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100% Orange Juice Summer Update 1.19.1

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 516
Thread images: 138

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Orange_Juice are jews! JEWS!
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>The summer heat is making Poppo multiply - expect more Poppo sightings.
What the fuck is this game? Looks weeb as fuck.
Should I buy it?
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no this game sucks, don't buy it
Oh yeah, this game exists.
I haven't played in years.
Newfag/summerfag ,fuck off.
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It is really rare that devs care for their games
I wish them luck, they are good people
But they still haven't released AoS2
You got my interest.
I love weebshit, I don't see the problem.

It stops gold chest from spawning!
Going by the plushie votes, Red Barrel characters are unpopular as fuck. Not even Marc can crack the top 10 and she's one of the main characters.
Watching anime doesn't make you weeb. Speaking japanese everyday while saying that you want to become asian does.
Wait what?
The field event.
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I don't understand why you are calling me a newfag/summerfag when you don't seem to know that everyone here uses "weeb" for anything anime or even japanese related.
Who cares, just tell me what's the appeal of this game?
Why am i not surprised that you are an ironic weeb
It's old as fuck and only has one game to its franchise. Barely anyone has actually played it.
I don't get why you're being so defensive, but sure mate.
So whatever happened to the threads of people playing this game?
because most OJ players are ironic nuweebs and only like nuweeb characters
Rocking_Android are fucking cunts for not releasing Red Barrel on Steam.
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There is now a 1 minute timer on the deck creation in public lobbies. If the timer runs out, remaining decks are filled at random and game starts.
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>Faggot ends the game before getting the chest
What is this game? Should I buy it? I always thought it was just a mario party ripoff with cute girls.
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>Play this game for the first time in like 50 years
>Join a public room after finding one with a name that didn't make me cringe to death
>Literally everyone using that new NoName guy
that's exactly what it is, but it also doesn't even have minigames
>dumb weebs can't even explain their dumb weeb games
color me not surprised
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>CPU get a golden chest.
What's the deal with the new update anyway?
>850 KB update
>Won't download
>Every time it does, it processes for ~1 minute and then returns to waiting to download
So it's just an online board game? Interesting. Does it move faster than mario party at least?
Marc is the cutest out of all of them though.
Also the most skilled despite the lack of physical strength.
By a lot.
Restart your computer. If that doesn't work, uninstall the game and download it again.
Who'd you vote for in the plushie poll?
>Star Breaker
Honestly sounds good to me. Does it have chat?
I verified integrity, it found nothing wrong, but afterward, the update downloaded just fine. Thanks tho.
Yes. It's also only $2 so you don't got much to lose by trying it.
a lot faster, yeah. games are usually like 10-15 minuted unless faggots are being slow and not paying attention

>lack of physical strength
say that to my rocket when I'm raining down megatons of freedom on your cities
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>tfw this is the only game in my steam account and I only made an account to play this game
>last time I played it was last year in early winter
What happened since
Summer Salt
1 more
She personally is just a little girl.
Compared to superhuman killing machines like Suguri, she is very weak. Her power comes from external weaponry like her plane or bombs.

And I forget my last vote, it was either Sugu or Sora IIRC.
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Let's fix that.
Here's Flying Red Barrel with my save file that I didn't even bother deleting. Please don't judge.
Also it's got Japanese but the gameplay is all there, please enjoy.
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I'm working on it.
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this isn't true
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>Fernet stuck in last place only beating the male characters
a lot of gay shit like dailies, premium currency, and loot crates. some shitty new characters as dlc

