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What does /v/ think of pic related?

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What does /v/ think of pic related?

Cringing already
SJW trash
Post some reviews that had SJW shit in it,i'm curious.
I still read random articles now and then.

Cool website. Just ignore the occasional political point and it's gravy.
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Haaw Waaw Kurt Kalata is such a faggot

My grandkids will thank me for not inviting foreign invaders into my country.
Unless you live in Poland(lol) or Japan, they're already in your country.
Why make the problem worse though?
That doesn't look like a review to me.
I never ventured into the forums, but apparently it's gay in there. They do cover some interesting games but they do make stupid observations like the Valis article.
>that guy who unironically claimed that the Zelda CD-i games were secretly masterpieces
>that time Kurt Katala got triggered by SMT because God is the bad guy
>that time when they posted about how some old japanese platformer is about the frailty of life, just because the main character dies in one hit
>that time when an indie game about plants was totally about colonialism
>that time when some guy reviewed a hentai game, while desperately trying to not offend sjws while simultaneously sperging out over how hot it is. Then people found he had uploaded the H-scenes from the game onto the article's page, but they weren't in the artcle itself
>when Trump won the head guy didn't feel like working for like a month and released all upcoming reviews he had worked on until that point
Whole site's barrel a laughs.
>that time when an indie game about plants was totally about colonialism

Ok i want to read that
Here you go, m8.
t. beige americuck
>Calls themselves "Hardcore"
>Considers the Genesis port of Ghouls 'n Ghosts, not because it's the most accurate or anything important like that, but because of a cheat code that makes the character invincible.
Wew, lad!
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>None of this detracts from the game's quality yet. That honor goes to the game's wholesale endorsement of colonial practice. It begins by arguing that colonialism is natural. The plants, with their lack of sentience, help in this task, but also consider the actions you're allowed to take in the game. They're all violent in nature. You wreck violence against the land by draining it of resources, and you wreck violence against other living beings by wiping them from the face of the universe. At no point can you coexist peacefully with other people or even work toward that goal through diplomacy

Interesting read for obscure games. No nothing about it other than articles though.
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Used to be pretty good, it's shit now though. Go make this thread on /vr/ for nothing but negative comments.
>In Japan, Idea Factory (アイディアファクトリー) is so renowned for making kusoge it's affectionately referred to as Idea Fuck (アイディアファック); not so much the place where ideas are born, rather where they go to be ruined.
He is not wrong there

Its decent for discovering games you might have never heard of or played before but just dont read the articles.
>In Japan, Idea Factory (アイディアファクトリー) is so renowned for making kusoge it's affectionately referred to as Idea Fuck (アイディアファック); not so much the place where ideas are born, rather where they go to be ruined.
[citation needed]
Sorry, meant >>381260891 for >>381260490
their forums are an sjw hivemind but the articles they write about games are excellent. I have discovered many obscure games thanks to them.

I used to like the site a lot when it was about obscure retro game but now it's another front of retarded lefty journalist trying to fit in a cliche in order to land an actual real job

Retarded part include putting trigger warning in an article (now removed after many people pointed out how stupid it was), writing an article about gone home and declaring that anyone who hate the game is a misogynist and breaking the update schedule after trump won the election

I even contributed some screenshots to that piece of shit site, why is every single one of these moron like that, jeremy parish too
The actual game article entries are interesting but the blogs and everything else is just whatever.
Why don't you go arrest them, mr. thought police
Fair enough. I don't think HG101 existed back then.
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That's ironic, considering HG101 banned one of their contributors for falling out of line with their leftist politics.
Good. We don't need that kind of perspective on video games (just look at this shithole) or anything else
now you're speaking my language.

It's the same with the site and retronauts, on a surface level, it's genuinely enjoyable to listen to, but then if you start to listen to a few episodes you start to build a picture of waht these people are like and they are unbearable.

They wince at anything that could remotely offend anyone. You can't live like that.
I don't mind the SJW bullshit but I wish they would speak more about real games and not indie trash
The only retrocast that i found great and doesn't have political bullshit in it is Pixelated Audio but then they only talk about retro game music.

I wish they would go back to making retro game reviews
Somehow I don't picture a SJW website giving the Shantae series glowing reviews, and yet
They're pretty good. Triggered poltards are really grasping at straws.
some jarring incompetence here and there plus the whole sjw business, but overall some pretty decent toilet reading material
i've heard on /vr/ racketboy was a good alternative, but it turned out it's somehow shittier
Quality of the content aside,they made their political affiliations pretty clear on their twitter and in some of the reviews,no need to lie.

