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so apparently there are black people and women in this game,

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so apparently there are black people and women in this game, and therefore detracts from the realism of the game, because black people and women never fought in WW2.
Didn't women fought in the russian army?

Besides that, women in armies are Bullshit anyway. They are way less strong than an average guy, are way slower and can't handle stress so well like any average guy. They are the worst type of soldier and even if they would do their best they would only as good as an average male soldier.
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>if they would
Women were in the Russian Army, but only as Snipers, not front line soldiers.
Women have been spies throughout history and served on the battlefield as medical units. African Americans have served in the military since the Civil War. I swear millennials love to complain about everyone except white males.

Well black women weren't in WW2.

And Black men were only in some segregated tank battalions and maybe some segregated infantry as well I think.
Realism in video games are only important if it means excluding the other races and gender, apparently
Fighting along side blacks and women to kill white men while aggressively de-humanizing them is not my idea of a fun nazi killing simulator.
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Remember all those blacks that fought on the front lines for the Germans?
What does any of these factors matter if most of the time, you're just going to get dropped on the battlefield in a second anyway?
this t b h
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I want off this goddamn fucking ride. In 50 years they won't even remember men were in WW2 it will just be recreations filled with black dudes and middle eastern women. Fuck this world.
Funny enough, you'll be fighting aside blacks and women to kill nazi blacks and nazi women.
>there are people who defend this because ITS JUST A VIDEO GAME!!!!!
>we want to be included!
>alright, we'll include everybody in multiplayer
>killing nazi niggers left and right
sorry should have said white men I guess.
Normally I'm like whatever to this pol shit, but don't they think of the damage they're doing by representing the nazi regime as a multicultural. I think this is an incredibly damaging thing, have they forgotten, lest we forget? Do they care nothing about the people who actually fucking died in world war 2?
>some minor examples of women snipers fighting for the russian front
>that means we must make a game with 50/50 representation!
It's character creation for multiplayer you fucking shitposter
The honest answer is that most COD gamers dont care or care very little.

The BF1 game with blacks in the german army clearly shows it doesnt matter so long as it is shiny and "fun".

Thats it

Thats literally it
It's not like Battlefield, you're not forced to play as a woman or a nigger.
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Are there any examples of blacks fighting on the German side?
Who cares anymore.
anon you know only robots survived the meteor, it would be too ridiculous to include dinosaurs

No no, you had it right. In 50 years the recreations will be filled with monkeys and goat fuckers. There will be no 'men' left in popular media at all.
>Do they care nothing about the people who actually fucking died in world war 2?

Your talking about people living in San Fran and Portland, under 30, generally wealthy, who constantly faux support for causes they deem counter culture.

Theres no fucking way they care about the people who died in WW2. They can't really comprehend war on that scale I think.



any nazi black women? because that is my fetish
No, expect in the colonies. But as previously mentioned, they didn't want to restrict character customization.
Childish hyperbole is a pretty good substitute for an actual argument
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Representation is more important than accuracy, bigots.

honestly if they just went full blown out the top nazis on the moon with dinosaurs and xray guns i doubt anyone would care if you were a black russian sniper tanker.
Its almost like its a video game
Actually, yes. Fought in N. Africa.
>Not an argument
>they didn't want to restrict character customization.

I hope they add fantastical beings like mummies and pirates because that shit is bogus.

Look if I can kill black "allied" soldiers as a fucking pirate with a hook hand and shit while my buddy storms a bunker as a vampire, then I would accept it.
But, of course, there were a very limited number of guys for very obvious reasons.
>childish hyperbole

No hyperbole here m8. I genuinely mean what I said. Suck my dick.
sounds good to me, I hate 'historical' games anyway
>Why shouldn't people take me seriously when I act like a baby?!
It's not really hyperbole when the game's not trying to go for historical accuracy, anon. Insisting on gay black German women soldiers in a WW2 game would have been ridiculous 10 years ago or treated with amusement.

If you're just going to say, "fuck it" this hard, why not go for laser rifles and armored dinosaurs? That would honestly be kind of a cool thing, if you think about it. Imagine the Normandy landing done up in a space setting, with France defended by giant Nazi Robo-Gorillas with flamethrower palms.
>act like a baby

kek. don't trip over yourself with those massive attacks m8.
there were no African female axis soldiers on the western front lad
don't be stupid
>shtipsoters still shitposting about multiplayer
How is anyone here acting like a baby? Black female German soldiers in a World War 2 game is as ridiculous as laser rifles.

