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Final Fantasy XIV

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Thread replies: 587
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It's finally over.

How would you rate the expansion?
Main Expansion - 9/10
3.1-3.5 - 7.5/10

nothing special
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pretty gud/10
I just today got to the final quest of the base game, and I've owned HW since launch. I've been on such a kick that this maintenance is really pissing me off
Wasn't thrilled with alexander at all. Hopefully omega doesn't suck.
What this about equipping your str gear before the maint?
I was doing something else when it hit
As a DRG main going into Heavensward, I liked it quite a lot. Especially that scene of walking up to Nidhogg echoing the launch movie.

Any idea when the preload is going to be up? 60 fucking gigs holy shit
Good riddance. I wont miss HW. Its a shame that I'll be around 2 hours late for SB because of work and I have to download the game.

Retards thinking that they'll be able to cheese the accessory restrictions by role by having them equipped before servers go down. As if the devs wouldn't think of that and have a work-around in place.

Felt bad for my BRD friend going in, but he found a new home on MNK so it wasn't too bad. Had a fun as fuck time with AST even before they made it way too fucking strong.

Significantly less hyped for SB though. Yes I'm a WHM main.
First good mmo expack since bc
why arent they telling us when the preload starts?
what the fuck is this shit.
were you there for 3.0 to 3.1? you're high

They never do. You just keep trying until it works.
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it was good
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8/10. would've been higher but they fucked up class balance, some raid designs were lackluster. overall a good first expansion. i expect it'll only go down from here on out though.

>Shit, I need to finish the story
>Get to the Baelsar wall 30 mins before today's maint.
>My ilvl is 233, BARELY there
>Get a bit shit on by a DPS
>The healer was a true motherfucker, I lamost died a LOT but never got killed by the bosses
>10 mins left
>Manage to kill fucking Griffin on first try
>1 min. after the mtn. time
>The hype was off the charts
>Get the FUCK outta there
>Literally like 30 secs later maintenance starts

Jesus fuck, hypest moment so far, my heart is still fucking racing and I need some sleep, that shit put me and that healer to a real nigga test, wherever you are, I salute you, and sorry because you left so quickly I couldn't even commendate you.
I miss that glorious fucker

Was the tank btw.
good when there was stuff to do
bad when idling in idleshire

didn't like the eastern european theme
It was slightly above average, i miss 2.0 though when crystal tower was the shit
but...what is the point
>As if the devs wouldn't think of that
Man oh man, I don't know how long you've been playing XIV, but I can assure you that thinking ahead code-wise is not something this dev team is known for.

SE is also really shitty about things like this. If we're lucky patching will start about halfway into the maintenance. Shit still feels bad though, takes me three hours to download 1GB so I'm all but guaranteed to be be late getting in.
Watch the patch notes not show up until an hour before go time.
Basically this feeling.
It was hype as all fuck going in as a DRG main since Estinien was a lovable asshole you knew before hand and the job quest was not even the job quest for you the MSQ was your job quest.
looks like im not sleeping for a week again
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>French elves and Celtic dragon ruins
>eastern European
I envy you. I wanted to finish the MSQ before launch so bad.

How long did it take you after finishing 3.0?

Tanks won't be able to equip STR accessories any more. And the min-maxing babbies are mad about it so they're going to try to cheese things by having them equipped before SB hits.

They'd replace those shitty accessories by 70 anyway so it's more of a principle thing than something that actually makes sense.
shit was romanian as fuck disregard the tall pale creatures
ohhh right. Sorry I'm slow.
I haven't been keeping up all to much. At least I got black mage to 55 before the servers shut down today.

Not really sure since I did it very gradually, last time I played (just ressubed a week ago or so) was in December 2016 and had done up to Nidhogg, just today I marathoned the story up to baelsar's wall (last dungeon in HW) since I spent the other days getting my item level the fuck up, barely made it, I still have like 5 MSQ to go but they're trivial in comparison.
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Surely something so simple as "make all the gear with STR as a primary stat not equippable by tanks, and if they have it equipped, automatically unequip it/zero out its stats" can be within the realm of possibility for a team taking care of one of the biggest MMOs on the market. Surely.
Really weak, like 4/10 when the actual updates started rolling out. Every update invalidated the previous one as far as gear and ilvls went, and it still clung to ARR's less than stellar treadmill ideas, now condensed due to FFXV needing money and manpower.

The fact remains that it did a horrible job engaging players and keeping them around compared to ARR, and the 3.1 wait and payoff has been mentioned many a times now. SB can only go up in comparison to how they botched HW's content beyond the storyline aspect of the MSQ, since HW really set the bar low for XIV expansions.
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dude just buy a msq booster pack
Idiots think that having 1/2 HP pool of a normal tank and doing a bit more dps will be viable.
it's up

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Goodbye, HW. I really loved it, I hope SB is anywhere as good.
>Retards thinking that they'll be able to cheese the accessory restrictions by role by having them equipped before servers go down
You would be right but shitters are talking about STR accessories specifically. The implication is that extra strength, direct hit and other DPS stats will give them an extra edge in next savage tier and get the best parses
Them being shitters they of course ignore that we dont know the AP formula yet, that we won't get savage for a month, that ilvl would be far ahead of 270 by that point and that parses don't fucking matter and most important for tanks is survivability not damage
It's literally one retard who still advocates classes over jobs.
good start, decent mid, shit finish

Please help I need sleep
>paying to not play the game

Why would I do that?
Jesus fuck, what is the point?

I mean, it could come in handy, though
>dont really care about him the whole of ARR
>kinda funny scenes but mostly just forgot who he was
>beginning 3.0
>takes us into his house
>gives everything he can for us
>including his life
>not loving Brute Justice
>not being surprised by ACTIVE TIME MANEUVER
>not smiling when time actually stops in 12, right on down to your buff timers stopping
The chinese had it so it was only a matter of time until we got it too.

I think it's fucking stupid. A bandaid fix to a bigger problem: half the fucking game is locked behind the MSQ.
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It's almost as cringe as "gamer fuel". It's still a little too bland to be full-on cringe though. Not enough green and black and mis-used slang.
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the me me me generation

idk man but bruh it sure does come in handy
Dungeons are better, story is better, raids are better, all the outdoor areas are fucking shit and need to die in a fire


Brute Justice blows the shit out of everything else in the game except Ozma
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>serves go back up at 5am EST
>that's 12 noon in my time zone
>can still sleep in, eat a good breakfast, and relax a bit before hopping on
>have the next two days off of work then only work two more days before another 3-day weekend

The stars aligned perfectly for me for once.
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It was alright.
>b-b-but go back to wow
>2.0 > 2.5 is great!!!!!
didn't get good until like 3.2, was pretty good afterward
8/10 "it's ok"
>Not getting honey buns, papa john's, dr. pepper, and carl's jr to prep for SB launch

What are you, a casusal?!
I assume the whole point of those is to use it on alts if for some reason you want to grind even more and think the weekly caps are too low. The Job boost ones actually make sense, because leveling in this game is cancer.

Worst part is that it's hidden in a paywall, don't get me wrong, I like the story but imagine wanting to be a samurai and finding out there's like 100 hours of content to do AND THEN level the samurai to be able to actually use it in raids and shit.

I got a friend who could use this, though, since the fucker was playing on PS3 but did some stupid shit when he moved to PC but his character wasn't there, so he had to contact SE that is, if he doesn't want to start from scratch, but if he does, then this is a somewhat viable option.
You only have to be level 50 to unlock sam/rdm though. It's actually not locked behind the MSQ, incredibly.
Neat mechanics, just shit difficulty.
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So are you guys playing RDM/SAM? Which one? What made you decide? How do you plan to level it to 60?
3.0 was good

3.1-3.3 was okay

3.4-3.5 was sloppy

It's genius for SE.

Want to jump in late, but want to play with your friends right away? No problem! You can catch right up by spending another $50!

