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What are the top 5 videogames to play while high?

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What are the top 5 videogames to play while high?
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CoD Black Ops 1 zombies. There can be no contest here.
I've had good times playing risk of rain high or any side scroller
Hotline Miami
t. former weed smoker
any roguelike
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no contest
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dead rising

Pro mode: Play dead kennedys over the ingame music
PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds.
Europa Universalis IV
Gears of War was the go to in high school.
tried stalker its a crap game
anything immersive
I highly recommend STALKER
The game of flunking out of college and being an unemployed waste of oxygen
Russian roulette
Me and one of my friends beat AC:Brotherhood 100% with no guides just cause we were high of our asses when we looked for those flags
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Fallout 4, Prey, and Elder Scrolls Online.
crusader kings 2
Burnout 3 my man
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Obviously open world games are fantastic for getting immersed. Elder Scrolls, BoTW, MMOs
Anything multiplayer is fun as fuck too, fighting games or some casual Overwatch or something, being high gets you really into it
Personally I love sitting back and watching things high the most, so games with a lot of story/cutscenes are great. MGS, Final Fantasy, Persona, although a lot of reading might be annoying for some
Total Overdose
Just Cause
Mario Party 2
Doom 3
Sneak King

I've been loving persona 3 while high, but I do feel the need to use a guide every once in awhile to see if I need to go somewhere to optimize my slinks
Then try harder, you can do it.
Get an opiate addiction or stop talking about drugs.
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Yeah if you like to optimize things in RPGs then they might not be the best fit. Although I forgot to mention Souls games which might be the true GOAT high experience if you can just go with the flow without worrying about optimization
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Good choice. Good times.
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>kill yourself or you don't know shit about drugs

Eh, its not optimizing, I'm not choosing certain sl links cause I don't find them interesting, it can just be a tad annoying if you miss the start of a new one. Still love it.

I'd recommend nu-DOOM.
DUDE hahahaha
meme.......... SECURED!
mortal kombat 9 for a real spooky time
gta 5 and SA
any anime game
recently my favourite game to play high is Jump victory vs on PS3
>mfw cant get weed

eastern yurop sucks
dude WEED lamo
Stardew Valley while high as a kite is a truly wonderful experience.
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I smell my own farts when I'm high so I can feel like I know what's going on in my body
Kingdom Hearts, no other way to play it
Any gta
Any saints row
Breath of the wild
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>MFW live in Colorado where it's legal
>but job does random piss tests so can't smoke
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Gunna play through the KH series for the first time this summer, glad to hear its optimal to be lifted
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hahaha dude weed amirite
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>he doesnt keep a bag of clean pee stapled to his taint at all times
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Feels like
its pretty rare for companies to do that no?
Don't know. Job pays well but yeah random piss testing. Dirty=fired.
Hearty laughs
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>tfw can legally get as much weed as i want but dont smoke
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>random piss tests
Are you a government contractor or some shit? I've never heard of anything that doesn't involve operating machinery, the government, or other very delicate work that does that shit.
not WAW or BO2 zombies? you are weak anon
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lethal league
system shock 1
disc jam
gothic 2
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>mfw my job has dedicated weed smoking rooms and my superiors take a huge bong rip whenever they come into my teams area
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My friend literally does this.

I always laugh about it cause I feel like he's been walking around with a sac of fake pee for years and when the drug test comes it's totally not gonna work. All for nothing.
>smoking weed alone
only thing I can think of is one time I went over to a friends and played fifa while pregaming for a party
which software company?
>tfw this happened to me but because of crack
how do I stop bros it's so hard
Skyrim and Oblivion
HAHA Dude! Weed is so cool! Lmao Let's kick it and light some green dude HAHA! Oh dude I'm so high! Remember that other time I was so high? Duuuude, good times haha!
I try and do easter eggs with my buddies on zombies while stoned
pretty fun and chill
Also RE mercenaries is fun
it's ok anon, sometimes other people like things that you don't
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>imagine being this person
this bro.. i literally can't function or do anything without weed, it just makes everything so much better that nothing is worth doing without being high first. *BUBBLING BONG RIP*
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>Have to wait till 1:30am to smoke because I took an Advil

Just recently got into vaping weed, it's pretty nice but doesn't get you as high as smoking it.
Been re-playing God of War 1, Saint Rows 2 and Vampire the Masqu while doing it.
I didn't know they made a japanese version of vtmb
a leading weed-related one
Ah, WeedSoft. Of course
Rocket League
Battlefield 4/1
Tricky Towers
Sports games

Basically anything you can just zone out too. Nothing with loads of cutscenes and plot to concentrate on.
dude what are you talking about your can smoke and take advil
close enough
Which game most accurately depicts the effects of marijuana?
that 70s show
Kingdoms of Amalur is pretty fucking fun high
le weed bruh 420 lol mario is on shrooms haha
Lots of this.
RPGs are alright too, nothing which requires fast reactions unless you're playing multi with high mates

I know everyone hates Skyrim, but it is super comfy high
I've been playing a lot of battlegrounds while smoking. It gets intense but I've won more games while high than sober.
How can i make it better? I want to enjoy it but its too old
>imagine having to rely on weed to help form your personality or make your life less shitty
One day at a time friend
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Hotline Miami, Doom, and Furi were the funniest to play while high
You can still get the pain relief/medical benefits of it but you lose the high.
Stellaris is pretty great. Engaging in space politics and warfare. Staring at the different stars in each system while hitting the vape is great.
fuck I meant fun.

I also recommend Cities Skylines while listening to music.
This is why no one likes pot heads except other pot heads, all they talk about is fucking weed.
>Make a single pot related thread out of hundreds of non-pot related ones
>Dude all you talk about is weed
There's two different types.
1. Pot heads. They live the weed life and are obnoxious as fuck
2. People who smoke weed. It's something they do and tend not to talk about it unless approached.
hmmm I don't own any of those but might pick them up. Thanks!
>Just recently got into weed while all my friends have been doing it for 10+ years
>Excited about it and want to talk about it but don't want to be "that guy"
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>tfw youre not richard d james
That's great news. Don't forget to take advantage of the season pass!
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I keep thinkin about doing it once, but I don't even drink.
is it a crazy thought that maybe if you retards don't respond to shitty dude weed bait they might get bored?
I can't find anything good to play while smoking. Stealth is way too stressful, same about FPS. Story focused RPGs require too much attention, I don't remember what happened in the story when I sober up.

