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I say, anons and femanons, is aught amiss? For am I not the best character in the Stormblood expansion of this game? Why do you hesitate? Is it because I am a Roegadyn? Ahhh, but of course! Kami's praise of our race goes far and wide. But rest assured, I am just one of many of Kami's children, like all of you. That you did hear aright! Hah hah hah hah hah!

Now welcome, honored anons, to this thread O boundless and merciful Kami grants us, and enjoy a moment of respite on your long journey!
>he only has one 70
>XII Legion
>basically creates Mako Soldiers
>basically has Sephiroth for a leader

Why is it not the VII Legion?
Is Nero /ourguy/?
What kind of multi-target combo should I be doing as a ninja? All I know to do is just cast doton to start, katon when I have it, and just mash death blossom otherwise.

Is this even worth it, or as Ninja should I just focus on a single target at a time?
by the twelve
praise the kami
thal's balls
VIIth Legion was Nael's legion and she tried to drop a meteor on Eorzea.
They already had the VII legion summon Meteor.
I mean Dalamud.
To the other healers, what tanks do you hate the most in the SB and why it's warriors?
306, too lazy to farm tomes for all 310 gear so after getting Susano weapon(fucking 10 kills and didn't even saw in loot list once) I just do da expert on main and others duty on my low lvl sam
Omega will drop 320 acc so don't seereasons to farm snake
Meteor one was 7

Doton if there's 3+ enemies then just use Katon when you can and spam Death Blossom like you're doing. Once you hit 62 and unlock your frogger summon you get another really good AoE to use as well.
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>jobsprouts everywhere on every level

POTD was bad enough with normal retards but boostshitters make it unbearable.
but does the plot of XII revolve around turning soldiers into monsters?
i always felt uneasy around DRKs because i don't know when to holy around their MP regeneration

5/10 the Lyse one was better
Stormblood is the final MSQ I'm assuming? How long are the cutscenes after the dungeon and trial? I want to start them but I also should be going to bed in an hour or so.
>Abania set for BRD/MCH is literally the archer's clothes from Tactics Ogre
Don't worry about it, very little of their MP comes from getting hit these days.
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Why was Joan of Arc not there for the final battle?
people keep talking about leveling gathering with collectibles, when does that unlock?

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>all the male characters introduced are bros, even Zenos
>the females are conniving, treacherous, evil whores

Whatever did Yoshi mean by this?
Zenos is more similar to Vayne than he is to Sephirot
Trying really hard to like DRK right now but it's so fucking boring
Don't forget
>dungeon has the scorpion tank, complete with "attack while it's tail is up" reference
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off getting plowed by some Ala Mhiggger while you save the day.
Zenos is not a bro you edgy fag
It stays that way until 68, but is really great at 70. Which doesn't excuse how much of a pile of shit it is prior to that.

>not getting sam and rdm to 60 while the raubahn servers were shitting themselves

people were generally competent, had no wipes and everyone just wanted to get to each exit as quick as possible

>Tank set literally Lanselot's armor
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>FF14 gets an official manga
>it's by Bkub
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I don't think he's similar to either of them, neither Vayne nor Sephiroth were battle-hungry.
Vayne is the son of the Emperor and also the governor of the FFXII equivalent of Ala Mhigo.
Also their final form is them fused with a godlike creature.
has anyone uploaded the ost anywhere yet?
I'm too scared to do EX primals desu
Finally finished MSQ. What have these threads been memeing about the past week? Last time I touched them Raubahn Savage was still a thing.
They're easy as fuck
i mean the worst that can happen is people yell at you and call you a retard and kick you
You've got brutal warrior Judge Bergan getting infused with manufacture nethicite, mad scientist/engineer Dr. Cid, and Vayne fusing with a god.
The scene at the end with him was perfection. Uncle Nero came here to laugh at you.
Susano is a joke if you have a brain and can see the color purple.

some quest in mor dhona when you hit level 50 i think
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Where are the doujins?
Well that's what I'm scared of
What the hell are you talking about you faggot
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Everyone is crying about Lyse being the absolute worst character in the history of dramaturgy and how she ruined the entire story by herself now.
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Wish it had an anime like PSO2 anime, where basically just people playing the game and going to conventions and whatnot.
Just ignore the other half of the PSO2 anime though.
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>almost halfway through the MSQ
>get the first single instance MSQ event in a long time
>suddenly freeze up and start having cold sweats
Fucking cold steel.

What a surprise

Give tanks a useless stat
but the two main Xaela females in Steppes are bros
Is Red Mage the best thing to ever happen to this game?

The only honest downside is that I can't find the right glamour to go with the job.
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>not whm on the cover
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Can someone please explain how the big fox spawn?
If Ginko and Kinko spawns means that The Fox won't spawn and you need to do Outfoxed again?
it literally hands you the perfect glamour at 70, you whore
Which leveling dungeon has the best music and why is it Bardam's Mettle?
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my heart can't take this
Foxy Lady has a 12 or 24 hour cooldown, can't remember which

if you do Outfoxed while it's still on cooldown, she won't spawn and the chain will reset
I can't even remember that dungeon's music and I've run it ten times
lmao at that guy in the last thread posting a video of WAR doing the same damage that DRK does with a slashing debuff up and then trying to pretend that it means WAR does more damage as a whole
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But can you take it to /vg/?
Reminder war is still top dps for tanks
I actually really like Doma's castle for some reason
>au ra
>sushi slutglam
kill yourself

Doma Castle is better than most Primal themes

what is this
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dude i am grieving here
>Lyse acting like the big hero when she does absolutely nothing the entire story except follow you around punching trash mobs, taking partial credit for your accomplishments, and generally being dumb as fuck.
I don't think she ruined the story, but she is easily the weakest character and continues to live up to why people hate the Scions to begin with. The only difference between her and the rest of them is that she was with you a whole lot more so she had more chances to get on your nerves. At worst she is Stormblood's Lightning.
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Welcome to last year.

