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What monsters do you guys want in back in MHWorlds? For me it's

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What monsters do you guys want in back in MHWorlds? For me it's this big guy.
Literal horse
Super Saiyan
Swimming Hipcheck
Vore fetish (the electric one)
Blue Raptors
Ninja cat
Lao Shan
Yama Tsukami
All of them. Would also like a lot more new monsters than they usually add in
>wanting the most boring and tedious monster in the series to make a return

If I had to pick an overly huge fight to come back I'd at least want to see this thing's fluff in HD
>What monsters do you guys want in back in MHWorlds? For me it's this big guy.
They said only a couple of monsters are returning

Most are new monsters
No they didnt.
Narga because day/night cycles were confirmed. Having a hunt lapse into night and suddenly hearing the rustling in the leaves and the red eyes appear would be baller as fuck.
Seltas Queen
Dalamadur of please oh please
Since they're aiming for the western audience, I have a bad feeling they'll abandon free DLC and release old monsters as paid DLC, maybe in packs based on what game they debuted in

Buy your Hunting Season Pass™ now for only $29.99, goyim
Chameleos would be nightmare fuel in an open world.
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Jho for the oh-shit factor, of course
Rajang, the one and only <3
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Gravios, and a Pierce shot HBG to fuck him up mouth to anus.
Anon, you're not be dumb on purpose are you? No shit they'll charge for it. They have to spend money making new assets and animations as opposed to just dumping PSP models into the new game.
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>seeing all of the lesser creatures flee at once whenever an elder dragon enters the map
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>Gravios with Heavy Machinegun
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>*hip checks you*

Will it have good hitboxes?

i have only played tri and tri ultimate, but i've seen some of the monsters from the other games and the one i'd like the see is that hermit crab one. And of course Jho has to make an appearance for sure.
>Dynamic weather
>Kushy Dankola literally brings the storm
>you get back on with the hookshook
You fly right back into another hipcheck.
Since it's essentially Frontier
Kirin (for the slutty armor)

Never played gen so I'd also like to see the 4 new guys from that.
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>Windshield deflects Hookshot
>Strong winds messes with Hookshot aim
So long as they put some solid effort into modeling and animating the monsters for current gen, I will be happy. Sick of them using the same assets for every fucking game. Now they can use better looking assets for 10 more years.
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I never got around to playing G rank on 4. Is it too late for me now?
There are probably people still playing. You'll just have to either go to /mhg/ on /vr/ or just hope you end up in a lobby with a merciful god.



generations is trash, there were a few guys who went back to 4U

im sure there are still players but getting players in your rank will require luck, your best bet is going to /mhg/
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The French.
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>hunters becoming the hunted
>falling for one monster's ambush while pursuing another

Shit, I'm trying not to get excited about this
>Kill Skyscraper sized Dragon Snake
>Acquire 4 scales and 1 Fang
I'll give my left leg to get that awesome mecha armour again.
Same the new hook and the hd could make them rework him a little and make the battle amazing
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None of them. I do not give a flying fuck about previous monsters, I am simply tired of them dragging down games because the fans need their precious favorites including my own favorite monsters.
All I will ever want returning is Rathian because she is obligatory and scrapped concept art monsters.
would have prefered to keep the shitty ps2 graphics if it mean free dlc honestly
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Gotta have hot monkey dick.

>Seltas Queen
>MHonline firefly dragon(fuck you its neat)
>Glavios(best new addition to X/Gen)
>5x hip checkers with broken hitbox
>4U Dragons
>Hot Monkey Dick x2.
>G-Rank DLC
Consider if you would the fact that the taunt mantle and ghillie mantle were both part of scrapped content for MH1.