A friend of mine is strongly considering doing this since he's getting sick of WoW and wants to play with people he knows. He gets a pass because we've played all kinds of vidya together for years, but newbies should not be allowed to buy this shit.
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Goodbye HW.
The point is the devs are too lazy to go back and remove the filler they put into the ARR patch storyline so they just made people pay to skip it.
>Brute Justice
>Shit difficulty

More like shit-on difficulty, you know?
And what is the deal with peanuts you get on the airplane? Who are they trying to keep out of those things, huh?
I only got half way through 3.2 story and will be jumping back in tomorrow after maintenance. How fucked am I when trying to unlock SAM and do SB content on my main class?
>How would you rate the expansion?
3.0 - 9/10
3.1 - 4/10
The rest - 7/10
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>barely 4 days of early access
>most important is survivability
well yeah ofc but it sounds like you've never gone for speedclears or anything post progression. the meta for tanks has always been to find a breakpoint for survivability and then max your damage
>tfw a few years from now the shield will be rusted through and barely recognizable.
This. He was a literal who for all of 2.0, then suddenly I started noticing him because he's the only person who gave a shit while all the faggots I did errands for fucked off back to their city-states. His speech in the quest where you bailed Alphi and Tataru was one of the most human things uttered by a character in the game
RDM looks fun but melee jobs tend to make for more fun in all those solo instances the MSQ throws you into
PotD with friends
You don't. You got the rest of the HW patches to work through first.
As been stated, you can unlock SAM right away. It's not locked behind the MSQ.

You will still have to level it from 50 though.

As long as you have a level 50 you can do it. SAM and RDM aren't in SB areas. You might have to catch SAM up to your current MSQ levels before you can progress though.
Thats how you get a player to like a character in a story that typically you're the one sacrificing everything for everyone else

You have an NPC sacrifice for you
What about it?
You'll be able to play SAM from the get go, at level 50. So you'll have about 8 hours of PotD to get back on track. You'll need to do story mode Nidhogg, and 3 mandatory dungeons to complete the MSQ to the start of SB.
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I can agree with that
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>What made you decide?


I'll be leveling with a friend that just started.

It's less "early access" and more "user-paid server stress testing". Especially for Aether since it has Greg and Balmung poised to bring it down as soon as everything goes live.
The Dragonsong War MSQ (3.0 - 3.3) was almost fully great. Just a few nagging little annoyances like the Sultana plotline and Moogle bullshit, but overall 9/10.

The endgame stuff was kind of hit and miss though. The content drought of 3.0 > 3.1, Gordias being overtuned as fuck, crafting and gathering just getting insanely more demanding along with getting their own special little weekly bullshit... It was on paper better than ARR's launch due to QoL stuff, but without the novelty of it being a new game and a new experience, it felt pretty fucking dry for a while, with the high point of 3.0 being Ravana Extreme.

Overall though, some fucking great Primals: Ravana, Thordan, Sophia, Nidhogg, Sephirot, Alexander past Gordias was more lively and interesting, and Weeping City/Dun Scaith were good. Overall 7.5/10, it kept my interest and developed some good stuff over the course of it. Take away those primals though and I'm not even sure I'd be back for Stormblood.
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i deserve more early play time for preordering
>the meta for tanks has always been to find a breakpoint for survivability and then max your damage
Yeah, and that meta is found out in rigorous testing, especially after new expansion just came out. You can't just hack it with ilvl 270 STR accessories
Does early access mean i can hit 70 and craft while everyone else is 60?
You act like early access is supposed to be treated like a closed beta.
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>Expansion launches
>People do content in a week

I honest to god, will never understand why people play MMOs. Shitty, repetitive gameplay, stale, same concepts used ten years ago, subscription fees 'the real game starts at level 50 xd'

Is it really just a massive horde of neets who are willing to suffer through all that shit to have pretend e-relationships? I can understand enjoying bad games and pretty much any genre, but MMO players have been playing the same shitty games for over a decade and paying stupid amounts of money to do so. I don't get it.
Will the graphic changes be noticeable when we come back?
RDM, Palace. I'll probably see if any Levifriends in the threads closer to early access want to buddy up to burn through it.
>half the fucking game is locked behind the MSQ.
You mean like most games? Playing the story to progress is pretty standard.

The "problem", as I see it, is that most MMO players (including most of the ones here on /v/) are drooling retards who do not give a shit about their own enjoyment, only meaningless shit like progressing, "catching up" and getting bigger numbers. They see the story and leveling process as a barrier in the way of their goals, and not something that is to be enjoyed in itself, to the point where they will even pay to skip it.

But it's not like endgame is this amazing shangri-la of incredible content. It's basically the same shit except with lockouts and token grinding. You spend most of your time logged out or afk while waiting for queues. Yet people are DESPERATE to get there. They will do ANYTHING to get there, even if it means burning themselves out by blitzing through quests, and generally trying to skip the main meat of the game's playtime as fast as possible.

So basically, fuck them. I don't care about those people and if they have to pay 50 bucks to get the skip they want, then that's what they deserve.
Fuck you, I'll pick up one just to see what they're selling and then that's all.
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Who here SMN?
And scared for the future?
Oh shit, my bad. Brute was great difficulty and I loved the fight. I have a bad tendency to respond to the last thing I read and I was more referring to 11/12
RDM, looks fun. The tool that one redditor made to simulate the rotation seemed fun and it's flashy as hell which fits me to a T. will probably grind it out in potd

If you absolutely no-life it and optimize your leveling, yes. Most people who want to craft and make dosh were prepping these past few days though. A friend of mine did almost nothing but craft and hoard in preparation for SB.
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mrhappy claimed he will rush to the end skipping every cutscene and speed runing every dungeon and geting ex primals done and farmed within 48 hours.
>ARR literally who
>HW literally who
>2 years of lamenting the death of some elf who looks like every other elf
>Literally who
>Who here SMN?
Not you
People who actually play/played SMN are confident about the changes
What server is everybody playing on?

Shiva reporting in.
>tfw potd for 6-8 hours tomorrow
man, I can't wait
i saved 6mil gil for the new housing so i'll probably wait at the entrance until it goes live
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Succubus minion is the best.
>graphic changes
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>MFW That final Nidhogg battle.
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You right.
The problem is this is meant to be a multiplayer game. The MSQ is a long JRPG that is played mostly solo--you can only team up with others during dungeons and trials.

It is not typically very engaging, either. The most average MSQ quest involves walking from point A to point B, reading a couple lines of dialogue, and then returning to point A for more lines of dialogue. Occasionally, some weak enemies will spawn and you'll have to kill them.

If it was all optional, I'd be fine with it. But it isn't. You have to do all 150+ hours of it, in order to play the multiplayer parts of this multiplayer game.
Fuck SMN, I still don't know if I want to level up SCH first. I'm sure the healing will be good but dpsing is probably gonna be even more fucking boring now, and I'll barely contribute anything to dungeons so I might as well become a netflix healer
yeah ima level RDM

i will probably main it as well,i am currently a BLM, but i like the idea of being a caster that isnt a fucking turret
To be fair, with PS3 no longer supported, it's very possible graphical improvements can be made.
SAM, I had accessories from DRG and I wanted to try something new, So half the slots was filled the rest was me gearing up my 60 monk and the getting progression leveling gear from 50-60.

I'm gonna play RDM after I get Sam, Pld and Drg maxed. I have a 263 caster setup so I'm not so far behind.
When can you preload?
Craft and hoard what? I have a job so i don't plan to grind for my gil but i did want to get in while the getting good.
I couldn't decide for some time between the two, and initially picked RDM because I thought they would be more complex of the two because at the time I though Samurai would be just another melee class like Dragoon, but after ability reveal I found out RDMs are really basic so switched to SAM
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>maint started
>still no prelim patch notes

Greg. FML.

If they offered free transfers off I'd take it. This server wasn't so awful when I joined back in 2.0. ;_; Where did it all go wrong?
When you've been on the far edge for long enough
Who's your favorite character and why?

>tfw Jenova

enjoy your max-pop servers retards
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>Brute Justice
Most likely won't be because of the E3 patch reading.
As has been said many times before, the state of Gordias was the devs throwing a tantrum over week one FCoB clears.
Will HWs endgame content die the moment SB goes live? I still want to do Triad EX and some savages.
Better get your camping supplies ready, they're not going to open up moonhousing for a couple weeks to make sure everyone has time to position themselves to get a house.
That's all I'm waiting to hit the bed.
I like Nero's attitude but why did he randomly show up and offer help again?
Pretty much. You can only do the same shit for so long before even the most patient person stops.
Nero's entire motivation just seems to be to try and show up Cid.
It will go into Unsync Stomp Mode like all the ARR content.