oj has changed
We TF2 now.
But I'm not not for just playing anime games sometimes ,you goddamn autistic fucktard.
Then why Dak souls threads never get the same treatment for being a jap game?
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why is the menu theme so fucking comfy?
Sounds gay, nevermind I guess I quit at a good time.
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I'm not a weeb and I fucking love it
It's unironically fun as fuck if you actually have friends to play it with
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because dark souls is accepted by the /v/eddit hivemeind
It's not as bad as it sounds.
You have daily challenges. Doing them nets you oranges. You use oranges to buy crates which give you special cosmetics like extra colours or lobby poses, or other cosmetics. You can't buy oranges with real money either.
The only real gay thing is that they changed the store interface and it looks real shitty now.
Official Saki Fanclub
Sounds to me like the most plausible answer, most people have the mindset
Watching half episode of dragon ball for the first time = full blown weeb that wants to become Japanese and hates his country
Needs 1
Sorry Space Jam, maybe later.
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menu is in english though
Dragon Ball (Z) is also very widely accepted by "normalfags". they don't consider it weeb because they watched it on toonami as a kid
Idk. I remember wanting to buy Star Breaker and Sweet Breaker but I forgot about the game after the Christmas event.
This all sounds terrible. Why change a simple but perfectly fine thing?
It didn't really change a whole lot though. It's just sorta there.
Do you hate your friends? If so buy a 4 pack and play with them for a couple of rounds and they won't be friends anymore.
What are some games by OJ worth picking up?
The Suguri games and Sora
QP Dangerous and X-mas Scramble
200% is ok, although you'd be getting it for the multiverse shenanigans.
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Fruitbat Factory only publishes things, but if you like catgirls like Yuki they recently put out a game called Neko Navy that has an an unlockable catgirl
is there a weeb game that lets me just be cute ?
go bad to reddit fag
>Didn't read the announcement
>Can't check the group page because summer sale is fucking up the steam servers
you'll never be cute
but there are some where you can play as a cute girl, yeah
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Most glasses are kinda lame but some of them look okay I guess
Try checking the news page for the game, that works for me.
b-b-b-b-but I have feminine dick ;)
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Friendly reminder that you can win games without cheap and/or overpowered DLC characters in a 100% RNG based game if you are skilled enough.
Newfriend to OJ, are these threads the only place to look when it comes to /v/ lobbies or is there anywhere else people use?
New lobby
/v/ juice steam group is where most of the consistent action takes place. these threads are much less frequent than the posts there
1 more
can I have a link to the group? Steam changed its group browser and it's cancer now
holy fuck whats up with all this weeb garbage on /v/ lately

>threads have been on and off for years

Also you are on a japanese image board, reddit is down the hall.
Lurk more. OJ threads have been an on/off thing for years.
Fernet is best girl
Reddit is that way, you opened the wrong website to whine about anime stuff.
Blame steam for porting all the VN and comiket games.
this is a /pol/ site, anime fags should stay in their containment board /a/, also if you like anime you are a redditor
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>Hating weeb games
Seems like /v/ doesn't like good games.
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epic reaction images, sure summer is here
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hell yeah nigger get used to
well, duh, june is usually when summer starts
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It appears you are new to 4chan, newfriend.
When your mother died from AIDS, was it from your dad or you?
i mean your a summerfag
Eugene is a boy, though.
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nah man I don't like summer much, it's too hot

I'm a winterfag
fuck you tohobrony dont tell me what to do
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what's wrong anon having a bad day?
I want to fuck Yuki (Nagato)
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go back to gaia faggot
Well, this was a creative way to kill an OJ thread. Well done. Didn't realise people hated it so much.
You can't kill something that's already dead
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You should know better than to make a thread on /v/ during American hours in the summer.
/vg/ exists for your circlejerk generals, go there
OJ threads are nowhere near common enough for a general.
There's a steam group for /v/.

That applies to games which have recurring threads for several days, like your six fucking FFXIV threads, four Fallout 4 thread,s the LOL thread, porn threads, disguised /soc/ threads, and everywhwere Marielx shows up to flaunt that he still hasn't been assassinated.
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Honestly, the post quality doesn't even change during the summer anymore. It's always terrible.

What is with this recent, "If I don't like it, it should go to /vg/" meme?
Banned from OJ, banned from RoR, and almost banned from drawfag threads for being a general cunt.
How does he survive.
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is there any way to stop the sudden slow down and freezing? my game crashed right near the end of a game and now its scaring me more than usual/. I have a good pc so that's not a problem, is it connection?
On well done steak with ketchup, I imagine.
by feeding on attention he's being given, like every tripfag
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Surrender all your rare bureikas to us!
>Premium currency

Don't make up blatant lies, alternate currency is not premium currency. You can't spend money to buy it.
continuation with marc using the rocket as a dildo on saki when
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Do not use rockets as dildos, anon.
Best Lobby

