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Dishonored is my favorite game. Is the sequel really that bad?

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Dishonored is my favorite game.

Is the sequel really that bad? I have a fairly weak PC so I haven't tried it yet since everyone says the port is awful.
Sadly, yes
How weak is your PC? Try the demo and see if it works.

The PC optimization is not very good, which is a shame because otherwise the game is great.
i5 750ti 8gb RAM weak, I'm afraid
dishonored is bad
and daud's kitchen knife looks terrible
Not sure if it will work, maybe on low settings. I think the demo is still available so yeah, try that first.
i tried demo and i liked it
it's also my favorite game as well
the sequel is a fine game but yeah, you wont be able to run it.

I wouldn't bother. I've got a pretty high end one and my computer struggles.
post speccy
Does it run well on the ps4?
Played it on the PS4 and it ran well. 2 of my friends also got it and didn't have problems.
Better gameplay than the first one.
Worse story and missions
Horrible optimisation
How bad is the second one?
Just started playing it, really enjoyed the first one.

Stopped playing Prey because I heard the ending was garbage and the whole game seemed focused on that.
Feel like Arkane get a lot shit thrown at them unjustly on /v/ though.
i can run it pretty well with 1060 6gb 16gb ram and i5
Clockwork mansion & crack in the slab >>>> any mission in Dishonored 1. The story was pretty shite though I agree, but I didn't think the first one was good either.
Started playing last night and I'm loving it. Never played the first one though.
it's quite good
If you can run it, it's very good. They really upped their game when it comes to level design and gameplay, but the writing is still weak outside of the worldbuilding and lore.
First one is also good.

It has a more cartoony artstyle (which leads to it running way, way better) and the levels are not quite as massively sprawling.

It was one of my fave games ever
Clockwork mansion is overrated. The first rooms you visit are impressive and then it's just platforms going up and down. Crack in the Slab is great but there's fuck all to do whenever you're in the present so it's a bit of a wasted potential.
Should I play the first one after the second?
Prey's ending is fine, apart from the lack of a proper boss fight. If you liked it, keep playing.
Definitely, just make sure to get the GOTY edition with the DLCs. In my opinion Knife of Dunwall & Brigmore Witches are better than the base game.
I see. Thanks anon
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Personally I liked all the KoD style back alleys and gang shit, Paolo was a perfect blend of Slackjaw and Granny Rags
This guy gets it
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The story is easily the most forgettable shit ever. I can't understand why anyone liked this game beyond it's gameplay and combat.
Yes, although you should go full lethal. There aren't nearly as many nonlethal options in the prequel; it's more of a sort of side thing you can choose take on a second playthrough.

If you go nonlethal first then you're really missing out on a lot.

The DLCs are also really good; moderately better than the base game, although a fair bit shorter.
It wasn't bad, but it lacked some of the magic of the original in terms of story and presentation. I'm hoping this Daud/Billie thing does it better.
What about the second one? I chose Emily. Should I go lethal?
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The worldbuilding and aesthetics are nice.

You can tell that they put a lot of love into making Dunwall/Serkonos a real place. It's just that the actual plot (betrayal->escape->fight some dudes->reclaim->betrayal again) isn't quite as memorable.
Gameplay + level design + worldbuilding/atmosphere is what attracts me to Dishonored. I honestly don't really give a shit about story in videogames. TLoU and Uncharted are constantly praised for their stories but I honestly can't get through them just because I find the gameplay and "cinematic style" so damn boring.
Just go for what you find the most fun. Some people like the combat, some like sneaking around. I usually do low chaos runs first because I enjoy stealth.
nonlethal is a much more valid way to play in the second; in the first you couldn't get stun mines or knock people out from above or whatever, and a lot of people complained that all the abilities were lethal based but you got the bad end for going lethal. Your enemies are usually quite a bit more sympathetic in 2 (while in 1 they were all total bastards that deserved anything you did) so there's less of a reason storywise for you to be a dick

I'd say they're both basically on par. Do whichever you feel like at the time.

If you really like it, you can give it a second playthrough with the opposite character and the opposite gameplay.
The game's great, if you loved the first you'll loved the second.

The port is really not great though.
What D2 did worst was the targets
>No reason to kill Hypatia unless you go High Chaos
>No reason to kill Stilton or to save him, no effect on latter levels
>No reason to kill the Duke unless you go High Chaos
>Delilah's ending is literally DLC ending except less satisfying

The only two targets you can actually choose to kill or neutralize without being an edgelord for picking killing are Jindosh and Breanna
>No reason to kill the Duke
Man, I hated that cunt the most. I did a low chaos playthrough first and he was the only target I killed.
I really like a mixture of lethal and stealth. I chose Emily and wanted to kill those who betrayed me and spare the soldiers unless I've to kill then but I don't want the bad ending. I want a second playthrough with Corvo and full lethal. What do?
It has a demo, so check it and see if it works.

