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So, now that it has been a few months what is the consensus on

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So, now that it has been a few months what is the consensus on the switch? Is it worth buying?
Not yet. Wait for more games to come out.
It's worth buying about as much as any console that has been on the market for 3 months is. if you like the few exclusives it offers, then it's worth it
i want 1
I can't find one.
Literally WiiU 2.0
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should I buy disgaea or arms? Arms looks liek shovelware but you faggots say elsewise.
Not quite yet
But e3 made it seem like promising games are on the horizion
Definitely a holiday 2017 pick up
Yea try to get one asap so you have one for when splatoon 2 launches
What a shitty diaper
It's not even thick and there are no prints
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This. Can't find any.
It is, IF you can actually find one that isn't being sold for $100+ over msrp.
IMO, after E3 I feel like it is. There's a lot of good stuff on the horizon. Anyone who bought one before E3 was a moron tho.
Liked it better when it was called the Wii U.
There will be more in very soon. I will be picking one up even though the only game I'll play for now is mk8
by the end of the year, it will be worth it
It depend if interest in any of the game that are out or coming out.
I dont understand this, I bought mine today and there were 3 on the store and I there always were like 4 for a month

100% don't give a shit.
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What would be the best video game consoles for me?

I only play video games Rated E For Everyone on the ESRB
The Japan import one must be better
Stay away from the PS4. It's filled with tryhard faggots who won't play anything without blood, violence and swearing
order on amazon you fucking children. ask for your mom's credit card if you don't have one yet.
>439 scalper prices

How about you fuck off.

And which console would be the best for me?

And besides I'm looking for emulators for my laptop
Probably PC for Neopets and the Disney MMO
What store and do you live in bumfuck nowhere or a city were actual people live?
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>just pay scalpers at a $100+ markup
>>>381631313 (OP)
>Anyone who bought one before E3 was a moron tho.
Why though? I'd say Mario Kart was the reasonable time to buy it if you knew you'd buy other stuff coming in the future.
Can I ask why you limit yourself like that?
Consensus is that games are fucking expensive and that I need a second job.
The thing is that trusting Nintendo to even have other stuff in the future is a risky gamble. Also, I personally think that buying a console when there's only 1 or 2 games you want on it is a waste of money. I usually wait for around 5 or so.
>can't pay an additional $100 for a system and will instead wait until 2018 for a restock
get a job, pham :)
Is that violent video games just do not like me.

I see them very unnecessary

I prefer games that are for all ages and all audiences
because mp games are boring.
The chances of you being a scalper who is selling on Amazon is VERY high right now.
It has little Lens and Rens on it

If you're pumped for Zelda and think at least one of Nintendo's summer games looks good, yes.

If you're not excited for one of the summer games, wait until Mario and Xenoblade release this fall.

If you hate fun, don't buy it.
Not every game that is E10, T, or M has violence in it, you know. Maybe a bit less so for M games, but there's definitely nonviolent E10 and T games.
I prefer to play only games Rated E For Everyone.

I prefer to avoid E10, T, and M games

Only games E for Everyone for me please and thank you very much
Im three months, the Switch has been a greater value than either the X1 or PS4 on similar timelines. Especially useful for the more social gamer. I live in a college town in Texas and have totally been to a few house parties where 1-2-Switch and Jackbox 3 were playing off a Switch.
have fun getting fucked by an predatory market, bud
Id wait until the eventual revision comes out and more single player games come out. I could give less of a shit about Splatoon 2 or ARMS so im not gonna throw em more money to play online
Plus they got hardware shortages because apples screwing with them
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Having money isn't an excuse for being retarded with it
>White people
Mostly, yes. It is America. And college.

Except the Switch is already successful.
Fuck off scalper scum.

I preferr Arms over Disgaea to be honest, grinding out levels in a tactics game that really doesnt offer much challenge seems like a waste of time. (as if games werent already a waste of time)
Unless you just want to play Zelda or Odyssey in October.
There is some promise for it in the future though.
Suda 51 is making No More Heroes 3 for it.

A fool and his money nigga.