Eventually. Try half-way through the maintenance. SE never announces when you're able to.


I didn't ask, but he mentioned food and pots. So I guess HQ shit for min-maxing autists who care about parsing high on new stuff?
And he's the same faggot that will sit there for hours before the patch just staring at his chat and the launcher waiting to get inside the game like a crack addict.

Can always take the free transfer to the new EU servers
i know where the entrance is
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Let's paint Eorzea red.

It's my favorite Final Fantasy job. I would have played it from launch, if it had been implemented then.
Have you done Crystal Tower questline

Also, Omega.
i legit hope he's a proper ~good guy~ with an attitude. i know it's a trope done to death but compared against every other scion and major character it'd be a very welcome change
He might have been captured, I can't recall, but even if he just walked up,
A) Working with Allagan tech fascinates the shit out of him and
B) Proving that he's better than Cid is basically what he lives for
Midgardsormr, Reporting in.
>wanting to do outdated content

I only play this because I do so with other 5 IRL friends, if I had no friends to play shit shit, I wouldn't even consider it, maybe just pay one month and do ARR quests just to day I cleared FFXIV since I like the series.
they've declared the congested and preferred servers for the free xfer

â– North American Data Center
â–¼Preferred Worlds
â—‹ Coeurl
â—‹ Goblin
â—‹ Mateus
â—‹ Zalera

â–¼New Worlds

â–¼Standard Worlds
â—‹ Adamantoise
â—‹ Behemoth
â—‹ Brynhildr
â—‹ Cactuar
â—‹ Diabolos
â—‹ Excalibur
â—‹ Exodus
â—‹ Faerie
â—‹ Famfrit
â—‹ Hyperion
â—‹ Jenova
â—‹ Lamia
â—‹ Leviathan
â—‹ Malboro
â—‹ Midgardsormr
â—‹ Sargatanas
â—‹ Siren
â—‹ Ultros

â–¼Congested Worlds
× Balmung
× Gilgamesh

I actually get better ping on the EU servers now than the NA ones. Fuck me for living on the East Coast. If my buddy transfers for the same reason I sure as shit will follow him in a heartbeat.
It'll be added to WT
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>Start A8 normal
>It's just a shit mob that die quickly
>Suddenly the other robots we killed previously spawn too
>After we kill them they gather together
I didn't really do anything except MSQ and crafting in HW. Might try some battle stuff this time
i still do coils so his question is valid
Right, and the tuning was thus a negative to the expansion and people's perception of it. I also think it would've done a lot better if it was more visually interesting, or even if the normal mode didn't exist (not to say I think the normal mode shouldn't exist, just that raiders wouldn't have done a mass exodus if it didn't). It was hard for a lot of raiders to muster up the shits to give this extremely punishing raid when it looked boring, generally wasn't that fun, and wasn't even getting you anything you hadn't seen before.

Midas offered another phase in A8 that wasn't in normal mode, and Creator Savage was generally just fun to play, sans A9S which was just sorta.. basically a Faust for the whole wing.
It's something magical about that first week and playing with friends. That magic diminishes by the second week and is gone when you near the fourth week.

I've always liked to play MMOs competitive and race with people I know. There's nothing better in gaming when you're one of the first to hit max level and do content no one has seen. Most of the magic that comes with content is gone though thanks to gating.
What E3 patch reading?
They are going to read the patch note in the Square enix stream
Kanny, Lyse, Rayo, Hilda, Yugiri, Gosetsu.
Penis, penis, penis, penis, penis, already more fun and expressive than anyone outside Hildy.
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>tfw missed last week's zhloe turnins
People like you deserve to be shot.
They said you would have to complete the main story up till Ultima Weapon though to unlock Stormblood jobs. So it's still a little story gated.
you're on a high population world, you will have be able to free transfer to any of the designated worlds
He had been researching Omega on his own, but knew that if he activated it both the Empire and the Eorzean Alliance would detect it and come push his shit in. Shinryu offered him an opportunity to actually turn it on and have the blessing and protection of one of the sides to do so.
Oh that makes sense why a friend asked me to cook him some shit this morning. I didn't think i could bank on hw stuff.
What time is this?

Anatomically correct.
My dick is erect.
It's so stupid and I hate to see what they add to future raids if they get difficult at all.
Diabolos here.
Are they going to sell boost potions at the start of early access?

I dropped my SCH main job and started getting up MCH for Stormblood, but only got to 48 and I really don't feel like spending the first 5-10 hours of the expansion doing potd.
>one of the biggest MMOs on the market.
Not even top5
I'm not sure actually, probably around the same time as the live letter if I had to guess.
>Nero's entire motivation just seems to be to try and show up Cid
It's the best
A huge-ass empire-hating samurai shows up and all he talks about is how he can make a better kettle than Cid made
I wish there was more porn of her.
What are you guys doing to avoid MSQ spoilers? I'm gonna pretend my discord servers don't exist, stop visiting any xiv related places on the internet, don't look in PF (titles can contain spoilers), and turn off titles. Maybe turn off shout/yell for the occaisional (but very possible) AOE spoiler?

What else am I missing?
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I honest to god will never understand why your mother didn't abort you, Shitty, repetitive complaining on a mongolian seafood forum, stale, same manchild behavior from ten years ago, she has to pay for all your living fees,'he'll actually move out at 50 xd'

Is she really just a masochist who is willing to suffer through all that shit to pretend she doesn't want to fucking strangle her living, breathing mistake? I can understand putting up with raising a bratty child or pretty much any child, but your mom has been putting up with the same shitty manchild for over 3 decades and paying stupid amounts of money to do so. I don't get it.
I guess I should add Nero too. SB should be a lot better than HW because I far prefer the current travelling companions to Estinien and Fucboi. Iceheart was a pretty meh character all in as well, her NOBLE SACRIFICE didn't really resonate with me at all.
There is multiplayer stuff to do while participating in the MSQ though. The game even encourages you to do stuff besides the MSQ and find alternate forms of exp with stuff like sidequests, dungeons, fates, etc.

And the thing is, most people go into MMOs with the intention of playing for a long time. They don't want to be done in a week, a month, or even a year. Skipping the game to get to the part with the least amount of new stuff to do just seems counterproductive.

If people don't enjoy the story, then fine. I won't say it's amazing. But they're playing the wrong game. This is an RPG, and a Final Fantasy one at that. Story content is part and parcel for the series. There are shitloads of multiplayer games out there which don't have that element, so I don't know why you'd go out of your way to play one that does despite knowing it's not what you want.
Second highest subscribed MMORPG.
Odin masterrace
a pair of balls faggot
rip to the lil guys, overwhelmed by a tsunami of futa catgirls and failed tryhards

That's about all you can do, short of also setting yourself to busy if you're worried about dicks /telling you spoilers for some reason.
>but MMO players have been playing the same shitty games for over a decade and paying stupid amounts of money to do so. I don't get it.

Meanwhile we have game series like
Call of duty
Assassins creed
street fighter
metal gear solid

oh look popular games that players have been playing the same shitty games for over a decade for paying stupid amounts of money.

You're an idiot to think it's just mmo's that have a blind gamer addiction. BEsides people spend far far more on moblie games nowadays. Cash shops rake in far more money for gameplay far shallower than any mmo.
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>He doesn't know

>Kill off all the good characters while under use a shit ton of others
>Gordias was a massive mistake and it took until Midas for them to realize they need to nerf mid-tier cycle when they fuck up
>2 dungeons per patch where half of them had forced single pull encounters
>Removal of Extreme Primals from the MSQ which caused the Warring Triad to feel like an afterthought
>Fun side content severely lacking, no new trials from Hildebrand's quests
>Constantly adding new Gold Saucer or side content but never updating it
>Diadem gear was nerfed 2 weeks after it was introduced killing the content until 3.55

And while unrelated to the dev team's shit, all of my friends from 2.0 somehow turned into massive elitists
I'm going to sit in the starting areas and shout out spoilers every fifteen minutes
Not that I mind most these characters, but it's telling that your reasons essentially don't have anything to do with those characters' motivations or actions why you don't like Haurchefant.