Now take your ugly fuck of a character back to where it belongs, dude.
That is also an acceptable answer.
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Will the Hildibrand questline be a massive shitshow like last time?
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She used a LB against Fordola though.
Oh shit it's Cocobuki.
When does this happen?
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>i270 STR accs meme
Did you idiots spread this or did some youtube eceleb get this idiotic idea as well?
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>When the Heavensward theme starts playing
Tanks are so desperate to be big dick DPSers in heavy armor that they'll willingly give up a quarter of their health to do 15% more damage. The idea of having to spend more than the first 10 seconds of a fight in tank stance, or use their aggro combo ever, triggers them very badly.
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>farm groups for susano ex are worse than learning groups
glad that susano is harder than the first heavensward ex primal
after doing The Vault during the heavensward mainquest
But it's not, because being able to hold IR like that doesn't happen in actual fights plus the DRK/PLD parses don't have slashing.
until stats reach the point where you are required to wear vit accessories to survive a tank buster wearing them over STR accessories is pointless.
>taking partial credit for your accomplishments
She takes no credit for anything. What is this meme?
Literally every npc keeps sucking you off about how awesome you are and still you feel like another npc might try stepping on your toes?
Probably the worst leveling experience I've ever had in an MMO.
>Wearing level 60+ gear and just getting to that part
Jumpshitters get out.
>comes in
>ROYALLY fucks up a pipeline
>comes back to destroy the eyes and leaves again
What's his game?
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I can't fucking take it anymore.
1) find and destroy the eyes
2) protect Alphy and his butt
As someone who doesn't raid I think you should keep your opinion to yourself because it's not worth a goddamn thing,
They're never not going to be a thing in Stormblood unless SE pulls theirs heads out of YoshiP's asshole and reverts tank damage to STR/VIT or even just moves it all to VIT.

53 extra STR (taking into account Strength VI materia) is pretty much guaranteed to significantly outweigh any amount of secondary stats you can get on Fending gear, and since you're going to have at least 250 more VIT at the end of a raid tier than you had at the beginning, it's always going to be viable to wear at least three 270 Slaying accessories once you're geared out.
>clouds are rng
>almost every dps that is in a farm group got through because of good cloud rng
>bad cloud spawns and 100% chance it will overlap perfectly with the line because dps have no fucking idea what they are doing

every fucking time
There's no Stormblood raid to go off yet. There's on two retard easy primals to go off of for the str meme. Literally pointless.
It's ~15% HP for a 20% damage boost, actually. 12.5% HP if you meld VIT to the accessories.
We can't getting one in Stormblood, not till maybe one of the last patches. Yoshie said they want to take a break from it.

Which is great news because shits meme tier weeb humor.
Who wants to look like everybody else? How boring.
>Black Mages can call down Meteor
>Summoners can summon a mini-Bahamut and even use Teraflare
You'd think this would make Eorzeans a tad angry, or at least uncomfortable
I have BLM and FSH
If I get the line in Susano I always drag it to the left edge/spoiler]
Being perfect.
She didn't take the credit or anything.
The problem is that she didn't do anything relevant and she being now the head of ala mhigo is a really really bad idea.
What the hell was Conrad smoking?.
Does anyone know of any way to farm gil without crafting? My gil is slowly being drained by this crystal sand bullshit with the anima quest.
Blame bad game design and balancing
>constant arguing over which tanks are better
Woah it's almost like they're balanced
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>tfw i read this in his jolly loud voice

Holy fuck i miss him already
The vast majority of people don't think WAR is anywhere close to the other two.
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What POTD levels do I do to level up?
Damn that last ninja mission. Shit was great.
DPS are mostly balanced

But yoshi for some reason can balance 9 dps but can't do it with 3 fucking tanks
it's drk and war battling it out for second place since pld is the best at everything.
>when PF try and get you to use Discord for fucking Lakshmi and Susano

Literally carried.
Skipped the credits
Tank in full endgame gear with VIT accessories melded with STR VIs has 43696 health and 1610 STR.

With 270 Slaying accessories melded with VIT Vs it's 32032 health and 1900 STR.

That's a 26% health reduction for an 18% increase (less than 18% when you consider the loss of the extra secondary stats from higher ilvl accessories).
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tanks got it better than healers. Imagine if WAR was buffed even more while DRK was nerfed into the fucking ground while PLD stayed the same as 3.0.

That's the healer changes.
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How do I repeat just those levels over and over again?
>she took partial credit!
>ok she did not take partial credit BUT STILL
What the fuck are you even going to do as head of ala mhigo? You get to continue going on adventures and slaying gods rather than having to rebuild a nation of jackasses in the fucking desert. You can only do one or the other.
Tanks won't get away with it in Omega Savage.
Reset your progress and choose to start from 51
Good groups will get away with some if not all STR accessories since the first tier of Omega will be not much harder than Creator
>people would rather watch wow than play it
sounds about right
SCH was the war equivalent. Not balance bitches
what they say and what will actually happen are two different things
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>watching someone stream an MMO
Im not the one you were talking to.
Im just saying that she being the head of ala mhigo is a really bad idea.
Probably the next patches the scions or alphinaud will teach her what the hell she has to do.

You're retarded, PLD is head and shoulders above the other two, DRK & WAR are close enough together to be indistinguishable
>he thinks Deltascape will not be Creator 2.0: Electric Boogaloo
LMAOing at your life
Worst-case scenario for tanks who want to wear 270 Slaying is that they can't do it on week one, but will be able to swap one in every 2-3 pieces of gear they get.
Real endgame is Ivalice. Some 24mans are as hard as or harder than Savage with how many retards you have to deal with.
she's the only relevant ala mhigo character following you
the country doesn't car about her, they just care on how it was the WoL's follower
DRK and WAR are close enough in DPS to be indistinguishable, in a striking dummy situation where you don't have to deal with boss jumps, mechanics, or mitigation.

As soon as any of that stuff comes into play, WAR can't keep up at all.
YoshiP will have tank busters that require the extra HP or you get one shot.
>watching someone stream an mmo

That is an entirely new level of boring, Jesus Christ.
Other players are undoubtadely the hardest thing about this game. It too me a couple of groups to finish Royal Menagerie

Post your proof
>mfw melding VIT on my str 270 rings

Goddamn it feels good
isn't wow having their arena tournament right now
Sadly Raubahn can't be the leader.
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>Other players are undoubtadely the hardest thing about this game
Too true.
Prove it
you can bet your ass nanamo will be "lenient" on him, he will at least act as a "council head" of some sort the happy merchants of ul'dah will use this opportunity to stir up shit again
it will also be a nice way to wrap up things with lololito
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Anyone else fucking pissed that Scholar got half its skills taken away, AND nerfed the most out of any SB job
So how easy is Alexander Savage at 70 unsync? Easy enough to ignore mechanics?
He's a buttblasted dps main pulling shit out of his ass
So did the red text at the end point to Garlemald for 5.0?
Xeno said it best: HP doesn't matter. We're going to abuse STR accessories by using the invincibility cooldowns as much as possible, and by rotating the strong cooldowns like Vengeance/Shadow Wall/Sentinel on top of shields, Blackest Night, Intervention etc.