As for the game itself, its basically just more of the first game.
Dishonored 2 is pretty good. The very first level runs like dogshit, but everything after that runs fine. I have no idea why.
Killing the Duke is treated almost as badly as killing Hypatia because picking the non-lethal option is the best outcome for Karnaka and something that the characters advise you to consider if you play low chaos. They literally tells you about the Duke's body double and how he's a nice guy before the mission starts. Why the fuck did they not let the player explore the mansion, listen to the guards and deduce that there was two dukes?
I'm not sure how many you can kill and still get low chaos, I think in the first one it was about 30% in every level? I don't think the "bad" ending is really bad though, but if you want the good ending just try to kill as few as possible. Look at your stats every time you finish a level, with the whole assault/stealth stuff.
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I hate how devs pushing Daud, they even kept him alive despite that Corvo would killed him without thinking.
Yeah, they tried to justify it in the book and explain his choice, but common he canonically kill all conspirators and send Lady Boyle to sex slavery, and I'm not talking about how he fully wiped out that brothel there they kept Emily.
290x/i73770 runs 60 med/high @1080
He doesn't canonically kill all conspirators. The High Overseer at least was confirmed to be branded an heretic.
First time I played I killed about 6-7 people every level and still got low chaos. If you don't go on a full murder spree you'll still get the good ending.
Okay. Thanks gents
And he was send away from any city, which fate worse then death in their world with such nature
Yeah it was something i missed from the first. I think the only target I didn't hate in D1 was one of the boyl sisters, and that was purely because she has a pussy

I think you only get the high chaos ending if youre caught constantly and systematically hunt down half of the population.

If you only get a couple kills on key targets then you're fine.
Is he handsome /v/?
What about guards?
Never doubt it.
guards are mostly the same, but they're all men and were constantly being seen being total dicks to anyone they see
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I'd let him bend my time.
I didn't have an issue, I got it as a present and played as both characters without a single issue.

Pretty good game, easy to get into. I haven't played the first in almost 2yrs so thought I would end up dying a lot, that usually happens to me before I get used to gameplay. With Dishonored 2 you can ease into it incredibly well.
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Who else bought collector's edition?
I see. Thanks
I'm still kicking myself for not getting it, but I was pretty broke at the time. I really want that mask though.
For second game they added female one, which also show yourself being total dicks

Also why does heart sometimes telling that they raped someone in the past? They just didn't separate voice lines from male and female?
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One anon posted this long time ago

i imagine they're trying to be progressive and are just making men and women completely equal. So like, the woman is supposed to have raped someone, somehow
You have shit taste so youll probably like it anon
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>Is the sequel really that bad?
Who the fuck said that? The sequel is fantastic.

The only problem is bad optimization on PC and requiring somewhat expensive hardware if you want all the "master race" perks.

It's a fantastic game. The quality of the level design and gameplay is something you only meet very sparingly in the industry.
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>Dishonored is my favorite game.

Worth as a human being discarded.
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Killing her in front off Delilah was so good

You can't even wear it.
That's fucking brutal. The murder animations are fantastic in this game.
Why should anyone wear it?
to roleplay with their gf
Killing Delilah herself was better.
Are you planning to choke out your gf?
Think my favorite one was custis from d1 where u stab him inj the side of the head

>wondered on my first playthrough how the fuck do you knock her out without entering combat and getting rid of her clones
>turns out she's right above you on the rocks where you enter the painting and you can climb up the side
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>It was supposed to be mine...

Well I'm it's not my problem daddy wasn't nice to you.
And I still not sure if her story was true or fake.
Got any more killing animations?
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>that webm

EVERY TIME. Stealth games and save scumming go hand in hand.
I doubt she was lying, but that doesn't change anything.

Nope, I'm a lazy faggot and the game doesn't run well enough for me to just record everything.
But killing Delilah IS optional, what's up with the filename?

I never found that out, pretty clever of the devs. I think I just ended up luring her to me by mistake by taking her clones down.
Any point in doing a "murder spree" run in these games? I'm playing the first one currently and it feels like there are more options for killing people than for sneaking around them. Do you get any rewards for killing everybody?
>being a big enough dummy to non-lethal her AGAIN
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>Any point in doing a "murder spree" run in these games?

Having fun?
>Any point in doing a "murder spree" run in these games?
It's fun. You get more non-lethal options in Dishonored 2 though, that was one of the main complaints about the first game.
You know women can rape to
It's pretty cool how the game gives different chaos level "scores" depending on the target (at least I think it does). Some of the bastards in the game really are in need of some serious murdering. Save bipolar doc and work union man, murder the rest. It's the only right option.