What happened to racketboy recently?
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The books are good for reading on thr shitter?

Also, Agness Kaku was right nd Sketch is fucking crazy, but Kurt stands up for him, despite the fact Kurt is aGG and Sketch tried to sic GG on Agness Kaku.
Oakland you are drunk post milfs

>there is still no article about bubble bobble
>but there is one for every trashy non game made by christine love

That's all you need to know about the site
Also they are holding Wrestling with Pixels hostage, and I pledged to that three fucking years ago and it's not done, fuck my life.

Also, the editor they shitcanned is a cool dude.
Pretty informative. Learned a lot of shit about video games I didn't know from there.

Decent articles, but every writer is completely insufferable.
"Political affiliations" meaning political opinions you don't like
Cry more
I'm not the one crying over video game articles here
They introduced me to some really obscure games that I would have otherwise never cared to look up on my own.
Mostly good but them taking a month off after the election is hilariously pathetic.
>stop judging them

Its their choice to put politics over videogames not mine
>decide to listen to watch out for fireballs
>Pokemon Yellow episode sounds like fun
>talks for 10 minutes about Drumpf
>goes on to shit on Pokemon
If it's anything like their Kunio and Darius articles, Kurt would probably shit on the first Bubble Bobble for locking the good ending behind 2P mode.
>he had uploaded the H-scenes from the game onto the article's page,
link pls
want me some porn
I only know they exist because they come up when I google obscure games.
Can't wait for this site to die.
They'll see me as nazi-neutering badass BJ Blazkowicz?
>it's okay to police thought if I don't agree with it
I think it was the Dragon Knight article, but all of it got deleted anyway,
Sam Derboo.

I think his work with compiling Korea's game market is fucking great, but Derboo is a fucking weenie. Not to mention, read his Valis X article. Go on.
>by far the easiest game in the series both for a casual infinite continues run and a 1cc
wew lad, not to mention the Gensis port looks like ass while the arcade game is damn gorgeous
>Sam Derboo faps to hentai
That explains his feminist hangups and his obsession to vilify Hideki Kamiya every chance he gets.
Nah, I'm good.
Disgusted that I used to willingly give these people traffic.
Take it easy. You didn't give them traffic when their direction headed south and hard.
Unless you did?
Offers nice info about obscure retro games but is ran by an absolute tosser.
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Like most sites with some well written articles that explain obscure things, some content is good but the people running it are absolute dipshits.
Reminds me of Bogleech. Anyone remember him?
Not after seeing >>381264674 when it was first posted here
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I'm mixed on it.

On one hand there are some genuinely interesting games discussed here. When they say hardcore they mean it. Often I will discover really cool and obscure I probably never would have found before.

On the other hand theor articles are fucking garbage. There are some good articles but a good majority of them are insanely biased and the writer may lean in favor of one and shit on the others.

It's good for suggestions but never trust thier input.
Oh,God! Don't remind me. It's shame really, since the guy's article are generally pretty good and whenever he would write for a shitty top 10 clickbait site his article would stand miles above the rest.
He used to review hentai monsters, but then deleted those articles because he joined the tumblr crowd.
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I still follow and read bogleech. I admit he can be a bit annoying but I really enjoy his articles and website overall. I think he is pretty cool, just a bit of a sperg when it comes to politics.
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>check out the HG101 twitter account because I remember visiting this site a long time ago to help discover some hidden gems
>the entire twitter account is flooded with leftist garbage sucking its own dick talking about fag, black people, and hillary clinton all day long

I don't care if those are your political views, but DON'T USE YOUR FUCKING WEBSITES TWITTER ACCOUNT TO POST IRRELEVANT SHIT. Fucking cock sucking faggots I swear.
What? Those are still up dude.
He went overboard with that. I remember seeing in a thread on /vp/ a link to his tumblr.
Lo and behold it's only political stuff with a few ugly pieces of fanart. Guy said that One Punch Man was too misogyny filled for him to consider good. Shame because his articles are actually amusing and fun to read for the animals and cartoon stuff, plus Pokemon reviews.
As long as he keeps it separate from his writing, I'm fine with him being retarded outside of the site. The comments are still cancer though.

Article in question.
I liked his pokemon reviews but I'm happy he's done for now. His video game enemy articles are what got me interested in him. His article on the FFVII is what got me to play the game in all honesty.