It's PLD >>>>> DRK >>> WAR, simply because DRK has some utility while WAR has absolutely no good points.
mechanics still do 90k damage if you fail
Raubahn is the best GC leader because he's not a head of state. When was the last time we even saw Nanamo in the Main quests.
Machinist was nerfed more.
>"lose" half of their skills
>actually loses a good chunk of skills to the role actions and has to pick them
I'm convienced that anyone that rolled and plays any of the Arcanist jobs is the biggest fucking baby in the game next to healers that don't dps.

>10% shield is >>> utility

Yeah ok
don't forget the trailer make a pretty huge stop on Garlemald on the map
we will have content where we get closer, the empire itself will be 5.0
that's a good thing though, we don't want more potatoes
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>get to Bardam's Mettle
>new player notifications
>before anyone can say anything the tank immediately tries to pull everything in the starting zone and dies
>SCH apologizes and PLD says he'll slow down
>get to second boss
>finish the "fight"
>tank says "Whoa that was weird. First time here."
>he was trying to do huge pulls on his first run in a dungeon
I wish she stayed dead. It was the best thing to happen to her character.

>Ivalice raid takes place at Pharos at Ridorana
>you get to fight against this version of Cid
>he doesnt
Sustain, Blizzard 2, Aero, Miasma 2, and Virus are completely gone from SCH. WHM just lost stone skin/stoneskin 2 and can at least cross role what it lost.
Not when it's clear no one in the party has seen the content yet
So will Rhalgr's Reach get built up the same way Mor Dhona & Idyllshire did? It already seems pretty finished.
I still need to remind myself she's not dead anymore

i don't even care about scholar's damage output right now, i just don't understand how the designated shield class has worse shields on average than ast, and they also now cost more mp on top of mp regeneration being worse. not to mention the fairy's direct heal being worse than regen effects

that scene was perfect, I might actually be interested in the Omega arc now.
Yes, it is. It's utility just like Intervention and the new Cover. We've already had plenty of mechanics that target one person, like A12S Prey, and depending on the amount of damage a 10% shield could let a healer not have to cast a heal at all. Plus since DRK gets Blood back from it, they lose almost no DPS by spending that MP on TBN.

Why wouldn't you? It's the same shit every time, gather 2 packs, pop cooldowns, dodge aoes.
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>connection was excellent for 2 days
>back to "good"
Nuke commiefornia
Watch Some and Ala Mhigo get restored over time.
>Undergeared sprout drk does big pull at beginning of Doma Castle and doesn't pop any cds
Get out anon. Its not worth living there.

>scholar loses half the skills and they are gone forever
>whm loses some skills but they still exist now you have to click on role skills to use them

literally the only things whm lost were aero and stoneskin. They even fucking buffed shroud of saints for you with lucid dream
Why would you? He obviously ate shit because no one knew what the deal with the place was yet.
How is everyone farming for verity?
the ending honestly feels weird, unlike HW and ARR, it sounds like there's no reason to stick around RR or kugane, everything seems to lead we're going to the empire
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Who ever tought it was a good idea and let it go live deserve a good beating.
Do I need to get my MIN to 70 for the new treasure maps that lead to the SB version of Aquapolis or is 66 enough?
PVP bot
>tfw new and alone
>no one to play with
>see all the groups of friends and couples around
>want to learn to be a good tank but will probably just end up playing with a bunch of elitists who yell at you for not being a good tank
Theres no 'trick' to any of the dungeon trash in this game. The only reason he died is because either he didnt use cooldowns or the healer was a lazy shitter. Not because double pulling is impossible or gimmicky in SB.
>Play on US servers from Australia
>Connection has always been "excellent" even when the servers were in Montreal
Connection rating is based on stability, not latency. I hope you're not playing on WiFi.
>mfw Royal Menagerie Extreme is cumming
Monks deserve to suffer, so I'm okay with it.

We lost Bio 2, Aero, Miasma 2, Blizzard 2, Virus, might as well have lost Shadowflare because it went from a gcd to a 60sec cooldown with NO buffs, Bane is so much worse than before. On top of that with cleric stance being removed the main strength of scholar is completely downplayed. Both healers can do everything a Scholar can, and easier without having to deal with a clunky fairy.

Also our AOE rotation is LITERALLY the same as the single target rotation. We have no aoe skills at all.
>they nerf normal RM
>RM ex is just underfed normal
Prease rook forward to it
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Who serves the empire here?
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What's the point in bringing an extra dpser instead of a second tank on Lakshmi if the healers are just going to fuck it up and let me die on the blue marker + Chancalla 8/10 times.
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I like it. Helps me double weave those extra chakras I get
Pretty sure that it'll be one of the hardest trials. Can't wait.
just enter in a FC and talk in dungeon, you'll make buddies in not time
Got a picture?
I did the red mage glamour from Bravely Default. Looks amazing; only downside is that it uses the Uraeus coat which everyone and their mother uses
>been queuing for Susano practice instead of completion
oh wow, i feel foolish
not like it will matter :^)
Hellfrog might just be my favourite new skill of the expansion
>bane was too powerful and had to be nerfed
>immediately give whm a 40 potency aoe dot in addition to holy

yoshida has no fucking idea what he is doing.
Have they fixed their server issues yet?

I see the disconnecting symbol next to my name while out in the world here and there or I'll get hit by a 90k along with it, doesn't matter if it's a instance or not.. I swear ever since the NA data center move this shit has started up otherwise before that I'd never see that disconnecting symbol or get hit by 90k's
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>doing EX or Savage content
Only yourself to blame senpai
being more useful than the majority of NPCs
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I started playing and I joined the Sargatanas server, how badly did I fuck up?
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>Join kill group.
>Mash to skip cutscene so no one notices.
>Do better than the rest of the group anyway.
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Look at how much time it takes WAR to build up enough Beast Gauge to do a proper Berserk rotation. It's almost the entire span of time between one Berserk and another.

Now think about what happens if they ever have to swap stances, for any reason.

>Then they'll just be in Deliverance the whole time!

Okay, assuming that's viable. They still need a lot of uptime between Berserks in order to maximize them, whereas DRK can easily adjust by just spending MP/Blood earlier or later.

