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What was your reaction?

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Thread replies: 242
Thread images: 71

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What was your reaction?
>Not 2D? Fuck you, Nintendo.

Then Treehouse happened.
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I really, really hope they don't fuck it up.
>well i don't care but i'm happy for the bois
>wow, just a logo.... how low is that
>/v/ will be excited about this
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i don't metroid, but i was happy for the people that do
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"Wait...what the fuck...is that an S?"

Real talk, how is Sony going to top this?
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>oh cool

>what a shitty promo
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Nice .JPG, Nintendo.
Actual, literal tears of joy and a little bit of getting choked up. The music did me in.

Pure genuine elation, I literally got chills when the theme and "4" popped up.
Absolutely happy for a Metroid game, but not really sure why it has to be Prime 4. It doesn't really seem like that storyline is worth continuing.
they paste a 4 next to the logo of metroid prime, what shit is this
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so fucking pumped when they busted this tune out.

god damn gets me so hyped everytime
pure, unadulterated joy and giddyness
metroid prime is my favorite game, and there are so many ways they can fuck this up
i pray that they don't and it ends up being very good
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"Good, now the Metroid fans can finally shut up."

Um no, that story ended ten years ago.
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try again honey.
That's not Dark Samus/Metroid Prime
Confusion, mainly. Over why they would bother just showing a logo and why they would continue a series when the titular character is about as dead as dead can get.
i simultaneously busted a nut along with vinny
Show me the gameplay.
Show me the developer.
I can't wait for the surge in lewd fan art it will inspire.
>Sylux from Metroid Prime Hunters
>a game that didn't feature Metroid Prime or Dark Samus
>Dark Samus and Metroid Prime are fucking dead as shit

Quit being autistic.
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There were some nice announcements but all if it also confirmed I have no reason to buy a Switch this year. The Mario is looking good, but that's not enough.
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>mfw it's not by Retro
Thanks m8. We're hoping for the best.

You mean they will shit-talk it, like everything. You're doing that now.

Because using dark samus/prime wouldnt be stale? literally had 3 games for that shit. Using the prime title is just to get recognition EG: federation force
Most of the people at Retro that made the first 3 have left, so it wouldn't really have been the same even if they did make it.
>The name of the game is Metroid Prime, so it absolutely has to have Metroid Prime as a character in it!
"Oh, this will appease Metroidfags"
Because I don't care about Metroid
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indifference and then sudden disgust realizing that a preview screen is all nintenbros need.

It's just a fucking logo
>It doesn't really seem like that storyline is worth continuing.

what are you talking about? Metroid Prime 3 ended in a huge cliff-hanger.
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>when the music kicked in
I inadvertently started banging on my desk in excitement so hard they heard it downstairs.

And then again when they busted out Samus Returns. Yesterday was a good day.
>People still just assume this is Sylux even though his/her ship looks nothing like that

I hope the Hunters from Hunters stay exclusive to that game. The Hunters we got in 3 were much better designed and I want more unique characters like that.

Game director explicitly confirmed that it was Sylus and that he will be a part of Prime 4's plot.
>Most of the people at Retro that made the first 3 have left

That's not true and all you had to do was look at the credits between MP2, MP3 and Tropical Freeze to realize that. Some people left, but most of them are still there.

Slyux stole federation technology and is a massive threat and whereabouts still largely unknown. Makes sense seeing as the phazon threat has ended and they would need a new story to go off.

Also the hunters had self contained stories other than sylux being directly tied to the federation. pretty sure they where going somewhere with that
>wow, just a logo.... how low is that

If they didn't show it then people will just be yelling about Nintendo not having a new Metroid for the Switch. This was a smart move by Nintendo for them to go "look, it's coming, chill."
Got a source on that?

oh no
yeah, I understand
it is just that i don't like this type of announcements, ala Sony

> Tababe told IGN what he wanted in a new Prime sequel, explaining that there is "still more I want to build around the story of Sylux and Samus. There’s something going on between them. I want to make a game that touches upon [it]." He added at the time that "in that eventual game between Sylux and Samus that might get made, that I want to involve the [Galactic] Federation as well." For now, we don't know if this will actually be the story of Metroid Prime 4 or if plans have changed since then.

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"That's cool."
I'm not a Metroid fan but glad you guys are happy.
"Yay. Anothed Metroid game I never wanted."

And in response to Metroid 2 remake, "Woooow played AM2R for freeeeeeeee wooow another Metroid 2 remake and not an original 2D Metroid what garbage."

I clapped!
I clapped when I saw the title card and only a title card!
>being a 2-D purist and not loving both.

