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Stormblood hits in 11 hours 30 minutes, you all got your

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 577
Thread images: 97

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Stormblood hits in 11 hours 30 minutes, you all got your downloads done?
DPS = Damage per second
DoT = Damage over time (ex Miasma/Bio)
HoT = Heal over time (ex regen)
Should have put the prelim patch note in the OP

Also "FFXIV"
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but isn't new goad some sort of AoE/double-target goad? I think I read this somewhere but may have just been lacking sleep.
>talking about a video game
>in /v/, of all places
I got one part downloaded but I wasn't paying attention to how big it was. Not sure whether to anticipate a few more parts or whether that was the whole thing.
Any final info on the DRK abilities?
pls respond
Yeah sorry about that, just that some threads that look too much like a general are being deleted.
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Angry Nip.webm
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>still 12 hours away
>all the patches haven't been released
>datamining spoilers everywhere
>threads getting deleted left and right
>prelim patch notes tell us nothing and full patch notes are 8 hours away
I'm starting to get angry waiting.
it's goad, same as it always was
you might be thinking of the new ranged physical skill that replaces army's/rook refresh thing
Lore book
>trying to bait ppl into making general-ish threads
Go away already.

>The 100% increase in EXP gain granted by the Armoury bonus now applies to all jobs below level 60.
FUCK I just finished leveling my last 60 class this week should have seen this coming. I'm retarded.
No, goad a TP regen that you can't use for yourself and only on your party members.
The music makes my dick explode
Need more music please!
>1.1 gb of dolphin porn
cool, thanks
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I want to pick up MCH in stormblood. Are they stylish? I never see one when running the duty finder so I never get a chance to peek their animations.
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I have been waiting all of since 2.0 for this.
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how did I do for my 24 hour marathon? what are you guys having?
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I can't wait to get BLISS'D

Their animation used to be garbage actually.
But the new ones they get in SB looks sick.
Fuck tons of mangos, lots of coffee and water with some popcorns.
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Have you accepted Lakshimi as your new waifu?
>I'm retarded
Yeah you are, this was known weeks ago
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>Embolden's benefit to the group was cut in half.

And there goes RDM, never to be seen again in any serious progression/speedrunning.
Leveling and other roulettes are free xp, as always, plus wondrous tales
that's the 600 dpi one or whatever isn't it, it loads so fucking slow on my tablet
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>TFW medical debt prevents me from playing.
a job interview
>make a big deal about going tank
>on second thought want to keep going as nin for the msq xp and thematic appropriateness
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>no Stormblood approved snacks
Lakshmi's pussy or death
>No activated almonds

i started playing the game last week and i just wanna finish the story mode why is the game down reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Best QoL from the patch goes to...?
I think they got bored after people which may or may not have been me kept making them as fast as they were being deleted
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>not snake cloaca
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>4% exp boost instead of 3%
All their skills are a variation of stand and shoot except clean shot which is jump and shoot
Sprint not being TP
It's still 10% physical damage to start my dude.
fuck this shit, I want that 1% xp bonus just for eating crap but i'm EU.
Pretty much unchanged from the media event. Some unspecified nerfs to lifesteal effects, a nerf to Blood Price's Blood absorption, and Dark Passenger was changed from 150/240 potency with/without DA to 100/240 (no word on whether the MP cost changed).
hide refreshing ninjutsu
I wish this release didn't coincide with ARMS.
I like both but im gonna be playing Stormblood longer hours.
Bigger world map honestly.
PotD is always popular, especially now with two new jobs. Queues will get slow for old level cap dungeons (lvls 50 and 60), bit I guess shit won't be too slow for leveling dungeons because of tank/healer mainfags changing jobs.
Either PF making people who haven't cleared content can't join farm parties


Able to get dungeon guaranteed within 5 runs most likely for your job
thank you sir, you did good
Can I preload on steam?
the gear from dungeons don't count for lv.70 dungeons which sucks.
1. Inventory/armory size increase
2. Sprint not using TP
3. Housing furnishing limit increase
4. Swimming
5. Mount speed boost(turbo speed Goobbue is glorious)
>reused monster that was already lamia reskin
>monotone shitbrown slime reskin
Kek. Any guesses what the other two are reskins of? Bottom left looks like it could be those fat things with horns North of Saint Coinach in Mor Dhona. Not sure about top right.
New sprint animations.
This is absolutely fantastic, Soken never disappoints
steam doesn't handle that shit, just open up the game and the launcher will do it
Second patch is up
>Took dad to a steakhouse for fathers day
>served shitty piece of meat
>Blasting out both ends the last 2 days

I may have to drag my pc to the toilet to play, the thought of food... brb....
PLD's spring animations don't look retarded anymore.
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>tfw will be an hour lat because of work
>would have worked all night so i cant play all day
Lamia reskin, Sprite reskin, Yeti reskin and Slime reskin.
No, I doubt it. They stopped deleting as soon as we stopped making obvious generals and spamming the board. ITs obvious they'll allow one up about the expansion.
C'mon man, don't be a dick to fellow anons.
thanks. ive been reading in a thread a few days ago that scholars and healers in general now benefit from MIND on their damage spells is that still the case? i always disliked the stance dancing aspect but loved the fact that a healer is more than a healbot. so seeing cleric stance removed and made baseline is kinda cool but will the damage output still be the same or will it be worse?
Dismantle, Ricochet, and Blank are the best animations tbqh. Yeah everthing else is just pointNshoot.
DPS = how much damage you shit out on average every second, it's commonly used as a measure of how good you are at the game
DoT = skills that deal damage every tick (in XIV, it's every 3 seconds)
HoT = same shit as above but it heals
Do it, its not like ill ever get to play Stormblood.
Being able to filter PF to prevent non-cleared people from joining
do it
you wont
It would be 3rd. And it isn't.
>12 hours until maintenance is over
>all the patches still aren't out
>will be going to bed in about 6 hours
>if the final patches don't release by then I'll have to spend precious hours downloading the last patches after I wake up tomorrow morning
The only reason there were multiple is because they deleted the thread when it was just one
We actually know how to keep our shit in check unlike Overwatch and Persona which makes up half the fucking catalog sometimes
ysholta dies
It will be lower on a striking dummy. But higher in actual fights since you aren't losing gcds due to stance dancing.
>Implying I give a shit about that "story"
>implying they will kill the face of FFXIV in Japan.
I thought you were posting spoilers?
Yes, healers lost stance dancing but now they use MND to calculate their damage.
yes, but the deleted thread was an obvious general i was here.