WAR is now competing with a 20% shield, up to every 15 seconds. Vengeance is great, but it's usable every eighth Blackest Night. Thrill of Battle is similar, but also usable every eighth Blackest Night. Holmgang is cool, as long as it's a single-hit tankbuster, as long as there's an attackable target, and as long as you don't have to move. It's available every twelfth Blackest Night. And Raw Intuition is good, too, assuming that we're dealing with physical and not magical tankbusters - but it's still only available every sixth Blackest Night.

(Any other mitigation sources either require Defiance, or are cross-role and both tanks will have them)

1/8 + 1/8 + 1/12 + 1/6 = 1/2

Warrior has mitigation up literally half as often as Dark Knight does, if the Dark Knight ONLY uses Blackest Night, and ignores Shadow Wall, Dark Mind (which all by itself is twice as good as Vengeance if the damage is magical), and Living Dead. That's not even a contest.

It just gets worse from there for WAR if you need to start actually using tank stance, while DRK actually pulls ahead of PLD in pretty much all respects if they have to use their tank stances.

And WAR can't do shit to help offtank or shield DPS/healers, obviously, while Blackest Night is nearly a 20% shield on the non-tanks.
God damn these people are mentally ill
>that feel when no FC or static
Oh hey I'm in this gif
Real kill groups have "no bonus will ever see us" button in the SB
>literally just started playing FFXIV for the very first time
>feel incredibly overwhelmed and put off by how many different things there are to learn

How long does it take for this feeling to go away?
Goat tower
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I've seen Gothic Dolly running around. Can you expand on the situation? I really want to understand his mindset.
Sucks to be WAR I guess, they shit on everyone else for the entirety of Heavensward now it's their turn to be on the back burner for a fucking change. Zero sympathy.
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Fuck this is giving me horrible flashbacks to GW2 jumping puzzles

>tfw Asura and blocked by Charr characters
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You're ignoring that Blackest Night only mitigates a single hit
>tfw doing all jumping puzzles as fem norn
There's rape in FFXIV?
He is really, really into rape fantasy and tries tricking people he rps with into rape scenarios
did anyone climb that black tower where the confederate hang out at?
There's rape everywhere
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Fucking Norns too, god damn you lumbering oafs

>mfw Xmas event jumping puzzle and surrounded by Norns and Charrs
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It's a rape pit, anon.
A 9.4k shield at i314 is still incredibly strong, especially when it's offgcd and available every 15s.
keep at it and it should come to you easily if you've played any other mmo before.

stick to one class for the time being and focus on it and get good with it before trying crafting and other classes out.

If there's anything particular you're struggling with let us know and i'm sure we can help
How much do I have to deal with this shitty potatoe warrior of Raubahn's?
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>Want to gear up and try extremes
>Need to keep leveling
>If I stop crafting for even a second this constant flow of money will stop

I'm rich, but at what cost?
Balmung is the role playing server apparently.
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>One guy made fun of my class
Which primal had the best looking weapons? Sephirot had the best fist weapons.
>bahamuts attack is instant cast
>if you cast while moving he follows you instead of casting on the move
>if you tell him to ahk morn he won't do it until you stop moving

10/10 skill design
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>mfw doing the vault for the first time
Don't move and start mashing your face against the keyboard. The healer can adjust
Sophia overall (except for NIN)
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Everywhere, all the time. Highlander's pussy must be fucking delicious considering that ala mhigans are the most popular rape victims (outside of Limsa, catgirls are more popular in there).

stop playing summoner
Sheltron is the one that only mitigates a single hit. Blackest Night mitigates 20% of your HP pool, regardless of how many hits it takes.

There's a bit of a difference there if you're dealing with an extended period of spike damage, or one of those multi-hit tankbusters that takes like 3 GCDs to finally finish, but those aren't really common in raids, the difference between a one-time shield and a longer cooldown is usually pretty tiny, and if worst comes to worst, DRK both A) has other cooldowns that can handle those attacks, and B) can enter their tank stance with very little penalty.

Basically, a fight would need to be exceptionally and specifically designed to cater to WAR before the specific things about WAR's toolkit would become important, which is exactly the situation that PLD found itself in during Heavensward - and look how that turned out.

I wish Warrior was better, I really do, because having two classes I can switch between depending on which performs better is actually really cool, but I just don't see it happening.
>except for NIN
fuck yourself
Nope, WARs thought they were hot shit because they played an overtuned class and gloated about it for most of the expansion. Reap what you sow faggots
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>black double-sided dildos
A blight on an otherwise great set
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There's a den of enslaved prostitutes in your first dungeon.
what goggles are those?
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so /v/ is mostly plays on primal while /vg/ is aether?
Can anyone give me a quick rundown on the servers of this game whats different about them?
You have no proof of this

Sounds like you let a troll get to you and you're still angry about it
Nobody plays on primal
DRK was as strong as WAR in HW, the only reason people thought WAR was overpowered was because DRK and PLD were too similar so you;d never want both.
ultros is on primal and it's well known that ultros is the /v/ server
>not balmung
>these Kugane jump puzzles
fuck I'm terrible at this shit in mmos.
It's like swtor's datacrons all over again.
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Who /Lakshmi/ here?
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How superior is Garlean dick?
You're thinking of neogaf
balmung is /vg/ and nekosentai erp forum
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>ultros is the /v/ server
M'naago or Cirina

Who is the best resistance waifu!
ZR is /vg/, complete with ERPing trannies in the """inner circle"""
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Eorzea is a shithole.
why does that lala look so happy as opposed to shocked and afraid the other two have.
default /surprised emote
Lala's need a variety of types of dicks in them over the course of the month or they explode.
>they couldn't even pleasure cat whores

>play Summoner to level 60
>it's kinda boring

Yoshi keeps talking about looking at the competition and seeing what they do for inspiration, but it seems like pet classes went totally over his head.
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Sometimes love blooms on the battlefield.
DRK was not as strong as WAR. They did similar-ish DPS, but were pigeonholed into a maintank-only role and lost a ton of damage if they ever had to off-tank, couldn't self-sustain as well as the other two tanks, lost a ton of damage if they ever had to attack something that didn't have a WAR or NIN putting up slashing debuff for them, and had fewer/weaker defensive cooldowns unless a fight had heavy magic tankbusters.

