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Nostalgia thread /v/

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Thread replies: 165
Thread images: 103

Nostalgia thread /v/
Genesis was godly with great license games
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Am I the only one here who had one?
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>PS2 is considered nostalgia now

I mean, I'm not even arguing with that, but it still feels wrong
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>Kingdom Hearts 1 is literally 15 years old

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What are you having for lunch?
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Nostalgia bomb
>there will never be an era as GOAT as the 90s
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>you will never be happy as you were in the 90s
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>All the free music, music videos and AMV you wanted
>50% chance what you downloaded was porn
>25% said porn was child porn

Limewire was interesting
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>you still have the commercial memorized

were you in prison in the 90s? how does it compare to today?
Weird nostalgia for me; I never owned the game but played it a lot when I found a webpage that let you play Genesis games right in the browser.
>spend eons downloading a song
>open it up
>"My fellow Americans..."
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You motherfucker.
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>Not enjoying school pizza
You have no fucking soul
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Missing Beakman's World.
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Thats what im fucking talking about
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Got ya
I must be a special snowflake but I never got a "My fellow Americans"
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>tfw you were a stupid kid and would actually tell people in chat rooms your real age
>Other people would ask me weird and sexual things and I would respond to them because I was a dumb as fuck kid
>Probably was chatting with about 20 pedophiles who were more than likely jerking off to me
A weird time this was
lol u losers are so fuckin old
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Will anything come close to being a worldwide success/ popular as Pokemon was in the 90's
Milk and fruit juice, fucking what?
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>mfw no video games when I was a child
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>They actually bought this back
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the only rare game I ever played on n64
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If you this the most growing up:

You were the normal kid. You had a great childhood. You're a normalfag and is a decent adult

>Cartoon Network
You were the weird kid. You also became a major weeb in your teenage years. You grew up to be a weeb loser and hate yourself

You were the confused kid. Questioned your sexuality during your teenage years. You are now a bisexual or gay adult

>Fox Kids
You were the loner kid. You hated most things popular and stayed to yourself. You are now a hipster jackass

>Kids WB
You were the autstic fucker. You thought you were hot shit but everybody hated your fucking guts. You still act the same way now as an adult but even worse

You were the poor kid. Didn't have much growing up but you made the best of your childhood. You were smart in school and grew up to having a decent adulthood but wish you had a better childhood

Accurate I know /v/
I can't remember if this game was good or shit
I just thought Minecraft was a phase?
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he didn't main tommy
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What are you renting for the weekend?
best minigame
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this hit me hard
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For those with some ray in the man
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Tetris Attack is better
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What was in the Heinz can though? It wasn't beans was it?
OH shit forgot vid


I don't remember that scene from that game... Even the UI is different, what is this
Buster's Hidden Treasure for the Sega Genesis
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i still dream of the day i get a sequel to this

every year i get my n64 out and beat that shit in S-hard.

At least i got the gbc one in 3ds recently so i can scratch the itch anywhere
>tfw saw a kid getting beat up outside a Blockbuster
Don't know why that memory stuck with me so hard through the years
Where the fuck did you live? In the ghetto?
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3 > 2 > 1
Fight me bitch niggas
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shit happens everywhere
which is everywhere shits are
which is everywhere
>shit happens everywhere
maybe in the 3rd world
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The great outdoors 2.png
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So, you watched Kids WB, right, autismo?
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I had one of these bad boys.
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>11 years
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Unless this is some obvious bait, you aren't allowed to feel nostalgia for something that is less than 4 years old.
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I actually watched 4 and 5 more than any of them except for maybe 2.
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3 has the absolutely amazing(though anticlimatic) underwater pokebattle with Misty, I can't not agree with you
though I've never cared too much for Ash's Charizard
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They bought back Oreo'Os, they bought back Surge, now they need to bring this back
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I fucking loved this game
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At least you guys got pretzels, what the fuck.
Pizza day was always the best day in elementary school
SNES version is better but for some reason the sword in this one feels fucking great
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You all just nostalgia'd hard as fuck. Admit it
Gameplay in this is actually really fucking good.
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The sexy ads for this game got video games banned in my house for a while.
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>Not pressing right click, putting the hand on the monkey and then letting go of right click

I wonder if those promotional cards are worth anything these days.
I thought the holographic ancient Mew card would be worth something these days but apparently it's not worth shit
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This has been a meme for awhile but cmon it's true
Childhood it's the only time in the life of people where they are genuinely happy.
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Nostalgia faps?
oh yes
nigga the ps2 is almost 20yo now
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>That remix of the theme song at the start of the 3rd movie

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>Cartoon Network
>Adult Swim
>TBS Morning Cartoons
>Kids WB
>ABC Family
>Fox Kids
>Fox Box

>Super Nintendo
>Sony Playstation

I miss my childhood.
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>friday night sleep over
>all the pals are here
>boot up Twisted Metal 4
>pick calypso
>anon the firetruck sucks
>launch special at idiot manlet who chose microblast
>no anthony just watch
>*hydrogen bombs behind u*
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>tfw I saw this cared for the first time
It a shitty card but I always add it to my deck
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and slam in the back of my DRAGULA
Is that fuckin math blaster?
Worst Classicvania.
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Snes version is great too
Right in the heart anon. I remember getting my ps2 and seeing these games on the back of the box and thinking "man these games don't come out for awhile"
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Maybe not. Doesn't mean we can't keep trying.
I haven't seen this since I was like 9. Completely forgot about it.
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Jesus fuck almighty, this hit me hard.
>got juice AND milk
>and a mini ice cream

What kind of luxury rich kids school is this??
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(though Rondo of Blood on PC Engine was probably better, despite lack of god-tier chip tunes and 8-way whip swinging action)
This shit was like crack
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>I'm some horrible mix of CN and WB
Does anyone remember this old game: I think it was a web game, might have been flash or one of those kids cd games
You made a car out of random things like shopping carts
Every once in a while the road would transform from asphalt to a skunk's tail and it would eat you or something
I had the 2005 edition of Hoyle Puzzle games that came bundled with Incredible Machine. I would jump between playing that and Zoo Tycoon for the longest damn time.
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I watched all of them except WB and Fox

neither apply to me
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>tfw latios died
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Why 2D platforms were so good?
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I know this but I don't remember the name
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>75% it had virus
Its the cheaper alternative to legoor mega bloks and it allows for multiplayer so it will go on for a long ass time
I remember this game actually creeping me out for some reason. Can't really recall why though.
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Had troubles with falling asleep for a while..
I had the demo of this but I don't think I ever played the full game. I wonder if it was even any good?
I only watched Cartoon Network as a kid... I turned out really normal I have had multiple gfs and am graduating college next semester. I'm a weeb tho. (No one knew in my fraternity or in high school)
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>epic spengbab memeposting on twitter and facebook among ameriturds
i'm not even american but i can tell this one is accurate
The atmosphere was amazing and generally speaking its decent
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Had the Crash one but it broke. I should get this.
Sexy, what game?
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Loved these two games as a kid.
CN and Nick but Rocko's Modern Life is my favorite cartoon.
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Instantly heard the music.
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2 was the best, but Molly was one of my first childhood crushes.
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>When your stupid ass cinema ran out of Mew cards for the first movie
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Both of these were pretty cool because they were so out there.
They were also too easy.
Thread posts: 165
Thread images: 103

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