So far all the World stuff they've talked about for new content sounds like stuff they never got to do for the first game because of PS2 limitations.
this, MHW is an entirely new continent. I don't want to see the same Kut Kus and Rajangs that are in every game
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How do you win?
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No water combat
dayum shame. has that been confirmed?
KUSHALA PLS. Imagine it's a bright and sunny day… all is good. Then suddenly the skies grow dark, wind starts howling. Flashes of lightning and Thunder in the distance. Then… BAM! Kushy
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These guys
Yeah, it was confirmed. People hated it so they gave up on it entirely. Swimming is only for map transitions.
Gimme the jet dragon please.
Bring back back the MH3U raptor. Gen 2 is fucking shit.
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I'd be so happy if the entire game finally got out of gens 1-4. I'm hoping MHW follows the same suit as Tri and consists of a roster that is almost entirely new monsters. 4U and the X games took a serious hit because so much shit to fight in the end of the games were just monsters from previous games or variations of them.
Didn't stop it from showing up in X
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Give me nargacuga and the armor and i'll be fine
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>The last bit
It will probably be mostly new monsters since the area you're exploring is a new-found territory.
Realistically there is going to be overlap if only because there's a lot of people that want to see old monsters updated away from PS2 models.
Will they add voice chat in-game?
This game will have DLC out the ass being on actual consoles/pc with download networks so most fan favorites will make it.
Dont get me wrong, Lao has great weapons but I think everyone that likes Lao says that until they actually have to spend the 40 minutes fighting him.

Definitely a shitty fight.
Already confirmed to be in.
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>Capcom pandering to my fetishes
everything up to 2G

but I suspect this'll be as short as P3rd with a limited amount of monsters
I really hope they don't have DLC for monsters because that's going to segment the online community unnecessarily.
Just get digested and die already.
This tbqhwyf
If there is going to be stealth elements, then I want nocturnal predators that use those elements against you to stalk your ass.
Exactly this especially if retards like OP keep requesting boring ass fights like Lao-Shan. You have to be a real dumb ass to enjoy fighting him seriously.
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Dont diss on vore, ya bloodclot
>paid DLC
Pick one, quest DLC has always been free with MonHun.
All thrown out the window now that theyre not hindered by handhelds and consoles 2 gens behind.
Best boy better be in
Kirin just for HD, 4k slut armor
I'd imagine at least one other old monster besides the raths is getting in, and I'd bet money it's either tigrex or zinogre
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>MH for Sony, Microsoft, and PC
>Expecting free DLC
It'll be Kirin.
i didn't really like fighting gravios, he didn't really do much and i just kind of shit on him and then ran away when he loaded up for his mega fart attack. definitely not as balls to the wall as other fights.
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>design a monster that has the skull Shogun carries around by default
>never put it in a game
what a shame, but at least with the removal of styles and arts this means both Xshit and Frontiertrash is gone
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>It turns you into a fucking paddle ball, hipchecking you on your grapple tether
To be fair, 4 Raviente scales and one full Raviente fang are probably large enough to be half of an entire monster in terms of material size and weight.
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I hope the trailer was streamlined because if theme music is getting cut then Zinogre isnt going to be nearly as fun.
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Kirin is an awful, shitty fight that only continues to exist for its slutty armor

The world would be better for its absence
I'm trying.
>short as P3rd
It will be more like Tri because P3rd only had 6 new monsters and the rest was just subspecies and returning monster.

Tribabby here, dafuq is that?
Akura Vashimu. Conceptually I love his design, and I wish he would escape Frontier.
soloing single monster missions in g with proper weapons is easier than it looks really
it took me a few failed attempts but i slayed chameleos ,repeled daora and teostra and managed to kill ukanlos in g3 solo all of it with longsword, so imagine what you will be able to do with the actual op weapons
the only g2 missions i had to do with people were the double monster ones
and i wrecked everything in g1 solo except for the water najarala

all of this was about 2 months ago
some people can be real retards/assholes online, especially the french, but it shouldn't take you too long to find a decent party
probably both, they're both mainstays of the series and have cool as shit personalities.

Other question, do you think MH:W will have a slow trickle of revealed monsters leading up to release kind of like Japan Time for SSB? That'd be fun as shit and I'd get so amped.
Look into your heart and think about what you just said.

You now know it'll be Kirin.
>4U Jho.gif
Tri babies have no valid opinions.
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oh this fuckin guy gets it, lmao,