PLD had too few strengths, WAR had too few weaknesses. DRK was the Goldilocks tank in HW.
Now WAR has too few strengths, and PLD has too few weaknesses, but DRK is still just about right (at level 70, but dogshit below that).
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We play as fantasy africa citizen who fights against white devils who steals their culture and achievements(Empire literally stole ala mhigo hymn and just changed few words)
Yes, there rape
For Susano Ex clouds literally just go to south, the knockback alone will move you to the right direction, then just sprint back to the group. Really fucking easy.
Can't wait to go south to super Africa.
>2nd boss of bardem's mettle is literally just a scrub detector

god bless you Yoshi
and this is how people murder the entire group when a cloud spawns directly north or south of him
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>pugs with shinryu
>healers keep dying
>keep reviving people and healing as rdm
>no mana pretty much entire fight
>still second best dps
>held it all together from falling apart
>zero commends
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>5 runs of lakshmi
>Havent even seen the first aiming accessory drop

Oh man this is going to be fun isnt it
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>tfw nearly finished with this fucking MSQ
No, I've tested it, it 100% will not happen. You only need to be really far behind. Then just sprint back
>It's PLD >>>>> DRK >>> WAR, simply because DRK has some utility while WAR has absolutely no good points.

t: non-tank, or maybe a desperate PLD. PLD did not change at all with SB. Still tankiest tank out of the three. Didn't make them the popular choice before, I fail to see how that will change now either. Tankiness was never the important point in the first place.
Go fuck yourself.
Also the giant cannon.
or just make it unlimited in towns
That's factually incorrect
Sorry, have you been in cryogenic stasis for the last two months or something?

t. warrior in denial

Right now they're the tankiest and they do the same damage as the other two.
cute roe
No, I've been too busy maining both as a WAR and PLD to spend my time in deep sleep.
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>MCH confirmed lowest dps and utility

Thanks Yoshi you faggot, you nerfed my class, made is boring as shit, and to top it off, you made PvP aggravating because every retard known to man plays it for exp, either half assing it or simply doesn't give a shit since they just want exp.

Fuck you
k you

Time to level bard instead.
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No, fuck that. The MC was goddamn retarded in the PSO2 anime and the one cool CAST they had gets switched out for self-insert waifubait early in and this is even before the Episode 4 plot stupidity bleeds into the anime with the whole "IT'S ANOTHER WORLD FOR REAL" shit
if cloud is north or south, move southwestish to bait the lighting. any other cloud direction you can just move straight south.
Let me make sure I got this right

If I have a house and I want to transfer and get the reimbursement, I have to apply even though it gives me the warning I own a house on the mogstation?
Maybe it has something to do with the heaping buttloads of extra damage they got then.
Why does anyone give a fuck about this numale hack when SE is hard at work killing muh tank DPS meta?
So I actually heard a lot of people saying DRK is easy as shit to play. So now I want to change to WAR, even though people say it's shit. I don't know what to do.
Why is there a giant fucking turtle on the middle of the table that Ul'dah - the city of potatoes who can barely see over a regular table let alone one with a blockade set up - debates their policies? I'm pretty sure Nanamo can't even see Yugiri here.
They got a 10 potency buff into their skills. It's nice, but they are still nowhere near the same DPS as a DRK or WAR.

How long until they add the right cat's animation as an emote on the mogstation?
Apparently you've also been too busy to realize that WAR is now the lowest-DPS tank in any party with a NIN or SAM, while also being the most susceptible to being fucked around by boss mechanics, having the worst mitigation except in hyperspecific WAR-catering situations, and having no meaningful party utility to bring to the table.
What is the best way to level up crafting and gathering now?
I heard people said they went from 50-70 in a day.
>Time to level bard instead.
Don't do that to yourself. Just wait for the inevitable buffs.
and the FoF buff you ninny
All the WoL replies should have the [ ... ] option

My character is made to be timid
You could but, if you are right at the edge in south, the knockback will push hard enough to automatically bait the cloud to a side, you can test it yourself.
The PSO2 anime was complete shit, even moreso if you actually play the game. It's a direct contributor to the downfall of PSO2.
>They got a 10 potency buff into their skills.
AND more frequent Fight or Flight
AND Requeiscat
AND Holy Spirit
You really don't know shit

This has never happened. The hardest 24 man on release was Weeping City, and even that was far smoother sailing than every EX primal, let alone actual Savage content, which you obviously haven't done.
The same way as before
do leves and collectables as you see fit
And Holy Spirit, and Requiescat. And Goring Blade got an effective 70 potency buff, since you no longer clip the last tick.
How much new tomes pvp gives?
How does the free trial work nowadays? Is it still restricted to 14 days?
No, it's up to lv35 forever now
Is ACT accurate now?
>Requescat+Holy Spirit
>potency buffs all around
>FoF cooldown shortened by 30s for only a small duration/strength losss
>aoe damage
>only tank with raidwide mitigation
Stormblood overbuffed PLD while making WAR and DRK worse at the same time. PLD is so far ahead that we're going back to the 2 PLD meta again.
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>MFW 0 clears on Learning party
>Start a Clear Party seeing as I knew all the mechanics up to Enrage now
>Fail at 31%
>Fail at 9%
>Someone lines up the cloud with the AoE
>Everyone rage quits the party
I just want my sword so I can pretend to be ready for Omega

Most tanks are too used to doing dungeons whilst being overgeared, you can easily get away with chain pulls in that case. In levelling dungeons it's a lot different, you're not going to have a drastically higher ilvl and most of the time chain pulling just makes it harder for the healer to put out damage so it sometimes ends up just being slower.
50 per match on a lvl70 job.
Just as long as you avoid this person called Meyneth Tyata on that server you'll be a-okay.

Weirdo man tranny thing who's all kinds of fucked up.
play as long as you want but you can only go up to level 35 and you're still subjected to trial limitations like can't use marketboard, shout chat, etc.
In terms of difficulty all three are about the same, play what you enjoy. Ignore FFlog retards and idiots who think that because someone made a youtube video their word is gospel. All the tanks are completely viable, they were viable in heavensward as well, people just have an unhealthy obsession with muh meta because they think copying other players means they're "orange percentile".
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>those excuses
does the choice of my first class matter in terms of unlocking other classes?
What happens if you play a male character when Magnai demands a female stay? I can't imagine you get the option to tell him you'll be his rolanberry.
the first class you choose determines what city you start in, but it doesn't affect unlocking other classes.
WHy japs who obviously has mediocre+ pc still play final fantasy from consoles?
The buduga dude checks you out instead and you get the option on him.
they also buffed block so shelltron is now a tankbuster cooldown
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Old "pro raid scene" meme server. Now this is meaningless because both duty finder and party finder have cross-server options, so it is just a high pop server with a large amount of jaded fucks.
E/RP server, and the most populated server in the game. Degeneracy is very popular in XIV.
High pop server, nothing special about it other than that.
The server of choice of frogs, and the reason why Chaos datacenter is so awful.
Nothing special about it other than the home of some meme FCs, like /vg/ and neofags.
LGBT server.
STRAYA CUNT server, hated by every japanese player (XIV's producer included).

