs are the same size as in the JP version
2) the massive upskirts of Ophelia are untouched for the West version and they didn't give her back those stupid leggins from the early demo
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Someone hasn't played the game
>What did people like about VC?
>I dunno big tits?
>But Raita's making dosh doing his own shit now
>Just hire another rando to ape his style.
t.cuck who hasn't played the game.
Raita knows how draw torpedo tits, whoever imitated his Selveria design clearly did not know.
>dear god why
There's only one Valkyria Chronicles game as far as I'm concerned.
Bottom one looks like a gothic class or something
Story is good, gameplay is horrible.
3 was fucking great, fuck you.
Why do people blindly hate on the sequels?
No words
You're wrong. Remove yourself from my board.
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>get the game because if i dont valkyria will probably die
>probably wont even play it

why did they do this to me?
I can see why VC2 gets hate pretty clearly but why do people hate VC3? It looks more or less the same as VC1 aside from 2 or 3 characters in the whole lot.
People memeing that never played the game.
Do you guys remember the interview about how the game was supposed to be a PS4 exclusive ans that the Vita version started to be developped because "we were really surprised that people wanted a Vita version si we started working on it" ?
Yet why everything looks like a PSP game, from the gameplay down to the animations?
It's not edgy at all and the gameplay is a lot better. Did you even play the game or you just parrot others?
Heads up for anyone playing it. Be very aware of the final boss. It's a gigantic difficulty spike and requires like 3 battles just to get to it with no saves and a shit ton of cutscenes (which you can skip thank god). So if you die there goes like 1-1.5 hours down the drain and you have to redo those battles leading up to the final boss. So you might want to grind a bit before this.
muh giant swords
Didn't they change a LOT based on feedback? Or did they release another demo?
The retarded weapons and they're not all in proper uniforms.
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VC3 is very similar in tone to the first game and gets even more serious if you can believe it.
People who complain about too anime and edgyness haven't actually played the game.

People just like to use the misleading artbook cover to fool others into thinking it's a subpar game, and you get idiots who buy into it instead of playing the games and making their own opinions on it.
That cover doesn't represent the game properly.
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Best Valkyria
Literally who
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Thanks anon.
>misleading artbook cover
It perfectly sets the tone they are going for.
VC2 artbook cover does the same shit, they actually have uniforms like the first game but that's not the games tone at all.
ITT: butt blasted VC1fags
VC3 is great and it's sad that it got no recognition or an official release. It even had side missions for all the main characters (several each per character actually) discussing their backstories which was pretty great. Also the SP system was a neat new addition for the main trio.
Combat uniforms I mean, which they decided to not use for the cover for obvious reasons.
Please go away, VC3friend. No one likes your game, and for good reason.
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The best valkyria, Duh.
How does that cover for vc3 set the tone?
You honestly think 3 looks worse than 2? No memes.

Because of VC3's stupid ass weapons, yeah.
The swords are hardly present in the game. That's why it's misleading.
None of the units start with them and you have to give them the swords yourself.

The only mandatory weapon like that is Imca's, which is just a modified lancer weapon.
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>Sells like shit
>SEGA, I guess no one wants any more Valkyria Chronicles games.
I dunno man a few retarded oversized weapons does not seem nearly as bad as the abonination that is 2, just look at 2's lineup again

It's not even an army it's an anime schoolgroup
The reason why old characters cant comeback to fight its the dumbest shit. Hurr durr militia cant fight because its a civil war.
God looking from 1 to 2 just breaks my heart

The fucking loli with exposed vagina bones
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>sells well
"I guess they like this new valkyria"
>they never make one in the old style again

this monkey paw.
Still dumb to have big silly ass anime swords in a world where the primary weaponry is firearms and tanks.
Someone post the webm of Selvaria in that new phone game she appeared in

Her tits are now just as big as NUselvaria
>Guys, just because the premise, general art direction, character back stories, and main plot points are edgy, doesn't mean that the whole game is edgy, gawd!

Typical VC3 fag.
Even VC1 was edgy as fuck. No way in hell 3 wasn't edgier.
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Just started playing VC2 a couple days ago, and it's realy not as bad as people on /v/v are making it out to be. Still inferior to VC1, but there are a couple things that it did better like
>more story-related Potential unlocks/changes
>more story for the side characters
>interesting class system
>Scout not retardedly strong
>varied weapons and tank loadouts

But I agree that nearly everything else is a step down from the first. The story, the incessant need to GRIND GRIND GRIND for credits, etc. But overall I am enjoying it very much.
The only people who hate 3 are faggots that never played and think the game is about edgy sword wielders based on the image posted in the thread.

Just look at absolute fucking retarded posts like >>381939221
It's no more silly than those lance rocket launchers.
The swords are just anti infantry weapons. You aren't going to running around the battlefield in VC3 with them without getting killed.

The artbook paints them as a core focus of the game, but that's not even close to being true.
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I don't recall any new mobile games with her in it. Last I knew of was VC:D and it's dead
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? You mean this?
A unique aspect none of the others have that make it much better imo is the coop, if you have a friend (or 3) you can pretty much play the whole game through coop.
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>The fucking loli with exposed vagina bones
Hey, don't knock the only redeeming aspect of VC2.
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Not that guy but Dengeki Bunko fighting climax isnt a phone game.

Selvaria was a great character in it and i totally didnt buy the game just for her.
How do you know?
I know. But it I figure it wouldn't hurt to guess.

holy moly
The lance rockets were silly, sure, but they were never used as melee weapons as far as I can remember. It's just dumb. Why would you ever carry around a knockoff dragonslayer when most of the world has fucking rifles.
Because the game has been out for a while already in japan/asia?
>That lip sync
>All those belts
hahahaha no
Truly worth the ride.
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Raita's stuff is pretty good. It's why Selvaria got cloned into whatever that not Selvaria is.

>i played chaos heroes online for Selvaria
fucking mobas
>Where Maria

Is he Shadow the Hedgehog.
What the FUCK did those anime memers do to my world war 1 game?
Geez this protagonist is edgy. And shitposters think 3 is edgy, when does Kurt ever act like this?
10k on xbone maximum
Xbots are pretty reliable when it comes to only supporting worthwhile Japanese games.
I just want a VC game where you control an army of valkurs

Kurt is an amazing protagonist. He gets pissed a few times but for good reasons.
Oh yeah he violently eat candy a few times, so edgy.
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I fucking hate myself
Das right

NG2 sold over a million after only one month in 2008
>lip sync
you are implying their mouths even move
I'm sure you'll get at least some enjoyment out of it. At least it's not a full-priced release.

Also where's Shining Force 4, SEGA
I also bought it. We can be retards together.
Literal tard.
>Valkyria again
>no PSO2 in the west

Thanks Sega. Just do another Yakuza, the 7th one, with more Miku dancing on a Yakuza world where the main character is just 25% of the game and/or where he "dies" again. And do another Sonic Runner. And more Sonic with wisps.
there are plenty of "dark" animes
sega gib Ishin pls
A real shame since it's so fucking good.
Whew! Thanks for saving me back there.. was about to go at the cashier and ask if am I too late to pre order this shit

Because it looks like unoriginal trash

No sauna fights allowed in the west, boy. Westerns don't understand the manliness of that and think that's homo + SJW strikes back
To anyone confused, this is the timeline:
The one in OP is a prequel to the rest of them.
Then both valkyria chronicles and the 3rd one happen at the same time.
Then 2 happens.
Isn't Revolution an alternate universe?
It is. What the hell is he saying. Nips would legit riot if it was in the same setting
A good review

Those motherfuckers.
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