>"Flies into another hipcheck."
That Amatsu dragon from Mh3Portable. It's just a pretty monster to look at, from the design, the battle and that goddamn storm that actually dissipates when it's killed.
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The magnanimmous threadkiller
The aubergine enthusiast
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Remobradrome when?
>Jho just barrels through all obstacles like a freight train
>Eats literally everything on the map
>You call on your Remobra to try and fly back to camp to change gear
>Jho just jumps out of the tree line and snatches your Remobra out of the air, with you still clinging to it.
Dromes are shitty springloaded cardboard cut outs, bring back the Great Aggis.
Sounds cheaper than buying a new game for Grank at least
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Would Jho function as the ultimate casual filter in MHW?
>Able to spawn in any areas without restrictions
>AI designed to prioritize the hunter rather than the other large monster in the zone
>Normalfags would be too braindead to craft dung bombs and start to play defensively, wasting long periods of time in hunts
>Thousands quit the game in frustration
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You'll get this instead, enjoy!
i thought the mission actually being in gen 2 was a myth
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I'd rather have a new superboss monster in the spirit of Jho/Jang. Give us a Deviljho tier spider
Game needs a Quetzalcoatl monster bad. Naja doesnt count.
Honestly don't care who they bring back, rathalos and rattan are mandatory, but beyond that whatever they want I'm good, if I has to choose, I would like to see the khezu as well.
These have honestly been some of the best monsters in the franchise.
>Those extremely iconic designs
>Setting them each in locations where they make the most sense each time
>A WIDE variety of potential attacks to be used
>Plentiful unique animations and absolutely beautiful music for every one of them
>Each deviant is more horrifying than the last
Imagine Jho digging it's way into the zone you're in, picking up the monster you just slayed, and carrying it off into the forest before you got to carve it, meaning you have to chase down Jho through it's path of carnage and get it away from your kill if you want anything.
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>Puts on ghillie mantle
Heh, nothin to see here big boy
I want more bug monsters. Like giant wasps. Imagine traveling through the forest, and you hear a loud buzzing in the air, and then you stumble on a giant hornets nest surrounded by a dozen giant wasps and one enormous wasp monster
I could see so much potential with Glavenus, a big thing that was scrapped in the final game was if Glavenus had it's tail severed it would pick it up with it's mouth and swing it around like a knife
no zone restrictions is fine but i'd like it if it was also extremely rare
mostly because i'd prefer to see people shit their pants instead of JUST having casuals suffer from it
>Put on ghillie mantle to hide from Jho
>Jho eats you anyway just because it's literally taking bites out of everything surrounding it.
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I'd love to see deviljho again, but I'd love a new drop in predator

Maybe something that explicitly sets ambushes for hunters and monsters alike and will fuck you up for blindly following the shiny bugs and not watching your surroundings
Jesus christ that's metal
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Since this is a new continent and all that, what would be ideal is if we got new monsters as well as updates to older monsters.
For example, apparently an adult Gobul has never been seen before. Maybe they head out to the new continent when they're old enough.
I particularly like the Gammoth, it's just a goddamn tough-ass mammoth that can BTFO Tigrexes and Barioths
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>Wanting autism incarnate over Gigginox
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>aerial chases and fight with your hook and it's webs
>uses the environment against you
The new designs that have been shown aren't very impressive to me. They seem to focused on being realistic rather than playing with ridiculous themes like >>380550606 >>380553008
If worlds did stuff like this instead of just being a casual Western sneakfest, I would buy a PS4 literally just for this.
>Peco in the middle of the woods makes a Jho call because you didn't see it, but it saw you
>Jho gets frisky and just starts thumping through the woods to find one of you
>Sounds of shredding branches, thumping footsteps, and shrieking small monsters everywhere
>It's signalled by dozens of monsters running in one direction away from the Jho
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With the new detailed maps and the abundance of atmosphere creatures, I really hope there are ambush/hidden monsters in the game that you won't know until they jump your ass, or you investigate the area to find traces of them so you have to be cautious.
Need more furry mammal monsters :3
Theyve literally shown 2 new monsters and they both look like they could be in Tri/4u dumb nintenbabby.
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>I hate Khe-mmphphprhrprhpmhrph
Khezu is better though.

I want the bubble lizard. I have no idea what it's called, but it's my favorite. Bubbles everywhere. Soapy.
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The khezu roar is ingrained into my ears.