It was like

"Where did you logout? XD XD"
>don't care for the story

So what exactly do you like about this game because the 2.5GCD combat is trash lmao
Y'shtola is a man, Zenos dies
>story critical roe character who was suddenly introduced
he's a dead man walking, anon
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>server goes up at 3 am
>dont have to be at work til 1:30pm
>can sleep until noon
>only need 5 hours sleep to be rested at work anyway
I wonder how much I can finish in 4 hours
>Y'shtola is a man
That explains why he is far less feminine thsn Alphinaud.
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Alisaie is fine
Patch notes are 4 hours away, relax.
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The simplicity of killing time with friends
Why did launch get moved 2 hours from what I've heard at first?
Because you can't into timezones.
it didn't you dumb shit
Give me a body count. No names,
just numbers.
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Who /Samurai/ here?
Like >>380651739 said, it's technically a nerf but practically a buff. Cleric stance let me remind you swapped INT with MND and also boosted damage spells by 10% and reduced healing. Now spells are based on MND so you don't need to swap MND with INT anymore, but you do lose the 10% damage. however you don't have to do le dancing maymay so you can much much much easier (double) weave damage spells between cures, and don't have to wait for Cleric's cd to cure again.
Did data miners finish getting stats for the new gear yet?
I wasn't really that interested in sam but now that I've seen the katanas, I may have to level one.
>Those Savage banners
muh I want to fight Neo-Exdeath!
>there are people who actually enjoy spoilers

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Can I still get early access if I purchase now?
And why the fuck don't expansions include game time?
I doubt anyone cares to. The raid gear isn't there so who gives a shit about leveling and fresh 70 stats.
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*blocks your expac*
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>Less than 12 hours to launch
>Still dont know what class to play first

I raided on bard but im not raiding anymore so even though I want to level it, I was thinking something else first.... Why do I keep leaning towards WHM when I know where its place is?
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Anybody recognize the top two?
I wanted to see how much piety the healer sets had
Noroi Kisaragi
The quality of a story doesn't change whether you know what happens beforehand or not.
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Going to be playing this whenever I get a full SAM party.
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Probably considering one of my friends wants to get her BRD to 60 and the other wants to main RDM, so having two casters in our group with me being BLM doesn't make too much sense.


Dropping PS3 support.
trust me it isn't
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Okay, so how many of you are actually going to level SAM or RDM from 50 to 60 before touching any of the new 60+ content?
I'll for sure level it. I guess I'll decide then if I want to main it.
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Fairy orc when?
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>SAM disrespecting MNK
Doing RDM first thing.
burmecians when
What's the best site/resource to read up on Samurai and Red Mage skills? I want to learn about them before choosing one of the two to take to 70 first.
How hard will it be to get into groups for late game content as a new player? Is it like WoW where groups will require you to have certain achievements?
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>found a static
>everyone is good at the game
>but I might get cancer because of them
Heaven or hell.
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>amount of furniture you can place has been increased
>but not for exterior furniture

but still he looks pretty cool whoever he is
Lots of FC accept new players
French Bread Pizzas and Nacho Lunchables.
Like a real degenerate faggot would eat.
is noctis in this?
I'm still playing wow: legion and I don't give a fuck about an mmo with a 2.5 second gcd. Hell, tree of savior is more fun than this garbage. I'm waiting on the next FF mmo with better lolis and transmog
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Because that is the place where you want to be. Also cutest AF gear.
Thats because more exterior items are viewable by everyone, and could crash the server. Like everything else apparently in this game.
Pure, unadultered cancer.
Gay game for gay people

and we wonder why our topics get reported and deleted
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He's 100% The final boss of the Temple of the Fist.
thanks for your input anon. don't you have concordance to farm?
So when is the rest of the patch dropping? I Downloaded two parts already
Perfect for you.
Duty finder gives you easy access to most late game content. It's not like WoW where you don't get access to even normal raids because you don't have ahead of the curve.
No sorry, I don't play the game

hope you have fun
I probably will. I haven't played since Heavensward release and would rather play RDM.