Also what does Amplify do?
It's okay, that one is clearly a toy. It being used as a "toy" wouldn't be much different.
Read the fucking patch notes
>New field event has been added: Amplify.
Every 6 chapters, all characters randomly receive a +1 boost to Attack, Defense or Evasion. Duration: 2 chapters.
>sure summer is here
Not were I live faggot.
Random stat boost for a few turns. Would it kill you to just hover over it's name to see what it does and how frequent it comes up?
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I know it's always bad on /v/, but even I've noticed it's just gotten especially fucking bad in recent weeks. There's this significant increase in backseat modding by people who think they know what should be best for /v/ when they don't even have any sound logic behind it besides "well the rules say so and so, so regardless of context, this video game thread should not be allowed." and they proceed to spam /v/ plays, Retardy, or even any thread for any game that happened to get more than one thread in a week because apparently /vg/ existing means all video game discussion and activity has to happen there. I really hope this shit blows over by the time summer ends because /v/'s gotten so insufferable that I'm honestly even starting to consider that maybe Reddit won't be so bad in comparison. I've never even been to Reddit though,
so I could still be wrong there.
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Postan best girls and best card.
Yea it would kill me. Now join my lobby.
>Banned from OJ
please tell me they banned him from the game and not just a random forum.
What a disgusting human being he is.
Either you need a break man or the summer thing really is real. Mix of both.

Every month or two you read the same thing. "Things have gotten worse". Guess what happens a few days later? Its back to normal.

Chill bro, things will settle. Also remember to sleep good. But yes expect a slight bump due to high school and college kids.
second this
Sadly, he just gets booted from /v/ lobbies. Fruitbat doesn't care enough about that favela-slum mexican.
Reddit is atrocious for anything other than being a content aggregate, and that's not even considering how awful the resulting community is.
In small communities it's acceptable but those are exceptions not the rule.
lobby where
But that's not Kae and Nath and best card is super all out mode
Im at work phoneposting it will have to wait some hours.
Probably just the year round NEETS who turn up the shitposting cause the heat gets to their brainlets. Besides, phoneposting is the new summerfag and it's year round
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lobby w h e r e
If by booted from lobbies you mean host runs away while i take over the lobby and start the game as people join cause of the announcement? Then yeah i get booted.
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>Keep bumping into people who think characters like Suguri and Yuki are the best characters in the game by far
>When characters like Fernet have been nerfed directly or indirectly for dozens of updates but Suguri and Yuki have gotten many indirect nerfs
>Can't prove anything to them because apparently beating them 5 times in a row doesn't count because "You just got lucky" or "I just suck, my opinion is still true though"

How can you prove things to people in a game like this when they don't understand basic math and probability?
>but Suguri and Yuki have gotten many indirect nerfs

Whoops, I meant buffs, not nerfs.
>having shit taste
They have best personality, design, and style of gameplay for 100% Orange Juice, AoSX, and AoS2.
Probably one of the most infuriating things about trying to theorycraft with 100% Orange juice. In Fighting games or RTS games you can just beat the crap out of them and they'll easily understand that they're wrong. In OJ there's still the chance that they'll win or get close to winning, and that overwrites the 9 wins you have over them.
>an infantile retard
>anything she has, other ojs have better

>a braindead cripple
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same shit. premium doesn't have any different implication than alternate does
>anything she has, other ojs have better
no other ojs have bigger kaes than kae tho
premium implies there is a method of purchasing it
>no swimsuit costumes for the summer event but glasses
Why would they do this
>Muh animayz isn't weeb XD
Either you're baiting, or you have no idea what premium means. With your logic any game that has more than 1 currency has premium currency.
But Kae isn't a retared. She just hasn't gone outside for a very long time because Shifu's orders.
if one type of currency is used to buy special exclusive items that can only be obtained by use of that currency, then yes it's premium. no you don't have to pay for it in OJ, but you grind for it. which can be done in most f2p shit games as well, but they also let you pay to bypass the grind
Swimsuit is a level 300 unlock.
What's the level 200 unlock?
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But we do have swimsuits
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Saki, Yuki, Sham, Nath, just off the top of my head
>those arms
Hono literally was lazy and said Saki's breast size varies. None of them are consistently sized anyways.
You have to play games to get both stars and oranges. Aren't Stars also a premium currency then because you cannot buy things like stages and cards with Oranges? You can grind for stars too, does that make it premium?