The rest are random low-mid pop servers
Not really, at lv10 you can go to any job guild and become that, just keep in mind that DPS classes are taking a big hit in dungeon queue times due to red mage and samurai being the only new jobs released with the expansion. You might want to start with a healer or tank
>Get randomly booted from POTD to title screen
>Players in queue 789
DRK is tougher to play at 70 than it was at 60, while Paladin is about the same difficulty, and Warrior is more punishing if you fuck up but not really more difficult at a base level.

Managing two separate resource meters that both have shallow caps but can be gained and spent extremely quickly, and hitting more buttons than almost all DPS classes > > > > Using a DoT every four combos, mashing a couple extra oGCDs as they come off cooldown, and avoiding hitting 0 MP, when it comes to difficulty
Wait are the buduga guys looking for boy toys? Did they seriously make a gay fucboi clan of xaela?
>no cactuar

Fuck off we're full
>Empire literally stole ala mhigo hymn and just changed few words
Well not for lack of creativity or something, what better way to crush a province than undermine their own culture? Would be like if the russians conquered america and changed the star spangled banner to be about communism and vodka before making you sing it.
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>watching someone stream an MMO
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How do I know if I'm supposed to just vendor all this shit or hold on to it for the slight chance it's useful for something?
Yes, Buduga tribe is exclusively male.
exodus is home to aurion pax
>DRK is tougher to play at 70 than it was at 60

Can't believe I just saw someone type this unironically
alright, thanks for answering my questions anons
Xeno said that DRK currently is the easiest job he's ever played, which is funny because I would argue that 3.x WAR was easier to play. It's not about the meta really, I want a challenge. He said that WAR is close to other tanks in dps but you have to work a lot harder. And that's attractive to me. DRK currently is all about delirium, BS and BN, there isn't really any challenge to it. I mean it is if you want to squeeze out every little bit of dps and need perfect mp management.

>DRK is tougher to play at 70 than it was at 60
I agree with that. But, as I said above, some people, not just the guy I mentioned, argue it's the easiest tank.
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>run Bardam's Mettle as SAM
>about to LB the boss at 15%
>BRD steals the LB
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Balmung's numbers would explode if it weren't locked at the moment

>yfw your buddy on Balmung tells you that he's still getting 9k errors and high queues
Jesus fuck anon at least sort that shit.
See for how much it sells in the market. You can click sell item onnyour retainer and there is a button that will pop out the prices of that item on the market, if its 1 or 10 gil, just sell it to an npc
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Anyone have a screensshot of Baldur Rapier?
I don't see a sort button
I have the same problem desu, one time i just quit playing because i cant deal with all the shit have hoarded
who louisoix here?
Because no matter how hard you want to deny it and kick and scream, controller users can perform at the same level as KB+M
Changing the Ala Mhigan anthem isn't really the Garleans style desu. Usually they seem to just prefer crushing any local culture and imposing their own. I can't imagine the stationed Garlean forces would be happy about singing a song of primitive savages either.
He's right though. What makes you think using Scourge once every 30 seconds and switching between Dark Arts Soul Eater and Delirium was harder?
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Well I'll eventually get it to 70 it's gonna be my last leveled of my three I want at 70 before raid and 24man content drops.

Bard and Machinist absolutely rape in PvP. 1v1 MCH will always win against anyone that isn't a tank. Healers you can win against but it'll be the longest fight ever.

Bard has more sustained dps in PvP due to dots and your procs depending on which paeon you're on. But Machinist is literally the king of burst, it's insane how many players I've made salty in every mode and the Wolf's Den duel arena.
>right click

What about the MP drain from DA?
Is moving to omega free or still have to pay?
It's free
It's free but overpopulated right now, also it has become the EU ERP server
That cutscene makes a lot more sense now that I think about it
>If I insist it again and again people will surely believe it.
Yes, they can perform at the same level as a bad KB+M player so you're not entirely wrong.
>it's really easy if you're not trying to do well
Could literally be applied to any job. Get Xenos dick out of your mouth and play multiple jobs and make your own opinion.
As long as there are people to play with... I'm fucking tired of my dead server.
>it has become the EU ERP server
Has it really? Fuck me, I'm still stuck here for 3 months.
>Xeno said that DRK currently is the easiest job he's ever played

Have you watched any of that video of him whining about Warrior? (I don't blame you if you can't stomach it) He has a fucking temper tantrum on camera over his gauge not being divisible by 10 after a swap.

He's babyraging really hard and lashing out at every other class he's ever played because they aren't the Heavensward "Yo check that Fell Cleave yo" Warrior.
>balmung players like pineapple on their pizza
Zenos literally started dressing like a doman, fighting like a samurai, and making his forces dress like domans
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>playing unpopular dung
Why don't tanks just overmeld crafted accessories with STR?
So how fast is pvp leveling and is DRK fun to play?
so garbage for one half, okay for the other and completely rapes the game its based off story from that point on
For some reason people love to exclusively look at what was removed and ignore what was added when it comes to discussing changes. Probably because they are miserable tards who want an excuse to be angry.

Same reason people call 4.0 DRK "2.x PLD tier" because it has 2 combos, even if they weren't any more complex with 3 combos, while also ignoring the vast amount of shit that interacts with the other skills and how the class is based mostly around managing their resources. Same goes for all jobs really, any "challenge" in them comes from resource and cooldown management and the actual combos are just simple shit you do to fill the gaps, yet people act like hitting Souleater instead of Delirium when you had MP to spend was genius-level complexity.
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There's a clan of Xaela made up entirely of horsefuckers
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Those are nothing, You'll experience real terror when you have bags full of uniques and untradables like me
Zenos was also autistic, a massive weeb and had a habit of killing anyone who disagreed.
They new first tier of greys is recolored baldur so look at them
>thought SAM was fun
>NIN is even more fun
weeb 4 lyfe
Huh does he make you do different chores
You really don't need to level DRK to understand how simple its rotation and new skills are. Don't cap on MP/Blood, use your off-gcds when they're up, use as little Power Slash as possible. Congratulations, you're a pro DRK.
I bet he watched trash anime
Yes, there is a reddit post about it.
Was practically inconsequential if you went Dark Arts Soul Eater into Delirium back into Dark Arts Soul Eater, maybe run 2 Delriums in a row if you had Dark Passenger off cooldown or coming off cooldown. I find the lack of regen in Darkside now to be a more compelling mechanic than the mp drain.
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It's all valid complaints that many other people have brought up, no matter what his tone is.
No, he still picks Hien and you and Gosetsu still get your chores from Magnai.
Well there's doing it well and doing it perfectly. And some jobs can achieve that perfection or whatever more easily than others.