I'm new to PotD, though.
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You weren't supposed to reply!
I will main SAM during MSQ for extra dialogues, then I will go back to DRK leveling.
I guess we'll be seeing this thread getting 404'd shortly.
>implying im not going into SB wearing my AF1 monk outfit
Leave the Garleans to me!
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anon, thank you!
Might be Ivon Coeurlfist, the legendary monk who first wielded the Spharai and wrestled with coeurls.
why heal an enemy
>for extra dialogues
But this is monk's expansion.
If I start now, how likely is it that I can get a house eventually? Or is that too much of a non-possibility?
or we could just stop throwing autistic tantrums
So will beast tribe quest be at launch or are we waiting to 4.1?
>Pal-less Palace III
>Clear F200 solo
>Title: The Necromancer
But how
>nerf DPS across the board for MCH
>give him literally useless skills in SB for no apparent reason like the one that explodes your turret for like 400 potency and sets it on a fucking 30s CD
>nerf his utility into the ground
>but also make him harder to handle with the new overheat mechanic

So why should I ever pick a MCH over a BRD?
or mods could stop acting like faggots.
Sustain pots and new broken food.
It's almost as if you forgot where we were.
Either join a free company with a house or join a dead server and buy one there. You'll need money first so get into crafting.
It's not impossible, just hard for what's worth.
Kojin in 4.1
Ananta in 4.2
Qiqirn in 4.3
Ala Mhigans in 4.4 with crafting quests.
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And SMN are getting egi glamours.
oh i didn't realise there was already established lore about him, I've been saying his name assuming he's a new character
MNK for duel with Lyse, SAM for everything else.
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>want to abandon MCH for RDM because fuck yeah RDM
>now both are inferior to their counterparts in every single way

Fuck me.
don't give up, with SB coming out and shirogane plots opening up a bit after, expect some mass transfers from existing plots over there.

So keep saving, selling, etc. it's not impossible but i think small houses run about 3-4million?

This may be super outdated : http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/611a2417fbdd247a18a619409302b2896cea7f52
>not realizing NIN will get the extra dialogue, not SAM
lol american
Just get an apartment.
but mch got buffed potencies and extra damage from the new heat mechanic???
tfw new to the game and don't know what all of these goddamn abbreviations mean every time i try to chat
well fuck me i guess
Thanks, anon. Worked out fine.

You're not that wrong. Loads of gays on this game, even got one hitting on me.
>Your trainer walks in
>Oh hey student
>Continues normal dialogue
everything you know and love dies.
Good to see the goy looking forward to the new expansion.
The Wildfire and Overheat nerf is huge. The only way they can offset that is by allowing auto-attacks with GB on which is probably the case since there are no cast times anymore.
I'm not even talking about just the msq, but gear, mounts, quests, titles, dungeons, music
more than MNK or SAM will get :^)
It's not like Oboro will forget who you are if you equip a katana instead of daggers.
so this...is...the...power of..american healthcare.....whoa!
Meant to say Overdrive of course, sorry.
>Monk gets a 1v1 fight with lyse
You showed us
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It was nice having you, anon.
>NIN gets 2 extra lines from Yugiri
>SAM gets 2 extra lines from Gosetsu
>MNK gets 1 extra line form Lyse
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No jews here, anon.
seems like they are fucking palace, I hoped they would leave it as is so that clearing it was at least still somewhat prestigious in the future

My fucking nigger.
Can we still not do palace in the DF for 100+?

Fuck having a static.
They also let you purchase F200 trophies with potsherds and added other jewelry themed around glass pumpkin and the firecrest. Tragic, not even this achievement remains eternal in Yoshi's game.
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>less than 11 hours until servers go back up
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>PotD shitters finally feel what it's like to have something they actually accomplished be nerfed into the ground to make it more "accessible"
The rage on the OF about the floor 200 rewards being purchasable is fucking great. So much god damn irony.
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>tfw sitting on 50 potsherds
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>tfw gonna go to bed, get a good night's rest, wake up in the morning and the servers are exploded.
pretty fucked up honestly

Bangaas when
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>Mnk expansion
Better luck next time kiddo.
>housing needs it's own instance
>apparently despite in it's own instance if there's too many lawn gnomes the server barfs

Housing in mmorpgs is a mistake. The only game to get it right was SWG and that's because the planets were 90% bare, giving you room to make a city so the devs didn't have to.
Weren't they going to add more floors at some point?
Those things were always gonna depreciate
gonna go buy a bunch of sweets and be a fatass when I leave work early lel

>tfw boss also plays ff14
can you link the thread?
Can someone assure me that if i buy SB right now i'll be able to play tomorrow? I literally can't wait another 4 days, i'm really REALLY sick and i need something to keep my mind off it.
Explain how RDM is inferior
Its not nerfed. Just having the item available doesnt make finishing it less of an accomplishment when apparently only like 1-2% of people have cleared it. Yoshi is making it sound like the new deep dungeon is going to the be the savage of 4 man content.
they are adding an entirely new dungeon with a new set of floors 1-200+
there's no reason that the old one can't still be left as is, it still gives players something to work towards and since the rewards weren't really gear or anything it had no reason to be made easier to get the rewards
Tfw Amazon hasn't sent me my early access code yet.

Sad times
Depending on where you purchase it from, yeah you can.
Can someone help me out here? Whenever I try to launch Stormblood on my PS4, it just says that it's unable to launch the content. Is it because it's not out or is there another reason?
Yes you can preorder until June 20th and get early access
If i buy it on PSN will i be able to? I'm on PS4.
When's the BLM Expansion?
I want to gain a disturbing amount of power via void to the point where Exdeath starts whispering sweet nothings in my ear at every step.
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>7 pages of mad
You just had a whole 24 man raid to your ancient people
They never let White Ravens be purchasable did they?

Those are my only e-peen glamour items that I can think of
Need more music
He's right, both BLM and RDM aren't needed just like how basically every single progress/speedrun comp in HW ignored BLM.
Yeah, PS4 will package early access and the actual expac together so you don't have to go through redeeming the code or anything if I recall correctly.
The dev team seems to really not like Roes or blacks. They go out of their way to avoid using either, to the point that everyone with a tan is Gyaru style complete with shiny white/blonde hair.
Ffxiv sucks because there's no world pvp and you can only dual in small designated areas.