Your definition of what a premium currency is is extremely confusing, that's why people say premium = currency you can buy.
Hono just can't draw tits sizes correctly
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>implying breast size isn't entirely variable
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>Still no double paizuri with Kae and Saki
>provide proof from the series creator
>i-i-it doesn't count because!..
I know, I'm just busting your balls
The exact same thing can be said about stars and candy as they are all used to buy their own things. Does that make everything a premium currency? You only think oranges are premium because it came out later.
>hono said saki's breast size varies on her weight
>she can only have bigger tits then kae if she's a landwhale
>If you have to grind for currency that makes it similar as pay2win garbage games where you can buy the currency instead

Those games are designed so that grinding for currency is extremely slow to try and force you to buy the currency. Almost every single game that has currency at all will make you go out of your way to collect more or encourage you to collect more. That's what makes currency an interesting part of games in the first place.
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>Saki can go from DFC to cowtits at will
>People doubt her being best girl
t. Kike_Juice
t. KikeBat Factory
Swimsuits might be a little much for a game like this.
>oppai loli
It's all I ever dream of, anon.
>Ignoring everyone else in the series doing the same thing
>including aru
Gee anon you really are making my brain work an awful lot here maybe I shouldn't like shifu for being cute because he can't grow tits.
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Do I need friends to play this?
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Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that, then! Just close your eyes for a sec, aaaaaaand...
No. You can lose friends playing this though.
no theres a single player mode for the sad lonely pieces of shit like you
ok going to buy it I hope to play with you fags
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aren't we all friends anon?
>skeleton flat chest or disgusting land whale
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/v/ will be your friends.
It's better with /v/
i'll join if you buy it and wanna play

i want to play but there are no lobbies
haha memes lol
>no lobbies
join the /v/ group and make a lobby yourself nigga
then make one faggot
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I see we're posting OJ tits.
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I guess so.
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But it's not, you goddamn retard, back to youtube jacking off to Frank videos thinking they are the funniest shit in the world without getting the message.
Weeb=/=anime watcher. It would be like saying /a/ is like /jp/ when they actually dislike each other.
I want 4chan to go back to 2003 more then ever before, i'm tired of people like you.
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We will never return to the 4chan of our teens, anon. 14 years... better to ask ourselves why we bother coming back here.
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Why are you trying to argue with a shitposter? Just come play some OJ, dude.
update the game
i can't get in
which one?
2 more on aaa
Whichever you think is more dead.
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who has the best summer glasses and why is it noname?
I don't see this one
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Fuck seagulls.
So if I'm reading it right, everyone gets a prize for the gold chest being collected?

Or maybe I'm just too hopeful it won't be a mad dash and make the character unlocks near impossible to get for everyone.
Yes, it seems everyone gets the reward if a golden chest is picked up.
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Every player gets the sunglasses/whatever for the character they're playing when it's collected.

Thank god, so it's alright if someone snipes it.

Wonder how the milestone rewards will be given out for the global counter?
>A new map has been added: Treasure Island. Unlock it by collecting treasures!
Has anyone unlocked it yet?
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Here's info on the treasures and new map.

Get to collecting.
I want to know what the global reward IS.
I can't even join a lobby. They all say that the lobby is using an older version. Update your shit faggots.
Yeah there was some 200 kb update two hours ago or so
Real talk guys how do I get my normie friends to play this with me? The hate weeb shit out of principal
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I guess I'll make one then
Let's Play Fortune Street // rage
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So, how do you like them voices?
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>3 minutes and it's already full
gotta go fast
They're probably not worth the money, but I bought them anyways because they were cute.
I love them
>It would be like saying /a/ is like /jp/
In that they're both fucking filled with weeaboos?
because that's true.
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Please buy Human Tanks games
I think the characters look super cute but I don't like the look of the gameplay. Sell me on it.
screencap this post