Oh wait, Captain America: The First Avenger had laser rifles! It even had Power Armor, and that was a World War 2 setting! Why can't we have those in a World War 2 game?
either you have to accept that Nazis weren't racist
make the game historically accurate
you choose
Why would you want to play as a vampire

You'd die in the sunlight

And how would you get into enemy bunkers if they don't invite you in, idiot

Vampires would be bottom tier
regressive leftists talk about whitey enough for all of us, nigger
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who the fuck cares? what the hell is wrong with everyone.
>le slippery slope meme
It's not a fallacy when historical revisionism is already happening you goddamned retard.
>women and blacks in WW2
>no hanging swastikas to be see, just iron crosses
Get fucked.
You say that as if a woman couldn't kill you regardless.
Because it's non canon multiplayer.

Or did you think soldiers magically respawning after 2 seconds is true to life?


You're right, maybe it would've meant something if I harped on about autism and hiveminds for the 1000th time like the rest of you.
>who the fuck cares?

My grandfather fought in WW2 as a pilot and I'm not a big fan of kids cutting out parts of his accomplishments and handing them over to people that were never there.
this is what they did for zombies in waw and nobody gave a fuck that an american, a german, a jap, and a russian were working together because it wasn't trying to be an accurate depiction of world war 2
ITT racists try to push the muh historical/cultural accuracy meme onto a yearly franchise so they can make their blatant hate of niggers more palatable
>Because it's non canon multiplayer.

Lol. Do you think they won't add those models throughout the campaign? Why the fuck wouldn't they? You will see women and black dudes at key points in the battles I almost guarantee it.
Probably because zombies were involved since, y'know, zombies don't real.
I'm truly sorry that your forefathers were fucked in the ass at war, Jamal, but some of enjoy our heritage.
ITT suits in positions of power at corporations try to push the muh diversity/political correctness meme onto a market that won't actually buy their games.
Only on /v/ would you see this much upset over a customizable multiplayer avatar

You faggots have built up a reputation for always being wrong for a reason

Because you find "HUGE ISSUES!" in the most benign subjects
>historical accuracy is a meme

Yeah right. the problem is that games like this and BF1 will tell young kids the wrong image of history and the people involved
No one cares about you Billy bob
example A, tyrone

Polygon needs to fucking disappear.
>my grandfather
no one cares about your faggot grandpa ledditor
Fuck your grandfather and stop getting triggered over glorified toys, Jesus its pathetic. Do you think he'd be proud of you ranting over a fucking video game on the internet.
I do. This is just retarded. Unless they're going full alt history this doesn't make sense in any context
Keep inflating your ego Billy, Stacey is fucking Tyrone and Jamal while you scream why no one wants your trailer trash wageslave ass
Diversity is our strength.
If you kill your enemies, they win.
They've specifically denied that.
I'm pretty sure having the freedom to make video games and let people play how they want to is exactly what your grand pappy fought for, anon.
>Muh ANYFUCKINGTHING accuracy in a CoD game
This is why we should of had reddit win Tribes in 2012, we wouldn't have to deal with these autistic 12 year olds if we lost

I can imagine dude in OP's pic thinking "Oh god those PC fucks are gonna ruin in aren't they please no"

>fat white bois sitting in their bedrooms insulting better men than them

just another day on 4chan.
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Fuck white people
No my grandfather fought to get paid and go to school, bitch, "for freedom" is and was a fucking meme.
Redditors want to try to fit in but are too scared to go on /pol/ because it isn't SFW like every other blue board.
Also it is summer so the summerfags from every other shithole online is sending their migrants to fuck up /v/ even more
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black nazis really makes me think
Literally no one insulted your grandfather, we're insulting you for using him as your "free moral high ground" card.
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>Black women in SS uniforms
Lads I think I have a new fetish
The blacked meme only works in events after the year 1963
If she can't hump for 20 miles in a day with an 80-pound pack, how would she even get to the front lines?
>ree realism is complete cancer
yeah I agree it has little place in the recent games where they're set in the future with jetpacks and shit but world war 2? what's next? fucking barretts and humvees in a ww2 game?
Then why should I give two shits about your grandfather if he fought for himself?

You just contradicted his bravery, asshole.
>no women
>same nigger twice

White people BTFO'd
>snipers aren't frontline soldiers
>Game: II
>no Game: I

what gives?
I wish they would, for the memes

Still, you will probably see real stuff like Tuskegee Airmen/female French rebel (probably small number, but real)/whatever
>Underage summerfags don't know Character Creation
Go back to Gaia or the IGN comments, they may be more your speed
he used his freedom to spawn your father who in turn spawned you. he might not have thought it, but he was fighting for freedom all the same. only in a world ruled by nazis (or tumblr) would you be prevented from making a videogame how you wanted to make it
>Literally no one insulted your grandfather,

I do get free moral high ground m8.
I would play the fuck out of a WW2 game with giant nazi robot dinosaurs
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>There were no blacks in World Wa-
*ahem* Umm, no sweetie.
>he was fighting for freedom all the same.

lol you have no idea what your talking about.
Cause its history and you shouldn't try to change it to fit an agenda. Imagine if the game was about american Indians but instead of using american Indians you have white guys dressed up like them.
>You just contradicted his bravery, asshole.