Game full of carebears
>Goddess is horny as fuck
>The snake girls probably are too
Is XIV saved?
I asked why, I don't care about your non-answer opinion.
Why didn't you just get it yesterday or any of the weeks before today
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but Raubahn
yes because it's fun to gank little noobies in starter zones
>I'm a bitch who can't fight people on my own level so I want to kill lowbie characters to make my small dick feel big.
Started playing XIV last week.
Currently level 36 and about to fight Titan for the first time. About how long will it take for me to get through the rest of 2.0 and Heavensward?
Too little or too weak utility.
These are barely reskins. A reskin would be a Frost Bomb compared to a Bomb etc.
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>Not traveling the lands to kill all lalas on sight
>People pretending POTD is hardcore content when all it is is a slow placed slog because of one shot patrols and tons of RNG that can screw you over with floor debuffs and lack of good pomanders

The only reason everyone doesnt clear POTD is because of shitty luck with pomanders.
yeah i think people misuse that term a lot around here, i mean obviously some share a common model but I'm okay if the overall look is unique
Who is transferring to Omega?
Yes that is fun, but gets boring quick. I want faction warfare based on grand company. LITERALLY no reason to play for the story.

>I'm a bitch who can't handle any enemy that not a tuned npc or I will cry on the forums
If you got to 36 in a week probably the rest of your sub plus a few more.
okay I will admit, that would be fun
A long time. Several days at a minimum, and that's if you play all day and night every day
Is Susano's theme any good?
is there 2 seperate ffxiv applications on your ps4 home or is it only stormblood? if there's only one and it doesn't work then reinstall the game.
I didn't clear it because it was boring as fuck
24 hour maintenance you silly goose, it'll reopen 2am PDT tonight

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>Initial tooltip: Summon your wind-up Khloe minion. Because there is nothing wrong with a fully automated mechanical reconstruction of a young girl of ten summers.

>Minion description: Ever since she began receiving them on her doorstep─one a day, every day, without fail─Khloe Aliapoh can't help but think there is something seriously wrong with whoever is sending her these disturbingly lifelike automatons.

>"Lore" description (tooltip when you hover over the large picture of her): This will make Khloe's best friend so happy! - Khloe Aliapoh
Machinist or Bard as my first to 70?
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>gets raped by random shitters in Duels, Frontlines, and The Feast
>finds out he can't go gank newbies heal his ego

Watched this again. The ending of 2.0 was so much better
No? Tri-Disaster now just inflicts the two dots and a debuff that increases Ruin's damage on the target.
Then don't do it? If you aren't willing try for it and are the kind of person to blame RNG in there then it wasn't content meant for you.
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sounds like your dating profile amirite?
>tfw the anima was a total waste of time and will have nothing to do with 4.0's relic
Use this recruitment code before you first sub for exp bonus items EZQ48DWJ
not a fan
>WHMs and SMNs who made animas
I liked how it built into 3.0 with the whole people becoming primals thing.
This just reminds me of 1.0 players and their relics and white ravens
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No, I can't even get into the launcher to download the update.
Shit. I only had one and when I opened it, it turned into Stormblood, but then became unable to open. I guess I'm going to have to delete it all. I hope it has nothing to do with the fact that this version wasn't the Collector's edition this time around.

What don't the prelim notes have that you want?
>tfw [everything in XIV] was a total waste of time
>35 runs
>per job
Oh god.
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tfw really want to go MCH main but also want to stay SCH because I've put 1k hours into getting good at the job and raid with it
The SCH you know is dead.
Its objectively, factually RNG. When you get to higher floors theres scenarios where you cannot proceed unless you have the right pomanders, and bad luck with patrols such as having 4 chimera coming at you.
>Stormblood hits in 11 hours 30 minutes, you all got your downloads done?

just got off work what are you talking aboooohgod the launcher's up
which file is it?
They're not deleting Bio 2, idiot. Bio and Bio 2 will be replaced by Bio 3.
It's good because it was just bloat. Now that Dreadwyrm Trance resets Tri-Disaster, you'll expect yourself to only cast your DoTs once every 2 minutes while you waste your gcds on spamming Ruin instead.
The front lines are shit, the arbitrary dueling areas are shit, and I don't play the game because it's pvp is not supported. And the story bores me. Why is it so difficult to add a pvp flag to enable pvp anywhere you are in the world?

Again you gave no real reason other than assuming that I suck in the shitty front lines so that must mean I want to gank low level characters
White Ravens and Dalamud Horn

Oh and if you were smart you would still have access to some heavy armor 1.0 gear for mages :^)
Funny how BLM is becoming more AoE oriented this time around while SMN is focused more on single target.
>what is risk management

You never played an XCOM or something, son?
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Ready to get my glamour on.
thank fuck

and yes, i have some dated gear i keep to glamour, shame it can't be dyed
How bad are dps queues really? I've never mained a dps before and I just joined a new FC, so I'm not buddy buddy yet with any tanks that can help me hop the queue.
>less than 12 hours from now we will enter a new world
Feels comfy
It's almost like that in an RPG, the numbers can be so heavily slanted one in favor of one party, no amount of skill can change the outcome. Huh, weird.
>not going to bed 9 hours before patch hits so that you can wake up and download the patch and have a comfy morning
Having made it to floor 200 4 times now with 0 wipes 100+, it's not just RNG. If you're going to blame RNG, it's more likely that you just didn't use your items responsibly and let yourself get into a situation where you needed something you didn't have.
why are the new primal songs fucking shit, that lakshmi one is worse than shiva god damn
Can't wait for mounts from certain raid mounts to start being sold at vendors for gil or tomes/seals.
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Will machinist DPS still be solely determined by wildfire, or will the class not be a shitshow in SB?
Even basic ass content can have you waiting upward of 15 minutes as of last week. I'm talking leveling roulette here.
Sure it had more going on but it was still trash and had uneeded drama of the Sultana and the Scions getting """killed"""
>cajun fire

My FUCKING nigga
so I got early access but when can I actually register the game itself
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>he's not going for world first solo 200
>Worse than Shiva
Confirmed shit taste.
elaborate? how can TWO dots be TRI disaster?>>380656773
while i am in balmung, i do not RP at all.
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Sch have been my favorite class for a long time now, even before I mained it, I still considered it my favorite class.