we will get a new poppo skin and dice from golden chest
Bought it and played it a whopping zero times, I just want to pull that tank girl into a hug and nuzzle her cheek whilst she squeals and tells me to stop but secretly loves it, ditto with Saki and Starbreaker whilst we're on the subject, though the latter would probably kill me before
I get the chance >.<;
Stop it. I know you're right but I don't want to believe it.
The gameplay sucks though. They managed to force TBS gameplay into a visual novel engine that wasn't made to accommodate it and it shows, everything is clunky as fuck to control and the actual gameplay beyond that is simplistic and dull.
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>best girl has best voice
Absolutely not.
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>posting the inferior verson
I don't hear them
1 more
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The games are honestly kinda shit, but they have this weird sort of "newgrounds flash game" charm to them and there's something about Human Tanks themselves that I can't help but love
So is this weeaboo Mario Party with 20x the anger and bullshit?
sounds fun. guess i'll get a 4 pack to make my friends hate me.
it's not mario party you FUCKING AUTIST.
right, mario party.
but Mario Party IS "weeaboo"
Mario Party is literally the only board game that has ever existed.
mario is classic weeb, this is that fresh weeb
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Not to mention that the games are like 3gb and can even have slowdowns because of the most retarded and unoptimized method of animating I've ever seen in a game
That's the jist of it.
that is to say, freshly squeezed
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>sub 100 IQ animeNEETs are assblasted about the non-existant ironic weeb boogeyman
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Can anyone post the waifu chart and the player type chart?
>1$ game

eh I'll bite

hopefully I don't have to buy the bajillion dlc characters to have a chance online
Holy shit is this real!?
Need one player here
Official Saki Fanclub v2 is up, but full at the moment.
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outdated as fuck but w/e
They're just flavor. Starter characters are good, but you can unlock a ton more from single player.
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DLC characters are just there if you want a different playstyle or like a certain character/game. You can unlock a bunch of characters from playing singleplayer anyways. The game is still reliant on luck a lot of times so it's not like it makes a huge difference who you play if you still end up rolling 1's against seagulls in the end.

it's literally an RNG based game so there is no pay to win, plus the extra characters are bought because of their quirks, not because of gameplay superiority
Tierwhore-wise the best character is unlocked through just playing the game and a standard deck for them is made completely out of base game cards. The DLC characters are mostly not that good except for Sherry, but the DLC can give you cards which are good for other characters if you don't want to tier whore constantly.
Yes thank you
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>Hime cucked

cards are what dlcs is for, not the characters themselves
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>Tierwhore wise
Can we not? It's already bad enough that people still think QPD needs to hold 4 cards and pick up pudding traps.
no fuck you
What game DOESN'T have rng chest shit these days
I'm not sure what you mean, but I'm just saying that if he's worried about DLC being pay 2 win it's not. Not that we need to take the game super seriously.
Tell that to Star Breaker hosts forced battlefield event + small map.
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I wish I was joking
These are all the images ripped directly from the game
About a hundred is backgrounds and portraits, another hundred or so is for unit sprites, which is all fair enough
The rest are animations that are drawn for every single outcome (Tank A gets hit by attack B, Tank A gets hit by attack C) and duplicated for opponent's mirrored versions instead of mirroring them in-game
You can see for yourself by using ALDExplorer, but it fragments your harddrive like a motherfucker and can crash from the sheer amount of files
even now kyoko is the best
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I hate to break it to you, but summer has been a myth for approximately four or so years now. Traffic actually technically goes -down- during the summer. Usually a large chunk of traffic during the non-summer times are on their phones or whatever the fuck, but during the summer they might actually be doing other shit that pulls them away from the site. In theory, summer and maybe parts of winter should be the -best- times to be posting, followed by maybe autumn when things are winding up, but nope.

People just use 'summer' as an excuse to shitpost even harder because instead of getting called out properly, people will just say 'oh, summer /v/' and that's that. There is no summer boogeyman anymore, just a summer strawman. Something people will blame or use to their 'advantage'. /pol/ constantly leaking is also a problem, but that's year-round now because it's not like anybody on that cesspool actually has any fucking obligations in their real lives.

What I would give to be a fucking janitor again. Christ.
Every time tiers come up in this game it devolves into an ever loving clusterfuck of theory-crafting and shitflinging.
The days of QPD "buffs", Sora META-posting, and people being adamant about Kae desparately needing buffs/nerfs are still fresh in my mind.
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update hype

need 2
I believe you and don't care enough to talk about it besides a lil quickie here but you could make the argument that perhaps summer does have less posters, but they're exponentially worse.

Personally I think this site is always shit so I don't really have a leg to stand on in the 'when is the garbage the smelliest' conversation
haven't played since around valentines, what the fuck have I missed?
Oranges and crates. It's not as bad as it sounds.
More DLC characters.
I think a new map.
Voice packs.
>Orange Jews
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Pretty much what I mentioned, a lot of people use it as an excuse to shitpost audibly. I would also imagine there are a few people cycling in that might be legitimately retarded, but that might also be noticeable during the holidays.

