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ARMS thread

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Thread replies: 81
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Ribbon Girl.png
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whoa oh oh oh
whoa OH oh oh
whoa OH OH
whoa oh oh,
whoa oh oh
nananana na
na nanana
nanana na nanana nanana
nananana na
na nanana
NA na na
na, nanana, NA NA NA NA na
Arms theme is God.
Is it easier to play with motion controls or the gamepad?
I like the Ribbon Girl variation a lot.
I hated it. She keeps running out of breath and constantly playing catch up to the manly backup vocals.
Fuck Springman players. They're the worst people to play against. They either just spam dash and wait for you to do something or they get BTFO in 1v1 and target you all day in 1v1v1. I'd rather play against a fucking slap spamming Cobra or Grabjara at this rate.
ribbon best girl
>better in the end
motion controls
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Anyone down to play?
who here /controller/ master race
I always idle in the menu just to listen to the theme. Master Mummy's theme is the best one though.
Anyway, who are you guys
Spring Man
>favorite arms combo
>favorite stage
tie between spring stadium and mummy mausoleum
>highest gp difficulty beat
Just beat 7 as Spring Man, FUCK Max Brass
Almost 8, I don't play ranked much. I've been trying the other characters out in party mode and fucking around with arm combos
I'm at Rank 9 and am likely to be here forever. It's too hard now.
>1 on 1
>math is super fucking close and intense
>lose just barely
>opponents head begins bobbin wildly
>you JUST KNOW he's motioning gg ez

Eat my Toasters dude
Thoughts on Ninjara's Ninjarass?
>favorite arms combo
dual crackers
>favorite stage
snake park
>highest gp difficulty beat
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>tfw mechanica main

Feels good man!
So is there any chance of bark and byte being good or is he eternal shit?
I'm looking into this game but have some concerns.
Can somebody tell me how the arms getter thing and pwoered up dups is? It just seams like a waste of time to have to grind for random multiples of the same arm just to have a decent loadout and I haven't got the game because of it.
She has a fucking stellar voice
I like her nanana part
+arms deal like 10 more damage on charged attacks. It's a difference of 130 to 140 for the toaster so it's not huge or required for serious play.

I'm rank 9 with no +arms and I only really use toasters or sparkys.
It's not difficult at all. Getting the currency to do them in the first place is more time consuming.

Personally, I use the default load out anyway for my main because I'm used to the arms and grown fond of them.
Is 10 the cap or is it 10 for each? And only on charged?
Is the default already maxed?
I don't think they can go above more than +, so +10 damage on charged would be the cap. It's probably like +5ish on regular attacks.

Default arms aren't maxed and only certain characters even favor default arms.
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Is it worth getting?
When are we going to have a /v/ sings of this theme?
Sadly this. Talented voice ruined by inexperience.
It's a good game, but not 60 dollars good.
This faggy game doesn't need a general thread
Is it $48 good?
that is a fucking no
Did ARMS really do well in Japan? I remember preorder numbers being pretty low.
>it's a "you get double teamed all day in 1v1v1" episode

Fuck the people who play this game. You're a bunch of fucking niggers.
It's meh. Feels like a beefed up mini-game. The substance and depth of it is puddle-deep and there really isn't much reason to keep playing consistently. Definitely wasn't worth the 60 bucks, but I could see it being a solid 20. It barely feels like a fighting game at all, and more like a party game.
t. casual below rank 8
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100,000 first 3 days
Over 100,000 in its first weekend, topping lifetime sales of Tekken 7 to date in less than three days somehow. It did about as well as Splatoon in its initial weekend.
>playing arms
>accuses someone of being casual