I imported mine from Spain a few weeks after launch and only paid 315. Thats with shipping. Thank god they finally dropped region locking.
>70% of texans are white
scalper detected
I was going to get it for MH

Now there is no reason to own one
>non-hispanic white
Only if you like the current offerings and wait for the Spla2n bundle.
>the same list of game
>the same list of game it's missed
>the same weak hardware with gimmick
>the same first year hype
>the same shill thread on /v/

It's literally WiiU 2.0.
lots of spics and half-spics claim to be white.
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I think it's great!
It's gimmick around the docking and undocking works flawlessly.
The games are of really high quality so far.
The pro controller is really nice and has 40 hours of battery life.
It's massively successful in a way that doesn't burn as bright as Wii or Pokemon Go, which is important, because it means it'll have a tempered success.

3rd party seemed hesitant to get on board with it, because of the Wii U, but I think it'll get just as much traction as the PlayStation 4 has with tons of exclusive and interesting games.

People see it as a competitor to the other big AAA-bearing consoles and frown at the specs of it, but rather they should see it as the 3DS and Vita successor. I bet it'll be swimming in games by this time next year.
Not worth it yet. Mine's become a dust magnet and will stay that way until Odyssey
Not until mid to late 2018, when Mario and all the other in development titles are already out + they online services are past their experimental phase
why would anything change? a few months have passed and it still only really has mario kart and botw. both games you can get on the wiiu.

it needs more games, but the library down the line looks good. also good luck finding one.
thats how it is here. its not jew york or anything, but my modest town of 100k people has them.
I'm hopeful for the Switch, but I'd wait on it.

I waited forever to pick up a WiiU, but it was still a mistake and I'm glad I didn't pick it up when it first came out, I only play Wonderful101 and Breath of the Wild on mine.

Erased endless bitching about the WiiU's numerous aesthetic and functional shortcomings.

If you don't have a WiiU and have friends that are also going to get a Switch it will probably be half-decent at least, but if you're more into solo gameplay I'd wait until 2018 unless there is some exclusive you're absolutely burning for.
Those are plastic pants, moron.
Furthermore, Nintendo themselves might say that they want to continue to support the 3DS, but everyone else is definitely moving forward. Not only is it a platform that is easy to develop for, it also has a massive install base of thirsty gamers who can't wait to get new software.

I was taking a short look at that Zelda-like they just put out on the store and was considering purchasing it, but I'd never ever notice it if it was on steam.
which one
It's a great little console but it needs more games. Give it a few months unless you have a certain one to play or have real friends to play with.
Supplies vary from place to place. What's so hard to understand, retard?

>just pay the scalpers!
How about you just go fuck yourself in your fat fucking ass?
Oceanhorn. Looks like it have been out forever on Steam, but I had certainly never heard about it before.


Steam is the new Google Play of games, if you really want to see your hard work vanish into the sea of garbage
Literally walked into the largest game store in Melbourne a month ago and bought one on the spot

Recommended if you're content with only playing Zelda and some shovelware, very highly recommended if you have other people in real-life to play Puyo Puyo Tetris/Bomberman/Mario Kart with. Otherwise stick to PS4 or PC
weird, havent seen that in the switch store yet.
I haven't had a reason to Switch™ mine on since I beat Zelda.
Maybe it's not all regions yet?
It's certainly on the EU store and since it's on the US site, I assume it's on that store as well.

Cool beans friendo. Here in the US you have to get the staff to tell when the next shipment is coming and show up before the store opens.
Its a mobile game that became successful. It's decent but not totally comparable to TLoZ.
I'm not sure I could confidently recommend Oceanhorn. Give it a try if you're especially hungry for something like Zelda - otherwise, I think it's a bit bland.
I like the hardware way more than I thought I would.

Current lineup of games is a tiny bit better than expected; indie game buffer is helping with that. Would have felt a little bit unsure if I bought it for myself, but I got it as a birthday gift, and I'm pleased with it.
so far it's sold it's sold marginally better than the Wii U had at this point, which itself, might I add, had sold marginally better than the Wii had.
I think it will be a success, but it's far too early to tell if it actually has been already.
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I was gonna upgrade from my 3ds once Monster Hunter got announced for the west since I wanted to play an HD Monster Hunter game.