But, I really want to go trough the story line as Pld. As I did that with every 3.x patch, doing cut scenes and each dungeon as one. But I never do end game stuff as one, it would also be wasteful to spend the class with the easiest que time with quest xp.As I hate Potd and will probably dont do it in 4.0
what's it like, being a contrarian
When early access starts
should i buy this /v/

my friends baited me into bdo and now i want to play an mmo that doesnt suck ass
But you got a cute minion after all that retarded work!
My DRK anima will go straight to the trash bin after I clear 4.0 leveling content, even those poorly extracted greatsword models with fucked up colors looks better than this stupid purple triangle and all previous versions of it.
Sounds like you're someone who just got lucky my man. I've had runs where zero rage, witching, or even sight/safety drop for 50+ floors.
The third disaster is the Ruination debuff.
>oh no my special house trophy no one would ever see anyway isn't exclusive anymore
3.3 was a perfect ending to Heavensward, 3.4/5 doesn't really count since it was just the setup for Stormblood.
It did a great job on bulding up tension, too bad they did so little with it.
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This is what you came for, now go.
Are you blind?
>and a debuff that increases Ruin's damage on the target.
it could be worse

you could've gotten Sandungs
Never waited more than 15 minutes, only old optional stuff is longer because no one does it anymore.
Go play a fighting game, that's what I do
Or are you not good enough
RDM for me since I'm buying the complete edition
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Read it again. It gives a debuff on an enemy that increases all Ruin spell's damage dealt (or a buff that increases idk). That's the "third disaster".
Sandungs were a fucking mistake.
Or maybe you're just comically unlucky.
And luck is a skill :^)
You're the Bi-Disaster.

do you have any more info on that debuff?
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in the true spirit of weebblood
Then skill no longer becomes a requirement for the game, like I said. Carebears.
It's pretty bad. I'm not a fan of the female vocals in XIV. There needs to be another theme like Ravana.
Yeah, it was. I thought the entire cinematography of the final war could be improved though. It barely looked like a war was going on.
Sure, but I still think pretending to kill off the Scions was unnecessary drama.
rate the primal/trial fights from best to worst.
nothing is a bigger mistake than Sandungs, it's the worst anima by fucking far
Looks like it's now more about staying between 50-100 heat as long as possible and lining up Wildfire windows to be in the danger zone the entire time without overheating.
>Hating THE best anima
Is everyone just baiting for (You)s today?
Depends on your datacenter and what time you play. Queues go by quicker in the morning for me (less than 10 minutes) but at the evening it takes 30-45 minutes.
Honestly 90% of all the completed anima's were garbage
MNK anima was objectively the worst. Pair of green-ass fucking Sock'em Boppers.
>liking a gun where the handle was ripped from an existing model with a stupid flaming head thing for the barrel
what tank should I play my dudes


Ramuh is godly though if it even counts. I don't think there's any others.
Uh, that's not the bow.
>no anima nerf

Work for it, nerd.
Where is the QoL to disable other peoples glamours on my version of the game?

Similar to how they did it in PvP
>When pvp fists for a promo look better than the fists you grind all expansion for
Made me think
why wouldn't Ramuh count? and there's a female version of Leviathan that's a million times better than the male version

I like it.
They already nerfed the shit out of it.
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>female version is better than Soken's version of Leviathan
Armageddon was the best gun.

Either dropping PS3 support or having indicators for which debuffs can and can't be cleansed. As a healer this makes me happy.

Or I guess maybe the improved crafting menu UI. Or the MSQ hand-holding for returners and retards. Gathering node timers being less awful. Faster land mount speeds. Despite all the big negatives about job imbalances, there are a lot of QoL changes to get excited about. I wouldn't say they equal out the job team's incompetence, but they will make playing the game better overall.

Question, though. If Raise now reduces primary stats instead of HP, does that mean there will be even more DPS checks? Since you won't be wiping to shitter-check mechanics thanks to max HP remaining constant, they'll have to do something else to punish for wiping. If you can't do that with raid-wide damage that kills people with Weakness, does that mean you just double-down on making groups DPS to avoid being instagibbed?
There is no feature. People would complain that their cash shop glamour are meaningless if people can disable them.
Never really had any bad times for me, but I'm on the free trial, and on Zalera, so you be the judge
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>we can never get Death Penalty because Merlwyb already stole the name for her gun
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You are going to enjoy my Tank Gear and thre's nothing you can do about it.

Less than 11 hours remaining.

It honestly doesn't matter what models they use, non-boss enemies are all pretty generic in XIV, literally nothing more than quest material

I remember when they said that the mobs in Heavensward would be 'much more of a threat'
>Implying we won't get it from her.
Fighting more than one thing at Heavensward launch was pretty daunting compared to ARR enemies.
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At least it went to best girl.
Lalafell Samurai is going to get everyone's commends.
I would pay double my sub to get this feature.
I want to see them cry if this happened.
Anon, that's a monkey.
>meme glamour
I have never, ever, not ONE time, commended a lalafell.

Fucking cancerous potato fucks
How did they access this?
But she's white.
Someone upload the Susanoo themes.
No that isn't Kan-E-Senna.
Not my character, pulled it from a google search
Her old voice was better.
Who else DUDE WEEDing it up on Stormblood launch?