Recommend me something /v/
CM Punk pls.
It's far smoother than alcohol.
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You fuckheads have no idea. Best music. Best art style. Best weed game.
>thievery can't be justified
>on a board where everyone pirates their videogames
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Playing competitive Overwatch is fun. Hearing people bitch about how high I sound while I carry them to victory as Genji and calling out their failures is hilarious.

VR is the best though.
That's retarded.

What is the comic trying to prove, that smoking weed is morally wrong or bad for you? If we're talking about health IT IS okay in moderation. You can overdose on fucking caffeine.
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>so is murder
And yet in my state if someone slept with my wife, up until 10 years I could murder him for it and get away with it because acts of passion. Laws are funny like that.
>Haha! dude i love smoking weed! lets talk about how much we hate THE MAN, we'll show him by sitting around doing nothing, haha!

Would you rather that people who hate THE MAN sit around doing nothing, or being the kind of people who throw pipe bombs at the police? Because antifa is basically the latter.
The Pikmin games are utterly magical when high
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Rock Band and Guitar Hero. Also very fucking fun on LSD and Shrooms
Fucking pussies, you call that drugs?
don't even do heroin, /v/. It never leaves you
dude wtf r u talking about
abzu was fantastic while high, any comfy games are good really
tfw cant weed because burgerian police will shoot me on site if i so much as dude lmao.

tfw cant even get edibles because laws

tfw cant even get dabs while dabbin because laws

tfw cant start a legitimate business because laws

by the time the laws are adjusted there will already be a walmart equivalent of weed selling weed

fuck this gay ass country of gay asses
hey can some of us bend the rules?

mario kart 64 if you are with your boys. if alone then literally any videogame is best videogame while high. for me at least.
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Hundreds of hours in this usually smoking.

Just move to Colorado.

Stay the fuck away from Washington, cost of living here is so fucking high (lmao) that you need to be making at least 60k a year to be over the poverty line.
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>implying im not the master puppet man
Maybe if you're retarded enough go to class stoned every day and not pay any attention. As long as you are responsible about getting your work done there's nothing wrong with smoking weed if you're not supposed to be busy with something else.

>cool club
>no anime

More like fucking loser club
more like 100k
>joins the meme
>is a part of what the meme makes fun of
You're fucking retarded.
>Start guinea-pigging cutting edge research chems or stop talking about drugs.
weedmaps? leafly? how's it there anon? they pay good?
>can't smoke weed
Part of the cancer that is killing the western world
my girlfriends dad sells weed on their block
>smash bros
>0 of 0

Smash bros with friends while high is literally the best thing ever

my nigger. I bought an Arizer Air and I haven't touched my bowl since.
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2CB is incredible.

To think these weed-plebs will never get to try glorious mescaline or any of its derivatives.
the problem with psychedelics is that they're too hard to test at home. Weed has physical buds you can check, sniff, touch etc. A blotter can have anything on it and you can't really know without testing it in a lab
Portable herbal vapes are pretty meh. Convenient and stealthy, but wont really get you that high and the high feels too "clean".

Biggest plus would be how much you save on weed, especially if you make edibles with the used up vape bud.
Breath of the Wild is the single greatest stoned game there is, assuming you haven't seen everything yet. Eating an edible and leaving the plateau for the first time heading east toward the big split mountain... nothing can compare.
Dragon's Dogma is really great while stoned as fuck
wish I could play it for the first time high

most anywhere is like this if you do anything dangerous/safety involved or where you are issued a company vehicle
Are desktop units more efficient? my Air pretty much nearly blackens the herb on red, I dont think you can extract anything more out of it. I did mod it using a dome screen however
Not to mention it's much easier on your lungs

god damn do i hate that guy and his shitty face
Weedsmokers should be shot on sight
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What a disgusting degenerate thread
Came here to post this.

Overwatch is fun while high, Tekken during the come down is alot of fun aswell.
Yeah, actual LSD-25 is incredibly hard to come by these days. Too many shitty (and potentially dangerous) research chemicals being sold as LSD. I hear good things about 1P-LSD, though its not completely identical to LSD.

You don't have to test shrooms or mescaline, and shouldn't have to test most forms of DMT.

Even then, most home testing kits aren't that expensive. I see people at music festivals do drug testing and even sell them cheap all the time.
>posts an image glorifying alcohol while demonizing weed

how atypical of the average drinker
>but wont really get you that high and the high feels too "clean".
I feel like I've been experiencing this recently since I only have a 4" glass pipe because my roommate is a straight edge.
Does this mean I have to buy a bong?
Fuck weed. I had a disturbing trip, nearly called the ambulance cuz I was freaking out so much. What the fuck? No one told me weed could do that. I thought you were supposed to feel good and hungry,
If you grind it and collect enough of it, you can still use it. Just make sure whatever you're cooking it in has a high fat content (coconut oil works best imho)

As long as you're not inhaling burning plastic or homemade wax/concentrates packed with pesticides
If weed made you paranoid then odds are what you took had too much THC in it.
what did you take a dab or something like this kid
Nah its a tolerance thing. Take T breaks every 1-2 days. I recommend getting a small water bubbler.
Weed only messes you up if you're smoking garbage fake herb or you're in the wrong mindset.