Be careful what you wish for.
Just came to realize I'll probably be wearing those soon because I have an annoying anal fistula that I never have gone to the doctor for and it's been like half a year
They're porting Mortal Kombat 8?

Fuck my dick is hard now
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>I never have gone to the doctor for and it's been like half a year
Ah, a fellow American, huh?
pretty much the best system at it's price with loads of exclusive games to play in the future
Sucks, at least you guys aren't forced to pay $100 for every game. $100 for Bomberman is fairly insulting, and the games never go on sale, even years later.
Considering no other platform you can play the game of the decade on, I'd say it's worth it for Breath of the Wild alone.
It's a great way to buy Cavestory again.
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Also, better fighting game with more memorable roster than MvC Infinite
Is it just me or is holding the controllers separately in each hand the comfiest way to play games of all time?

I've only really used my controller grip thing for Mario Kart and that's it
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as a system that does what it does its the best on the market currently however it still has plenty of room for improvement. the real question is how many games are either out or coming out within the next month or so are you interested in.
I bought one for my wife, my wife's son, and myself and we have been loving it, honestly.

Now we are just waiting for Splatoon 2 to drop so we can get some great team matches going this Summer.

People on /v/ are just too cynical. Trust me, the Switch is the best console around ESPECIALLY if you have others around that have one too!
Agreed, PS4 controller forces you to sit a certain way, Switch controllers you can sit however the fuck you like, shit's extremely cash. Plenty of games would be much better with Switch controllers
Just so you know, you can connect Switch controllers to your PC (I think it's with Bluetooth like the Wiimotes)
This shit might actually change my life, I need to try this to see how compatible games are with it
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I bought one this week because E3 settled the question of whether Nintendo would ever lower the price.

I'm trying to convince others to buy it because it's the best local multiplayer system in history.
The local multiplayer is definitely amazing, also highlights just how much Sony and Microsoft have abandoned local multiplayer in favour of 1-player-per-console internet multiplayer, which is fun but nowhere near as good as local multiplayer
>in history
Fuck off.
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Go ahead and start saving
What are the odds of it going on sale sometime this year? If it does, I'd imagine that they'd all be sold out in about 5 seconds.
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>Main series MH game produced by capcom's A team that made MH4U announced for PC, Xbox, PS4
>No longer have to play on a shitty handheld
>Enhanced port of the worst MH game to date produced by Capcom's idiot team announced for Switch
>Lazily done, looks like a previous gen game just like how MH3U did.
>Will probably never be localized
The only potential reason to buy one was deleted at E3.
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>doesn't give an example
Makes you hmmmm

Everybody having their own screen, wireless, easy, portable.

Oh look here's the second soccer team happily playing Mario Kart. Gosh that's more than 4 players! What was that you were saying anon?
As a primary PC guy, I think so. The console build itself is great, and if you didn't have a Wii U, Arms, BotW, Bomberman, and MK should suffice. I enjoy mine very much. No remorse here.
>A traditional Kirby experience

But fucking why

I will never understand this. Developers make the same game over and over, they get massively shit on even by normies. But Kirby always seems to get a free pass even though it's practically the same game as always.

We need a 3D platforming Kirby or something. Just change the formula for once.

Or maybe Kirby is just the IRL Zoo-Wee-Mama and you aren't allowed to not like it
Mention one console worth buying on its first few months.
Nintendo Switch
Because nothing could possibly beat crowding round a screen. Getting closer. Physical contact between each other.

The greats are already made. Power Stone. Toy Commander. Goldeneye. etc etc.

Now fuck off with your baiting and lil snidey trolly crap. Gosh.
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>Pokemon Switch in 2018
I wonder how rushed it'll be
Fuck you nigger, combining copy abilities is amazing, and that was only in 64, SS doesn't fucking count, this is the 2nd time we've gotten that. Also people have been clamoring for Air Ride 2 over a fucking decade, what the fuck are you on about?
If you didn't fall for the Wii U meme, it's worth picking up. Zelda and Mario Kart are probably the main fun you'll have, but it's peppered with more light experiences like ARMS, Mighty Gunvolt, and Bomberman. Throw in some good friends, and you've got yourself many hours of fun. Honorable mention for accessible Minecraft on the go.
It won't be 2018, I walked into Target and bought one last week, and I live in a decent-sized suburb. Just be patient, anon.
This is the other thing about this console that pisses me right off.