A bigger faggot if there is ever one.
It'll still come out before FFVII remake and Kingdom Heart 3
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Thanks man, you're the best kind of poster
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No screams were uttered as soon as I saw the Nebula take shape of the screw attack.

just a simple thumbs up and a smile.
I appreciate whoever made this.
Oh nice here's the new stuff about the smash rema... HOLY SHIT NO FUCKING WAY
no question about that
a friend of mine is still waiting to buy The Last Guardian on his ps3
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What are you guys hoping for? I really want some 3rd person zero suit mechanics.
more of MP1, with better controls, with the ominous feeling that MP2 gave.
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>see space
>think its probably some new IP or other shit
>suddenly the Metroid logo holographic shows up
>no fucking way
>mfw the 4 shows up

"How the heck is Metroid Prime/Dark Samus still alive? Is there remnants remaining of Phaaze?"
You're retarded. Zero Suit marked the downwsrd slope of quality in Metroid. The only new Metroid games of any note will be 2D and new. Not another stupid Prime game (1 was the pinnacle of First-Person Metroid.) or another fucking remake of a game I already played
how's that life under the rock yo?

Good, and full of Phazon.
I was watching Joel from Vinesauce and laughing at his reaction. I don't care about Metroid but he was so incredibly happy that I enjoyed the reveal.

I thought the 4 looked like some cartoony goof shit. If that's the art direction their going for in the font you know the game will be shit
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Yeah, but Zsuit Samus is SEXY.
>Game Director
I'm expecting yet another clunky fps samus game that will never anywhere near as interesting as the first one.
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tfw you didn't preorder the figure
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Joel had the best reaction
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Best smile of the day.
"that looks like the number 4"

"yeah thats the number 4 "
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Did you get best figure, though?
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>oh, I guess they finally understood the message. It's a nice logo I guess. I hope they don't fuck this up
I really want this. That Metroid is cute.
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>woke up late
>decide to check what happened during e3
>maybe nintendo released something cool like idk mario
>metroid prime is my favorate game series of all time with metorid prime 2 being my favorate gayme of all time
>tfw half asleep scrolling through news
>see metorid prime 4 announced.
>dont comprehend what i have seen for about three seconds
>jump out of bed and channeled all my autism into incoherent screams.
>start running through house screaming
>yell at gf when she gets home and demand she buy me a switch
>she says fuck off
>jokes on her though i have her card
I was hyped when I saw the logo for SMT x FE some years ago, and that didn't end well at all.
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>Mfw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42u0KB6f5eU kicks in
>woke up

Wake up.
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10 long years
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>blue space vapor
oh fuck
>blue space vapor S
>Phazon noises
>Prime 1 title music
Bet we're going to have to wait fucking forever.

Then I saw the 3DS title and was content.
I hope you learned not to think your own little fanfiction is going to be the end product when all your given is a logo.
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As excited as I was
I also realized how much this btfo out of the "nintendo will have nothing" people from the night before.
Knowing it exists and will arrive eventually is more than enough for now.
That's my point.
What if Prime 4 ends up being the complete opposite of what fans want or if it's shit?

That's the reason why I'm barely excited for Prime 4.
Stop making such a talented developer a slave to a single series if they don't want to be. Let them make the new IP of their dreams, they deserve it.
Inaba is leading the development process and they hand created a team they believed would be good for the prime series. I trust Nintendo for this and am also looking forward to Retro's new game.
Having tempered expectations is good anon, but just let loose and be excited that MP4 even exists. What if Prime 4 ends up being EVERYTHING we wanted and more? The original Prime defied all expectations as well if you remember.
not even a trailer? whelp won't see it for at least 2 years
>oh wow, that sure is a number
Apprehension. The "4" logo is rather at odds with the less cartoony styling of the Prime series, and it's not being done by Retro. It's exciting and all, but don't get your hopes up kids. There is a lot of opportunity for this to go wrong, and between Prime and Other M the series is 1 for 1 on these sorts of gambles. This really could go in either direction.
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>The "4" logo is rather at odds with the less cartoony styling of the Prime series

I screamed so loud that my sister ran in asking if I'd injured myself. I don't care for FPSes myself but I was so happy to see it back. Then they announced the 2D return during Treehouse and I screamed again and literally rolled around on the floor for a while crying and rocking myself. Metroid's been a huge part of my life and I'm not embarrassed to admit how much it affected me.
>Cinematic trailer is shown
>It's just Samus on her knees taking a bukkake from a bunch of space pirates

It's going to be like this. I just know it.
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Metroid Prime is not FPS. Granted, I haven't played 3.
Well, it's not 2D metroid, is what I mean. I still like the games and I'm very happy for Primefriends but they're not so much my style.
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>Holy shit!