Which is fine, I ain't gonna tell you how to read words, or that liking characters based on their personalities and demeanor is less valid than the particular character everyone else has latched on to. I didn't like Ysayle's NOBLE SACRIFICE much either.
Amazon still haven't given me my code.

wat do?
people dont even do that anymore
This is probably the saddest way to approach games that I've ever heard. The only enjoyment you get is from bumrushing it as fast as possible? Why would you even play MMOs, jesus.
not who you're replying to but people play games for different reasons. I, for example, play ff14 for the various fights, I hate going into new fights and people just start reciting what to do without even being asked, so I rush through everything so that doesn't happen.
Anyone knows when we can start updating the client?
Another useless /v/ post trying to be offensive, k
I didn't think of tells, thanks. Pretty unlikely of getting random tells but the odds increase with the number of assholes and the XIV community isn't full of saints.
You do you.
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Indeed. People pay hundreds of dollars to get a single character they want in mobile gachas.
The whales will literally spend a thousand or more.
>Removal of Extreme Primals from the MSQ
EX Primals were never a part of the MSQ, ever. They were always sidequest unlocks. Hard mode Primals were part of the MSQ until Thordan HM.
they started smoking marijuana i bet
From the devs' perspective, the big technical barrier and achievement of ACTIVE TIME MANEUVER was actually getting the camera to move and offer a cinematic attack like that, just like in Zurvan. It's cool in that sense. The button itself was pointless though.
my negro

I hope the SB traveling companions are Gosetsu and Nero because fuck Alisaie

May god help my soul
>i know where the entrance is

So will everyone else by the time they're ready to open it up.
The ward itself will be open from launch to run around in and explore.
It's just that nobody will be allowed to buy houses.
mfw everyone reports your ass and a gm suspends you for a week
There only 2 subbased mmo anyway


So when are they going to implement these?
Buy from SE store in the future. You can instantly pay it off too.
>The ward itself will be open from launch to run around in and explore.
>It's just that nobody will be allowed to buy houses.
thats bullshit but i believe it fuck you yoshi
jokes on you, i logged out next to where the RDM trainer will spawn ;)
>and shout out spoilers every fifteen minutes
I bet there will be title like "potato fucking dies faggots" again
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The live letter was on tuesday, it's been.
Unless this is a different live letter.
You had to the MSQ to get the Extreme version because the original fight was part of the story.
We know we're going to travel a lot again. We're certainly going to have NPCs in tow while we go too.

Who do you want to journey with this time, /v/?
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People are speculating it will the be 4.0 capped tome gear along with the Tank contest winner.
There's no preliminary notes, there's only going to be the full notes.
Yes, but the way you worded it implied that EX Primals themselves were part of the MSQ, which is untrue.
Cactuar, hopin Aether doesn't get fucked by our population come Friday. Fuck Balmung and Gilgamesh.
this game feels like an always online single player game

its hardly an mmo, guildwars did this better
Turning off local chat
Turning of Titles because Koji is a hack
Doing content faster than my friends

never, hopefully
i dont really care who we're stuck with its not like they ever wear lewd clothes or you can fuck them irl
hope this keeps balmungs rp's from taking over new eu server the baguettes are enough without that shite as well
>Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 02:00 a.m. (PDT): All Worlds Maintenance (24 Hours)
>Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 9:00 p.m. (PDT): Stormblood patch note reading
>Friday, June 16, 2017 at 2:00 a.m. (PDT): Early access begins
>Friday, June 16, 2017: PlayStation®3 service ends
>Tuesday, June 20, 2017: FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood launches
>Tuesday, June 20, 2017: Pre-order in-game items distribution begins
>Tuesday, June 20, 2017: Full game registration codes can be redeemed
>Friday, June 23, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. (Per Region): Early access ends
5 hours before release
Only 5 hours to shitpost about it!
I was mostly joking, but it's hard to get attached to anyone in FF14 because the game engine is FUCKING HORRIBLE for presenting anything other than MMO gameplay. Every single cutscene is the same. Every single one has the same fucking nod, draw weapon, sheathe weapon, shot reverse shot talking heads where you read literally 3 small lines of dialogue before someone on screen uses a stock emote action and holds the conversation up for 5 seconds, then someone will pivot on the spot and walk away. EVERY. FUCKING. CUTSCENE.
Plus the fact that we're getting maybe a few pages worth of story once every 6-8 fucking weeks makes it pretty hard to keep up with every minor generic faced NPC (of which there are literally thousands, there is so much filler in this game.)
If FF14 was a novel series or a TV show then I'd probably know and care who Hachefaunt is.
There's like 10. Most of them die off or become f2p because they have trouble keeping subscribers.
Yoshi already confirmed the tank gear winner to be endgame tomestone gear, so I assume that will be too.
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I actually did the Crystal Tower quests a few months ago so I could get aether oil for my weapon and was surprised to see him pop up. It was a nice little storyline and I'm glad it got recycled in some way for Heavensward.
t. i haven't done the hildibrand quests
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Who else 99 atheryte tickets? It's 999 gil to teleport between continents.

3.0 - 8.5
3.1 - 5.0
3.2 - 9.0
3.3 - 8.5
3.4 - 9.5
3.5 - 6.5

Overall a fantastic expansion, really took when ARR provided and just took it to the next level, was a lovely two years.

Pro's -
Graphical designs
Audio was as good as ever
The game play was mostly much more significant and enjoyable then the level 50 counterparts, suddenly there was some weight.
The story was far more enjoyable
Alexander provided great moments and tracks
Crafting was interesting and they learnt and found a nice niche that crafters can create without breaking anything.
All the quality of life changes
Fun events, with great emote additions
And much moreee

Cons -
Poor scheduling at the start of the expac created a rather big drought for a few months.
Diadem and Verminion had a major big miss at the start.
The quick (Though it was the right thing to ignore that crap) resolution to 2.0 story arcs.
Gordias tier difficulty despite its limited fun, killed a lot of groups despite it being fun to watch.
Desynth remained completely unused for anything big.
They released crafting Omni gear too quickly I believe.

I'll miss you Heavensward!
What's so different about making it a sidestory? I guarantee that if it had been part of the MSQ, it wouldn't have been any deeper or more interesting. You'd just be awkwardly shuffled off between quests to periodically deal with the Triad shit, just like in the 2.X series where the actual story was routinely interrupted so you could go and fight "primal-of-the-week".

Not only does keeping it separate mean that the Heavensward patch quests are less onerous than the ARR ones, it means that the Warring Triad story can be experienced as one contiguous plot instead of crudely inserted into the Dragonsong War stuff.
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>mfw going to buy jump potions for all classes
>Want to move to the new Omega server
>Heard rumours of it being seized by RP cunts to make it Balmung.2.0
Fuck! Nuke all the RP fucks! If this is the case I'll fucking unsub because those idiots are god damn annoying hemorrhoids.
I really like all of the user-created gear, because holy shit the guy they have for the current gear just keeps making the same shit over and over.

Like remember how you would go from Lv90 AF to Soldiery to Ironworks and each one had a different look?

All of the HW gear just meshes together.

I was going to say the capped gear was the AF, but we're getting that upon hitting Lv70 as our first Job so you're probably right, though they haven't shown it at all yet so maybe it'll be a 4.2 Tome gear.
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>reddit's already declared omega as the new unofficial EU RP server

Idiot, it's way too soon. Try again in seven hours or so.
nice so all the poorfags wont be able to go to kugane
So we're all in agreement

Mor Dhona >>>>>> Idleshit
Can only buy one before 4.1. Best pick and choose wisely, anon.

Ugh I wish they would put the exact time we can start downloading. How big will this be anyway?
It was announced yeterday
What rumors, you fucking retard
There no rp server on the chaos anyway
Yes but apparently you can only buy one potion per account until at least 4.1.
Please, Hildy is notable purely BECAUSE the cutscenes intentionally depart from the bland generic monotony that composes the game's MSQ.
The fucking characters even openly mock how shit the game engine is.
>Desynth remained completely unused for anything big.
What about aethersands which were crucial to make craft high level stuff?
Patch will probably go up around the time of the patch notes.