And yes, this entire site is fucking shit and has been shit for a very long time. I just keep coming back because unfortunately, the threads that actually manage to stay about fucking videogames are better than almost literally every other place.

Apologies to the dudes actually in this thread who are actually trying to OJ, but I felt like throwing my two cents out there since the thread had a rough patch for a sec, there.
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>kick still doesn't work
fruitbat PLEASE
people who are trying to oj are playing oj and would probably appreciate any bump desu
>It's not as bad as it sounds.

It is tho
>Voice packs.

>play the game mute all the time since it's my "play while eating/listening to podcasts" game
>still buy the voice packs

I've got brain problems
Unless if you're insulted at the idea of more stuff to do or hate not having everything it's a good thing.
What happens if you already have sunglasses for a character you're playing and a gold chest gets collected?
you get nothing
Friday Night OJs
at least you look really cool doing it
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You get nothing and waste your time.
hold up when did they add sunglasses
You get a random pair for another character. Or at least that's what happened to me.

1 more
You hate reading, don't you? /jp/ stands for "japanese culture" while /a/ is for anime shows only. Weeaboos are by definition people who denounce want to be japanese and don't respect the culture, so just watching anime doesn't make you one.
>just watching anime doesn't make you one.
ok, you weeaboo
let's see
This here is Nath, please take a good care of her.
Literally read the official definition here search on google if you don't believe me, autist.
Where's the cheater anon, post the sunglasses chart.
I need to see what everyone's sunglasses look like.
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Search on google, knowyourmeme, yahoo answers, everywhere else, try proving me wrong with solid evidence you mongoloid redditor.
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>search on all these faggy websites to validate me
>i'm totally not a weeaboo
ok weeb
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get in here
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One spot open here
Jesus fucking christ son of a bastard piece of shit in the sky, i provided you sources, solid proofs, told you to search everywhere and all you type are autisticly irritating faggy replies that take just a little more effort than stroking your dick to gay porn like you usually do every day? How about you bring solid evidence if what you are saying you inbred motherfucker ? Reddit is that way if you want to be such a funny miserable faggot all day with your equally moronic similars. NOW PROVE ME WRONG OR FUCK OFF.
tl;dr weeb

i'm just bumping the thread at this point for the guys playing oj
Prove me wrong with sources or i basically win the argument.
Don't ask for the impossible.
how do I range ban mexico
nah, i win, weeb
So i won, good to know, now fuck off.
Just kick the autist.
Still on that? You salty, underage?
I want to have children with Kae
kick doesn't work in oj
see >>381600819

i'm 28, it's a friday, and i'm stuck waiting for shit to compile at work. what the fuck else am i suppose to do to pass time?
You can't kick if someone is already "ready"
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She's on fire!
The kick option doesn't work like that. They have to not ready up for like one or two minutes before the option becomes available.

Basically, the only people you could ever kick are AFK people.
I like when they run away from my lobbies in fear.
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>browsing 4chan at your shitty codemonkey job
>bragging about it ON 4chan

neck yourself autist
>28 and arguing like a child
So i was right, you are mentally challenged.
i'm not bragging

why would i care to put effort into a fucking argument on 4chan of all places?
everyone knows im the better kai player faggot
>"meh, who cares we are on 4chan anyway"
One slot open.
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>brags like a retard
>gets called a retard
>haha i was doing it on purpose im at my big important pajeet codemonkey job haha why would i put effort into anything

your mother cries herself to sleep every night wishing she got an abortion
1 more
ok, weeb
one more

join fgts

stop, I can't be jerking off to kae right now
my job isn't important, i just like having money
Heh, you got absolutely destroyed on the first match tho.
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But you can and I'll make sure you do!

>get bullied digitally and feel compelled to explain yourself on a zoroastrian numerical ouija enthusiasts IRC chat

absolute beta male
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Ok, neet.
how did i get bullied in any way?

ok, weeb
Kae is the fucking chest master.
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You are like a little baby, watch this.
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Ok, weeb. Remember that by your logic just being on this website makes you a weeb too.
still need 1 more
yeah, that sounds about correct.

need one more
Reminder to kick Mexican on sights.
Your President is doing this, why don't you?

