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Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

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Is it actually good? The art design and color palette look like shit to me and I prefer the Minnish Cap but maybe I'm wrong.
It's OK. I enjoyed it but didn't finish it like most Zelda games.
It's pretty good. Also like all Nintendo games of late it does like shit until you see it running on the device and you notice it looks fine.
If you like alttp, you'll like albw.
Otherwise don't bother.
I liked it, it is a 20 year old game sequel/remake, nothing incredible but it is a nice experience.
It's a pretty good nostalgia trip. The item purchasing element may turn some people off though.
It's pretty good but lacks some of the originality or "woah" effect the other Zelda games have.

The tracklist is good, the 3D is actually well rendered (probably one of the very few 3DS games I played in 3D all along), and in terms of mechanics it's still a safe bet if you like 2D Zelda in general.
I want to ____ bunny Link

/v/ memes on it a lot, but it really is damn good, easily one of the best 2D Zeldas. The rental mechanic especially was a fun touch.

Plus Hilda makes me diamonds anytime she goes "Heeeey~"
>like all Nintendo games of late it does like shit until you see it running on the device and you notice it looks fine

That is actually a very accurate description.
It's overrated as f***.
The only reason people praised it with 10s back in 2013 was because it wasn't as s*** as Skyward Sword or the DS games.
That and it's a nostalgia cash grab with no soul.
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>still no 3DS emulator
It's great! Probably my most favorite top-down Zelda game to date.
It's ok. They handled the open dungeon progression extremely poorly though, and it felt like a constantly simple experience instead of something that got progressively harder.
>wanting to emulate a 3ds on a PC

Haven't you seen how shit these games look in full screen? Why would you ever want to subject yourself to that?
It's a solid game. If you like LttP you'll like it.

If you haven't played Link to the Past, play that one first.

Fair warning, the opening of this game is kinda slow and has more cutscenes than it should. It's not terrible about it, but it is a bit annoying. But once you get to the other world it's smooth sailing from then on, and it doesn't take long to get there. Overall a very solid game.
Why full screen instead of an appropriately sized window? That's how I use my DS emulator.
If you think the art direction in ALttP is good you're a moron. Half the sprites are complete shit and the perspective of 75% of the stuff is completely wrong as well. It looks like shit.
why squint? The comfy aspect of the physical 3ds is half the appeal of buying one
Citra, foo
cuddle and play with the ears of
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It looks a lot better on the 3ds screen.
It's more fun to play than A Link to the Past in my opinion.
It felt like ALttP/FSA light to me. Was not a fan of the tool rental system
I loved it ! It's easy not very challenging (except that Baseball mini game, I still have nightmares about it. Probably why I won't replay this game before a While)

But it's fun, it has great mechanics, fun to explore, it's the first Zelda I 100%'d.

Just my opinion dude, but keep in mind I'm not a big fan of Zelda, so it's maybe why I liked it.
I think it's a solid title but it doesn't do anything exciting, and I ended up just wanting to play ALTTP instead.
It's a tight and nonlinear game, with no boring parts to speak of. If the overworld had not been recycled it would be my favourite Zelda game.
I legitimately enjoy ALBW more than LTTP.
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It's one of my top 5 Zelda's the open order dungeons and using the painting ability to travel along the wall changes how you navigate 2D Zelda's world.
Hyrule is the same as AlttP but surprisingly it keeps itself fresh and distinct from other 2D Zeldas.
Fantastic music and sound design. It's the only handheld Zelda game to actually make me feel immersed in its atmosphere, especially in dungeons.
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>All these people saying ALBW beats ALTTP
Excellent tastes./spoiler]
I mean, the overworld is great, but that's because the game is piggybacking on LttP's great world design
Is there any love for the minnish cap on /v/?
It's not offensively bad like the past 5 or so Zeldas have been.
There is, which blows my mind. The most unnecessary Zelda game to exist. At least it's heaps better than Skyward Sword.
The fact of the matter is Capcom makes better Zelda games than Nintendo , which is good considering BOTW might as well have been made by Ubisoft or Sony
>expecting correct perspective from a 2d game
this is bait, right?
>not owning a 3ds
ALBW is an alright game, but its not without its problems like:

>Dungeon design is hampered by Nintendo being afraid of sending you back for missing an item. Each dungeon requires ONLY its corresponding item from Ravio's shop. This severely limits the complexity of the puzzles.
>You lose rented items when you die, yes, but good luck actually dying. Even on Hero mode, the game just isn't hard. Speaking of which...
>Hero mode is only available after beating the game. Shit design at its finest. Why couldn't I have the challenge from the start?
>Permanently purchasing items is too easy, and offers no real benefit when it's so difficult to die in the first place.
>Too many rehash bosses. I get that it's essentially a remake/retelling, but I feel more could have been done.

All in all, minor gripes. I still liked the game for what it is, just don't go in looking for a challenge or interesting dungeons.
It's fine, but I prefer minish cap too.

But I fucking love minish cap, so...
So something on the level of Phantom Hourglass? Not that that's a bad thing, I enjoyed it.
Yeah, my main problem with it it as well is that all the dungeons end up being simplistic as shit when there's always only 1 item that can be a possible help in puzzles. There's also not much maze like shit going on, whereas some AlttP dungeons could legit be difficult that way (especially Ice Palace iirc)
ALBW is great.
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It's really easy but I like it
that's not perspective. things closer to the camera should be bigger, things farther away should be smaller. it's not feasible to do this in a 2d engine. your picture is an example of parallel projection, not perspective.
It controls very well and the going flat on walls is a neat gimmick. Reuse of the LttP map and dark world/light world stuff is kind of lame though, I wish they could've made a brand new map overall. The item rental system is a mixed bag. On one hand it allows you to do stuff in any order, on the other hand because of this structure the game never really ramps up in difficulty as you complete the game. Dungeons are also entirely designed around one item instead of an entire toolset because of the rental system.
>on the other hand because of this structure the game never really ramps up in difficulty as you complete the game
That depends entirely on what order you do things in. Some areas are clearly much more difficult than others.
There's a jump up from the light world to the dark world but it isn't as significant as it would be in other games. Something like learning a new puzzle mechanic in one dungeon in the most simplest form then in a later dungeon seeing the same mechanic but more complicated version or layered with other puzzle mechanics does not happen often. Most puzzles run their course in the span of the one dungeon the item was based around.
I consider it a top tier Zelda game. Art looks better on the actual hardware and with 3D, like most games. Some of the most fun I've had.
i enjoyed the fuck out of it
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