Revenant's Toll had fun things to climb.
The shire had a fucking rock.
>thanks doc mist with shit space opera music vs [bagpipe intensifies]
do you like cancer or ebola more
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>patch note reading at midday
>not working
I'm fucking set.

literally every server is the unofficial rp server despite the fact that the game has a very clear cut story for the player character

why can't roleplayers just kill themselves
All the RP fags are going to mateus I thought?
Fuck it, I'm gong to sleep.
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I find it kinda hard to classify Haurchefant as one of those minor generic NPCs though, you could definitely throw him in that camp in ARR, but 2.55 delivers you to him. He delivers you to Fortemps Manor, he's pretty heavily involved in the Ishgard story, which is most of Heavensward's content.

I don't disagree about the story cutscenes being just... way too stock though. They could certainly do with more movement and emotion and actual camera work. 1.0 had some pretty great cutscenes, just not a whole lot of them.

As for the disjointed nature of the narrative due to patches, I guess I just have pretty good memory for random shit, it's never bothered me much.
>22 hours 54 minutes
Damn, I can't take it anymore
Mateus is NA, Omega is EU.
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Aethersands were based on collectables (Gathering) and didn't use the desynth mechanic but a new Aetherical Reduction mechanic independent from Desynthesis.

That had everything to do with how well you could collect on gatherers, better the gather, higher the purity.
Revenant's toll being in zone was way better than shire being its own zone.
You're not wrong about the rest of the game, just that it's not EVERY CUTSCENE when Hildy exists.
It's ironic that a series of joke quests had the most effort put into its cutscenes and the dialogue isn't plagued with reddit succor cuckspeak either
Too busy RPing presumably.
Mateus, Odin, Cactuar, Omega
Who the fuck know anymore
It will always be Balmung even closed to new players.
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I Googled it and found their shitty community boards where they talk about it. Most of them are either staying on Balmung or moving to Omega to fuck it up and "seize it" as the new unofficial RP server.
I wanted Regula to have a bigger role or a refight.

But all I got was him dying and people /sit spamming over his body.

It also meant that despite being unattached to the MSQ, it still got fucked over by 3.3 needing to use Nidhogg as it's ONE fight in the patch.
Famfrit. Literally no one else in these threads is on this server. It's deader than disco but we're still not part of the preffered world's program somehow.
>*walks away*
>literally every server is the unofficial rp server despite the fact that the game has a very clear cut story for the player character

Yes and no.
While the current game story is pretty much set, players have a lot of leeway to project whatever backstory they want on their character.
Will transfr on the omega
>there are people who AREN'T going to sleep before the game comes out
>Garleans will revive Regula somehow (Ascian fuckery most likely)
>He'll come back batshit crazy, but will still be given command of his legion
>Legion 6 begins to live up to its name.
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I give it a strong 6
>you're friends with the empire for 5 minutes before shillblood arrives and pretends nothing happened
feels bad man
Anon, as the dude said those sidequests exist as a 4th wall breaking "yeah we know our ps3 limitations cutscenes are horrendously dull" lighthearted apology. Even the team animating the msq knows it looks shit and that nearly every scene in the game is an indistinguishable boring rote.
Present. I'm too tied to SMN to let go. Besides, I'm not too miffed about the changes. I'm 99% sure there's more going under the hood than surface understanding of the changing numbers.
tfw many friends already said they leave for omega ;__;
But I woke up like 2 hours ago.
>1.0 had some pretty great cutscenes, just not a whole lot of them.

Those cutscenes were also mocapped and the big needless budget on them is what was partially responsible for killing 1.0 in the first place.
I think it might be 30 gigs.
My sleep schedule is very fucked, basically opposite of what it needs to be. No way I can adjust it tonight, I've already been awake for 12 hours and no way I can stay up another 12 just so I can wake up to the servers being absolutely destroyed and that one login error that causes the game to close.
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Who else ready to repost datamined spoilers fucking everywhere?

you can't use these for the new jobs can you

fuck POTD
I'm ready to get the entirety of the fucking ost.

It will probably be an additional 10-12gbs. Bringing the amount of total space you need up to about 40gb's.
I had to look up with desyth was. I was unaware miners could break anything down.
>throw all money at developing movie cutscenes
>forget to give money to the actual game developers
I blame western games for this.
is it meor this person for got to put on ear holes
According to my folder, ARR/HW is only 24.1 GB

I know they say have 60GB space free but that's more if you're installing all of them, expect SB only to be between 10-12GB
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How can you miss the bold red text at the bottom?
There's not a lot they can do with the skeletal budget they have. And even if the budget was increased they'd probably invest it in more content, rather than better cutscenes.

Alternatively they could go back to 1.0 style, blowing most of the budget on mocap and presentation and then the actual game is like this: https://youtu.be/Y1csF69rOWc
Anyone knows if they will nerf the fucking anima steps? Getting all those umbrites n shit is a pain in the ass and a tad boring too
Patch won't be up until like 6 hours or less from the game going up, once that happens I'm gone from social media.

Even Mounts/Minions could be spoilers.
Nope! RDM and SAM won't have one until 4.1. You can also only buy one prior to 4.1. DoL/DoH will not have boost pots so hope you enjoy grinding and farming.
>not duchess

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>I still hate limsa and ala mhiggos more than empire

They're already as nerfed as they're going to get. Sorry, man.

If you didn't use Aethercial Reduction on your miner/fisher/bot you missed out on the best way. Desynth was used more like a padding, a bad bad padding.
Desynth is an easy way to get rich.
I think a lot of the problems would be alleviated if they let you read more than 3 lines of dialogue at a time before being interrupted by *nod* *shocked* *thumbsup* bullshit.
Yep, so it gets filed into one of those dumb 'this costs money for us to fix, money we either don't have or have funneled into something else' situations. I don't know where I'd prefer they put that money, and I'm certainly not informed enough to say how much it costs and who would have to do it, so it's just one of those things that will probably continue and continue to be a weak point.
Fray better return for 60+
Fuck yes, dude. I can't wait to shit all over RPers.
Empire is cool, but what do you have against Limsa? Atleast they are not dirty tree huggers.
RDM although I feel like it will be the shitter job. SMN or BLM after. BLM is my favorite FF job in the series but I was not good at 3.0 BLM on any fight that had movement and invul which was basically all fights in HW.
but i will? actually im going to sleep until 12
Fray is dead and burried.
I desythed a lot of stuff on FSH, but never really anything else. Shit.

I was unaware aetherial reduction was even a thing.


fuck the patch notes I'm going in dry
>Animas are first announced with atmas
>farm fates for 10ms then fuck off forever
>they """""""""improve""""""""" atma drop rates
>still not worth it at all lmao
>figure they'll keep nerfing it so I'll wait until its not autism/shitter levels of grinding to start
The problem with Aetherial reduction and collectibles is that it's balanced around being at the perception cap, and the perception cap itself is low as fuck and easily surpassed after better gear was added. So it ends up just being either a single set rotation, with RNG only from the skills themselves.
Name one bad thing Gridania did to us.
To be fair the dude is playing on a serious fucking toaster.
Nope. We'll be traveling with Sidurgu to find his lost tribe in Azim Steppe while training Rielle to become a DRK herself.
It'll be way easier once you can buy all the items with poetics and all dungeons below 70 will give you poetics. Other than that they won't reduce the amount you need anymore, they never nerfed the Zodiac weapons after all.
Does aetherical reduction have a desyth leveling system like mechanic where I have to grind on lower level stuff to get to the big stuff?

>the two most popular worlds are the most congested

you don't say
No, it's based on the collectibles system. Higher collectibility = better shit from reduction.
No because it's not a fucking horrible system like desynth. If you can collect it, you can reduce it.
Fuck off, before ishgard release, forest city was the only decent city state in the entire game
No. What you get is based on how high you got the collectable rating on the item you're reducing.