A big part of enjoying weed is being in the right mindset.
Breath of the Wild
Phantom Pain
Risk of Rain
>Are desktop units more efficient?
Yes! You fill an entire bag with vapor and get so much out of a single gram. It doesn't even have to be especially made for weed, you can use one of those aroma therapy ones.
You're talking about smoking, not vaping, so its a different thing. Bongs imho fuck you up faster and cool down the smoke, so you get fucked even faster due to how easy it is to take huge rips
the game where you hang yourself
Or he was allergic, some people are allergic to high THC concentrations, he needs to try a different strain.
quentin was an artist that will be remembered on the same level as voltaire. he was too good for this world.
Too many degenerates dying of weed intoxication or relapsing from their weed addictions.
the guy who wrote those shitty songs?
alcohol makes you retarded for a night, weed makes you retarded forever .

there is a reason society is more accepting of alcohol
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Best game based on weed, coming though.
>thread about weed
>decent replies without shitposting
>actual discussion

idk if I should be happy that I can discuss my hobby with you guys or if I should feel sad that the /v/ I knew is gone
Weed literally kills braincells.
Fuck off.
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>had a disturbing trip
Back to plebbit with you.
>there is a reason society is more accepting of alcohol

Because societies are filled with retarded sheep who believe whatever they're told. Hence why in the 20s alcohol was seen as the greatest menace to society and they wanted to ban it, which they did.
not even gonna write a reply to that bait, here's your (You)
I was talking about how bad experiences happen during being high, not how it messes you up long term.
Sure, if you enjoy discussing WEED with 15 year olds.
But as a degenerate I guess it's good enough for you.
it's becoming more and more mainstream
plus the DUDE meme is so fucking overused that no one even glances at it anymore and the only people replying to them are other shitposters.
honestly I encourage straightedge fags to come up with new shitposts because it's pretty stale at the moment
Yes, if you're a rhesus monkey with a gas mask tied to your face and inhaling clouds of weedsmoke for ten to twenty minutes

Its called suffocation, Reagan.
>not vidya trash not being spammed to death like it deserves
Yeah what a great thread
>This is not considered a trip

It's super common for truck drivers and other heavy machinery operators.

It isn't like an office job where the worst case scenario of you coming into work high is being a lazy piece of shit. No company wants to be liable for their worker accidentally crushing five people and then the subsequent drug test reveals that he was high as a kite at the time.

Even if the drugs weren't the catalyst for the accident, the implications are still unpleasent.
But if we spice things up, you would probably get confused.

Lethargic minds don't catch up to new things as fast.
A dab is weed in the same sense that soaking three tampons in pure grain alcohol and stuffing them up your ass is alcohol. You can take smaller doses, don't gotta an hero every time you wanna get high.

Max Payne
Yeah i just started playing this and its addictive as hell.
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Prove to me that smoking weed is morally wrong. And no, the fact that thousands of retards smoke weed doesn't prove anything.

>inb4 "makes you lazy"
Yes, for two to four hours.
How does one trip on something that isn't psychedelic?

That kid is a sissy, mush-brained idiot who shouldn't be smoking or drinking.

Dabbing with absolutely no tolerance is like getting blackout drunk your first time drinking.
So you are smarter and more ""WOKE"" than other people? It's this kind of condescending sense of superiority that makes people not like stoners.

>i have no argument
Your emotions actually play a significant role in what your experience will be, make sure you are somewhere comfortable and familiar next time and try to do it with friends, you'll have a much better time of it.
>w-were posting years old stale memes on purpose! we can come up with new m-memes any time we want!!!
Not even an attempt.
Again I implore you to come up with something that isn't 8 years old. I welcome all shitposting because it's funny as fuck, but when you idiots post shit on the same level as demotivational posters then it's just embarrassing.
weed is actually more accepted by society. hardly anyone binge drinks as a teenager because of strict ID laws at liquor shops. Weed dealers only ask for a note. Most teens and young adults don't drink more than a beer or two but smoke plenty of weed

You wouldn't know of course, since you haven't left your mother's basement to socialise past the age of 12.
Final fantasy xv
How does 4chan still not have a Drugs & Harm Reduction board?

420chan has always been shit.
Hotline made me feel like a bad person playing stoned. I played and completed wrong number fucked on opiates though.
Depends. For example, in my country all teenagers drink and smoking is very rare. But that's because I'm from a slavic country.
>stoners smoking WEED in public areas, stinking up the place
>stoners in online games, ruining matches for everybody with their dumbed down senses]

The act in itself is not morally wrong, you can stuff your own fist up your anus for all I care, but there are people that have to put up with your shit.

If every stoner would keep up to themselves, no one would hate them.
Your point? Slavic countries are obviously not part of modern society so I don't understand what you're trying to get at
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It's really not like that. I get high once, maybe twice a week and all it really does is make you either focused/hungry or relaxed/hungry, depending on whether you're smoking a sativa or an indica.

Nobody talks about it that way. Actually, it's great when you're bulking if you're not a big eater, since it doesn't matter how much chicken and rice or salad you put in front of you; it WILL get eaten
Honey, you think you're more important than you actually are.

Tone it down a bit, yes?
>weed is actually more accepted by society.

How so? I'm talking about America btw, where it is still federally illegal. It may be accepted in some degenerate states, but not nationwide.
Surely if it was accepted it be legalized by now.
>smoking in public
cigs are legal and that shit's far worse than weed smell.
>stoners in games
just change instance you turbo autist
>omg legalizee
plenty of innocent people get locked up and have their lives ruined over essentially a plant. that's not exactly a joking matter, are people not allowed to campaign for something they believe in?

It sounds like you live in a small town, most metro area stoners definitely don't advertise themselves like that
Stop being a fucking degenerate.
I'm assuming you're a Trump supporter; does he not support state rights or did he flip-flop on that position as well? Plenty of states have legalised it in lieu of federal legalisation not being likely in the future. That's due to lobbying from tobacco, cotton, wood and alcohol companies, including private prison owners and police forces.

The people want it legalised, it's the companies that would like to avoid it. Since the US populace has no control over federal legislation anymore, they took the issue to the local administration.

That's democracy at work and people wanting to legalise it, is it not?
yes, they are.
In fact, both are cunts and equally annoying.
>change instance
There are many types of games anon, you do realize that right? In fact, you can get stuck with some idiot for pretty much half an hour depending on the game.
You fags get as obnoxious as SJWs each time something related to weed comes up in any social media.

What are you actually trying to deny?
Can't believe you're actually intimidated by some anonymous poster on the internet.
Maybe you have some insecurities? Try not projecting them onto others. It's okay to feel upset but c'mon son.
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>stoners smoking WEED in public areas, stinking up the place

Definitely weed's fault, just like litter is caused by grocery products and not the people that throw it, right?