I did watch it. He argues that since WAR has no utility at least give it higher dps to compensate. And when he talked about other skills I didn't really get everything because my WAR is at lvl 56 and I barely know anything about it.

Yes, DRK has been treated unfairly. I'm just saying what I've heard people say and they say it's the easiest tank, people that actually have it at 70
dumb frogposter
That was a total nonfactor unless you're a retard. It drained extremely slowly, and there was no real benefit to spending so much MP that you'd be in danger of running dry, until you were good enough at the job that you'd easily know exactly whether or not you could get away with it.

It's much more difficult in Stormblood to keep yourself from accidentally capping out on MP and pissing away extra DA potency once you're at 100% than it ever was to avoid hitting zero in Heavensward.
I don't think that's right because the PLD weapon is Burtgang
MNK here. What's optimal play for 70? I've been basically using everyone on CD, so I end up with RoF and Brotherhood together all the time, with IR once every 180 seconds. I do try to time oGCDs with RoF/BH. RoE for incoming unavoidable big dick damage (or if the tank dies and enemy goes to me). Otherwise not much has changed it seems.
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Who cares. SB ruined PvP even further by making jobs braindead to play and removing all defensive options.
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So glad I transferred out of this overpopulated hellhole.
...which can also be applied to any job? WAR is the hardest tank to play well right now because they actually have to plan ahead with their stance switching if they want to maximize their mitigation and damage, DRK and PLD are both far simpler with very little different outside of hardcasts for PLD.
How many tomestones of verity are required for a full set of 310? Early access ended and I dont have the full game yet but I got pld to 70 so I can still farm them through dailies and pvp :3c
You can't fight two Cids in a single expansion, anon.
Elidibus is Cid nan Garlond
HOLY FUCK SQUARE ENIX FUCKED UP TANKS. Came from Lakshmi Ex Farming. Paladin main tank full lakshmi acc did around 1200dps. Dark Knight off tank did 2400~dps with ilvl270 acc. (had no problem surviving whatsoever.)

MP drain meant you could actively fuck it up. Lack of MP regen just makes it another resource that you regen by using skills. Darkside no longer actively draining MP is a huge nerf to the job's complexity and brings the skill ceiling way down.
>clemency critting for 18k
>can pump out 6 of them before running out of mp

just one of these would be a 2 minute cooldown for the other tanks
Pretty much exactly what you've just said. MNK is basically unchanged except you get an extra Forbidden Chakra every so often.

I hate Riddle of Fire. The weaponskill slowdown fucks with me so much since my shit isn't available when I expect it to be and I end up missing buttons.
>Cid and his team
>Estinien doing the dragoon pose on one of the Excelsior's spikes without anybody noticing and fucking shit up on the side
Dream cast for the next expansion. God I really wished all the Scions would kick the bucket this expansion.
>that one Dotharl guy saying he was actually a girl
Xaela are 100% degenerate
You and yours
Wow, that sounds like solid data right there.

No wait, sorry. You're just fucking dumb.
>abandoning instead of trying to learn
RDM is too hard. I always push the wrong fucking buttons like casting Jolt when I get a Verstone or Verfire proc
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>that single player duty on the azim steppe
>Sadu going nuclear while Magnai is stomping on niggas
Whats your point?
yup that 200dps worth of accessories is totally the reason he did twice the dps. It couldn't possibly be the paladin was just bad.
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how to make good looking femgiraffe
>This is the FFXIV playerbase
Where can I get this?
damage of both players was consistent around that mark. Just equip the 270 sweet gear. Just did many runs with that group.
You can actively fuck up by hitting 100% on 4.0 DRK and then continuing to regain MP. And you can literally gain 60-70% or more of your MP pool from one GCD to the next, which is a lot tougher to deal with than having your MP tick down by like 2-3% every server tick.
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I was a little wrong. First tier greys are armor and last tier weapons are the baldur stuffs. Just look at the last tier of grey weapons
>And you can literally gain 60-70% or more of your MP pool from one GCD to the next

How does this happen now that Blood Price got nerfed?
and even if they do that you can report them and get them banned for days
No thank you. I do miss it being 30 second cooldown, though.
Do you play on primal because let's party up and gang up on the shits

Join the tryhard pvp discord and type your initials here, I'll add you after work
What server? My tank buddy loves teaching people how to tank.
I'm 5 ft 5 in do you think it would be possible for Tataru to suck my dick while we're both standing?
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try this
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What is the best way to earn gil?
I wanna get a house or die trying.
black mages aren't that common lore wise
spend gil to level crafting
sell crafted items
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>Healing warriors in the new primal ex fights
If you have even a small source of income, just buy it until you get your crafters up.
I want to fuck Alphinaud
Crafting, followed by gathering, followed by gimmick stuff like maps, adventurer in need, and farming pets.
People dont complain about tanks in this game, most of the time. They dont want you to leave and get other queue so they will be helpfull. Any chance of you being yelled at is on primal ex. but just join a learning party and should be chill.
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Haven't played yet, waiting for 4.2 or .3 so I don't have to wait for content, how are they? Fun to play?
Blood Weapon, and Syphon Strike regenerates twice as much MP when in Grit.
Syphon Strike
Hope you enjoy all the memers in 270 slaying accessories.
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current hair/glamour
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Ah, you might be right you might be right. But why is it so ugly? Nothing about that Rapier looks like its from Tactics Ogre.

On another Rapier note. Does anyone know what Rapier Arya is wielding?
>that walkway up to the apartment
>all those small paths that lead to hot springs
>beach shores
Delirium + Grit-Syphon Strike is more than half your MP pool, and you'll have Blood Price running when it happens.

Delirium + Syphon Strike + Blood Weapon x3-4 (Syphon Strike, the preceding/following weaponskill, plus 1-2 auto-attacks) is an even bigger chunk.