>liking Merlwyb
Fuck off numalecuck.
how do the fuck do you pronounce this bitch name

sounds like the type of sound you would make if you were drowning

fuck off
Yeah, Jean Gilpin was perfect.
bypass the launcher
AF3 is dyable out the box
>Cause TWO beast tribes to go angry and summon their primals
Yeah okay bitch
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>Roegadyn RDM
Has anyone calculated out fate grinding? It seems like they have done a lot to make it better, is POTD still a better time/exp ratio?
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Nope just coming back now after stopping at lv40 2 years ago

Where is the best place to buy Stormblood for EU? I figure having it lets me play HW too?

Also is it worth downloading the benchmark for someone who last played the game on a toaster but now has a good build? I guess it'll just slow down getting to the real game download (my speeds are ass) but still.
MER-uhl-wibb BLEH-fiss-win
>that new data center screen

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Don't worry warrior. Even though all our friends are dead you still have me
i'm going to set a pot of chili in a slow cooker and take a break when it's done

it'll be around 6-8 hours so i may even get TWO dps queues out of the way
3rd patch is up.
>No longer need to level subclasses to get a job advancement at 30

>No longer need to level other classes for cross-class skills


MCH is looking like shit. Wildfire is 10s, Overheat is the most needless shit in the game and the whole crux of MCH's gameplay is still remembering to get all your cds within Wildfire, only you have 3 ammos now and without the off-gcds/buffs the class plays like this:


Granted that's how 3.0 MCH played between wildfires as well. Doesn't help that Overheat is a 10s 10% damage boost but once its done, you can't equip Gauss barrel for 10 seconds so it's a tiny again above MCH's already shit overall potency. Turret Overload is also a dps loss unless its at the end of a phase/kill or its in WF and even in WF, I doubt its a serious gain. Even in Dungeons, you lose your fucking turret for 30 seconds. For any consecutive pull you're basically fucked. Unless there's some wild shit with MCH's autos, they'll most likely be on the bottom of the rung for DPS. Hyper is also only 5% now.
The Sahagin were always just violent assholes who were killing people for hundreds of years and summoned Leviathan just because they could. Only the Kobolds were actually threatened.
I fucking hate this bitch soo much.
Seems likely to me.
While this is true, it's pretty much because of the stat scaling of enemies in levels where item levels of gear go up a good deal more quickly in a short amount of levels.

Once you're geared up even max level overworld enemies go down with little effort.
Bring out my chocobo and I can nuke a group of them even better.
literally only a good thing for casual nooblets like you
so glad about the first part been asking for weeks if that was true or not
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>only 6GB
>concerned that I will sit down tomorrow and it will ask me to download 20GB before the servers go up in an hour
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>guys our native waters got fistfucked by the Calamity we're just gonna chill on this beach to lay our eggs
>wow fuck you guys
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N-no they'll be fine people told me they are fine and everyone just pulls things outta their asses!
What's the existing model from?
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>I have work all day for the next 3 days
It's like I don't even get the early access at all.
If you look at /ex2/ it's barely smaller than /ex1/. This game doesn't require a ton of resources - all the textures and audio files are very compressed.
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>played DRK all through HW
>played DRG all through ARR
should i continue the tradition of rerolling? Or stick DR?

I was thinking maybe AST, since i havent played a healer yet, and they seem OP in SB.
>and if you are rebooting it how do you translate the most memorable part of the gameplay?

game was never designed with pvp in mind. It was added in ARR as a later patch. Not to mention all idiots like you would do it go find undergeared players to gank.

Best thing they've done is refuse world pvp. The tears it brings from the pvp idiots is amazing.

Go play a real pvp game if you want to pvp.
>just gonna chill on this beach to lay our eggs
They summoned Leviathan to Tsunami the town of Halfstone that used to be there, then went in on foot to take care of all the survivors.
This would not last me 2 hours.
that's what you get for making money, being financially secure, and not have to worry about bills/food, etc.

>white ravens
Those and Dated Gear are the only real trophies in the game though.
mount speed increase

moving around is such a basic thing in videogames and in this its a fucking slog outside of flying zones
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>Those marching drums of war.
I love it when the theme is WAR.
>Both SAM and RDM start in Uldah
Oh boy.
This will be such a fucking mess.
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anyone playing other games while waiting for servers to come up? post em.

I'm playing Vesperia
hey at least you have a job
recent graduate here, no signs of success yet
Are they going to let us pre-load?
Thanks senpai.
This is the correct answer.
That's very Sahaginphobic of you. Sahagin are a peaceful people, we should let more of them in to our lands to show them that we can accept them for who they are.
>best girl
She does nothing of importance despite being the leader of one of the three city states and grand companies and even actively goes out of her way to not help the WoL because "muh people" while stirring up shit with the kobolds and sahagin to the point that they both summon primals.
>590 calories
Jesus fuck.
>implying he wont die in the expac where we go to his homeland

and then pipin will take overas Flame commander

screencap this
i think you meant to reply to the other guy, i'm saying i'm sitting here, able to play games and all, but struggling with finances/employment for the past few months and running out of money
you can preload right now nigga
Steel Soul playthrough of Hollow Knight - just recently 100% completed the game on my first playthrough
Summoner. Oh wait sustain doesn't exist and physik doesn't scale like rdm heal does.
Sahagin can go fuck themselves. Kobolds are alright though.
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eat a honey bun and slurp it down with this
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Its so sexy bros
>a smn finds a way to bitch about his class in something completely unrelated

every time
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Good god she is PERFECT