Autism is here
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confused negro.png
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>hardcore ARMS player
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>minmin with chiller on right hand and coolerang
If you use a Hydra, then go fucking kill yourself.
I'm a hydra main ;)
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i use dual hydra on ribbon girl, fight me
>losing to gimmick arms
>probably the same person calling ARMS a party game
lmao stay free kid
>gimmick arms
every arm is a gimmick arm
100k first week, beating SFV + Tekken 7's first week combined.
For reference, Splatoon did 145k first week and Splatoon 2 has like 700k preorders alone apparently.
The only thing that would make this theme better is a saxophone solo.
only use one for ribbon and twintelle fags. Maybe stop being a campy bitch so I can use my toasters
Toaster, Sparky, and Chilla are the patrician arms. If you play with anything else you're crippling yourself at high level play.
>not Bubb
After clearing level 7 Grand Prix with half the cast, playing 1v100 a few times, getting all the arms from the arms getter I actually want to use on the characters I like to play as, and getting to rank 6 in an afternoon, I'm not really feeling much motivation to keep playing.

I can keep going on Grand Prix and clear it with everyone, but that's just something to do for the sake of having something to do. The payout isn't good and it isn't very fun. Knowing that we aren't getting a new character until next month and it's just Max Brass doesn't inspire me to keep my eye on the game for future updates, it could be a few more months until we see something actually new. Spectator mode isn't interesting, and there's no word on balance patches. Everything else to do in the game is really just for the long-term goal of arm collecting, but the second I get an arm I already have at +1 I'm going to kill myself because I know I'll never complete the collection.
why is somebody in this thread continuously replying with blatantly incorrect information
this is baby tier shitposting
>tfw I had to preorder a 399 ARMS bundle in order to get a switch
>ships on the 30th
>dont know how I feel
Is the game worth it? Should i just search the earth for a solo switch instead? They're aold out fucking everywhere around me. Is this game good?
>Is this game good?

To me it's good.

Do you like fighting games?

This game will interest you if so.
The game is good but not the kind of game you'd play for hours in a row unless you're very competitive. More likely, you'll play an hour or two a day for weeks. The free dlc should add longevity.
This times x100. This game is pretty comfy to play before I go to work and before I go to sleep. Even getting a match in or two before my league game starts.
Especially if you enjoy the fundamentals of fightan but less so the minutiae like combo strings.
Rank 6 is still easy mode. Once you hit Rank 8 you start earning less points than you lose with a loss. That's the real fight.
Wow I bet you fucking slit your wrists after one week with Splatoon, huh
I've bought every major fighting game to come out this year and ARMS is the first one that's actually hooked me and kept me playing. It's fun in a way that the others aren't. Hard to explain. Haven't played a fighting game this fresh since I first played Smash. One of those "wow, I didn't know fighting games could be this way" kind of games. I love it.
for maybe a few days, assuming you like the game to begin with, you'll play it a lot. once you get to a certain point, it peters down, and maybe you play for a few rounds here and there to scratch the itch.

unless you find a solo switch prior to the shipment of your console, i'd just stick with the bundle myself.
speaking of the grind for arms, does anyone want to partner up with me and rind coins in a friend room? like 10 wins in a row is a ton of coins and then switch off who beats who
They inflate, Toaster is just straight damage.
I guess so, I'm not doing anything at the moment. How many coins are we talking?

I haven't touched controller mode, only motion but it's pretty damn good once you get a feel for it.
well, if friends lobbies are like the regular online(which i think they are, it would probably be a lot. perfecting and win streaks make a lot. never tried before but I've been looking for a partner. my code is SW-7684-4712-7989, add me
Added, setup a lobby and I'll join. I go first then I'll idle for you?
I think they should make the timer longer. Most of my wins and loses have been from time out.
yeah, I'l duck for a couple rounds. if you want to have an easier way to communicate, there is an ARMS discord: https://discord.gg/B4hex4
>inb4 discordnigger
>competitive ARMS
>nothing but dashing around and backing off like a fucking moron as Min Min
Min min can only deflect what's in front of her when backdashing. Either curve your punches or dash to the side then punch.
Fuck these comm errors, I'm not at home and using a mobile hotspot
we can continue some other time if that would be better for you, add me on discord or something
I'd say 40 is a good price so 48 is alright
We gonna get a /v/eekend going tomorrow?
I'd be a part of that
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