Also cigarettes are legal, they stink up the place too. Foods that have a very strong smell are legal. Hell, walking your dog and letting it shit in a park is legal if you collect the shit. All of those stink up the place.

>stoners in online games, ruining matches for everybody with their dumbed down senses

Following this kind of logic being tired is immoral too, since if you play videogames tired you ruin matches for everybody with your dumbed down senses.

Again, if you're a decent fucking person you won't play multiplayer games while high.


I'll just respond on your level

>there are people that have to put up with your shit.

Fuck you, I smoke in my place and read books. Nobody except my close friends knows that I smoke.
I got recced Rez Infinate by a friend of mine after never hearing about it, "marathoned" it in a night high as shit and was an amazing experience. Sadly the price is a bit to steep to justify though.
Next I'm going Ikaruga.
I'm high atm, i'd recommend risk of rain, pretty chill and intense
Anyone got recommendation for bud? Blue Dream, Lemon Haze, Strawberry Cough were eh.
the top 5 games to play high are your top 5 favorite games faggot
guys my friends think that 45 dollars for an eighth for HIGH QUALITY indica is a rip off.

45 dollars is average throughout North America
>Tripping on shrooms
>Play some Stalker CoC while waiting for it to peak
>Shrooms hit you in waves, so you get little glimpses of sobriety throughout the trip
>Creeping through army warehouse as duty
>Watch freedom mow down monolith at the border to red forest
>Suddenly my monitor starts getting smaller and smaller
>Open my inventory and see items disappearing when I click them as if they were edible
>Hear character get shot, think its from eating some random Ukrainian pistol
>Open PDA and just stare at amazement at the map while my character bleeds out
>Go for a night walk (bad idea) and swear I saw a pulsing clump of wet plastic bags that looked like an artifact

Tell them they're faggots and they're getting ripped off even more by buying it cheap.
I don't think you'd understand the issue without actively being persecuted by the police. It's something that literally ruins lives and is a symptom of corporate greed. It's a serious issue that people regularly protest, get maced, tear gassed, beaten by police etc.

Plenty more mettle and spine in stoners than whatever group you've chosen to associate yourself with.
>Still up
Nice jans thank you jans

I'm on the DUDE right now, trying to decide what game to play
>Killer is dead, just purchased, will have to set up my control scheme with my Steam Controller though
>TMS #FE on WiiU
>Gravity Rush
>Push through the ending of Owlboy
>Deus Ex Human Revolution
>Sleeping Dogs
>Hotline Miami (Replay but I always love playing it)
Super Silver Haze is the best Haze

Blueberry is the most tasty strain I've tried

Amnesia and Kilimanjaro are some of my favorite sativas, also Kali Mist

I've heard good things about Girl Scout Cookies, but I've never tried it.
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I smoke weed with my friend every weekend. He's a cop, and from what he tells me, his buddies in the force aren't all that adverse to the occasional blunt or bong hit either. I've actually helped his partner pass a urine test before.

Nobody really gives a shit anymore unless they're baby boomers that don't know any better, sheltered children that don't know any better, or employees of the state who's job requires them to. By this point, anyone with a brain has realized it's pretty much harmless, especially compared to prescription medication (a number of which THC serves as a suitable and far more healthy alternative for) or alcohol.
Death Star, Dog Shit, Durban Poison.

Anything with a D
*abuses drugs*
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Marijuana is for children

Who here /gamingwhilestimmed/?
*rips E-bong*


*drinks bong water*

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There's a 99% chance this post is bait, but what scares me is the 1% chance it isn't.
I can't even focus on a screen on shrooms/LSD, I don't know how people do it.
*gets cirrhosis at 35*
*puts on 50kg*
*has a stroke*
dude thc is like a medicine and it's a plant so it's good weed lmao
*presses joint to my nostril and breathes in through it while plugging the other one*
Screens are fine, I just can't stare at my marble kitchen counter-top.
Still illegal for recreation in majority of states. Also if your conspiracy theories about big companies preventing legalization were even true, stoners, if they were smart, would infiltrate them to help their legalization cause. They can't though, because the THC has rotted away their brain cells so much. Says a lot about them.....
*wastes hundreds of dollars a year on a drug addiction*
*drinks bong water*
I once gamed on MDMA and came all over my expensive mechanical keyboard
Just drive your car for a while until you get used to seeing a lot of moving things while high on lsd/shrooms. After a few trips you'll be ready to play through a shit ton of vidya.
Playing vidya on acid usually isn't too hard for me as long as I'm only doing a relatively small trip like 100-200ug
Calm the fuck down, this meme reached a point where it's more obnoxious than actual threads about weed
>On shrooms/LSD
Don't do this, you will fucking die and/or kill other people.
if you aren't taking 100-200 grams of acid per trip you aren't doing it right
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*schlups on bong*
I only do heroic doses and always administer it 3-4 separate ways.

You are a small child.
*rams blunt down urethra*
these are all me
I only take that sandoz shit, nigga

Hitler was a phed-fiend
*preps arm for heroin injection*
*lights crack cocaine pipe*

Thanks anons. I'll see if I can ask my plug if they can get it. I wanted to expand beyond the same 3 things.
this 1000000x over, fuck pot heads
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I get paid tomorrow /v/, should I just buy weed or hunt down some shrooms?
I'll bite the bait, why not?
>if conspiracy theories are true
see pic. I'm not going to provide citations because you are most likely to refute them if they aren't on breitbart.
wtf are you on about? Must be some good kush. I think you've watched too many action movies recently. Corporate espionage happens, but they're spies, you're not supposed to fucking know they exist.
>thc rotting away brain cells
quite the opposite, thc has a lot of uses, including the speeding up regeneration of damaged neurons. Alcohol does the opposite, still legal. Cigs give you strokes, still legal.
holy shit... is that Gaddafi smoking a huge blunt????
*wastes money*
*lights things on fire*
ever hear of castro idiot? people called him the iron chancellor
maybe read a book sometime
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Nuclear Throne. Indica or Sativa will tremendously change your game experience. This is my #1 go-to while I'm high and co-op with the bf.