Even her song is joyous
>data mining
>tfw you find out Thancredge sacrifices himself so you and Lyse can escape after Shtola gets cut down
Fuuuck i still haven't watched the cutscenes for Coils and Alex(impatient faggots forced me to skip them). Are they any good? Can i have tl;dr on both?
guys i'm bored and have literally nothing to do for the next five hours

what the hell am i supposed to do? I've been trying to replay old MMOs and it's killing me.
>death of boring thancred who went from skirt chaser to muh minfillia
Rot in hell Balmung/Gilgamesh. It was fun.
oh well.jpg
Summoner was a good class for soloing potd and the post was asking how to solo to floor 200
>Tfw 8 hours late all the while knowing that others are playing already
bruh you don't know what true pain is
what stream will everyone watch while playing the new expansion? itmejp is doing a 24 hour one
What is this? a PLD sword? DRK sword? RDM sword? one of NIN's daggers? SAM katana?

less sword users please, thanks yoshi.
Have they released any info on what the other trials will be other than the 2 primals?

the equivalents to the warring triad or whatever they might be?
I'll be too busy watching my screen.
>watching streamers
how fucking old are you
coil is the best storyline in the game, go watch that shit in the inn asap

alex is dumb timetravel stuff with goblins
Not yet. You can probably bet on final boss being rehashed for an extreme in 4.1 just like the last time though.
>Will there be a benefit for completing the Anima weapon for the new relic weapon progression?
>So while you may have had a bit of an advantage if you had the Zodiac Weapon completed at the time of the start of the Anima Weapon series… this time we are going to have everybody start at the beginning of the series.

the female vocalists Soken gets are all fucking terrible

sophia's theme was amazing aside from the fucking tone deaf cunt drowning out the instrumental

Buy from the SE store, it's easier. They have a page devoted to SB and what version you should buy depending on what you may or may not already have.

Download and run the benchmark for funsies if you want to. It's a nice-looking stress test that will give you an idea of how nice you can make the game look for the expac.

Start downloading the game itself ASAP though since you'll have a lot of shit to catch up on if you haven't played in 2 years. Once you buy it and verify the codes, start the game's launcher and get read to stare at download bars for hours.
*touches scar*
I unironically want all this stormblood memorabilia but I'm just a fucking leaf and Japs don't care about us
laughing at all who buy this shit. 50 bucks for the full game and you even have to pay a monthly fee
BDO, I always play BDO during maintenance
>18 - 1
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>i am new to MMOs
>the female vocalists Soken gets are all fucking terrible
Probably because with the exception of Susan Calloway none of the "vocalists" are actually singers, it's staff members from localization team autotuned into the ground.
Bye for 1 month
$40 not $50
also pretty standard for sub MMOs
BR monkey detected. Angry you can't stain this game with your subhuman internet and sopa de macaco?
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>tfw she's a turbo bitch
I never played HW on launch, did it launch with just 2 primals as well or were the warring triad a part of launch too?
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Beyond majestic mountains
Across the land (of Deum)
O mighty, mighty standard
United, we remain!
Fly high beyond the ramparts!
Fly high beneath the stars!
I bleed this blood for victory,
For glory, Garlemald!

When can I betray Eorzea and join the Garleans? Gaius had the right of it.
>t.call of duty shitter.
Just bismark and Ravana and their EX counterparts.
>Bahamut is underground for some reason
>Oh shit, Louisoix and Nael are still alive and down here with him
>Kill Nael and it turns out he's actually a girl
>Louisoix is tempered
>Go fight Louisoix
>he also became Phoenix
>tells you how Bahamut got into Dalamud and how he defeated him at Carteneau
>Alphinaud and Alisaie get Phoenix-egi
>Beat Bahamut and everything is okay

>Brayflox's dad is being a fucking asshole and has a cute cat
>there's an Au Ra lady who claims she summoned Alexander 3 years ago and he ate her fiance
>much later, turns out Alexander has time control powers
>Au Ra lady never actually summoned Alexander
>he actually traveled back to that moment with you inside and sucked up Au Ra lady's fiance so they could be together again
>Alexander was summoned using the same relic topping Louisoix's staff, making him way too fucking powerful
>he wants to save the world, but any action he takes sucks it dry of aether
>Alexander uses a cat to organize a time loop spanning from the beginning and end of time to get you in front of him and beat him because the only timeline he can find that doesn't end in the death of the planet is the one where you beat him
>takes Au Ra lady and her fiance into stasis so he can jump back to the beginning of time when it all ends and implant himself into mythology so he can be summoned again and restart the loop
*touches scar*
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>MNK cucks saying they got 10 potency off all their moves because skill speed affects their autos now
>Meanwhile NIN only only got potency buffs while still having greased lightning in Huton
honestly fuck you dude
*becomes my own great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother*
*touches scar again*
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Don't you're just trading in one brand of stupid for arguably an even worse kind of stupid
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things will get better for us, just don't give up
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>tfw didnt do any anima
>get told im lazy and i should so i can progress next relic
>This news
>-touches scar-
There's no way they'd take away cure 3, right

I loved Alexander's general attitude. Cool guy, wish he wasn't fucking connected with fucking goblins.
>It's bollywood as fuck
I wasn't prepared even though I knew it'd sound like this.
>mfw DRG is perfect in Stormblood

Feels amazing.
Are you talking shit about Dan and Koji?

I'm going to try it and RDM, I have no idea which I'll like more. I'm going to see if I can glamour up a more middle-eastern look with a scimitar kinda sword.

I thought Thavnairian Bolero was fuckboy on any male but I actually liked how it looked on my guy in POTD last night, made him look like a more brown prince of persia.
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This. Garleans are trying hard to be allagans 2.0
Is this in Canada?