Every time I see one of those things I hear it

It's one of those unmistakable sounds and it makes me actually fear fighting these things.
My favorite thing about the big ol' Popodrome is the simplicity of using a huge layer of thick snow and ice as a shield. It has huge thick fur already, plate-like shells over its feet, and extremely thick fat and meat around them. Most things need to climb up around the monster to even get a touch on it, and by then, it can just thrash them off or bellow out even more snow and ice to blow them away before crushing them.
Living tank with gunman capabilities is the best monster ever and none of you can disagree.
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Since they announce some Sony exclusive content i would gladly chop this guy into pieces
I'm an idort. Don't go around spouting console war shit when we're trying to have a discussion.
FUCK that not everybody is a poor piece of shit instead of Vidya may be you should get a fucking job
>gotta hide from khezu
>watch the blind fucker slobber all over you while sniffing around while you're hiding in a bush
Choo chooo!
Yeah, he is great
Where is that one hentai panel of the giggnox/human child?
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This thing is vile on every level possible. I can guarantee that if I could taste Khezu meat and smell that thing as it ran, it would be just as disgusting as it looks and the texturing on the flesh clearly looks as if it feels. But nothing compares to that FUCKIG ROAR.
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Fro Mon
>T-Rex that transforms into a super jew and sprouts big ass frills that look like wings to scare predators into thinking it's something like a Rath or other bigger Wyvern
>Not ridiculous themed
Nah mang you just dumb
>juvenile atrulkas stealing your equipment to add to their hoard
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I hope both Garuga and Shogun Cenataur will be back.

I love both of their armor design and armor skills.
Im more curious what the new flagship monster will be
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>Playing MH4U with friends for literally dozens to hundreds of hours at our local cafeteria
>Finally get to Desert Seltas Queen
>Our collective faces when it slams the Seltas into the ground to kill it so it can eat
>Our responses when it fires the Seltas like a fucking tank shell
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Add the best and most powerful flagship monster of all time
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It's me of course
something that dissapointed me about sharkfrog other than it's obvious fetish design was how once you broke his body parts he could still cover them in ice, unlike the agnaktor which gets perma-soft
Until further notice, it's rathalos.
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that is not brachydios
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>no underwater
>literal khezu reskin on ground
If they drop deviants then this is a good idea for a subspecies.


I think it's important to note that since 4U brought back a lot of older monsters and updated them and XX basically had most monsters from the series we should be getting a shipment of new monsters for MH5 like we did in MH3U
well there IS swimming, just no combat in water

It sounds like the moans of the damned.
The one that looks like zamitros yes
That fucking chicken dragon thing hell no
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>Rathalosore throat continues to be the flagship for whitepigs, while Eurabians get the new flagship like they did before in 4U
Sergios, glavinous, the electric one from x. The fatalis, lagi
>The one that looks like zamitros
and just because it's inflated

i guaran-fucking-tee you it just looks as boring and bland as the new underlings when not in that state
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Fuck I want to play more monhon now but all I have is a release 3DS and it looks hilarious ugly on that tiny low res screen. Is there one on the Switch yet? Maybe I'll get one.
i don''t think it's getting medieval-looking elder dragons
unless they make a huge ruins map
which would be fucking cool but i doubt it
Seregios was pretty cool, fuck Rathalos
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Seregios, love that fight and love the armor and weapons.

Would like to see them use it's bladed quills / scales for some cool new attacks.
People were hating on the little hairy jho, but i think he is cool. Also love the inguana gobul.
We got to see what that lizard like monster looked like deflated in the extended gameplay trailer. The dreads-like hair really stands out. Zamtrios is a much better design.
When you're playing the 240p screen is the least of your issues, cmon, im playing with bros xx right now and we have like 400+ hrs each (x &xx)
The only Switch MH that's coming does not have a confirmed localization.
A man can dream, always hated fighting normal and crimson, loved white. Also we always get a ruins.
It will probably come but 1 year after, just like every other version.
If he cared he could get the japenese version anyway.
This armor was great to use with the pigment selection.
So what new species do you guys think will be introduced in the 5th gen game?

3rd gen had leviathans and brute wyverns, 4th gen had amphibians, insects and snake wyverns.

I honestly can't think of any new species they could add, maybe they'll just expand on species that only had a few monsters on them.
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>tfw running through jungle, gathering bugs and mushrooms
>notice a flare in the distance, think its a hunter
>get closer, looks like a bonfire
>suddenly entire forest ignites in flame
>motherfucking teostra
>burns down entire forest, cooks nearby small monsters
>just minding your own business hunting obligatory dog wyvern
>notice a vine shaking from side to side
>continue on your way
>leaves crinkling, ground trembling
>get whipped by a small thing that came from nowhere
>mfw chameleos
>tfw you have to use stealth to hunt a monster thats stalking you
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This handsome fella (and the marm too plz)
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>the emperor and empress
I played the shit out of 3u and 4u on that dinky little McDonald's toy, don't get me wrong. I'd just rather not ruin my eyes and my day again by suffering through it. I tried it on my buddy's XL or whatever the bigger and highest resolution screen version is and now I can't go back. Maybe I'll emulate or something.