Thank you. I recently came back after stopping after finishing the MSQ after edgy dragoon went batshit. So I'm trying to remember a ton of stuff.
Is it one per character, or one per account?
Per account.
A bunch of dirty pirate niggers.
frays such a fucking retard i couldnt keep doing DRK job quest because of how fucking useless that dumb bitch is
thank fuck for job boosts
Greetings fellow Shiva fag.
Jacke confirmed for the SB narrator
I skipped every single cutscene, so I don't give a fuck. I have no idea what is going on or who the characters even are.
Do we get refunded for the maintenance days?
The 24 hours of maitenance? Not as I'm aware.
How is Jacke relevant to anything
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We would never be that lucky.
Playing ARR at launch
>Wow this game is pretty fun
>This snow zone is cool and there's a lot of quests here
>2 weeks to hit Lv50
>I don't really play this game seriously but I kinda want to see what Binding Coil is
>Actually understand the mechanics and give advice to people
>There's going to be new content in 2 months?
>People talking in large Linkshells

Playing HW at launch
>I have to spam Vault how many times to level once?
>Wow Hinterlands looks like shit *skip every sidequest*
>3 days to hit Lv60
>Why is the DRG having dinner when we're about to raid
>These shitters so bad but I better not give any advice or else they'll kick me before the final boss out of spite
>When the fuck is 4.1 holy shit
>People talking in close knit discord groups so certain people in LS can't ask to come along
' ' ''' '' ' ' ' ''
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What is the point of det now? Direct hit is just much better.
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>"Well shiver me wambles and daddle up me fumbers, 'e colt th' tottle cove right sparky"
>Everyone's faces as they hear this shit
I like the changes but I was always a shitter

>AT attunement is not timed
>2 dots
>longer duration of the dots
>that utility
>motherfucking Akh morn
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I can't wait to become some redditors ERP slut.
Det might be better for healers. Other than that I don't know.
Discord was a mistake. It made VoIP rampant for social groups so cliques don't even talk in game anymore. Though this does btfo trannies, is the only benefit from it.
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I hate this memefied localization
Reminder if you didn't raid this game isn't for you. I will vote kick any tome shitters I see.
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Jokes on you, I unironically love this shit.
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What are you guys doing while the servers are down?
I'm reading The Way of Kings.
Direct Hit is exclusively in DPS gear.
DET was nerfed pretty hard to the point where Healers laughed, shook their head, and dumped it all towards either crit or spell speed.

Healers will be stacking crit in SB for sure.
Apparently the grass is always greener. Except in the case of limsa and ul'dah they were nothing a bunch of corrupt pirate fags and desert jews. Meanwhile Gridania actually stands for the very thing the warrior of light is actually trying to save, You ever wonder why Gridania is so inclusive because they are literally surrounded by the brass bandits from ul'dah, Grey skinned Somalian sea thieves and fanatics.
>queue up for omega
>see this shitter first timer not in omega raid gear
>party members
>vote dismiss
nothin' personnel
Playing some Payday 2 since they gave that out for free. It's alright.

Behemoth. I've never seen another Behemoth bro in these threads.
I suspect healers can still meld Direct Hit if they want.

Det and Tenacity both feel like they will be weak though. Better than nothing I guess.
>Healers will be stacking crit in SB for sure.
SCH here
Fuck SpS meta, going full crit for more adlo.
Brandon Sanderson is pretty solid.

Cannot recommend City of Stairs (and the following books) enough if you enjoy that kind of story.

The perception cap became quickly negligible and adopting a safe rotation was totally advised and easy, rng rotation for big dreams and weak gear.

Because there were so many spawning nodes, as long as you had the gp could just keep gathering and gatherings. The biggest problem was actually botting, because bots could use the safe rotation and just wait for 600gp refills and repeat node to node.

That being said that was the only reason sands became affordable after a while, but dang bots.
>unironically wanting 2016 English in this fantasy game
An accurate reflection of the Japanese experience would call for characters to speak like regular Burgers, which means Koji's fetish is actually the only thing saving the game from a tidal wave of cat memes and nigspeak.
They can but more likely they'll just take Crit. Especially now that WHM has no MP issues and SCH lost 3 dots.
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Full crit sch is probably th eonly thing that'll save it from being cucked by AST
plus, Gridania has a super cute leader!
>22.5 more hours until I can ERP again

I don't think i can make it.
Are you Top Nep?
>They can but more likely they'll just take Crit.
What about the gear that's already crit capped?
>An accurate reflection of the Japanese experience would call for characters to speak like regular Burgers
>speak like regular Burgers
Good, that's still better than the awful shitstain that the current localization is.
I read the first Mistborn book by him but didn't like it very much.
But The Way of Kings is pretty good. Shame he still don't know how to write female characters though.
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Hope y'all managed to log out in a safe area! It was fun hanging out.
duskwights and mooncats are barely tolerated, and if the hyur weren't the source of the padjals they would probably get shit too
they're the least inclusive city by far
>blowing money on literally every single promotional item ever just so I can idle in Idyllshire for six months
I'm not retarded, nor a lalashitter.
>doesn't like duskwight elezen
So you are a terminal faggot. It's good that you've accepted your condition.
but novice network told me det was best sub stat for sch!
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pic related is my favourite series because of the writing style

City of Stairs is definitely a wild ride though.
I saw her doing POTD once it was fucked up
All I've read from Sanderson is him finishing off the Wheel of Time and the Misborn series. What those told me about him is that he seems to have trouble formulating his own actual story arcs, but is great at world building and dialog.

However, writers develop, I haven't read anything from him since because I'm an illiterate pleb who doesn't read enough.
Maybe if cave niggers and cats stopped trying to kill everyone in the forest by their actions for the second, Grindania would love them more
Just maybe
Playing with japanese voices on is so fucking jarring. Koji just entirely makes shit up constantly, it's not just the obnoxious Old-English.
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I forget that's a thing.
The biggest 4chan FC in the Chaos data center is moving there, as are a shitload other people that have nothing to do with the RP crap, the server will be fine.
If you're not playing on Ultros, you're not doing it right.
Yeah, one thing he ALWAYS gets right is worldbuilding and magic system.
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his superhero series is pretty shit in my opinion but i really dig the Rithmatist and Kassadin's arcs in Way of Kings/Words of Radiance
Tomb of Sargeras next week
Will you take break from the stormblood for it?
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>Koji just entirely makes shit up constantly
>my face when
It's just fucking awful.
You could have also farmed common materials for primal weapons, i've hoarded the materials for 8 ravana weapons, a couple moogle weapons and a couple ramuh weapons over the last few weeks, so i'm hopefully going to make a killing off all these primal katanas and rapiers
i've never played WoW past level 20 and have no desire to do so.
Why are you playing it in English if you know Japanese?
I'm taking a long permanent break from wow
The Way of Kings is pretty good, the second book is better. Keep pushing through even if it starts to drag, Sanderson acknowledged the books faults and has aimed to fix it, and the second book shows it.
>The biggest 4chan FC
Which is? And how many players.
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>which means Koji's fetish is actually the only thing saving the game from a tidal wave of cat memes and nigspeak
Did it really?

Not the guys you've been talking to, but Sanderson's gotten a hell of a lot better since he finished WoT. Warbreaker is really good, and I cannot fucking wait for the next Stormlight Archive book.

The only problem I have with his shit is this multiverse he's introducing. I don't want to read every goddamn book to get what's going on or catch every self-reference. Mistborn was not good enough that I'm going to read all of it's spin-off novels and I can't remember a goddamn thing about Elantris. He's worth reading but I can't honestly recommend everything.

Fucking Stormlight though. I crave more, even with the multiverse shit.

Anyway, sage for off-topic.
i unironically enjoy how much they unashamedly shove memes, references and puns into quest/fate titles.
The way you call out specific arcs in those books makes me worry for their plots as a whole, but I will throw those on my list of shit to read, even if I felt the Misborn series got kind of silly and ended poorly, he's good enough at writing that it never grew tedious to read, and that alone is a great value.
Recommend me some good short horror novel
>tfw i'm going to be spending the first 6 or so hours of stormblood catching up on HW quests
how hard will it be to get queues for all the dungeons? I'll be tanking
Valley of Embers and City of Stairs are both extremely well written with decent magic systems too, if you want more.
Those quest names sure are critical to the plot and definitely have no Japanese equivalents that are jokes or stupid puns. Also that isn't even a meme.
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I can understand roughly 70% of stuff being said while other stuff eludes me thus having english text on, thought with Nier Automata that wasn't really a big problem, played it entirely in japanese.
He's the guildmaster of the rogue's guild. I looked him up after a bit, he's apparently involved in the HW Ninja story and has an information network/connections to the Far East.