Bonus for playing with mods. There's a bunch of good ones.
books are for nerds id rather smoke weed lmaoooo
You wont, plugs always lie about their strains.

Gotta try that primo headshop indoor shit.

Shrooms, but plan ahead. Remember, set and setting.

*wastes money
*lights virtual zombies on fire
60 fps version of Nuclear Throne when?
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nigger you spent $1000 on a PC to drain expensive ass electricity and fire photons at your eyes. Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted.
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buying 20mg dab gummies for $15 each am i getting ripped off?
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>not reading while sitting in your armchair, smoking and listening to jazz

Will do. or I could just go on Tor.


Maybe start out with shrooms? I enjoy a good trip or two, while playing games. but plan that shit out.
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u mind if i download this and share it on my instagram?
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High off what, exactly? There's hundreds of different things you could be doing.

Popping Mary's. Smoking eight balls. Smelling dank kush. It's all subjective to what drug you prefer.

I "highly" recommend vidya with alternative soundtracks. Some tunes you'd never really give a listen to otherwise.



>LSD Dream Emulator

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There's a version of it that is floating around somewhere

i'm usually a bitch about framerate but NT feels fine to me
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*Exhales weed smoke from ass

I'm starting to think that the obnoxious people aren't stoners but the people who shitpost about stoners. I guess a genuine discussion is impossible.
>Corporate randomly drug-tests someone in management
>Its a hair test
>Apparently this motherfucker tested possitive for: MDMA, two kinds of speed, heavy opiates, and this thing called DOM
>no weed
nah seems pretty fair for edibles. cool thing about those is you eat 1 and you'll probably be stoned outta your gourd for 5-6 hours
good, that was always the point

But why though? It isn't bothering anyone.
>not doing both
Get a load of this plebian sheep
pretty fair depending on your area. I pay $10 for shitty brownies
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In rec legal state and smoke casually, i'm basically an old person and it's just become such a routine that I forget it's still a big deal everywhere else, stoner culture isn't even a thing here

Came in to the thread expecting good discussion about games and pot and it's just shitposting instead.
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*makes topic about drug abuse on video game board*
*discusses how to abuse drugs instead of video games*
*mentions how high I am this moment*
Ecstasy and REZ is the video game equivalent of watching Jesus Christ give a sermon, miracles and all!

Make sure you're with company, though.
there is plenty of discussion going on though.
it's incredibly easy to spot the retards since they literally copy and paste the same three words
plus the one newfag spamming doesn't realize he's bumping the thread every post. just goes to show the IQ of straightedge fags
You sound like someone that never smoked weed, who was told several times by his parents that weed was evil and you now want to hide behind this shitty post to mock people that smoke for litteraly no valuable reason. You sound like a guy who says he's "high on life"
how about save your money to improve your life?
I started microdosing LSD and it literally killed any drive I had left to play videogames.

Yeah I have to agree that dude weed lmao. It really makes me think.
But shrooms are guaranteed to improve your life in some way.
Exactly this
You know it bro
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Post made me laugh

Fuck you anyways
>tumblr tier ugly artwork
>also smokes weed

what a suprise. fuck off normie.
>Came in to the thread expecting good discussion about games and pot
So you're a newfag?
>microdosing LSD
/g/'s drug of choice
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>Smoke weed with friends
>Its chill and relaxing
>Smoke weed alone outside somewhere i think i'm vidden
>I keep looking around for people, cars, line of sight and can't really Relax because i know its illegal and the smell can be smelled far away

Like others say. If you Are in a good, safe place you Will have a much better time.
Man I can't imagine a DAY without smoking weed.
*takes a fat hit on my bong*
The best video game is one you can pause to smoke weed!
*adds more ice to the bong water*
>ice to bong water
stoner spotted, stop shitposting senpai
Naissance is terrible without it
The Talos Principle is fuckin great
Bioshock 1 gets super spook and the colors are great.
Audiosurf is pretty great considering it's just a music visualizer game
CS:GO at night while listening to music and in-game audio muted is nice.
Why again, does 4chan get so bent out of shape over people who smoke weed?
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*continues to be addicted*
This guy gets it
I played through all of Max Payne 3 fucked up on massive amounts of oxy
I was Max
weed is harmle-

>being this much of a moralfag and caring

Meanwhile, we have porn being posted on a video games board and thus abusing your life with it. Hypocrite much?
only before the age of 25 anon.
life's pretty good hombre
Because it's full of alt-right little fucks
I like weed because it makes it feel less painful to be alone every day.
-ss unless it's laced with molly or some other shit
>posting drugs on a board supposedly intended for vidya
>surprised when people shitpost in them
It's not because of weed, he's just a dumb cunt
the meme
it's literally because they can't aquire it/ haven't tried it themselves
t. shitposter
left 4 dead 2
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>already mentally ill kid cuts off penis
>neglectful parents looking for a scapegoat
>"The weed made him do it!"
everyone knows stoners are defensive about their addiction, so it's an easy shitpost target and became a meme
This happened to me last year. It's fine, just make sure everyone you're talking to about it is also high, or talk more about your experiences with first doing it rather than "yo I got so high last night and I'm high now lol!"

It's not a big deal. If you're friends aren't complete faggot assholes (gonna assume not since a decade of friendships pretty long) they won't tell you to fuck off or anything
you do know that people can do things such as smoking weed and not become addicted, right?
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It's not 4chan, it's the worst kind of normalfag: a moralfag and I really hope it's just shitposting.

>website where there's CP
>but somehow drugs are the baddest thing ever.
Daily reminder, you're either a degenerate in some way or a normalfag. And I sure as hell don't welcome normalfaggotry on my website.
>stoners are defensive about their addiction
literally the opposite. stoners don't give a fuck but if you post the number 420 you get barraged by shitposts in all caps. seems they're the insecure ones.
they couldn't even last 4 posts in without getting ass ravaged >>381499049
exactly the kind of retarded response I was expecting
>still doing enjoyable things
>Daily reminder, you're either a degenerate in some way or a normalfag.
My degeneracy purely extends to porn m8, and I'd hardly call myself a moralfag. Drugs still suck.
It definitely isn't. I mean I think a lot of people are just memeing it up and don't care one way or another but he s right, and some of this threads just more proof.