I got the low chaos ending by doing this, which was nice.
I liked how the mansion changes in the present if you knock out Stilton. Really took me by surprise the first time I did it, that mission pretty much has 3 different levels in one.
Hated how they fucked up with Duke ending
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Do you think they will kill Outsider in that DLC?
>Any point in doing a "murder spree" run in these games?
It's fun

>Do you get any rewards for killing everybody?
More guards to murder in each level and a far more climactic ending
Daud will take his place, because irony
Can Arkane suck his dick any harder?
Dev confirmed you can finish the game without killing him.

My guess is that the choice will be between killing him or turning him into a normal boy again. Then Daud probably takes his place as the new Outsider.
Can't blame them, I'd suck his dick too.
Dishonored is one of my favourite games but the sequal is just mediocre
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Muh I feel bad for what I did, please spare me. I'll change, I promise
I know right, that SJW shit form the first second.
Some noname nigger saving you and that woman villain, because look are we progressive yet?
As long as he still talks with Masden's voice I'll do anything he says desu.
Both those characters were in the first game too so I don't know why you're mad. Or is this bait and I fell for it?
That image sure's kind in its portrayal of Billie.
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It'd be quite the achievement for them to kill the only interesting character they were able to write for the series.
They already killed him in D2 with recast and by telling us his origin in 2 sentences
Shorter than the first game, more fun to play as Corvo than Emily

Overall it's passable for what it is fuck Harvey for replacing Outsider's VA
what the fuck is up with THOOOOOOOOSE hands?
I wasn't aware that they changed the VA from the first game since I didn't actually remember his original voice.


Just checked out on youtube, and I gotta admit I'm perfectly fine with it. He spoke in a rather monotonous way in the first game. The VA in the second does the "trickster god" persona justice.
>On PC.
>Can't run games.
lol mustards.
Not really a case of a bad port the console versions also run horribly and can't even hit 30FPS anywhere near consistently.
The sequel is a very outstanding game hamstrung by the fact that whoever did the programming for the PC port was abysmally bad.
Sure enjoy your edgelord gay boy
I'm playing Dishonored 2 after it was cracked and have had no issues with performance on relatively high settings.

The gameplay feels boring af though even though it's pretty damn similar to the first. The story bores me out of my mind. Haven't gotten myself to finish the game yet. Have to force myself to play it. Maybe I should've played as Corvo instead of Emily as her blink doesn't feel as fun as blinking did in the first one.

Also, does nobody else have a problem with the fact that Corvo is a weird fucking pedophile who lusted after Emily's mom since she was 12?
The second game is great. Performance is bad compared to the first one though.
What I liked about Dishonored is that it's designed in a way that it's better if you don't reload. Awesome shit happens if you just let things flow.
but the combat is shit, and the stealth is barebones

It does have good level design but it pretty much stops there
How is that even possible? Weren't they about the same age? And she only hired him after she became Empress. But I haven't played Dishonored 2.
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Will do.
Dishonored's artstyle of having hands looking bigger than the character's head looks so fucking bad.

All those models that look like fucking apes.
those are big hands
>she was 12

She first time met him at 12, when he was sent to the training and only after 6 years he became her lord-protector and her lover.
>8 gb

I have played it and enjoyed it so far.
Levels are more open ended with a neutral zone in almost every level.
But there are some fantastic levels like the Clockwork Mansion and the Time Mansion which are literal 10/10.
Also go no powers. The game is laughable at any level with powers.
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If you save the mine baron then the present house becomes filled with servants and it makes getting a ghost infinitely harder.
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>or Larry
This. Going with a mercy route while going with the flow and not reloading is a real challenge at times.
Few threads ago people were discussing whether the number of Marks are finite or not. Thread died before I could respond, but Corvo loses his mark for Emily to gain it. I think the limit is 8.

>Is the sequel really that bad?
Game is good, but it's poorly optimized.
>I can't understand why anyone liked this game beyond it's gameplay and combat.
Gee I wonder what those things have to do with a...game.
My man.
I appreciate the choke out in combat.
Nonlethal assault best playstyle.>>380901081
>>Delilah's ending is literally DLC ending except less satisfying
I think it's because the fight was easier than with Daud. The power creep with Emily's stock set was absurd by endgame. Even more so and more fun with NG+.
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Was this kino?
Me. I really wanted that Steelbook™
Is Delilah actually alive in Dishonored 2?
>more fun to play as Corvo than Emily
Disagree. Edgefest Emily is GOAT.
Clint Eastwood wannabe Corvo felt very, very out of place off of the first game.
It's an overall improvement on 1 in terms of gameplay, powers and level design. Story isn't quite as good and the ending is fairly meh. However it's got some serious optimization issues on PC, so try the demo.
Yep, I've had it since day one and haven't had any issues
Crack in the Slab is shit because there's no replay value to it because all your powers are removed for it. The time mechanic is fun for the first playthrough but it's boring on any subsequent ones.
pretty shit
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