Not really. Anyone that willingly enters enemy fire is brave in my opinion but you do you m8.
>No this war is SACRED
Kill yourself faggot
The problem with this argument (whether for or against SJW antics) is that dinosaur robots don't exist in real life. But women -do- exist, and they didn't fucking fight in WW2.
>the screaming women
I'm not saying that, nigger. I'm saying that it's a stupid move to pour time and money into appealing to a niche crowd of people who won't even buy your game in the first place.
>Kikes and crackers hate black people
>Kikes and crackers hate Hitler
>kikes hate whites more than blacks and Whites hate themselves more than blacks
You are pretty fucking stupid.

>Emotional replies
>Ad hominem
>Basic spelling and grammar mistakes
>Argument so utterly wrong it contradicts itself
Yep, it all checks out
>and they didn't fucking fight in WW2.
Yes they did.
>Call of duty

You mean this exact game where the guns had silencers?
>being this much of a faggot
>emotional replies

Lol. You seem triggered some people don't like your agenda Jamal.
>a mile away from the fighting
>front line
the fact is women were never heroes.
>emotional replies

How so? Explain.
Unless you're drawing from some kind of technicality, they did not.
Did people get this upset when Zombie mode was first added to Call of Duty: World at War?
Don't try arguing with these kids, feel pity, they know not what they do.
>A popular shooter not appealing to autistic children who are MUH REALIZM is a stupid idea
>but appealing to a audience of every race with a character creator to play pretend is a retarded idea
Again kill yourself faggot, make sure to drop a link to the stream
>Avatar customization
>A risky, expensive move that only appeals to a very small group of people

Nigger, what?
>call of duty
Call of Duty multiplayer is not, and never has been history.

There were no free for alls or dominations in World War 2.

There was no direct access to personal recon and fire missions for every individual enlisted man, nor did every man get his own radio

There was no announcer narrating the entire battle at full volume in everyone's ear

There was no free choice and unlimited supply of weapons

Soldiers were not given magazines and ammo clips that consisted solely of tracer rounds

There were no dropshots

There were no modded servers

There was no respawning

You have no ground to stand on trying to make an argument for any realism or authenticity in Call of Duty multiplayer, give up.
Why do war thread always attract the dumbest fucking people on 4chan? I'd rather discuss fucking Nolan pictures than listen to these people take stances on shit they know nothing about.
>You have no ground to stand on trying to make an argument for any realism or authenticity in Call of Duty multiplayer, give up.

But you really have no ground to stand on for including blacks and women in it all so, give up.
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I''m kinda confused here

Obviously the nazis are the bad guys, so why would they make them minorities? Wouldn't that mean the minorities are bad?
Russian snipers and pilots, who have appeared in COD before.
Yes, it was Republican propaganda trick to try and say that dead people become zombies and vote for Obama instead of McCain
has diversity gone too far?
Black people fought in WW2 you uneducated retard
They just fought in segregated units
Oh I thought this was for single player nvm then

They could put fucking robots in multiplayer for all I care
>"Hey guys, my grandfather was a pilot in WW2, you should feel bad for him and me :(((("
>"lol actually he only fought for money"
>Taking pride in actions you didn't do, at all

Your grandfather might've been a hero, but I think he neglected to tell your father not to drop his kids on the head.
"ost batallion 43" my fucking ass, thats cheng kai shek's son and he was sent back to china before the war even began
If they want to put black guys in a war scenerio then Vietnam is a lot more fitting than european ww2 in my opinion but hey, the people here think I'm a fucking idiot so who gives a fuck.
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Now Polygon cares about historical accuracy.
Call of Duty is supposed to be American military right wing propaganda and I won't stand for any lefty communist subversion.
>0.00000000001% of combatants in the least dangerous roles
>women fought in WW2
Come on now. You're being a dumb faggot.
Yes he does

Because CoD multiplayer is not true to life

So who gives a shit what your avatar looks like
He joined the air force to get an education, and happened to be fighting Nazi's but it could have been anyone.