As soon as it comes up at all peoole lose their shit. Like we're talking about m to f transformation or some shit or proposing that being a cuck is okay
Just be subtle and casual when you mention it. Make sure that people can't tell by looking at you or the way you act and you're fine.
now try doing the same with any other drug and lets see the results.
you underaged little cunts have never seen actually addicted people
>my degeneracy

you're still on the same rung. shut the fuck up, you definitely drink caffeine and alcohol, which are also drugs.

Bitch, I have a house and a full time job. Grow up grandpa
>you definitely drink caffeine and alcohol
Swing and a fucking miss.
>tfw living in chile I can buy some nice $200 weed packs from some farmers
smoking weed is just like being transgender
there is literally nothing wrong with neither
Except even people who do it regularly sometimes stop, just to take a break from it for a little bit. Or there is a dry spell in their area/with their dealers.
Or they need the money for other things that matter more.

That's not addiction. Not even close.
It's amazing how much preconceived notions people on here have about weed smokers, it's clear they have never done it nor have any friend that do it. Which is fine, but stop acting like you know what you're talking about.
Anything online multiplayer with voice chat. Make sure to tell everyone that you're high.
not even trying
I'll agree with Quentin that stoners are shit in mp games, but this one's false as hell. When I'm stoned I get far more invested to explore topics while when I'm sober I wallow in depression at how much I'm fucking up my life.

>responding to bait

Come on now, it's obvious that it's easy trolling.
get off my dick, maybe you haven't had 6 cups of coffee or a bottle of Jack this morning but you have definitely had both of them in the past three days or a week.
kek (me)
are you a straight edge faggot?
>hurr durr look at the amount of enjoyable things i dont do!
>you have definitely had both of them in the past three days or a week
Nope. Try again.
you must be a boring person
the few mellow transgender people are worth knowing and offering some measure of kindness towards
>i'm so cool because weed lmao, so grown up i can smoke weed lmao
>LOL weed
Which emulators would be the best for my laptop?

The specifications of my laptop Are

Windows 10 Home Single Language

Processor: AMD E1-2100 APU with Radeon (TM) HD Graphics 1.00 GHz

Memory: 2.00 GB (1.47 GB usable)

System type: 64-bit operating system, x64 processor

I have in Windows (C:) 392 GB available From 440

And in RECOVERY (D:) I have 2.69 GB available 24.0 GB
>tried bong for first time last week
>took like 3-4 huge ass rips
>25 mins later literally going out of my mind
>throw up everywhere

Whoops, my tolerance is shit, I guess.
I barely smoke but goddamn I dunno how people smoke 8 joints, hit their bowl several times, take 16 rips and are a-okay after.
>don't do drugs
>must be a boring person
How's it like needing drugs to have fun?
>genuine discussion
>about Marijuana
Grow the fuck up already you stupid burnout.
>weed and alcohol thread up right now

>alcohol thread is a lot more civilized and full of adults

really says something about stoners.
people who do drugs are more likely to be fun and people who are proud of not are more likely to be annoying
why you think its easy to get laid as a drug dealer
I know you're just memeing but I will jump in voice chat just to take bong rips into the mic as loud as I can because it pisses people off.

You first, degenerate manchild. stop playing with toys.
every transgender person I met is obnoxious and has to bring up the fact that they're trans in every sentence

>has never tried doing anything out of his comfort zone
yes, you are boring
I can guarantee you live a very mundane and routine oriented life. doing the same shit every day for years
can;t believe you're proud of that baka
>nu-/v/ likes quentin
Want the simple answer?
It's mainstream. Normies do it. Non-normies do it, but a ton of normies do it. It's widespread, it's usual, it's common.
Smoking weed is as normie as loving Skyrim, Bioshock Infinite and CoD, and seeing every marvel flick at midnight release.
Drives them nuts, really rubs them the wrong way.

The more you know.
Most of the shitposting in this thread is coming from the antiweed crowd spamming DUDE WEED memes
Dude what are you talking about GANJA IS LIFE BRO haha! I can't even remember how many times I've smoked weed dude lol it was just so much. I get so high a lot and get my munch game on dude LOL. I talk to my co-workers and friends about how cool it is we all smoke weed and it's totally cool dude, haha. Who says weed Is only for high schoolers and scum bags lol losers thats who
The fault likely goes to the prohibition on marijuana, adults grew up in a world where alcohol was legal and a lot of people were drinking, after the alcohol prohibition. Apply the same to weed for the future
>not having a card that lets you be able to smoke legally.

But seriously I don't think it would count as an illegal substance if you have to go take a piss test since in your state it literally is not illegal.

How is it our fault? Look who comes in and shits up a thread.
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gothic 2
robot alchemical drive
disc jam
pinball arcade
any shmup (my rec: mushihimesama futari)
grimrock 1 +2
the quest
serious sam
arma 3
arx fatalis
psychic Force 2012
crazy Taxi
dragons dogma
lethal league
system shock 1
starward rogue
harvest moon
digimon world 1
lost kingdoms 2
phantom dust
pokemon snap
gekibo 2
ape escape 1-3
gitaroo man
bulk slash
hackers beat
godzilla destroy all monsters melee
panzer dragoon series
strike suit infinity
/pol/ lowlifes desperate for any chance to feel superior to someone else.
Well, you're on /v/, I think you want to go to r/weed or something. Then again, stoners don't care where they are, they ALWAYS start talking about weed. It's so sad.
You're just digging yourself deeper, faggot
>literally cant make a difference between real life and internet memes

I love snowboarding so when Steep came out I would come home from work and just do dabs all day. Now my tolerance is fucked so I stopped smoking.
>I can guarantee you live a very mundane and routine oriented life. doing the same shit every day for years
Nice assumption, faggot.
>people who do drugs are more likely to be fun and people who are proud of not are more likely to be annoying
Nice opinion. Granted, I'll agree with you saying that anti-drug faggots are generally prudes, but druggies aren't exactly always fun people to be around either.
>why you think its easy to get laid as a drug dealer
>caring about 3DPD
Leave normalfag.
its great here. catered lunch every day + smoke if you want. pay + benefits are good for an entry level job
Just says a lot about people who don't smoke getting assravaged that people enjoy doing it.
>tried swimming for the first time last week
>took a jump into the 8ft deep end
>30 seconds later I'm literally drowning
>throw up water everywhere
Or maybe it's because weed isn't videogames, but instead something stupid highschoolers do?