>...Oh man, /v/'s gotta be exploding right now
It's in first-person and you shoot things, though. Yes, obviously it's really a "first-person action-adventure" game or whatever.
Prime games are very very much fps. That's why some have the clunky complaint.

The 2D games are fast paced platformers focused on exploration. Primes are slow and awkward since it's very tough to translate that fast paced action to a lock-on slide dash that fucks up.

Prime games would of made interesting VR games in hindsight.
>No gameplay
Couldn't care less
> YOOO..... its just an image.....
>Primes are slow and awkward
Only with a Gamecube controller.
"New Metroid? Sweet. Oh, it's Prime 4? That's awesome, I hope Retro is making it."

That was it.
I'm not a fan of metroid, but I'm glad they finally got theirs, maybe someday I'll get it too. Hope the game is good so they can enjoy, it's been awhile.
it was quite complex
>wait is this what i think it is?
>prime music starts
>oh shit oh shit fugggg
but then
>but prime is ded, it ended already, what could they do with it?
>mfw i wanted 5 the most
>the 4 from prime 4 feels like its done in a phazon-like style
really fucking excited but still unsure how to react, prime is done so i expected 5
i wonder if they just use prime to indicate its fpa instead of 2d platforming
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The reveal was so cheap and lackluster that it sort of left a bad taste in my mouth. People get upset when game companies show CG reveal trailers for games years in advance, but this was just next level shit. A JPEG is all we got.

Regardless, I'm just glad a new Metroid is coming. Hopefully it releases by 2019
>The reveal was so cheap and lackluster
true but its way better than
>eople get upset when game companies show CG reveal trailers
for me
biggest surprise is retro not being on it, what could be retro doing that they are not on board on what they created?
There's nothing else for them to show you retard. The only other option would be a CG reveal trailer, who the fuck wants that?
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mfw when the /v/ E3 leak was real or just lucky
"Oh okay, it's about time"
If they got nothing to show, they shouldn't show it, faggot.
hype when the title shown up
pissed when nothing shown later
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>I wonder what retarded method they'll make up to explain how Samus will lose her powers THIS time

I mean nothing will ever outdo Prime 1's "Samus bumped into a wall so her suit deleted System32" but I want to see them try.
You're a moron. Every other Nintendo-related comment in every Direct/E3 thread for 3+ years has been ANNOUNCE METROID.
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Its nice to know there's another one but I can't get exited over a logo.

Literally words and an image
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>"Oh fuck, finally, a new Metroid game."
>"Oh...no footage...hmmm"
>it's just a logo
>these fucks
Nintendo won E3
Not much of a Metroid fan. I gave up 2 hours into the first Metroid Prime. Looking forward to more porn though. I said we'll be remodelling your shithole
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"Still not buying a Switch for this"
>please uneqip all weapons to have an audience with royalty. federation back stabs and arrests instead.

samus outlaw, using stolen pirate tech with chizo tech and federation tech to fight the evil federation corporation elite.
>"metroid prime?"
>"Metroid prime 4"
>"I bet this is the whole reveal"
>cuts to black
>"I bet nintenbros are creaming themselves right now"
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>mfw recognized the screw attack symbol
Nintendo winning E3 2 years in a row by a single game? I bet the Sony marketers are in maximum shitpost mode right now.
Nintendo literally won E3 with this one announcement. It looks good as fuck.
>after all these years of bitching from Metroidfags we get confirmation for not only one but TWO mainline Metroid games, one in 3D and one in 2D
I literally, 100% sincerely, actually pissed myself
thankfully i was already taking a shit at the time so there was no mess
>implying Nintendo has the ability to compete with modern 2D Metroidvanias.

They'd just make an ugly 2.5D shitshow and embarrass themselves. Prime was the right choice.
I'm buying a switch because of it.
To emphasize how big of a deal this is, I have been pretty vocal about how I think the switch is dumb and will fail. I own an Xbox One (standard) and PS4 Pro and will now be getting a switch.

The funniest thing is, I'm not sure why I'm even that excited. Prime 2 was good but super gimmicky and Prime 3 was just meh, but for whatever reason I have faith in this one, even though all I've seen is a title card
I jumped off my chair and spilled hot tea all over my desk and legs and screamed in pain but was pretty hyped.
>there's no way
>screw attack logo
>holy fuck
>a fusion remake?
>it's prime
im hyped
Ori and the Will of the Wisp will be a better vania game than Samus Returns.