Saying he did it for school is not diminishing anything. But, you guys wouldn't know shit about nuance.
Those things are a consequence of being a videogame. If you removed the pandering in the new game, the gameplay would remain the same.
>black people and women never fought in WW2
You need to go back to /pol/
>But you really have no ground to stand on for including blacks and women in it all so
Sure I do, it's the natural extension of the create-a-class system, you already allow reality breaking customisation and personalisation at the gear level, so why not let players completely self insert if they want to?
Not much has been revealed of the campaign, but I'm going to assume there's a D-Day, some interchangeable French city scape rubble area, and the Nazis lose.
>get BTFO
>move goalpost
Ebin ;^)
>I'm a fucking idiot so who gives a fuck.
The 1st step to recovery is to admit the problem
Not in the way this game depicts. Not even close.
>get btfo
>move goalposts
How can I move goalposts if that was my first response?
It was multiplayer with player creation.
How about you fucking read.
I was being sarcastic with that.
Vietnam IS a more fitting setting for black soldiers, are you retarded?
t. Slav
Your grandpa was a Nazi? Shame on you.
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blacks fought in ww2 they shouldnt be the center of attention
women fought for the russians in ww2 they shouldnt be the center of attention
blacks and women arent the only people whove fought in wars
At this point in my life is he was a Nazi I would probably feel the same way about him.
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People of all colors fought for the fuehrer
>blacks and women arent the only people whove fought in wars

What difference does it make? This game will have women and blacks fighting on the frontlines along white men, which isn't true.
How are they the center of attention if they're only in the multiplayer?
Who gives a shit nigger?
>Vidya should be realistic
Go play Gone Homo or ARMAshit then bitch
Show me singlplayer game play that shows that.
>Implying it fucking matters
In only you can make your character look however you want, don't get it twisted the campaign and multiplayer are two different things.
MP is the only thing people care about in COD
>I don't think they should be the center of attention because I said so
So museums, schools and history books are all going to be changed/rewritten to eliminate the presence of white men in WW 2?
If your kids are learning history from fucking video games , your a shitty shitty parent.
So? By that logic, everything in multiplayer should be tailored to "muh realism" which only cripples the gameplay.

Even then, I doubt soldiers would be 12 year olds bragging about how many mothers they've banged in the past week.
>you will never be this delusional
Like they do all the time in literally all media? Didn't they just make a movie about Egypt with an all white cast? Shits been getting whitewashed for years so fuck the games industry for trying to do something different
>you will never be this contrarian.
It feels that way sometimes even if it won't happen in reality. I'm not saying those feels are a big deal though.
unless i'm mistaken, combat roles for women was only allowed in recent years.
if anything they served as nurses and other non-combat roles.
though I could see having a female character or two on the frontlines, since there are cases of women disguising themselves as men to fight.
Nigga the slavery of Africans in america wasn't even in my high school history books
I am one of the above OPs that was shit on by you kids and I will admit I was incorrect in that I thought it was the whole game and not just multiplayer.

That's not to say I agree with most of you though. You guys seem to have a pretty fervent pro Activision stance so enjoy it I guess.
I doubt anyone who served in WW2 cares about this COD video game dude
>everything in multiplayer should be tailored to "muh realism"
How so? You could keep the unrealistic gameplay and still retain a sufficiently accurate gameworld. The removal of political pandering wouldnt cripple the gameplay at all.
Why are people so against character customization? Why limit the gameplay for no reason?
I'll agree with that. But why do devs who never served care so much about adding visible minorities to an event that included very little if any minorities (visible, not support)? I'm not attacking. I'm asking why. I don't see the the reasons as comprehensible but perhaps I'm missing something important.
This is what is so hilarious about it, I don't know why people are deluding themselves as if they're defending their ancestors honour or something, when our ancestors wouldn't want them wasting time playing and debating video games in the first place instead of doing something worthwhile, its a massive waste of time.
But you don't have ancestors worth honouring to begin with, Wakka Flakka
I'm white

What does this have to do with limiting the gameplay. Melanin content is gameplay?
even worse
>Melanin content

The number of options for their appearance gives your character a more personalized touch
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the other side has snipers too, you know
The best console WW2 game was CoD 2 in my opinion.

I know I know
War has no heroes so your point is moot
That sounds fun. Bring it on.
Calling niggers out on things that are serious issues such as crime rates in real life is fine, Calling them out for being in a video game is embarrassing because video games are glorified toys that no self respecting adult should take so seriously,.
leading some sort of crusade in the name of video games isn't something you should be proud of. Just dont buy it and shut the fuck up about it.
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>being this triggered
Many soldiers consider their friends to be heroes. Are they wrong?
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And that is gameplay how again?
I forget her name, but the top Female Sniper in the Red Army was pnly as good as an average solider. She suffered some extreme PTSD from her time as a sniper. Women are not only physically incapable of being soldiers, but both mentally and emotionaly as well.
Am I wrong?
Millenials complain about white males the most you ignorant geriatric fuck
Not particularly other than there is no crusade.
can't wait to play as a black jewish womnan in the german side
I heard that apparently Blacks and Women can show up as Nazi soldiers in the multiplayer or some shit.