I mean, I have to deal with faggots thinking I play video games. you're in the same boat, everyone I talk to talks about video games.
pretty shit bait desu put more effort next time
Ironic since being an alcoholic is a lot more damaging to yourself and possibly others.
Hell, it's even more expensive.
>Tfw still salty my state didn't legalize because 3% difference

But it's alot more common place then before. Probably more then half the people you meet smoke or don't really care much if someone smokes. Literally only extremely conservative people get butthurt about someone smoking. Honestly though just tax it idk why people don't like free money and act as its any different then cigarettes or alcohol.
Weedsmokers are subhuman
ive had a bad situation where i really was having a trip. it might have been laced, i don't really trust my sister, but i dont really think it was because every time ive tried it i have the same amount of anxiety. last time i smoked was a year and a half ago on august, and i felt like god was talking to me. eventually i came to the conclusion i was a cell on the forehead of god. it was more scary than it sounds as that sounds like an awesome experience but i had a strong desire to jump out of my window or shoot myself. i had an awful experience, im tired of junkies thinking anyone with an awful experience hasn't tried it, and you guys are specifically the reason it wont ever be legalized because you convince people like me who really do have trouble that its 100 percent okay and you can never have a bad experience. granted i didn't want to kill anyone else and just myself so maybe you probably wouldn't give a fuck about that
Woah dudes chill out man! We should just get together and do some herb and stuff man! That'll break the ice between us dude haha! I got some mad bubonic chronic that's super dank dude, not sure if you like to roll or fume it, either way dude as long as I get a good high going am I right? Lmao. I've got a few bongs and pipes here so we're all set my dudes haha, make sure you stock up on funyuns and doritos dude were gonna have mad munchies brah!
Durban poison has been my favorite
Cintrix is another good sativa for reading or watching documentaries or just getting shit done in general.

Dr. Who was pretty good the last time my freind had one.

Any other good strains similar to Durban poison? There is none in my area anymore.
>doesn't realize it's just like drinking with your buddies and kicking back playing video games
It's not bait. If you smoke weed in highschool, you're a moron. If you smoke weed as an adult, you're just a fucking hopeless degenerate. It's literally plain and simple, I really don't care for your stupid /pol/ fantasies. Go to /b/ or /lgbt/ if you want to keep being a fag.
generally, forming your identity from things you dont do and dislike is pretty sad
Seriously this. I'm visiting my parents for summer but one of my favorite things is to get up semi-early and garden after smoking a joint. No wonder Mexicans smoked it when they where doing laborious work in the heat.
How is smoking weed making you either a moron or a degenerate?
It is absolutely hilarious just how fucking triggered you straight edge cucks get at the mention of a plant. Just uttering the word, "weed" and you get 300+ posts all spamming DUDE within minutes. You really think discussion/practice will stop just because of one 90lbs 5'7" computer science major thinks it's immoral while he masturbates to pictures of underage children?
lol ok kids. I'll be over here playing on my $4500 custom built gaming rig while my girlfriend since middle school sucks me off and packs a bowl for me.
Not sure what you're trying to prove to him, he said he doesn't do it often and his tolerance is shit. Really whoever he did it with is to blame for letting him take that many hits when they knew it was his first time with a bong.
Is that supposed to mean anything to me? Am I supposed to care? Be thankful you actually have friends who don't let weed become their personality or main hobby like your dumb ass. I'm amazed you've found anyone willing to put up with you.
Weed literally smells like ass and I got headaches taking in fumes from a crackhead in my school gym once.

Weed is a meme. Weedheads are retards
go see a professional you schizophrenic fuck
>If you smoke weed in highschool, you're a moron. If you smoke weed as an adult, you're just a fucking hopeless degenerate.
I hate drugs and even I think this is stupid.
Don't really drink either.
>you need to take a foreign substance to enjoy being with friends
>If you smoke weed as an adult, you're just a fucking hopeless degenerate

Not really, though. Not sure you know what the word means or how it applies to things.
damn, your're so cool. i hope i can be lik u when i grow up
>You really think discussion/practice will stop just because of one 90lbs 5'7" computer science major thinks it's immoral while he masturbates to pictures of underage children?
I don't particularly care about how it goes on, it has no place on this board.
Half the tension would be realived if people weren't assholes about it. Back when I lived with my parents I had got my card. So whenever I had a bunch of yard work I would smoke a joint but then the neighbors called the cops on me, of course nothing happened because I wasn't breaking any laws but it's annoying that I can't jusr casually have a smoke like a cigarette or beer.
Word man, fuck all these old ass politicians in office keeping weed illegal dude! I wish they'd die already do we can get young, cool dudes in office that know where it's at, like Trudeau! My fucking cousin got busted for smuggling drugs, how retarded is that? Sure he's a piece of shit, but we should all just settle down, roll up, and just make love not war my dude. More weed is the answer imo, lol
It could still be against company policy.
>I hate drugs!
Kek. I'm sure you do.
weed does stink worse so you can't blame people for not wanting to smell it, calling the cops is extreme though
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>blatantly off topic thread nears bump limit

Do the mods even care anymore?
>thinking his joke is still funny, if it ever was
kek this guy won't shut the fuck up
neither does gamerfuel threads or vidya porn threads or alcohol threads or LOL threads or steam friends threads or vidya tattoo threads or pc building threads but these are always welcome and discussed on /v/ and much more frequently than weed threads
I do. See

Of course they fucking don't.
youre obviously not smart nor funny so at this point are you just blindly fishing for (you)s?
Oregonian here. Not the case. Many major companies, especially hiring agencies, all have mandatory THC and drug tests.