As another new ARR it was pretty good, as an expansion it was a complete failure, aquapolis, POTD and Diadem were all mega turkeys, Diadem was retooled for a year and still turned out to be complete horse shit.
What do you think is Yuyuhase Luluhase's endgame?
Kupo Corps, currently in Moogle.
We have like 20-25 active players, and a few more returning for the expansion.
I'm glad it's over, fuck scrips, fuck alexander, fuck this whole goblin theme.

I for one welcome our weeb overlords.

Credit where it's due, the nidhogg story was amazing
Horror doesn't work without visuals and/or audio for me personally.
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most people i know do in discord too ^^;;
i'm not into it outside game but maybe you could talk to your friends there and see if they're keen!
I've just gotten to the point where if /v/ says a localization is bad, it's actually good.
Should still be instant if you're a tank. I would assume there would be others still trying to catch up on HW quests?
So you understand the Japanese script is dry garbage aimed at clinical retards then.
S E R V E R?

No End House

it's not actually a novel but it's a good pasta read
True. Alright everythings dandy then.

aquapolis and potd were decent, i don't see how you can list those and fail to mention verminion
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Same actually, that's why I'm still playing it in english. They aren't dropping it in SB either

The ye olde english, pirate apostrophnese and reddit succor speak can get a bit out of hand sometimes though
Alisaie will most likely have an autistic fit over something and then go off on her own to manage the SB equivalent of Coils where Omega and Ilberd's primal came to rest.
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>anyone doing SB content
Good luck
Sometimes they're right, but that's usually when the translation is bad enough to be campy.

Fuck the haters, I liked Shallan's arcs a lot. She's a shy girly girl who doesn't wait around to be rescued as the castle falls around her. My fucking fetish.

I also liked Dalinar and and stoked beyond stoked to have him as the primary focus for the next book.

SE pls hire Sanderson to write your story, it will be infinitely better and I will cream myself over whatever rules and logic he applies to the magic.
they're making that into a tv series
i hope its good
You can finally add stormblood to your account if you preordered in the ps store
Well yea, a broken clock, etc.
I'd rather have dry garbage than the meme localization.
>reddit justice
>meme lyrics
>touches scar
>gobbie boom!
Fuck you.
You sure? You ever read the world's shortest horror story?

"The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door."

Pet Semetary

yeah, i heard,

and same
If you're level 50 you have almost certainly done that much of the MSQ as it's the best way to level outside of POTD.
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>sentai shit
reddit hates japan.
What's scary about that?

It was probably his wife.
Aquapolis is fine for what it is, just a minor RNG enhancement to mapping to encourage some alternative group content. Nothing in depth or deep about it, just a little extra fun to have.

Palace of the Dead is... Mediocre. The glamour stuff that drops like candy would make people run it, and if it weren't the fastest way to mindlessly level it would probably feel healthier.

Diadem is yeah, total shit, both times. I hope they don't flop that hard on the stuff in SB.
What memes are those?
Persona 5's localization is bad. It makes no effort to make the translated Japanese sound like natural English.
>"For real?!"
>"Wait, isn't that bad?"
>Translates some honorifics but not others
I don't have an imagination so I can't envision things in my mind. I need a visual medium in order to get spooked, or at the very least an audio one but that almost never works.

I don't know, Anon. Vampires just aren't scary to me.

The scariest shit I read was the "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark", mostly because of the artwork. Shit's not safe for adults, let a lone kids.
lol, but that could be scarier

what is he doing alone in that room that he closed the door on his wife to obstruct?
Someone explain desynth to me like I'm a dumb child

What is up with fishing & desynth?
It's mainly about the retarded way a lot of characters talk. Gosetsus entire character was lost in the localization compared to the japanese counterpart.
I know, but most of /v/ I've seen says NO IT'S FINE! when there are grammatical errors everywhere and stock Japanese phrases that could have been easily translated.
You know you're playing a japanese game, right? Hating fun sentai stuff doesn't make you cool
desynthing is breaking down items into materials. fish breaks down into random shit + some glamour stuff depending on the fish.
Story wise, it was strong except for 3.4.
That isn't a meme though. What was his character, exactly?
crankin it
People play on siren?
What really killed PotD outside of running floors 50-60 repeatedly was having 100-200 locked behind having to assemble a fixed party and having to do 50-100 again for every attempt.
Why aren't you playing RDM right this moment?
Really? I haven't read original Gosetsu's lines but he didn't speak in redditnese like almost every other fucking character in the english version

Interesting, thanks
No, that's why they ERP.
You know we're getting a new ACTIVE TIME MANEUVER for the susano fight? The Main Tank gets to fucking parry Susano whilst the rest of the party does mechanics.
some! i dont play with anyone from here though
I have consistently 200+ ping but it's better than playing on a server where I don't know anyone.
You can erp on any server.
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Joke's on you, you just called yourself a useless retard.
Those who don't play monk, would you play it if it had animations like this?
Yeah that shit's retarded and I wish they wouldn't have done it in the first place.

I agree with having a pre-made being required, and wipe = return to start, but why the fuck does start have to be floor 50, it's fucking pointless.
Gosetsu talks like a big fucking oaf, in the dub he's to well spoken compared to his japanese counterpart.
>hating gobbie boom

are you mental?

Oh yeah, that was an even bigger fail than Diadem, guess I blotted it from memory. Another feather in Yoshi's cap, he resurrected the game, now it's time to move on perhaps.

Also, they are literally nickel and diming people now, sub and store money isn't even being funded back into the game.


They're all really shallow, yeah Aquapolis is only a little thing but it's not great to say the best thing we got in HW we didn't have in ARR was Aquapolis, really.

Also, where's the incentive to do POTD or Diadem? Why not put the store gear and mounts in both? Like I said, the proceeds from the store certainly didn't feel like it was going into this game, we even lost a dungeon a patch because of it.
I don't play monk because they don't bring utility.
somebody please punish my c@
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because i don't give a hoot about rdm
also the buffer seems to be either nonexistent or only works half the time so it feels really off
And here I thought that noone else was on Shiva.
>would you play monk if it had animations wherein you used a 2h sword
no that would be very confusing
>in the dub he's to well spoken compared to his japanese counterpart.
Did we play the same game?
Do you like female midlanders
You do know the healer or a lazy dps is going to steal it every single time right?
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His English is broken compared to the others too though. You need to be more specific than that. It sounds like you're just describing the standard Japanese big dumb guy meme.
Diadem is great for gathering. FATE mode blows though.
No one does.
>Tfw found Lizard in Limsa. She seemed nice, she turns into a total cumslut for my lala cock after I fuck her, demands I leave cock in her even when not fucking, for five hours.
>After that we leave the Aetheryte plaza and fuck in her FC house for another hour.
I'm glad it's over. My dick hurts.
You might want to try opening the link instead of using the embedded player.
I wish it would do damage to the tank whilst he's spamming so the healers have to frantically keep him healed, would at least stop dps / healers taking it.
the embedded player opens it at the correct time for me (not who you're responding too)
Oh yeah, absolutely, DPS always feel they have to be the big main guy. I hate it when they always save their limit break throughout the entire dungeon so they can do a big dramatic finish, instead of just using it on the first boss and then letting it charge up again.
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Wow rude
>ala mhiggers
>bunch of one-track FOR ALLAH AMIGO screaming retards who would screw over everyone else because they got dommed by the empire every night
>have to spend the first half of the expansion helping them out
fuck you, just ship me straight to doma
>not bringing a weaver just for parrying with an embroidery hoop
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The sentai stuff gets tired real fast but that isn't the actual reason why I hate Brute Justice. I hate Brute Justice because the fight itself is one of the most godawfully designed ones in the game. It's nothing more but a long string of completely unrelated mechanics that to 99% exist in a vacuum, with the only exception being a few recurring mechanics from a6. It also goes on for way, way too long and if you manage to fuck up ONCE during the entire fight then the boss gets a permanent damage bonus.