2 more
how do you get sunglasses anyway

1 more
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Play the game
Basically have someone pick up the golden chest that spawns sometime after 10 chapters have passed.
Wanna kick the one who you cant win agains? Too bad, you cant.
lobby where
If this thread reaches bump limit, I'll release Saki.swf

No you won't.
Is there any way to hear the VA stuff without paying like a good goy or hoping someone else plays those characters and also paid like a good goy
Go through something else they've done voices for. Apply a mental filter of some kind.
You can't hear voices if you don't buy the DLC, even if other people you're playing with it have it. Although there might be a glitch which sometimes lets you hear a voice randomly, I'm not sure but my friends and I who are playing with someone who has the DLC hear a word or two every once in a while but at different times, kinda creepy really.

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summer lobby up no password

marc's voice is the cutest
Dumb bitch, why is she covering her face when she made it obvious who she is by wearing that flower on her hair.
TFW trying to get a party of 4 among my friends, can readily get 2 besides me, but getting a 4th is always a pain in the ass, especially when they don't want randoms.

just join the /v/ group
>of my friends and they don't want randoms
I play with you gays plenty. But I wanna play with my friends.

1 (one) more
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>Some time after chapter 10 a golden chest will appear. If anyone in the match collects it, you will unlock a reward for the character you were playing when the game ends.

Looking like I'm going to play as Poppo just to deny people cosmetics.
It unlocks for everyone you idiot
It gives everyone a cosmetic for their character, not just you.
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>If ANYONE in the match collects it, YOU will unlock a reward
No need to rush, have fun, Anon.
Well that's dumb.
>Giving people free shit is dumb

yeah how dare they try to let everyone have fun instead of turning the game into a giant shitfest of people fighting over chests like in the TF2 halloween events
I want to deny other people getting free things.
Well that's dumb.
You seem upset friend. I'm sorry I want to play the game differently than you.
So you wish to be a competitive motherfucker. Then I am afraid this is not the game for you. There are plenty of those out there tho.
>competitive motherfucker
>not the game for you
>100% OJ
>not a competitive RNG simulator to piss off your friends with

What the fuck am I reading?
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possibility of precipitation
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>trying to get normas after a gold chest spawns
>lost connection
>lost connection
>lost connection
One CPU spot open
This game is a fucking joke. I had RNG on my side my last game. Made the greatest comeback of all time and got some chests too.
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>someone takes awhile on their turn
>don't know if they disconnected or if the game is kicking me out
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guys, be like risk of rain
isn't it great?
Who is the Magma Worm of 100%OJ?
>playing with 3 cpu right now
It's not like I wanted to play multiplayer or anything.
Game is still ongoing though
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>RoR meets OJs

I should play RoR more than like, once every two years
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>Want to play KoF XIV because I bought it recently
>Don't want to lost drops in OJ because they are going down fast
>I have 16 hours work this weekend so I'm going to lose this even anyway
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>Krila's summer unlock

Now this I like

poofy 2b booty
How do you unlock that one?
by playing krilel and getting the crate
So she has two pair of glasses?

you can have two glasses with rad poppo too
bully the bunny
i meant wear two glasses at the same time
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>marielx in my OJs and RoR
noob here

whats the best map to use for fastest games and chests? just turn on treasure on field events?
Alicianrone when?

2 more
Training Program with Treasure, Sprint and Regen on.
One CPU spot open
You probably dropped.
Sham is my wife!
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do chests still count if you just play with cpu? figure this would be faster than playing with fags that go afk
You wife fuck faceless old men in the matting press position
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I love QP!
That's hot.
Only me and I'm not old!
I bet the 0 reward is the swimsuits.
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I have no fucking clue what I am doing but I'm having fun.

>won by having the most stars I guess?

I just kept setting the goal as having more and more stars and the CPUs were too busy trying to fuck each other in the ass and never fought against me until it was too late, pudding girl best girl.
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>Obtain swimsuit outfits
>Use Cast Off
one more
My hope is it would be diving suit into speedo for Kyousuke
What have Poppo done?
neat, i got qp glasses
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You actually have 2 drops with every character.
Also sometimes, you double drops
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420% Orenji Jyusu
I'll buy your weeb game, but only because it's cheap, and the designs are sorta cute.
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one of us