Which is triggering some Libs hard.
Ancient egyptians were anatolians and euros
all having black people in mixed units does is hide the fact there use to be segragated units and the non whites got hardly any regocnition

I feel a bit pissed that as some one who is not white or black my countires or my peoples contribution to the war is never recgnised or seen in ww2 games
>people who are in their late 80s at the least or dead dont care about cod
No shit?
there are and black guys did fight in the war but most were not allowed to fight in combat roles and were all in segragated roles
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>People mad you can create a black or woman in a character creator
If it's only in multiplayer then it's not really a big deal and I take back any of my outrage.
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Jokes on them, I want a negress shanking simulator

Go fucking check worldwide birthrates for white people.
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>nazis were black women and no one is allowed to dispute that

We white guys are finally off the hook now! We did it, lads!

Until they start admitting that the Nazis were in the right and start blaming white guys for killing them.

There's no way to 'win' this without a lot of helicopter rides.
Blacks were in segregated units in WW2. The US Army was segregated until 1948. It's bad history in the name of pushing the SJW agenda.
>wants authentic shooters
>plays Call of Duty
Shut the fuck up.
Because you can create your character and they just get different uniforms per team. Same as the last several games. There's literally nothing different now than then except Wehraboos and SJWs are having a shitfit over negresses as Nazis.
this. WW2 had dinosaurs and zombies in it.
its fucking call of duty

why do you all care so much
this. call of duty is a fantasy sci fi adventure with laser guns and time machines.
The biggest thing that's disputed among female soldiers is that they can't carry a wounded male soldier over long distances
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Well that's nonsense since women are just as strong as men.
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>there were a very limited number of guys for very obvious reasons.
such as? Hitler was fighting against the British fucking Empire and its colonialism, there's a reason he put out propaganda trying to rally Arabs, Africans, and African Americans to his cause. I'm surprised there were so few Africans fighting for the axis.
You weren't gonna get the game anyway.

Quit your bitchen ya little bitch.
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While I agree with the point that women don't make as good of soldiers as men, I doubt that a lot of men could kill over 300 people and not walk away with some form of PTSD. I already know some men are capable of doing so though.
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>Be Prussian Aristocrat who joined the Wehrmacht to serve The Reich
>Family proudly fought in the first Weltkrieg, it's your duty to fight in the second
>Be considered only child, with one exception
>Your father once was an overseer in one of the Deutsche colonies
>He had a small... trist with a Tribeswoman
>What your half-sister lacks in racial purity, she makes up in enthusiasm.
>Gets into the SS on a loophole; technically they don't have any rule against Black Women specifically joining
>You have to babysit your half-sister throughout the war
>She frequently goes into tangents about Mein Kampf and her "100% Pure Afro-Aryan Genetics"
>Bleaches her skin, straightens her hair, dyes it blonde.
>One night suddenly wake up to her hovering over you in bed.
>"B-Big Brother, are you awake?!"
>Stare up at her straddling your hips
>"Y-You think I'm Aryan, right?"
>Tell her the usual platitudes; yes yes, of course.
>"Well I noticed a few of the men have been producing more Aryan children for the Fuhrer and..."
>Uh oh...
>"I w-was wondering if you'd breed me with your pure Aryan genetics, Big Brother!"
>TFW you will never have your mulatto half-sister begging for your pure white seed
Oh boy you got me there

Not like anyone on /v/ plays any games

>doesn't know about the Tuskegee Airmen

You should be in summer school, mods need to ban this underage trash.
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Great, you just gave me a craving for a doujin that'll never get made