But Prime 4 will be legit.
Nintendo lost their 2D magic over the course of the last decade and it doesn't appear to be coming bacl but they still know how to make a solid 3D game. I'm very excited for odessey for the same reason.
Joyous and blindly optimistic, but I reigned myself in, especially after they revealed it wasn't Retro.
>I bet they're gonna say Nintendo won, now
Another disappointing baby platformer with horrible soundtracks
They've won every E3 so far.
>no Retro

post what studio do you think is doing the game
the ones that helped to develop the oot remake, seems like they grew big and healthy now
Retro's Prime 1 was a stroke of luck. They even admitted they rushed the game. It was just one of those games that turned out great. If yoi break down the game you can really see how many corners they cut.
They were not able to replicate the product. Prime 2 got worse and Prime 3 wasn't even that great. I'm glad someone else is doing it.
A new internal studio, which is what they said when they announced it wasn't Retro. Pay attention.
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>It's just a title card
>I want to see gameplay
>bias people are not going to shut about nintendo "winning" E3 because of this.
There's no gameplay to show. They even said "now in development for Nintendo Switch" which basically sounds like "we literally just started yesterday and made this teaser to placate our rabid fans."
thank you anon, I had gone dormant on my metroid fan power since it has been so long. but when I saw this announcement my metroid heart reawakened. I'm ready for more games.
eh im more into games i can pirate day one
If you were really a Metroid fan, you wouldn't care.
Me resisting the urge to yell at the top of my lungs in my office while at work

I proceeded to text a shit ton of people out of excitement
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high pitch autistic screeching. As much as i loved the new GoW trailer and a few other games. Nothing had me more excited than to hear that music and see that title card
If there's no gameplay to show, then wait to reveal it. I'm not saying it will be, but this could always be another Federation Force or Star Fox Zero and everyone is out pre-ordering it already.

We all deserve better treatment than this. This just goes to show how bias the gaming community is towards nintendo and this is coming from a fanboy.
It's not Nintendo's fault if someone pre-orders a game (from a retailer who puts up a placeholder page the instant it's announced, unasked by Nintendo) from a teaser.

>better treatment
Oh, grow up.
You're saying you wouldn't have been happier to see even a few seconds of game play or at least who is working on it? Nintendo is a heavy hitter in the gaming industry and they're E3 reveals should reflect that.

>grow up
>video games
>posting on /v/
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I guess it's bed time for me.
I'll be happy to see it when there's gameplay to show. Until then, I'm excited to know the game exists at all.

They did the same thing with "Zelda Wii U," announced they were working on it -- because rabid fans kept demanding to know about it -- and then showed it when they were ready.
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This was you, wasn't it?
#GiveSamusAGirlfriend ;^)
Don't give a shit. If you're literally happy about being shown a JPEG after being treated like dogshit for the last 10 years, you're a fucking subhuman cuck.
I'm excited too, but just imagine if they pulled this last year with Federation Force. That's why I want to see something more.
You keep whining about nonsense, dumbass. I'll keep enjoying myself.

I understand, but again, there's nothing to see. In the hypotheticals you're worried about, how would withholding the reveal until the game is presentable -- which could be 1-2 years -- make things any better? You can just, like, not think about the game until they show more of it.
Wow, metroidfags really are the biggest faggots out there
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Yeah, anon, you go play with that JPG.
I didn't really care since Prime 3 was bad.
Also, nothing shown. Nintendo has been fucking up a lot of games lately. Even the new Zelda sucked.
>What was your reaction?
"Oh cool, Metroid is actually back from the dead. I mean it's literally just a logo, so we'll see if it's actually any good, but I'm glad it's happening."

The fact that Nintenbros are shitting themselves over, again, literally just a logo, is proof that they're the most cancerous fanbase in gaming.

I'm honestly more excited for the Metroid 2 remake as of right now. Also Mario looks pretty neato.
Jaded apathy. The titlecard is nothing. I'll get excited when they prove they can still make a good metroid game.
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I screamed as soon as the music kicked in and the S shape started forming, I fucking knew it was metroid and seeing the 4 just sealed the deal

Then I came here and I knew Nintendo had won this E3.

Then treehouse happened and I couldn't stop laughing
Nothing, I have no fondness for any Nintendo franchise. Grew up with PlayStation. Ironically for some reason I bought a Switch, but none of the games really interest me.
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>the most cancerous fanbase in gaming is people excited their mistreated franchise is getting a game after ten years since the last good one
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Me IRL during the reveal
Watched it with a friend and instantly said it was Metroid.
Because it had to be.

Then actually jumped up when I saw the 4.