I'd rather replay an older version than deal with no translation. Mostly I just wanted to complain about how bad Nintendo fucked me.
>Where is that one hentai panel of the giggnox
There's a lot man.
Western version will come, trust me.
I have a original 3ds and switch too, currently using the english patched version of xx.
Gigginox does the whole "blind cave predator" schtick FAR better than Khezu, seeing as how it, along with all the other gen 1 monsters are just reskins of each other. At least Gigginox has a different rig than the others.
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- Tetsucabra
- Every single Brute Wyvern
- Rajang
- Blangonga
- Shogun Ceanataur
- Agnaktor
- Astalos
- Seregios
- Nibelsnarf
- Lavasioth
- Zamtrios
- Gore Magala
- Tigrex
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Prowler Mode
Im happy they confirmed tgis is getting the try treatment, most of the new monsters in try were great.
I will always hate alatreon though
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Why hello there handsome.
They could always add giant four legged-mammals as new monsters (eg. tiger, wolf), with no scales or wings so they don't count as wyverns.

Not sure how to make them more unique though other than being able to spew fire or lightning.
Land fish
Plant monsters, giant mushroom men and such
Corrupted hunters :^)
a Tiger would be fantastic with the Zinogre animation frame. All they would need to do is adjust it's stance so the head isn't held high
Hi there!

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>rouge tamers from that spin off are bosses
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Is, is this a real Monster Hunter thread with real Monster Hunter fans? without all the console wars "lol salty NEVER EVER" people who have never touched the game before and misinformation spreading? Is this real life?

I'm proud of you all for once.
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You mean...?
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We're good boys who dindu nuffin
I just want Barioth and Kirin. I hope they have Gold Rathian as well. My Shining Ishtar is waiting in this game
A male/female pair of tigerwolf that always fights together. The female is bulkier with dragon element while the male is slender but faster with lightning element.
The male will try to confuse you by darting around trees while the female goes ham on you. The male can even paralyze you so the female can follow up with a huge ground slam with her paw.

The theme being a pair fight that isn't garbage like the Raths. To further showcase this their ecology are Rath hunters, hence the elemental affinity.
>For me it's this big guy
For you
They have something like this in frontier, forget what its called.
Frontier had giant wolves that would hunt and fight in pairs, which is actually a pretty cool monster design.
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I want real gameplay footage first.
You jinxed it

Good going anon
Yeah, they did. Go check the interview

In fact pretty sure he said only Rath and one other is coming
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Awoo-kun and Awoo-chan
Shen Gaoren
Lao Shanlung

We had a good run with old monsters, but its time for new fights
this sounds awful, I'd rather have Ian and Los revamped to co-operate with eachother when fighting in the same area or a monster that actual does something unique with it's pairing like Seltas and Queen do, having a pair that is "well they are the same thing but with different elements and some combination attacks" is fucking stupid
I want to see more environments

I'm still waiting on a volcano map that's not trash
Gore Magala would be amazing but I'm not sure if it fits this game more "realistic" approach

If not Magala, then Tigrex with all of the subspecies
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give us a fire-themed area that isn't in the center of a goddamn volcano. The potential is out there
>the female is slow and strong while the male is fast
>"they are the same thing"
>give example of Seltas and Queen which is literally as described

Ok, I guess they can combine too if that makes you happy
I think updated gore would look amazing, theyd have to work hard on its horn gimmick and mist effect though.
PCfag here. Never was interested in MH before due to the quality of the sprites but am now more interested due to how nice the monsters looked in trailer. Does World seem relatively a fine place to start?
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This guy right here. His fight is boring as hell, but the atmosphere, design, and armor you get from him is by far some of the best I've seen from monster hunter in many years.
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It's very different compared to the older games. Emulate Portable 3rd if you want a feel for those.
Oh fucking god, if they dont rework his fight completely and have him in, id be so pissed. Xx mantis looks so much better.
>to the older games
Old as in before 4?
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>wyvern's end becomes a phsyical location near the edge of some map
>occasionally monsters flying overhead get beam sniped and fall into the pit
>hunters get sniped if they idle at the pit's edge for too long
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>tfw underwater monsters will never come back in their full glory
You're looking at a franchise that was until recently very stubborn when it came to change, for better or worse. The core has effectively remained the same from MH1 to MHXX, with a ton of quality of life adjustments, content additions, and tweaks along the way.