im very interested to see what theyll do with the holocaust
will there be blacks in the concentration camps?
that will pretty much confirm or deny what the devs intentions are with shoehorning diversity in the rest of the game
Wouldn't be hard. People already think the Nazis had it out for blacks and were going to kill them all as soon as they got the chance.
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>Years go by, the war is headed to a total defeat for Germany
>Seeing as The Soviets already overran The East, you and your sister learn from a few high ranking members of The SS about a plot to escape to South America.
>Sneaking behind Allied lines, you go through a series of exciting adventures that, months later, end with you reaching Argentina.
>Use the remains of your family's fortune and some wealth you "acquired" along the way to purchase a comfy home in Patagonia.
>When it's snowing, it reminds you a lot of Germany
>Be relaxing with your half-sister by the fireplace
>She leans her head on your shoulder
>"Big Brother, do you think we'll ever go home again?"
>Be quiet for a few seconds as you watch the fireplace crackle
>Place a hand gently over her rotund belly.
>"We are home, sister."
>The snow is falling gently outside, calling to mind memories of playing as children on vacation in Bavaria.
>"Do you think they'll have blue eyes, brother?"
>Smile, press a kiss to your sister's forehead.
>"Of course, dear Sister."
>"They'll have Pure Afro-Aryan Genetics after all."
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>mfw I'm not buying this garbage because of forced SJW bullshit and other shameful historical inaccuracies
>mfw people like OP and the other commie apologists in here will bawl their eyes out like the faggot children they are over it
>mfw I don't fund Goldsteins next adventure
Feels great not being a cucked faggot, shame the same can't be said for the people defending this game.
At this rate are we ever gonna get gypsies in video games ? If not that would be pretty racist tbqhwu
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I don't know if you're talking about her, but Róża Shanina was pretty based
>Shanina was killed in action during the East Prussian Offensive while shielding the severely wounded commander of an artillery unit
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Ben must be furious
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the difference is that wolfenstein is a fucking fantasy game whereas ww2 was an actual historical event
insightful comment, better than most in the thread
how do you think hitler felt about black people?
Sure forcing diversity is retarded but expecting realism from a Call of Duty game is equally retarded.
Show me a proof that it happened then.
why even make it set in WW2 at all, then?
Look at the comments anon




Especially when you cannot even choose who you spawn as so 80% of the spawns are women.

no one will contest that there were a lot of black guys in Vietnam. But there weren't black guys in fucking World Wars I and II to anywhere near the same degree as we're seeing in BF1 and CODWW2
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Why is it retarded to expect the same level of realism they've shown in previous games?

The whole "oh its CoD/a video game so you aren't allowed to complain about historical inaccuracy" is really fucking childish and retarded.
>remember that time when the events in multiplayer never happened in real life and no one claimed they happened
What realism are you referring too? The robots and jetpacks? Or maybe the super magic gas?
>I never played CoD before modern wafare
That's fine and all but do keep in mind this website is 18+
ngl was getting kinda tired of the whole #codisdead thing but i think they are really dead now
You should cry more about it faggot
>implying anybody gave a shit about CoD before MW

keep crying grampa. You're only selling more copies.
women were in support roles and if I recall there were a few female snipers in the russian army (one of them had like 200 kills or something, butch as fuck)

there has never been a female black german soldier in the history of ever. they have got to be trolling at this point
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>this fucking post
How one person can be so completely detached from reality really boggles my mind.
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This game is LITERALLY white genocide
[citation needed]
This I should so bad it must be bait.
Please more.
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who here got choked up at some the sentimental WW2 crap in Call of Duty 1?
>blacks never fought in WWII

Why is /pol/ so retarded lads? There were literally 3,000,000+ Black soldiers in WWII. My Great Grandfather on my mother and Father sides fought in WWII. Your talking about WWI.
Hate to meme but
>CoD WW2 starts
>Black Americans fighting Black Nazis guarding Black Jews
the coments kek
Maybe you should try reading, there's quite a difference between having a black female nazi as opposed to a black male american. Faggots like you just see BLACK and go full autism.
Never talk about History in /v/ (or 4chan).
There are too many americans with their american education here.
>Black female Nazi
Now that's pretty bad, and also a little hot DESU
>Tfw you will never have a dark eyed Blond haired negress to shuffle her ass on your cock while stomping the heads of Jews

I'm just defending the accusations of the retarded
>trying to justify coons being in a WWII game

Neck yourself.
As long as this is just the result of a multiplayer character creator, I don't really see why it's such a big deal
If it's in the campaign, then we have some problems
No its the result of randomly generated characters because you´re not allowed to customize the nazi character, its always random. Only americans have customization.
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>wahh blacks
The fact that the game seems to only have shitty forced CQB maps like modern CoD instead of anything like the older WWII ones is what's actually offensive here

You weren't even gonna buy it fuck off.
they are second line/last stand infantry tier m8

Anyone who knows how to aim,shoot and reload is fine enough, unless going to melee, but again you have to be really dumb or suicidal to go full melee on WWII (yes Im looking at you japan)
You customize your character, then that character is randomly assigned to either side. You character is always shown as Allied in menus and the like.
>" Hey... Hey yo GOLDSTIEN. Whey yo pape-ah's at?"
>"Gonna rip them up Nigga, you goin' ta camp!"
>Nigger laughing as a fat black women in an SS uniform goosesteps up and sassily snaps her fingers
Who gives a shit?
White people raise whore daughters with a pretty princess complex that's why low birthrates exist, not everything is because of Kikes dumbasses
>Accuracy is more important than giving the player to customize characters and have fun
You need to go to leddit because you are definitely not oldfag material
That's way better than