>On the go

and minecraft of all games to choose as an example. Like seriously. Just how often will I just whip out my pricey console and play autism simulator?
What journey is so bad that you can comfortabley take out your Switch and play without looking like a complete bellend? Bring a book. Look out the fucking window. Strike up a conversation.
About the only time I can expect it to be of worth is long-haul flights, and even then there's far better, cheaper, less bulky options to choose from.

pretty fun, I'm surprised there are many games I want to get in the first few months, as opposed to when I got the Xbox 360, PS4 or Xbone which only had like 1 or 2 games I really wanted.
I want a game like Kirby 64 again. At least this new one has power-mixing (kinda)
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>scalped enough Switches to get my own Switch for free plus over $100 to spend on significantly discounted games and accessories
>mfw I got the Switch, a Pro controller, BotW, MK8D, ARMS, and PPT for a total of $20
Feels good man. I still haven't opened BotW nor MK8D yet, going to try to juggle BotW for Splatoon 2 instead.
autist detected
Switch let's you give a JoyCon to somebody and crowd around the screen, (((friend))). I know you're mad that Switch is the best, but LAN Spla2oon is greatest of all time potential
Honestly I bought from GameStop and what they're doing is smart, they bundle shit with the actual purchase basically making it less accessable for scalpers to buy them.
I mean, whatever works for you, anon. You can go ahead and be super insecure about playing vidya while commuting... And in spite of how much of a meme that Minecraft has become, it's still a solid game that's fun on the go. Take pretty much any major Switch release and it knocks the pants off of any mobile game.
look man, i bought it with zelda on launch day and i still haven't finished my second playthrough, there's so much value there.
if you're a human being with a job and things to do during the day, then you're not going to be juggling a bunch of games at once anyway.
>buy Switch Bundle with BotW and MK8D for MSRP of $420 plus tax
>sell Switch for $400, leaving BotW and MK8D for ~$60
>can sell/trade one of them in to bring price of other to ~$20, or both for profit
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Does your papa work at Nintendo™?
>It'll be great guys! Trust me! best game 4 eva lolz!1 where are you going, don't leave me..

Oh boy, i'm sure the people in your bus/train must love seeing you commute with them each day like a manchild.
Meanwhile, how the fuck am I gonna play a console while utilizing my own chosen transport? Oh right, I'm an adult.
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>buying cave story for the FOURTH time
It has a great first year line up but that's it, I would be wary to see if they can this up.
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No he worked at Microsoft as the designer of the Xbox One X and jumped under a bus after he saw the multiplayer features of the Switch

The future is fun, not 4K
Can't you order from amazon themselves, even if it's a pre-order?
They don't take reserve orders for out of stock items. It just shows secondary sellers when they don't have any in their own stock.
There is no preorder right now, at least not in the US. Might be lucky somewhere else.
Wait, what's happening here?
A man who's son doesn't even love him and continues buying the competition.
He's looking down on you now, anon. Crying.

Anyway, you're right. 4K is not the answer.
But neither is crowding around a screen the same size as most peoples phones and dicks and playing with dinky, laughable, half controllers with each other simply in case you wanted to take your fun™ on a stroll.

or better yet
buy yet more peripherals and gimmicks
Had to be a N64 retarded child

Give it up, he will start talking about how 64 is the only good Mario game soon.
>One game out of three mentioned is N64
>N64 child

And no. SMW was good. As is 64. Sunshine is okay, Galaxy is okay.
If you commute regularly, you're used to seeing far worse than autismos playing handheld games for it to even register. And frankly, those who do bring handheld devices to play games on commute so regularly they've stopped giving a shit how someone perceives them on the fucking train.
any release date yet?
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So rather than bettering yourself, your appearance and taking an interest in the world; you take the defeatist approach, glue your eyes to a screen in your human cattle carriage and continue looking like a child.
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>pretending you talk to people on public transport
>belittling people who don't
>implying that the second you so much as look at anyone else on a bus or train they're not hitting you with the pepper spray
In what should I take an interest while commuting? The shitskins and the old people? Go choke on my dick.
Order from yurop
>What journey is so bad that you can comfortabley take out your Switch and play without looking like a complete bellend?