Portable 3rd is suggested as a starting point if you don't have a a 3DS because it's effectively the latest game you can emulate reliably.
So how is it very different?
It really fucking isnt, each game has some gimmick it focuses on.
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An aquatic monster hunter would have immense potential for monsters and environments. But it's probably never going to happen because the average gamer can't into 3 dimensional movement.
underwater fights were cancer
glad almost none of them are key quests or necessary once you reach high rank
save for dire miralis
Not very
>Paid online (except for PC)
>Most likely paid DLCs in the future besides cosmetics (because MS and Sony gotta get another cut)
But go on and activate my trap card: "W-what are you poor?", little Yugi
> the average gamer can't into 3 dimensional movement.
that's becauseyou can't have depth perception if you're looking at a flat screen

ironically, they would actually work with the 3ds's feature
I'm a PCfag so I'm cool. It's not like Switch wont have paid online either. Only us PCbros rule now.

>Paid DLC
They kind of have to make it paid. It's not them dropping PS2 models into the game anymore.
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>not having a rich mummy and daddy
>not having them pay for everything with good boy points

plebeians, bet you prefer nuggies over tendies

It's always been obvious that the guild takes anything you can't personally carry for trading, research and creating new ships.

Consider the fact that each scale is the size of a yacht and every fang is bigger than a lagombi.
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The original games have maps with many segregated areas, World uses maps that are all seamless. This change alone is actually pretty drastic; it has take a different approach on how you go finding and fighting the monster and collecting resources, the latter of which is actually quite important too.

Combat is actually one detail we haven't seen in full proper, but from what we know there's allegedly less 'commitment' to your actions in combat and there's also a grapple and shit.

Come on, just watch some videos of people hunting on the 3DS games or something and it'll be incredibly apparent.
Fucking guildjews
Hunters strike when?
Of course, the movie tie-in DLCs will be the worst: Main cast skins/armor and Doritosdrome quest for 3 bucks
the free dlc policy from 3ds titles
Tbh the guild has some sweat perks,
Upset we are getting cucked out of the mantis final boss for a bit.
And having Mario/Metroid/Zelda and your random Anime costumes in the game is any better?
What do you mean?
Those were free by Nintendo, the movie is funded by Sony and you bet they will want some cash from the players
Double cross's final boss is a mantis that makes a mecha. Its really fucking legit, it would look AMAZING in mt framework though.
Aren't we getting double cross? And I really want to fight rocketjet dragon
You can't be serious. I see at best, around 10 new monsters, and probably 15-20 of the best classic ones. Maybe more through DLC/preorder bonuses.
Honestly with the way Capcom AND Nintendo (Amiibos/paid online) is going, there was a big chance the next MH on the Switch would have paid dlc one way or another. Capcom has been shifting towards that model for awhile now with SF5/MVC Infinite and so on. Nintendo would've probably probably locked their costumes in Amiibos.

MHW might have some paid dlcs, but I'm sure there will be free ones as well. What's important is if they release expansions. Up until now we usually had to wait for the G versions to get an update, but that might change.
Capcom seems to be implying it wont be happing till after world, if ever
The confirmed the roster will be mostly new with a few classics.
But I really wanted to use "I'm helping!" Alchemy style
Seriously, that shit looked like a perfect final boss fight.
The music and attack stages especially.

>Fight just normal mantis thinking it's not much
>Oh, the giant mech actually is just a big sitting target and not that hard
>Guess this is just the usual
>Get it to low health
>The mech falls apart
>Mantis left standing there with a giant wheel
>Insane actually super fun looking final segment until death


I wanted to fight him myself.
Is the switch region locked? Mh is piss easy to play in another language
Well fuck. No way they're bringing in more than a dozen new monsters, this is Capcom, after all.
But you lose out on story bits and how would you memorize part names?

How is the Homebrew scene on the switch? I wonder if someone will make a patch
Who knows, its been for years with an impressive team. They might suprise you with a big push.
You can literally make a Japanese account and buy games on the same switch. Plus if MHXX ever gets localised, the Jap version will be updated to English as well.
I know parts by the symbol and rarity.
>free lodging and presumably half board
>free transport to and between work sites
>hooks you up with the majority of your clients and assignments
>free on-site items

They're probably the ones paying your housekeepers and palicoes too, unless they're just indentured servants

It's not a bad deal really
Well, Worlds has been in development since 4 was released according to the producer. There's a good chance there might even be pieces of the cancelled PS3 game in here too.