Fucking Nintendo. Now I have to get a Switch and can't kill myself for a few more years.
>see the S shape form in the nebula
Oh shit a new metroid?
>see the 4
>full title appears
My heart was pounding, I'm legit excited. Wasn't expecting it at all, hope they dont mess it all up.
For me,
>see the S shape form in the nebula
>Oh shit a new metroid?
>see the 4
>Well, can't be Metroid, Fusion is already Metroid 4
>full title appears
>ah well, that's nice. I don't like first person shooters though
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I'm happy I guess.

I don't really play video games anymore though to be honest. This announcement came about 5 years too late for me to reach peak levels of hype.

Also since I don't own a Switch I'll probably never play it. But I'll get the Metroid 2 remake.
And you don't even know if it's good yet; you don't even have so much as a "cinematic trailer."

Spraying your shorts like this, you're just begging for a monkey paw scenario.
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Eh, not really a cliffhanger. More like a sequel tease that had nothing to do with the story.

>inb4 "but it's Sylux!"

Even if it is him nobody knows or cares who the fuck that is.
>telling other people they are not allowed to be hopeful

I can't believe how edgy you are.
This is a new low for 4chan.

If you think that's a new low for 4chan or even /v/ you've not been here long.

I think "fun is just a buzzword" was when /v/ really hit the lowest point.
No I have been here for 10 years.

I was even in the thread with the "fun is a buzzword" guy
And that quote is only funny out of context. In context he was right in that FUN alone. The word alone is not an argument and should not be in arguments unsubstantiated.
Jumped in the air and screamed. Started pumping my fist while yelling "Yes yes yes!" Then they announced another one. I felt like a kid again. I can't remember the last time I've been so excited for one game. Now I have two that I feel this way about. What a great day.

As much as that gets thrown around she doesn't actually lose her powerups in most of the games, she just inexplicably doesn't have them at the start.

Only in Prime 1, 2 and Fusion does she actually lose powerups, and with the exception of Prime 1 they were sensible reasons.
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Please don't suck please don't suck please don't suck
In Prime 1 she's caught inside a giant electrical arc which forces her suit to reboot in safe mode. Suspension of disbelief for that being "sensible" is up for debate, but the "bangs into a wall thing" is just a meme.
>and with the exception of Prime 1 they were sensible reasons.
Didn't she throw them away as a distraction in 2?

3 made sense since she got "corrupted" but 2 was also kinda stupid.
2 they get stolen by the Ing. 3 you don't start with anything.

I always thought the Ing just sort of stole them somehow.

I don't know, I haven't played Prime 2 in about 8 years.
>caring about metroid in 2017
this is the state of /v/

Yeah that's always the excuse I've made for it too, but it's not really clear what caused it.

It could have been the electricity/the explosion or it could have been the light bump she got. The game never really tells us.
From the moment I saw the black and blue stars, I knew it was Metroid. Started freaking out when I heard the music. After so many years of hope, it has finally happened. Metroid is back

I was also in that thread and it was just as funny and absurd in context.

He had such a serious reaction to the guy using "fun" as a reason for a game being good. I don't remember what they were arguing about though.
No, you dipshit.
But why would one entertain the notion it could have been the light bump when the electrical explosion is obviously most likely?
I am not saying it wasn't funny. Especially on /v/ the post was hilarious.

But in retrospect I think he was right. He could've phrased it better but he was right.
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Because it only seems to affect her suit after the bump.

I'm worried. If they had something to show off, I'd be happy. But this is so long after Other M, it feels like they literally started development in response to fans screaming "Where's Metroid?!" for years and years. It feels like they might just be making it because fans are asking for it, not because they have a new idea or a passionate team behind the project.

Also, with no date, it could be "in development" for years and years to come still.
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>What was your reaction?
More like, 'What is this erection?'
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*blocks your path*
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Won't drop until 2019
Can't help it my man. I was excited.
good hentai, except for the piss parts
>piss parts
Picked up
>Retro Studios
>ever making a bad game
Nice meme
their DK games were trash
You seem to be very committed to the "le retro is dead xD!" meme. Are you going to defend Recore next?
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Big Bait.jpg
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>the most top-tier 2D platfomers on the Wii/Wii U were trash
>Oh cool, space, Metroid.
>Oh, it's Prime 4. Not really into those, it'll make someone happy though, I'm glad for that.
>Lame they didn't show footage. Probably don't have any yet and wanna calm Metroid fans after the FF episode.

Samus Returns was exciting though. Looking forward to that.
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wait what

so now prime is being developed by japs and 2d by gaijin?
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Brightened my day tremendously.
Retro Studios is confirmed to have nothing to do with MP4.

Here's hoping they're working on an F-Zero title.
>Retro Studios is confirmed to have nothing to do with MP4
Source me, bro
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Well that was fuckin gay.webm
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