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Whats with this edgy 2deep4u plotline? I just want to shoot red guys.

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Whats with this edgy 2deep4u plotline?

I just want to shoot red guys.
Then just plow through the story in 60 minutes and you unlock plenty of other modes that are just killing red guys.
>if your game is only 2 hours long, get the fuck off Steam

Superhot defies you, faggot.
Wrong thread?
Who the fuck cares. KILL THOSE FUCKING RED GUYS.

Oh yea, and playing this in VR is fucking crazy amazing.
No, I meant to post it here. I was just restating what someone else said in a more relevant thread.

Superhot is a short-ass game (which is unfortunate) but very inventive and fresh.
I would pay serious cash for a longer version of this game in VR. It is amazing fun, and I keep going back to it, but it is getting boring doing the same thing over and over again.

Playing in VR is like John Wick meets yoga.

The length of the game is literally the only gripe I have with it.
Super Hot is the most innovative shooter I've played in years. You guys should really buy it!
The devs were fucking stupid.
The gameplay is so solid, it doesn't even need a story.
Just level after level. Add in steam workshop and you have 100's of hours of gameplay.
I'm thinking of trying Superhot VR if I ever got a headset.

Too bad the Vive is $800.
Is it on sale right now? I'd love to support the developers. Superhot on VR is amazing!
HOT (4 u)
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>still complaining about the story / length
>not understanding that the arcade mode is actually what makes this game great

Arcade will only get you so far though. More story or better yet a creator mode would be fucking awesome.
>though. More story or better yet a creator mode More story...would be fucking awesome.
That´s like asking for more background story in tetris. I agree with the missing level editor though. Workshop support would be great for this game
Superhot feels like one of those games that should take the Portal 2 route.

Extremely innovative and conceptually forward-thinking but restrained by the limitations of a non-backed development. Give them a budget and let them really make something special.
SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years

I guess "story" is really the wrong word to use here as there really is barely a story here. How about more "missions". I can easily think of tons of new missions to add in that would be awesome. If there was a level editor I would have already made dozens by now.
So you simply want more objective based maps then?
If so we´re on the same page.
> hurr durr, I want all my games to be simplistic and retarded
fuck off child


It should be like N++

No story. Just the game with fuckloads of levels and scenarios
But the story is retarded

Not so much retarded as just full of itself

>oh man, aren't we just so meta about player control!
>aren't we so clever for having the ending where the player kills himself?

Then again, polacks were never good with irony.
This game was fucking boring and short
By vidya standards it's pretty okay. Many big "story driven" games have it worse.
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>Come up with a fun concept for a game
>Don't actually build upon the concept and make a full game out of it
>Instead shit out some half-assed art-school-project-tier story and a dozen levels onto your proof of concept. Don't even have to spend time on music or visuals because you can call it your bold indie art direction
>/v/ gobbles this trash up and will die to defend its integrity
Literally every single time. Can't make this shit up.
It's really sad too, this concept can be taken pretty far, but it never goes beyond flash game tier schlock.
Also really bad that it's like 30 fucking dollars, even on sale it's still 15 dollars. Which should be the base price, I'd never pay more than 5$ for this half assed shit.
>/v/ actually defending this game's shit story

I thought only edgy 16-year old would like this oh wait
You are literally everything that is wrong with gameing.
I would really like to punch you in the face fag.
Better than being a bitter ignirant manchild
Superhot never got past this stage
So what? It's an indie game you tit, don't play it if your autism is triggered by the lack of turdpolishing AAA do.
The problem being that it's being sold at the prize of a polished game.
>indie and or early access game with cool premise
>shit developers haven't put a story in it yet
>quick better fill it with some 2deep4u muh secret guvrnmints n shit
Hate this
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