I see I triggered the final fantasy defence force

monthly fee is just a scam, you pay for game time you may not even use,for something you already paid for. Thank kek I never fell for the monthly fee MMOs, not even old WoW deserved a monthly payment.
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>The Temple of the Fist soundtrack
This game doesn't deserve Soken
what the fuck am i reading
It was too situational. Yoshi probably looked at the number of times WHM used Cure 3 and thought it was useless.
Anima cucks btfo, glorious YoshiP I think I'm going to spend money in the cash shop.
You can watch mine ;)
How's the PvP on this game? I like thrilling MMORPGs where you can be hunted everywhere, or at least outside cities
Pretty sure it's 3 months.
I got hit once by joking that I'm 12.
I'm a poorfag and stuck playing the free trial. I maxed Pal/Conj both at level 35.

Any suggestions on what to do next? Should I level the other jobs? Is it worth?
That ps4 spidey trailer made me redownload spiderman 2 to emulate

it's not as good as I remember it.
Is the prince of persia not already brown?
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>greased lightning in Huton
I haven't played ninja since ARR. does huton give a damage buff too?
*touches your scar*
No, that'd be a stupid thing to do, why would they take away the best spell for dealing with "everyone stack up and take damage" mechanics like the one in like fuckin' nidhogg
I hope you have 7 other friends that can form a premade party otherwise you're fucked.
>streaming instead of playing the game yourself

fuck off fucking underage faggot reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>How's the PvP on this game?
Instance onry
Every class gets super simplified version of their PVE rotation
Battlegrounds are focused more on team PVE than PVP
Arena is kinda cool though
There's some, buts it's shit. Do not play this game if your enjoy pvp, you will only be dissapoint and presented with a shitty story where people "die" but not really tho
*cums on your scar*
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based mods
it probably would have healed a lot better if she didn't rub against it every couple of minutes
Stop being poor.

YoshiP heard the cry of WHM players complaining that they had too many ways to heal HP at the expense of other possible actions, so he removed Cure III to shut them up.

They have less healing now! That's what you wanted, right? That's right. Now shut up and take your RNG gates and shitty resource system and like it.
Anon you have to remember they also designed the lily system. It would be a stupid thing to do wouldn't stop them.
But they're cool and have cool armor. Also Gaius and the dude who dies in Zurvan shows name escapes me were cool guys who didn't want destruction
How much Lamia Snek waifu nonsense will appear this expansion?
Starting tomorrow you can do PvP.
New thread needed, lets ride this hype train into the ground
If only it was that easy.
What's the best server for finnish players?
See this is why they hate your general bullshit on /v/
>Didn't want destruction
>The first guy teams up with a dimensional space Lich
>The second wants to attempt to control the warring triad, and make the same mistake that ended up causing Bahamut to fuck everything up.

They're still fucking idiots

Way too much. Especially since there's no male equivalent. It's like they designed this race for MonMusu and bestial waifufags.
delete this eorzean scum, you know nothing of our struggle
*scar added to item shop*
*touches scar sold separately*
Don't make a thread until this one dies you dumb shit.
>Balmung eats it up
>The second wants to attempt to control the warring triad, and make the same mistake that ended up causing Bahamut to fuck everything up.
To be fair, Bahamut was a huge factor in him deciding it was a stupid fucking idea. Varis is just his best friend from childhood, so he went to check it out for him.
>he doesn't like bara birds
baka desu senpai
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Like a baby he fell for the oldest trick in the book.
where yall gettin the music
I honestly wouldn't be against a scar option like that, I wouldn't pay for it though.
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Have you even seen the Ananta? They're pretty ugly looking.
counterpoint: i wanna fug those sneks
>Probably because with the exception of Susan Calloway none of the "vocalists" are actually singers
And yet they're still better than the screechy cunt they've got warbling over all the Dissidia NT tracks.
I'd still Improve Relations with that beast tribe
Shit taste my man
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what will be the tank meta? Who is going to the shed?

Snekfags are about to get MASSIVE leeway from this patch.
>tfw Ravana theme singer is just some dude in the office soken had sing and then pitched it down
if you listen really close you can actually hear the original too.

They have females, they're just identical to the males like all the other beast tribes. Only females of note are differentiated. I think the Vath and the Sylphs are the only ones to be gender-neutral.
Replace all cats with sneks
Almaja'a no?
Probably WAR, they give no mitigation utility. The only saving grace is that they can IB+another CD for really big self mitigation.
WAR doesn't really have a leg to stand on unless Shake It Off becomes essential.
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eastern dance 2.webm
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100+ dollars in here after dance release.
Sylphs have genders, but the only difference between them is that one gender is always flowering and the other only flowers at certain points in the year.
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He's light brown, mine is so dark after an artfag drew a sketch style pic of the guild my guildies call me the grilled highlander due to them using grillmarks to show his complexion.

Using IB would cost all of your gauge because you lose 50% for activating defiance and then you lost 50 gauge for using IB. You will never use defiance in SB. At all.

The Amalja'a aren't humanoids with tits and sensual curves. They appeal to a very different kind of person than these snek ladies do.
that seems rude. I would've teased you about the stupid fucking facepaint and no eyebrows
>Balmung was a mistake
Mateus, now ;_;

thanks anon
They got nice big chest for degenerates like me
Threads about to hit the end. Someone get a new one rolling.
Then looks like Muh Fell Cleave XD will be in the shed
they're all fairly well-balanced now

it's not the same situation with healers, there is no bad combination of tanks for a raid comp
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I was mulling over doing the eyebrow face paint but like the eye tattoos. I might switch over to the face with the five aclock shadow and no eye shadow.
How do I check when my collector's edition arrives? they didn't give me a mail number just an order number which I'm assuming is for their site.
If a fight has very few debuffs WAR + BRD might allow the 2nd healer to take cleric over esuna.

Be the change you want to see in the world, Anon. Make your thread now so it can get deleted while a better thread made slightly later survives.
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