In a game where almost every end-game raid is about rote memorization and sheer trial and error, Brute Justice amplifies those qualities to extreme levels when the game should be going the opposite direction. It's basically a giant example of how to not design a boss fight. The sentai stuff has nothing to do with it.
Is there an exact time we will be able to start downloading the patch?
Fate names are okay I just think the ye olde English speak in XIV comes across as a 16 year olds idea of what they talk like.

FFT:WoTL and FFXII do it much better. Koji Fox is just a hack.
It might do this in the EX version. You've gotta remember, Susano is a level 63 trial, it's probably about as easy as Ravana NM.
in 5 hours
I don't play monk because their gameplay is boring and tedious
not either of them but the embedded player doesn't open at the correct time and the time part in the URL is wrong to begin with
I usually don't do a melee LB on the first/second boss so a caster/ranged can LB a large group pull. Or at least that's the idea, it seems like they rarely want to do that.
Sentai is fine just not redditfied.
I assume you're telling a joke here.
starts at 7:10 for me

using 4chan x
But FFT and FF12 don't use the same timeframe of English at all. FFT uses EME, FF12 doesn't. And the EME in 14 is actually fine, it's like none of you people have ever read anything.
As opposed to boss fights where mechanics chain seamlessly into each other such as
>everything i don't like is reddit
This is an even worse opinion than that guy talking about Lalafell ERP ten posts earlier

Brute Justice is the best fucking designed fight in this game by a mile and nothing else comes even remotely close.

Still not showing up for me senpai.
Atleast it doesn't have Fire1, Fire2 and all that boring numbered shit.
>Warrior of light cast your Thunder II quickly!
I'll patch note you in the dick
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>don't melee LB so the ranged can range lb
>they never do, even when told to
>melee LB
>what the fuck save it for the large pull you tard

>mfw the reddit trumpets kick in during A8
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>post your face goblins and alexander are finally over
Login into game
I guess it took into account that people could fuck up the formatting
I think you're missing that War of the Lions is also Koji's work. And there was -ra -ga in 1.0, so obviously the numbering wasn't his doing.

Brute Justice is Transformers.
> yfw go to idyllshire for the first time, and the meme bagpipes start playing

fucking reddit, man
because some people want to tell their own story instead of being an unkillable all powerful warrior
kill yourself autist
How much DPS are we meant to be getting here?
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Still can't decide if I want to play DRG or WHM
>mfw the redditsward theme gets remixed every fucking area
Those meme loving fucks can't get away with this.
I remember 2.7k being "good".
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I dropped it in 3.0 because there wasn't anything to do. And I assume that content wise it remained the same lacking shit of only having a couple of mind numbing dungeons to grind and a raid that goes from braindead easy to fuck off difficult with no middle ground nor a smooth difficulty curve which turns off 99% of people from doing it. Plus Alexander was just really unappealing and uninteresting compared to Coil to begin with, though the story did grow on me later on.

Picked it up again a month ago and did all the content save for extreme/savage stuff so all I can really say is that the story was a lot better than it was in 2.0, and I really really love the world and the characters of this game. It's probably the best writing any MMO can offer at this time, though it wont be everyone's cup of tea, and 2.0's slog can be a turn-off to anyone, but I am really looking forward to seeing how the story will go in SB. I hope the leveling campaign will capture that same feeling of adventure with bros that HW had from 50-60.
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Alexander is my favorite summon, but it is time to move on
Stop playing WHM.
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Goblins were a mistake
He's my favorite too. If XIII Alexander wasn't a thing it'd be my least favorite incarnation.
Last for Super cali ???? tageous!
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>y'shtola gets cleaved
>a .jpg of that yao ming face gets put over her
koji has gone too far this time
Why WHM? They have nothing good in their kit anymore that's unique relative to AST.

Play WHM if you want to GET MAD and do nothing but wish you were playing anything else.

Play DRG if you want to Jump and be a mother fucking Dragoon.
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WHM is totally cucked
it makes me want to play it even more out of sheer righteous SPITE
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>EU early access 11am
Thanks so much, SE
I hated the Alex store at first, but it kind of grew on me.
YoshiP said that Stormblood has 49 dungeons at launch.
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>no alex type-0 to nuke ala mhigo
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Stop playing whm.
SAM cause I love katanas
Have 3 friends (one going RDM) other 2 have tank and healer at 50, going to dungeon spam to 60.
>49 Dungeons
No way
I like playing WHM when I can DPS a lot. I like DPSing as WHM way more than any other healer. Especially now that cleric stance is gone, seems fun. I hate playing WHM when I have to heal hardcore though.
49 as in all the ARR dungeons, plus the HW ones, plus the new SB ones.
What item level is this meant to be? If I recall 2.7k is comparable to current BLM.

I have to say after playing with this for a bit I really like how RDM feels. Its an approximation of course but I like the whole concept of fishing for spell procs and weaving back and forth between Dualcasts, diving in for melee, then finishing with a Holy or Flare.

I can only hope its visually entertaining enough as well.
Thordan had a few cleverly designed bits but it was kind of a fight for retards in the way that the entire last 2/3rds of the fight follows the formula of "Do these 2-3 mechanics at the same time for maybe 5 seconds, tops, and then congratulations, it's a striking dummy for the next 40 seconds until the next mechanics show up".

It was literally designed to baby people into being able to deal with actual Savage-level fights by only making them play Savage for a few seconds at a time before jerking them off with a huge burn phase they hadn't really earned.
And how many do we currently have?
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>tfw whm is the least cucked healer for dungeons
pretty sure he meant there are 49 dungeons currently, or that SB will add so that there are 49 total. I can understand not wanting to do more dungeons though, there are a shit ton.
to be fair for a casual player WHM could easily be the best healer.

It kicks the shit out of the other healers in terms of AoE damage/aoe mana efficiency now.

>b-but The Balance
Aero III, thin air+presence of mind+holy spam and 60s cooldown make WHM better than even AST for 4man content.

In 8man content it's shit, yea.
>Minfillia blows up
>Thancred says that she went up like a Muslim
Jesus Christ Raimi, you're not even on the development team.
No, that's how many we have now.
Refurbisher Z

These fights have a limited amout mechanics that are relatively basic in concept, but as the fight goes on these basic mechanics become combined in ever more complex ways. They introduce mechanics by themselves so you can easily figure things out early on in the fight, and the real difficulty in the fight is handling all of this shit happening simultaneously, so that if you fuck up you can easily tell it was because you failed to account for a specific thing because you've already seen it before and know how the mechanic works. It's still just rote memorization in the end but at the least it's easy to figure out and every time you die the responsibility lies on the player.

Brute Justice just throws sudden Fuck You mechanics at you constantly throughout the fight and expects you to know what they all do beforehand. When you die to Brute Justice it isn't because you made a mistake, but because he just decided to pull another bullshit mechanic out of his ass that he will use once and that never returns again. It's a shit fight, and the only reason everyone fellates it so much is because DUDE TRANSFORMERS LMAO
*60s cooldown assize
enjoy dungeons would be dead if it wasn't for expert roulette
i'd assume 290 or whatever the ilvl was for the media build, and they extrapolated the numbers from that
theorycraft nerds are predicting that rdm will do slightly less than blm so the numbers seem pretty reasonable
Well that makes more sense.
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>49 dungeons
>only 2 of them will matter a few days after launch

8man content's the only shit that's going to matter once Omega is out. And that's the only chance we have to get SE to fucking listen for once.

Japanese companies, man. Fuck the consumers- the old guy at the head knows more than anyone how to do things right! He knows what they really want, despite what the people actually paying for and playing the game say.
Wrong, enhanced balance on a single not shit DPS will be better DPS than WHM's shit aoe.
Are we calm?
There are already 49 dungeons. By 4.5 there will be something like 63-4, and 90% of them you'll never see unless you do leveling roulette.
WHM will be the new SMN except their bitching will be justified.

Also fuck Summoners

>whm shit aoe
>almost every single job got their aoe nerfed in some way
>whm untouched when it could already outdps some of the actual dps jobs on high enemy count trash pools
I can say without irony that Yoshi is a much better designer than almost everyone playing this game.
>By 4.5 there will be something like 63-4,
49 at launch, +1 in 3 odd patches and +2 in 2 even patches ends at 56.
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