Also /vp/ is autistic as fuck and probably just hate him for probably shitting on the waifu mon.
Oh, cool! I thought he deleted that, or did he delete something else.
>Also, Agness Kaku was right nd Sketch is fucking crazy
can you elaborate on this? I saw the drama but didn't look into it
>Whining Hillary Clinton losing in 2017
They still haven't gotten over her defeat? She lost to a breathing living meme. At least Bernie had the excuse of the DNC conspiring against him.
The only meme was a woman well known to not be a liberal pretending she was in the same lengthwave as your typical SJW,Bernie was a joke that thankfully nobody took seriously.
It's a good site if you're curious about looking for games you've never heard of in genres you like. Just don't take the writing seriously as these tards still don't have proper editorial skills and leave typos and grammar mistakes around like nobodies business.
Autistic as fuck is an understatement. The board is worse than /vg/ and /v/ combined, and I say this as someone who was a former regular to the board.
/vp/ actually mostly likes his reviews with the odd person calling him a contrarian.
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Making fun of the trigger warning in that RPGMaker walking sim is what got me banned from the forums.
I first noticed it when the webmaster guy was raging about Doug TenNapel's conservative views in the forums. There's the permanent ACLU banner in the main page that my adblocker doesn't automatically detect...it's bits and pieces that have political stuff like this.

>the "mature" themes come in when Devlin eventually learns that his son was gay, an issue never before tackled in a computer game. Alas, it doesn't have any real effect on the plot.
>For example, it can't respond to a situation like the 2016 election, where a candidate who espouses xenophobic ideologies and calls for violence has become a serious contender in part by ensuring that any news outlet that covers his statements gets a significant boost in ratings.
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Who did they ban for being politically right? I wanna hear this story.

I mean, I knew HG101 was politically left but not hardcore SJW "shoot everyone that questions the narrative" left.
It was this guy.>>381275042
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Long story short, the stuff on her blog is true, but she shot herself in the foot going overboard. That, and some of the stuff is so out there you think it's a joke but it's not - one good example is the "wi-fi allergy" - I'm sure it's still on the HG101 forums somewhere, but there was a thread where he went on a rant about not wanting a newer 360 because he was afraid the wi-fi would trigger his migraines.

He's basically a psychotic momma's boy and only ever got anything because his parents are loaded and bail him out.

It's not even the leftist political beliefs that are the problem - it's how Kurt and his sycophants act like if you're not on "their side" you are literally worse than Hitler. In the Bionic Commando or Wolfenstein sense, because they can't fucking think of an actual obscure reference to Nazis in retro games to compare you to.
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>In the Bionic Commando or Wolfenstein sense, because they can't fucking think of an actual obscure reference to Nazis in retro games to compare you to.
great repository of reviews of obscure and old games that usually provide important historical and/or social context pertaining to a game. I couldn't give less of a shit about anybody's politics.
they were decent till they let the cat out of the bag none of them actually play video games then shifted to spend all their time crying on social media
Most of the games that are "suggested" really aren't that good. Can't tell you how I fell for a number of them (mostly old ROMs that I could easily obtain), like The Firemen (SNES) which was posed as an overlooked classic but which actually kinda sucked.
I like how even Mike Mattei parroted the whole "Renegade has sluggish controls" meme that HG101 started.
This always happens when you go for hipster cred over actual quality.
HCG101 is for playing obscure shit that may or may not be complete garbage. As I said, good for suggestion but never trust thier input.
How the fuck does this work? I've seen you posting this same image and it always triggers me.
You can tell in some interviews in Sketch's books that the folk (Roy Ozaki especially) were getting sick of his shit. But at least it lead to Mitchell licensing their games out FINALLY.

I bought the localization book that they published and fucking intently only thanked the original author.
>I bought the localization book that they published and fucking intently only thanked the original author.
Was it the Legends of Localization dude? I didn't know he was affiliated with HG10.
Retarded, but there's nowhere else to go if I want to read or listen to people talk about cool shit. I don't really care about their politics as long as they leave me alone about it.

All I wanted was video games.
What about Lord Karnage?
No. The book is actually a doujin by a Japanese guy that Kurt decided to publish, which is great, but I know people are just going to give Kurt credit when all he did is publish.

As someone who gives money to plenty of patreons, Mark went to shit after Patreon.
I'm also subscribed to him, but he doesn't do much nowadays. I like the CGR stuff, but he also uploads a bunch of LP tier stuff as well. I like this type of content a whole bunch, so I'm also subscribed to LGR, Guru Larry (probably the most based guy in all of this), and other stupid channels I forget.

It's probably my favourite kind of content.
Are there any video game channels that aren't run by 30 something chubby white liberal men?
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