Even if they don't have recycled stuff from the canceled PS3 game this will still be the longest development cycle for a MonHun game. The fact that it's on MT Framework instead of Panta Rhei or Unreal 4 is somewhat of a testament to that.
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What if you can become friends with the mons.
No. Just need to make a different account though for japanese games.
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Atoraru is probably my favorite super giant monster because it's not stuck being a big slow punching bag for the whole thing, plus there's shiny drops all over the place as you tear apart the mech that can be anything from atoraru parts to charms to golden eggs

It's not especially challenging though and the fight can get formulaic really fast because you'll spend so much time farming it for that top tier equipment
>Jap version will be updated to English
Any instance of other games doing this? Never heard about this
Yeah as a veteran now he's pretty easy, but learning him was a ton of fun, and breaking everything on him before he dies is still really fun and challenging. he has so many breakables.
As long as they don't get as retarded as Zinogre and the jet dragon from X, anything is fair game.
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Seltas Queen
Shaggy Maggy
Click Clack
Tigerstripe ZimZamFlimFlam
Not Gravios
Probably a few others, but I mostly want the 3rd and 4th gen monsters to show up because most of them are pretty great.

I just hope Hunting Horn doesn't get cut from World for some reason. I love Hunting Horn.
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>Black Gravios
>Retards online keep deciding to run into it after it does its beam attack
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>I just hope Hunting Horn doesn't get cut from World for some reason
tonfas get fucked
>AI designed to prioritize the hunter rather than the other large monster in the zone
Why would Jho be programmed like that, he eats everything.
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Jesus fucking christ how does one do this?
>Implying the devs aren't sadistic enough to do just that
>Jho only starts eating things from the environment when the hunter gets carted
>Casuals get taunted more when they see the camera pan out as Jho finally starts fight the other monster, only for it to focus on them again when they reenter the area
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To be honest not holding my breath for any of them except Tiggy.
I'm really hopeful about how much more fun this game will be than monhun on the 3ds. Before, it didn't seem like the big powerful monster you were fighting was really doing all it could to try to kill you, which is something that takes away from the combat of the game. Games like bloodborne did this best, where it actually felt like the monster was doing all it could physically do to rip you to shreds. Seeing the t-Rex monster chase you throughout the map I think really shows that the monsters AI has been changed in that direction for the better
I think we could have done with "all 11 weapons".
Does that mean we're not getting a new weapon? What the fuck
Yes, all 3 ranged weapons fuse together and Gunlance gets deprecated because devs hate Gunlance
Apparently they gotta rework SnS and CB
Again? What for

Are we keeping prowler?
Likely due to how much the game has changed?

>Are we keeping prowler?

Nope. Thank god.

We're not?? What
Zinogre is one of the most popular flagships in the series, if anyone besides tigrex has a shot it would be him
and people say frontier sucks.
fucking sheep bandwagoners.
>that seltas queen roar


Please make more bug roars capcom!
It's a shame that we are not gonna hunt Valfalk his theme is pretty good

Considering Sony is apparently paying for this, and its only coming out on PS4 in japan...
I wonder if they'll do a tie in Horizon Zero Dawn fight.
Like way back with MGS PW.
Mecha Tigrex.
So many people would lose their shit.
Anyone know of a helmet that's just a sphere?
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What do you mean "we"

Don't tell me you haven't hacked your 3DS
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Let me sing the symphony of your doom.
>cfw 3ds
>dowload mhxx patched cia
>play online
>get banned
>playing online
I buy MH for its main appeal, Multiplayer.
I'd rather not be banned.
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>never play online in the first place
>haven't even checked if I'm banned because it doesn't matter

I hear it's trivial to undo anyway
SP is fine for the village quests, but when that's over, I want to play the guild hunts with friends.
I want steve
How will the movie tie-in to this?
Yeah you only have to kill things several more times your size that could clearly split you in half with one bite. But the rent's free!
Maybe you shouldn't have signed up to be a hunter then
There's gathering and egg fetch quests for you fags
Steve will probably become a staple monster for all future games because of his popularity, uniqueness, cool armor and weps, flagship, etc.
Pretty sure he'll be in.
>peeko does a rumbling call you haven't heard before
>huh I wonder what OH FUCK
>murderpickle erupts from the ground like an angry swollen chestburster, rapetrain has left the station


