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Vampire The Masquerade - Bloodlines

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I just finished it, don't get why it's so acclaimed here, did I miss something?

>Got Gangrel from quiz, but the only time I felt like I was a Gangrel was when I went into Protean 5 form
>Didn't get to fugg anyone (not even Jeanette)
>Protean warform is a fucked up bat and not the giant wolf Beckett turned into in Santa Monica
>Never frenzied, when do the frenzy checks even take place?
>The Warrens was either a fucking hell combat zone or a boring sneakfest
>Story choices feel pretty limited and nigh useless
>The final ''boss'' is defeated by turning on the lights
>Didn't realize bloodpacks could heal so most of the bosses became ''Can I trade hits and still win?''
>Sidequests mostly fetch quests...
>Sneaking is ridiculously strong against humanoid enemies
>Did a good job making the Kuei-jin some fucked up demonspawn
>Ending was alright (No allegiance, gave Lacroix the key and walked out), but I have no clue what happened to my character and other surviving characters after the game finished (kind of hoped the Sarcophagus would unleash hell upon the city while my character walks out).
>Maybe too many DON'T OPEN IT hints, making the last choice kind of a given (unless you're suicidal or a maniac).
Don't get me wrong, it did pretty well for an old game but I thought it was some amazing Roleplaying experience akin to pen&paper. I just felt like I barely had any meaningful choices. Did I miss something when playing it, what is it that's so amazing about the game? Does it have insane replay value if you play a different character or something?
Yeah it's pretty replayable. A bunch of shit changes if you do different builds or clans, even if you play as the more conventional clans, Beckett has different dialogue if you're Gangrel, Gary mocks you if you're Toreador, Strauss will give you a unique haven if you're Tremere, things like that. Playing Malkavian is a neat little gimmick in and of itself because it changes all your dialogue lines to be hard to comprehend and fills your dialogue with spoilers if you can understand what you're saying.

VTMB is popular for its atmosphere and world building but if you don't like it, you don't like it
I liked the worldbuilding, I kind of wish there was more to do with it (playing political games between Anarchs, Camarilla and Kuei-jin or something).
Atmosphere was a bit too spooky for me (I'm way too easily spooked by games).

I kind of want to try Malkavian if it really changes everything up that much.
I've done a few playthroughs, and all the changes felt pretty minor. Just felt like I was mostly redoing the same quests, and since the combat is mediocre to begin with, slightly different variants on it weren't particularly exciting. I enjoyed it overall though.
>too spooky
Dude how long can the game actually be spooky when you're running around having kung fu movie battles with monsters like it's fucking blade or something? This is baby stuff, the damn resident evil games on the ps1 are spookier than this.
I admitted that I'm very easily spooked by games, I don't touch horror games at all.

The hotel, the burned down hospital and the warrens spooked me quite a bit...
I'm not spooked at all by things like this in movies, books or even real life but in games I become the biggest pussy. I think I have some deep seeded hatred for jumpscares and anything that feels like it builds up to it just gets me spooked to no end.
>>Didn't get to fugg anyone (not even Jeanette)
You had to invest in Subterfuge/Appearance and be really, really nice to her.
>Jeanette is not attracted to my beastly Gangrel ways and appearance

Why even live?
Didn't even know if it was possible to fuck characters aside from prostitutes and that depressed looking girl in the club. Are there other story/quest characters you can fuck?
The guy in the cemetery. You can hire a prostitute to fuck him or do the deed directly if you're playing as a girl.
You can fuck Jeanette if you have 4 seduction and keep picking the seduction lines when you see her.

VV was supposed to have sex with you and give you a private lap dance, but this was cut. It's still in the files and some mods add it back in (like Clan Quest) but it's a little unfinished

And while it isn't sex itself, there are actually a lot of seduction checks that are all obviously erotic in tone
It's not a good idea to fuck that guy if you can avoid it with persuasion, actually. If you do that, you miss out on the quest reward of $100 or a point in firearms.
>Playing Gangrel
>Having hard time at combat
You are playing Gangrel wrong. They are the fucking gods of combat. I think it's the only class that can defeat the Chinese final boss unarmed.

I had no difficulty with the combat, I just used sneak every now and then but stopped because I felt like I was exploiting a broken mechanic.

My Gangrel had: Protean + Fortitude + High Strength all the trashmobs were easy as hell (expecially since feeding gives you back health and a lot of blood). I just feel like I did the bosses wrong seeing as I just traded hits with them hoping they'd die before I did...
Chinese boss is such a pain in the ass.
>I just feel like I did the bosses wrong seeing as I just traded hits with them hoping they'd die before I did...
That's the thing. Gangrels are walking tanks if you develop them properly and have all the good armor. Most bosses should be a cakewalk unless you are talking about that thing in combat that makes you very vulnerable if you miss a punch. Seriously if you miss a punch you will be countered very badly.
It's the small details.
I always liked the katana stealth finisher with the subtle asian harp cue.
I only died to the Zulo Beast, Chinese demonspawn and the Chinese brothers. As I said I didn't realize bloodpacks also healed (because I'm retarded I guess) and just did it all trading hits (and a bit of positioning) until I won. Fortitude was mighty helpful but since I had like 9 melee and only 4 unarmed the damage difference between my weapon and Protean warform was not that big. I guess the defense bonuses from Fortitude+Protean are what make the Gangrel so strong right?
sounds racist so fuck this game
Yeah, you also do tons of damage if you go the unarmed path since those protean claws count as unarmed.