My daily commute is 2 hours and 30 minutes. Enough time to comfortably play vidya.

>Bring a book.

I cannot concentrate on a book when there's arabs talking in their horrendous language.

>Look out the fucking window.

That's just wasting time. Besides, I have looked out of the same window and view for more than 15 years Anon.

>Strike up a conversation.

If I see someone I know of course I do that.

>About the only time I can expect it to be of worth is long-haul flights, and even then there's far better, cheaper, less bulky options to choose from.

Like a gaming laptop? Get real lmao
I like it, but so far I only like the very multiplayer centric games.

I think it's cool that they are throwing out a lot of first party multiplayer games. Mario Kart, Arms and Splatoon 2 in the first months is pretty solid. The Bone pretty much survives on multiplayer games.
nah too expensive here in europe. i'm gonna wait for like a year
If you can find one, yes...
Anything but another fucking screen. Yes, study people even. Notice things. You can learn a lot and come away with anecdotes and conversation points beyond what you 'achieved' in a game.

>Implying I use public transport to commute in the first place.
>Speaking from personal experience

>I'm a racist who can't concentrate unless I'm being handheld through a game with jingles.
>Nor can I get a promotion so I can stop using a transport I don't like.
>I am a gamer and must game at all times so help me god.
If you don't like Nintendo games, then not yet. Summer at the earliest, but definitely by Winter. I think there are going to be some Visual Novels being ported to Switch so that will be nice. Specifically the Nitro+ ones.

I envy you. Wanted to buy a switch controller for pc gayman yesterday but the price of 80 € is just too steep. Is there a chance it gets lower or am I doomed to wait for the next 5 years+
>going on a vidya board
>tells people to stop playing vidya

lol fuck off trying to be sagely, if you had it figured out then you wouldn't be here.
Why are you so mad? I travel to work by train because it saves time and allows me to do other things, such as playing vidya. You sound pretty insecure. It's better to spend 2 hours playing games on the go than playing 2 hours when coming home and not doing anything else. I can just use those two hours I would have spent glued to my TV screen doing other things.
It's 65€ on amazon.de
I'm not telling you to stop playing games.
I'm complaining about Nintendo continuing to push bigger things.
Then market them as portable when it's a fucking stupid concept with resources that could've been better spent elsewhere.
Meanwhile it makes the people who buy into it look like cunts. But that's their choice.

Fair play, that is a long commute and if that's what you do to get through such a thing that's your thing.
It's still a compromise and I still think Nintendo are wrong to try and play the main console and portable games in one product.
Mk8 is fun as heck and the new dlc for Zelda is coming out soon, should last you till Splatoon 2 at least
ordered one today, UK finally got some stock back. more for what's coming in 1 year or so, but i'm pretty excited to play zelda and mario kart. looking foward to splatoon 2, xenoblade 2, new pokemon mainly
The Switch is getting exactly the sort of third-party I wanted.
Between my PC and Ps4, I've already got a way to play the big AAA multiplatform titles.
What I wanted from the Switch was essentially the same type of 3rd party support as the Vita.
I wanted smaller Japanese 3rd party games and indie games, especially anything that would allow me to spend hours autistically trying again for a higher score like Binding of Isaac, Tumbleseed, etc.
I'm getting exactly that as well as an increasing stream of small 3rd party titles with a heavy local multiplayer focus and some good Neo Geo ports.
As long as Nintendo keeps up it's stream of notable releases, I'll keep on being satisfied.
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>Really want to try the Switch to form my own opinion about
>Local game store has a fucking billion 3Ds displays but not a single switch
I just want to feel it in my hands guys
Good luck finding one for sale when Splatoon is here. Japan will import all Switches from elsewhere for months.
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