>peeko never, ever summons anything else in p3rd or 3u because i mean why would it lol yooooo jho right fampai
>[tedium and literal shitflinging intensifies]

How long has it been since the event quest where a tiny peco called a tiny uragaan
Player skins
Specific Monsters reskinned
Area representing the movie's hunter world

All which may or may not be paid DLCs
Kut-Ku but with more dungbomb flinging
aerial hammer
>Implying the hair won't be used as camo while it's underwater by lilypads or whatever
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>Oh look at me with my 3ds XL or my circle pad pro
>Oh look at me, I can actually enjoy video games
>Look at me I didn't support the 3ds at launch and instead waited like a smart person
>Look at me I don't hate seeing this low res garbage and can actually play monster hunter

You think you're so cool
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>hook gets pushed into debris
>sends you flying across the map
>have to run back
Gobul (a boy can dream)

As long as those are in its okay.
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If by few they mean <5 then it's at least rathian, rathalos, and diablos, because they've been in every single one.

Hopefully the other two are cuga and tigrex. I'd love grappling to a big tree like those in the old forest in fu, then turning around to stab down at the tigrex leaping up to eat me

Cuga so I can get a group of heavy bowgun ERS together, then when cuga kills one and jumps off into the woods at night we can all line up and shoot wildly into the treeline

You do know 3 Ultimate was on the Wii U, too, right?
>Cuga so I can get a group of heavy bowgun ERS together, then when cuga kills one and jumps off into the woods at night we can all line up and shoot wildly into the treeline
Fuck, will subspecies and rare species be in the game? I'd love to pull this shit with lucent narga.
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>Oh look at me I played Wonderful 101
>Oh look at me I played Bayonetta 2
>Look at me I eat food other than rice, beans, and bananas
>Look at me I can afford leisure and entertainment
>Look at me I sure do love playing video games

Oh ya no wow, so cool, really
Please no fucking peco, the only monster design I genuinely hate.
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Are you ok? Do you have brain damage?

It's always like this when new games are announced. Once people get over their knee-jerk reactions and more info starts rolling in the who are actually interested in discussion generally calm down and lose the "everything sucks" attitude.
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At this point it's fucking pointless looking at this piece of shit website. Everyone just says random ass shit that has no basis at all and 6 months later when one of the ten thousand lies comes true there's some asshole who goes onto the archive and screencaps it goes HOLY SHIT.
I doubt lucent is in, would be baller though.

>Walk out of camp, 3 people superman diving into mud puddles
>They start lighting trees on fire
>One guy starts spraying wildly into the air
>Wonder WTF is going on when an invisible bat cat bird tackles you and drags you off into the woods
Google Orugaron and check the subspecies fight. Shit bricks.
I want a monster that's a rare cross breed between a zinogre and rajang, I don't care how or if it makes sense, I want my ultimate supersand lesbian monster.
Bring it back!
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Too hard for the casul
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>we will never see promised nadir in HD
Don't forget the free Immortality.
I want those spiders from MH4 but I don't remember their names.
Nerscylla and Shrouded Nerscylla
Nerscylla needs to be in for the nightmare fuel spider web ambushes

The worst part is that everytime one of those baseless rumors get deconfirmed people just jump to the next thing and get more and more petty each time.

>They're taking weapons out that are too hard for casuals!
>All 14 weapon types in
>They're going to simplify the UI and take away sharpness for casuals!
>Health, Stamina, and sharpness are still in
>T-there's no more music when cooking...
>The cooking music is still in

I will never understand /v/'s mentality of wanting things to be bad.
>You get to see all the dead Gypceros hanging on webs up close
Yeah, that's right. They would sick with these new open environments.
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Diablos, I have too many fond memories of getting pissed when trying to get Majestic Horn in Tri. I don't care what anyone says, that shit did not have an 8% drop rate. Took me like 80 attempts to get one.
I want that gaint crab monster or more new bugs and spiders
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>Games like bloodborne did this best, where it actually felt like the monster was doing all it could physically do to rip you to shreds.
I legit don't understand how you get banned, Like I literally have an Hbrew software as my favorite title and didn't get banned.
I enjoyed them underwater fights on my old 3DS, fuck off
Floating Hentai Porn would be nice
>lao shan lung
why on earth would you want "say goodbye to 30 minutes of your life: the monster" back
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