The only time i died was when fighting against the Chinese final boss and it was only because i spammed bloodbuff like a retard. If you play conservative you can outpunch her before your blood bar depletes if you had it full.
you had to be there

you can't just play the game now and get the full effect
I mean from playing it I would have guessed this was a 2008-2009 game. But it released in 2004 right? It's mighty impressive for its time I cannot argue that.
Fortitude is ridiculously powerful. Adding +5 to all soaks is huge because lethal and aggravated soak is so rare. It also stacks with your base stats, beast form, and your armour, so you end up with basically godmode. You can kill Grünfeld by just walking up to him and slashing him, his shots barely even hurt you

Replay a clan with no innate soaks like Toreador or Malkavian and you'll notice pretty quickly how Gangrel's disciplines make him indestructible.
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just a reminder that Chiasm have fuckloads of albums on youtube, and it all sounds awesome.

The inevitable Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 trailer should have some of that in it.
Doesn't Toreador have fortitude too? or am i mistaking them with the Tremere?
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You're probably thinking of Ventrue, they have Fortitude. Toreador has Celerity, Dominate, and Presence, Tremere has Thaumaturgy, Auspex, and Dominate.
Nevermind i'm mistaking them both with the Ventrue.
That's why you carry a fully loaded Flamethrower with you.
>The inevitable Masquerade: Bloodlines 2
Where do you get his optimism from anon?
>Protean warform is a fucked up bat and not the giant wolf
You're a vampire, retard.
Beckett turns into a wolf, a lot of Sabbat enemies do too
Can't wait for my yearly pre-halloween playthrough. I think this time I might go full Nossie (never done that, animal powers suck too much for how cool they are).
>Didn't realize bloodpacks could heal so most of the bosses became ''Can I trade hits and still win?''
jesus dude, what a fucking hassle. what did you think they did? also you did play with the plus patch right?
I thought they just gave you blood for more spellcasts... Yeah I had the Plus Patch.
Country vs City Gangrel bro
I was Gangrel, I even asked Beckett how he did that and he said it was the Protean disciple that helped him to do that so I figured the lvl 5 Protean war form was the giant wolf. It's not that weird to think if you're new to the game.
well that is what they do mainly, but I had a heal so they where super helpful and that magic refilling blood pack was amazing.
Protean goes past level 5.
Same with Jeanette. You get more XP for peaceful resolution with sisters. Not to mention, you don't get to see the sex scenes anyway. Which is actually a good things, because model quality is meh and animations are wonky in this game.
Still, some might want to roleplay as a slut, and there are options for that. Which is rare outside hentai games.
In the game? Are you serious?
iirc you can get an extra protean point from Beckett.
it's a good rpg with an ominous atmosphere, decent battle system, plenty of varied customization options, pretty good plot and faithful to the concept of vampires, a whole lot of vampire lore and even asian mythology.
All in a modern time setting, how many games have pulled off something like that?
in the tabletop games those points can go up to 15
People love TES, right? Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 will be TES confined to a smaller map (city). I didn't say it would be good, but it'll happen.
No I had Protean maxed when I got in that dialogue I think. He asks how your Protean skills are developing and since I had my Protean maxed I could only select that my Protean was fine and I had trouble with either Fortitude or Animalism.
>Got Gangrel from quiz
That explains it.
Now go shit in the park or something
Its a longshot. VTMB was more of a cult classic.
got a nosferatu from the quiz
what does that say about me
Which isn't nearly enough to kill her. I recently replayed with unofficial patch, had ranged at 9. I was shocked how little damage flamethrower did. Had to finish her off with Steyr AUG.
And then it will be loaded with 1000 bucks worth of DLC you are forced to buy if you want to play the full game because ain't Paradox charitable?
nothing that isn't true already. You already lurk in places like this.
>Implying that short quiz says anything about my personality

Even if what kind of personality is associated with Gangrel players in the community?

You are a very confident person who prefers to be left undisturbed! Beauty is on the inside.
thanks boss
The changes are pretty minor, yeah, but flavor is always nice. The big 3 changes are Everyone / Nosferatu / Malkavian. The latter is the most extreme change. Nosferatu is kind of fucking annoying in this game in my opinion, not all that fun to play, but I love their dialog to bits.

Fucking sewers, though, fucking sewers.
Ugly underachiver that wastes too much time on the internet.
I'm just kidding, anon.
Gangrels tend to be something like shamans/street samurais. Autistic people that covers it with ''I'm in touch with nature''
I have her entire discography except for 11:11. She's kinda shit, my man. Her only good song was Isolated.
The atmosphere is great and it got the late 90s pretty good.

If you want more major changes you can try the clan quest mod
>you'll never be a Nosferatu and shitpost on the SchreckNet with your Nossie buddies
I tried to get a 'deal with problems honorably and head on, don't lie or cheat people' type of guy and got Gangrel. I thought it fitted with their warrior nature.
>he's not a NEET
Step it up normie-kun.
It was broken as fuck when it released. The comunity did a great job with all the patches.
You can fuck Jeanette and still reconcile them. Reconciling them requires 4 persuasion and to be nice to both of them, and fucking Jeanette requires you to just pass her seduction lines.
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I wish my dude
It is really unfortunate that they were forced to release the game before it was done. There was huge potential for nosferatu.
Of course, if you fire everything on her, you deplete her instantly of half her life.
This doesn't finish her off, but makes battle much easier and manageable.
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It's probably the next one on the list.
I read that as "The Official Kino Game"
/tv/ memes have seeped into your consciousness anon, it's time to stop.
frank memes have seeped into your consciousness anon, it's time to leave
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