>starts talking about how he misses living in his poor bakery with British crumpets.
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>so apparently there are black people and women in this game

it's historically accurate white boy

german women fucking loved american army black guys
>Cletus says as he plans to use his EBT and renew his subscription to dogfart with his welfare check
Big fucking whoop its a damn video game
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>I would play the fuck out of a WW2 game with giant nazi robot dinosaurs
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>when even Polygon has given up trying to pretend this shit is historically accurate
>people would rather not have character creation because they get triggered over Nazi faggots being niggers
Than you sledgehammer for bringing how many newfags are shitting up /v/
The definition of "newfag" is not "person I disagree with"
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Please people understand this.
He fought so his shitty grandson can complain about a fucking video game on the internet? Truly pathetic.
>Posting Polygonshit
T. Newfag fresh from YouTube comments section
>The Kang
>get called out on being a retard
>keep spouting the same shit and digging your hole deeper and deeper
>grandpa gets exposed as a faggot
>muh nuance
Looks like the beta blood is going strong
Three werhmacht was one of the most diverse armies in history. Not even trolling.

Read a book scrub.
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Does anyone else not care about the melanin levels of the fictitious soldiers in this game? It's fucking Call of Duty, not a history documentary. You gotta be pretty pathetic if you get legitimately angry about black people/women in video games.
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We get to play as female nazis? Time to preorder.
>Be angry I an correctly identified as a newfag from jewtube
>hur retard deeper hole xS
Any oldfag knows your dumbass is under the age of 18, go shit up pewdiepies comments or /b/ instead of /v/
>continued shitposting
>no actual argument
EX-Gamestop employee here. All but five pre-orders have been cancelled at my store (which led to me and three others being laid off).
Sure thing anon.
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Lets have a logical and rational discussion about women and non white combatants in WW2. I'll start. Yes there was black soldiers in the US. Yes, they did see combat, not as much as white soldiers though. They were as brave and courageous as any other race. Females were also involved in combat. Mostly as partisans on russia side. UK/US had female in army but mostly support roles. Unsure about infantry. There should be no female or black German soldiers what so ever. Do not condone the media 're writing history
Go mobilefag somewhere else you dumbass newfag
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>UK/US had female in army but mostly support roles. Unsure about infantry.
Change that to completely in support roles, and not at all in the infantry or any other combat arms. It just didn't happen.
>There should be no female or black German soldiers what so ever.
So kill off character customization in a game because of historians get their autism out of wack?
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I been surfing this website for such a long time, its always been as it is now, dont even try to use that summerfag nonsense as if its some sort bant.
Nice of you to prove my point
>its always been as it is now,
Maybe if you are a /b/fag from 2009
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YEAHH!!!! why not go all the way and let you make alien characters too, I mean its just a VIDEO GAME XDDD anyone who claims otherwise is just AUTISM!!!
not him, but wouldnt that make his argument all the more true?
Great news.

Finally people of every color can play as the good guys in WW2. Defending Europe against yankees and communist mongoloids.
>why not go all the way and let you make alien characters too, I mean its just a VIDEO GAME XDDD
Nothing wrong with that you autistic little faggot
No because believe it or not 4chan existed before 2009
Fuck off back to your sandbox you underage twat. Or better yet go back to playing with legos, then you can make whatever you want and not have these AUTISTIC boundaries put on the game to maintain immersion.

No, because anyone with even a passing knowledge of the Western front of WW2 knows that there were no black American front line units, and certainly no women in infantry.

So when you see blacks and women in the game, even if you don't really care, there's still a disconnect, and that disconnect is enough to counteract all other aspects of the game that ARE genuine.
>spurging out
>/pol/ image without a name
Definitely not proving him right dumbass
Keep being mad over other people having fun in a multiplayer game by making woman nigger Nazis then bitch, reminder that the door for killing your aspie self is always open
How come diversity only means blacks? There were a lot of other races fighting in WWII that would be more historically accurate than black people. I just don't understand why, when people talk about diversity or people of color they just mean black people.
Why would I be mad? I'm just making a point of how fucking retarded your "argument" is.
>thinking anyone on the surface of the earth would be jealous of people having "fun" with a mediocre as fuck CoD game
Top kek lad
>No, because anyone with even a passing knowledge of the Western front of WW2 knows that there were no black American front line units, and certainly no women in infantry.
What normalfag will give a shit about historical accuracy when they want to make themselves or some character model they think is cool?
>So when you see blacks and women in the game, even if you don't really care, there's still a disconnect, and that disconnect is enough to counteract all other aspects of the game that ARE genuine.
So people can have perfect disconnect over Persona, Nier, Armored Core, Medal of Honor 2, Metroid but not niggers and Cunts shooting amd/or wearing allies/axis clothes in a video game?