It's fucking stupid how much MP DRK generates in Stormblood. My last SSS trial averaged a Dark Arts every 5.3 seconds.
>muh 200dps gain
Surprisingly complex, especially compared to RDM.
They're fun.
SAM is as easy as BLM but for melees
RDM is going piano mode like Monk but for ranged.
Both are flashy and fun to play
SAM is pretty fun because it has 2 mechanics to juggle instead of just 1, and you could argue it has a 3rd mechanic, Open Eyes, but that's hardly important
what does it do?
Don't avatarfag.
I don't like it, but thanks for the suggestion, anon.
tests your AoE dodging
>literally had the biggest difference between shit BLM and great BLM
BLM takes intimate encounter knowledge, moreso than other classes and willingness to take risks
But what do i craft?
I have a Culinarian and Botanist in level 70.
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>anon asks for suggestions
>post suggestions
Where do I get 270 str accessories? I legit don't see myself dying as drk with TBN on such a low cooldown.
Thanks senpaitachi, looking forward to playing in a few months
>even reddit, the most defence force, circlejerk place is complaining about the state of SCH
>Barely matters because we're never getting our abilities back that made the class fun to play
>Yoshi will just throw 20 potency on Galvanize and tell us to fuck off like the filthy gaijin we are

Gonna just finish the MSQ as SAM and quit the game i think. SCH was the only class in the game that had a nice wide toolset and felt engaging to play.
Look up what's the most valuable food for each job and massproduce those
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>tfw cleared it first try with no prior knowledge of the fight
Not to mention how quickly your Blood Gauge swings up and down once you start using Blackest Night. By the time you have enough Blood to use a Blood Gauge consumer, you already have too much to take a BN worth of Blood without wasting any.
glamour prisms ALWAYS sell, but be prepared to get undercut
christ you SCHucks are annoying
All right, thanks!
Do you know where i can find what is selling the most?
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There are a lot of rape, actually
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Something like this.
Yeah, how dare people be upset about their favorite job getting gutted.
And I don't even play SCH.
shut up SCHuck

Literally just wear something that covers the neck and they look fine
>want to play DPS
>choose a healer job

SCH logic
>Just did the first dungeon
>Basically no mechanics to speak of
>About 8 packs to AOE down, no mechanics and barely any casts whatsoever
>Boss mechanics almost non existent
>Literally a one direction hallway

Please please tell me it gets better
SAM is the most complicated DPS in the game right now with MNK and DRG right behind it.
nigger that's a male
Well, I just started The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen, the first Hildebrand quest, right? I am excited to find out whats so great about this fellow
Will do, thanks anon.
so the same thing as susano? that's all susano was
>illiterate and/or retard logic
Gets better in Heavensward
HW is what started that trend tho
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>mfw this thread

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SAM nerfs when?
So wait, you're worried that the boss fights aren't complicated enough, on the first dungeon, where it's teaching you about dungeon mechanics and boss fights?

Thats like being afraid a movie is going to be bad because theres a long line at the ticket counter.
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People should be happy being a healer bot and nothing else?

While everyone is having fun?
Teach me, senpai
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I wanna climb that giraffe.png
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You've got damage skills. A small set befitting a non-dps job.
Get all the buffs from AST and RDM, then get some lucky crits on Guren and Midare.
is the story in this actually any good or should I just skip most of it because holy fuck 50 chapters for one lil quest
>teaching you about dungeon mechanics
>level 70 dungeon
>had to have cleared a minimum of 20 to get to that point
That makes it even better.
copy that
I'm not finding it that bad to use. It makes it much easier to double weave and you just need to watch demolish. After losing B4B it's nice to hit hard again in your opener.
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I'm fairly certain the first dungeon in the game isn't in Stormblood.
>playing with English VA
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skip it. endgame is the only content that matters and you need to catch up.
>0 damage taken
but how.
Why? So he can be spend his time sitting in queues and waiting for lockouts? Wish endgame obsessed tards would kill themselves already.

imo the story itself isn't the best, but the lore surrounding the world is very good, and a good chunk of it comes from the main story. having some context to go with the things you are doing makes the game more fun overall

skip it if you want, just don't ask questions later or people will shit on you for skipping it
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Do not listen to this retard.

Technically, Conrad never made her the leader of Ala Mhigo.
He made her the leader of the resistance.

Right now she's still the leader of the "Resistance" soldiers, and that's about it. Raubahn himself states that the people still need to figure out what kind of government they want for themselves.
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Is NIN fun or is it for weebs only?

Can't decide to potion my BRD 10 levels from 50 to 60, or a NIN from 1 to 60.
I haven't played my BRD until as of late from leveling it to 50 in 1.0.

I'm so sick of leveling. I'm willing to do this one cash shop item in my entire time playing this game to save me time as working the same amount of time than leveling would be in my favor.

Pls send help
you hate fun or something anon?
NIN is pretty fun, low maintenance job to play.
>Is NIN fun
It was fun in HW, now it is not
you can 1-60 in a day or two
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it's pretty great, I just wrapped up Heavensward and by the end of it my character literally knew every single character of importance in this world. Game certainly knows how to make your character feel relevant

how many ilvl 310+ 70s do you have?
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Man, I have some genuinely awesome scenery shots saved
>skunk hair
Nigga what are you doing
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None, because Im taking my time and enjoying all levels of content instead of rushing to the end so I can sit in Kugane, AFK and bitch on /v/ about how there's nothing to do in game because MUH ENDGAME.
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People like you are what's wrong with the game
my friend on balmung claims to have a 3 hour long queue to log on
Lets go for a swim anon.
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I'm the highlander behind that
it's a warning coloration to watch out for her anal scent glands
>when savage raids aren't even out right now
It does. 2-3k queues often take 1-2+ hours to clear.
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Lets go for a swim anon.
it blows my mind that people rushed through the MSQ in like a day, why are you even playing an RPG?
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more elezen qts
MNK and DRG are both behind NIN in complexity, in terms of melee
SAMs pretty interesting though
>mfw taking my time so well that I'm still not at Susanoo normal
English VA in SB is really good, especially Zenos and Yotsuyu.

yep, only way to avoid balmung's queue is logging on at 3-5am PST and afking in a house with a craft table up so you don't get booted

but sometimes you can't even go inside your own house because the sub server for houses is also full
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muh ex primals
muh BiS
>just finished RM today and I started last saturday
I wonder how the NEETs are holding up
AST shields and being good at the game, my guess
y u do dis fren
Swimming sucks but it's almost worth it for this.
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>pick tanking class
>want to be a brick shithouse absorbing damage that would be lethal fo anyone else
>everybody online constantly shitflinging aboit which tank can produce the least underwhelming damage numbers

I don't understand
t afk in idleshire/rhalgr all day
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