It's rec legal here, but good luck getting a job on it. Fucked me out of a few shit jobs, luckily landed somewhere much better.
>druggie girlfriend
nobodys jealous
No one said anything about NEED, just the example, or whatever you wanna call it, that you typed isn't how the actual experience of doing it with friends is at all.
Because you're replying to him you retard.
MonHun and Mario Kart, also getting fucked up and redesigning my house in Animal Crossing.
But like, for real dude, let's just get lifted man. I'm looking to kick back with a crew and have some laughs, share a couple of bowls, you know what it is man, lol. You down dude?
Rocket League 4v4's.
I haaate the smell of weed smoke and I know others do so I usually stick to mild earthy stuff especially for yard work but some people have 0 tolerance for it.
>share a couple of bowls

Illusion broken, no one says this. Learn what a bowl is.
Journey is also great to play whilst high, OP. Also I liked it more than Abzu.
play an old game you used to love
I recently started replaying Sunshine with the 60fps/widescreen hack and I'm having a fucking blast
I'm probably going to move on to Paper Jam since I haven't played it yet
Damn. Do you know if you have a medical card they still can turn you down? I guess I'll be taking a break for a while if that's the case.
I smoke weed all the time.
I am a responsible adult who only does so when I have nothing left I need to do for the rest of the day and can relax. That's also when I play video games, mostly.
I tend to like games that let you just do whatever, like Skyrim or BOTW, as well as space games. Even E:D can be fun for an hour or too if I'm high enough.
kek, this
>neither does gamerfuel threads or vidya porn threads or alcohol threads or LOL threads or steam friends threads or vidya tattoo threads
I agree that those aren't vidya. What's your point?
>pc building threads
Those are meant for /g/.
>but these are always welcome and discussed on /v/
Aren't LOL threads in particular on a wordfilter? Steam friend threads are frequently pruned due to the faggotry, and I've seen gamerfuel threads being pruned before as well. Even outside of modshit, I don't see a whole lot of love for those threads in general on /v/ either.
>and much more frequently than weed threads
Using the existence of other off-topic threads to justify the existence of this one isn't exactly a smart thing to do.
This is true, I'm also an Oregonian.
Dude whatever man, you need to just chill dude. I'm trying to get a kick back going and you're already trying to ruin my high. You're no fun lol, whatever. I'm gonna go play some nazi zombies and kill a few brain cells while I'm at it if ya know what I mean lmaooooo piece dude, hope you find some love and peace soon dude
I bet if you have a medical card you'll be fine? Seems weird to turn you down on it, but I suppose it also seems weird to test for it in a legal state.

For me it is, because it stops my terrible social anxiety long enough to actually enjoy the outing

Some day I'll stop being a sperg
Never played journey high but loved abzu
>I'll be over here playing on my $4500 custom built gaming rig while my girlfriend since middle school sucks me off and packs a bowl for me.
Is this a stealth DUDE post?
I kinda wanna get high right now because I feel like reading these would actually be funny.
Yeah got to love how much of a clusterfuck weed laws are. I'll just have to double check, if I remember correctly I think my doctor mentioned that since it's technically legal (since I have a card) if they do a drug test that gets exempt. But again like you said I wouldn't be surprised if some establishments have strict rules against any thc.
haha yeah dude
things are only funny when smoking weed LMAO
Bro then let's light up! I'm tired of all these no life haters judging my only hobby. So what if all I like to talk about is times I've been high? It's life for me, you know? Just got my paycheck and I'm going to buy some kush, you're welcome to join me, you know what they say, smoke circles make the strongest friends dude lmao
Can confirm, it's entertaining
DUUUUUUUUUDE, pass it my way man!
what did you smoke bro?
Good lord they have so much fucking weed.
fallout 4's ambiance could actually fit for a good high.

Got some Bluesnow yum yum and some pineapple rhino. Almost costed me my entire paycheck but who cares
As much as I like smoking weed, it is summer as fuck in here.
Play smash bros. it's fun as shit when you're stoned.
nice, if you're not there to care, nobody does. Have a good high
black ops 2 zombies is horrible, only good map is origins. I hope we never see any of them again.
>ignore the problem goy go see a specialist so you can continue smoking weed despite having no problems while sober
fuck you, i advocate against weed specifically because everything is fine when im not using it
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Europa Universalis IV
There's a game?
Uh..yeah weed shouldn't make you want to do any of this shit.
I mean you don't have to smoke it or like it, but keep in mind 99% of people do not have 'bad trips' or drastic shit like you described when smoking weed.
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Fps games are fun when im high. I played farcry 4 high yesterday and the combination of not knowing what the fuck was going on and a bunch of stuff going on was enjoyable for some reason. Alcohol is still way better than weed though. I feel like a complete loser when I smoke
alright but you shouldn't say it never happens and should actually explain to people the risks of using a mind altering drug. i know for a fact shit can happen, and i was having daily existiential crisis for 6 fucking months which im over but still it was an awful experience and i do often experience deja vu now. and maybe i do have problems now that need remedying but i can't afford shit so im on my own as far as that goes
>but you shouldn't say it never happens

I didn't? That was my first response to you.
And all those people telling you to do it with friends or in a more comfortable environment weren't memeing on you.

Though, it seems like not doing it is the best for you, and if you are perfectly fine NOT smoking weed and have no desire to, more power to you.
All I'm saying is the likely hood of a bunch of other shit going on that was enhanced by the weed is likely what happened to you.
Consider people use it medicinally as well, it's not like the people saying there shouldn't be negative effects from it are lying.

You're supposed to have a good time high (on weed, that is) and mellow out, not freak and get suicidal.
GTA V Jimmy De Santa.
just got redout. its pretty tight but controls take some getting used to
im not referring to you then, is more a general message i guess. who i was responding to at the start of the chain was saying bad trips don't happen at all
Darkest Dungeon is a little scary when your baked, but holy shit is it goddamn satisfying.
Battlefront (2015) HUD off.
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Doom 2
Grezzo due mod
arma 2 dayz epoch with a group. had so many fun moments with that game
Nice false flagging to keep the thread alive.
All memes aside, smoking a joint and playing Halo online is just about the most fun I had with video games. People didn't even get mad at me for being a retard, shit was chill
There is only one way to test without kit, is to eat it immediately, if it works it's acid
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