Fucking kill yourself
It's because they shouldn't be represented so much
>poo in toilet
>miss because you're a retard and hit the seat
>oh well i already missed the toilet bowl, might as well shit in the sink
and before you know it you have shit on your living room lamp
You can end it all with one shotgun shot to the head
>You can end it all with one shotgun shot to the head
So why don't you? instead of continuing to waste our oxygen.
>Yuropoor or americlap making a shit analogy
Not even worth a (You)
>this mad
Goes to show how hard you lost the argument kid. Don't forget to tip your fedora on the way out of the thread.
>ywn never get btfo like this anon
Feels good man
>Don't forget to tip your fedora
Being under the age of 18 is against the rules of 4chan anon
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There is something off with this BAR, I can't really put my finger on it.
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I feel like /v/ gets triggered by this exact same shit every time a war game is released. Who fucking cares about realism in a fucking COD game?
>Don't forget to tip your fedora
You don't even know how to reply m8. Just click the numbers above post
>you will never be so lonely and pathetic you need to cling to your hugbox on 4chan of all places
Feels good man
>/pol/ posts increase in the summer

Why am I not surprised
All posts increase in the summer you semi moron.
herro mistel asia man
prease go back to asia imageboald
sank you
What do you mean anon? Red dot sights and suppressors were a commonplace among the fermale black afro troopers in the american liberation army!!
They're just increasing forever now. Those fags even have a Twitter account called /pol/ news which gets thousands of likes
this is true actually, and quite ironic since everyone thinks the nazis hated everyone in the world for some untold reason.
>using the fedora meme incorrectly
what's the deal with shooters forcing optical sights on everything
they weren't even vaguely a thing until late in the vietnam war
Can't wait to kick some jap ass as a 70s blaxploitation chocolate kween next to soviets at the battle of D day
>samefagging just to feel better about yourself
holy keks
>Summerfags are this blant now
>therefore detracts from the realism of the game,
they pussed out and removed swastikas, replacing them with iron crosses. KEK
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>Those fags even have a Twitter account called /pol/ news which gets thousands of likes
>b-but BF1 had glass sights, black troops and females!!
>Why is okay when EA does it!!
I can hear the arguments already
Am I in 2014?
If they have blacks in no I don't give a fuck it's ducking cod mp costumizing your character is what it does now, but if they have blacks or white women fighting on D day mission and killing hermana in SO then I will get mad.
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>people who will never play the game defending the game against people who will never play talking shit about the game
Really makes me think
Jokes on you I've already pre-ordered my special edition for the nigger in the Nazi suit statue
This is why usenet used to hate summer back in the 80's
This is what is considered the typical /v/edditor by /tv/
Kill yourself at your earliest convenience
>horizontal quoting
This just clearly shows who the target audience is for Call of Duty and Battlefield games.

They are targeting dumb and uneducated black people from the U.S... People that have no clue about general history, let alone specific facts about the western front of WWII.

This game should be renamed to something else, like some sci-fi name. It shouldn't be called WWII if it doesn't have WWII stuff in it.

Black nazi soldiers?

Women in the army... on the Western front?

Red dot sight on guns?

Silencer on Thompson, Mp40, MG42, M1 Garand, Kar 98 K?

Laser sights on the guns above?

Pink, blue, red camo on those guns?


That's really really fucked up.

Even the latest Wolfenstein doesn't have this much shit in it.
>Red dot sight on guns?
this isn't in the game
Yeah it does, see >>380651102
it's not a red dot
>he doesn't know
Who the fuck cares?
It's just for character creation purposes
Fuck off.
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>mfw Wolfenstein is now more historically accurate than CoD
Go and post this faggotry on /r/4chan with the rest of your autistic brotherhood
No it's not. You're character sex and race is randomly generated upon spawning.
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>implying there weren't black Nazis
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>Ayodolf OHila
>handing them over to people that were never there.
You do realise this is a video game anon, don't you?
These "people" are literally just bundles of binary data on a screen.
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so apparently there are robots and zombies in this game, and therefore detracts from the realism of the game, because robots and zombies never fought in WW2
>and therefore detracts from the realism of the game,
Of course it does dumb cunt, is cod set in an alternate universe? What point are you even trying to make
>hurr durr wolfenstein isn't realistic
Well done simpleton
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so apparently there are aliens and other unknown species in this game, and therefore detracts from the realism of the game, because aliens and other unknown species never fought in WW2
>you will never be this assblasted
feels good
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so apparently there are monsters and animal hybrids in this game, and therefore detracts from the realism of the game, because monsters and animal hybrids never fought in WW2
Thread posts: 375
Thread images: 60

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