I don't think the chests are limited by that number, that's just how many there are until all community unlocked.
this game will make you rage harder than anything though
Sjamsjam whats your address?
oj is fun!
whats the difference between blue and red chests
Blues gives you a card.
Red gives you some stars.
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>decided to be a drawfag from Risk of Rain drawing OJs and dudes from RoR being buddies
>pic related
r8? no bully
and the gold ones?
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rly? which ones? i have the black sunglasses on QP already and just got the gold chest for the first time
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Soon my man. It will be a 2D fighting game.
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This looks like fucking garbage.
Is this what people are "hype" for?
>never got rad popo
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popool party
How's 200% Mixed Juice?
*poppool party
Pretty fun if you like the characters, but it's short.
it's mixed
Honestly I was expecting another shmup. This is kinda nice, although it could definitely use some polish.
Assuming it's legit of course.
A shallow rock paper scissors RPG with very big balance issues and a bunch of references to things only people who sit in a discord and circlejerk about will get.
People only buy it for the character to post it on their steam wall to look like such a huge wacky anime fan.
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2 more
pls respond
It's quite nice. Around 15-20 hours of gameplay to unlock everything.
If the only good games from these people have been shoot them ups and the others have been shit it is very safe to assume that this game will be shit as well.
okay I bought the game but there's a gajillion DLC, is all this shit mandatory to play the game or what? I'm confused as balls
It's cute but ultimately without substance. Only grab it if you like the OJ characters and wanna see them talk.
Fuck off Sjamsjam
What the fuck? Who?
No, the DLCs only gives you extra characters that have different gameplay but somehow all characters are balanced.

There is a DLC that gives you unique cards but since in this game all players' cards become a single deck you can also get DLC cards from other players if you don't have the DLCs.
I'm confused. There are multiple characters that you can play as but you only have access to 4 save profiles or something?
You only end up using a single profile for the rest of your life, characters aren't tied to the profile since DLCs give you more characters and you can unlock even more by playing the campaign, you can change them whenever you want.
I don't know anything about Risk of Rain, but that's neat.
The character you pick at the beginning just determines your starting cards and character. You can unlock more by playing the single player and buying them from the shop.
You can also choose a character as your "profile picture" in a sense, and they'll show up whenever you're in a lobby.

they are 1$ each you fucking sperg you cry like you're looking at the sims expansions
Fuck off shill
>but there's a gajillion DLC
This game is a digital board game. So DLC is kind of expected.

By the way, none of them are a must have. The game is 100% RNG so you are never paying to win.

>can't afford to pay 15$ for an online board game with voice tracks, tons of music and characters and fuckload of content

paying for this game is the least of your worries you fucking hobo, rent is coming up too, or is mommy paying for that too you pathetic neet fag? can't get a job? lmao!
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start playing with us and forward your ports!
Just downloaded this and played a little of the campaign to comprehend how it plays
play at the maximum speed or you'll die of boredom
How popular is OJ in Japland?
I was playing on slow for a while so I'd have time to read the cards
join one of the lobbies posted here that is full and spectate

dunno but the latest meme kizuna ai plays it
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New lobby because all the cocks started showing up.
Summer Salt
I don't know what everyone sees in the game. It's like someone decided to take everything wrong with Diablo/Boringlands and modern day "roguelikes" and put them in one.
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Very short RPG. Took me about 6 hours to 100% the game and get every achievement.

>tfw getting Magical Tomomo and watching her carry me for the bonus bosses
How many chapters are in a single match?
No, but you at least need enemies.
Single-player is shit.
As many as it takes for someone to win.
It's just another word for turns
Suguri has something of a cult fanbase in nippon, as far as I know. Not so much Orange_Juice's other works.
better start playing it. its in sale
Because they are shit, probably.
I bought it a year ago and never touched it after I played 6 hours of it. And yes I played multi, my friends hated it too.
How many players can be in one game?
4 players and 4 spectators
4 playing + many cocks spectating
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3 outta 4 again
Marc is one of the best characters in the game and she's literally one of the starting four.

Bad and so is the character it comes with, but the dialogue is kinda fun.
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maybe your not playing it in /v/ rules but i respect your decision. you should try playing with /v/ someday. theyre fun to play with
Not at all. The card packs might be useful but the new cards are kinda gimmicky. The costume/voice DLC is just that, and the characters are generally only good if you think they're cute because most of them are bad.

Sham, Sherry, and Noname are probably the best three if you're going to be a tryhard. Kyoko is good but she's also the least fun character in the game and everyone hates her.
Any lobbies open?
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None of the OJ girls are pure. This is a fact
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